module madx_ptc_distrib_module !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ! madx_ptc_distrib module ! Piotr K. Skowronski (CERN) ! ! This module contains service for trackin use madx_keywords use madx_ptc_module USE madx_ptc_knobs_module use madx_ptc_intstate_module, only : getdebug implicit none include "" save private !============================================================================================ ! PUBLIC INTERFACE public :: momfirstinit public :: aremomentson public :: ptc_moments public :: putmoments public :: initmoments public :: allocmoments public :: killmoments public :: getdistrtype public :: setemittances public :: setsigma public :: printsigmas public :: addmoment public :: getnmoments public :: getmomentstabcol !============================================================================================ ! PRIVATE ! data structures integer :: firstinitdone = 0 real(dp), pointer :: normmoments(:,:,:) real(dp) :: sigmas(6) integer :: distributiontype(3) integer, parameter :: maxnmoments=100 type (momentdef), private :: moments(maxnmoments) integer :: nmoments = 0 type(gmap) :: gmapa !da map needed to calculation initialized with sigmas type(taylor) :: function_to_average ! taylor used to calculate averages !============================================================================================ ! PRIVATE ! routines public :: makegaus public :: makeflat5 public :: makeflat56 private :: filter contains !____________________________________________________________________________________________ !____________________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine addmoment(x,px,y,py,t,dp,tableIA, columnIA, parametric ) use twissafi implicit none integer :: x,px,y,py,dp,t integer :: columnIA(*) integer :: tableIA(*) integer :: parametric integer, parameter :: zeroasciicode = IACHAR ( '0' ) character(48) charconv ! name of the column corresponds to MADX nomenclature (5 col is dp/p) ! iarray corresponds to nmoments = nmoments + 1 moments(nmoments)%iarray(1) = x moments(nmoments)%iarray(2) = px moments(nmoments)%iarray(3) = y moments(nmoments)%iarray(4) = py moments(nmoments)%iarray(5) = dp moments(nmoments)%iarray(6) = t moments(nmoments)%table = charconv(tableIA) moments(nmoments)%column = charconv(columnIA) moments(nmoments)%table(tableIA(1)+1:tableIA(1)+1)=achar(0) moments(nmoments)%column(columnIA(1)+1:columnIA(1)+1)=achar(0) if (parametric /= 0) then print*,"To be made as parametric variable" moments(nmoments)%index = nmoments !for the time being it is the same as the index else moments(nmoments)%index = 0 endif if (getdebug()>0) then print *,"addmoment : <", moments(nmoments)%iarray(1:6) ,& & ">,<", moments(nmoments)%column,& & ">,<", moments(nmoments)%table, ">)" endif end subroutine addmoment !____________________________________________________________________________________________ integer function getnmoments() implicit none getnmoments = nmoments end function getnmoments !____________________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine getmomentstabcol(n, tabn, coln) implicit none integer :: n character(20) :: tabn character(17) :: coln if ( (n < 1) .and. (n > nmoments ) ) then tabn(1:1) = achar(0) coln(1:1) = achar(0) call fort_warn("getmomentstabcol","index out of range") return endif tabn = moments(n)%table coln = moments(n)%column end subroutine getmomentstabcol !____________________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine momfirstinit() implicit none if (firstinitdone == 1) then return endif nullify(normmoments) firstinitdone = 1 end subroutine momfirstinit !____________________________________________________________________________________________ logical(lp) function aremomentson() implicit none if ( associated(normmoments) ) then aremomentson = my_true else aremomentson = my_false endif end function aremomentson !