module madx_ptc_normal_module !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ! madx_ptc_normal module ! Frank Schmidt (CERN) ! use madx_ptc_module !_________________________________________________________________ implicit none public private double_from_normal_t1,display_table_results contains !____________________________________________________________________________________________ SUBROUTINE ptc_normal() USE ptc_results USE madx_ptc_intstate_module implicit none logical(lp) closed_orbit,normal,maptable integer no,mynd2,npara,nda,icase,flag_index,why(9) integer i,ii,j1,k,l,starti integer n_rows,row,n_haml,n_gnfu,nres,mynres,n1,n2 integer,external :: select_ptc_idx, minimum_acceptable_order, & string_from_table_row, double_from_table_row, double_to_table_row real(dp) x(6),deltap0,deltap,dt integer :: indexa(4) integer :: row_haml(101) integer :: index1(1000,2) real(kind(1d0)) get_value,val_ptc,tmp character(len = 5) name_var type(real_8) y(6) type(real_8) :: theAscript(6) ! used here to compute dispersion's derivatives type(normalform) :: n_t2 ! normal from type 2 for hamiltonian terms !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_normal: ',' no universe created') return endif if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_normal: ',' no layout created') return endif ! do the check early so it leaves immediately and does not leave allocated objects no = get_value('ptc_normal ','no ') if (no < minimum_acceptable_order()) then print*, "minimum acceptable order: ", minimum_acceptable_order() call seterrorflag(11,"ptc_normal ","Order of calculation is not sufficient to calculate required parameters") call fort_warn('ptc_normal: ',& 'Order of calculation (parameter no) is not sufficient to calculate required parameters') return endif call cleartables() !defined in madx_ptc_knobs nda=0 icase = get_value('ptc_normal ','icase ') deltap0 = get_value('ptc_normal ','deltap ') ! deltap = zero call my_state(icase,deltap,deltap0) CALL UPDATE_STATES x(:)=zero if(mytime) then call Convert_dp_to_dt (deltap, dt) else dt=deltap endif if(icase.eq.5) x(5)=dt closed_orbit = get_value('ptc_normal ','closed_orbit ') .ne. 0 if(closed_orbit) then ! pass starting point for closed orbit search x(1)=get_value('ptc_normal ','x ') x(2)=get_value('ptc_normal ','px ') x(3)=get_value('ptc_normal ','y ') x(4)=get_value('ptc_normal ','py ') x(6)=get_value('ptc_normal ','t ') x(5)=x(5)+get_value('ptc_normal ','pt ') call find_orbit(my_ring,x,1,default,c_1d_7) CALL write_closed_orbit(icase,x) endif call init(default,no,nda,BERZ,mynd2,npara) call alloc(y) y=npara Y=X c_%watch_user=.true. call track(my_ring,y,1,default) if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_normal: ','DA got unstable') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_normal ","DA got unstable "); return endif call PRODUCE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index) if(flag_index/=0) then call ANALYSE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index,why) Write(6,*) "ptc_normal unstable (map production)-programs continues " Write(6,*) why ! See produce aperture flag routine in sd_frame CALL kill(y) c_%watch_user=.false. return endif c_%watch_user=.false. !if (getdebug()>1) print77=.false. read77 =.false. call daprint(y,18) maptable = get_value('ptc_normal ','maptable ') .ne. 0 if(maptable) then call makemaptable(y) endif normal = get_value('ptc_normal ','normal ') .ne. 0 if(normal) then !------ Find the number of occurences of the attribute 'haml' n_rows = select_ptc_idx() !