module madx_ptc_twiss_module !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! madx_ptc_distrib module ! Piotr K. Skowronski , Frank Schmidt (CERN) ! ! This module contains service for twiss distributions with PTC use madx_ptc_module use madx_ptc_intstate_module, only : getdebug USE madx_ptc_setcavs_module USE madx_ptc_knobs_module USE madx_ptc_distrib_module implicit none save private !============================================================================================ ! PUBLIC INTERFACE public :: twiss,ptc_twiss !============================================================================================ ! PRIVATE ! data structures !PSk 2011.01.05 goes global to the modules so the slice tracking produces it for the summ table type(real_8) :: theTransferMap(6) type(universal_taylor) :: unimap(6) type twiss logical(lp) nf real(dp), dimension(3,3) :: beta,alfa,gama real(dp), dimension(3,3) :: beta_p,alfa_p,gama_p ! derivatives of the above w.r.t delta_p real(dp), dimension(3) :: mu real(dp), dimension(6) :: disp real(dp), dimension(6) :: disp_p ! derivatives of the dispersion w.r.t delta_p real(dp), dimension(6) :: disp_p2 ! second derivatives of the dispersion w.r.t delta_p real(dp), dimension(6) :: disp_p3 ! third order derivatives of dispersion w.r.t delta_p real(dp), dimension(3) :: tune real(dp), dimension(6,6) :: eigen end type twiss interface assignment (=) module procedure equaltwiss module procedure zerotwiss module procedure normalform_normalform end interface assignment (=) interface alloc module procedure alloctwiss end interface alloc interface kill module procedure killtwiss end interface kill type(normalform) :: Normal real(dp), private, dimension(2,ndim2) :: angp real(dp), private, dimension(ndim2) :: dicu integer, private, parameter :: ndd=ndim2 integer, private, dimension(4) :: iia,icoast integer, private :: np !new lattice function real(dp), private, dimension(3) :: testold real(dp), private, dimension(3) :: phase character(len=5), private, dimension(5), parameter :: str5 = (/'10000','01000','00100','00010','00001'/) integer, private, allocatable :: J(:) integer, private, dimension(6) :: j5 = (/0,0,0,0,1,0/) integer, private, dimension(6) :: j6 = (/0,0,0,0,0,1/) integer, private, dimension(6,6) :: fo = & reshape( (/1,0,0,0,0,0,& 0,1,0,0,0,0,& 0,0,1,0,0,0,& 0,0,0,1,0,0,& 0,0,0,0,1,0,& 0,0,0,0,0,1 /), & (/6,6/) ) logical :: slice_magnets, center_magnets, deltap_dependency, isRing logical :: resetBetaExtrema(3,3); real(dp) :: minBeta(3,3) ! jluc: to store extremas of Twiss functions (show-up in summary table real(dp) :: maxBeta(3,3) ! jluc: to store extremas of Twiss functions (show-up in summary table) !============================================================================================ ! PRIVATE ! routines private zerotwiss,equaltwiss,killtwiss contains !____________________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine equaltwiss(s1,Y) implicit none type(twiss), intent(inout)::s1 type(real_8), intent(in)::Y(6) integer jj,i,k, ndel, n real(dp) :: lat(0:6,6,3) real(dp) :: test, dph real(dp) :: epsil=1e-12 ! integer :: J(lnv) lat = zero n=3 ! 1 2 3 are tunes ndel=0 if(c_%ndpt/=0) then ! print*, "We are at the mode 6D + nocav" ndel=1 !this is 6D without cavity (MADX icase=56) endif J=0; do i=1,c_%nd2-2*ndel do jj=i,c_%nd2-2*ndel do k=1,c_%nd-ndel n=n+1 J(2*k-1)=1 lat(i,jj,k)= (Y(i)%t.sub.J)*(Y(jj)%t.sub.J) J(2*k-1)=0 J(2*k)=1 lat(i,jj,k)=lat(i,jj,k) + (Y(i)%t.sub.J)*(Y(jj)%t.sub.J) lat(jj,i,k)=lat(i,jj,k) J(2*k)=0 enddo enddo enddo J=0 !here ND2=4 and delta is present nd2=6 and delta is a constant ! print*,"nv",c_%nv,"nd2",c_%nd2,"np",c_%np,"ndpt",c_%ndpt ,"=>",c_%nv-c_%nd2-c_%np if( (c_%npara==5) .or. (c_%ndpt/=0) ) then !when there is no cavity it gives us dispersions do i=1,4 lat(0,i,1)=(Y(i)%t.sub.J5) enddo elseif (c_%nd2 == 6) then do i=1,4 lat(0,i,1) = (Y(i)%t.sub.J5)*(Y(6)%t.sub.J6) lat(0,i,1) = lat(0,i,1) + (Y(i)%t.sub.J6)*(Y(5)%t.sub.J5) enddo else do i=1,4 lat(0,i,1)=zero enddo endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! phase advance! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! k = 2 if(c_%nd2==6.and.c_%ndpt==0) k = 3 j=0 do i=1, k jj=2*i -1 TEST=ATAN2((Y(2*i -1)*i,:)),(Y(2*i-1)*i-1,:)))/TWOPI if (i == 3) then TEST = ATAN2((Y(6),:)),(Y(6),:)))/TWOPI endif IF(TESTEPSIL)TEST=TEST+one DPH=TEST-TESTOLD(i) IF(DPHEPSIL) DPH=DPH+one IF(DPH>half) DPH=DPH-one PHASE(i)=PHASE(i)+DPH TESTOLD(i)=TEST enddo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do i=1,c_%nd do k=1,c_%nd s1%beta(k,i)= lat(2*k-1,2*k-1,i) s1%alfa(k,i)=-lat(2*k-1,2*k ,i) s1%gama(k,i)= lat(2*k ,2*k ,i) enddo enddo ! --- derivatives of the Twiss parameters w.r.t delta_p if (deltap_dependency) then if( (c_%npara==5) .or. (c_%ndpt/=0) ) then ! condition to be checked call computeDeltapDependency(y,s1) endif endif ! --- !when there is no cavity it gives us dispersions do i=1,c_%nd2-2*ndel s1%disp(i)=lat(0,i,1) enddo if (c_%nd == 3) then do i=1,c_%nd test = s1%beta(3,i) s1%beta(3,i) = s1%gama(3,i) s1%gama(3,i) = test enddo endif !--- track the Twiss functions' extremas call trackBetaExtrema(1,1,s1%beta(1,1)) call trackBetaExtrema(2,2,s1%beta(2,2)) !--- s1%mu=phase do k=1,3 do i=1,6 s1%eigen(k*2-1,i) = Y(k*2-1),:) s1%eigen(k*2 ,i) = Y(k*2 ),:) enddo enddo if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ','DA in twiss got unstable') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_twiss ","DA got unstable in twiss "); return endif end subroutine equaltwiss subroutine alloctwiss(s1) implicit none type (twiss),intent(inout)::s1 s1=0 end subroutine alloctwiss !