+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + MAD-X 5.00.19 (64 bit, Linux) + + DEBUG Version - use at own risk! + + Code Modification Date: 2012.12.11 + + Execution Time Stamp: 18.02.13 18.32.26 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !TITLE,'Test input for PTC_TWISS'; !=========== RING PARAMETERS =========================================== call, file = "../share/ring_lattice/ring.seq"; eg := 100; bg := eg/pmass; en := 3.75e-06; epsx := en/bg; epsy := en/bg; beam, particle = proton, energy = eg , sigt= 0.077 , sige= 1.1e-4 , npart= 1.05e11 , exn=4*en, eyn=4*en , kbunch = 10, et = 0.002, bv = 1, ex=epsx, ey=epsy; value,epsx,epsy; epsx = 3.518520049e-08 ; epsy = 3.518520049e-08 ; option,-echo; use,period=fivecell; // alignment errors select,flag=error,clear; select,flag=error,pattern="q.*",range=qf.1; ealign,dx=0.0001; Assigned alignment errors to 1 elements !select,flag=error,class=quadrupole,range=qf.4/qf.5; !ealign,dy=0.0002,dtheta=0.0003; /* select,flag=error,clear; // field errors gcutr=3.0; b1r=1.e-4; b2r=2.e-4; b3r=3.e-4; b4r=4.e-4; b5r=5.e-4; a1r=1.e-4; a2r=2.e-4; a3r=3.e-4; a4r=4.e-4; a5r=5.e-4; Select, flag=error, clear = true; select, flag=error, pattern="q.*\..*"; efcomp, order:=1, radius:=0.010, dknr={0,1e-1*b2r}, dksr={0,1e-1*a2r}; esave; */ acbh1=1e-6; acbh2=1e-6; acbh3=1e-6; acbh4=1e-6; acbh5=1e-6; /* acbv1=1e-6; acbv2=1e-6; acbv3=1e-6; acbv4=1e-6; acbv5=1e-6; */ !select,flag=sectormap,class=drift; !select,flag=my_table,class=quadrupole, !column=name,parent,keyword,s,betx,bety,dx,dy,k1l, !re11,re12,re13,re14; !twiss,centre,rmatrix, !sectormap,sectorfile=my_sectorfile, !table=my_table,file=twiss_fv9; ! At the end of the ring the data_block is produced SAVEBETA, label=TWSSip, place=#E,sequence=fivecell; !select,flag=my_sect_table,! added 16:10 !column=name,pos,k1,r1,r36,t1,t216; ! added 16:10 !sectormap,sectortable=my_sect_table,sectorfile=my_sect_file; ! added 16:10 select,flag=twiss,column=name,s,betx,bety,dx,dy; ! dx, dy are dispersions TWISS,centre,file=twiss_madx_ring; ! jluc : centre enter Twiss module iteration: 1 error: 6.606181E-04 deltap: 0.000000E+00 orbit: 3.261640E-04 2.597068E-06 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 iteration: 2 error: 1.896028E-07 deltap: 0.000000E+00 orbit: 3.260716E-04 2.596347E-06 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 ++++++ table: summ length orbit5 alfa gammatr 534.6 -0 0.0004430990969 47.50612067 q1 dq1 betxmax dxmax 1.254675989 1.051070031 181.4719986 2.200422953 dxrms xcomax xcorms q2 1.658847454 0.000332287113 0.000213664876 1.254674956 dq2 betymax dymax dyrms 1.046764172 181.4881854 0 0 ycomax ycorms deltap synch_1 0 0 0 0 synch_2 synch_3 synch_4 synch_5 0 0 0 0 SHOW,TWSSip; ! SHOW parameters (see "*.out" file) command: beta0 module: control parameter: betx double value: 177.7010914 parameter: alfx double value: -2.41257182 parameter: mux double value: 1.254675989 parameter: bety double value: 32.0344759 parameter: alfy double value: 0.4796139615 parameter: muy double value: 1.254674956 parameter: x double value: 0.0003260716242 parameter: px double value: 2.596346674e-06 parameter: y double value: 0 parameter: py double value: 0 parameter: t double value: -1.662096185e-05 parameter: pt double value: 0 parameter: dx double value: 2.174564191 parameter: dpx double value: 0.02962824424 parameter: dy double value: 0 parameter: dpy double value: 0 parameter: wx double value: 0 parameter: phix double value: 0 parameter: dmux double value: 0 parameter: wy double value: 0 parameter: phiy double value: 0 parameter: dmuy double value: 0 parameter: ddx double value: 0 parameter: ddpx double value: 0 parameter: ddy double value: 0 parameter: ddpy double value: 0 parameter: r11 double value: -0 parameter: r12 double value: 0 parameter: r21 double value: -0 parameter: r22 double value: 0 parameter: energy double value: 100 ! added 