title, 'test of rf-multipole'; option, debug, -echo; bunchcharge := 2.e10; twss_ebc1 : beta0, betx=3.3999, bety=3.7645, alfx=-1.0879, alfy= 1.1907; beam_ebc1 : beam, energy=5, npart=bunchcharge, sige=1.5e-3, sigt=6e-03, ex=8e-6 * emass/5, ey=20e-9 * emass/5; !!! !!! it creates a sequence with an RF-Multipole and multipole that cancel each other !!! k:=sqrt(pi); rfm1 : rfmultipole, l=0, tilt=0.5, knl:={0, k, k}, ksl:={0, k, k, k, k }, pnl:={ 0, 0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }, psl:={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; m1 : multipole, l=0.0, tilt=0.5, knl:={0, k, k}, ksl:={0, k, k, k, k}; test_line : line=( m1, rfm1 ); !!! !!! TEST 1: check first and second order matrix elements, geometric terms !!! select,flag=sectormap; use, period=test_line; twiss,betx=1,bety=1,x=1,t=1,rmatrix,sectormap,file='sectormap';