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine killtwiss(s1) implicit none type (twiss),intent(inout)::s1 s1%nf=.false. s1%beta(:,:)=zero s1%beta_p(:,:)=zero s1%alfa(:,:)=zero s1%alfa_p(:,:)=zero s1%gama(:,:)=zero s1%gama_p(:,:)=zero s1%mu(:)=zero s1%disp(:)=zero s1%disp_p(:)=zero s1%disp_p2(:)=zero s1%disp_p3(:)=zero s1%tune(:)=zero s1%eigen(:,:)=zero end subroutine killtwiss !_________________________________________________________________ !________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine zerotwiss(s1,i) implicit none type(twiss), intent(inout)::s1 integer, intent(in)::i if(i==0) then call liepeek(iia,icoast) NP=iia(2)-c_%nd2 s1%nf=.false. s1%beta(:,:)=zero s1%beta_p(:,:)=zero s1%alfa(:,:)=zero s1%alfa_p(:,:)=zero s1%gama(:,:)=zero s1%gama_p(:,:)=zero s1%mu(:)=zero s1%disp(:)=zero s1%disp_p(:)=zero s1%disp_p2(:)=zero s1%disp_p3(:)=zero s1%tune(:)=zero s1%eigen(:,:)=zero dicu(:)=zero angp(:,:)=zero endif end subroutine zerotwiss !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine ptc_twiss(tab_name,summary_tab_name) use twissafi implicit none logical(lp) :: closed_orbit,beta_flg, slice, goslice integer :: k,i,ii integer :: no,mynd2,npara,nda,icase,flag_index,why(9),my_nv,nv_min character(200) :: whymsg integer :: ioptfun,iii,restart_sequ,advance_node,mf1,mf2 integer :: tab_name(*) integer :: summary_tab_name(*) real(dp) :: x(6) real(dp) :: deltap0,deltap ,d_val real(kind(1d0)) :: get_value,suml,s integer :: posstart, posnow integer :: geterrorflag !C function that returns errorflag value type(real_8) :: y(6) type(twiss) :: tw type(fibre), POINTER :: current type(integration_node), pointer :: nodePtr, stopNode type(work) :: startfen !Fibre energy at the start real(dp) :: r,re(ndim2,ndim2),dt logical(lp) :: initial_matrix_manual, initial_matrix_table, initial_map_manual logical(lp) :: initial_distrib_manual, initial_ascript_manual, writetmap integer :: row, rmatrix real(dp) :: emi(3) logical(lp) :: isputdata integer :: countSkipped character(48) :: summary_table_name character(12) :: tmfile='' character(48) charconv !routine if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_twiss: ',' no universe created') call seterrorflag(1,"ptc_twiss ","no universe created till now"); return endif if( then call fort_warn('return from ptc_twiss: ',' no layout created') call seterrorflag(2,"ptc_twiss ","no layout created till now"); return endif call resetBetaExtremas() !skipnormalform = my_false countSkipped = 0 !all zeroing testold = zero phase = zero do i=1,6 unimap(i) = zero enddo if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"ptc_twiss" endif call momfirstinit() !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ table_name = charconv(tab_name) summary_table_name = charconv(summary_tab_name) if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"ptc_twiss: Table name is ",table_name print*,"ptc_twiss: Summary table name is", summary_table_name endif call cleartables() !defined in madx_ptc_knobs call kill_para(my_ring) !removes all the previous parameters nda = getnknobsall() !defined in madx_ptc_knobs suml=zero icase = get_value('ptc_twiss ','icase ') deltap0 = get_value('ptc_twiss ','deltap ') rmatrix = get_value('ptc_twiss ','rmatrix ') deltap = zero call my_state(icase,deltap,deltap0) CALL UPDATE_STATES ! check that deltap-dependency selected if icase=5, which stands for ! 4 dimensions and deltap/p as an external parameter. ! indeed the simplified formulas we applied for derivation w.r.t deltap assume ! that deltap is an externally supplied constant parameter, which is no longer ! the case when icase = 6 as deltap then becomes a phase-space state-variable. ! and for icase=4, there is no dispersion. deltap_dependency = get_value('ptc_twiss ','deltap_dependency ') .ne. 0 if (deltap_dependency .and. .not.((icase.eq.5) .or. (icase.eq.56))) then call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ','derivation w.r.t deltap assume deltap is fixed parameter') call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ','derivation w.r.t deltap assume icase=5 (formula differentiation) or icase=56 (from map)') endif x(:)=zero if(mytime) then call Convert_dp_to_dt (deltap, dt) else dt=deltap endif if(icase.eq.5 .or. icase.eq.56) x(5)=dt closed_orbit = get_value('ptc_twiss ','closed_orbit ') .ne. 0 if( closed_orbit .and. (icav .gt. 0) .and. (my_ring%closed .eqv. .false.)) then call fort_warn('return from ptc_twiss: ',' Closed orbit requested on not closed layout.') call seterrorflag(3,"ptc_twiss ","Closed orbit requested on not closed layout."); return endif if(closed_orbit) then if ( .not. c_%stable_da) then call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ','DA got unstable even before finding orbit') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_twiss ","DA got unstable even before finding orbit"); stop ! return endif ! pass starting point for closed orbit search x(1)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','x ') x(2)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','px ') x(3)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','y ') x(4)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','py ') x(6)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','t ') x(5)=x(5)+get_value('ptc_twiss ','pt ') !print*, "Looking for orbit" !w_p = 0 call find_orbit(my_ring,x,1,default,c_1d_7) if ( .not. check_stable) then call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ','Can not find closed