subroutine mtsa(ncon,nvar,tol,calls,call_lim,vect,fun_vect,iseed & &,iprint,lb,nacp,ub,xopt,c,vm,xp) use name_lenfi implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Purpose: * ! SA command. * ! Attributes : * ! ncon (int) # constraints * ! nvar (int) # variables * ! iseed (int) initial seed * ! iprint (int) print flag (0 = minimum info printed) * ! tol (real) Final tolerance for match. * ! calls (int) current call count * ! call_lim (int) current call limit * ! vect (real) variable values * ! fun_vect (real) function values * ! all other working spaces for SA * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* integer calls,call_lim,ncon,nvar,nacp(*),neps,n,m,ns,nt, & &iprint,iseed,iseed2,nacc,nobds,ier,i,iflag parameter(neps=4) double precision tol,t,vect(*),fun_vect(*),fopt,vmod double precision rt,lb(*),ub(*),xopt(*),c(*), & &vm(*),xp(*),fstar(neps) integer j,next_vary,get_option,slope double precision get_variable,val,c_min,c_max,step,opt logical logmax,psum common/forsa/m ! character*(name_len) name !uncomment when present character*(name_len) name !clear n=nvar m=ncon ! include '' !not used here i guess psum=get_option('match_summary ') .ne. 0 1 continue j = next_vary(name,name_len,c_min,c_max,step,slope,opt) if (j .ne. 0) then val = get_variable(name) lb(j)=c_min ub(j)=c_max c(j) =2.d0 vm(j)=1.d0 if(psum) write(*,830) name,val,c_min,c_max vect(j) = val goto 1 endif 830 format(a24,1x,1p,e16.8,3x,e16.8,3x,e16.8) ! Choose SA parameters next: ! The value of rt and ns as suggested by Corana rt=0.85d0 ns = 20 ! The value of nt suggested by Corana is max(100, 5*nvar) nt = max(100, 5*nvar) ! iprint=1 ! iseed=1 iseed2 = iseed+1 logmax=.FALSE. ! The initial temeprature T is best to be an user-defined parameter ! set it to 10 here for brevery t=10. write(*,8800) n, t, rt, tol, ns, nt, neps, call_lim, iprint, & &iseed, iseed2 8800 format(/,' simulated annealing ',/, & &/,' number of parameters: ',i3, & &/,' initial temp: ',g9.2, ' rt: ',g9.2,' eps:',g9.2, & &/,' ns: ',i3, ' nt: ',i4, ' neps: ',i2, & &/,' calls: ',i10, ' iprint: ',i1, ' iseed: ',i4, & &' iseed2: ',i4) 8001 format(/,' optimal function value: ',g20.13 & &/,' number of function evaluations: ',i10, & &/,' number of accepted evaluations: ',i10, & &/,' number of out of bound evaluations: ',i10, & &/,' final temp: ', g20.13,' ier: ', i3) call prtvec(vect,n,'starting values') call prtvec(vm,n,'initial step length') call prtvec(lb,n,'lower bound') call prtvec(ub,n,'upper bound') !call prtvec(c,n,'c vector') call sa(nvar,vect,logmax,rt,tol,ns,nt,neps,call_lim,lb,ub, & &c,iprint,iseed,iseed2,t,vm,xopt,fopt,nacc,calls,nobds,ier, & &fstar,xp,nacp) call prtvec(xopt,n,'solution') !call prtvec(vm,n,'final step length') write(*,8001) fopt, calls, nacc, nobds, t, ier do i=1,nvar vect(i)=xopt(i) enddo call mtfcn(ncon,nvar,vect,fun_vect,iflag) fopt = vmod(m,fun_vect) print *," fopt again = ", fopt 9999 end subroutine fcnsa(n,x,f) implicit none integer iflag,nf,n double precision f,x(n),fvec(1000),vmod common/forsa/nf iflag=0 call mtfcn(nf,n,x,fvec,iflag) f = vmod(nf, fvec) ! f=0 ! do i=1,nf ! f=f+fvec(i)**2 ! enddo ! f = dsqrt(f) RETURN END !* ===================================================================== ! GAMS : Source of SIMANN in OPT from NETLIB ! ====================================================================== ! NIST Guide to Available Math Software. ! Source for module SIMANN from package OPT. ! Retrieved from NETLIB on Wed Oct 2 21:25:58 1996. ! ====================================================================== ! Logic slightly modified by Dobrin Kaltchev in Nov 1998. ! ABSTRACT: ! Simulated annealing is a global optimization method that distinguishes ! between different local optima. Starting from an initial point, the ! algorithm takes a step and the function is evaluated. When minimizing a ! function, any downhill step is accepted and the process repeats from this ! new point. An uphill step may be accepted. Thus, it can escape from local ! optima. This uphill decision is made by the Metropolis criteria. As the ! optimization process proceeds, the length of the steps decline and the ! algorithm closes in on the global optimum. Since the algorithm makes very ! few assumptions regarding the function to be optimized, it is quite ! robust with respect to non-quadratic surfaces. The degree of robustness ! can be adjusted by the user. In fact, simulated annealing can be used as ! a local optimizer for difficult functions. ! ! This implementation of simulated annealing was used in "Global Optimization ! of Statistical Functions with Simulated Annealing," Goffe, Ferrier and ! Rogers, Journal of Econometrics, vol. 60, no. 1/2, Jan./Feb. 1994, pp. ! 65-100. Briefly, we found it competitive, if not superior, to multiple ! restarts of conventional optimization routines for difficult optimization ! problems. ! ! For more information on this routine, contact its author: ! Bill Goffe, ! ! PROGRAM SIMANN ! This file is an example of the Corana et al. simulated annealing ! algorithm for multimodal and robust optimization as implemented ! and modified by Goffe, Ferrier and Rogers. Counting the above line ! ABSTRACT as 1, the routine itself (SA), with its supplementary ! routines, is on lines 232-990. A multimodal example from Judge et al. ! (FCN) is on lines 150-231. The rest of this file (lines 1-149) is a ! driver routine with values appropriate for the Judge example. Thus, this ! example is ready to run. ! ! To understand the algorithm, the documentation for SA on lines 236- ! 484 should be read along with the parts of the paper that describe ! simulated annealing. Then the following lines will then aid the user ! in becomming proficient with this implementation of simulated ! annealing. ! ! Learning to use SA: ! Use the sample function from Judge with the following suggestions ! to get a feel for how SA works. When you've done this, you should be ! ready to use it on most any function with a fair amount of expertise. ! 1. Run the program as is to make sure it runs okay. Take a look at ! the intermediate output and see how it optimizes as temperature ! (T) falls. Notice how the optimal point is reached and how ! falling T reduces VM. ! 2. Look through the documentation to SA so the following makes a ! bit of sense. In line with the paper, it shouldn't be that hard ! to figure out. The core of the algorithm is described on pp. 68-70 ! and on pp. 94-95. Also see Corana et al. pp. 264-9. ! 3. To see how it selects points and makes decisions about uphill ! and downhill moves, set IPRINT = 3 (very detailed intermediate ! output) and MAXEVL = 100 (only 100 function evaluations to limit ! output). ! 4. To see the importance of different temperatures, try starting ! with a very low one (say T = 10E-5). You'll see (i) it never ! escapes from the local optima (in annealing terminology, it ! quenches) & (ii) the step length (VM) will be quite small. This ! is a key part of the algorithm: as temperature (T) falls, step ! length does too. In a minor point here, note how VM is quickly ! reset from its initial value. Thus, the input VM is not very ! important. This is all the more reason to examine VM once the ! algorithm is underway. ! 5. To see the effect of different parameters and their effect on ! the speed of the algorithm, try RT = .95 & RT = .1. Notice the ! vastly different speed for optimization. Also try NT = 20. Note ! that this sample function is quite easy to optimize, so it will ! tolerate big changes in these parameters. RT and NT are the ! parameters one should adjust to modify the runtime of the ! algorithm and its robustness. ! 6. Try constraining the algorithm with either LB or UB. SUBROUTINE SA(N,X,MAX,RT,EPS,NS,NT,NEPS,MAXEVL,LB,UB,C,IPRINT, & &ISEED1,ISEED2,T,VM,XOPT,FOPT,NACC,NFCNEV,NOBDS,IER, & &FSTAR,XP,NACP) implicit none ! Version: 3.2 ! Date: 1/22/94. ! Differences compared to Version 2.0: ! 