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 !! Q (+chroma+anharmon) and DX !here we do normal type 1 call alloc(n) if (getdebug() > 0) print*,"Normal Form Type 1" n=y if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_normal: ','Fatal Error: DA in NormalForm got unstable') stop endif if (getdebug() > 1) then write(19,'(/a/)') 'Dispersion, First and Higher Orders' call daprint(n%A1,19) endif if (getdebug() > 1) then write(19,'(/a/)') 'Tunes, Chromaticities and Anharmonicities' ! call daprint(n%A_t,19) ! call daprint(n%A,19) call daprint(n%dhdj,19) ! orig one ! call daprint(pbrh,19) endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 !! HAML !!here we do normal type 2 !! It has resonanses left in the normal form !! which are defined with normal%M call alloc(n_t2) nres = 0 n_haml = 0 n_gnfu = 0 if (n_rows > 0) then do row = 1,n_rows name_var=" " k = string_from_table_row('normal_results ', 'name ', row, name_var) if (name_var(:4) .eq. 'gnfu') then if (getdebug() > 2) print*,"ptc_normal: adding gnfu" n_gnfu = n_gnfu + 1 endif if (name_var(:4) .eq. 'haml') then n_haml = n_haml + 1 row_haml(n_haml) = row endif enddo if (n_haml > 0) then call alloc(pbrh) do j1 =1,n_haml row = row_haml(j1) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "value ", row, doublenum) mynres = int(doublenum) row = row_haml(j1) - 3*mynres + 2 starti = 1 if (j1 .eq. 1) then k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) indexa(1) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order2 ", row, doublenum) indexa(2) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order3 ", row, doublenum) indexa(3) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order4 ", row, doublenum) indexa(4) = int(doublenum) index1(1,1) = indexa(1) - indexa(2) index1(1,2) = indexa(3) - indexa(4) n_t2%m(1,1)= index1(1,1) n_t2%m(2,1)= index1(1,2) if(c_%nd2.eq.6) n_t2%m(3,1)= indexa(3) nres = 1 starti = 2 endif !============ nres is the number of resonances to be set if (mynres .ge. starti) then do i = starti,mynres ii = row + 3*(i-1) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", ii, doublenum) indexa(1) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order2 ", ii, doublenum) indexa(2) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order3 ", ii, doublenum) indexa(3) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order4 ", ii, doublenum) indexa(4) = int(doublenum) n1 = indexa(1) - indexa(2) n2 = indexa(3) - indexa(4) do l = 1,nres if (n1 .eq. index1(l,1) .and. n2 .eq. index1(l,2)) goto 100 enddo nres = nres + 1 index1(nres,1) = n1 index1(nres,2) = n2 n_t2%m(1,nres)= n1 n_t2%m(2,nres)= n2 if(c_%nd2.eq.6) n_t2%m(3,nres)= indexa(3) 100 continue enddo endif enddo n_t2%nres = nres endif endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (n_haml > 0) then if (getdebug() > 0) print*,"Normal Form Type 2 (for Hamiltonian Terms)" n_t2=y if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_normal: ','Fatal Error: DA in NormalForm got unstable') stop endif pbrh = n_t2%normal%pb endif if (n_gnfu > 0) then call alloc(pbrg) pbrg = n%a%pb endif !------ get values and store them in the table 'normal_results' --------- if (n_rows > 0) then do row = 1,n_rows name_var=" " k = string_from_table_row("normal_results ", "name ", row, name_var) if (name_var(:3) .eq. 'ham') then val_ptc = double_from_normal_t2(name_var, row, icase) !!! HERE IS THE RETRIVAL else val_ptc = double_from_normal_t1(name_var, row, icase) !!! HERE IS THE RETRIVAL endif if (name_var(:4) .ne. 'haml' .and. name_var(:4) .ne. 'gnfu') then k = double_to_table_row("normal_results ", "value ", row, val_ptc) endif enddo endif call alloc(theAscript) theAscript = X+n%A_t; call putusertable(1,'$end$ ',dt ,dt,y,theAscript) call kill(theAscript) if (n_gnfu > 0) call kill(pbrg) if (n_haml > 0) call kill(pbrh) call kill(n) call kill(n_t2) endif CALL kill(y) close(18) if (getdebug() > 1) then close(19) endif ! f90flush is not portable, and useless... ! call f90flush(18,my_false) ! call f90flush(19,my_false) END subroutine ptc_normal !