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine ptc_moments(order) implicit none integer :: order,mynd2,npara,nda integer :: i,ii,iii type(real_8) :: y(6) integer :: restart_sequ,advance_node if (nmoments < 1) then call fort_info("ptc_moments","No moments specified for calculation.") return endif if (mapsorder < 1) then call seterrorflag(1,"ptc_moments",& "Maps are not available. Did you run ptc_twiss with savemaps=true ?") return endif if (.not. associated(maps)) then return endif if (mapsicase == 5) then call fort_warn("ptc_moments","For the time being the calculation of moments is not available in 5D case.") return endif if ((mapsicase == 5) .and. (sigmas(5) .le. 0)) then call fort_warn("ptc_moments","Spread in dp/p in undefined and it won't be taken taken to the account") print*,"In 5D case you have to specify either" print*," - SIGE in the BEAM command or" print*," - ET in the BEAM command AND BETZ with in ptc_twiss" endif if ((mapsicase == 6) .and. (sigmas(5) .le. 0)) then call fort_warn("ptc_moments","Spread in dp/p in undefined and it won't be taken taken to the account") print*,"In 6D case you have to specify longitudinal emittance SIGE in the BEAM command" endif call initmoments() call makemomentstables(); nda = getnknobsall() !defined in madx_ptc_knobs !print*, "In moments order ", order mynd2 = 0 npara = 0 call init(default,order,nda,BERZ,mynd2,npara) call allocmoments() call alloc(y) iii=restart_sequ() do i=lbound(maps,1),ubound(maps,1) ! if (i == MY_RING%n) then ! call ptc_setdebuglevel(1) ! endif do ii=1,6 y(ii) = maps(i)%unimap(ii) enddo call putmoments(i,maps(i)%name,maps(i)%s,y) iii=advance_node() enddo 100 continue call ptc_setdebuglevel(0) call kill(y) call killmoments() end subroutine ptc_moments !____________________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine putmoments(n,name,s,y) implicit none integer :: n !fibre number character(*) :: name !fibre name real(dp) :: s !position along the orbit type(real_8),target :: y(6)!input 6 dimensional function (polynomial) : Full MAP: A*YC*A_1 real(kind(1d0)) :: v logical :: set integer :: i,j,k,e(6) integer :: debug ! integer :: last ! integer :: index !standarf function ! last = index(name,'$END') ! if ( last == 0) then debug = getdebug() ! else ! debug = 10; ! endif if ( .not. associated(normmoments) ) then return endif if (debug > 3) then print*, "#################################################" print*, "#################################################" print*, "#################################################" print*, "Moments for fibre ", n,name," at ", s,"m" print*, "ND2=",c_%nd2 print*, "NPARA=",c_%npara print*, "Function 1" call print(y(1),6) print*, "" print*, "Function 5" call print(y(5),6) print*, "" print*, "Function 6" call print(y(6),6) print*, "" print*, "GMap" call print(gmapa,6) print*, "" endif !--moments--! do i=1, nmoments function_to_average = zero set = .false. do j=1,c_%npara if (debug .gt. 3) write(*,'(a6,i1,a6,i1,a6,i1)',ADVANCE='NO') "nmom=",i," ndim=",j," pow=",moments(i)%iarray(j) do k = 1, moments(i)%iarray(j) if (set) then function_to_average = function_to_average*y(j)%t if (debug .gt. 3) write(*,'(a1)',ADVANCE='NO') "*" else function_to_average = y(j)%t set = .true. if (debug .gt. 3) write(*,'(a1)',ADVANCE='NO') "|" endif enddo if (debug .gt. 3) write(*,*) "->" enddo ! function_to_average=y(1)*y(1) ! just a function (taylor series) ! if (debug > 3) then ! print*, "function_to_average" ! call print(function_to_average,6) ! endif if (debug > 5) then print*, "Function to average" call print(function_to_average,6) endif call cfu(function_to_average,filter,function_to_average) !cycling i.e. put the form factor to the function if (debug > 4) then print*, "After cfu" call print(function_to_average,6) endif function_to_average=function_to_average.o.gmapa ! replaces x px y py ... by sigma1, sigma2, etc if (debug > 3) then print*, "Averaging (gmapped)" call print(function_to_average,6) endif v = function_to_average.sub.0 if (c_%npara == 5) then if (debug > 3) then print*, v endif e = 0 do k=1,c_%no e(5) = k if (debug > 3) then print*, "s^",k,"=",(sigmas(5)**(k)) print*, "f = ", (function_to_average.sub.e) print*, (function_to_average.sub.e) * (sigmas(5)**(2*k)) endif v = v + (function_to_average.sub.e) * (sigmas(5)**(k)) !was to 2*k if (debug > 9) then print*, v endif enddo endif call double_to_table_curr(moments(i)%table,moments(i)%column,v) if (debug > 2) then print*, "Final ",i," = ", v print*,moments(i)%iarray call print(function_to_average,6) print*,"######################################################################################" endif enddo call augmentcountmomtabs(s) end subroutine putmoments !