1. If a trial is out of bounds, a point is randomly selected ! from LB(i) to UB(i). Unlike in version 2.0, this trial is ! evaluated and is counted in acceptances and rejections. ! All corresponding documentation was changed as well. ! Differences compared to Version 3.0: ! 1. If VM(i) > (UB(i) - LB(i)), VM is set to UB(i) - LB(i). ! The idea is that if T is high relative to LB & UB, most ! points will be accepted, causing VM to rise. But, in this ! situation, VM has little meaning; particularly if VM is ! larger than the acceptable region. Setting VM to this size ! still allows all parts of the allowable region to be selected. ! Differences compared to Version 3.1: ! 1. Test made to see if the initial temperature is positive. ! 2. WRITE statements prettied up. ! 3. References to paper updated. ! ! Synopsis: ! This routine implements the continuous simulated annealing global ! optimization algorithm described in Corana et al.'s article ! "Minimizing Multimodal Functions of Continuous Variables with the ! "Simulated Annealing" Algorithm" in the September 1987 (vol. 13, ! no. 3, pp. 262-280) issue of the ACM Transactions on Mathematical ! Software. ! ! A very quick (perhaps too quick) overview of SA: ! SA tries to find the global optimum of an N dimensional function. ! It moves both up and downhill and as the optimization process ! proceeds, it focuses on the most promising area. ! To start, it randomly chooses a trial point within the step length ! VM (a vector of length N) of the user selected starting point. The ! function is evaluated at this trial point and its value is compared ! to its value at the initial point. ! In a maximization problem, all uphill moves are accepted and the ! algorithm continues from that trial point. Downhill moves may be ! accepted; the decision is made by the Metropolis criteria. It uses T ! (temperature) and the size of the downhill move in a probabilistic ! manner. The smaller T and the size of the downhill move are, the more ! likely that move will be accepted. If the trial is accepted, the ! algorithm moves on from that point. If it is rejected, another point ! is chosen instead for a trial evaluation. ! Each element of VM periodically adjusted so that half of all ! function evaluations in that direction are accepted. ! A fall in T is imposed upon the system with the RT variable by ! T(i+1) = RT*T(i) where i is the ith iteration. Thus, as T declines, ! downhill moves are less likely to be accepted and the percentage of ! rejections rise. Given the scheme for the selection for VM, VM falls. ! Thus, as T declines, VM falls and SA focuses upon the most promising ! area for optimization. ! ! The importance of the parameter T: ! The parameter T is crucial in using SA successfully. It influences ! VM, the step length over which the algorithm searches for optima. For ! a small intial T, the step length may be too small; thus not enough ! of the function might be evaluated to find the global optima. The user ! should carefully examine VM in the intermediate output (set IPRINT = ! 1) to make sure that VM is appropriate. The relationship between the ! initial temperature and the resulting step length is function ! dependent. ! To determine the starting temperature that is consistent with ! optimizing a function, it is worthwhile to run a trial run first. Set ! RT = 1.5 and T = 1.0. With RT > 1.0, the temperature increases and VM ! rises as well. Then select the T that produces a large enough VM. ! ! For modifications to the algorithm and many details on its use, ! (particularly for econometric applications) see Goffe, Ferrier ! and Rogers, "Global Optimization of Statistical Functions with ! Simulated Annealing," Journal of Econometrics, vol. 60, no. 1/2, ! Jan./Feb. 1994, pp. 65-100. ! For more information, contact ! Bill Goffe ! Department