MODULE ptc_results USE madx_keywords implicit none public integer :: number_variables = 6 integer :: order = 20 character(len = 2), dimension(6) :: ptc_variables = (/'x ','xp','y ','yp','z ','dp'/) character(len = 2) :: ptc_var type(normalform) n type (pbresonance) pbrg,pbrh END MODULE ptc_results MODULE madx_ptc_module use S_fitting_new ! USE madx_keywords USE madx_ptc_setcavs_module USE madx_ptc_knobs_module use madx_ptc_intstate_module, only : getdebug implicit none public logical(lp) mytime integer icav integer :: universe=0,index_mad=0,EXCEPTION=0 integer ipause integer,external :: mypause real(kind(1d0)) get_value,node_value type(layout),pointer :: MY_RING type(mad_universe),target :: m_u integer, private, parameter :: mynreso=20 integer, private, dimension(4) :: iia,icoast real(dp) :: mux_default=c_0_28, muy_default=c_0_31, muz_default=c_1d_3 integer, private, allocatable :: J(:) logical(lp) :: savemaps=.false. logical(lp) :: resplit,even real(dp) my_thin,my_xbend type mapbuffer type(universal_taylor) :: unimap(6) real(dp) :: s character(nlp+1) :: name end type mapbuffer type(mapbuffer), pointer :: maps(:) !buffered maps from the last twiss integer :: mapsorder = 0 !order of the buffered maps, if 0 maps no maps buffered integer :: mapsicase = 0 CONTAINS subroutine ptc_create_universe() implicit none real(kind(1d0)) get_value print77=.false. read77 =.false. lingyun_yang=get_value('ptc_create_universe ','ntpsa ').ne.0 lielib_print(6)=get_value('ptc_create_universe ','symprint ') nullify(maps) if (getdebug()==0) global_verbose = .false. if (getdebug()>0) then print*,"Now PTC" endif sector_nmul_max = get_value('ptc_create_universe ','sector_nmul_max ') ! print*,">>ss1<< old sector_nmul",sector_nmul sector_nmul = get_value('ptc_create_universe ','sector_nmul ') ! print*,">>ss1<< new sector_nmul",sector_nmul if( then call aafail('sector_nmul_max must be larger than sector_nmul: ',& 'check your ptc_create_universe input') endif call set_up_universe(m_u) universe=universe+1 end subroutine ptc_create_universe !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine ptc_create_layout() implicit none real(kind(1d0)) get_value if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_create_layout: ',' no universe created') return endif call append_empty_layout(m_u) index_mad=index_mad+1 my_ring=>m_u%end call ptc_input() if(EXCEPTION.eq.1) then call fort_warn('wrong magnet type KINDI which must be: ','1, 2, 3') return endif cavsareset = .false. mytime=get_value('ptc_create_layout ','time ').ne.0 if(mytime) then default=getintstate() default=default+time call setintstate(default) endif end subroutine ptc_create_layout !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine ptc_move_to_layout() implicit none real(kind(1d0)) get_value integer my_index if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_move_to_layout: ',' no universe created') return endif my_index = get_value('ptc_move_to_layout ','index ') if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_move_to_layout: ',' layout outside allowed range') print*," Allowed range 0 < ",index_mad return endif call move_to_layout_i(m_u,my_ring,my_index) end subroutine ptc_move_to_layout !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine ptc_input() use twtrrfi use twiss0fi use name_lenfi implicit none logical(lp) particle,doneit,isclosedlayout integer i,j,k,code,nt,icount,nn,ns,nd,mg,get_string ! integer get_option integer double_from_table_row,table_column_exists integer restart_sequ,advance_node,n_ferr,node_fd_errors integer, parameter :: nt0=20000 real(dp) l,l_machine,energy,kin,brho,beta0,p0c,pma,e0f,lrad,charge real(dp) f_errors(0:maxferr),aperture(maxnaper),normal(0:maxmul) real(dp) patch_ang(3),patch_trans(3) real(dp) skew(0:maxmul),field(2,0:maxmul),fieldk(2),myfield(2*maxmul+2) real(dp) gamma,gamma2,gammatr2,freq,offset_deltap real(dp) fint,fintx,div,muonfactor,edge,rhoi,hgap,corr,tanedg,secedg,psip real(dp) sk1,sk1s,sk2,sk2s,sk3,sk3s,tilt,dum1,dum2 REAL(dp) :: normal_0123(0:3), skew_0123(0:3) ! <= knl(1), ksl(1) real(dp) gammatr,ks,ksi real(kind(1d0)) get_value,node_value character(name_len) name character(name_len) aptype type(keywords) key character(20) keymod0,keymod1 character(name_len) magnet_name logical(lp) exact0,no_cavity_totalpath integer exact1 integer sector_nmul_max0,sector_nmul0 integer model integer method,method0,method1 integer nst0,nst1,ord_max,kk REAL (dp) :: tempdp,bvk logical(lp):: ptcrbend,truerbend,errors_out ! Etienne helical character(nlp) heli(100) integer mheli,helit,ihelit type(fibre), pointer :: p !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- if (getdebug() > 1) then print *, '--------------------------------------------------------------' print *, '--------------------------------------------------------------' print *, '------ E X E C U T I N G P T C I N P U T --------' print *, '--------------------------------------------------------------' print *, '--------------------------------------------------------------' endif energy=get_value('probe ','energy ') pma=get_value('probe ','mass ') charge=get_value('probe ','charge ') bvk=get_value('probe ','bv ') e0f=sqrt(ENERGY**2-pma**2) if (getdebug() > 0) then print *, 'MAD-X Beam Parameters' print '(a26, e13.6)', ' Energy :',energy print '(a26, e13.6)', ' Kinetic Energy :',energy-pma print '(a26, e13.6)', ' Particle Rest Mass :',pma print '(a26, e13.6)', ' Momentum :',e0f endif beta0=e0f/ENERGY if(abs(pma-pmae)/pmae 1) then print *,'Executing MAKE_STATES(TRUE), i.e. ELECTRON beam' endif particle=.true. CALL MAKE_STATES(PARTICLE) elseif(abs(pma-pmap)/pmap 1) then print *,'Executing MAKE_STATES(FALSE), i.e. PROTON beam' endif particle=.false. CALL MAKE_STATES(PARTICLE) else if (getdebug() > 1) then print '(a, f8.4, a)','Executing MAKE_STATES(',pma/pmae,'), i.e. PROTON beam' endif muonfactor=pma/pmae CALL MAKE_STATES(muonfactor) endif !the state is cleared at this stage call setintstate(default) !valid October 2002: oldscheme=.false. !!valid October 2002: oldscheme=.true. if (getdebug()==0) global_verbose = .false. ! with_external_frame=.false. ! with_internal_frame=.false. ! with_chart=.false. ! with_patch=.false. ! Global Keywords if (getdebug() > 1) then print *, '==============================================================' print *, 'INPUT PARAMETERS ARE:' endif sector_nmul_max0 = sector_nmul_max if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,' Global max sector_nmul: ',sector_nmul_max0 endif sector_nmul0 = sector_nmul if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,' Global sector_nmul: ',sector_nmul0 endif model = get_value('ptc_create_layout ','model ') if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,' Global Model code is : ',model endif !***************************** ! MODEL Settings !***************************** select case(model) CASE(1) keymod0 = "DRIFT_KICK " CASE(2) keymod0 = "MATRIX_KICK " CASE(3) keymod0 = "DELTA_MATRIX_KICK" CASE DEFAULT PRINT *, 'EXCEPTION occured: Can not recognize model type ',model EXCEPTION=1 index_mad=-1 ipause=mypause(444) RETURN END SELECT if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,' Global Model name (keymod0) is : ',keymod0 endif method = get_value('ptc_create_layout ','method ') if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,' Global method is: ',method endif !***************************** ! METHOD Settings !