Title, "Compiling Optics for the LHC 6.5 lattice with MADX"; Option, -warn,-info,-echo; call, file = "../share/LHC/LHCRing/V6.503/V6.5.seq"; Option, warn,info; !+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Step 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++ ! define beam constants !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ eg = 7000; bg = eg/pmass; en = 3.75e-06; epsx = en/bg; epsy = en/bg; prot_radius = 1.551E-18; nppb = 1.05E11; nb = 2808; Beam, particle = proton, sequence=lhcb1, energy = eg, sigt= 0.075 , bv = +1, NPART=nppb, sige= 1.1e-4, ex=epsx, ey=epsy; option,-warn,-echo,-info; call,file="../share/LHC/LHCRing/V6.503/V6.5.thin.coll.str"; Option, warn,info; Use, period=lhcb1; seqedit,sequence=lhcb1; cycle,start=ip3; endedit; Use, period=lhcb1; Select, flag=ERROR, clear; readmytable,file="input/err.file.in",table=newerr; seterr,table=newerr; esave,file=err.file.out;