of Economics and International Business ! University of Southern Mississippi ! Hattiesburg, MS 39506-5072 ! (601) 266-4484 (office) ! (601) 266-4920 (fax) ! (Internet) ! ! As far as possible, the parameters here have the same name as in ! the description of the algorithm on pp. 266-8 of Corana et al. ! ! In this description, SP is single precision, DP is double precision, ! INT is integer, L is logical and (N) denotes an array of length n. ! Thus, DP(N) denotes a double precision array of length n. ! ! Input Parameters: ! Note: The suggested values generally come from Corana et al. To ! drastically reduce runtime, see Goffe et al., pp. 90-1 for ! suggestions on choosing the appropriate RT and NT. ! N - Number of variables in the function to be optimized. (INT) ! X - The starting values for the variables of the function to be ! optimized. (DP(N)) ! MAX - Denotes whether the function should be maximized or ! minimized. A true value denotes maximization while a false ! value denotes minimization. Intermediate output (see IPRINT) ! takes this into account. (L) ! RT - The temperature reduction factor. The value suggested by ! Corana et al. is .85. See Goffe et al. for more advice. (DP) ! EPS - Error tolerance for termination. If the final function ! values from the last neps temperatures differ from the ! corresponding value at the current temperature by less than ! EPS and the final function value at the current temperature ! differs from the current optimal function value by less than ! EPS, execution terminates and IER = 0 is returned. (EP) ! NS - Number of cycles. After NS*N function evaluations, each ! element of VM is adjusted so that approximately half of ! all function evaluations are accepted. The suggested value ! is 20. (INT) ! NT - Number of iterations before temperature reduction. After ! NT*NS*N function evaluations, temperature (T) is changed ! by the factor RT. Value suggested by Corana et al. is ! MAX(100, 5*N). See Goffe et al. for further advice. (INT) ! NEPS - Number of final function values used to decide upon termi- ! nation. See EPS. Suggested value is 4. (INT) ! MAXEVL - The maximum number of function evaluations. If it is ! exceeded, IER = 1. (INT) ! LB - The lower bound for the allowable solution variables. (DP(N)) ! UB - The upper bound for the allowable solution variables. (DP(N)) ! If the algorithm chooses X(I) .LT. LB(I) or X(I) .GT. UB(I), ! I = 1, N, a point is from inside is randomly selected. This ! This focuses the algorithm on the region inside UB and LB. ! Unless the user wishes to concentrate the search to a par- ! ticular region, UB and LB should be set to very large positive ! and negative values, respectively. Note that the starting ! vector X should be inside this region. Also note that LB and ! UB are fixed in position, while VM is centered on the last ! accepted trial set of variables that optimizes the function. ! C - Vector that controls the step length adjustment. The suggested ! value for all elements is 2.0. (DP(N)) ! IPRINT - controls printing inside SA. (INT) ! Values: 0 - Nothing printed. ! 1 - Function value for the starting value and ! summary results before each temperature ! reduction. This includes the optimal ! function value found so far, the total ! number of moves (broken up into uphill, ! downhill, accepted and rejected), the ! number of out of bounds trials, the ! number of new optima found at this ! temperature, the current optimal X and ! the step length VM. Note that there are ! N*NS*NT function evalutations before each ! temperature reduction. Finally, notice is ! is also given upon achieveing the termination ! criteria. ! 2 - Each new step length (VM), the current optimal ! X (XOPT) and the current trial X (X). This ! gives the user some idea about how far X ! strays from XOPT as well as how VM is adapting ! to the function. ! 