***************************** select case(method) CASE(2) method0 = method CASE(4) method0 = method CASE(6) method0 = method CASE DEFAULT PRINT *, 'EXCEPTION occured: Can not recognize method order ',method EXCEPTION=1 index_mad=-1 ipause=mypause(444) RETURN END SELECT exact0 = get_value('ptc_create_layout ','exact ') .ne. 0 if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,' Global exact is: ',exact0 endif nst0 = get_value('ptc_create_layout ','nst ') if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,' Global Number of Integration Steps (nst) is: ',nst0 endif ! MAD-X specials ! madlength = get_option('rbarc ') .eq. 0 madlength = .false. if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,' global rbend_length: ',madlength endif mad = get_value('ptc_create_layout ','mad_mult ') .ne. 0 if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,' global mad_mult as in mad8: ',mad endif mad8 = get_value('ptc_create_layout ','mad8 ') .ne. 0 if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,' rbend as in mad8 (only global): ',mad8 endif gamma = get_value('probe ','gamma ') if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,' gamma: ',gamma endif if (table_column_exists('summ ', 'gammatr ', 1, gammatr).ne.0) then k = double_from_table_row('summ ','gammatr ',1,gammatr) else gammatr = 0 endif if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,' gammatr: ',gammatr endif gamma2 = gamma**2 gammatr2 = gammatr**2 if (getdebug() > 1) then print *, '==============================================================' print *, '' endif ! call Set_Up(MY_RING) if (getdebug() > 0) then print *, 'Setting MADx with ' print *, ' energy ',energy print *, ' method ',method0 print *, ' Num. of steps ',nst0 print *, ' charge ',charge endif ! etienne helical helit=0 call kanalnummer(mheli) open(unit=mheli,file='helical.txt',status='OLD',err=1001) read(mheli,*) helit if(helit>100) then write(6,*) " too many helical dipole ",helit stop 99 endif do ihelit=1,helit read(mheli,*) heli(ihelit) CALL CONTEXT(heli(ihelit)) enddo close(mheli) 1001 continue helit=0 call kanalnummer(mheli) open(unit=mheli,file='sixtrack_compatible.txt',status='OLD',err=1002) read(mheli,*) sixtrack_compatible close(mheli) 1002 continue ! end of etienne helical ! preliminary setting ! my_ring%charge=1 initial_charge=1 CALL SET_MADx(energy=energy,METHOD=method0,STEP=nst0) if (getdebug() > 1) then print *, 'MADx is set' endif icav=0 nt=0 j=restart_sequ() j=0 l_machine=zero errors_out = get_value('ptc_create_layout ','errors_out ').ne.0 magnet_name=" " if(errors_out) mg = get_string('ptc_create_layout ','magnet_name ',magnet_name) 10 continue nst1=node_value("nst ") if( then nstd = nst1 else nstd = nst0 endif call zero_key(key) j=j+1 nt=nt+1 if(nt==nt0) then call fort_warn("Potential problem for very large structure: ","More than 20'000 elements found") endif icount=0 l=zero l=node_value('l ') key%list%l=l l_machine=l_machine+l code=node_value('mad8_type ') if(code.eq.39) code=15 if(code.eq.38) code=24 call element_name(name,name_len) key%list%name=name call node_name(name,name_len) key%list%vorname=name !frs&piotr 18 Dec 2007: sector_nmul must stay global for the time being !local, if present, superseed global at current node !***************************** ! MODEL Settings !***************************** model = node_value('model ') keymod1 = " " select case(model) CASE(1) keymod1 = "DRIFT_KICK " CASE(2) keymod1 = "MATRIX_KICK " CASE(3) keymod1 = "DELTA_MATRIX_KICK" END SELECT if(" ") then key%model=keymod1 else key%model=keymod0 endif method1=node_value("method ") if(method1.eq.2.or.method1.eq.4.or.method1.eq.6) then metd = method1 else metd = method0 endif exact1=node_value("exact ") if(exact1.eq.0.or.exact1.eq.1) then EXACT_MODEL = exact1 .ne. 0 else EXACT_MODEL = exact0 endif !special node keys key%list%permfringe=node_value("permfringe ") .ne. zero key%list%kill_ent_fringe=node_value("kill_ent_fringe ") .ne. zero key%list%kill_exi_fringe=node_value("kill_exi_fringe ") .ne. zero key%list%bend_fringe=node_value("bend_fringe ") .ne. zero nn=name_len call node_string('apertype ',aptype,nn) call dzero(aperture,maxnaper) call get_node_vector('aperture ',nn,aperture) if(.not.((aptype.eq."circle".and.aperture(1)" ")) then c_%APERTURE_FLAG=.true. select case(aptype) case("circle") key%list%aperture_on=.true. key%list%aperture_kind=1 key%list%aperture_r(1)=aperture(1) key%list%aperture_r(2)=aperture(1) case("ellipse") key%list%aperture_on=.true. key%list%aperture_kind=1 key%list%aperture_r(1)=aperture(1) key%list%aperture_r(2)=aperture(2) case("rectangle") key%list%aperture_on=.true. key%list%aperture_kind=2 key%list%aperture_x=aperture(1) key%list%aperture_y=aperture(2) ! case("lhcscreen") case("rectellipse") key%list%aperture_on=.true. key%list%aperture_kind=3 key%list%aperture_x=aperture(1) key%list%aperture_y=aperture(2) key%list%aperture_r(1)=aperture(3) key%list%aperture_r(2)=aperture(4) case("marguerite") key%list%aperture_on=.true. key%list%aperture_kind=4 key%list%aperture_r(1)=aperture(1) key%list%aperture_r(2)=aperture(2) case("racetrack") key%list%aperture_on=.true. key%list%aperture_kind=5 key%list%aperture_x=aperture(1) key%list%aperture_y=aperture(2) key%list%aperture_r(1)=aperture(3) case("general") key%list%aperture_kind=6 print*,"General aperture not implemented" stop end select endif call append_empty(my_ring) !print *,'Element code is ',code select case(code) case(0,4,25) key%magnet="marker" case(22) call fort_warn('ptc_input: ','Element Beam-Beam, must use slice tracking to get effect') key%magnet="marker" case(1,11,20,21) key%magnet="drift" CALL CONTEXT(key%list%name) do ihelit=1,helit IF(index(key%list%name,heli(ihelit)(1:len_trim(heli(ihelit))))/=0) then key%magnet="helicaldipole" write(6,*) " drift ",key%list%name, " became helical dipole in PTC " endif enddo ! end etienne Helical case(2) ! PTC accepts mults if( then key%magnet="marker" goto 100 endif key%magnet="rbend" !VK CALL SUMM_MULTIPOLES_AND_ERRORS (l, key, normal_0123,skew_0123,ord_max) tempdp=sqrt(normal_0123(0)*normal_0123(0)+skew_0123(0)*skew_0123(0)) key%list%b0=bvk*(node_value('angle ')+tempdp*l) ! print*, "RBEND: Angle: ", node_value('angle ')," tempdp ", tempdp, " l ", l ! print*, "RBEND: normal: ",normal_0123(0)," skew: ",skew_0123(0) key%list%k(2)=node_value('k1 ')+ key%list%k(2) key%list%k(3)=node_value('k2 ')+ key%list%k(3) key%list%k(4)=node_value('k3 ')+ key%list%k(4) key%list%ks(2)=node_value('k1s ')+ key%list%ks(2) key%list%ks(3)=node_value('k2s ')+ key%list%ks(3) key%list%ks(4)=node_value('k3s ')+ key%list%ks(4) if(EXACT_MODEL.and.(node_value('angle ') then key%magnet="quadrupole" key%tiltd=node_value('tilt ') else ! Gymnastic needed since PTC expects MAD8 convention key%list%t1=node_value('e1 ') key%list%t2=node_value('e2 ') key%list%hgap=node_value('hgap ') ! key%list%fint=node_value('fint ') fint=node_value('fint ') fintx=node_value('fintx ') if(( then print*," The fint and fintx must be the same at each end or each might be zero" stop endif if( then key%list%fint=fint if( key%list%kill_exi_fringe=my_true else if( then key%list%fint=fintx key%list%kill_ent_fringe=my_true else key%list%fint=zero endif endif key%list%h1=node_value('h1 ') key%list%h2=node_value('h2 ') key%tiltd=node_value('tilt ') if( key%tiltd=key%tiltd + atan2(skew_0123(0),normal_0123(0)) ptcrbend=node_value('ptcrbend ').ne.0 if(ptcrbend) then call context(key%list%name) truerbend=node_value('truerbend ').ne.0 if(truerbend) then key%magnet="TRUERBEND" if(key%list%t2/=zero) then write(6,*) " The true parallel face bend " write(6,*) " only accepts the total angle and e1 as an input " write(6,*) " if e1=0, then the pipe angle to the entrance face is " write(6,*) " angle/2. It is a normal rbend." write(6,*) " If e1/=0, then the pipe angle to the entrance face is " write(6,*) ' angle/2+e1 and the exit pipe makes an angle "angle/2-e1" ' write(6,*) " with the exit face." write(6,*) " The offending non-zero t2 = (e2 - angle/2) is set to zero! " write(6,*) " Make sure that this is what you want!!! " ! write(6,*) " CHANGE YOUR LATTICE FILRE." ! stop 666 key%list%t2=zero endif else key%magnet="WEDGRBEND" endif endif endif if(errors_out) then if(key%list%name(:len_trim(magnet_name)-1).eq. & magnet_name(:len_trim(magnet_name)-1)) then call string_to_table_curr('errors_dipole ', 'name ', key%list%name) call double_to_table_curr('errors_dipole ', 'k0l ', bvk*key%list%b0) call augment_count('errors_dipole ') endif endif case(3) ! PTC accepts mults watch out sector_nmul defaulted to 4 if( then key%magnet="marker" goto 100 endif key%magnet="sbend" !VK CALL SUMM_MULTIPOLES_AND_ERRORS (l, key, normal_0123,skew_0123,ord_max) if( call aafail('the order of multipoles in a sbend in exact mode cannot be ',& &'larger than sector_mul_max: check your ptc_create_universe input') tempdp=sqrt(normal_0123(0)*normal_0123(0)+skew_0123(0)*skew_0123(0)) key%list%b0=bvk*(node_value('angle ')+ tempdp*l) key%list%k(2)=node_value('k1 ')+ key%list%k(2) key%list%k(3)=node_value('k2 ')+ key%list%k(3) key%list%k(4)=node_value('k3 ')+ key%list%k(4) key%list%ks(2)=node_value('k1s ')+ key%list%ks(2) key%list%ks(3)=node_value('k2s ')+ key%list%ks(3) key%list%ks(4)=node_value('k3s ')+ key%list%ks(4) key%list%t1=node_value('e1 ') key%list%t2=node_value('e2 ') key%list%hgap=node_value('hgap ') ! key%list%fint=node_value('fint ') fint=node_value('fint ') fintx=node_value('fintx ') if(( then print*," The fint and fintx must be the same at each end or each might be zero" stop endif if( then key%list%fint=fint if( key%list%kill_exi_fringe=my_true else if( then key%list%fint=fintx key%list%kill_ent_fringe=my_true else key%list%fint=zero endif endif key%list%h1=node_value('h1 ') key%list%h2=node_value('h2 ') key%tiltd=node_value('tilt ') if( key%tiltd=key%tiltd + atan2(skew_0123(0),normal_0123(0)) if(errors_out) then if(key%list%name(:len_trim(magnet_name)-1).eq. & magnet_name(:len_trim(magnet_name)-1)) then call string_to_table_curr('errors_dipole ', 'name ', key%list%name) call double_to_table_curr('errors_dipole ', 'k0l ', bvk*key%list%b0) call augment_count('errors_dipole ') endif endif case(5) key%magnet="quadrupole" !VK CALL SUMM_MULTIPOLES_AND_ERRORS (l, key, normal_0123,skew_0123,ord_max) ! Read data & fill %k(:), %ks(:) arrays which are ! summs of multipoles and errors ! quadrupole components sk1= node_value('k1 ') sk1s=node_value('k1s ') tilt=node_value('tilt ') dum1=key%list%k(2)-normal_0123(1) dum2=key%list%ks(2)-skew_0123(1) if( then ! sk1= sk1 +dum1 ! sk1s=sk1s+dum2 ! endif ! if (sk1s .ne. zero) then ! tilt = -atan2(sk1s, sk1)/two + tilt ! sk1 = sqrt(sk1**2 + sk1s**2) ! endif ! key%list%k(2) =sk1 ! key%list%ks(2)=zero ! added by VK ! key%tiltd=tilt !==========================================! !================================================================ ! dipole component not active in MAD-X proper key%list%k(1)=key%list%k(1)+bvk*node_value('k0 ') case(6) key%magnet="sextupole" !VK CALL SUMM_MULTIPOLES_AND_ERRORS (l, key, normal_0123,skew_0123,ord_max) ! sextupole components sk2= node_value('k2 ') sk2s=node_value('k2s ') tilt=node_value('tilt ') dum1=key%list%k(3)-normal_0123(2) dum2=key%list%ks(3)-skew_0123(2) if( then ! sk2= sk2 +dum1 ! sk2s=sk2s+dum2 ! endif ! if (sk2s .ne. zero) then ! tilt = -atan2(sk2s, sk2)/three + tilt ! sk2 = sqrt(sk2**2 + sk2s**2) ! endif ! key%list%k(3) =sk2 ! key%list%ks(3)=zero ! added by VK ! key%tiltd=tilt !==========================================! !================================================================ if(errors_out) then if(key%list%name(:len_trim(magnet_name)-1).eq. & magnet_name(:len_trim(magnet_name)-1)) then call string_to_table_curr('errors_total ', 'name ', key%list%name) myfield(:) = zero do kk=1,maxmul myfield(2*kk-1) = key%list%k(kk) myfield(2*kk) = key%list%ks(kk) enddo call vector_to_table_curr('errors_total ', 'k0l ', myfield(1), i) call augment_count('errors_total ') endif endif case(7) key%magnet="octupole" !VK CALL SUMM_MULTIPOLES_AND_ERRORS (l, key, normal_0123,skew_0123,ord_max) ! octupole components sk3= node_value('k3 ') sk3s=node_value('k3s ') tilt=node_value('tilt ') dum1=key%list%k(4)-normal_0123(3) dum2=key%list%ks(4)-skew_0123(3) if( then ! sk3= sk3 +dum1 ! sk3s=sk3s+dum2 ! endif ! if (sk3s .ne. zero) then ! tilt = -atan2(sk3s, sk3)/four + tilt ! sk3 = sqrt(sk3**2 + sk3s**2) ! endif ! key%list%k(4) =sk3 ! key%list%ks(4)=zero ! added by VK ! key%tiltd=tilt !==========================================! !================================================================ case(8) key%magnet="multipole" !---- Multipole components. call dzero(f_errors,maxferr+1) n_ferr = node_fd_errors(f_errors) call dzero(normal,maxmul+1) call dzero(skew,maxmul+1) call get_node_vector('knl ',nn,normal) call get_node_vector('ksl ',ns,skew) if( nn=NMAX-1 if( ns=NMAX-1 do i=1,NMAX key%list%k(i)=zero key%list%ks(i)=zero enddo skew(0)=-skew(0) ! frs error found 30.08.2008 key%list%thin_h_angle=bvk*normal(0) key%list%thin_v_angle=bvk*skew(0) lrad=node_value('lrad ') if( then key%list%thin_h_foc=normal(0)*normal(0)/lrad key%list%thin_v_foc=skew(0)*skew(0)/lrad endif if( then do i=1,nn key%list%k(i+1)=normal(i) enddo endif if( then do i=1,ns key%list%ks(i+1)=skew(i) enddo endif call dzero(field,2*(maxmul+1)) if (n_ferr .gt. 0) then call dcopy(f_errors,field,n_ferr) endif nd = max(nn, ns, n_ferr/2) if( nd=maxmul-1 if( then do i=0,nd key%list%k(i+1)=key%list%k(i+1)+field(1,i) key%list%ks(i+1)=key%list%ks(i+1)+field(2,i) enddo endif key%tiltd=node_value('tilt ') if(errors_out) then if(key%list%name(:len_trim(magnet_name)-1).eq. & magnet_name(:len_trim(magnet_name)-1)) then call string_to_table_curr('errors_field ', 'name ', key%list%name) call string_to_table_curr('errors_total ', 'name ', key%list%name) i=2*maxmul+2 myfield(:) = zero do kk=1,nd+1 myfield(2*kk-1) = field(1,kk-1) myfield(2*kk) = field(2,kk-1) enddo call vector_to_table_curr('errors_field ', 'k0l ', myfield(1), i) myfield(:) = zero do kk=1,nd+1 myfield(2*kk-1) = key%list%k(kk) myfield(2*kk) = key%list%ks(kk) enddo call vector_to_table_curr('errors_total ', 'k0l ', myfield(1), i) call augment_count('errors_field ') call augment_count('errors_total ') endif endif case(9) ! PTC accepts mults key%magnet="solenoid" ks=node_value('ks ') if( then key%list%bsol=bvk*ks else ksi=node_value('ksi ') lrad=node_value('lrad ') if( lrad=ksi/ks if( then key%magnet="marker" print*,"Thin solenoid: ",name," has no strength - set to marker" else key%list%bsol=bvk*ksi/lrad key%list%ls=lrad endif endif !VK CALL SUMM_MULTIPOLES_AND_ERRORS (l, key, normal_0123,skew_0123,ord_max) case(10) key%magnet="rfcavity" key%list%volt=bvk*node_value('volt ') freq=c_1d6*node_value('freq ') key%list%lag=node_value('lag ')*twopi offset_deltap=get_value('ptc_create_layout ','offset_deltap ') if( then default = getintstate() default=default+totalpath0 call setintstate(default) freq=freq*((gammatr2-gamma2)*offset_deltap/gammatr2/gamma2+one) endif key%list%freq0=freq key%list%n_bessel=node_value('n_bessel ') key%list%harmon=one if( icav=1 ! case(11) ! key%magnet="elseparator" ! key%list%volt=node_value('ex ') ! key%list%lag=atan2(node_value('ey '),node_value('ex ')) ! key%tiltd=node_value('tilt ') m_u%end%HARMONIC_NUMBER=node_value('harmon ') ! etienne_harmon no_cavity_totalpath=node_value('no_cavity_totalpath ').ne.0 if(no_cavity_totalpath) then key%list%cavity_totalpath=0 else key%list%cavity_totalpath=1 endif case(12) ! actually our SROT element key%magnet="CHANGEREF" call dzero(patch_ang,3) call dzero(patch_trans,3) patch_ang(3)=node_value('angle ') key%list%patchg=2 do i=1,3 key%list%ang(i)=patch_ang(i) key%list%t(i)=patch_trans(i) enddo case(13) ! actually our YROT element key%magnet="CHANGEREF" call dzero(patch_ang,3) call dzero(patch_trans,3) patch_ang(2)=-node_value('angle ') key%list%patchg=2 do i=1,3 key%list%ang(i)=patch_ang(i) key%list%t(i)=patch_trans(i) enddo case(14,15,16) ! PTC accepts mults call dzero(f_errors,maxferr+1) n_ferr = node_fd_errors(f_errors) do i=1,NMAX key%list%k(i)=zero key%list%ks(i)=zero enddo do i = 1, 2 fieldk(i) = zero enddo if (n_ferr .gt. 0) call dcopy(f_errors, fieldk, min(2, n_ferr)) if (l .eq. zero) then div = one else div = l endif if(code.eq.14) then key%magnet="hkicker" key%list%k(1)=(node_value('kick ')+node_value('chkick ')+fieldk(1)/div) else if(code.eq.15) then key%magnet="kicker" key%list%k(1)=(node_value('hkick ')+node_value('chkick ')+fieldk(1)/div) key%list%ks(1)=(node_value('vkick ')+node_value('cvkick ')+fieldk(2)/div) else if(code.eq.16) then key%magnet="vkicker" key%list%ks(1)=(node_value('kick ')+node_value('cvkick ')+fieldk(2)/div) else key%magnet="marker" endif i=2*maxmul+2 if(errors_out) then if(key%list%name(:len_trim(magnet_name)-1).eq. & magnet_name(:len_trim(magnet_name)-1)) then myfield(:) = zero myfield(1)=-key%list%k(1) myfield(2)=key%list%ks(1) call string_to_table_curr('errors_total ', 'name ', key%list%name) call vector_to_table_curr('errors_total ', 'k0l ', myfield(1), i) call augment_count('errors_total ') endif endif key%tiltd=node_value('tilt ') case(17) key%magnet="hmonitor" case(18) key%magnet="monitor" case(19) key%magnet="vmonitor" ! case(20) ! key%magnet="ecollimator" ! key%list%x_col=node_value('xsize ') ! key%list%y_col=node_value('ysize ') ! key%tiltd=node_value('tilt ') ! case(21) ! key%magnet="rcollimator" ! key%list%x_col=node_value('xsize ') ! key%list%y_col=node_value('ysize ') ! key%tiltd=node_value('tilt ') case(33) !