_________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine setemittances(emix,emiy,emiz) implicit none real(dp) :: emix real(dp) :: emiy real(dp) :: emiz if (emix .lt. zero) then print *, "X Emittance is less then 0" return endif if (emiy .lt. zero) then print *, "Y Emittance is less then 0" return endif if (emiz .lt. zero) then print *, "Z Emittance is less then 0" return endif if (getdebug() > 1) then print*, "Setting Sigmas (Emittances)" endif sigmas(1) = sqrt(emix) sigmas(2) = sigmas(1) sigmas(3) = sqrt(emiy) sigmas(4) = sigmas(3) sigmas(5) = sqrt(emiz) sigmas(6) = sigmas(5) if (getdebug() > 1) then print *, "Current sigmas setemittances ", sigmas endif end subroutine setemittances !_________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine setsigma(ndim,sig) implicit none integer :: ndim real(kind(1d0)) :: sig if (sig .lt. zero) then print *, "X Emittance is less then 0" return endif if ( (ndim .le. 0) .or. (ndim .gt. 6)) then print *, "Unknown dimension code", ndim return endif if (getdebug() > 1) then print *, "Setting sigma for ", ndim print *, "Current sigmas (setsigma) ", sigmas endif sigmas(ndim) = sig end subroutine setsigma !_________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine printsigmas implicit none print*,"Sigmas:", sigmas end subroutine printsigmas !_________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine initmoments() implicit none integer :: no integer :: i ! dimension integer :: get_string character(len=48), dimension(3) :: disttypes character(len=48) :: cmdname integer, dimension(3) :: stringlength character(48) :: tmpstring integer :: getcurrentcmdname ! This routine must be called before any init in ptc_twiss is performed ! since it initialize Bertz for its purpose ! ! if ( associated(normmoments) ) then deallocate(normmoments) endif if (nmoments < 1) then ! call fort_warn("initmoments","No moments specified for calculation.") return endif i = getcurrentcmdname(cmdname); if (i .eq. 0 ) then call fort_warn("initmoments","Can not get the current command name.") return endif stringlength(1) = get_string(cmdname,'xdistr ',disttypes(1)) stringlength(2) = get_string(cmdname,'ydistr ',disttypes(2)) stringlength(3) = get_string(cmdname,'zdistr ',disttypes(3)) !we take what was available in the last ptc_twiss and go to maximum order we can go no = mapsorder if ( no < 1 ) then call fort_warn('madx_ptc_distrib.f90 :','Order in twiss is smaller then 1') return endif no = no*2 !we take what was available in the last ptc_twiss and go to maximum order we can go allocate(normmoments(3, 0:no, 0:no)) normmoments = zero do i=1,3 tmpstring = disttypes(i) select case(tmpstring(1:stringlength(i))) case ('gauss') if (getdebug() > 1) then print*, "initmoments: Gauss distribution for dimension ", i endif call makegaus(no,i) distributiontype(i) = distr_gauss case ('flat5') if (getdebug() > 1) then print*, "initmoments: Flat distribution for dimension ", i endif call makeflat5(no,i) distributiontype(i) = distr_flat5 case ('flat56') if (getdebug() > 1) then print*, "initmoments: Flat distribution for dimension ", i endif call makeflat56(no,i) distributiontype(i) = distr_flat56 case default call fort_warn("initmoments","Distribution not recognized") print*, "initmoments: Distribution ", tmpstring(1:stringlength(i)), "not recognized" print*, "initmoments: Using default Gaussian for dimension ", i call makegaus(no,i) distributiontype(i) = distr_gauss end select enddo end subroutine initmoments !_________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine allocmoments implicit none !allocates variables needed for moments calculations ! namely gmapa and fucntion_to_avarage if ( .not. associated(normmoments) ) then return endif call alloc(gmapa,c_%nv) gmapa = sigmas call alloc(function_to_average) end subroutine allocmoments !_________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine killmoments implicit none !cleans everything allocated in in initmoments and allocmoments if ( .not. associated(normmoments) ) then return endif deallocate(normmoments) call kill(gmapa) call kill(function_to_average) end subroutine killmoments !