orbit') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_twiss ","Can not find closed orbit"); return ! return endif ! print*, "From closed orbit", w_p%nc ! if ( w_p%nc .gt. 0) then ! do i=1,w_p%nc ! call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ',w_p%c(i)) ! call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_twiss ",w_p%c(i)); ! enddo ! endif CALL write_closed_orbit(icase,x) elseif(my_ring%closed .eqv. .true.) then print*, "Closed orbit specified by the user!" !CALL write_closed_orbit(icase,x) at this position it isn't read endif mynd2 = 0 npara = 0 no = get_value('ptc_twiss ','no ') if ( no .lt. 1 ) then call fort_warn('madx_ptc_twiss.f90 :','Order in twiss is smaller then 1') print*, "Order is ", no return endif writetmap = get_value('ptc_twiss ','writetmap ') .ne. 0 !this must be before initialization of the Bertz initial_distrib_manual = get_value('ptc_twiss ','initial_moments_manual ') .ne. 0 if (initial_distrib_manual) then if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Initializing map with initial_moments_manual=true" endif call readinitialdistrib() endif call init(default,no,nda,BERZ,mynd2,npara) !This must be before init map call alloc(y) y=npara Y=X ! if (maxaccel .eqv. .false.) then ! cavsareset = .false. ! endif if ( (cavsareset .eqv. .false.) .and. (my_ring%closed .eqv. .false.) ) then call setcavities(my_ring,maxaccel) if (geterrorflag() /= 0) then return endif endif call setknobs(my_ring) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! INIT Y that is tracked ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call initmap(dt) if (geterrorflag() /= 0) then !if arror occured then return return endif call alloc(theTransferMap) theTransferMap = npara theTransferMap = X !############################################################################ !############################################################################ !############################################################################ slice_magnets = get_value('ptc_twiss ','slice_magnets ') .ne. 0 center_magnets = get_value('ptc_twiss ','center_magnets ') .ne. 0 slice = slice_magnets .or. center_magnets if ( slice) then call make_node_layout(my_ring) call getBeamBeam() endif !############################################################################ !############################################################################ !############################################################################ call alloc(tw) !Y !the initial twiss is needed to initialize propely calculation of some variables f.g. phase advance tw=y phase = zero !we have to do it after the very initial twiss params calculation above current=>MY_RING%start startfen = 0 startfen = current!setting up start energy for record suml=zero iii=restart_sequ() print77=.false. read77=.false. if (getdebug() > 2) then call kanalnummer(mf1) open(unit=mf1,file='ptctwiss.txt') print *, "ptc_twiss: internal state is:" call print(default,6) endif call killsavedmaps() !delete all maps, if present mapsorder = 0 !it is set at the end, so we are sure the twiss was successful savemaps = get_value('ptc_twiss ','savemaps ') .ne. 0 if (savemaps) then allocate(maps(MY_RING%n)) do i=1,MY_RING%n do ii=1,6 call alloc(maps(i)%unimap(ii),0,0) maps(i)%unimap(ii) = zero !this initializes and allocates the variables enddo enddo else nullify(maps) !assurance endif do i=1,MY_RING%n if (getdebug() > 1) then write(6,*) "##########################################" write(6,'(i4, 1x,a, f10.6)') i,current%mag%name, suml write(6,'(a1,a,a1)') ">",current%mag%vorname,"<" write(6,'(a, f12.6, a)') "Ref Momentum ",current%mag%p%p0c," GeV/c" ! if (associated(current%mag%BN)) write(6,*) "k1=", current%mag%BN(2) endif ! Can not do this trick because beam beam can be defined within those elements ! so even stupid markers will occur at least twice in the twiss table ! skowron 2012.07.03 !if (slice) then goslice = .true. ! if (current%mag%kind==kind0) then ! this is a MARKER ! goslice = .false. ! elseif(current%mag%kind==kind1) then ! this is a DRIFT, they go in one step anyway ! goslice = .false. ! elseif(current%mag%kind==kind11) then ! this is a MONITOR, they go in one step anyway ! goslice = .false. ! elseif(current%mag%kind==kind12) then ! this is a HMONITOR, they go in one step anyway ! goslice = .false. ! elseif(current%mag%kind==kind13) then ! this is a VMONITOR, they go in one step anyway ! goslice = .false. ! elseif(current%mag%kind==kind14) then ! this is a INSTRUMENT, they go in one step anyway ! goslice = .false. ! endif !endif if (slice .and. goslice) then if (getdebug() > 1) then write(6,*) "##### SLICE MAGNETS" endif nodePtr => current%t1 posstart = nodePtr%pos !posnow = posstart; if (associated(current%next)) then !write(6,*) " Next node exists" stopNode => current%next%t1 else stopNode => current%t2 endif do while ( .not. (associated(nodePtr, stopNode)) ) s = nodePtr%next%s(1) ! s(1) is the total arc-length, s(3) the total integration-distance !I do not know what JL meant here if ((s .eq. 0d0) .and. (nodePtr%pos .eq. (my_ring%t%n+posstart-1))) then s = nodePtr%s(1) + nodePtr%next%s(5) ! s of previous node + local offset endif if (getdebug() > 2) then write(6,*) "##### SLICE MAGNETS NODE ",& & nodePtr%pos," => ",nodePtr%pos+1," s=",s endif if (nda > 0) then call track_probe_x(my_ring,y,+default, & ! +default in case of extra parameters !? & node1=nodePtr%pos,node2=nodePtr%pos+1) call track_probe_x(my_ring,theTransferMap,+default, & ! +default in case of extra parameters !? & node1=nodePtr%pos,node2=nodePtr%pos+1) else