---- This is the dipedge element edge= node_value('e1 ') hgap= node_value('hgap ') rhoi= bvk * node_value('h ') fint= node_value('fint ') corr= 2 * rhoi * hgap * fint if(rhoi .ne. zero .and. ( edge .ne. zero .or. corr .ne. zero )) then key%magnet="multipole" tanedg = tan(edge) secedg = one / cos(edge) psip = edge - corr * secedg * (one + sin(edge)**2) key%list%hf= rhoi * tanedg key%list%vf= -rhoi * tan(psip) else key%magnet="marker" endif case(24) key%magnet="instrument" key%tiltd=node_value('tilt ') case(27) key%magnet="twcavity" key%list%volt=bvk*node_value('volt ') freq=c_1d6*node_value('freq ') key%list%lag=node_value('lag ')*twopi offset_deltap=get_value('ptc_create_layout ','offset_deltap ') default=default+totalpath0 !fringe field calculation vitally relies on it!!!! if( then freq=freq*((gammatr2-gamma2)*offset_deltap/gammatr2/gamma2+one) endif key%list%freq0=freq key%list%dphas=node_value("delta_lag ") key%list%psi=node_value("psi ") key%list%harmon=one if( icav=1 case(35) key%magnet="CHANGEREF" call dzero(patch_ang,3) call dzero(patch_trans,3) call get_node_vector('patch_ang ',3,patch_ang) call get_node_vector('patch_trans ',3,patch_trans) key%list%patchg=2 do i=1,3 key%list%ang(i)=patch_ang(i) key%list%t(i)=patch_trans(i) enddo case(37) key%magnet="rfcavity" key%list%volt=zero do i=1,NMAX key%list%k(i)=zero key%list%ks(i)=zero enddo key%list%k(1)=node_value('volt ')*c_1d_3 ! vertical crab ! maybe requires a flip of sign ! key%list%ks(1)= (+/-) node_value('volt ')*c_1d_3 ! freq=c_1d6*node_value('freq ') key%list%lag=node_value('lag ')*twopi+pih offset_deltap=get_value('ptc_create_layout ','offset_deltap ') if( then default = getintstate() default=default+totalpath0 call setintstate(default) freq=freq*((gammatr2-gamma2)*offset_deltap/gammatr2/gamma2+one) endif key%list%freq0=freq key%list%n_bessel=0 key%list%harmon=one if(key%list%k(1) icav=1 case default print*,"Element: ",name," not implemented in PTC" stop end select 100 continue ! if( then do i=1,NMAX key%list%k(i)=bvk*key%list%k(i) key%list%ks(i)=bvk*key%list%ks(i) enddo ! endif call create_fibre(my_ring%end,key,EXCEPTION) if(advance_node().ne.0) goto 10 if (getdebug() > 0) then print*,' Length of machine: ',l_machine endif CALL GET_ENERGY(ENERGY,kin,BRHO,beta0,P0C) isclosedlayout=get_value('ptc_create_layout ','closed_layout ') .ne. 0 if (getdebug() > 0) then if ( isclosedlayout .eqv. .true. ) then print *,'The machine is a RING' else print *,'The machine is a LINE' endif endif MY_RING%closed=isclosedlayout doneit=.true. call ring_l(my_ring,doneit) resplit=get_value('ptc_create_layout ','resplit ').ne.0 if(resplit) then my_thin = get_value('ptc_create_layout ','thin ') my_xbend = get_value('ptc_create_layout ','xbend ') even = get_value('ptc_create_layout ','even ').ne.0 resplit_cutting=2 CALL THIN_LENS_resplit(my_ring,THIN=my_thin,even=even,xbend=my_xbend) endif if (getdebug() > 0) then write(6,*) "------------------------------------ PTC Survey ------------------------------------" write(6,*) "Before start: ",my_ring%start%chart%f%a write(6,*) "Before end: ",my_ring%end%chart%f%b endif call survey(my_ring) if (getdebug() > 0) then write(6,*) "After start: ",my_ring%start%chart%f%a write(6,*) "After end: ",my_ring%end%chart%f%b endif call setintstate(default) if(my_ring%HARMONIC_NUMBER>0) then call get_length(my_ring,l) p=>my_ring%start do i=1,my_ring%n if(p%mag%kind==kind4) then if(p%mag%freq==zero) then write(6,*) " Bullshitting in MADX with Cavities ",my_ring%HARMONIC_NUMBER p%mag%freq=clight*my_ring%HARMONIC_NUMBER*BETA0/l p%magp%freq=p%mag%freq endif endif p=>p%next enddo endif if (getdebug() > 1) then print *, '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^' print *, '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^' print *, '^^^^^^ F I N I S H E D P T C I N P U T ^^^^^^^^' print *, '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^' print *, '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^' endif return END subroutine ptc_input !_________________________________________________________________ SUBROUTINE SUMM_MULTIPOLES_AND_ERRORS (l, key, normal_0123, skew_0123,ord_max) use twtrrfi ! integer, maxmul,maxferr,maxnaper implicit none ! 1) read multipole coeff. and errors for a current thick element ! 2) fill the error and multiploes arrays of data-bases REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: l type(keywords), INTENT(INOUT) :: key REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: normal_0123(0:3), skew_0123(0:3) ! n/l; REAL(dp) :: normal(0:maxmul), skew (0:maxmul), & f_errors(0:maxferr), field(2,0:maxmul) INTEGER :: n_norm, n_skew, n_ferr ! number of terms in command line INTEGER :: node_fd_errors ! function integer :: i, i_count, n_dim_mult_err, ord_max !initialization normal_0123(:)=zero skew_0123(:)=zero do i=1,NMAX key%list%k(i)=zero key%list%ks(i)=zero enddo ! real(dp) f_errors(0:maxferr),normal(0:maxmul),skew(0:maxmul) ! Get multipole components on bench !-----------------------! call dzero(normal,maxmul+1) ! make zero "normal" ! call dzero(skew,maxmul+1) ! make zero "skew" ! ! ! ! madxdict.h: "knl = [r, {0}], " ! ! "ksl = [r, {0}], " ! ! Assign values from the command line ! call get_node_vector('knl ',n_norm,normal) ! call get_node_vector('ksl ',n_skew,skew) ! skew(0)=-skew(0) ! frs error found 30.08.2008 if( n_norm=maxmul-1 ! if( n_skew=maxmul-1 ! ord_max=max(n_norm,n_skew) ! ! void get_node_vector(char*par,int*length,double* vector) ! ! /* returns vector for parameter par of current element */ ! ! ! ! get errors ! call dzero(f_errors,maxferr+1) ! n_ferr = node_fd_errors(f_errors) ! ! ! /* returns the field errors of a node */ ! call dzero(field,2*(maxmul+1)) ! array to be zeroed. ! if (n_ferr .gt. 0) then ! call dcopy(f_errors,field,n_ferr) ! ! subroutine dcopy(in,out,n) ! ! Purpose: Copy arrays. ! endif ! !-----------------------------------------------------------! ! fill strength of ALL normal multipoles if( then ! ===============================! do i_count=0,n_norm ! if( then ! if( then ! key%list%k(i_count+1)=normal(i_count)/l ! else ! key%list%k(i_count+1)=normal(i_count) ! endif ! endif ! if (i_count.le.3) then ! if( then ! normal_0123(i_count)=normal(i_count)/l ! else ! normal_0123(i_count)=normal(i_count) ! endif ! endif ! enddo ! endif !================================================! ! fill strength of ALL skew multipoles if( then ! ===============================! do i_count=0,n_skew ! if( then ! if( then ! key%list%ks(i_count+1)=skew(i_count)/l ! else ! key%list%ks(i_count+1)=skew(i_count) ! endif ! endif ! if (i_count.le.3) then ! if( then ! skew_0123(i_count)=skew(i_count)/l ! else ! skew_0123(i_count)=skew(i_count) ! endif ! endif ! enddo ! endif !================================================! n_dim_mult_err = max(n_norm, n_skew, n_ferr/2) !===========! if( n_dim_mult_err=maxmul-1 ! if( then ! do i_count=0,n_dim_mult_err ! if( then ! key%list%k(i_count+1)=key%list%k(i_count+1)+ & ! field(1,i_count)/l ! key%list%ks(i_count+1)=key%list%ks(i_count+1)+ & ! field(2,i_count)/l ! else ! key%list%k(i_count+1)=key%list%k(i_count+1)+ & ! field(1,i_count) ! key%list%ks(i_count+1)=key%list%ks(i_count+1)+ & ! field(2,i_count) ! endif ! enddo ! endif !====================================================! END SUBROUTINE SUMM_MULTIPOLES_AND_ERRORS !---------------------------------------------------------------- !_________________________________________________________________ SUBROUTINE REFRESH_MULTIPOLES(l, normal_0123, skew_0123,ord_max,normal,skew) use twtrrfi ! integer, maxmul,maxferr,maxnaper implicit none ! 1) read multipole coeff. and errors for a current thick element ! 2) fill the error and multiploes arrays of data-bases REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: l REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: normal_0123(0:3), skew_0123(0:3) ! n/l; REAL(dp) :: normal(0:maxmul), skew (0:maxmul), & f_errors(0:maxferr), field(2,0:maxmul) INTEGER :: n_norm, n_skew, n_ferr ! number of terms in command line INTEGER :: node_fd_errors ! function integer :: i, i_count, n_dim_mult_err, ord_max !initialization normal_0123(:)=zero skew_0123(:)=zero ! real(dp) f_errors(0:maxferr),normal(0:maxmul),skew(0:maxmul) ! Get multipole components on bench !