module madx_ptc_trackline_module use madx_ptc_module use madx_ptc_intstate_module use madx_ptc_setcavs_module implicit none save public public :: ptc_trackline ! subroutine inside the module public :: ptc_track_everystep ! flag for debugging ranges from 0 (no debug printout) to 10 (the most detailed) real(dp),allocatable :: Dismom(:,:) ! = dismon(i,j)*I_i**j logical(lp) :: onetable !******************************************************************************************** !******************************************************************************************** !******************************************************************************************** contains subroutine ptc_track_everystep(nobs) ! subroutine that performs tracking with acceleration ! it is called as a result of ptc_trackline MAD-X command implicit none integer, intent (IN) :: nobs ! the maximum number of observation points >=1 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: observedelements(:) real(dp) :: charge ! charge of an accelerated particle type(fibre), pointer :: p real (dp) :: x(1:6) ! real (dp) :: polarx(1:6) ! track vector - real (dp) :: xp, yp, p0 real (dp) :: pathlegth = zero integer :: npart = 1 integer :: n = 1 integer :: nturns = 1 integer :: t = 1 integer :: elcode logical(lp) :: gcs logical(lp) :: rplot, dosave, doloop, isstart, isend ! real (dp) :: gposx, gposy, gposz integer :: e, ni integer :: obspointnumber ! observation point number in c-code integer :: getnumberoftracks !function type(internal_state) :: intstate real(kind(1d0)) :: get_value integer :: get_option integer, external :: restart_sequ, & ! restart beamline and return number of beamline node advance_node ! advance to the next node in expanded sequence ! ! =0 (end of range), =1 (else) REAL(KIND(1d0)), external :: node_value !/*returns value for parameter par of current element */ TYPE(BEAM) :: TheBEAM TYPE(INTEGRATION_NODE),POINTER :: CURR_SLICE,PREV_SLICE integer :: mf !------------------------------------------------------ !initialization npart = 1 n = 1 t = 1 !------------------------------------------------------ if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_trackline: ',' no universe created') print*,"Max number of nobs ", nobs return endif if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_trackline: ',' no layout created') return endif nturns = get_value('ptc_trackline ','turns ') if (getdebug() > 2) then print *, 'ptc_trackline, nturns = ', nturns endif if ( (nturns > 1) .and. (my_ring%closed .eqv. .false.)) then call fort_warn('WARNING: You can not make more than one turn in a line!', & 'Putting number of turns to 1!') nturns = 1 endif onetable = get_option('onetable ') .ne. 0 gcs = get_value('ptc_trackline ','gcs ') .ne. 0 rplot = get_value('ptc_trackline ','rootntuple ') .ne. 0 intstate = getintstate() if (gcs .and. intstate%TOTALPATH==1) then call fort_warn("ptc_trackline","Having global coordinates and totalpath for z is sensless") gcs = .false. endif allocate(observedelements(1:my_ring%n)); observedelements(:)=0 ! zero means that this element is not an obs. point charge = get_value('beam ', "charge "); if (getdebug() > 3 ) then print *, 'Read charge:', charge,' layout has charge ', my_ring%start%charge endif if (cavsareset .eqv. .false.) then call setcavities(my_ring,maxaccel) endif if (getdebug() > 0) then print *, 'reading tracks starting posiotions from table ....' endif call gettrack(1,x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(6),x(5)) x(6) = -x(6) if (getdebug() > 0) then print *, 'reading.... Done' endif if (getdebug() > 0) then print *, '###################################################' print *, '###################################################' print *, '###### TRACKING WITH PTC ##########' print *, '###################################################' print *, '###################################################' endif if (rplot) then call newrplot() endif if(.not.associated(my_ring%t)) then CALL MAKE_node_LAYOUT(my_ring) endif ! c_%x_prime=.true. ! Check observation points and install bb elements if any if (getdebug() > 2 ) then print*, "DO BEAM BEAM FLAG = ", do_beam_beam endif e=restart_sequ() p=>my_ring%start do e=1, my_ring%n !in slices e goes to nelem + 1 because the last slice is the fist one. obspointnumber=node_value('obs_point ') ! instead enforce saving data at the beginning and the very end !IF (e.eq.1) obspointnumber=1 ! node_value gives 0 for 1st (?) if (obspointnumber .gt. 0) then if (getdebug() > 0) then print *,"Element ",e," is an observation point no. ",obspointnumber endif observedelements(e) = obspointnumber endif elcode=node_value('mad8_type ') if (elcode .eq. 22) then if (getdebug() > 1 ) then write(6,*) " Beam-Beam position at element named >>",p%mag%name,"<<" endif CURR_SLICE => p%t1 do while (.not. (CURR_SLICE%cas==case0.or.CURR_SLICE%cas==caset) ) if (associated(CURR_SLICE,p%t2)) exit CURR_SLICE => CURR_SLICE%next !print*, CURR_SLICE%cas enddo !print *, 'BB Node Case NO: ',CURR_SLICE%cas if(((CURR_SLICE%cas==case0).or.(CURR_SLICE%cas==caset))) then !must be 0 or 3 if(.not.associated(CURR_SLICE%BB)) call alloc(CURR_SLICE%BB) call getfk(xp) CURR_SLICE%bb%fk = xp CURR_SLICE%bb%sx = node_value('sigx ') CURR_SLICE%bb%sy = node_value('sigy ') CURR_SLICE%bb%xm = node_value('xma ') CURR_SLICE%bb%ym = node_value('yma ') CURR_SLICE%bb%PATCH=.true. if (getdebug() > 2 ) then print*, "BB fk=",CURR_SLICE%bb%fk print*, "BB sx=",CURR_SLICE%bb%sx print*, "BB sy=",CURR_SLICE%bb%sy print*, "BB xm=",CURR_SLICE%bb%xm print*, "BB ym=",CURR_SLICE%bb%ym endif do_beam_beam = .true. else call fort_warn('ptc_trackline: ','Bad node case for BeamBeam') endif endif obspointnumber=advance_node() ! c-code go to the next node -> the passed value is never used, just to shut up a compiler p=>p%next enddo if (getdebug() > 2 ) then print*, "DO BEAM BEAM FLAG = ", do_beam_beam endif n=1 npart = getnumberoftracks() if (getdebug() > 0) then print *, 'There is ', npart,' tracks' endif ! IF(.NOT.ASSOCIATED(TheBeam%N)) THEN CALL ALLOCATE_BEAM(TheBeam,npart) ! ELSEIF(TheBeam%N/=npart) THEN ! CALL KILL_BEAM(TheBeam) ! CALL ALLOCATE_BEAM(TheBeam,npart) ! ENDIF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! READS DATA FROM MADX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do n=1, npart pathlegth = zero if (getdebug() > 2 ) then print *, 'Getting track ',n endif call gettrack(n,TheBeam%X(n,1),TheBeam%X(n,2),TheBeam%X(n,3),TheBeam%X(n,4),TheBeam%X(n,6),TheBeam%X(n,5)) if (getdebug() > 1 ) then write(6,'(a10,1x,i8,1x,6(f9.6,1x))') 'Track ',n,TheBeam%X(n,1:6) endif TheBeam%X(n,7)=ZERO if( associated(TheBeam%POS(n)%NODE) ) then TheBeam%POS(n)%NODE=>my_ring%start%t1 endif enddo !loop over tracks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! TRACKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (getdebug() > 1 ) then call kanalnummer(mf) open(unit=mf,file='thintracking_ptc.txt',POSITION='APPEND' , STATUS='UNKNOWN') endif do t=1, nturns if (getdebug() > 2 ) then print*, "TURN NUMBER ",t endif p=>my_ring%start PREV_SLICE => my_ring%start%T1 CURR_SLICE => prev_slice%next e = 1 ! print*,"Name of the first element ", my_ring%start%mag%name ! print*,"Position of the first element ", my_ring%start%T2%pos ! print*,"Name of the last element ", my_ring%end%mag%name ! print*,"Position of the last element ", my_ring%end%T2%pos do ni=1, my_ring%end%T2%pos if ( .not. associated(CURR_SLICE%PARENT_FIBRE, PREV_SLICE%PARENT_FIBRE) ) then e = e + 1 p=>p%next endif ! call track_beam(my_ring,TheBeam,getintstate(), pos1=ni, pos2=ni+1) call track_beam(my_ring,TheBeam,getintstate(), node1=ni, node2=ni+1) pathlegth = curr_slice%s(3) if (getdebug() > 2 ) then !write(6,*) e, 'l=',pathlegth n=1! print only first one for debug write(6,'(a7,1x,i4,1x,a5,1x,i3,1x,a4,1x,f9.2,1x ,6(f12.8,1x))') & 'Track ',n,'Elem ',e,'S =',pathlegth,TheBeam%X(n,1:6) endif isstart= (t.eq.1).and.(e.eq.1) isend = (t.eq.nturns).and.(e.eq.my_ring%n) dosave = (observedelements(e) .gt. 0) .or. isstart .or. isend doloop = dosave .or. rplot if (doloop) then do n=1, npart x = TheBeam%X(n,1:6) p0 = p%mag%p%p0c ! a simple hook to get a text file if (getdebug() > 1 ) then write(mf,'(i8,1x, a16, 1x, 3i4, 1x,2f8.4, 1x, 7f12.8)' ) ni, p%mag%name, e, n, t, & pathlegth, TheBeam%X(n,7), & x(1), x(2) , x(3), x(4) , x(5), x(6) , p0 endif if (rplot) then !For thin tracking I still do not know how to get global coordinates ! gcs = my_false !For thin tracking ! if (gcs) then ! ! write(6,'(a12,3f8.4)') "Magnet B ", p%mag%p%f%b(1), p%mag%p%f%b(2), p%mag%p%f%b(3) ! gposx = x(1)*p%chart%f%exi(1,1) + x(3)*p%chart%f%exi(1,2) + x(6)*p%chart%f%exi(1,3) ! gposy = x(1)*p%chart%f%exi(2,1) + x(3)*p%chart%f%exi(2,2) + x(6)*p%chart%f%exi(2,3) ! gposz = x(1)*p%chart%f%exi(3,1) + x(3)*p%chart%f%exi(3,2) + x(6)*p%chart%f%exi(3,3) ! ! write(6,'(a12,3f8.4)') " Rotated ", gposx,gposy,gposz ! gposx = gposx + p%chart%f%b(1) ! gposy = gposy + p%chart%f%b(2) ! gposz = gposz + p%chart%f%b(3) ! ! write(6,'(a12, 2i6,3f8.4)') p%mag%name, n,e, gposx,gposy,gposz ! call plottrack(n, e, t, gposx, xp , gposy, yp , x(5), p0 , gposz) ! else !call plottrack(n, e, t, x(1), xp , x(3), yp , x(5), p0 , x(6)) call plottrack(n, e, t, x(1), x(2) , x(3), x(4) , x(5), p0 , x(6)) ! endif endif if ( dosave ) then if ( associated(CURR_SLICE, p%t2 ) ) then !print*, "Sending to table", n, e, pathlegth call putintracktable(n,t,observedelements(e),x(1), x(2) , x(3), x(4) ,x(6), x(5), pathlegth, p0) endif endif !fields in the table "number", "turn", "x", "px", "y", "py", "t", "pt", "s", "e" enddo endif !if doloop over tracks to save in table or root ntuple if (associated(CURR_SLICE%next)) then PREV_SLICE => CURR_SLICE CURR_SLICE => CURR_SLICE%next else exit; endif enddo !over elements enddo !loop over turns if (getdebug() > 1 ) then close(mf) endif if (rplot) call rplotfinish() call deletetrackstrarpositions() ! c_%x_prime=.false. CALL KILL_BEAM(TheBeam) deallocate (observedelements) !============================================================================== end subroutine ptc_track_everystep !