3 - Each function evaluation, its acceptance or ! rejection and new optima. For many problems, ! this option will likely require a small tree ! if hard copy is used. This option is best ! used to learn about the algorithm. A small ! value for MAXEVL is thus recommended when ! using IPRINT = 3. ! Suggested value: 1 ! Note: For a given value of IPRINT, the lower valued ! options (other than 0) are utilized. ! ISEED1 - The first seed for the random number generator RANMAR. ! 0 .LE. ISEED1 .LE. 31328. (INT) ! ISEED2 - The second seed for the random number generator RANMAR. ! 0 .LE. ISEED2 .LE. 30081. Different values for ISEED1 ! and ISEED2 will lead to an entirely different sequence ! of trial points and decisions on downhill moves (when ! maximizing). See Goffe et al. on how this can be used ! to test the results of SA. (INT) ! ! Input/Output Parameters: ! T - On input, the initial temperature. See Goffe et al. for advice. ! On output, the final temperature. (DP) ! VM - The step length vector. On input it should encompass the ! region of interest given the starting value X. For point ! X(I), the next trial point is selected is from X(I) - VM(I) ! to X(I) + VM(I). Since VM is adjusted so that about half ! of all points are accepted, the input value is not very ! important (i.e. is the value is off, SA adjusts VM to the ! correct value). (DP(N)) ! ! Output Parameters: ! XOPT - The variables that optimize the function. (DP(N)) ! FOPT - The optimal value of the function. (DP) ! NACC - The number of accepted function evaluations. (INT) ! NFCNEV - The total number of function evaluations. In a minor ! point, note that the first evaluation is not used in the ! core of the algorithm; it simply initializes the ! algorithm. (INT). ! NOBDS - The total number of trial function evaluations that ! would have been out of bounds of LB and UB. Note that ! a trial point is randomly selected between LB and UB. ! (INT) ! IER - The error return number. (INT) ! Values: 0 - Normal return; termination criteria achieved. ! 1 - Number of function evaluations (NFCNEV) is ! greater than the maximum number (MAXEVL). ! 2 - The starting value (X) is not inside the ! bounds (LB and UB). ! 3 - The initial temperature is not positive. ! 99 - Should not be seen; only used internally. ! ! Work arrays that must be dimensioned in the calling routine: ! RWK1 (DP(NEPS)) (FSTAR in SA) ! RWK2 (DP(N)) (XP " " ) ! IWK (INT(N)) (NACP " " ) ! ! Required Functions (included): ! EXPREP - Replaces the function EXP to avoid under- and overflows. ! It may have to be modified for non IBM-type main- ! frames. (DP) ! RMARIN - Initializes the random number generator RANMAR. ! RANMAR - The actual random number generator. Note that ! RMARIN must run first (SA does this). It produces uniform ! random numbers on [0,1]. These routines are from ! Usenet's comp.lang.fortran. For a reference, see ! "Toward a Universal Random Number Generator" ! by George Marsaglia and Arif Zaman, Florida State ! University Report: FSU-SCRI-87-50 (1987). ! It was later modified by F. James and published in ! "A Review of Pseudo-random Number Generators." For ! further information, contact These ! routines are designed to be portable on any machine ! with a 24-bit or more mantissa. I have found it produces ! identical results on a IBM 3081 and a Cray Y-MP. ! ! Required Subroutines (included): ! PRTVEC - Prints vectors. ! PRT1 ... PRT10 - Prints intermediate output. ! FCNSA - Function to be optimized. The form is ! SUBROUTINE FCNSA(N,X,F) ! INTEGER N ! DOUBLE PRECISION X(N), F ! ... ! function code with F = F(X) ! ... ! RETURN ! END ! Note: This is the same form used in the multivariable ! minimization algorithms in the IMSL edition 10 library. ! ! Machine Specific Features: ! 1. EXPREP may have to be modified if used on non-IBM type main- ! frames. Watch for under- and overflows in EXPREP. ! 2. Some FORMAT statements use G25.18; this may be excessive for ! some machines. ! 