-----------------------! call dzero(normal,maxmul+1) ! make zero "normal" ! call dzero(skew,maxmul+1) ! make zero "skew" ! ! ! ! madxdict.h: "knl = [r, {0}], " ! ! "ksl = [r, {0}], " ! ! Assign values from the command line ! call get_node_vector('knl ',n_norm,normal) ! call get_node_vector('ksl ',n_skew,skew) ! skew(0)=-skew(0) ! frs error found 30.08.2008 if( n_norm=maxmul-1 ! if( n_skew=maxmul-1 ! ord_max=max(n_norm,n_skew) ! if( then ! do i=0,maxmul normal(i)=normal(i)/l skew(i)=skew(i)/l enddo endif do i=0,3 normal_0123(i)=normal(i) skew_0123(i)=skew(i) enddo ! get errors ! call dzero(f_errors,maxferr+1) ! n_ferr = node_fd_errors(f_errors) ! ! ! /* returns the field errors of a node */ ! call dzero(field,2*(maxmul+1)) ! array to be zeroed. ! if (n_ferr .gt. 0) then ! call dcopy(f_errors,field,n_ferr) ! endif ! !-----------------------------------------------------------! n_dim_mult_err = max(n_norm, n_skew, n_ferr/2) !===========! if( n_dim_mult_err=maxmul-1 ! if( then ! do i_count=0,n_dim_mult_err ! if( then ! normal(i_count+1)=normal(i_count+1)+field(1,i_count)/l skew(i_count+1)=skew(i_count+1)+field(2,i_count)/l else ! normal(i_count+1)=normal(i_count+1)+field(1,i_count) skew(i_count+1)=skew(i_count+1)+field(2,i_count) endif ! enddo ! endif !====================================================! END SUBROUTINE REFRESH_MULTIPOLES !---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine ptc_getnfieldcomp(fibreidx, ncomp, nval) implicit none real(kind(1d0)) :: nval integer :: fibreidx integer :: ncomp type(fibre), pointer :: p integer :: j p=>my_ring%start do j=1, fibreidx p=>p%next enddo ncomp = ncomp + 1 nval = p%mag%BN(ncomp) end subroutine ptc_getnfieldcomp !---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine ptc_getsfieldcomp(fibreidx, ncomp, nval) implicit none real(kind(1d0)) :: nval integer :: fibreidx integer :: ncomp type(fibre), pointer :: p integer :: j p=>my_ring%start do j=1, fibreidx p=>p%next enddo ncomp = ncomp + 1 nval = p%mag%AN(ncomp) print*, "Returning AN",nval," for ",p%mag%name end subroutine ptc_getsfieldcomp !---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine ptc_setfieldcomp(fibreidx) implicit none integer :: fibreidx type(fibre), pointer :: p integer :: j, i integer :: kn, ks real(dp) :: v real(kind(1d0)) get_value if ( .not. associated(my_ring) ) then call fort_warn("ptc_setfieldcomp","No active PTC layout/period") return endif if (getdebug()>2) then print*, "I am in ptc_setfieldcomp: Element index is ", fibreidx endif if ( (fibreidx .lt. 1) .and. (fibreidx .gt. my_ring%n) ) then call fort_warn("ptc_setfieldcomp","element out of range of the current layout") return endif p=>my_ring%start do j=1, fibreidx p=>p%next enddo if (getdebug() > 1 ) then print*,"Found element no. ", fibreidx," named ", p%mag%name, & &" of kind ", p%mag%kind, mytype(p%mag%kind) print*,"Currently nmul is ", p%mag%p%nmul write(6,*) "BNs",p%mag%BN write(6,*) "ANs",p%mag%AN DO i=1,p%mag%p%nmul print*, "Polimorphic BN(",i,")" call print(p%mag%BN(i),6) print*, "Polimorphic AN(",i,")" call print(p%mag%AN(i),6) ENDDO endif kn = get_value('ptc_setfieldcomp ','kn ') v = get_value('ptc_setfieldcomp ','value ') if (kn >= 0) then kn = kn + 1 if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Setting up KN ", kn, " from ", p%mag%BN(kn) ," to ", v endif call add(p%mag, kn,0,v) call add(p%magp,kn,0,v) else ks = get_value('ptc_setfieldcomp ','ks ') if (ks < 0) then call fort_warn("ptc_setfieldcomp","neither kn nor ks specified") return endif ks = ks + 1 ! print*,"Setting up skew field component ", ks," to ", v if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Setting up KS ", ks, " from ", p%mag%AN(ks) ," to ", v endif call add(p%mag, -ks,0,v) call add(p%magp,-ks,0,v) endif if (getdebug() > 1 ) then write(6,*) "BNs",p%mag%BN write(6,*) "ANs",p%mag%AN write(6,*) "" endif end subroutine ptc_setfieldcomp !---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine ptc_align() use twiss0fi implicit none integer j,n_align,node_al_errors integer restart_sequ,advance_node real(dp) al_errors(align_max) type(fibre), pointer :: f !--------------------------------------------------------------- j=restart_sequ() j=0 f=>my_ring%start 10 continue j=j+1 n_align = node_al_errors(al_errors) if ( then !write(6,'(6f11.8)') al_errors(1:6) call mad_misalign_fibre(f,al_errors(1:6)) endif f=>f%next if(advance_node().ne.0) goto 10 END subroutine ptc_align !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine ptc_dumpmaps() !Dumps to file maps and/or matrixes (i.e. first order maps) implicit none type(fibre), pointer :: p type(damap) :: id !identity map used for calculating maps for each element type(real_8) :: y2(6) !polimorphes array used for calculating maps for each element type(real_8) :: yfull(6) !polimorphes array used for calculating maps for each element real(dp) :: xt(6) integer :: i !iterators integer mf1,mf2 character(200) :: filename='ptcmaps.txt' character(200) :: filenamefull='ptcmaps' integer :: flag_index,why(9) character(200) :: whymsg real(kind(1d0)) :: suml=zero integer geterrorflag !C function that returns errorflag value suml=zero if (cavsareset .eqv. .false.) then call setcavities(my_ring,maxaccel) if (geterrorflag() /= 0) then return endif endif if (getdebug() > 1) then print *, ' Maps are dumped to file ',filename endif call kanalnummer(mf1) open(unit=mf1,file=filename) ! write(filenamefull,*) filename,".",my_ring%start%mag%name,"-",my_ring%end%mag%name,".txt" filenamefull="ptcmaps.start-end.txt" print*, filenamefull call kanalnummer(mf2) open(unit=mf2,file=filenamefull) print*, "no=1"," mynd2=",c_%nd2," npara=",c_%npara call init(getintstate(),1,c_%np_pol,berz) call alloc(id); call alloc(y2); call alloc(yfull); xt(:) = zero id = 1 ! making identity map yfull = xt + id p=>my_ring%start do i=1,my_ring%n y2=xt+id ! we track identity map from the current position if( (p%mag%kind/=kind21) .and. (p%mag%kind/=kind4) ) then call track(my_ring,y2,i,i+1,getintstate()) if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_dumpmaps: ','DA got unstable') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_dumpmaps ","DA got unstable "); close(mf1) close(mf2) return endif call PRODUCE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index) if(flag_index/=0) then call ANALYSE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index,why) Write(6,*) "ptc_dumpmaps: APERTURE error for element: ",i," name: ",p%MAG%name write(whymsg,*) 'APERTURE error: ',why call fort_warn('ptc_dumpmaps: ',whymsg) call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_dumpmaps: ",whymsg); c_%watch_user=.false. close(mf1) close(mf2) return endif call track(my_ring,xt,i,i+1,getintstate()) if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_dumpmaps: ','DA got unstable') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_dumpmaps ","DA got unstable "); close(mf1) close(mf2) return endif call PRODUCE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index) if(flag_index/=0) then call ANALYSE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index,why) Write(6,*) "ptc_dumpmaps: APERTURE error for element: ",i," name: ",p%MAG%name write(whymsg,*) 'APERTURE error: ',why call fort_warn('ptc_dumpmaps: ',whymsg) call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_dumpmaps: ",whymsg); c_%watch_user=.false. close(mf1) close(mf2) return endif else if (getdebug() > 2) then print *, 'Track Cavity...' endif call track(my_ring,y2,i,i+2,getintstate()) if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_dumpmaps: ','DA got unstable') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_dumpmaps ","DA got unstable "); close(mf1) close(mf2) return endif call PRODUCE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index) if(flag_index/=0) then call ANALYSE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index,why) Write(6,*) "ptc_dumpmaps: APERTURE error for element: ",i," name: ",p%MAG%name write(whymsg,*) 'APERTURE error: ',why call fort_warn('ptc_dumpmaps: ',whymsg) call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_dumpmaps: ",whymsg); c_%watch_user=.false. close(mf1) close(mf2) return endif call