_________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine putinstatustable (npart,turn,elno,elna,spos,stat,x,xini,e,mf) use name_lenfi implicit none ! integer :: npart,turn,nobs,stat,mf,elno integer :: npart,turn,stat,mf,elno ! real(kind(1d0)) :: tt ! character*36 table_puttab character*36 table character(name_len) elna !hbu real (dp) :: x(1:6) real (dp) :: xini(1:6) real(dp) :: spos,e ! integer :: get_option !hbu data table / 'tracksumm ' / write(mf,*) npart,spos,turn,elno,elna,xini, x, e,stat !"number", "turn", "x", "px", "y", "py", "t", "pt", "s", "e", doublenum = npart call double_to_table_curr(table, 'number ' , doublenum) doublenum = turn call double_to_table_curr(table, 'turn ' , doublenum) doublenum = x(1) call double_to_table_curr(table, 'x ' , doublenum) doublenum = x(2) call double_to_table_curr(table, 'px ' , doublenum) doublenum = x(3) call double_to_table_curr(table, 'y ' , doublenum) doublenum = x(4) call double_to_table_curr(table, 'py ' , doublenum) doublenum = -x(6) call double_to_table_curr(table, 't ' , doublenum) doublenum = x(5) call double_to_table_curr(table, 'pt ' , doublenum) doublenum = spos call double_to_table_curr(table, 's ' , doublenum) doublenum = e call double_to_table_curr(table, 'e ' , doublenum) call augment_count(table) end subroutine putinstatustable !_________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine putintracktable (npart,turn,nobs,x,px,y,py,t,pt,spos,e) implicit none !--- purpose: enter particle coordinates in table * ! input: * ! npart (int) particle number * ! turn (int) turn number * ! nobs (int) observation point number * !----------------------------------------------------------------------* !vvk ! real(dp) :: tmp_coord_array(lnv), tmp_norm_array(lnv), tmp_norm integer :: npart,turn,nobs real(kind(1d0)) :: tt character*36 table_puttab character*36 table !hbu real(dp) :: x,px,y,py,t,pt real(dp) :: spos,e !hbu data table_puttab / 'track.obs$$$$.p$$$$' / data table / 'trackone ' / if ( onetable ) then table='trackone' table(9:9)= achar(0) else table=table_puttab write(table(10:13), '(i4.4)') nobs write(table(16:19), '(i4.4)') npart endif tt = turn doublenum = nobs call double_to_table_curr(table, 'number ' , doublenum) doublenum = npart call double_to_table_curr(table, 'number ' , doublenum) call double_to_table_curr(table, 'turn ', tt) doublenum = x call double_to_table_curr(table, 'x ' , doublenum) doublenum = px call double_to_table_curr(table, 'px ', doublenum) doublenum = y call double_to_table_curr(table, 'y ' , doublenum) doublenum = py call double_to_table_curr(table, 'py ', doublenum) doublenum = -t call double_to_table_curr(table, 't ' , doublenum) doublenum = pt call double_to_table_curr(table, 'pt ', doublenum) doublenum = spos call double_to_table_curr(table, 's ' , doublenum) doublenum = e call double_to_table_curr(table, 'e ' , doublenum) call augment_count(table) end subroutine putintracktable !_________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine ptc_trackline(nobs) ! subroutine that performs tracking with acceleration ! it is called as a result of ptc_trackline MAD-X command implicit none integer, intent (IN) :: nobs ! the maximum number of observation points >=1 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: observedelements(:) real(dp) :: charge ! charge of an accelerated particle type(fibre), pointer :: p real (dp) :: x(1:6) real (dp) :: xini(1:6) ! real (dp) :: polarx(1:6) ! track vector - real (dp) :: xp, yp, p0 real (dp) :: pathlegth = zero integer :: npart = 1 integer :: n = 1 integer :: nturns = 1 integer :: t = 1 logical(lp) :: gcs logical(lp) :: rplot real (dp) :: gposx, gposy, gposz integer :: e integer :: apertflag character(200) :: whymsg integer :: why(9) ! integer :: rplotno integer :: obspointnumber ! observation point number in c-code integer :: getnumberoftracks !function type(internal_state) :: intstate real(kind(1d0)) :: get_value integer :: get_option integer, external :: restart_sequ, & ! restart beamline and return number of beamline node advance_node ! advance to the next node in expanded sequence ! ! =0 (end of range), =1 (else) REAL(KIND(1d0)), external :: node_value !