________________________________________________________________________________ FUNCTION double_from_normal_t1(name_var,row,icase) USE ptc_results implicit none logical(lp) name_l integer,intent(IN) :: row,icase real(dp) double_from_normal_t1, d_val, d_val1, d_val2 integer ii,i1,i2,jj integer j,k,ind(6) integer double_from_table_row character(len = 4) name_var character(len = 2) name_var1 character(len = 3) name_var2 name_l = .false. double_from_normal_t1 = zero name_var1 = name_var SELECT CASE (name_var1) CASE ("dx") ind(:)=0 k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) ind(5) = int(doublenum) if (ind(5) == 0) ind(5) = 1 ind(6) = 0 d_val = n%A1%V(1).sub.ind CASE ('dy') ind(:)=0 k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) ind(5) = int(doublenum) if (ind(5) == 0) ind(5) = 1 ind(6) = 0 d_val = n%A1%V(3).sub.ind CASE ('q1') ind(:)=0 d_val = n%dhdj%V(c_%nd+1).sub.ind CASE ('q2') ind(:)=0 d_val = n%dhdj%V(c_%nd+2).sub.ind CASE DEFAULT name_l = .true. END SELECT if (name_l) then name_l = .false. name_var2 = name_var SELECT CASE (name_var2) CASE ('dpx') ind(:)=0 k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) ind(5) = int(doublenum) if (ind(5) == 0) ind(5) = 1 ind(6) = 0 d_val = n%A1%V(2).sub.ind CASE ('dpy') ind(:)=0 k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) ind(5) = int(doublenum) if (ind(5) == 0) ind(5) = 1 ind(6) = 0 d_val = n%A1%V(4).sub.ind CASE ('dq1') k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) ind(:)=0 ind(5) = int(doublenum) if (ind(5) == 0) ind(5) = 1 ind(6) = 0 d_val = n%dhdj%V(c_%nd+1).sub.ind ! LD: was V(3) CASE ('dq2') k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) ind(:)=0 ind(5) = int(doublenum) if (ind(5) == 0) ind(5) = 1 ind(6) = 0 d_val = n%dhdj%V(c_%nd+2).sub.ind ! LD: was V(4) CASE DEFAULT name_l = .true. END SELECT endif if (name_l) then SELECT CASE (name_var) CASE ('anhx') k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) do j = 1,2 ind(j) = int(doublenum) enddo k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order2 ", row, doublenum) do j = 3,4 ind(j) = int(doublenum) enddo k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order3 ", row, doublenum) ind(5) = int(doublenum) ind(6) = 0 d_val = n%dhdj%V(c_%nd+1).sub.ind ! LD: was V(3) CASE ('anhy') k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) do j = 1,2 ind(j) = int(doublenum) enddo k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order2 ", row, doublenum) do j = 3,4 ind(j) = int(doublenum) enddo k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order3 ", row, doublenum) ind(5) = int(doublenum) ind(6) = 0 d_val = n%dhdj%V(c_%nd+2).sub.ind ! LD: was V(4) CASE ('eign') ii=(icase/2)*2 k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) i1 = int(doublenum) if( call aafail('return from double_from_normal_t1: ',' wrong # of eigenvectors') jj=0 if(i1.eq.5) jj=6 if(i1.eq.6) i1=5 if(jj.eq.6) i1=jj k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order2 ", row, doublenum) i2 = int(doublenum) if( call aafail('return from double_from_normal_t1: ',' eigenvectors too many components') jj=0 if(i2.eq.5) jj=6 if(i2.eq.6) i2=5 if(jj.eq.6) i2=jj ind(:)=0 ind(i2)=1 double_from_normal_t1 = n%A_t%V(i1).sub.ind if(mytime.and.i2.eq.6) double_from_normal_t1 = -double_from_normal_t1 RETURN CASE ('gnfc') k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) ind(1) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order2 ", row, doublenum) ind(2) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order3 ", row, doublenum) ind(3) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order4 ", row, doublenum) ind(4) = int(doublenum) ind(5) = 0 ind(6) = 0 d_val = pbrg%cos%h.sub.ind double_from_normal_t1 = d_val RETURN CASE ('gnfs') k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) ind(1) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order2 ", row, doublenum) ind(2) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order3 ", row, doublenum) ind(3) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order4 ", row, doublenum) ind(4) = int(doublenum) ind(5) = 0 ind(6) = 0 d_val = pbrg%sin%h.sub.ind double_from_normal_t1 = d_val RETURN CASE ('gnfa') k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) ind(1) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order2 ", row, doublenum) ind(2) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order3 ", row, doublenum) ind(3) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order4 ", row, doublenum) ind(4) = int(doublenum) ind(5) = 0 ind(6) = 0 d_val1 = pbrg%cos%h.sub.ind d_val2 = pbrg%sin%h.sub.ind double_from_normal_t1 = SQRT(d_val1**2 + d_val2**2) RETURN CASE ('gnfu') double_from_normal_t1 = zero ! should never arrive here RETURN CASE DEFAULT print *,"--Error in the table normal_results-- Unknown input: ",name_var END SELECT endif double_from_normal_t1 = d_val*(factorial(ind(1))*factorial(ind(3))*factorial(ind(5))) END FUNCTION double_from_normal_t1 !________________________________________________ !Extraction of normal type 2 variables: hamiltonian and generating functions FUNCTION double_from_normal_t2(name_var,row,icase) USE ptc_results implicit none logical(lp) name_l integer,intent(IN) :: row,icase real(dp) double_from_normal_t2, d_val, d_val1, d_val2 integer ii,i1,i2,jj integer j,k,ind(6) integer double_from_table_row character(len = 4) name_var character(len = 2) name_var1 character(len = 3) name_var2 double_from_normal_t2 = zero name_var1 = name_var ! if (LEN_TRIM(name_var)) SELECT CASE (name_var) CASE ('hamc') k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) ind(1) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order2 ", row, doublenum) ind(2) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order3 ", row, doublenum) ind(3) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order4 ", row, doublenum) ind(4) = int(doublenum) ind(5) = 0 ind(6) = 0 d_val = pbrh%cos%h.sub.ind double_from_normal_t2 = d_val RETURN CASE ('hams') k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) ind(1) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order2 ", row, doublenum) ind(2) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order3 ", row, doublenum) ind(3) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order4 ", row, doublenum) ind(4) = int(doublenum) ind(5) = 0 ind(6) = 0 d_val = pbrh%sin%h.sub.ind double_from_normal_t2 = d_val RETURN CASE ('hama') k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) ind(1) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order2 ", row, doublenum) ind(2) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order3 ", row, doublenum) ind(3) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order4 ", row, doublenum) ind(4) = int(doublenum) ind(5) = 0 ind(6) = 0 d_val1 = pbrh%cos%h.sub.ind d_val2 = pbrh%sin%h.sub.ind double_from_normal_t2 = SQRT(d_val1**2 + d_val2**2) RETURN CASE ('haml') double_from_normal_t2 = zero RETURN CASE DEFAULT print *,"--Error in the table normal_results-- Unknown input: ",name_var END SELECT double_from_normal_t2 = d_val*(factorial(ind(1))*factorial(ind(3))*factorial(ind(5))) END FUNCTION double_from_normal_t2 !_________________________________________________________________ SUBROUTINE display_table_results() implicit none integer, external :: select_ptc_idx, string_from_table_row, double_from_table_row character(len = 4) name_var integer row,k integer :: ord(3) print *,"Variable name Order 1 order 2 order 3 Value " do row = 1 , select_ptc_idx() name_var=" " k = string_from_table_row("normal_results ", "name ", row, name_var) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order1 ", row, doublenum) ord(1) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order2 ", row, doublenum) ord(2) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "order3 ", row, doublenum) ord(3) = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("normal_results ", "value ", row, doublenum) WRITE(*,100) name_var,ord(1),ord(2),ord(3),doublenum enddo 100 FORMAT(3X,A4,14X,I1,8X,I1,8X,I1,5X,f25.18) END SUBROUTINE display_table_results END MODULE madx_ptc_normal_module