track(my_ring,xt,i,i+2,getintstate()) if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_dumpmaps: ','DA got unstable') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_dumpmaps ","DA got unstable "); close(mf1) close(mf2) return endif call PRODUCE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index) if(flag_index/=0) then call ANALYSE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index,why) Write(6,*) "ptc_dumpmaps: APERTURE error for element: ",i," name: ",p%MAG%name write(whymsg,*) 'APERTURE error: ',why call fort_warn('ptc_dumpmaps: ',whymsg) call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_dumpmaps: ",whymsg); c_%watch_user=.false. close(mf1) close(mf2) return endif endif call track(my_ring,yfull,i,i+1,getintstate()) if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_dumpmaps: ','DA got unstable') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_dumpmaps ","DA got unstable "); close(mf1) close(mf2) return endif call PRODUCE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index) if(flag_index/=0) then call ANALYSE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index,why) Write(6,*) "ptc_dumpmaps: APERTURE error for element: ",i," name: ",p%MAG%name write(whymsg,*) 'APERTURE error: ',why call fort_warn('ptc_dumpmaps: ',whymsg) call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_dumpmaps: ",whymsg); c_%watch_user=.false. close(mf1) close(mf2) return endif write(mf2,*) p%mag%name, suml,' m ===========================' call print(yfull,mf2) suml=suml+p%MAG%P%ld write(mf1,*) p%mag%name, suml,' m ===========================' if (c_%npara == 6) then call dump6dmap(y2, mf1) elseif (c_%npara == 5) then call dump5dmap(y2, mf1) elseif (c_%npara == 4) then call dump4dmap(y2, mf1) else call fort_warn("ptc_dumpmaps","c_%npara is neither 6,5 nor 4") endif p=>p%next enddo close(mf1) call kill(y2); call kill(id); !_________________________________________________________________ !_________________________________________________________________ !_________________________________________________________________ contains !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine dump4dmap(y2, fun) implicit none double precision a1000,a0100,a0010,a0001 type(real_8) :: y2(6) !polimorphes array used for calculating maps for each element integer :: fun !file unit number integer :: ii if (getdebug() > 1) then endif do ii=1,4 a1000=y2(ii).sub.'1000' a0100=y2(ii).sub.'0100' a0010=y2(ii).sub.'0010' a0001=y2(ii).sub.'0001' write(fun,'(6f13.8)') a1000, & & a0100, & & a0010, & & a0001 enddo end subroutine dump4dmap !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine dump5dmap(y2, fun) implicit none double precision a10000,a01000,a00100,a00010,a00001 type(real_8) :: y2(6) !polimorphes array used for calculating maps for each element integer :: fun !file unit number integer :: ii do ii=1,5 a10000=y2(ii).sub.'10000' a01000=y2(ii).sub.'01000' a00100=y2(ii).sub.'00100' a00010=y2(ii).sub.'00010' a00001=y2(ii).sub.'00001' write(fun,'(6f13.8)') a10000, & & a01000, & & a00100, & & a00010, & & a00001 ! enddo end subroutine dump5dmap !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine dump6dmap(y2, fun) implicit none double precision a100000,a010000,a001000,a000100,a000010,a000001 type(real_8) :: y2(6) !polimorphes array used for calculating maps for each element integer :: fun !file unit number integer :: ii do ii=1,4 a100000=y2(ii).sub.'100000' a010000=y2(ii).sub.'010000' a001000=y2(ii).sub.'001000' a000100=y2(ii).sub.'000100' a000010=y2(ii).sub.'000010' a000001=y2(ii).sub.'000001' write(fun,'(6f13.8)') a100000, & & a010000, & & a001000, & & a000100, & & a000001, & !madx format has dp/p at the last column & a000010 ! enddo do ii=6,5,-1 a100000=y2(ii).sub.'100000' a010000=y2(ii).sub.'010000' a001000=y2(ii).sub.'001000' a000100=y2(ii).sub.'000100' a000010=y2(ii).sub.'000010' a000001=y2(ii).sub.'000001' write(fun,'(6f13.8)') a100000, & & a010000, & & a001000, & & a000100, & & a000001, & !madx format has dp/p at the last column & a000010 ! enddo end subroutine dump6dmap end subroutine ptc_dumpmaps RECURSIVE FUNCTION FACTORIAL (N) & RESULT (FACTORIAL_RESULT) INTEGER :: N, FACTORIAL_RESULT IF (N <= 0 ) THEN FACTORIAL_RESULT = 1 ELSE FACTORIAL_RESULT = N * FACTORIAL (N-1) END IF END FUNCTION FACTORIAL subroutine ptc_track() implicit none integer i,nint,ndble,nchar,int_arr(1),char_l,icase,turns,flag_index,why(9) integer j,next_start real(dp) x0(6),x(6),deltap0,deltap,dt real(dp) xx,pxx,yx,pyx,tx,deltaex,fxx,phixx,fyx,phiyx,ftx,phitx real(kind(1d0)) get_value logical(lp) closed_orbit character*12 char_a data char_a / ' ' / !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_track: ',' no universe created') return endif if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_track: ',' no layout created') return endif icase = get_value('ptc_track ','icase ') deltap0 = get_value('ptc_track ','deltap ') deltap = zero call my_state(icase,deltap,deltap0) if (getdebug() > 2) then print *, "ptc_track: internal state is:" call print(default,6) endif x0(:)=zero if(mytime) then call Convert_dp_to_dt (deltap, dt) else dt=deltap endif if(icase.eq.5) x0(5)=dt closed_orbit = get_value('ptc_track ','closed_orbit ') .ne. 0 if(closed_orbit) then call find_orbit(my_ring,x0,1,default,c_1d_7) CALL write_closed_orbit(icase,x0) endif call comm_para('coord ',nint,ndble,nchar,int_arr,x,char_a,char_l) j = next_start(xx,pxx,yx,pyx,tx,deltaex,fxx,phixx,fyx,phiyx,ftx,phitx) print*,"dat1",j,xx,pxx,yx,pyx,tx,deltaex,fxx,phixx,fyx,phiyx,ftx,phitx j = next_start(xx,pxx,yx,pyx,tx,deltaex,fxx,phixx,fyx,phiyx,ftx,phitx) print*,"dat2",j,xx,pxx,yx,pyx,tx,deltaex,fxx,phixx,fyx,phiyx,ftx,phitx j = next_start(xx,pxx,yx,pyx,tx,deltaex,fxx,phixx,fyx,phiyx,ftx,phitx) print*,"dat3",j,xx,pxx,yx,pyx,tx,deltaex,fxx,phixx,fyx,phiyx,ftx,phitx x(:)=x(:)+x0(:) print*," Initial Coordinates: ", x turns = get_value('ptc_track ','turns ') c_%watch_user=.true. do i=1,turns call track(my_ring,x,1,default) if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_track: ','DA got unstable') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_track ","DA got unstable "); return endif call PRODUCE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index) if(flag_index/=0) then call ANALYSE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index,why) Write(6,*) "ptc_track unstable (tracking)-programs continues " Write(6,*) why ! See produce aperture flag routine in sd_frame goto 100 endif enddo c_%watch_user=.false. print*," End Coordinates: ",x return 100 continue c_%watch_user=.false. print*," Last Coordinates: ",x," after: ",i," turn(s)" END subroutine ptc_track !________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine ptc_end() implicit none integer i if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_end: ',' no universe can be killed') return endif call killsavedmaps() !module ptc_twiss -> kill buffered maps ! call killparresult() call resetknobs() !remove the knobs if ( associated(m_u%n) .eqv. .false. ) then print*, "We attempt to kill not initialized universe!" endif call kill_universe(m_u) nullify(my_ring) call kill_tpsa do i=1,size(s_b) call nul_coef(s_b(i)) enddo deallocate(s_b) firsttime_coef=.true. universe=universe-1 end subroutine ptc_end subroutine normalform_normalform(s1,s2) implicit none type (normalform),intent(inout)::s1 type (normalform),intent(in)::s2 integer i,j s1%a_t=s2%a_t s1%a1=s2%a1 s1%a%constant(:)=s2%a%constant(:) s1%a%Linear=s2%a%Linear s1%a%nonlinear=s2%a%nonlinear s1%a%pb=s2%a%pb s1%normal%constant(:)=s2%normal%constant(:) s1%normal%Linear=s2%normal%Linear s1%normal%nonlinear=s2%normal%nonlinear s1%normal%pb=s2%normal%pb s1%DHDJ=s2%DHDJ do i=1,ndim s1%TUNE(i)=s2%TUNE(i) s1%damping(i)=s2%damping(i) s1%plane(i)=s2%plane(i) do j=1,mynreso s1%m(i,j)=s2%m(i,j) enddo enddo s1%nord=s2%nord s1%jtune=s2%jtune s1%nres=s2%nres s1%AUTO=s2%AUTO end subroutine normalform_normalform !