call track_probe_x(my_ring,y,default, & & node1=nodePtr%pos,node2=nodePtr%pos+1) call track_probe_x(my_ring,theTransferMap,default, & & node1=nodePtr%pos,node2=nodePtr%pos+1) endif if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ','DA got unstable') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_twiss ","DA got unstable "); if (getdebug() > 2) close(mf1) return endif call PRODUCE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index) if(flag_index/=0) then call ANALYSE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index,why) Write(6,*) "ptc_twiss unstable (Twiss parameters) element: ",i," name: ",current%MAG%name,"-programs continues " write(whymsg,*) 'APERTURE error: ',why call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ',whymsg) call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_twiss: ",whymsg); ! Write(6,*) why ! See produce aperture flag routine in sd_frame goto 100 endif isputdata = .false. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (center_magnets ) then if ( associated(nodePtr,current%tm) ) then if (mod(current%mag%p%nst,2)/=0) then !checking if number od slices is even !here it is odd (we should be in the middle) if (current%mag%L==0) then ! this is a zero-length marker or monitor or equivalent keep it isputdata = .true. elseif (current%mag%kind==31) then ! this is a DRIFT ! write(0,*) 'SKIP a drift of length',fibrePtr%mag%L,'was cut into an odd number of slices: ',fibrePtr%mag%p%nst countSkipped = countSkipped + 1 else ! neither a zero-length element, nor a drift ! write(0,*) 'SKIP element of name',fibrePtr%mag%name,'and kind',fibrePtr%mag%kind countSkipped = countSkipped + 1 endif else ! this element has an even number of slices isputdata = .true. endif endif else if (nodePtr%next%cas==case0) then !not center_magnets, take every reasonable node ! this an inner integration node i.e. neither an extremity nor a fringe node, both to be discarded isputdata = .true. else if (getdebug() > 2) then write(6,*) " Not Saving data CASE=",nodePtr%next%cas endif endif endif if (isputdata ) then if (getdebug() > 2) then write(6,*) " Saving data CASE=",nodePtr%next%cas endif tw = y ! set the twiss parameters, with y being equal to the A_ phase advance suml = s; call puttwisstable(theTransferMap) call putusertable(i,current%mag%name,suml,getdeltae(),theTransferMap, y) !else ! write(6,*) " NOT Saving data" endif nodePtr => nodePtr%next enddo if (isputdata .eqv. .false.) then ! always save the last point if it was not yet saved !write(6,*) " END OF ELEMENT Saving data" if (getdebug() > 2) then write(6,*) " Saving any way, it is the last node" endif tw = y ! set the twiss parameters, with y being equal to the A_ phase advance if (s > suml) then !work around against last element having s=0 suml = s; endif call puttwisstable(theTransferMap) call putusertable(i,current%mag%name,suml,getdeltae(),theTransferMap, y) endif else if (nda > 0) then ! if (getnknobis() > 0) c_%knob = my_true !print*, "parametric",i,c_%knob call track(my_ring,y,i,i+1,+default) call track(my_ring,theTransferMap,i,i+1,+default) else call track(my_ring,y,i,i+1, default) call track(my_ring,theTransferMap,i,i+1,default) endif if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ','DA got unstable') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_twiss ","DA got unstable "); if (getdebug() > 2) close(mf1) return endif call PRODUCE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index) if(flag_index/=0) then call ANALYSE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index,why) Write(6,*) "ptc_twiss unstable (Twiss parameters) element: ",i," name: ",current%MAG%name,"-programs continues " write(whymsg,*) 'APERTURE error: ',why call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ',whymsg) call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_twiss: ",whymsg); ! Write(6,*) why ! See produce aperture flag routine in sd_frame goto 100 endif if (getdebug() > 2) then write(mf1,*) "##########################################" write(mf1,'(i4, 1x,a, f10.6)') i,current%mag%name, suml call print(y,mf1) endif suml=suml+current%MAG%P%ld if (savemaps) then do ii=1,6 maps(i)%unimap(ii) = y(ii) enddo maps(i)%s = suml maps(i)%name = current%mag%name endif ! compute the Twiss parameters tw=y call puttwisstable(theTransferMap) call putusertable(i,current%mag%name,suml,getdeltae(),theTransferMap,y) endif iii=advance_node() current=>current%next enddo 100 continue call orbitRms(summary_table_name) ! this function fills the summary table and header with the closed orbits RMS and extrema ! relocated the following here to avoid side-effect print77=.false. read77=.false. if (writetmap) then !'=== TRANSFER MAP ===' call kanalnummer(mf2) open(unit=mf2,file=tmfile) call print(theTransferMap,mf2) close(mf2) endif if (getdebug() > 2) then call kanalnummer(mf2) ! avoid file name conflict between slice.madx and center.madx ! which are located under same testing directory if (get_value('ptc_twiss ','center_magnets ').ne.0) then open(unit=mf2,file='') else open(unit=mf2,file='') endif call print(y,mf2) close(mf2) endif ! 26 november 2009 if(isRing .eqv. .true.) then call oneTurnSummary(isRing, theTransferMap , x, suml) else print*, "Reduced SUMM Table (closed orbit not requested)" call onePassSummary(theTransferMap , x, suml) endif call set_option('ptc_twiss_summary ',1) ! 