subroutine mtgetc(vect,dvect) !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! This is exactly equivalent to mtgeti but this version is used for * ! calling from C. * ! * ! This seems to be the only way deal with the problem that originally * ! the subroutine mtgeti was called both from C and from Fortran. * ! Because madX is setup with Linux-specific name-mangling, the * ! adjustments made with the !DEC_dollar ATTRIBUTES do not seem able to * ! cope with such a case. * ! Subroutine added at 10:38:56 on 8 Apr 2003 by JMJ * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* implicit none double precision vect(*),dvect(*) call mtgeti(vect,dvect) end subroutine mtgeti(vect,dvect) use name_lenfi implicit none ! This subroutine should only be called from Fortran. There is an ! equivalent mtgetc for the occasions when it needs to be called from C. ! Modified at 10:38:56 on 8 Apr 2003 by JMJ logical psum integer j,next_vary,get_option,slope double precision get_variable,vect(*),dvect(*),c_min,c_max,step, & &dval,val,s_fact,valold,eps,eps2,stplim, vmax, vmin, opt parameter(s_fact=5d-1) parameter(eps = 1.0d-10,eps2 = 1.0d-1,stplim = 2.0d-1) parameter(vmax=1.e+20,vmin=-1.e+20) character*(name_len) name psum=get_option('match_summary ') .ne. 0 1 continue j = next_vary(name,name_len,c_min,c_max,step,slope,opt) if (j .ne. 0) then val = get_variable(name) if (val .ge. c_max) then valold = val dval = min(step, (val - c_max)*s_fact) ! write(*,*) step, c_min, val, s_fact val = c_max - 2*dval write(*,*) "reset parameter:",name,"from",valold,"to",val elseif (val .le. c_min) then valold = val dval = min(step, (c_min - val)*s_fact) ! write(*,*) step, c_min, val, s_fact val = c_min + 2*dval write(*,831) "reset parameter:",name,"from",valold,"to",val else dval = step endif if(psum) write(*,830) name,val,c_min,c_max vect(j) = val dvect(j) = dval goto 1 endif ! 830 format(a23,1x,1p,'=',e16.8,';!',2x,e16.8,2x,e16.8) 830 format(a24,1x,1p,e16.8,3x,e16.8,3x,e16.8) 831 format(a16,1x,a24,a4,e16.8,a4,e16.8) end subroutine mtlimit(vect,ireset) use name_lenfi implicit none integer j,next_vary,ireset,slope double precision vect(*),c_min,c_max,step, & &dval,val,s_fact,valold,eps,eps2,stplim, vmax, vmin, opt parameter(s_fact=5d-1) parameter(eps = 1.0d-10,eps2 = 1.0d-1,stplim = 2.0d-1) parameter(vmax=1.e+20,vmin=-1.e+20) character*(name_len) name 1 continue j = next_vary(name,name_len,c_min,c_max,step,slope,opt) if (j .ne. 0) then val = vect(j) if (val .ge. c_max) then valold = val dval = min(step, (val - c_max)*s_fact) val = c_max - 2*dval write(*,831) "reset parameter:",name,"from",valold,"to",val ireset = ireset + 1 elseif (val .le. c_min) then valold = val dval = min(step, (c_min - val)*s_fact) val = c_min + 2*dval write(*,831) "reset parameter:",name,"from",valold,"to",val ireset = ireset + 1 endif vect(j) = val goto 1 endif 831 format(a16,1x,a24,a4,e16.8,a4,e16.8) end subroutine collect(ncon,fsum,fvect) use name_lenfi use twiss0fi use twisscfi implicit none logical fprt,local,psum, slow_match integer ncon,next_constraint,next_global,i,j,pos,type,range(2), & &flag,get_option,restart_sequ,advance_to_pos,double_from_table_row, & &string_from_table_row double precision fsum,fvect(*),val,valhg,c_min,c_max,weight,f_val character*(name_len) name, node_name integer n_pos, next_constr_namepos, advance_node local=get_option('match_local ') .ne. 0 fprt=get_option('match_print ') .ne. 0 psum=get_option('match_summary ') .ne. 0 slow_match = get_option('slow_match ') .ne. 0 if(local .and. slow_match) then call table_range('twiss ','#s/#e ',range) j=restart_sequ() do pos=range(1),range(2) j=advance_to_pos('twiss ',pos) 20 continue i=next_constraint(name,name_len,type,valhg,c_min,c_max,weight) if( then flag=string_from_table_row('twiss ','name ',pos, node_name) flag=double_from_table_row('twiss ', name, pos, val) if (type.eq.1) then f_val =weight*dim(c_min,val) if(fprt) write(*,880) name,weight,val,c_min,f_val**2 elseif(type.eq.2) then f_val=weight*dim(val,c_max) if(fprt) write(*,890) name,weight,val,c_max,f_val**2 elseif(type.eq.3) then f_val=weight*dim(c_min,val)+weight*dim(val,c_max) if(fprt) write(*,840) name,weight,val,c_min,c_max,f_val**2 elseif(type.eq.4) then f_val=weight*(val-valhg) if(fprt) write(*,840) name,weight,val,valhg,valhg,f_val**2 endif ncon=ncon+1 fvect(ncon)=f_val fsum=fsum+f_val**2 if(psum .and. type.eq.4) & &write(*,830) node_name,name,type,valhg,val,f_val**2 if(psum .and. type.eq.2) & &write(*,830) node_name,name,type,c_max,val,f_val**2 if(psum .and. type.eq.1) & &write(*,830) node_name,name,type,c_min,val,f_val**2 if(psum .and. type.eq.3) & &write(*,832) node_name,name,type,c_min,c_max,val,f_val**2 goto 20 endif enddo else if(local) then j=restart_sequ() 21 continue call get_twiss_data(opt_fun) 22 continue i=next_constraint(name,name_len,type,valhg,c_min,c_max,weight) if( then n_pos = next_constr_namepos(name) if (n_pos.eq.0) then print *, ' +-+-+- fatal error' print *, 'match - collect: illegal name = ', name print *, ' - try with the "slow" option' stop endif val = opt_fun(n_pos) call current_node_name(node_name, name_len); if (type.eq.1) then f_val=weight*dim(c_min,val) if(fprt) write(*,880) name,weight,val,c_min,f_val**2 elseif(type.eq.2) then f_val=weight*dim(val,c_max) if(fprt) write(*,890) name,weight,val,c_max,f_val**2 elseif(type.eq.3) then f_val=weight*dim(c_min,val)+weight*dim(val,c_max) if(fprt) write(*,840) name,weight,val,c_min,c_max,f_val**2 elseif(type.eq.4) then f_val=weight*(val-valhg) if(fprt) write(*,840) name,weight,val,valhg,valhg,f_val**2 endif ncon=ncon+1 fvect(ncon)=f_val fsum=fsum+f_val**2 if(psum .and. type.eq.4) & &write(*,830) node_name,name,type,valhg,val,f_val**2 if(psum .and. type.eq.2) & &write(*,830) node_name,name,type,c_max,val,f_val**2 if(psum .and. type.eq.1) & &write(*,830) node_name,name,type,c_min,val,f_val**2 if(psum .and. type.eq.3) & &write(*,832) node_name,name,type,c_min,c_max,val,f_val**2 goto 22 endif if(advance_node() .ne. 0) goto 21 endif 30 continue i=next_global(name,name_len,type,valhg,c_min,c_max,weight) if( then pos=1 flag=double_from_table_row('summ ',name,pos,val) if(type.eq.1) then f_val=weight*dim(c_min,val) if(fprt) write(*,880) name,weight,val,c_min,f_val**2 elseif(type.eq.2) then f_val=weight*dim(val,c_max) if(fprt) write(*,890) name,weight,val,c_max,f_val**2 elseif(type.eq.3) then f_val=weight*dim(c_min,val)+ weight*dim(val,c_max) if(fprt) write(*,840) name,weight,val,c_min,c_max,f_val**2 elseif(type.eq.4) then f_val=weight*(val-valhg) if(fprt) write(*,840) name,weight,val,valhg,valhg,f_val**2 endif ncon=ncon+1 fvect(ncon)=f_val fsum=fsum+f_val**2 if(psum) & &write(*,830) "Global constraint: ",name,type,valhg,val, & &f_val**2 goto 30 endif ! if (psum) write(*,831) fsum 830 format(a24,3x,a6,5x,i3,3x,1p,e16.8,3x,e16.8,3x,e16.8) 832 format(a24,3x,a6,5x,i3,3x,1p,e16.8,3x,e16.8,3x,e16.8,3x,e16.8) 831 format(//,'Final Penalty Function = ',e16.8,//) 840 format(a10,3x,1p,5e16.6) 880 format(a10,3x,1p,3e16.6,16x,e16.6) 890 format(a10,3x,1p,2e16.6,16x,2e16.6) end subroutine mtfcn(nf,nx,x,fval,iflag) implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! Compute matching functions. * ! Input: * ! NF (integer) Number of functions to be computed. * ! NX (integer) Number of input parameters. * ! X(NX) (real) Input parameters. * ! Output: * ! FVAL(NF) (real) Matching functions computed. * ! IFLAG (integer) Stability flag. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer iflag,nf,nx,izero,ione double precision fval(nf),x(nx) izero = 0 ione = 1 !---- Store parameter values in data structure. call mtputi(x) !