_________________________________________________________________ SUBROUTINE set_PARAMETERS(R,nt,iorder,IFAM,inda,scale) !Strength of Multipole of order iorder as parameter IMPLICIT NONE integer ipause, mypause logical(lp) ok INTEGER iorder,i,j,jj,k,lstr,IFAM,tot,nt,inda,min1 INTEGER,parameter::ipara=100 real(dp) scale(ipara),value character(20) str CHARACTER(3) STR1 character(10),dimension(10)::multname type(layout) r type(fibre), POINTER :: current INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE,dimension(:)::DAFAM INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE,dimension(:,:)::FAM real(dp),ALLOCATABLE,dimension(:)::SFAM multname=(/"Dipole ","Quadrupole","Sextupole ","Octupole ","Decapole ",& "Dodecapole","14-Pole ","16-Pole ","18-Pole ","20-Pole "/) ALLOCATE(FAM(IFAM,0:R%N),DAFAM(IFAM),SFAM(IFAM)) min1=0 if( then min1=1 iorder=-iorder endif DO I=1,IFAM OK=.TRUE. DO WHILE(OK) TOT=0 if(min1.eq.0) WRITE(6,*) " Identify ",multname(iorder) if(min1.eq.1) WRITE(6,*) " Identify ","SKEW-"//multname(iorder) READ(5,*) STR STR=TRIM(ADJUSTL(STR)) LSTR=LEN_TRIM (STR) current=>r%start DO J=1,R%N IF(current%MAG%NAME==STR.and.current%MAG%P%NMUL==iorder) THEN TOT=TOT+1 FAM(I,TOT)=J ENDIF current=>current%next ENDDO WRITE(6,*) TOT," Is that OK? YES or NO?" READ (5,*) STR1 STR1=TRIM(ADJUSTL(STR1)) IF(STR1(1:1)=='Y'.OR.STR1(1:1)=='y') THEN OK=.FALSE. inda=inda+1 if( then write(6,*) " Problem: Only ",ipara," Parameters allowed" ipause=mypause(2002) endif DAFAM(I)=inda WRITE(6,*) " Give Scaling Factor, '0' uses Default" read(5,*) value if(value==0) then WRITE(6,*) " Take Default Scaling Value : ",scale(inda) SFAM(I)=scale(inda) else SFAM(I)=value endif ENDIF ENDDO FAM(I,0)=TOT current=r%start DO JJ=1,FAM(I,0) J=FAM(I,JJ) ! ALLOCATION GYMNASTIC IF Multipole NOT YET ALLOCATED IF(current%MAGP%P%NMULcurrent%next ENDDO ENDDO current=r%start DO I=1,IFAM DO JJ=1,1 J=FAM(I,JJ) if(min1.eq.0) WRITE(6,*) current%MAG%NAME,' ', current%MAG%BN(iorder) if(min1.eq.1) WRITE(6,*) current%MAG%NAME,' ', current%MAG%AN(iorder) current=>current%next ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE(FAM,STAT=I) ! WRITE(6,*) I DEALLOCATE(DAFAM,STAT=I) ! WRITE(6,*) I DEALLOCATE(SFAM,STAT=I) ! WRITE(6,*) I end subroutine set_PARAMETERS !______________________________________________________________________ subroutine my_state(icase,deltap,deltap0) implicit none integer icase,i real(dp) deltap0,deltap default = getintstate() if (getdebug()>1) then print*, "icase=",icase," deltap=",deltap," deltap0=",deltap0 endif deltap = zero select case(icase) CASE(4) if (getdebug()>1) then print*, "my_state: Enforcing ONLY_4D+NOCAVITY and NO DELTA" endif default=default-delta0 default=default+only_4d0+NOCAVITY0 i=4 CASE(5) if (getdebug()>1) then print*, "my_state: Enforcing DELTA" endif default=default+delta0 deltap=deltap0 i=5 CASE(56) if (getdebug()>1) then print*, "my_state: Enforcing coasting beam" endif default = default - delta0 - only_4d0 default = default + NOCAVITY0 deltap=deltap0 i=56 CASE(6) i=6 CASE DEFAULT default=default+only_4d0+NOCAVITY0 i=4 END SELECT if (i==6) then if ( (icav==0) .and. my_ring%closed .and. (getenforce6D() .eqv. .false.)) then default = default - delta0 - only_4d0 default=default + NOCAVITY0 call fort_warn('return mystate: ',' no cavity - dimensionality reduced 6 -> 5 and 1/2') i=56 else default = default - delta0 - only_4d0 - NOCAVITY0 !enforcing nocavity to false endif endif call setintstate(default) CALL UPDATE_STATES if (getdebug()>0) call print(default,6) icase = i end subroutine my_state !______________________________________________________________________ subroutine f90flush(i,option) implicit none integer i,ios logical(lp) ostat, fexist,option logical fexist1, ostat1 character*20 faction,faccess,fform,fwstat,fposition character*255 fname inquire(err=1,iostat=ios,& unit=i,opened=ostat1,exist=fexist1,write=fwstat) fexist = fexist1 ostat = ostat1 if ('YES') return inquire(err=2,iostat=ios,& unit=i,action=faction,access=faccess,& form=fform,name=fname,position=fposition) close (unit=i,err=3) ! write (*,*) 'Re-opening ',i,' ',option,ios,faction,faccess,fform,fposition,fname if (option) then open(err=4,iostat=ios,& unit=i,action=faction,access=faccess,form=fform,& file=fname,status='old',position='append') else open(err=4,iostat=ios,& unit=i,action=faction,access=faccess,form=fform,& file=fname,status='replace',position='rewind') endif return 1 write (*,*)& ' F90FLUSH 1st INQUIRE FAILED with IOSTAT ',ios,' on UNIT ',i stop 2 write (*,*)& ' F90FLUSH 2nd INQUIRE FAILED with IOSTAT ', ios,' on UNIT ',i stop 3 write (*,*)& ' F90FLUSH CLOSE FAILED with IOSTAT ',ios,' on UNIT ',i stop 4 write (*,*)& ' F90FLUSH RE-OPEN FAILED with IOSTAT ',ios,' on UNIT ',i stop end subroutine f90flush SUBROUTINE write_closed_orbit(icase,x) implicit none INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: icase REAL (dp),INTENT(IN) :: x(6) if(icase.eq.4) then print*,"Closed orbit: ",x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4) elseif(icase.eq.5) then print*,"Closed orbit: ",x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5) elseif(icase.eq.6) then print*,"Closed orbit: ",x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),-x(6),x(5) endif ENDSUBROUTINE write_closed_orbit SUBROUTINE Convert_dp_to_dt(deltap, dt) implicit none ! convert deltap=(p-p0)/p0 to dt=deltaE/p0c REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: deltap REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: dt ! local real(dp) :: MASS_GeV, ENERGY,KINETIC,BRHO,BETA0,P0C,gamma0I,gambet ! to get "energy" value Call GET_ONE(MASS_GeV,ENERGY,KINETIC,BRHO,BETA0,P0C,gamma0I,gambet) IF ( ) THEN dt=SQRT(deltap*(deltap+two)+one/beta0/beta0)-one/beta0 ELSE ! exculde devision by 0 call aafail('SUBR. Convert_dp_to_dt: ',' CALL GET_ONE => beta0.LE.0') ENDIF END SUBROUTINE Convert_dp_to_dt !============================================================================= subroutine makemaptable(y) implicit none type(real_8):: y(6) integer,parameter :: i_map_coor=10 integer :: map_term, ja(6),i,ii,iii integer :: i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6 integer :: order, no real(dp) :: coef real(kind(1d0)) :: map_coor(i_map_coor) real(kind(1d0)) :: get_value ! type(universal_taylor) :: ut ! write(0,*) "MAP_TABLE" map_term=42 call make_map_table(map_term) order = get_value("ptc_normal ","no ") call liepeek(iia,icoast) allocate(j(c_%npara)) ja(:) = 0 j(:) = 0 goto 100 ! skip the code that was in place until 29 March 2010 do iii=1,c_%npara coef = y(iii)%T.sub.j ! following works !coef = y(iii)%T.sub.mapSelector5variables(1) map_coor(1)=coef map_coor(2)=iii map_coor(3)=c_%npara map_coor(4)=0 map_coor(5)=ja(1) map_coor(6)=ja(2) map_coor(7)=ja(3) map_coor(8)=ja(4) map_coor(9)=ja(5) map_coor(10)=ja(6) call vector_to_table_curr("ptc_normal ", 'coef ', map_coor(1), i_map_coor) call augment_count("ptc_normal ") enddo do i = 1,c_%npara do ii = 1,c_%npara j(ii) = 1 ja(ii) = j(ii) coef = y(i)%T.sub.j map_coor(1)=coef map_coor(2)=i map_coor(3)=c_%npara! 29.06.2006 here was iia(2) - to be verified map_coor(4)=sum(ja(:)) map_coor(5)=ja(1) map_coor(6)=ja(2) map_coor(7)=ja(3) map_coor(8)=ja(4) map_coor(9)=ja(5) map_coor(10)=ja(6) call vector_to_table_curr("ptc_normal ", 'coef ', map_coor(1), i_map_coor) call augment_count("ptc_normal ") j(:) = 0 ja(ii) = j(ii) enddo ! ut = y(i) ! do ii = 1,ut%n ! map_coor(1)=ut%c(ii) !coef ! map_coor(2)=i !index of taylor ! map_coor(3)=c_%npara ! map_coor(4)=sum(ut%j(i,:)) !order ! map_coor(5)=ut%j(ii,1) ! map_coor(6)=ut%j(ii,2) ! map_coor(7)=ut%j(ii,3) ! map_coor(8)=ut%j(ii,4) ! map_coor(9)=ut%j(ii,5) ! map_coor(10)=ut%j(ii,6) ! enddo enddo ! note that the order in which the coefficients appear in the map_table slightly ! differ from the order in which they appear in fort.18 100 do i=1,c_%npara ! distribute exponents over 6 variables, knowing their sum do no=0,order if (c_%npara.eq.6) then do i1=no,0,-1 do i2=no-i1,0,-1 do i3=no-i1-i2,0,-1 do i4=no-i1-i2-i3,0,-1 do i5=no-i1-i2-i3-i4,0,-1 do i6=no-i1-i2-i3-i4-i5,0,-1 if (i1+i2+i3+i4+i5+i6==no) then !write(0,'(6(i4))'), i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6 j(1)=i1 j(2)=i2 j(3)=i3 j(4)=i4 j(5)=i5 j(6)=i6 coef = y(i)%T.sub.j if ( then map_coor(1)=coef map_coor(2)=i map_coor(3)=c_%npara map_coor(4)=no map_coor(5)=j(1) map_coor(6)=j(2) map_coor(7)=j(3) map_coor(8)=j(4) map_coor(9)=j(5) map_coor(10)=j(6) call vector_to_table_curr("map_table ", 'coef ', map_coor(1), i_map_coor) call augment_count("map_table ") endif !write(0,*) 'write coef', coef endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo elseif (c_%npara.eq.5) then ! distribute