/*returns value for parameter par of current element */ integer :: mf !type(work) :: fen ! Fibre ENergy !------------------------------------------------------ !initialization npart = 1 n = 1 t = 1 !------------------------------------------------------ if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_trackline: ',' no universe created') print *, nobs return endif if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_trackline: ',' no layout created') return endif nturns = get_value('ptc_trackline ','turns ') if (getdebug() > 2) then print *, 'ptc_trackline, nturns = ', nturns endif if ( (nturns > 1) .and. (my_ring%closed .eqv. .false.)) then call fort_warn('WARNING: You can not make more than one turn in a line!', & 'Putting number of turns to 1!') nturns = 1 endif onetable = get_option('onetable ') .ne. 0 gcs = get_value('ptc_trackline ','gcs ') .ne. 0 rplot = get_value('ptc_trackline ','rootntuple ') .ne. 0 intstate = getintstate() if (gcs .and. intstate%TOTALPATH==1) then call fort_warn("ptc_trackline","Having global coordinates and totalpath for z is sensless") call fort_warn("ptc_trackline","Disabling gcs") gcs = .false. endif allocate(observedelements(1:my_ring%n)); observedelements(:)=0 ! zero means that this element is not an obs. point ! c_%x_prime=.true. e=restart_sequ() p=>my_ring%start do e=1, my_ring%n obspointnumber=node_value('obs_point ') IF (e.eq.1) obspointnumber=1 ! node_value gives 0 for 1st (?) if (obspointnumber .gt. 0) then if (getdebug() > 0) then print *,"Element ",e," is an observation point no. ",obspointnumber endif observedelements(e) = obspointnumber endif obspointnumber=advance_node() ! c-code go to the next node -> the passed value is never used, just to shut up a compiler p=>p%next enddo charge = get_value('beam ', "charge "); if (getdebug() > 3 ) then print *, 'Read charge:', charge,' layout has charge ', my_ring%start%charge endif if (cavsareset .eqv. .false.) then call setcavities(my_ring,maxaccel) endif if (getdebug() > 0) then print *, 'reading tracks starting posiotions from table ....' endif call gettrack(1,x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(6),x(5)) if (getdebug() > 0) then print *, 'reading.... Done' endif if (getdebug() > 0) then print *, '###################################################' print *, '###################################################' print *, '###### TRACKING WITH PTC ##########' print *, '###################################################' print *, '###################################################' endif if (rplot) then call newrplot() endif ! call kanalnummer(mf) ! open(unit=mf,file='ptctracklinestatus.txt',POSITION='APPEND' , STATUS='UNKNOWN') n=1 npart = getnumberoftracks() if (getdebug() > 0) then print *, 'There is ', npart,' tracks' endif do n=1, npart pathlegth = zero if (getdebug() > 3 ) then print *, 'Getting track ',n endif call gettrack(n,x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(6),x(5)) x(6) = -x(6) if (getdebug() > 0 ) write(6,'(a10,1x,i8,1x,6(f9.6,1x))') 'Track ',n,x xini = x do t=1, nturns p=>my_ring%start do e=1, my_ring%n !print*, p%mag%name, p%mag%P%KILL_ENT_FRINGE, p%mag%P%KILL_EXI_FRINGE, & ! p%mag%P%BEND_FRINGE, p%mag%p%PERMFRINGE, p%mag%PERMFRINGE !print*, p%mag%name !write(6,'(a10,1x,i8,1x,6(f12.9,1x))') 'Track ',n,x call