_________________________________________________________________________________ real(dp) function filter(e) implicit none integer e(:) integer i filter=one do i=1,c_%nd filter=filter*normmoments(i,e(2*i-1),e(2*i)) if (getdebug() > 4) then print*, "normmoments(",i, e(2*i-1), e(2*i),")=", normmoments(i,e(2*i-1),e(2*i)) endif enddo if (getdebug() > 3) then print*,"filter(",e(1:6),")=",filter print*,"==================" endif end function filter !_________________________________________________________________________________ !_________________________________________________________________________________ !_________________________________________________________________________________ !! subroutine makegaus(no,d) implicit none integer no !order integer d ! dimension number integer i,j,jn(2) type(taylor) x,p,f type(Taylorresonance) fr if (getdebug() > 1) then print*, "Making Gauss distributions for dimension ", d endif call init(no,1,0,0) call alloc(x,p,f) call alloc(fr) x=one.mono.1 p=one.mono.2 f=one do i=0,no do j=i,no if(mod(i,2)/=0) cycle if(mod(j,2)/=0) cycle f=x**i*p**j fr=f jn(1)=(i+j)/2; jn(2)=jn(1); normmoments(d,i,j)=(fr%cos.sub.jn) normmoments(d,i,j)=normmoments(d,i,j)*singlefac(jn(1))*two**(jn(1)) normmoments(d,j,i)=normmoments(d,i,j) if (getdebug() > 1) then print*, "mom(",i,",",j,")=",normmoments(d,i,j) endif enddo enddo call kill(x,p,f) call kill(fr) end subroutine makegaus !_________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine makeflat5(no,d) implicit none integer no integer d !dimension number integer i,j if (getdebug() > 1) then print*, "Making flat distribution " endif do i=0,no do j=i,no if(mod(i,2)/=0) cycle normmoments(d,i,j)=(three)**(i/2)/(i+1) !delta assumed flat distribution and normmoments(d,j,i)=normmoments(d,i,j) !and L is the delta function if (getdebug() > 1) then print*, "mom(",i,",",j,")=",normmoments(d,i,j) endif enddo enddo end subroutine makeflat5 !_________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine makeflat56(no,d) implicit none integer no integer d !dimension number integer i,j if (getdebug() > 1) then print*, "Making flat in delta and T distributions" endif do i=0,no,2 do j=i,no,2 normmoments(d,i,j)=(three)**(i/2)/(i+1) !delta assumed flat distribution and normmoments(d,i,j)=normmoments(d,i,j)*(three)**(j/2)/(j+1) !delta assumed flat distribution and normmoments(d,j,i)=normmoments(d,i,j) !and L is the delta function if (getdebug() > 1) then print*, "mom(",i,",",j,")=",normmoments(d,i,j) endif enddo enddo end subroutine makeflat56 !_________________________________________________________________________________ !_________________________________________________________________________________ !_________________________________________________________________________________ !_________________________________________________________________________________ real(dp) function singlefac(n) implicit none integer n,i singlefac=one do i=1,n singlefac=singlefac*i enddo end function singlefac !_________________________________________________________________________________ integer function getdistrtype(axis) implicit none integer axis getdistrtype = distributiontype(axis) end function getdistrtype !_________________________________________________________________________________ real(dp) function getsigma(axis) implicit none integer axis if ( (axis > 0) .and. (axis < 7) ) then getsigma = sigmas(axis) else getsigma = zero endif end function getsigma end module madx_ptc_distrib_module !_________________________________________________________________________________ !_________________________________________________________________________________ !_________________________________________________________________________________ integer function w_ptc_getnmoments() use madx_ptc_distrib_module implicit none w_ptc_getnmoments = getnmoments() end function w_ptc_getnmoments !_________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine w_ptc_getmomentstabcol(n, tabn, coln) use madx_ptc_distrib_module implicit none integer :: n character(20) :: tabn character(17) :: coln call getmomentstabcol(n, tabn, coln) end subroutine w_ptc_getmomentstabcol