3. RMARIN and RANMAR are designed to be protable; they should not ! cause any problems. ! Type all external variables. DOUBLE PRECISION X(*), LB(*), UB(*), C(*), VM(*), FSTAR(*), & &XOPT(*), XP(*), T, EPS, RT, FOPT INTEGER NACP(*), N, NS, NT, NEPS, NACC, MAXEVL, IPRINT, & &NOBDS, IER, NFCNEV, ISEED1, ISEED2 LOGICAL MAX ! Type all internal variables. DOUBLE PRECISION F, FP, P, PP, RATIO INTEGER NUP, NDOWN, NREJ, NNEW, LNOBDS, H, I, J, M LOGICAL QUIT ! Type all functions. DOUBLE PRECISION EXPREP REAL RANMAR ! Initialize the random number generator RANMAR. CALL RMARIN(ISEED1,ISEED2) ! Set initial values. NACC = 0 NOBDS = 0 NFCNEV = 0 IER = 99 DO I = 1, N XOPT(I) = X(I) NACP(I) = 0 enddo DO I = 1, NEPS FSTAR(I) = 1.0D+20 enddo ! If the initial temperature is not positive, notify the user and ! return to the calling routine. IF (T .LE. 0.0) THEN WRITE(*,'(/,'' THE INITIAL TEMPERATURE IS NOT POSITIVE.'')') ! '', ! 1 /,'' RESET THE VARIABLE T. ''/)') IER = 3 RETURN END IF ! If the initial value is out of bounds, notify the user and return ! to the calling routine. DO I = 1, N IF ((X(I) .GT. UB(I)) .OR. (X(I) .LT. LB(I))) THEN CALL PRT1 IER = 2 RETURN END IF enddo ! Evaluate the function with input X and return value as F. CALL FCNSA(N,X,F) ! If the function is to be minimized, switch the sign of the function. ! Note that all intermediate and final output switches the sign back ! to eliminate any possible confusion for the user. IF(.NOT. MAX) F = -F NFCNEV = NFCNEV + 1 FOPT = F FSTAR(1) = F IF(IPRINT .GE. 1) CALL PRT2(MAX,N,X,F) ! Start the main loop. Note that it terminates if (i) the algorithm ! succesfully optimizes the function or (ii) there are too many ! function evaluations (more than MAXEVL). 100 NUP = 0 NREJ = 0 NNEW = 0 NDOWN = 0 LNOBDS = 0 DO M = 1,NT DO J = 1, NS DO H = 1, N ! Generate XP, the trial value of X. Note use of VM to choose XP. DO I = 1, N IF (I .EQ. H) THEN 999 XP(I) = X(I) + (RANMAR()*2.- 1.) * VM(I) ELSE XP(I) = X(I) END IF ! If XP is out of bounds, select a point in bounds for the trial. IF((XP(I) .LT. LB(I)) .OR. (XP(I) .GT. UB(I))) THEN XP(I) = LB(I) + (UB(I) - LB(I))*RANMAR() LNOBDS = LNOBDS + 1 NOBDS = NOBDS + 1 IF(IPRINT .GE. 3) CALL PRT3(MAX,N,XP,X,F) END IF enddo IF((XP(h) .LT. LB(h)) .OR. (XP(h) .GT. UB(h))) THEN XP(h) = LB(h) + (UB(h) - LB(h))*RANMAR() LNOBDS = LNOBDS + 1 NOBDS = NOBDS + 1 IF(IPRINT .GE. 3) CALL PRT3(MAX,N,XP,X,F) END IF ! Evaluate the function with the trial point XP and return as FP. CALL FCNSA(N,XP,FP) IF(.NOT. MAX) FP = -FP NFCNEV = NFCNEV + 1 IF(IPRINT .GE. 3) CALL PRT4(MAX,N,XP,X,FP,F) ! If too many function evaluations occur, terminate the algorithm. IF(NFCNEV .GE. MAXEVL) THEN CALL PRT5 IF (.NOT. MAX) FOPT = -FOPT IER = 1 RETURN END IF ! Accept the new point if the function value increases. IF(FP .Gt. F) THEN IF(IPRINT .GE. 3) THEN WRITE(*,'('' POINT ACCEPTED'')') END IF DO I = 1, N X(I) = XP(I) enddo F = FP NACC = NACC + 1 NACP(H) = NACP(H) + 1 NUP = NUP + 1 ! If greater than any other point, record as new optimum. IF (FP .GT. FOPT) THEN IF(IPRINT .GE. 3) THEN WRITE(*,'('' NEW OPTIMUM'')') END IF DO I = 1, N XOPT(I) = XP(I) enddo FOPT = FP NNEW = NNEW + 1 END IF ! If the point is lower, use the Metropolis criteria to decide on ! acceptance or rejection. ELSE P = EXPREP((FP - F)/T) PP = RANMAR() IF (PP .LT. P) THEN IF(IPRINT .GE. 3) CALL PRT6(MAX) DO I = 1, N X(I) = XP(I) enddo F = FP NACC = NACC + 1 NACP(H) = NACP(H) + 1 NDOWN = NDOWN + 1 ELSE NREJ = NREJ + 1 IF(IPRINT .GE. 3) CALL PRT7(MAX) END IF END IF enddo enddo ! Adjust VM so that approximately half of all evaluations are accepted. DO I = 1, N RATIO = DBLE(NACP(I)) /DBLE(NS) IF (RATIO .GT. .6) THEN VM(I) = VM(I)*(1. + C(I)*(RATIO - .6)/.4) ELSE IF (RATIO .LT. .4) THEN VM(I) = VM(I)/(1. + C(I)*((.4 - RATIO)/.4)) END IF IF (VM(I) .GT. (UB(I)-LB(I))) THEN VM(I) = UB(I) - LB(I) END IF enddo IF(IPRINT .GE. 2) THEN CALL PRT8(N,VM,XOPT,X) END IF DO I = 1, N