exponents over 5 variables, knowing their sum do i1=no,0,-1 do i2=no-i1,0,-1 do i3=no-i1-i2,0,-1 do i4=no-i1-i2-i3,0,-1 do i5=no-i1-i2-i3-i4,0,-1 if (i1+i2+i3+i4+i5==no) then j(1)=i1 j(2)=i2 j(3)=i3 j(4)=i4 j(5)=i5 coef = y(i)%T.sub.j if ( then map_coor(1)=coef map_coor(2)=i map_coor(3)=c_%npara map_coor(4)=no map_coor(5)=j(1) map_coor(6)=j(2) map_coor(7)=j(3) map_coor(8)=j(4) map_coor(9)=j(5) map_coor(10) = 0 call vector_to_table_curr("map_table ", 'coef ', map_coor(1), i_map_coor) call augment_count("map_table ") endif endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo elseif (c_%npara.eq.4) then ! distribute exponents over 4 variables, knowing their sum do i1=no,0,-1 do i2=no-i1,0,-1 do i3=no-i1-i2,0,-1 do i4=no-i1-i2-i3,0,-1 if (i1+i2+i3+i4==no) then j(1)=i1 j(2)=i2 j(3)=i3 j(4)=i4 coef = y(i)%T.sub.j if ( then map_coor(1)=coef map_coor(2)=i map_coor(3)=c_%npara map_coor(4)=no map_coor(5)=j(1) map_coor(6)=j(2) map_coor(7)=j(3) map_coor(8)=j(4) map_coor(9)=0 map_coor(10)=0 call vector_to_table_curr("map_table ", 'coef ', map_coor(1), i_map_coor) call augment_count("map_table ") endif endif enddo enddo enddo enddo else call fort_warn('ptc_normal ','map output expects 4,5 or 6 variables') endif enddo enddo deallocate(j) end subroutine makemaptable !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine killsavedmaps implicit none integer i,ii if(.not. savemaps) return if (.not. associated(maps)) then return endif do i=lbound(maps,1),ubound(maps,1) do ii=1,6 call kill(maps(i)%unimap(ii)) enddo enddo deallocate(maps) nullify(maps) end subroutine killsavedmaps !_________________________________________________________________ SUBROUTINE ptc_read_errors() use twtrrfi use name_lenfi implicit none integer i,k,pos,nfac(maxmul),flag,string_from_table_row,double_from_table_row,l real(dp) d(2*maxmul),b(maxmul),a(maxmul),tilt,ab,bvk character(name_len) name,name2 type(fibre),pointer :: p logical(lp) :: overwrite real(kind(1d0)) get_value character*4 :: mag_index1(10)=(/'k0l ','k1l ','k2l ','k3l ','k4l ','k5l ','k6l ','k7l ','k8l ','k9l '/) character*5 :: mag_index2(10)=(/'k0sl ','k1sl ','k2sl ','k3sl ','k4sl ','k5sl ','k6sl ','k7sl ','k8sl ','k9sl '/) character*5 :: mag_index3(11)=(/'k10l ','k11l ','k12l ','k13l ','k14l ','k15l ','k16l ','k17l ','k18l ','k19l ','k20l '/) character*6 :: mag_index4(11)=(/'k10sl ','k11sl ','k12sl ','k13sl ','k14sl ','k15sl ','k16sl ', & 'k17sl ','k18sl ','k19sl ','k20sl '/) overwrite = get_value('ptc_read_errors ','overwrite ').ne.0 bvk=get_value('probe ','bv ') nfac(1)=1 do i=2,maxmul nfac(i)=nfac(i-1)*(i-1) enddo flag = string_from_table_row('errors_read ', 'name ',1,name) if( call aafail('fill_errors reports: ',' The >>> errors_read <<< table is empty ') i=0 p=>my_ring%start do while(.true.) i=i+1 b(:)=zero a(:)=zero d(:)=zero name2=" " flag = string_from_table_row('errors_read ', 'name ',i,name2) if( goto 100 do k=1,maxmul if(k<=10) then flag = double_from_table_row('errors_read ',mag_index1(k),i,d(2*k-1)) flag = double_from_table_row('errors_read ',mag_index2(k),i,d(2*k)) else flag = double_from_table_row('errors_read ',mag_index3(k-10),i,d(2*k-1)) flag = double_from_table_row('errors_read ',mag_index4(k-10),i,d(2*k)) endif enddo if( goto 100 do k=1,maxmul b(k)=d(2*k-1)/nfac(k) a(k)=d(2*k)/nfac(k) enddo name=" " name(:len_trim(name2)-1)=name2(:len_trim(name2)-1) call context(name) call move_to(my_ring,p,name,pos) tilt=-p%mag%p%tiltd if(pos/=0) then if(p%mag%l/=zero) then do k=1,maxmul b(k)=b(k)/p%mag%l a(k)=a(k)/p%mag%l enddo endif do k=1,maxmul b(k)=bvk*b(k) a(k)=bvk*a(k) enddo if(tilt/=zero) then do k=1,maxmul ab=b(k) b(k)=b(k)*cos(tilt*k)+a(k)*sin(tilt*k) a(k)=-ab*sin(tilt*k)+a(k)*cos(tilt*k) enddo endif do k=NMAX,1,-1 if(b(k)/=zero) then if(overwrite) then call add(p,k,0,b(k)) else call add(p,k,1,b(k)) endif endif if(a(k)/=zero) then if(overwrite) then call add(p,-k,0,a(k)) else call add(p,-k,1,a(k)) endif endif enddo else write(6,*) " name,pos, dir of dna ",name, p%mag%parent_fibre%dir endif enddo 100 continue return end SUBROUTINE ptc_read_errors subroutine ptc_refresh_k() use twtrrfi use name_lenfi implicit none integer j,code,k,pos,nfac(maxmul) integer restart_sequ,advance_node type(fibre),pointer :: p real(dp) sk,sks,tilt,b(maxmul),a(maxmul),bvk real(kind(1d0)) :: get_value,node_value character(name_len) name logical(lp) :: overwrite !--------------------------------------------------------------- overwrite = get_value('ptc_refresh_k ','overwrite ').ne.0 bvk=get_value('probe ','bv ') nfac(1)=1 do j=2,maxmul nfac(j)=nfac(j-1)*(j-1) enddo j=restart_sequ() j=0 p=>my_ring%start 10 continue b(:)=zero a(:)=zero code=node_value('mad8_type ') if( goto 100 if(code.eq.5) then ! quadrupole components code = 5 k=2 sk= node_value('k1 ') sks=node_value('k1s ') tilt=node_value('tilt ') b(k)=sk if (sks .ne. zero) then tilt = -atan2(sks, sk)/two + tilt b(k)=sqrt(sk**2+sks**2)/abs(sk)*sk ! endif elseif(code.eq.6) then ! sextupole components code = 6 k=3 sk= node_value('k2 ') sks=node_value('k2s ') tilt=node_value('tilt ') b(k)=sk if (sks .ne. zero) then tilt = -atan2(sks, sk)/three + tilt b(k)=sqrt(sk**2+sks**2)/abs(sk)*sk ! endif endif call element_name(name,name_len) call context(name) call move_to(my_ring,p,name,pos) if(pos/=0) then b(k)=b(k)/nfac(k) if(tilt/=zero) then a(k)=-b(k)*sin(tilt*k) b(k)=b(k)*cos(tilt*k) endif b(k)=bvk*b(k) a(k)=bvk*a(k) do j=1,maxmul if(overwrite) then call add(p,j,0,b(j)) call add(p,-j,0,a(j)) else call add(p,j,1,b(j)) call add(p,-j,1,a(j)) endif enddo else write(6,*) " name,pos, dir of dna ",name, p%mag%parent_fibre%dir endif 100 continue if(advance_node().ne.0) goto 10 return END subroutine ptc_refresh_k subroutine getfk(fk) !returns FK factor for Beam-Beam effect implicit none real (dp) :: fk,dpp real (dp) :: gamma0,beta0,beta_dp,ptot,b_dir,arad,totch real (dp) :: q,q_prime integer :: b_dir_int real(kind(1d0)) :: get_value real(kind(1d0)) :: get_variable integer :: get_option REAL(KIND(1d0)) :: node_value !/*returns value for parameter par of current element */ !---- Calculate momentum deviation and according changes ! of the relativistic factor beta0 gamma0 = get_value('probe ','gamma ') arad=get_value('probe ', 'arad ') totch=node_value('charge ') * get_value('probe ', 'npart ') dpp = get_variable('track_deltap ') q = get_value('probe ','charge ') q_prime = node_value('charge ') beta0 = sqrt(one-one/gamma0**2) ptot = beta0*gamma0*(one+dpp) beta_dp = ptot / sqrt(one + ptot**2) b_dir_int = node_value('bbdir ') b_dir=dble(b_dir_int) b_dir = b_dir/sqrt(b_dir*b_dir + 1.0d-32) fk = two*arad*totch/gamma0 /beta0/(one+dpp)/q* & (one-beta0*beta_dp*b_dir)/(beta_dp+0.5*(b_dir-one)*b_dir*beta0) end subroutine getfk subroutine putbeambeam() !returns FK factor for Beam-Beam effect implicit none real (dp) :: fk, xma, yma, sigx, sigy,s integer :: elno logical(lp) :: found TYPE(INTEGRATION_NODE),POINTER :: node real(kind(1d0)), external :: get_value real(kind(1d0)), external :: get_variable integer, external :: get_option REAL(KIND(1d0)), external :: node_value !/*returns value for parameter par of current element */ s = get_value('ptc_putbeambeam ','global_s ') xma = get_value('ptc_putbeambeam ','xma ') yma = get_value('ptc_putbeambeam ','yma ') sigx = get_value('ptc_putbeambeam ','sigx ') sigy = get_value('ptc_putbeambeam ','sigy ') print*, 'Input xma, yma, sigx, sigy, s' print*, 'Input', xma, yma, sigx, sigy, s if(.not.associated(my_ring%t)) then CALL MAKE_node_LAYOUT(my_ring) endif elno = 0 call s_locate_beam_beam(my_ring,s,elno,node,found) if (.not. found) then print*,"could not find a node for beam-beam" return endif print*, 'Name of element in PTC: ', node%PARENT_FIBRE%mag%name write(6,*) 'node%a:',node%a ! node entrance position write(6,*) 'node%ent(1,1:3):',node%ent(1,1:3) ! node entrance e_1 vector write(6,*) 'node%ent(2,1:3):',node%ent(2,1:3) ! node entrance e_2 vector write(6,*) 'node%ent(3,1:3):',node%ent(3,1:3) ! node entrance e_3 vector write(6,*) " s variable of node and following node " write(6,*) node%s(1),node%next%s(1) !N.B. If nothing else is done, the beam-beam kick is placed at the entrance of the node. !The call FIND_PATCH(t%a,t%ent,o ,mid,D,ANG) needs to be invoked to place the beam-beam kick end subroutine putbeambeam END MODULE madx_ptc_module