track(my_ring,x,e,e+1,getintstate()) if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_trackline: ','DA got unstable') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_trackline ","DA got unstable "); goto 100 !for the time being lets try next particle, !but most probably we will need to stop tracking and reinit !goto 101 endif pathlegth = pathlegth + p%mag%p%ld if (getdebug() > 2 ) then write(6,*) e, 'l=',pathlegth write(6,'(5f8.4, f16.8)') x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5),x(6) endif p0 = p%mag%p%p0c if (rplot) then if (gcs) then ! write(6,'(a12,3f8.4)') "Magnet B ", p%mag%p%f%b(1), p%mag%p%f%b(2), p%mag%p%f%b(3) gposx = x(1)*p%chart%f%exi(1,1) + x(3)*p%chart%f%exi(1,2) + x(6)*p%chart%f%exi(1,3) gposy = x(1)*p%chart%f%exi(2,1) + x(3)*p%chart%f%exi(2,2) + x(6)*p%chart%f%exi(2,3) gposz = x(1)*p%chart%f%exi(3,1) + x(3)*p%chart%f%exi(3,2) + x(6)*p%chart%f%exi(3,3) ! write(6,'(a12,3f8.4)') " Rotated ", gposx,gposy,gposz gposx = gposx + p%chart%f%b(1) gposy = gposy + p%chart%f%b(2) gposz = gposz + p%chart%f%b(3) if (getdebug() > 3 ) write(6,'(a12, 2i6,3f8.4)') p%mag%name, n,e, gposx,gposy,gposz call plottrack(n, e, t, gposx, x(2) , gposy, x(4) , x(5), p0 , gposz) else call plottrack(n, e, t, x(1), x(2) , x(3), x(4) , x(5), p0 , x(6)) endif endif if ( observedelements(e) .gt. 0) then call putintracktable(n,t,observedelements(e),x(1), x(2) , x(3), x(4) , x(6), x(5), pathlegth, p0) endif !fields in the table "number", "turn", "x", "px", "y", "py", "t", "pt", "s", "e" call produce_aperture_flag(apertflag) if (apertflag/=0) then print *, 'Particle out of aperture!' call ANALYSE_APERTURE_FLAG(apertflag,why) Write(6,*) "ptc_trackline: APERTURE error for element: ",e," name: ",p%MAG%name Write(6,*) "Message: ",messagelost write(whymsg,*) 'APERTURE error: ',why call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ',whymsg) call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_twiss: ",whymsg); goto 100 !take next track endif if (e .lt. my_ring%n) p=>p%next enddo !over elements if (apertflag/=0) then exit; !goes to the next particle endif enddo !loop over turns ! npart,turn,elno,elna,spos,stat,x,xini,e,mf !fen = p; t = t - 1 !call putinstatustable(n,t,e,p%previous%MAG%name,pathlegth,0,x,xini,fen%energy,mf) 100 continue!take next track enddo !loop over tracks 101 continue!finish the program if (rplot) call rplotfinish() call deletetrackstrarpositions() !close(mf) ! c_%x_prime=.false. deallocate (observedelements) !============================================================================== end subroutine ptc_trackline !_________________________________________________________________________________ end module madx_ptc_trackline_module ! if (getdebug() > 3) then ! write(6,*) p%mag%name ! write(6,'(a12,3f8.4)') "Chart B ", p%chart%f%b(1), p%chart%f%b(2), p%chart%f%b(3) ! write(6,'(a12,3f8.4)') "Magnet B ", p%mag%p%f%b(1), p%mag%p%f%b(2), p%mag%p%f%b(3) ! write(6,'(a12,3f8.4)') "Chart Exi1 ", p%chart%f%exi(1,1), p%chart%f%exi(1,2), p%chart%f%exi(1,3) ! write(6,'(a12,3f8.4)') "Chart Exi2 ", p%chart%f%exi(2,1), p%chart%f%exi(2,2), p%chart%f%exi(2,3) ! write(6,'(a12,3f8.4)') "Chart Exi2 ", p%chart%f%exi(3,1), p%chart%f%exi(3,2), p%chart%f%exi(3,3) ! write(6,'(a12,3f8.4)') "mag Exi1 ", p%mag%p%f%exi(1,1), p%mag%p%f%exi(1,2), p%mag%p%f%exi(1,3) ! write(6,'(a12,3f8.4)') "mag Exi2 ", p%mag%p%f%exi(2,1), p%mag%p%f%exi(2,2), p%mag%p%f%exi(2,3) ! write(6,'(a12,3f8.4)') "mag Exi2 ", p%mag%p%f%exi(3,1), p%mag%p%f%exi(3,2), p%mag%p%f%exi(3,3) ! endif !