26 november 2009: comment the following and replace by the above ! if ( (momentumCompactionToggle .eqv. .true.) .and. (getenforce6D() .eqv. .false.)) then ! ! only makes sense if the lattice is a ring (skipped for a line lattice) ! call oneTurnSummary() ! call set_option('ptc_twiss_summary ', 1) ! else ! call set_option('ptc_twiss_summary ',0) ! for time-being, do not support lines ! endif if (getdebug() > 1) then write(6,*) "##########################################" write(6,*) "##########################################" write(6,*) "### END OF PTC_TWISS #######" write(6,*) "##########################################" write(6,*) "##########################################" ! if (associated(current%mag%BN)) write(6,*) "k1=", current%mag%BN(2) endif c_%watch_user=.false. call kill(tw) CALL kill(y) CALL kill(theTransferMap) do i=1,6 call kill(unimap(i)) enddo call finishknobs() if (savemaps) then !do it at the end, so we are sure the twiss was successful mapsorder = no mapsicase = icase if (getnmoments() > 0) call ptc_moments(no*2) !calcualate moments with the maximum available order endif ! f90flush is not portable, and useless... ! call f90flush(20,my_false) if (getdebug() > 2) close(mf1) !**************************************************************************************** !********* E N D O F PTC_TWISS ************************************************ !**************************************************************************************** !________________________________________________________________________________________ contains ! what follows are internal subroutines of ptc_twiss !____________________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine initmap(dt) implicit none integer :: double_from_table_row integer :: mman, mtab, mascr, mdistr !these variable allow to check if the user did not put too many options integer :: mmap real(dp) :: dt beta_flg = (get_value('ptc_twiss ','betx ').gt.0) .and. (get_value('ptc_twiss ','bety ').gt.0) mman = get_value('ptc_twiss ','initial_matrix_manual ') mtab = get_value('ptc_twiss ','initial_matrix_table ') mascr = get_value('ptc_twiss ','initial_ascript_manual ') mdistr = get_value('ptc_twiss ','initial_moments_manual ') mmap = get_value('ptc_twiss ','initial_map_manual ') isRing = .false. ! set to true in the case the map ! is calculated over a ring, about the closed orbit. Later-on in the same subroutine. initial_matrix_manual = mman .ne. 0 initial_map_manual = mmap .ne. 0 initial_matrix_table = mtab .ne. 0 initial_ascript_manual = mascr .ne. 0 if ( (mman + mtab + mascr + mdistr + mmap) > 1) then call seterrorflag(11,"ptc_twiss ","Ambigous command options"); print*, "Only one of the following switches might be on:" print*, "initial_matrix_manual = ", initial_matrix_manual print*, "initial_map_manual = ", initial_map_manual print*, "initial_matrix_table = ", initial_matrix_table print*, "initial_ascript_manual = ", initial_ascript_manual print*, "initial_moments_manual = ", mdistr endif ! print*, "initial_distrib_manual is ",initial_distrib_manual if(initial_matrix_table) then k = double_from_table_row("map_table ", "nv ", 1, doublenum) if( then call liepeek(iia,icoast) my_nv=int(doublenum) nv_min=min(c_%npara,my_nv) else initial_matrix_table=.false. endif endif if(initial_matrix_table) then if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Initializing map with initial_matrix_table=true" endif call readmatrixfromtable() elseif(initial_ascript_manual) then if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Initializing map with initial_ascript_manual=true" endif call readinitialascript() if (geterrorflag() /= 0) then return endif elseif(initial_map_manual) then if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Initializing map with initial_map_manual=true" endif call readinitialmap() if (geterrorflag() /= 0) then return endif elseif(initial_matrix_manual) then if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Initializing map with initial_matrix_manual=true" endif call readinitialmatrix() if (geterrorflag() /= 0) then return endif elseif (initial_distrib_manual) then !matrix is already prepared beforehand if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Initializing map with initial_moments_manual=true" print*, "Initializing map from prepared UniTaylor" endif call readreforbit() !reads x do i=1, c_%nd2 y(i) = unimap(i) enddo if (geterrorflag() /= 0) then return endif elseif(beta_flg) then if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Initializing map with initial twiss parameters" endif call readinitialtwiss(dt) if (geterrorflag() /= 0) then return endif else if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Initializing map from one turn map: Start Map" call print(y,6) endif isRing = .true. ! compute momemtum compaction factor, tunes, chromaticies for ring call track(my_ring,y,1,default) if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ','DA got unstable (one turn map production)') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_twiss ","DA got unstable (one turn map production)"); return endif call PRODUCE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index) if(flag_index/=0) then call ANALYSE_APERTURE_FLAG(flag_index,why) write(whymsg,*) 'APERTURE unstable (one turn map production) - programs continues: ',why call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ',whymsg) call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_twiss: ",whymsg); ! Write(6,*) "ptc_twiss unstable (map production)-programs continues " ! Write(6,*) why ! See produce aperture flag routine in sd_frame c_%watch_user=.false. CALL kill(y) return endif if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Initializing map from one turn map. One Turn Map" call print(y,6) endif call maptoascript() call reademittance() endif end subroutine initmap !