+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + MAD-X 5.00.19 (64 bit, Darwin) + + DEBUG Version - use at own risk! + + Code Modification Date: 2012.12.11 + + Execution Time Stamp: 13.02.13 15.39.16 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !! ************************************************************************************** !! !! CLIC Pre-Damping Ring design following the resonance free lattice concept !! !! Racetrack configuration with 2 arc sections and two straight sections !! Arc cells: TME cells !! Straight Sections: FODO cells filled with damping wigglers !! Two Dispersion suppressions with space to add RF cavities, injection and extraction !! !! ************************************************************************************** !! ***************** !! Beam definition !! ***************** beam, particle=positron, energy=2.86,bunched,npart=4.5E+11, kbunch=312, EX = 1.250699e-6, EY = 1.250699e-3, ET = 7.5E-05, SIGT=0.009, SIGE=0.015,radiate=TRUE; call, file="input/tme-ibs.seq"; none = 0; ksx1 = 0; kqfa = 2.492383104; kqda = -2.069408822; ksy1 = 0; dip2: sbend,l:= 0.6572331108,angle:= 0.08267349088,e1:= 0,e2:= 0.04133674544; sx1: sextupole,l:= 0.3,k2:=ksx1 ; qfa: quadrupole,l:= 0.28,k1:=kqfa ; qda: quadrupole,l:= 0.28,k1:=kqda ; sy1: sextupole,l:= 0.3,k2:=ksy1 ; dip1: sbend,l:= 0.6572331108,angle:= 0.08267349088,e1:= 0.04133674544,e2:= 0; tme: sequence, l = 5.314466222; dip2, at = 0.3286165554; sx1, at = 1.107233111; qfa, at = 1.557233111; qda, at = 2.157233111; sy1, at = 2.657233111; qda, at = 3.157233111; qfa, at = 3.757233111; sx1, at = 4.207233111; dip1, at = 4.985849666; endsequence; SELECT,FLAG=TWISS,RANGE=#S/#E, COLUMN=NAME,KEYWORD,S,L,ANGLE,K1L,BETX,ALFX,MUX,BETY,ALFY,MUY,DX,DPX,DY,DPY; use, sequence=TME; twiss,sequence=TME,file=tme-twiss.tfs; enter Twiss module iteration: 1 error: 6.253860E-07 deltap: 0.000000E+00 orbit: -8.359840E-07 -1.313307E-07 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 ++++++ warning: TWCPGO: TWISS uses the RF system or synchrotron radiation only to find the closed orbit, for optical calculations it ignores both. ++++++ table: summ length orbit5 alfa gammatr 5.314466221 -0 0.007866510402 11.2748024 q1 dq1 betxmax dxmax 0.294117647 -0.2485530769 4.004112697 0.3322876002 dxrms xcomax xcorms q2 0.2845484323 1.170021688e-06 9.749735582e-07 0.1764705882 dq2 betymax dymax dyrms -0.3357680436 9.503633189 0 0 ycomax ycorms deltap synch_1 0 0 0 0 synch_2 synch_3 synch_4 synch_5 0 0 0 0 !plot,haxis=s,vaxis1=betx,bety,vaxis2=dx,colour=100,title="TME cell",noversion=true;!,interpolate=true; mux=table(summ,q1); muy=table(summ,q2); show, mux, muy; mux = 0.294117647 ; muy = 0.1764705882 ; twiss,centre; enter Twiss module iteration: 1 error: 6.253860E-07 deltap: 0.000000E+00 orbit: -8.359840E-07 -1.313307E-07 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 ++++++ warning: TWCPGO: TWISS uses the RF system or synchrotron radiation only to find the closed orbit, for optical calculations it ignores both. ++++++ table: summ length orbit5 alfa gammatr 5.314466221 -0 0.007866510402 11.2748024 q1 dq1 betxmax dxmax 0.294117647 -0.2485530769 4.004112697 0.335514865 dxrms xcomax xcorms q2 0.2845484323 1.178865175e-06 9.749735582e-07 0.1764705882 dq2 betymax dymax dyrms -0.3357680436 9.503633189 0 0 ycomax ycorms deltap synch_1 0 0 0 0 synch_2 synch_3 synch_4 synch_5 0 0 0 0 ibs,file=ibs-table.tfs; sige 1.500000047884963E-002 Twiss was calculated at the center of the elements. No interpolation is used Global parameters for the machine: radiate = T: C 5.314466 m f0 56.410642 MHz T0 0.017727 microseconds alfa 0.786651E-02 eta 0.786648E-02 gamma(tr) 11.274802 Bcurrent 4.067091 A/bunch Kbunch 312 Npart 0.450000E+12 per bunch E 2.860000 GeV gamma 5596.880823 beta 1.000000 Emittances: Ex 0.125070E+01 pi*mm*mrad sigx 4.162845 mm Ey 0.125070E+04 pi*mm*mrad sigy 83.181554 mm Et 0.750000E+02 pi*mm*mrad sigt 9.000000 mm sigE 15.000000 1/1000 sequence name: tme CONST = 5.177147E-12 ENERGY = 2.860000 GeV BETA = 1.000000 GAMMA = 5596.881 COULOMB LOG = 25.168 X-emittance = 1.250699E-06 m*rad Y-emittance = 1.250699E-03 m*rad Momentum spread = 1.500000E-02 Bunch length = 0.009000 m Particles per bunch = 4.500000E+11 Bunch current = 4.067091E+00 A Ring average values (m) betx = 3.13943E+00 bety = 5.53224E+00 Dx = 2.81016E-01 Dy = 0.00000E+00 alfx = -3.89429E-08 alfy = -3.85904E-08 Dpx = 1.74809E-08 Dpy = 0.00000E+00 1/betx = 3.47774E-01 1/bety = 2.08759E-01 (Weighted) average rates (1/sec): Longitudinal= 4.676897E-09 Horizontal = 2.776352E-08 Vertical = -1.937972E-16 (Weighted) average lifetimes (sec): Longitudinal= 2.138170E+08 Horizontal = 3.601849E+07 Vertical = -5.160034E+15 Number of warnings: 2 0 in C and 2 in Fortran ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + MAD-X 5.00.19 (64 bit) finished normally + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++