20 nov 2008: plot vaxis1=betx,vaxis2=dx,haxis=s; Plot - default table plotted: twiss GXPLOT-X11 1.50 initialized plot number = 1 ! Initialize PTC ptc_create_universe; Now PTC ptc_create_layout,model=2,method=6,nst=10,exact; MAD-X Beam Parameters Energy : 0.100000E+03 Kinetic Energy : 0.990617E+02 Particle Rest Mass : 0.938272E+00 Momentum : 0.999956E+02 Setting MADx with energy 100.00000000000000 method 6 Num. of steps 10 charge 1.0000000000000000 Length of machine: 534.59999999999991 The machine is a RING ------------------------------------ PTC Survey ------------------------------------ Before start: 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 Before end: 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 After start: 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 After end: -40.580758467025781 0.0000000000000000 532.53346053079656 !ptc_create_layout,model=2,method=6,nst=1,exact; ! steps pb more apparent !ptc_create_layout,model=2,method=6,nst=4,exact; ! looks like 2 is minimum to split the element at the middle... ptc_align; select,flag=ptc_twiss,column=name,s,beta11,beta21, beta12,beta22,disp1,disp3,x,px,y,py; ptc_twiss,closed_orbit,icase=5,file=twiss_ptc_ring,summary_file=twiss_ptc_summary,no=4; ************ State Summary **************** MADTHICK=>KIND = 37 MATRIX-KICK-MATRIX Rectangular Bend: input arc length (rho alpha) Default integration method 6 Default integration steps 10 This is a proton EXACT_MODEL = TRUE TOTALPATH = 0 RADIATION = FALSE STOCHASTIC = FALSE ENVELOPE = FALSE NOCAVITY = TRUE TIME = TRUE FRINGE = FALSE PARA_IN = FALSE ONLY_4D = TRUE DELTA = TRUE SPIN = FALSE MODULATION = FALSE RAMPING = FALSE ACCELERATE = FALSE Closed orbit: 3.2607158925373049E-004 2.5963462592936979E-006 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 Deviation from symplecticity 0.5251354906476990E-11 % PARENT LAYOUT NAME :No name assigned NUMBER OF ORIGINAL LAYOUT ELEMENTS : 146 NUMBER OF THIN OBJECTS : 1180 TOTAL IDEAL LENGTH OF STRUCTURE : 534.60000000000196 TOTAL INTEGRATION LENGTH OF STRUCTURE (mad8 style survey) : 534.60000000000196 Deviation from symplecticity 0.5251354906476990E-11 % ++++++ table: ptc_twiss_summary length alpha_c alpha_c_p alpha_c_p2 534.6 0.0004430990863 -0.0001937066866 -1000000 alpha_c_p3 eta_c gamma_tr q1 -1000000 0.0003550636492 47.50612124 0.2546759882 q2 dq1 dq2 qs 0.2546749559 1.05106564 1.046759439 0 beta_x_min beta_x_max beta_y_min beta_y_max 32.03433146 177.7089538 32.03308004 177.7231017 deltap orbit_x orbit_px orbit_y 0 0.0003260715893 2.596346259e-06 0 orbit_py orbit_pt orbit_-cT xcorms 0 0 0 0.0002136648593 ycorms pxcorms pycorms xcomax 0 3.396649456e-06 0 0.0003315825523 ycomax pxcomax pycomax 0 5.310270774e-06 0 ptc_twiss,closed_orbit,icase=5,slice_magnets,file=twiss_ptc_ring_slices,no=4; ************ State Summary **************** MADTHICK=>KIND = 37 MATRIX-KICK-MATRIX Rectangular Bend: input arc length (rho alpha) Default integration method 6 Default integration steps 10 This is a proton EXACT_MODEL = TRUE TOTALPATH = 0 RADIATION = FALSE STOCHASTIC = FALSE ENVELOPE = FALSE NOCAVITY = TRUE TIME = TRUE FRINGE = FALSE PARA_IN = FALSE ONLY_4D = TRUE DELTA = TRUE SPIN = FALSE MODULATION = FALSE RAMPING = FALSE ACCELERATE = FALSE Closed orbit: 3.2607158925373049E-004 2.5963462592936979E-006 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 Deviation from symplecticity 0.5251354906476990E-11 % PARENT LAYOUT NAME :No name assigned NUMBER OF ORIGINAL LAYOUT ELEMENTS : 146 NUMBER OF THIN OBJECTS : 1180 TOTAL IDEAL LENGTH OF STRUCTURE : 534.60000000000196 TOTAL INTEGRATION LENGTH OF STRUCTURE (mad8 style survey) : 534.60000000000196 PARENT LAYOUT NAME :No name assigned NUMBER OF ORIGINAL LAYOUT ELEMENTS : 146 NUMBER OF THIN OBJECTS : 1180 TOTAL IDEAL LENGTH OF STRUCTURE : 534.60000000000196 TOTAL INTEGRATION LENGTH OF STRUCTURE (mad8 style survey) : 534.60000000000196 