NACP(I) = 0 enddo enddo IF(IPRINT .GE. 1) THEN CALL PRT9(MAX,N,T,XOPT,VM,FOPT,NUP,NDOWN,NREJ,LNOBDS,NNEW) END IF ! Check termination criteria. QUIT = .FALSE. FSTAR(1) = F IF ((FOPT - FSTAR(1)) .LE. EPS) QUIT = .TRUE. DO I = 1, NEPS IF (ABS(F - FSTAR(I)) .GT. EPS) QUIT = .FALSE. enddo ! Terminate SA if appropriate. IF (QUIT) THEN DO I = 1, N X(I) = XOPT(I) enddo IER = 0 IF (.NOT. MAX) FOPT = -FOPT IF(IPRINT .GE. 1) CALL PRT10 RETURN END IF ! If termination criteria is not met, prepare for another loop. T = RT*T DO I = NEPS, 2, -1 FSTAR(I) = FSTAR(I-1) enddo F = FOPT DO I = 1, N X(I) = XOPT(I) enddo ! Loop again. GO TO 100 END FUNCTION EXPREP(RDUM) implicit none ! This function replaces exp to avoid under- and overflows and is ! designed for IBM 370 type machines. It may be necessary to modify ! it for other machines. Note that the maximum and minimum values of ! EXPREP are such that they has no effect on the algorithm. DOUBLE PRECISION RDUM, EXPREP IF (RDUM .GT. 174.) THEN EXPREP = 3.69D+75 ELSE IF (RDUM .LT. -180.) THEN EXPREP = 0.0 ELSE EXPREP = EXP(RDUM) END IF RETURN END subroutine RMARIN(IJ,KL) implicit none ! This subroutine and the next function generate random numbers. See ! the comments for SA for more information. The only changes from the ! orginal code is that (1) the test to make sure that RMARIN runs first ! was taken out since SA assures that this is done (this test didn't ! compile under IBM's VS Fortran) and (2) typing ivec as integer was ! taken out since ivec isn't used. With these exceptions, all following ! lines are original. ! This is the initialization routine for the random number generator ! RANMAR() ! NOTE: The seed variables can have values between: 0 <= IJ <= 31328 ! 0 <= KL <= 30081 real s,t real U(97), C, CD, CM integer IJ,KL,i,j,k,l,ii,jj,m integer I97, J97 common /raset1/ U, C, CD, CM, I97, J97 if( IJ .lt. 0 .or. IJ .gt. 31328 .or. & &KL .lt. 0 .or. KL .gt. 30081 ) then print '(A)',' The first random number seed must have a value' print '(A)',' between 0 and 31328' print '(A)',' The second seed must have a value between 0 and' print '(A)',' 30081' stop endif i = mod(IJ/177, 177) + 2 j = mod(IJ , 177) + 2 k = mod(KL/169, 178) + 1 l = mod(KL, 169) do ii = 1, 97 s = 0.0 t = 0.5 do jj = 1, 24 m = mod(mod(i*j, 179)*k, 179) i = j j = k k = m l = mod(53*l+1, 169) if (mod(l*m, 64) .ge. 32) then s = s + t endif t = 0.5 * t enddo U(ii) = s enddo C = 362436.0 / 16777216.0 CD = 7654321.0 / 16777216.0 CM = 16777213.0 /16777216.0 I97 = 97 J97 = 33 return end real function ranmar() implicit none real U(97), C, CD, CM, uni integer I97, J97 common /raset1/ U, C, CD, CM, I97, J97 uni = U(I97) - U(J97) if( uni .lt. 0.0 ) uni = uni + 1.0 U(I97) = uni I97 = I97 - 1 if(I97 .eq. 0) I97 = 97 J97 = J97 - 1 if(J97 .eq. 0) J97 = 97 C = C - CD if( C .lt. 0.0 ) C = C + CM uni = uni - C if( uni .lt. 0.0 ) uni = uni + 1.0 RANMAR = uni return END SUBROUTINE PRT1 implicit none ! This subroutine prints intermediate output, as does PRT2 through ! PRT10. Note that if SA is minimizing the function, the sign of the ! function value and the directions (up/down) are reversed in all ! output to correspond with the actual function optimization. This ! correction is because SA was written to maximize functions and ! it minimizes by maximizing the negative a function. WRITE(*,'(/,''THE STARTING VALUE (X) IS OUTSIDE THE BOUNDS '')') WRITE(*,'(/,''(LB AND UB). EXECUTION TERMINATED WITHOUT ANY'')') WRITE(*,'(/,''OPTIMIZATION. RESPECIFY X, UB OR LB SO THAT '')') WRITE(*,'(/,''LB(I) .LT. X(I) .LT. UB(I), I = 1, N. ''/)') RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRT2(MAX,N,X,F) implicit none DOUBLE PRECISION X(*), F INTEGER N LOGICAL MAX WRITE(*,'('' '')') CALL PRTVEC(X,N,'INITIAL X') IF (MAX) THEN WRITE(*,'('' INITIAL F: '',/, G25.18)') F ELSE WRITE(*,'('' INITIAL F: '',/, G25.18)') -F END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRT3(MAX,N,XP,X,F) implicit