---- Compute matching functions. call mtcond(izero, nf, fval, iflag) 9999 end subroutine mtputi(vect) use name_lenfi implicit none integer j,next_vary,slope double precision vect(*),c_min,c_max,step,s_fact,opt parameter(s_fact=5d-1) character*(name_len) name 1 continue j=next_vary(name,name_len,c_min,c_max,step,slope,opt) if( then call set_variable(name,vect(j)) goto 1 endif end subroutine mtlmdf(ncon,nvar,tol,calls,call_lim,vect,dvect,fun_vec,& &diag,w_ifjac,w_ipvt,w_qtf,w_iwa1,w_iwa2,w_iwa3,w_iwa4,xold) use matchfi implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! LMDIF command. * ! Attributes: * ! ncon (int) # constraints * ! nvar (int) # variables * ! tol (real) Final tolerance for match. * ! calls (int) current call count * ! call_lim (int) current call limit * ! vect (real) variable values * ! dvect (real) variable steps * ! fun_vect (real) function values * ! all other working spaces for lmdif * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer calls,call_lim,ncon,nvar,i,ipvt(nvar) ! icovar: functionality still unclear HG 28.2.02 ! ilevel: print level double precision tol,vect(*),dvect(*),fun_vec(*),diag(*), & &w_ifjac(*),w_qtf(*),w_iwa1(*),w_iwa2(*),w_iwa3(*),w_iwa4(*),one, & &xold(*),w_ipvt(*) parameter(one=1d0) external mtfcn icovar = 0 ilevel = 0 ipvt(:) = 0 call mtgeti(vect,dvect) call lmdif(mtfcn,ncon,nvar,calls,call_lim,vect,fun_vec,tol,diag, & &one,w_ifjac,ncon,ipvt,w_qtf,w_iwa1,w_iwa2,w_iwa3,w_iwa4,xold) do i=1,nvar w_ipvt(i)=ipvt(i) enddo 9999 end subroutine lmdif(fcn,m,n,calls,call_lim,x,fvec,epsfcn,diag,factor,& &fjac,ldfjac,ipvt,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4,xold) use matchfi implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! The purpose of LMDIF is to minimize the sum of the squares of * ! M nonlinear functions in N variables by a modification of * ! the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The user must provide a * ! subroutine which calculates the functions. The Jacobian is * ! then calculated by a forward-difference approximation. * ! * ! FCN is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which * ! calculates the functions. FCN must be declared * ! in an external statement in the user calling * ! program, and should be written as follows: * ! * ! SUBROUTINE FCN(M,N,X,FVEC,IFLAG) * ! DIMENSION X(N),FVEC(M) * ! CALCULATE THE FUNCTIONS AT X AND * ! RETURN THIS VECTOR IN FVEC. * ! RETURN * ! END * ! * ! The value of IFLAG should be set to zero, unless there * ! is an error in evaluation of the function. * ! * ! M is a positive integer input variable set to the number * ! of functions. * ! * ! N is a positive integer input variable set to the number * ! of variables. N must not exceed M. * ! * ! X is an array of length N. On input X must contain * ! an initial estimate of the solution vector. On output X * ! contains the final estimate of the solution vector. * ! * ! FVEC is an output array of length M which contains * ! the functions evaluated at the output X. * ! * ! EPSFCN is an input variable used in determining a suitable * ! step length for the forward-difference approximation. This * ! approximation assumes that the relative errors in the * ! functions are of the order of EPSFCN. If EPSFCN is less * ! than the machine precision, it is assumed that the relative * ! errors in the functions are of the order of the machine * ! precision. * ! * ! DIAG is an array of length N. If MODE = 1 (see * ! below), DIAG is internally set. If MODE = 2, DIAG * ! must contain positive entries that serve as * ! multiplicative scale factors for the variables. * ! * ! FACTOR is a positive input variable used in determining the * ! initial step bound. This bound is set to the product of * ! FACTOR and the Euclidean norm of DIAG*X if nonzero, or else * ! to FACTOR itself. In most cases FACTOR should lie in the * ! interval (.1,100.). 100. Is a generally recommended value. * ! * ! FJAC is an output M by N array. The upper N by N submatrix * ! of FJAC contains an upper triangular matrix R with * ! diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude such that * ! * ! T T T * ! P *(JAC *JAC)*P = R *R, * ! * ! where P is a permutation matrix and JAC is the final * ! calculated Jacobian. column J of P is column IPVT(J) * ! (see below) of the identity matrix. The lower trapezoidal * ! part of FJAC contains information generated during * ! the computation of R. * ! * ! LDFJAC is a positive integer input variable not less than M * ! which specifies the leading dimension of the array FJAC. * ! * ! IPVT is an integer output array of length N. IPVT * ! defines a permutation matrix P such that JAC*P = Q*r, * ! where JAC is the final calculated Jacobian, Q is * ! orthogonal (not stored), and R is upper triangular * ! with diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude. * ! column J of P is column IPVT(J) of the identity matrix. * ! * ! QTF is an output array of length N which contains * ! the first N elements of the vector (Q transpose)*FVEC. * ! * ! WA1, WA2, and WA3 are work arrays of length N. * ! * ! WA4 is a work array of length M. * ! Source: * ! Argonne National Laboratory. MINPACK Project. March 1980. * ! Burton S. Garbow, Kenneth E. Hillstrom, Jorge J. More. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer izero integer i,iflag,info,iter,j,l,ldfjac,level,m,n,calls,call_lim, & &ipvt(n), ireset double precision fmin_old,actred,delta,dirder,epsfcn,factor,fnorm,& &fnorm1,ftol,gnorm,gtol,par,pnorm,prered,ratio,sum,temp,temp1, & &temp2,vmod,xnorm,xtol,x(n),xold(n),fvec(m),diag(n),fjac(ldfjac,n),& &qtf(n),wa1(n),wa2(n),wa3(n),wa4(m),zero,one,two,p1,p25,p5,p75,p90,& &p0001,epsil,epsmch parameter(zero=0d0,one=1d0,two=2d0,p1=0.1d0,p5=0.5d0,p25=0.25d0, & &p75=0.75d0,p90=0.9d0,p0001=0.0001d0,epsil=1d-8,epsmch=1d-16) external fcn, mtcond ireset = 0 izero = 0 info = 0 level = 0 ftol = epsfcn gtol = epsil xtol = epsil !---- Compute matching functions. call mtcond(izero, m, fvec, iflag) ! call fcn(m,n,x,fvec,iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .ne. 0) then call aawarn('LMDIF', ' stopped, possibly unstable') info = - 1 go to 300 endif fnorm = vmod(m, fvec) fmin = fnorm**2 fmin_old = fmin edm = fmin write(*,831) fmin !---- Check the input parameters for errors. if (n .le. 0 .or. m .lt. n .or. ldfjac .lt. m & &.or. ftol .lt. zero .or. xtol .lt. zero .or. gtol .lt. zero & &.or. call_lim .le. 0 .or. factor .le. zero) go to 300 !---- Quit, when initial value is already OK. if (fmin .le. ftol) then info = 4 do j = 1, n xold(j) = x(j) enddo go to 300 endif if (ilevel .ge. 1) call mtprnt('old', n, x) !---- Initialize Levenberg-Marquardt parameter and iteration count par = zero iter = 1 !---- Beginning of the outer loop. 30 continue ! write(*,*) 'outer ',calls,fmin,fmin_old !---- Calculate the Jacobian matrix. call fdjac2(fcn,m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag,xtol,wa4) calls = calls + n if (iflag .ne. 0) then info = - 1 go to 300 endif !---- Compute the QR factorization of the Jacobian. call qrfac(m,n,fjac,ldfjac,.true.,ipvt,n,wa1,wa2,wa3) !---- On the first iteration scale according to the norms ! of the columns of the initial Jacobian. ! Calculate the norm of the scaled X ! and initialize the step bound delta. if (iter .eq. 1) then do j = 1, n xold(j) = x(j) diag(j) = wa2(j) if (wa2(j) .eq. zero) diag(j) = one wa3(j) = diag(j)*x(j) enddo xnorm = vmod(n, wa3) delta = factor*xnorm if (delta .eq. zero) delta = factor endif !---- Form (Q transpose)*FVEC and store the first N components in QTF. do i = 1, m wa4(i) = fvec(i) enddo do j = 1, n if (fjac(j,j) .ne. zero) then sum = zero do i = j, m sum = sum + fjac(i,j)*wa4(i) enddo temp = -sum/fjac(j,j) do i = j, m wa4(i) = wa4(i) + fjac(i,j)*temp enddo endif fjac(j,j) = wa1(j) qtf(j) = wa4(j) enddo !---- Compute the norm of the scaled gradient. gnorm = zero if (fnorm .ne. zero) then do j = 1, n l = ipvt(j) if (wa2(l) .ne. zero) then sum = zero do i = 1, j sum = sum + fjac(i,j)*(qtf(i)/fnorm) enddo gnorm = max(gnorm,abs(sum/wa2(l))) endif enddo endif !---- Test for convergence of the gradient norm. if (gnorm .le. gtol) info = 4 if (info .ne. 0) go to 300 !---- Rescale if necessary. do j = 1, n diag(j) = max(diag(j),wa2(j)) enddo !