Option, warn,info,echo; Title, "Compiling Optics for the LHC 6.5 lattice with MADX"; !---------------------------------------------------------------; ! CALL IN SELECTION, SEQUENCE and OPTICS FILES; !---------------------------------------------------------------; option,-echo,-warn; call, file="../share/LHC/LHCRing/V6.503/V6.5.seq"; call, file="../share/LHC/LHCRing/V6.503/V6.5.inj.str"; option,echo,warn; Beam, particle = proton, sequence=lhcb1, energy = 450.0, npart=1.15e11, ex=7.82e-9, ey=7.82e-9, et=5.302e-5, sige=4.7164e-4, sigt=0.1124; !, radiate=false ; use, period=lhcb1; twiss,chrom,table; ! crossing angles on_x1 = 1; on_x5 = 1; on_x2 = 1; on_x8 = 1; on_alice= 1; on_lhcb = 1; vrf400:= 8.; ! reduce size of output table: select,flag=touschek,pattern="MCB",column=S, TLI, TLIW, TLITOT; touschek,tolerance=1e-7,file="touschek.dat";