none DOUBLE PRECISION XP(*),X(*),F INTEGER N LOGICAL MAX WRITE(*,'('' '')') CALL PRTVEC(X,N,'CURRENT X') IF (MAX) THEN WRITE(*,'('' CURRENT F: '',G25.18)') F ELSE WRITE(*,'('' CURRENT F: '',G25.18)') -F END IF CALL PRTVEC(XP,N,'TRIAL X') WRITE(*,'('' POINT REJECTED SINCE OUT OF BOUNDS'')') RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRT4(MAX,N,XP,X,FP,F) implicit none DOUBLE PRECISION XP(*), X(*), FP, F INTEGER N LOGICAL MAX WRITE(*,'('' '')') CALL PRTVEC(X,N,'CURRENT X') IF (MAX) THEN WRITE(*,'('' CURRENT F: '',G25.18)') F CALL PRTVEC(XP,N,'TRIAL X') WRITE(*,'('' RESULTING F: '',G25.18)') FP ELSE WRITE(*,'('' CURRENT F: '',G25.18)') -F CALL PRTVEC(XP,N,'TRIAL X') WRITE(*,'('' RESULTING F: '',G25.18)') -FP END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRT5 implicit none WRITE(*, '(/,''TOO MANY FUNCTION EVALUATIONS; CONSIDER '',/)') WRITE(*, '(/,''INCREASING MAXEVL OR EPS, OR DECREASING '',/)') WRITE(*, '(/,''NT OR RT. THESE RESULTS ARE LIKELY TO BE '',/)') WRITE(*, '(/,''POOR.'',/)') RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRT6(MAX) implicit none LOGICAL MAX IF (MAX) THEN WRITE(*,'('' THOUGH LOWER, POINT ACCEPTED'')') ELSE WRITE(*,'('' THOUGH HIGHER, POINT ACCEPTED'')') END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRT7(MAX) implicit none LOGICAL MAX IF (MAX) THEN WRITE(*,'('' LOWER POINT REJECTED'')') ELSE WRITE(*,'('' HIGHER POINT REJECTED'')') END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRT8(N,VM,XOPT,X) implicit none DOUBLE PRECISION VM(*), XOPT(*), X(*) INTEGER N WRITE(*,'(/''INTERMEDIATE RESULTS AFTER'',/)') WRITE(*,'(/'' STEP LENGTH ADJUSTMENT'',/)') CALL PRTVEC(VM,N,'NEW STEP LENGTH (VM)') CALL PRTVEC(XOPT,N,'CURRENT OPTIMAL X') CALL PRTVEC(X,N,'CURRENT X') WRITE(*,'('' '')') RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRT9(MAX,N,T,XOPT,VM,FOPT,NUP,NDOWN,NREJ,LNOBDS,NNEW) implicit none DOUBLE PRECISION XOPT(*), VM(*), T, FOPT INTEGER N, NUP, NDOWN, NREJ, LNOBDS, NNEW, TOTMOV LOGICAL MAX TOTMOV = NUP + NDOWN + NREJ WRITE(*,'(/,''INTERMEDIATE RESULTS BEFORE'',/)') WRITE(*,'(/, '' NEXT TEMPERATURE REDUCTION'',/)') WRITE(*,'('' CURRENT TEMPERATURE: '',G12.5)') T IF (MAX) THEN WRITE(*,'('' MAX FUNCTION VALUE SO FAR: '',G25.18)') FOPT WRITE(*,'('' TOTAL MOVES: '',I8)') TOTMOV WRITE(*,'('' UPHILL: '',I8)') NUP WRITE(*,'('' ACCEPTED DOWNHILL: '',I8)') NDOWN WRITE(*,'('' REJECTED DOWNHILL: '',I8)') NREJ WRITE(*,'('' OUT OF BOUNDS TRIALS: '',I8)') LNOBDS WRITE(*,'('' NEW MAXIMA THIS TEMPERATURE:'',I8)') NNEW ELSE WRITE(*,'('' MIN FUNCTION VALUE SO FAR: '',D25.18)') -FOPT WRITE(*,'('' TOTAL MOVES: '',I8)') TOTMOV WRITE(*,'('' DOWNHILL: '',I8)') NUP WRITE(*,'('' ACCEPTED UPHILL: '',I8)') NDOWN WRITE(*,'('' REJECTED UPHILL: '',I8)') NREJ WRITE(*,'('' TRIALS OUT OF BOUNDS: '',I8)') LNOBDS WRITE(*,'('' NEW MINIMA THIS TEMPERATURE:'',I8)') NNEW END IF CALL PRTVEC(XOPT,N,'CURRENT OPTIMAL X') CALL PRTVEC(VM,N,'STEP LENGTH (VM)') WRITE(*,'('' '')') RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRT10 implicit none WRITE(*,'(/,'' SA ACHIEVED TERMINATION CRITERIA. IER = 0. '',/)') RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRTVEC(VECTOR,NCOLS,NAME) implicit none ! This subroutine prints the double precision vector named VECTOR. ! Elements 1 thru NCOLS will be printed. NAME is a character variable ! that describes VECTOR. Note that if NAME is given in the call to ! PRTVEC, it must be enclosed in quotes. If there are more than 10 ! elements in VECTOR, 10 elements will be printed on each line. integer i,j,ll,lines INTEGER NCOLS DOUBLE PRECISION VECTOR(NCOLS) CHARACTER *(*) NAME WRITE(*,1001) NAME IF (NCOLS .GT. 10) THEN LINES = INT(NCOLS/10.) DO I = 1, LINES LL = 10*(I - 1) WRITE(*,1000) (VECTOR(J),J = 1+LL, 10+LL) enddo WRITE(*,1000) (VECTOR(J),J = 11+LL, NCOLS) ELSE WRITE(*,1000) (VECTOR(J),J = 1, NCOLS) END IF 1000 FORMAT( 10(G12.5,1X)) 1001 FORMAT(/,25X,A) RETURN END