---- Beginning of the inner loop. 200 continue ! write(*,*) 'inner ',calls,fmin,fmin_old ! if (*fmin_old) write(*,830) calls,fmin fmin_old = fmin !---- Determine the Levenberg-Marquardt parameter. call lmpar(n,fjac,ldfjac,ipvt,diag,qtf,delta,par,wa1,wa2, & &wa3,wa4) !---- Store the direction P and X + P. Calculate the norm of P. do j = 1, n wa1(j) = -wa1(j) wa2(j) = x(j) + wa1(j) wa3(j) = diag(j)*wa1(j) enddo pnorm = vmod(n, wa3) !---- On the first iteration, adjust the initial step bound. if (iter .eq. 1) delta = min(delta,pnorm) !---- Evaluate the function at X + P and calculate its norm. ! 23.5.2002: Oliver Bruening: inserted a routine that checks for ! minimum and maximum values of the parameters: call mtlimit(wa2,ireset) call fcn(m,n,wa2,wa4,iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .ne. 0) then fnorm1 = two * fnorm else fnorm1 = vmod(m, wa4) endif !---- Compute the scaled actual reduction. actred = -one if (p1*fnorm1 .lt. fnorm) actred = one - (fnorm1/fnorm)**2 !---- Compute the scaled predicted reduction and ! the scaled directional derivative. do j = 1, n wa3(j) = zero l = ipvt(j) temp = wa1(l) do i = 1, j wa3(i) = wa3(i) + fjac(i,j)*temp enddo enddo temp1 = vmod(n, wa3)/fnorm temp2 = (sqrt(par)*pnorm)/fnorm prered = temp1**2 + temp2**2/p5 dirder = -(temp1**2 + temp2**2) !---- Compute the ratio of the actual to the predicted reduction. ratio = zero if (prered .ne. zero) ratio = actred/prered !---- Update the step bound. if (ratio .le. p25) then if (actred .ge. zero) temp = p5 if (actred .lt. zero) & &temp = p5*dirder/(dirder + p5*actred) if (p1*fnorm1 .ge. fnorm .or. temp .lt. p1) temp = p1 delta = temp*min(delta,pnorm/p1) par = par/temp else if (par .eq. zero .or. ratio .ge. p75) then delta = pnorm/p5 par = p5*par endif !---- Test for successful iteration. if (ratio .ge. p0001) then !---- Successful iteration. Update X, FVEC, and their norms. do j = 1, n x(j) = wa2(j) xold(j) = wa2(j) wa2(j) = diag(j)*x(j) enddo do i = 1, m fvec(i) = wa4(i) enddo xnorm = vmod(n, wa2) fnorm = fnorm1 iter = iter + 1 !---- If requested, print iterates. fmin = fnorm**2 edm = gnorm * fmin level = 3 if (mod(iter,10) .eq. 0) level = 2 if (ilevel .ge. level) call mtprnt('inter', n, x) write(*,830) calls,fmin endif !---- Tests for convergence. if (abs(actred) .le. ftol .and. prered .le. ftol & &.and. p5*ratio .le. one) info = 1 if (delta .le. xtol*xnorm) info = 3 if (abs(actred) .le. ftol .and. prered .le. ftol & &.and. p5*ratio .le. one .and. info .eq. 2) info = 2 if (fmin .le. ftol) info = 4 if (info .ne. 0) go to 300 !---- Tests for termination and stringent tolerances. if (calls .ge. call_lim) info = 5 if (abs(actred) .le. epsmch .and. prered .le. epsmch & &.and. p5*ratio .le. one) info = 6 if (delta .le. epsmch*xnorm) info = 7 if (gnorm .le. epsmch) info = 8 if (ireset .gt. 20) info = 10 if (info .ne. 0) go to 300 !---- End of the inner loop. Repeat if iteration unsuccessful. if (ratio .lt. p0001) go to 200 if(info.eq.10) goto 300 !---- End of the outer loop. go to 30 !---- Termination, either normal or user imposed. 300 continue if (info .lt. 0) then print *, '++++++++++ LMDIF ended: unstable' else if (info .eq. 0) then print *, '++++++++++ LMDIF ended: error' else if (info .eq. 4) then print *, '++++++++++ LMDIF ended: converged successfully' else if (info .eq. 3) then print *, '++++++++++ LMDIF ended: converged without success' else if (info .lt. 3) then print *, '++++++++++ LMDIF ended: converged: info = ', info else if (info .eq. 5) then print *, '++++++++++ LMDIF ended: call limit' else if (info .eq. 10) then print *, '++++++++++' print *, '++++++++++ LMDIF ended: variables too close to limit' print *, '++++++++++' else print *, '++++++++++ LMDIF ended: accuracy limit' endif call fcn(m,n,xold,fvec,iflag) fnorm = vmod(m, fvec) fmin = fnorm**2 ! call mtputi(xold) write(*,830) calls,fmin if (ilevel .ge. 1) call mtprnt('last',n, x) 831 format('Initial Penalty Function = ',e16.8,//) 830 format('call:',I8,3x,'Penalty function = ',e16.8) end subroutine fdjac2(fcn,m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag,epsfcn,wa) implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! This subroutine computes a forward-difference approximation * ! to the M by N Jacobian matrix associated with a specified * ! problem of M functions in N variables. * ! Input: * ! FCN is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which * ! calculates the functions. FCN must be declared * ! in an external statement in the user calling * ! program, and should be written as follows: * ! * ! SUBROUTINE FCN(M,N,X,FVEC,IFLAG) * ! DIMENSION X(N),FVEC(M) * ! CALCULATE THE FUNCTIONS AT X AND * ! RETURN THIS VECTOR IN FVEC. * ! RETURN * ! END * ! * ! The value of IFLAG should be set to zero, unless there * ! is an error in evaluation of the function. * ! * ! M is a positive integer input variable set to the number * ! of functions. * ! * ! N is a positive integer input variable set to the number * ! of variables. N must not exceed M. * ! * ! X is an input array of length N. * ! * ! FVEC is an input array of length M which must contain the * ! functions evaluated at X. * ! * ! FJAC is an output M by N array which contains the * ! approximation to the Jacobian matrix evaluated at X. * ! * ! LDFJAC is a positive integer input variable not less than M * ! which specifies the leading dimension of the array FJAC. * ! * ! IFLAG is an integer variable which tells the calling program * ! wether the approximation is valid. * ! * ! EPSFCN is an input variable used in determining a suitable * ! step length for the forward-difference approximation. This * ! approximation assumes that the relative errors in the * ! functions are of the order of EPSFCN. If EPSFCN is less * ! than the machine precision, it is assumed that the relative * ! errors in the functions are of the order of the machine * ! precision. * ! * ! WA is a work array of length M. * ! Source: * ! Argonne National Laboratory. MINPACK Project. March 1980. * ! Burton S. Garbow, Kenneth E. Hillstrom, Jorge J. More. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer i,iflag,j,ldfjac,m,n double precision eps,epsfcn,fjac(ldfjac,n),fvec(m),h,temp,wa(m), & &x(n),zero,epsmch parameter(zero=0d0,epsmch=1d-16) external fcn eps = sqrt(max(epsfcn,epsmch)) iflag = 0 do j = 1, n temp = x(j) h = eps*abs(temp) if (h .eq. zero) h = eps x(j) = temp + h call fcn(m,n,x,wa,iflag) x(j) = temp if (iflag .ne. 0) go to 30 do i = 1, m fjac(i,j) = (wa(i) - fvec(i))/h enddo enddo 30 continue end subroutine qrfac(m,n,a,lda,pivot,ipvt,lipvt,rdiag,acnorm,wa) implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! This subroutine uses Householder transformations with column * ! pivoting (optional) to compute a QR factorization of the * ! M by N matrix a. That is, QRFAC determines an orthogonal * ! matrix Q, a permutation matrix P, and an upper trapezoidal * ! matrix R with diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude, * ! such that A*P = Q*R. The Householder transformation for * ! column K, K = 1,2,...,min(M,N), is of the form * ! * ! T * ! I - (1/U(K))*U*U * ! * ! where U has zeros in the first K-1 positions. The form of * ! this transformation and the method of pivoting first * ! appeared in the corresponding LINPACK subroutine. * ! * ! M is a positive integer input variable set to the number * ! of rows of A. * ! * ! N is a positive integer input variable set to the number * ! of columns of A. * ! * ! A is an M by N array. On input A contains the matrix for * ! which the QR factorization is to be computed. On output * ! The strict upper trapezoidal part of A contains the strict * ! upper trapezoidal part of R, and the lower trapezoidal * ! part of A contains a factored form of Q (the non-trivial * ! elements of the U vectors described above). * ! * ! LDA is a positive integer input variable not less than M * ! which specifies the leading dimension of the array A. * ! * ! PIVOT is a logical input variable. If PIVOT is set true, * ! then column pivoting is enforced. If PIVOT is set false, * ! then no column pivoting is done. * ! * ! IPVT is an integer output array of length LIPVT. Ipvt * ! defines the permutation matrix P such that a*p = Q*r. * ! column J of P is column IPVT(J) of the identity matrix. * ! if PIVOT is false, IPVT is not referenced. * ! * ! LIPVT is a positive integer input variable. If PIVOT is false, * ! then LIPVT may be as small as 1. If PIVOT is true, then * ! LIPVT must be at least N. * ! * ! RDIAG is an output array of length N which contains the * ! diagonal elements of R. * ! * ! ACNORM is an output array of length N which contains the * ! norms of the corresponding columns of the input matrix A. * ! If this information is not needed, then ACNORM can coincide * ! with RDIAG. * ! * ! WA is a work array of length N. If PIVOT is false, then WA * ! can coincide with RDIAG. * ! Source: * ! Argonne National Laboratory. MINPACK Project. March 1980. * ! Burton S. Garbow, Kenneth E. Hillstrom, Jorge J. More. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* logical pivot integer i,j,k,kmax,lda,lipvt,m,minmn,n,ipvt(lipvt) double precision ajnorm,sum,temp,vmod,a(lda,n),rdiag(n),acnorm(n),& &wa(n),zero,one,p05,epsmch parameter(zero=0d0,one=1d0,p05=0.05d0,epsmch=1d-16) !---- Compute the initial column norms and initialize several arrays. do j = 1, n acnorm(j) = vmod(m, a(1,j)) rdiag(j) = acnorm(j) wa(j) = rdiag(j) if (pivot) ipvt(j) = j enddo !---- Reduce A to R with Householder transformations. minmn = min(m,n) do j = 1, minmn if (pivot) then !---- Bring the column of largest norm into the pivot position. kmax = j do k = j, n if (rdiag(k) .gt. rdiag(kmax)) kmax = k enddo if (kmax .ne. j) then do i = 1, m temp = a(i,j) a(i,j) = a(i,kmax) a(i,kmax) = temp enddo rdiag(kmax) = rdiag(j) wa(kmax) = wa(j) k = ipvt(j) ipvt(j) = ipvt(kmax) ipvt(kmax) = k endif endif !---- Compute the Householder transformation to reduce the ! J-th column of A to a multiple of the J-th unit vector. ajnorm = vmod(m-j+1, a(j,j)) if (ajnorm .ne. zero) then if (a(j,j) .lt. zero) ajnorm = -ajnorm do i = j, m a(i,j) = a(i,j)/ajnorm enddo a(j,j) = a(j,j) + one !---- Apply the transformation to the remaining columns ! and update the norms. do k = j + 1, n sum = zero do i = j, m sum = sum + a(i,j)*a(i,k) enddo temp = sum/a(j,j) do i = j, m a(i,k) = a(i,k) - temp*a(i,j) enddo if (pivot .and. rdiag(k) .ne. zero) then temp = a(j,k)/rdiag(k) rdiag(k) = rdiag(k)*sqrt(max(zero,one-temp**2)) if (p05*(rdiag(k)/wa(k))**2 .le. epsmch) then rdiag(k) = vmod(m-j, a(j+1,k)) wa(k) = rdiag(k) endif endif enddo endif rdiag(j) = -ajnorm enddo end subroutine lmpar(n,r,ldr,ipvt,diag,qtb,delta,par,x,sdiag,wa1,wa2) implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! Given an M by N matrix A, an N by N nonsingular diagonal * ! matrix D, an M-vector B, and a positive number DELTA, * ! the problem is to determine a value for the parameter * ! PAR such that if X solves the system * ! * ! A*X = B, SQRT(PAR)*D*X = 0, * ! * ! in the least squares sense, and DXNORM is the Euclidean * ! norm of D*X, then either PAR is zero and * ! * ! (DXNORM-DELTA) .LE. 0.1*DELTA, * ! * ! or PAR is positive and * ! * ! ABS(DXNORM-DELTA) .LE. 0.1*DELTA. * ! * ! This subroutine completes the solution of the problem * ! if it is provided with the necessary information from the * ! QR factorization, with column pivoting, of A. That is, if * ! A*P = Q*R, where P is a permutation matrix, Q has orthogonal * ! columns, and R is an upper triangular matrix with diagonal * ! elements of nonincreasing magnitude, then LMPAR expects * ! the full upper triangle of R, the permutation matrix P, * ! and the first N components of (Q transpose)*B. On output * ! LMPAR also provides an upper triangular matrix S such that * ! * ! T T T * ! P *(A *A + PAR*D*D)*P = S *S. * ! * ! S is employed within LMPAR and may be of separate interest. * ! * ! Only a few iterations are generally needed for convergence * ! of the algorithm. If, however, the limit of 10 iterations * ! is reached, then the output PAR will contain the best * ! value obtained so far. * ! * ! N is a positive integer input variable set to the order of R. * ! * ! R is an N by N array. On input the full upper triangle * ! must contain the full upper triangle of the matrix R. * ! on output the full upper triangle is unaltered, and the * ! strict lower triangle contains the strict upper triangle * ! (transposed) of the upper triangular matrix S. * ! * ! LDR is a positive integer input variable not less than N * ! which specifies the leading dimension of the array R. * ! * ! IPVT is an integer input array of length N which defines the * ! permutation matrix P such that A*P = Q*R. column J of P * ! is column IPVT(J) of the identity matrix. * ! * ! DIAG is an input array of length N which must contain the * ! diagonal elements of the matrix D. * ! * ! QTB is an input array of length N which must contain the first * ! N elements of the vector (Q transpose)*B. * ! * ! DELTA is a positive input variable which specifies an upper * ! bound on the Euclidean norm of D*X. * ! * ! PAR is a nonnegative variable. On input PAR contains an * ! initial estimate of the Levenberg-Marquardt parameter. * ! on output PAR contains the final estimate. * ! * ! X is an output array of length N which contains the least * ! squares solution of the system A*X = B, SQRT(PAR)*D*X = 0, * ! for the output PAR. * ! * ! SDIAG is an output array of length N which contains the * ! diagonal elements of the upper triangular matrix S. * ! * ! WA1 and WA2 are work arrays of length N. * ! Source: * ! Argonne National Laboratory. MINPACK Project. March 1980. * ! Burton S. Garbow, Kenneth E. Hillstrom, Jorge J. More. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer i,iter,j,k,l,ldr,n,nsing,ipvt(n) double precision delta,diag(n),dxnorm,fp,gnorm,par,parc,parl,paru,& &qtb(n),r(ldr,n),sdiag(n),sum,temp,vmod,wa1(n),wa2(n),x(n),zero, & &fltmin,p1,p001 parameter(zero=0d0,fltmin=1d-35,p1=0.1d0,p001=0.001d0) !---- Compute and store in X the Gauss-Newton direction. If the ! Jacobian is rank-deficient, obtain a least squares solution. nsing = n do j = 1, n wa1(j) = qtb(j) if (r(j,j) .eq. zero .and. nsing .eq. n) nsing = j - 1 if (nsing .lt. n) wa1(j) = zero enddo do k = 1, nsing j = nsing - k + 1 wa1(j) = wa1(j)/r(j,j) temp = wa1(j) do i = 1, j - 1 wa1(i) = wa1(i) - r(i,j)*temp enddo enddo do j = 1, n l = ipvt(j) x(l) = wa1(j) enddo !---- Initialize the iteration counter. ! Evaluate the function at the origin, and test ! for acceptance of the Gauss-Newton direction. iter = 0 do j = 1, n wa2(j) = diag(j)*x(j) enddo dxnorm = vmod(n, wa2) fp = dxnorm - delta if (fp .le. p1*delta) go to 220 !---- If the Jacobian is not rank deficient, the Newton ! step provides a lower bound, PARL, for the zero of ! the function. Otherwise set this bound to zero. parl = zero if (nsing .ge. n) then do j = 1, n l = ipvt(j) wa1(j) = diag(l)*(wa2(l)/dxnorm) enddo do j = 1, n sum = zero do i = 1, j - 1 sum = sum + r(i,j)*wa1(i) enddo wa1(j) = (wa1(j) - sum)/r(j,j) enddo temp = vmod(n, wa1) parl = ((fp/delta)/temp)/temp endif !---- Calculate an upper bound, PARU, for the zero of the function. do j = 1, n sum = zero do i = 1, j sum = sum + r(i,j)*qtb(i) enddo l = ipvt(j) wa1(j) = sum/diag(l) enddo gnorm = vmod(n, wa1) paru = gnorm/delta if (paru .eq. zero) paru = fltmin/min(delta,p1) !---- If the input PAR lies outside of the interval (PARL,PARU), ! set PAR to the closer endpoint. par = max(par,parl) par = min(par,paru) if (par .eq. zero) par = gnorm/dxnorm !---- Beginning of an iteration. 150 continue iter = iter + 1 !---- Evaluate the function at the current value of PAR. if (par .eq. zero) par = max(fltmin,p001*paru) temp = sqrt(par) do j = 1, n wa1(j) = temp*diag(j) enddo call qrsolv(n,r,ldr,ipvt,wa1,qtb,x,sdiag,wa2) do j = 1, n wa2(j) = diag(j)*x(j) enddo dxnorm = vmod(n, wa2) temp = fp fp = dxnorm - delta !