____________________________________________________________________________________________ function getdeltae() implicit none real(dp) :: getdeltae type(work) :: cfen !current fibre energy cfen = 0 ! do not remove -> if it is removed energy is wrong because = adds energy to the previous value if ( (associated(current%next) .eqv. .false. ) .or. (associated( current%next, my_ring%start)) ) then ! if current is the last element in the sequence i.e. ! p%next == NULL (LINE) OR ! p%next points the first element (CIRCLE) cfen=current if (getdebug()>1) then !if it is the last element in the line print *, 'It is the last element ', current%mag%name !(it is always marker, i.e element that does not change reference energy) print *, 'Its reference energy is ', cfen%p0c endif !take its reference energy else cfen=current%next ! energy after passing this element endif getdeltae = cfen%energy/startfen%energy if (getdebug() > 2) then write(mf1,'(3(a, f10.6))') "Ref Momentum ",cfen%p0c," Energy ", cfen%energy," DeltaE ",getdeltae endif end function getdeltae !____________________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine puttwisstable(transfermap) implicit none include "" integer i1,i2,ii,i1a,i2a real(kind(1d0)) :: opt_fun(150),myx ! opt_fun(72) -> opt_fun(81) ! increase to 150 to have extra space beyond what's needed to accomodate additional derivatives w.r.t. delta_p real(kind(1d0)) :: deltae type(real_8), target :: transfermap(6) ! added on 3 November 2010 to hold Edwards & Teng parametrization real(dp) :: betx,bety,alfx,alfy,R11,R12,R21,R22 ! to convert between Ripken and Edwards-Teng parametrization real(dp) :: kappa,u,ax,ay,kx,ky,kxy2,usqrt,bx,by,cx,cy,cosvp,sinvp,cosvm,sinvm,cosv2,sinv2,cosv1,sinv1 real(dp) :: deltaeValue if (getdebug() > 2) then write(mf1,*) "##########################################" write(mf1,*) "" write(mf1,'(i4, 1x,a, f10.6)') i,current%mag%name,suml write(mf1,*) "" call print(y,mf1) endif deltae = getdeltae() call double_to_table_curr(table_name, 's ', suml) doublenum = deltae * startfen%energy call double_to_table_curr(table_name, 'energy ', doublenum) opt_fun(:)=zero call liepeek(iia,icoast) allocate(j(c_%npara)) j(:)=0 do ii=1,c_%npara ! fish opt_fun(ii)=y(ii)%T.sub.j enddo myx=opt_fun(6) opt_fun(6)=opt_fun(5) opt_fun(5)=myx deallocate(j) ioptfun=6 call vector_to_table_curr(table_name, 'x ', opt_fun(1), ioptfun) opt_fun(1) = transfermap(1),:) opt_fun(2) = transfermap(1),:) opt_fun(3) = transfermap(1),:) opt_fun(4) = transfermap(1),:) opt_fun(5) = transfermap(1),:) opt_fun(6) = transfermap(1),:) opt_fun(7) = transfermap(2),:) opt_fun(8) = transfermap(2),:) opt_fun(9) = transfermap(2),:) opt_fun(10)= transfermap(2),:) opt_fun(11)= transfermap(2),:) opt_fun(12)= transfermap(2),:) opt_fun(13)= transfermap(3),:) opt_fun(14)= transfermap(3),:) opt_fun(15)= transfermap(3),:) opt_fun(16)= transfermap(3),:) opt_fun(17)= transfermap(3),:) opt_fun(18)= transfermap(3),:) opt_fun(19)= transfermap(4),:) opt_fun(20)= transfermap(4),:) opt_fun(21)= transfermap(4),:) opt_fun(22)= transfermap(4),:) opt_fun(23)= transfermap(4),:) opt_fun(24)= transfermap(4),:) opt_fun(25)= transfermap(6),:) opt_fun(26)= transfermap(6),:) opt_fun(27)= transfermap(6),:) opt_fun(28)= transfermap(6),:) opt_fun(29)= transfermap(6),:) opt_fun(30)= transfermap(6),:) opt_fun(31)= transfermap(5),:) opt_fun(32)= transfermap(5),:) opt_fun(33)= transfermap(5),:) opt_fun(34)= transfermap(5),:) opt_fun(35)= transfermap(5),:) opt_fun(36)= transfermap(5),:) ioptfun=36 call vector_to_table_curr(table_name, 're11 ', opt_fun(1), ioptfun) opt_fun(beta11)= tw%beta(1,1) * deltae ! beta11=1 opt_fun(beta12)= tw%beta(1,2) * deltae opt_fun(beta13)= tw%beta(1,3) * deltae opt_fun(beta21)= tw%beta(2,1) * deltae opt_fun(beta22)= tw%beta(2,2) * deltae opt_fun(beta23)= tw%beta(2,3) * deltae opt_fun(beta31)= tw%beta(3,1) * deltae opt_fun(beta32)= tw%beta(3,2) * deltae opt_fun(beta33)= tw%beta(3,3) * deltae opt_fun(alfa11)= tw%alfa(1,1) * deltae opt_fun(alfa12)= tw%alfa(1,2) * deltae opt_fun(alfa13)= tw%alfa(1,3) * deltae opt_fun(alfa21)= tw%alfa(2,1) * deltae opt_fun(alfa22)= tw%alfa(2,2) * deltae opt_fun(alfa23)= tw%alfa(2,3) * deltae opt_fun(alfa31)= tw%alfa(3,1) * deltae opt_fun(alfa32)= tw%alfa(3,2) * deltae opt_fun(alfa33)= tw%alfa(3,3) * deltae opt_fun(gama11)= tw%gama(1,1) * deltae opt_fun(gama12)= tw%gama(1,2) * deltae opt_fun(gama13)= tw%gama(1,3) * deltae opt_fun(gama21)= tw%gama(2,1) * deltae opt_fun(gama22)= tw%gama(2,2) * deltae opt_fun(gama23)= tw%gama(2,3) * deltae opt_fun(gama31)= tw%gama(3,1) * deltae opt_fun(gama32)= tw%gama(3,2) * deltae opt_fun(gama33)= tw%gama(3,3) * deltae ! --- derivatives of Twiss paramters w.r.t delta_p ! NOW why do we need to multiply by deltae, as for the other Twiss parameters? if (deltap_dependency) then opt_fun(beta11p)= tw%beta_p(1,1) * deltae opt_fun(beta12p)= tw%beta_p(1,2) * deltae opt_fun(beta13p)= tw%beta_p(1,3) * deltae opt_fun(beta22p)= tw%beta_p(2,1) * deltae opt_fun(beta22p)= tw%beta_p(2,2) * deltae opt_fun(beta23p)= tw%beta_p(2,3) * deltae opt_fun(beta32p)= tw%beta_p(3,2) * deltae opt_fun(beta33p)= tw%beta_p(3,3) * deltae opt_fun(alfa11p)= tw%alfa_p(1,1) * deltae opt_fun(alfa12p)= tw%alfa_p(1,2) * deltae opt_fun(alfa13p)= tw%alfa_p(1,3) * deltae opt_fun(alfa21p)= tw%alfa_p(2,1) * deltae opt_fun(alfa22p)= tw%alfa_p(2,2) * deltae opt_fun(alfa23p)= tw%alfa_p(2,3) * deltae opt_fun(alfa31p)= tw%alfa_p(3,1) * deltae opt_fun(alfa32p)= tw%alfa_p(3,2) * deltae opt_fun(alfa33p)= tw%alfa_p(3,3) * deltae opt_fun(gama11p)= tw%gama_p(1,1) * deltae opt_fun(gama12p)= tw%gama_p(1,2) * deltae opt_fun(gama13p)= tw%gama_p(1,3) * deltae opt_fun(gama21p)= tw%gama_p(2,1) * deltae opt_fun(gama22p)= tw%gama_p(2,2) * deltae opt_fun(gama23p)= tw%gama_p(2,3) * deltae opt_fun(gama31p)= tw%gama_p(3,1) * deltae opt_fun(gama32p)= tw%gama_p(3,2) * deltae opt_fun(gama33p)= tw%gama_p(3,3) * deltae endif ! --- end ! march 10th: do we need to multiply by deltae the following? opt_fun(mu1)=tw%mu(1) !