Deviation from symplecticity 0.5251354906476990E-11 % ++++++ table: ptc_twiss_summary length alpha_c alpha_c_p alpha_c_p2 534.6 0.0004430990863 -0.0001937066866 -1000000 alpha_c_p3 eta_c gamma_tr q1 -1000000 0.0003550636492 47.50612124 0.2546759882 q2 dq1 dq2 qs 0.2546749559 1.05106564 1.046759439 0 beta_x_min beta_x_max beta_y_min beta_y_max 31.29632882 181.4719986 31.2954739 181.4881854 deltap orbit_x orbit_px orbit_y 0 0.0003260715893 2.596346259e-06 0 orbit_py orbit_pt orbit_-cT xcorms 0 0 0 0.0002136648593 ycorms pxcorms pycorms xcomax 0 3.396649456e-06 0 0.0003315825523 ycomax pxcomax pycomax 0 5.310270774e-06 0 PTC_NORMAL,closed_orbit,maptable,icase=5,no=4; ************ State Summary **************** MADTHICK=>KIND = 37 MATRIX-KICK-MATRIX Rectangular Bend: input arc length (rho alpha) Default integration method 6 Default integration steps 10 This is a proton EXACT_MODEL = TRUE TOTALPATH = 0 RADIATION = FALSE STOCHASTIC = FALSE ENVELOPE = FALSE NOCAVITY = TRUE TIME = TRUE FRINGE = FALSE PARA_IN = FALSE ONLY_4D = TRUE DELTA = TRUE SPIN = FALSE MODULATION = FALSE RAMPING = FALSE ACCELERATE = FALSE Closed orbit: 3.2607158925373049E-004 2.5963462592936979E-006 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 ptc_end; Killing LayoutNo name assigned NODE LAYOUT HAS BEEN KILLED Layout killed !write,table="map_table",file="map_table"; write,table="map_table",file="ring_matrix_at_end"; !=========== TRANSFER-LINE PARAMETERS ==================================== call, file = "../share/line_lattice/line.seq"; TITLE, s="e- Beam Delivery System 1 ->20 mr (ILC2005)"; OPTION,ECHO = false;!, VERIFY = true; ++++++ info: ygapsp1 redefined ++++++ info: ygapsp2 redefined ++++++ info: ygapsp3 redefined ++++++ info: ygapsp4 redefined ++++++ info: ygapsp5 redefined Now PTC MAD-X Beam Parameters Energy : 0.250000E+03 Kinetic Energy : 0.249999E+03 Particle Rest Mass : 0.510999E-03 Momentum : 0.250000E+03 Setting MADx with energy 250.00000000000000 method 6 Num. of steps 5 charge -1.0000000000000000 Length of machine: 534.59999999999991 The machine is a RING ------------------------------------ PTC Survey ------------------------------------ Before start: 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 Before end: 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 After start: 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 After end: -40.580758467025781 0.0000000000000000 532.53346053079656 ************ State Summary **************** MADTHICK=>KIND = 37 MATRIX-KICK-MATRIX Rectangular Bend: input arc length (rho alpha) Default integration method 6 Default integration steps 5 This is an electron (positron actually if charge=1) EXACT_MODEL = TRUE TOTALPATH = 0 RADIATION = FALSE STOCHASTIC = FALSE ENVELOPE = FALSE NOCAVITY = TRUE TIME = TRUE FRINGE = FALSE PARA_IN = FALSE ONLY_4D = TRUE DELTA = TRUE SPIN = FALSE MODULATION = FALSE RAMPING = FALSE ACCELERATE = FALSE Closed orbit specified by the user! Closed orbit: 8.8978067121092011E-005 7.2839183526605370E-007 5.2160503323142552E-005 -6.7480410626117705E-007 0.0000000000000000 Reduced SUMM Table (closed orbit not requested) ++++++ table: ptc_twiss_summary length alpha_c alpha_c_p alpha_c_p2 534.6 -1000000 -1000000 -1000000 alpha_c_p3 eta_c gamma_tr q1 -1000000 -1000000 -1000000 1.254646403 q2 dq1 dq2 qs 1.254592531 -1000000 -1000000 -1000000 beta_x_min beta_x_max beta_y_min beta_y_max -1000000 -1000000 -1000000 -1000000 deltap orbit_x orbit_px orbit_y 0 -1000000 -1000000 -1000000 orbit_py orbit_pt orbit_-cT xcorms -1000000 -1000000 -1000000 -1000000 ycorms pxcorms pycorms xcomax -1000000 -1000000 -1000000 -1000000 ycomax pxcomax pycomax -1000000 -1000000 -1000000 Killing LayoutNo name assigned Layout killed Number of warnings: 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + MAD-X 5.00.19 (64 bit) finished normally + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++