---- If the function is small enough, accept the current value ! of PAR. also test for the exceptional cases where PARL ! is zero or the number of iterations has reached 10. if (abs(fp) .le. p1*delta & &.or. parl .eq. zero .and. fp .le. temp & &.and. temp .lt. zero .or. iter .eq. 10) go to 220 !---- Compute the Newton correction. do j = 1, n l = ipvt(j) wa1(j) = diag(l)*(wa2(l)/dxnorm) enddo do j = 1, n wa1(j) = wa1(j)/sdiag(j) temp = wa1(j) do i = j + 1, n wa1(i) = wa1(i) - r(i,j)*temp enddo enddo temp = vmod(n, wa1) parc = ((fp/delta)/temp)/temp !---- Depending on the sign of the function, update PARL or PARU. if (fp .gt. zero) parl = max(parl,par) if (fp .lt. zero) paru = min(paru,par) !---- Compute an improved estimate for PAR. par = max(parl,par+parc) !---- End of an iteration. go to 150 220 continue !---- Termination. if (iter .eq. 0) par = zero end subroutine qrsolv(n,r,ldr,ipvt,diag,qtb,x,sdiag,wa) implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! Given an M by N matrix A, an N by N diagonal matrix D, * ! and an M-vector B, the problem is to determine an X which * ! solves the system * ! * ! A*X = B, D*X = 0, * ! * ! in the least squares sense. * ! * ! This subroutine completes the solution of the problem * ! if it is provided with the necessary information from the * ! QR factorization, with column pivoting, of A. That is, if * ! A*P = Q*R, where P is a permutation matrix, Q has orthogonal * ! columns, and R is an upper triangular matrix with diagonal * ! elements of nonincreasing magnitude, then QRSOLV expects * ! the full upper triangle of R, the permutation matrix P, * ! and the first N components of (Q transpose)*B. The system * ! A*X = B, D*X = 0, is then equivalent to * ! * ! T T * ! R*Z = Q *B, P *D*P*Z = 0, * ! * ! where X = P*Z. If this system does not have full rank, * ! then a least squares solution is obtained. On output QRSOLV * ! also provides an upper triangular matrix S such that * ! * ! T T T * ! P *(A *A + D*D)*P = S *S. * ! * ! S is computed within QRSOLV and may be of separate interest. * ! * ! N is a positive integer input variable set to the order of R. * ! * ! R is an N by N array. On input the full upper triangle * ! must contain the full upper triangle of the matrix R. * ! On output the full upper triangle is unaltered, and the * ! strict lower triangle contains the strict upper triangle * ! (transposed) of the upper triangular matrix S. * ! * ! LDR is a positive integer input variable not less than N * ! which specifies the leading dimension of the array R. * ! * ! IPVT is an integer input array of length N which defines the * ! permutation matrix P such that A*P = Q*R. Column J of P * ! is column IPVT(J) of the identity matrix. * ! * ! DIAG is an input array of length N which must contain the * ! diagonal elements of the matrix D. * ! * ! QTB is an input array of length N which must contain the first * ! N elements of the vector (Q transpose)*B. * ! * ! X is an output array of length N which contains the least * ! squares solution of the system A*X = B, D*X = 0. * ! * ! SDIAG is an output array of length N which contains the * ! diagonal elements of the upper triangular matrix S. * ! * ! WA is a work array of length N. * ! Source: * ! Argonne National Laboratory. MINPACK Project. March 1980. * ! Burton S. Garbow, Kenneth E. Hillstrom, Jorge J. More. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer i,j,k,l,ldr,n,nsing,ipvt(n) double precision cos,cotan,diag(n),qtb(n),qtbpj,r(ldr,n),sdiag(n),& &sin,sum,tan,temp,wa(n),x(n),zero,p5,p25 parameter(zero=0d0,p5=0.5d0,p25=0.25d0) !---- Copy R and (Q transpose)*B to preserve input and initialize S. ! In particular, save the diagonal elements of R in X. do j = 1, n do i = j, n r(i,j) = r(j,i) enddo x(j) = r(j,j) wa(j) = qtb(j) enddo !---- Eliminate the diagonal matrix D using a Givens rotation. do j = 1, n !---- Prepare the row of D to be eliminated, locating the ! diagonal element using P from the QR factorization. l = ipvt(j) if (diag(l) .ne. zero) then do k = j, n sdiag(k) = zero enddo sdiag(j) = diag(l) !---- The transformations to eliminate the row of D ! modify only a single element of (Q transpose)*B ! beyond the first N, which is initially zero. qtbpj = zero do k = j, n !---- Determine a Givens rotation which eliminates the ! appropriate element in the current row of D. if (sdiag(k) .ne. zero) then if (abs(r(k,k)) .lt. abs(sdiag(k))) then cotan = r(k,k)/sdiag(k) sin = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*cotan**2) cos = sin*cotan else tan = sdiag(k)/r(k,k) cos = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*tan**2) sin = cos*tan endif !---- Compute the modified diagonal element of R and ! the modified element of ((Q transpose)*b,0). r(k,k) = cos*r(k,k) + sin*sdiag(k) temp = cos*wa(k) + sin*qtbpj qtbpj = -sin*wa(k) + cos*qtbpj wa(k) = temp !---- Accumulate the tranformation in the row of S. do i = k + 1, n temp = cos*r(i,k) + sin*sdiag(i) sdiag(i) = -sin*r(i,k) + cos*sdiag(i) r(i,k) = temp enddo endif enddo endif !---- Store the diagonal element of S and restore ! the corresponding diagonal element of R. sdiag(j) = r(j,j) r(j,j) = x(j) enddo !---- Solve the triangular system for z. If the system is ! singular, then obtain a least squares solution. nsing = n do j = 1, n if (sdiag(j) .eq. zero .and. nsing .eq. n) nsing = j - 1 if (nsing .lt. n) wa(j) = zero enddo do j = nsing, 1, - 1 sum = zero do i = j + 1, nsing sum = sum + r(i,j)*wa(i) enddo wa(j) = (wa(j) - sum)/sdiag(j) enddo !---- Permute the components of Z back to components of X. do j = 1, n l = ipvt(j) x(l) = wa(j) enddo end subroutine mtprnt(text,n,x) implicit none integer n double precision x(n) character*(*) text print *, text, ' variable values: ', x end subroutine mtmigr(ncon,nvar,strategy,tol,calls,call_lim,vect, & &dvect,fun_vect,w_iwa1,w_iwa2,w_iwa3,w_iwa4,w_iwa5,w_iwa6,w_iwa7, & &w_iwa8) use matchfi implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! MIGRAD command. * ! ncon (int) # constraints * ! nvar (int) # variables * ! strategy (int) strategy selection (see minuit manual). * ! tol (real) Final tolerance for match. * ! calls (int) current call count * ! call_lim (int) current call limit * ! vect (real) variable values * ! dvect (real) variable steps * ! fun_vect (real) function values * ! all other working spaces for mtmig1 * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer calls,call_lim,ncon,nvar,strategy ! icovar: functionality still unclear HG 28.2.02 ! ilevel: print level double precision tol,vect(*),dvect(*),fun_vect(*),w_iwa1(*), & &w_iwa2(*),w_iwa3(*),w_iwa4(*),w_iwa5(*),w_iwa6(*),w_iwa7(*), & &w_iwa8(*) external mtfcn icovar = 0 ilevel = 0 !---- Too many variable parameters? if (nvar .gt. ncon) then call aawarn('MTMIGR','More variables than constraints seen.') call aawarn('MTMIGR', & &'MIGRAD may not converge to optimal solution.') endif !---- Call minimization routine. call mtgeti(vect, dvect) call mtmig1(mtfcn, ncon, nvar, strategy, tol, calls, call_lim, & &vect, dvect, fun_vect, w_iwa1, w_iwa2, w_iwa3, w_iwa4, w_iwa5, & &w_iwa6, w_iwa7, w_iwa8) 9999 end subroutine mtmig1(fcn,nf,nx,strategy,tol,calls,call_lim,x,dx,fvec,& &covar, wa,work_1,work_2,work_3,work_4,work_5,work_6) use matchfi implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! Minimization by MIGRAD method by Davidon/Fletcher/Powell. * ! (Computer Journal 13, 317 (1970). * ! Input: * ! FCN (subr) Returns value of penalty function. * ! NF (integer) Number of functions. * ! NX (integer) Number of parameters. * ! X(NX) (real) Parameter values. On output, best estimate. * ! DX(NX) (real) Parameter errors. On output, error estimate. * ! Output: * ! FVEC(NF) (real) Vector of function values in best point. * ! Working arrays: * ! COVAR(NX,NX) Covariance matrix. * ! WA(NX,7) Working vectors. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* logical eflag integer i,iflag,improv,iter,j,level,nf,npsdf,nrstrt,nx,strategy, & &calls,call_lim,mgrd,mg2,mvg,mflnu,mgsave,mxsave parameter(mgrd=1,mg2=2,mvg=3,mflnu=5,mgsave=6,mxsave=7) ! ilevel: print level double precision covar(nx,nx),d,delgam,dgi,dx(nx),fvec(nf),gdel, & &gssq,gvg,sum,vdot,vgi,wa(nx,7),x(nx),tol,work_1(nx),work_2(nx), & &work_3(nx),work_4(*),work_5(*),work_6(*),zero,one,two,half,epsmch,& &eps1,eps2 parameter(zero=0d0,one=1d0,two=2d0,half=0.5d0,epsmch=1d-16, & &eps1=1d-3,eps2=1d-4) external fcn !---- Initialize penalty function. call fcn(nf, nx, x, fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .ne. 0) then call aawarn('MTMIG1', & &'Matching stopped -- start point seems to be unstable') go to 500 endif fmin = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) edm = fmin !---- Start MIGRAD algorithm. nrstrt = 0 npsdf = 0 !---- Come here to restart algorithm. 100 continue if (strategy .eq. 2 .or. .and. then call mthess(fcn, nf, nx, calls, covar, x, & &wa(1,mgrd), wa(1,mg2), fvec, wa(1,mvg), work_1, work_2, work_3, & &work_4, work_5,work_6) npsdf = 0 else call mtderi(fcn, nf, nx, calls, x, wa(1,mgrd), wa(1,mg2), fvec) if (icovar .lt. 2) then do i = 1, nx do j = 1, nx covar(i,j) = zero enddo if (wa(i,mg2) .eq. zero) wa(i,mg2) = one covar(i,i) = one / wa(i,mg2) enddo endif endif !---- Initialize for first iteration. improv = 0 edm = zero do i = 1, nx sum = zero do j = 1, nx sum = sum + covar(i,j) * wa(j,mgrd) enddo edm = edm + sum * wa(i,mgrd) enddo edm = min(half * edm, fmin) !---- Print after initialization. if (ilevel .ge. 1) then call mtprnt('init', nx, x) endif iter = 0 !==== Start main iteration loop: Check for call limit. 200 if (calls .lt. call_lim) then !---- Find step size according to Newton's method. gdel = zero gssq = zero do i = 1, nx sum = zero wa(i,mgsave) = wa(i,mgrd) gssq = gssq + wa(i,mgrd)**2 do j = 1, nx sum = sum + covar(i,j) * wa(j,mgrd) enddo dx(i) = - sum gdel = gdel + dx(i) * wa(i,mgrd) enddo !---- First derivatives all zero? if (gssq .eq. zero) go to 400 !---- If GDEL .GE. 0 matrix is not positive definite. if (gdel .ge. zero) then if (npsdf .eq. 0) then call symsol(covar, nx, eflag, work_1, work_2, work_3) call mtpsdf(covar,nx,work_4,work_5,work_6) call symsol(covar, nx, eflag, work_1, work_2, work_3) npsdf = 1 go to 200 else nrstrt = nrstrt + 1 if (nrstrt .gt. strategy) go to 500 go to 100 endif endif !---- Search for minimum along predicted line. call mtline(fcn, nf, nx, calls, x, dx, fvec, & &wa(1,mxsave), iflag) !---- No improvement found. if (iflag .ne. 0) then if (edm .lt. eps1 * tol) go to 400 print *, 'accuracy limit' if (edm .lt. two * epsmch * fmin) go to 500 if (strategy .eq. 0 .and. nrstrt .eq. 0) then strategy = 1 nrstrt = 1 go to 100 endif print *, 'failed' go to 500 endif !---- Find gradient in new point. call mtderi(fcn, nf, nx, calls, x, wa(1,mgrd), wa(1,mg2), fvec) npsdf = 0 !---- Estimated distance to minimum. 300 continue edm = zero gvg = zero delgam = zero do i = 1, nx vgi = zero sum = zero do j = 1, nx vgi = vgi + covar(i,j) * (wa(j,mgrd) - wa(j,mgsave)) sum = sum + covar(i,j) * wa(j,mgrd) enddo wa(i,mvg) = vgi dgi = wa(i,mgrd) - wa(i,mgsave) gvg = gvg + vgi * dgi delgam = delgam + dx(i) * dgi edm = edm + sum * wa(i,mgrd) enddo edm = min(half * edm, fmin) !---- Test for convergence and print-out. if (edm .ge. zero .and. edm .lt. eps2 * tol) go to 400 iter = iter + 1 level = 3 if (mod(iter,10) .eq. 0) level = 2 if (ilevel .ge. level) then call mtprnt('progress', nx, x) endif write(*,830) calls,fmin !---- Force positive definiteness. if (edm .lt. zero .or. gvg .le. zero) then icovar = 0 if (npsdf .eq. 1) go to 500 call symsol(covar, nx, eflag, work_1, work_2, work_3) call mtpsdf(covar,nx,work_4,work_5,work_6) call symsol(covar, nx, eflag, work_1, work_2, work_3) npsdf = 1 go to 300 endif !---- Update covariance matrix. do i = 1, nx do j = 1, nx d = dx(i) * dx(j) / delgam - wa(i,mvg) * wa(j,mvg) / gvg covar(i,j) = covar(i,j) + d enddo enddo if (delgam .gt. gvg) then do i = 1, nx wa(i,mflnu) = dx(i) / delgam - wa(i,mvg) / gvg enddo do i = 1, nx do j = 1, nx d = gvg * wa(i,mflnu) * wa(j,mflnu) covar(i,j) = covar(i,j) + d + d enddo enddo endif improv = improv + 1 if (improv .ge. nx) icovar = 3 go to 200 endif !---- Call limit reached. print *, 'call limit' go to 500 !==== End of main iteration loop; Check covariance matrix. 400 continue if (strategy .ge. 2 .or. (strategy.eq.1 .and. then print *, 'verify' call mthess(fcn, nf, nx, calls, covar, x, & &wa(1,mgrd), wa(1,mg2), fvec, wa(1,mvg), work_1, work_2, work_3, & &work_4, work_5,work_6) npsdf = 0 if (edm .gt. eps1 * tol) go to 100 endif print *, 'converged' !---- Common exit point; final print-out. 500 continue call mtputi(x) if (ilevel .ge. 1) call mtprnt('final', nx, x) write(*,830) calls,fmin 830 format('call:',I8,3x,'Penalty function = ',e16.8) end subroutine mthess(fcn,nf,nx,calls,covar,x,grd,g2,fvec,wa,work_1, & &work_2,work_3,work_4,work_5,work_6) use matchfi implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! Build covariance matrix. * ! input: * ! fcn (subr) returns value of penalty function. * ! nf (integer) number of functions. * ! nx (integer) number of parameters. * ! calls (integer) number of calls (increased) * ! x(nx) (real) parameter values. on output, best estimate. * ! output: * ! covar(nx,nx) covariance matrix. * ! grd(nx) (real) gradient of penalty function * ! w.r.t. internal parameter values. * ! g2(nx) (real) second derivatives of penalty function * ! w.r.t. internal parameter values. * ! working array: * ! fvec(nf) (real) function values. * ! wa(nx,2) (real) working vectors. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* logical eflag integer i,icycle,iflag,j,nf,nx,calls ! icovar: functionality still unclear HG 28.2.02 ! ilevel: print level double precision eps,f1,f2,fij,vdot,xs1,xs2,xsave,xstep, & &covar(nx,nx),x(nx),grd(nx),g2(nx),wa(nx,2),fvec(nf),work_1(nx), & &work_2(nx),work_3(nx),work_4(*),work_5(*),work_6(*),zero,one,two, & &half,epsmch parameter(zero=0d0,one=1d0,two=2d0,half=0.5d0,epsmch=1d-16) external fcn eps = sqrt(epsmch) do i = 1, nx xsave = x(i) xstep = eps * max(abs(xsave), one) do icycle = 1, 10 x(i) = xsave + xstep call fcn(nf, nx, x, fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .eq. 0) then f2 = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) x(i) = xsave - xstep call fcn(nf, nx, x, fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .eq. 0) then f1 = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) go to 40 endif endif xstep = half * xstep enddo f1 = fmin f2 = fmin 40 continue grd(i) = (f2 - f1) / (two * xstep) g2(i) = (f2 - two * fmin + f1) / xstep**2 if (g2(i) .eq. zero) g2(i) = one x(i) = xsave covar(i,i) = g2(i) wa(i,1) = f2 wa(i,2) = xstep enddo !---- Off-diagonal elements. do i = 1, nx - 1 xs1 = x(i) x(i) = xs1 + wa(i,2) do j = i + 1, nx xs2 = x(j) x(j) = xs2 + wa(j,2) call fcn(nf, nx, x, fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .eq. 0) then fij = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) covar(i,j) = (fij+fmin-wa(i,1)-wa(j,1)) / (wa(i,2)*wa(j,2)) covar(j,i) = covar(i,j) else covar(i,j) = zero covar(j,i) = zero endif x(j) = xs2 enddo x(i) = xs1 enddo !---- Restore original point. call mtputi(x) !---- Ensure positive definiteness and invert. call mtpsdf(covar,nx,work_4,work_5,work_6) call symsol(covar, nx, eflag, work_1, work_2, work_3) end subroutine mtderi(fcn,nf,nx,calls,x,grd,g2,fvec) use matchfi implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! Find first derivatives of penalty function. * ! Input: * ! FCN (subr) Returns value of penalty function. * ! NF (integer) Number of functions. * ! NX (integer) Number of parameters. * ! X(NX) (real) Parameter values. On output, best estimate. * ! Output: * ! GRD(*) (real) Gradient of penalty function * ! w.r.t. internal parameter values. * ! G2(*) (real) Second derivatives of penalty function * ! w.r.t. internal parameter values. * ! Working array: * ! FVEC(NF) (real) Function values. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer i,icycle,iflag,nf,nx,calls ! icovar: functionality still unclear HG 28.2.02 ! ilevel: print level double precision eps,f1,f2,fvec(nf),g2(nx),grd(nx),vdot,x(nx), & &xsave,xstep,zero,one,two,half,epsmch parameter(zero=0d0,one=1d0,two=2d0,half=0.5d0,epsmch=1d-16) external fcn eps = sqrt(epsmch) do i = 1, nx xsave = x(i) xstep = eps * abs(xsave) if (xstep .eq. zero) xstep = eps do icycle = 1, 10 x(i) = xsave + xstep call fcn(nf, nx, x, fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .eq. 0) then f2 = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) x(i) = xsave - xstep call fcn(nf, nx, x, fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .eq. 0) then f1 = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) go to 60 endif endif xstep = half * xstep enddo f2 = fmin f1 = fmin 60 continue grd(i) = (f2 - f1) / (two * xstep) g2(i) = (f2 - two * fmin + f1) / xstep**2 if (g2(i) .eq. zero) g2(i) = one x(i) = xsave enddo call mtputi(x) end subroutine mtpsdf(covar,nx,work_4,work_5,work_6) implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! Force covariance matrix to be positive definite. * ! Updated: * ! COVAR(*,*) Covariance matrix. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer i,j,nval,nx double precision add,pmax,pmin,covar(nx,nx),work_4(nx,nx), & &work_5(nx),work_6(nx),one,eps,epsmch parameter(one=1d0,eps=1d-3,epsmch=1d-16) !---- Copy matrix and find eigenvalues. do i = 1, nx do j = 1, nx work_4(j,i) = covar(j,i) enddo enddo call symeig(work_4,nx,nx,work_5,nval,work_6) !---- Enforce positive definiteness. pmin = work_5(1) pmax = work_5(1) do i = 1, nx if (work_5(i) .lt. pmin) pmin = work_5(i) if (work_5(i) .gt. pmax) pmax = work_5(i) enddo pmax = max(abs(pmax), one) if (pmin .le. epsmch * pmax) then add = eps * pmax - pmin do i = 1, nx covar(i,i) = covar(i,i) + add enddo print *, 'not posdef' endif end subroutine mtline(fcn,nf,nx,calls,x,dx,fvec,xsave,iflag) use matchfi implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! Search for minimum along predicted direction. * ! Input: * ! FCN (subr) Returns value of penalty function. * ! NF (integer) Number of functions. * ! NX (integer) Number of parameters. * ! X(NX) (real) Parameter values. On output, best estimate. * ! DX(NX) (real) Initial direction. * ! FVEC(NF) (real) Function values. * ! IFLAG (integer) Error flag. * ! Working array: * ! XSAVE(NX) (real) Save area for initial point. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer i,iflag,ipt,nf,npts,nvmax,nx,calls,maxpt parameter(maxpt=12) ! icovar: functionality still unclear HG 28.2.02 ! ilevel: print level double precision c1,c2,den,dx(nx),f3,fval(3),fvec(nf),fvmin, & &overal,ratio,s13,s21,s32,slam,slamax,slamin,sval(3),svmin,tol9, & &undral,vdot,x(nx),xsave(nx),zero,one,two,half,tol8,alpha,slambg, & &p100,p1000,epsmch parameter(zero=0d0,one=1d0,two=2d0,half=0.5d0,tol8=5d-2,alpha=2d0,& &slambg=5d0,p100=1d2,p1000=1d3,epsmch=1d-16) external fcn !---- Initialize. overal = p1000 undral = - p100 sval(1) = zero fval(1) = fmin svmin = zero fvmin = fmin npts = 0 slamin = zero do i = 1, nx xsave(i) = x(i) if (dx(i) .ne. zero) then ratio = abs(x(i) / dx(i)) if (slamin .eq. zero .or. ratio .lt. slamin) slamin = ratio endif enddo if (slamin .eq. zero) slamin = epsmch slamin = slamin * epsmch slamax = slambg !---- Compute function for move by DX. slam = one 20 continue sval(2) = slam do i = 1, nx x(i) = xsave(i) + slam * dx(i) enddo call fcn(nf, nx, x, fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 npts = npts + 1 !---- If machine becomes unstable, cut step. if (iflag .ne. 0) then slam = half * slam if (slam .gt. slamin) go to 20 go to 400 endif fval(2) = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) if (fval(2) .lt. fvmin) then svmin = sval(2) fvmin = fval(2) endif if (slam .lt. one) go to 400 !---- Compute function for move by 1/2 DX. slam = half * slam sval(3) = slam do i = 1, nx x(i) = xsave(i) + slam * dx(i) enddo call fcn(nf, nx, x, fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 npts = npts + 1 if (iflag .ne. 0) go to 400 fval(3) = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) if (fval(3) .lt. fvmin) then svmin = sval(3) fvmin = fval(3) endif !---- Begin iteration. 200 continue slamax = max(slamax, alpha * abs(svmin)) !---- Quadratic interpolation using three points. s21 = sval(2) - sval(1) s32 = sval(3) - sval(2) s13 = sval(1) - sval(3) den = s21 * s32 * s13 c2 = (s32 * fval(1) + s13 * fval(2) + s21 * fval(3)) / den c1 = ((sval(3) + sval(2)) * s32 * fval(1) + & &(sval(1) + sval(3)) * s13 * fval(2) + & &(sval(2) + sval(1)) * s21 * fval(3)) / den if (c2 .ge. zero) then slam = svmin + sign(slamax, c1 - two * c2 * svmin) else slam = c1 / (two * c2) if (slam .gt. svmin + slamax) slam = svmin + slamax if (slam .le. svmin - slamax) slam = svmin - slamax endif if (slam .gt. zero) then if (slam .gt. overal) slam = overal else if (slam .lt. undral) slam = undral endif !---- See if new point coincides with a previous one. 300 continue tol9 = tol8 * max(one, slam) do ipt = 1, 3 if (abs(slam - sval(ipt)) .lt. tol9) go to 400 enddo !---- Compute function for interpolated point. do i = 1, nx x(i) = xsave(i) + slam * dx(i) enddo call fcn(nf, nx, x, fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 npts = npts + 1 if (iflag .ne. 0) go to 400 f3 = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) !---- Find worst point of previous three. nvmax = 1 if (fval(2) .gt. fval(nvmax)) nvmax = 2 if (fval(3) .gt. fval(nvmax)) nvmax = 3 !---- If no improvement, cut interval. if (f3 .ge. fval(nvmax)) then if (npts .ge. maxpt) go to 400 if (slam .gt. svmin) overal = min(overal, slam - tol8) if (slam .le. svmin) undral = max(undral, slam + tol8) slam = half * (slam + svmin) go to 300 endif !---- Accept new point; replace previous worst point. sval(nvmax) = slam fval(nvmax) = f3 if (f3 .lt. fvmin) then svmin = slam fvmin = f3 else if (slam .gt. svmin) overal = min(overal, slam - tol8) if (slam .lt. svmin) undral = max(undral, slam + tol8) endif if (npts .lt. maxpt) go to 200 !---- Common exit point: Return best point and step used. 400 continue fmin = fvmin do i = 1, nx dx(i) = svmin * dx(i) x(i) = xsave(i) + dx(i) enddo call mtputi(x) !---- Return Failure indication. iflag = 0 if (svmin .eq. zero) iflag = 2 end subroutine mtsimp(ncon,nvar,tol,calls,call_lim,vect,dvect, & &fun_vect,w_iwa1,w_iwa2,w_iwa3) use matchfi implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! Control routine for simplex minimization; SIMPLEX command. * ! Attributes: * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer calls,call_lim,ncon,nvar ! icovar: functionality still unclear HG 28.2.02 ! ilevel: print level double precision tol,vect(*),dvect(*),fun_vect(*),w_iwa1(*), & &w_iwa2(*),w_iwa3(*) external mtfcn icovar = 0 ilevel = 0 !---- Too many variable parameters? if (nvar .gt. ncon) then call aawarn('MTSIMP','More variables than constraints seen.') call aawarn('MTSIMP', & &'SIMPLEX may not converge to optimal solution.') endif !---- Call minimization routine. call mtgeti(vect, dvect) call mtsim1(mtfcn, ncon, nvar, calls, call_lim, tol, & &vect, dvect, fun_vect, w_iwa1, w_iwa2, w_iwa3) 9999 end subroutine mtsim1(fcn,nf,nx,calls,call_lim,tol,x,dx,fvec,psim, & &fsim,wa) use matchfi implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! Minimization using the SIMPLEX method by Nelder and Mead. * ! (Computer Journal 7, 308 (1965). * ! Input: * ! FCN (subr) Returns value of function to be minimized. * ! NF (integer) Number of functions. * ! NX (integer) Number of parameters. * ! X(NX) (real) Parameter values. On output, best estimate. * ! DX(NX) (real) Parameter errors. On output, error estimate. * ! Output: * ! FVEC(NF) (real) Vector of function values in best point. * ! Working arrays: * ! PSIM(NX,0:NX) Coordinates of simplex vertices. * ! FSIM(0:NX) Function values in simplex vertices. * ! WA(NX,4) Working vectors. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer i,idir,iflag,j,jh,jhold,jl,k,level,ncycl,nf,nrstrt,ns,nx, & &calls,call_lim,mbar,mstar,mstst,mrho, izero parameter(mbar=1,mstar=2,mstst=3,mrho=4) ! icovar: functionality still unclear HG 28.2.02 ! ilevel: print level double precision f,f1,f2,fbar,fbest,frho,fstar,fstst,pb,pbest, & &pmax,pmin,rho,step,vdot,tol,x(nx),dx(nx),fvec(nf),psim(nx,0:nx), & &fsim(0:nx),wa(nx,4),alpha,beta,gamma,rhomin,rhomax,rho1,rho2,zero,& &two,three,half,p01,eps,epsmch parameter(alpha=1d0,beta=0.5d0,gamma=2d0,rhomin=4d0,rhomax=8d0, & &rho1=1d0+alpha,rho2=rho1+alpha*gamma,zero=0d0,two=2d0,three=3d0, & &half=5d-1,p01=1d-1,eps=1d-8,epsmch=1d-16) external fcn izero = 0 !---- Initialize penalty function. call mtcond(izero, nf, fvec, iflag) ! call fcn(nf, nx, x, fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .ne. 0) then call aawarn('MTSIMP', ' stopped, possibly unstable') go to 400 endif fmin = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) edm = fmin nrstrt = 0 !---- Choose the initial simplex using single-parameter searches. ! Keep initial point in PBAR. 100 continue if (ilevel .ge. 1) call mtprnt('init', nx, x) fbar = fmin do i = 1, nx wa(i,mbar) = x(i) pbest = x(i) fbest = fmin step = dx(i) !---- Find proper initial direction and step. do idir = 1, 12 x(i) = pbest + step call fcn(nf, nx, x, fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .eq. 0) then f = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) if (f .le. fbest) go to 120 endif if (mod(idir,2) .eq. 0) step = p01 * step step = - step enddo go to 160 !---- Improvement found; attempt increasing steps. 120 continue do ns = 1, 3 pbest = x(i) fbest = f step = step * three x(i) = x(i) + step call fcn(nf, nx, x, fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .ne. 0) go to 140 f = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) if (f .gt. fbest) go to 140 enddo go to 160 !---- Backtrack to best point. 140 continue x(i) = pbest f = fbest !---- Store local minimum in i'th direction. 160 continue fsim(i) = f do k = 1, nx psim(k,i) = x(k) enddo enddo !---- Store initial point as 0'th vertex. jh = 0 call mtrazz(nx, fbar, wa(1,mbar), fsim, psim, jh, jl) !---- Extract best point. do i = 1, nx x(i) = psim(i,jl) enddo !---- Print-out after setting up simplex. if (ilevel .ge. 2) then call mtprnt('progress',nx, x) endif ncycl = 0 !==== Start main loop. 200 continue if (edm .lt. tol) then print *, 'converged' else if (calls .gt. call_lim) then print *, 'call limit' else !---- Calculate PBAR and P*. do i = 1, nx pb = psim(i,0) do j = 1, nx pb = pb + psim(i,j) enddo wa(i,mbar) = (pb - psim(i,jh)) / float(nx) wa(i,mstar) = wa(i,mbar) + alpha * (wa(i,mbar) - psim(i,jh)) enddo call fcn(nf, nx, wa(1,mstar), fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .ne. 0) then fstar = two * fsim(jh) else fstar = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) endif !---- Point P* is better than point PSIM(*,JL). jhold = jh if (fstar .lt. fsim(jl)) then !---- Try expanded point P**. do i = 1, nx wa(i,mstst) = wa(i,mbar) + gamma * (wa(i,mstar)-wa(i,mbar)) enddo call fcn(nf, nx, wa(1,mstst), fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .ne. 0) then fstst = two * fsim(jh) rho = zero else fstst = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) !---- Fit a parabola through FSIM(JH), F*, F**; minimum = RHO. f1 = (fstar - fsim(jh)) * rho2 f2 = (fstst - fsim(jh)) * rho1 rho = half * (rho2 * f1 - rho1 * f2) / (f1 - f2) endif !---- Minimum inexistent ot too close to PBAR; ! Use P** if it gives improvement; otherwise use P*. if (rho .lt. rhomin) then if (fstst .lt. fsim(jl)) then call mtrazz(nx, fstst, wa(1,mstst), fsim, psim, & &jh, jl) else call mtrazz(nx, fstar, wa(1,mstar), fsim, psim, & &jh, jl) endif !---- Usable minimum found. else if (rho .gt. rhomax) rho = rhomax do i = 1, nx wa(i,mrho) = psim(i,jh) + rho * (wa(i,mbar) - psim(i,jh)) enddo call fcn(nf, nx, wa(1,mrho), fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .ne. 0) then frho = two * fsim(jh) else frho = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) endif !---- Select farthest point which gives decent improvement. if (frho .lt. fsim(jl) .and. frho .lt. fstst) then call mtrazz(nx, frho, wa(1,mrho), fsim, psim, jh, jl) else if (fstst .lt. fsim(jl)) then call mtrazz(nx, fstst, wa(1,mstst), fsim, psim, & &jh, jl) else call mtrazz(nx, fstar, wa(1,mstar), fsim, psim, & &jh, jl) endif endif !---- F* is higher than FSIM(JL). else if (fstar .lt. fsim(jh)) then call mtrazz(nx, fstar, wa(1,mstar), fsim, psim, jh, jl) endif !---- If F* is still highest value, try contraction, ! giving point P** = PWRK(*,3). if (jhold .eq. jh) then do i = 1, nx wa(i,mstst) = wa(i,mbar) & &+ beta * (psim(i,jh) - wa(i,mbar)) enddo call fcn(nf, nx, wa(1,mstst), fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .ne. 0) then fstst = two * fsim(jh) else fstst = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) endif !---- Restart algorithm, if F** is higher; otherwise use it. if (fstst .gt. fsim(jh)) then print *, 'failed' if (nrstrt .ne. 0) go to 300 nrstrt = 1 do j = 1, nx x(j) = psim(j,jl) enddo go to 100 endif call mtrazz(nx, fstst, wa(1,mstst), fsim, psim, jh, jl) endif endif !---- New minimum found. if (jl .eq. jhold) then nrstrt = 0 ncycl = ncycl + 1 level = 3 if (mod(ncycl,10) .eq. 0) level = 2 if (ilevel .ge. level) then call mtprnt('progress',nx, x) endif ! if( then write(*,830) calls,fmin ! calls_old=calls ! endif endif go to 200 endif !==== End main loop: Try central point of simplex. 300 continue do i = 1, nx pmin = psim(i,0) pmax = psim(i,0) pb = psim(i,0) do j = 1, nx pb = pb + psim(i,j) enddo wa(i,mbar) = (pb - psim(i,jh)) / float(nx) dx(i) = pmax - pmin enddo call fcn(nf, nx, wa(1,mbar), fvec, iflag) calls = calls + 1 if (iflag .eq. 0) then fbar = vdot(nf, fvec, fvec) if (fbar .lt. fsim(jl)) then call mtrazz(nx, fbar, wa(1,mbar), fsim, psim, jh, jl) endif endif !---- Recompute step sizes and extract best point. do i = 1, nx pmin = psim(i,0) pmax = psim(i,0) do j = 1, nx pmin = min(psim(i,j),pmin) pmax = max(psim(i,j),pmax) enddo dx(i) = pmax - pmin x(i) = psim(i,jl) enddo fmin = fsim(jl) call mtputi(x) !---- Check for necessity to restart after final change. if (calls + 3 * nx .lt. call_lim .and. nrstrt .eq. 0 .and. & &fmin .gt. two * (tol + epsmch)) then nrstrt = 1 go to 100 endif !---- Final print-out. 400 continue if (ilevel .ge. 1) then call mtprnt('final',nx, x) endif write(*,830) calls,fmin 830 format('call:',I8,3x,'Penalty function = ',e16.8) end subroutine mtrazz(nvrr,fnew,pnew,fsim,psim,jh,jl) use matchfi implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! Replace vertex in simplex whose function is highest. * ! Return indices of new best and worst points. * ! Input: * ! NVAR (integer) Number of parameters. * ! FNEW (real) Function value for new vertex. * ! PNEW(*) (real) Coordinates of new vertex. * ! Updated: * ! FSIM(*) (real) Function values in (NVAR + 1) vertices. * ! PSIM(*,*) (real) Coordinates of (NVAR + 1) vertices. * ! JH (integer) Index of highest function value. * ! JL (integer) Index of lowest function value. * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer i,jh,jl,nvrr ! icovar: functionality still unclear HG 28.2.02 ! ilevel: print level double precision fnew,fsim(0:nvrr),pnew(nvrr),psim(nvrr,0:nvrr), & &ten parameter(ten=1d1) !---- Replace vertex with highest function value. do i = 1, nvrr psim(i,jh) = pnew(i) enddo fsim(jh) = fnew !---- Find indices of lowest and highest function value. jl = 0 jh = 0 do i = 1, nvrr if (fsim(i) .lt. fsim(jl)) jl = i if (fsim(i) .gt. fsim(jh)) jh = i enddo !---- Get best value and estimated distance to minimum. fmin = fsim(jl) edm = min(ten * (fsim(jh) - fmin), fmin) end