* deltae opt_fun(mu2)=tw%mu(2) !* deltae opt_fun(mu3)=tw%mu(3) !* deltae ! write(0,*),"DEBUG = ", tw%mu(3) ! should give Qs opt_fun(disp1)=tw%disp(1) ! was 31 instead of 57 opt_fun(disp2)=tw%disp(2) ! was 32 instead of 58 opt_fun(disp3)=tw%disp(3) ! was 33 instead of 59 opt_fun(disp4)=tw%disp(4) ! was 34 instead of 60 ! 9 march 2009: add 4 items if (deltap_dependency) then opt_fun(disp1p) = tw%disp_p(1) opt_fun(disp2p) = tw%disp_p(2) opt_fun(disp3p) = tw%disp_p(3) opt_fun(disp4p) = tw%disp_p(4) ! 20 july 2009: add 8 items for second derivatives w.r.t deltap opt_fun(disp1p2) = tw%disp_p2(1) opt_fun(disp2p2) = tw%disp_p2(2) opt_fun(disp3p2) = tw%disp_p2(3) opt_fun(disp4p2) = tw%disp_p2(4) opt_fun(disp1p3) = tw%disp_p3(1) opt_fun(disp2p3) = tw%disp_p3(2) opt_fun(disp3p3) = tw%disp_p3(3) opt_fun(disp4p3) = tw%disp_p3(4) endif ! JLUC TODO ! opt_fun(61)=zero disp4 is now 61 in ! jluc: left the following umodified, except 36->62 opt_fun(62+4+8+6)=zero ! was 36 instead of 62 => on 9 march add 4 => on 3 July 2009 add 4 => on 3 November 2010 add 6 do i1=1,6 if(i1.le.4) then i1a=i1 elseif(i1.eq.5) then i1a=6 else i1a=5 endif do i2=1,6 if(i2.le.4) then i2a=i2 elseif(i2.eq.5) then i2a=6 else i2a=5 endif ! idiotic counting reset (62+4+8+6) ==> 73 ii=73+(i1a-1)*6+i2a ! was 36 instead of 62 => now (62+4) instead of 62 => 62+4+4 opt_fun(ii)=tw%eigen(i1,i2) * deltae ! where do these eigen values go? no such dedicated column defined in if(mytime.and.i2a.eq.6) opt_fun(ii)=-opt_fun(ii) enddo enddo if (getdebug() > 2) then ! this part of the code is out of sync with the rest write(6,'(a,1(f9.4,1x))') current%MAG%name,suml write(6,'(a,1(f10.7,1x))') "Delta E ", deltae write(6,'(a,3(i8.0,1x))') "idxes ", beta11,beta22,beta33 write(6,'(a,3(f9.4,1x))') "betas raw ", tw%beta(1,1),tw%beta(2,2),tw%beta(3,3) write(6,'(a,3(f9.4,1x))') "betas w/ener ", opt_fun(1),opt_fun(5),opt_fun(9) write(6,'(a,4(f9.4,1x))') "dispersions ", opt_fun(57),opt_fun(58),opt_fun(59),opt_fun(60) write(6,'(a,3(f9.4,1x))') "phase adv. ", tw%mu(1),tw%mu(2),tw%mu(3) endif ! the following works : we see the list of all elements in sequence - what about twiss_ptc_line & twiss_ptc_ring? ! jluc debug - begin !write(28,'(a,1(f8.4,1x))') current%MAG%name,suml ! jluc debug - end ! on July 3rd 2009, add another 8 for second/third derivatives of dispersions w.r.t. deltap ioptfun=81+4+8+6 !72->81 to accomodate additional derivatives w.r.t. delta_p => should one add 4 to this one, as above? ! actually 3*21+6 (???) elements from beta11 to include up to disp6p ! on november 3rd 2010, added 6 ! overwrote the above for which I am not sure where the value comes from ioptfun = 79 + 36 ! 79 as for ntwisses in + 36 eigenvalues ! LD: update columns access from twiss column description in mad_gcst.c ! WAS: fill contiguous data in one-go, from beta11 up to mu1, mu2, mu3 ! NOW: fill contiguous data in one-go, from beta11 up to the end ! eigenvalue seems to be retrieved ~50 lines above... ioptfun = 18*3+16+3+36+1 ! = 110 call vector_to_table_curr(table_name, 'beta11 ', opt_fun(1), ioptfun) ! convert between the Ripken and Edwards-Teng parametrization ! according to the formulas in "BETATRON MOTION WITH COUPLING OF HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DEGREES OF FREEDOM" ! from V. A. Lebedev and S. A. Bogacz deltaeValue = deltae ! equals 1.0 unless there is a cavity r11 = zero r12 = zero r21 = zero r22 = zero if (tw%beta(1,2)==zero .and. tw%beta(2,1)==zero) then ! in case there is absolutely no coupling kx and ky will be zero and u will be NaN ! and betx, bety, alfx, alfy will also evaluate as NaN if we apply the above formulae ! therefore we simply copy beta11 into betx and beta22 into bety in this case, so as ! to get the same values between twiss and ptc_twiss ! beta11, alfa11 etc... are multiplied by deltae before output ! hence we reflect this in the formula from Lebedev betx = tw%beta(1,1) * deltaeValue bety = tw%beta(2,2) * deltaeValue alfx = tw%alfa(1,1) * deltaeValue alfy = tw%alfa(2,2) * deltaeValue else kx=sqrt(tw%beta(1,2)/tw%beta(1,1)); ! multiplication by deltae in numerator and denominator ky=sqrt(tw%beta(2,1)/tw%beta(2,2)); ! beta11, alfa11 etc... are multiplied by deltae before output ax=kx*tw%alfa(1,1) * deltaeValue -tw%alfa(1,2) * deltaeValue /kx; ! hence we reflect this in the formula from Lebedev ay=ky*tw%alfa(2,2) * deltaeValue -tw%alfa(2,1) * deltaeValue /ky; kxy2=kx*kx*ky*ky; if((abs(kx*kx-ky*ky).gt.TINY(ONE)).and.(abs(one-kxy2).gt.TINY(ONE))) then usqrt=kxy2*(one+(ax*ax-ay*ay)/(kx*kx-ky*ky)*(one-kxy2)) if( then usqrt=sqrt(usqrt) ! u=(-kxy2+usqrt)/(one-kxy2) if(kxy2.le.usqrt) THEN u=(-kxy2+usqrt)/(one-kxy2) else u=(-kxy2-usqrt)/(one-kxy2) endif else u=-kxy2/(one-kxy2) endif ! betx, bety, alfx, alfy are the values computed by twiss with very good precision ! beta11, alfa11 etc... are multiplied by deltae before output ! hence we reflect this in the formula from Lebedev kappa=one-u betx = (tw%beta(1,1)/kappa) * deltaeValue bety = (tw%beta(2,2)/kappa) * deltaeValue alfx = (tw%alfa(1,1)/kappa) * deltaeValue alfy = (tw%alfa(2,2)/kappa) * deltaeValue bx = kx*kappa+u/kx by = ky*kappa-u/ky cx = kx*kappa-u/kx cy = ky*kappa+u/ky cosvp = (ax*ay-bx*cy)/(ay*ay+cy*cy) sinvp = (ax*cy+ay*bx)/(ay*ay+cy*cy) cosvm = (ax*ay+by*cx)/(ax*ax+cx*cx) sinvm = (ax*by-ay*cx)/(ax*ax+cx*cx) cosv2 = sqrt((one+cosvp*cosvm-sinvp*sinvm)/two) sinv2 = -sqrt((one-cosvp*cosvm+sinvp*sinvm)/two) cosv1 = -sqrt((one+cosvp*cosvm+sinvp*sinvm)/two) sinv1 = -sqrt((one-cosvp*cosvm-sinvp*sinvm)/two) r11 = sqrt(tw%beta(2,2)/tw%beta(1,2))*(tw%alfa(1,2)*sinv2+u*cosv2)/kappa r12 = sqrt(tw%beta(1,1)*tw%beta(2,1))*sinv1/kappa r21 = (cosv2*(tw%alfa(1,2)*kappa-tw%alfa(2,2)*u)-sinv2*& (u*kappa+tw%alfa(1,2)*tw%alfa(2,2)))/(kappa*sqrt(tw%beta(1,2)*tw%beta(2,2))) r22 = -sqrt(tw%beta(1,1)/tw%beta(2,1))*(u*cosv1+tw%alfa(2,1)*sinv1)/kappa else call fort_warn("ptc_twiss","Argument of sqrt(kxy2*(1+(ax*ax-ay*ay)/(kx*kx-ky*ky)*(one-kxy2))) smaller than TINY") print*,"Argument of sqrt(kxy2*(1+(ax*ax-ay*ay)/(kx*kx-ky*ky)*(one-kxy2))) is: ",& kxy2*(1+(ax*ax-ay*ay)/(kx*kx-ky*ky)*(one-kxy2)) betx = tw%beta(1,1) * deltaeValue bety = tw%beta(2,2) * deltaeValue alfx = tw%alfa(1,1) * deltaeValue alfy = tw%alfa(2,2) * deltaeValue endif endif ! Edwards-Teng parameters go into betx, bety, alfx, alfy which are at the beginning of twiss_table_cols in madxl.h call double_to_table_curr(table_name, 'betx ', betx ) ! non contiguous with the above table entries call double_to_table_curr(table_name, 'bety ', bety ) ! hence we must store these values one by one call double_to_table_curr(table_name, 'alfx ', alfx ) call double_to_table_curr(table_name, 'alfy ', alfy ) call double_to_table_curr(table_name, 'r11 ', r11 ) call double_to_table_curr(table_name, 'r12 ', r12 ) call double_to_table_curr(table_name, 'r21 ', r21 ) call double_to_table_curr(table_name, 'r22 ', r22 ) call augment_count(table_name) end subroutine puttwisstable !____________________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine readrematrix !reads covariance matrix of the initial distribution implicit none re(1,1) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re11 ') re(1,2) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re12 ') re(1,3) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re13 ') re(1,4) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re14 ') re(1,5) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re16 ') re(1,6) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re15 ') re(2,1) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re21 ') re(2,2) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re22 ') re(2,3) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re23 ') re(2,4) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re24 ') re(2,5) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re26 ') re(2,6) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re25 ') re(3,1) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re31 ') re(3,2) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re32 ') re(3,3) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re33 ') re(3,4) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re34 ') re(3,5) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re36 ') re(3,6) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re35 ') re(4,1) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re41 ') re(4,2) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re42 ') re(4,3) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re43 ') re(4,4) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re44 ') re(4,5) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re46 ') re(4,6) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re45 ') re(5,1) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re61 ') re(5,2) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re62 ') re(5,3) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re63 ') re(5,4) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re64 ') re(5,5) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re66 ') re(5,6) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re65 ') re(6,1) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re51 ') re(6,2) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re52 ') re(6,3) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re53 ') re(6,4) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re54 ') re(6,5) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re56 ') re(6,6) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','re55 ') end subroutine readrematrix !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine readreforbit !reads covariance implicit none x(:)=zero x(1)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','x ') x(2)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','px ') x(3)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','y ') x(4)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','py ') x(5)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','pt ') x(6)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','t ') end subroutine readreforbit !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine readinitialdistrib !reads covariance matrix of the initial distribution implicit none include '' type(taylor) ht type(pbfield) h type(damap) id type(normalform) norm real(dp) lam integer nd,nd_m logical fake_3 integer jc(6) type(real_8) yy(6) integer :: dodo = 0 real(dp) x(6) if(dodo==1) then x=zero call find_orbit(my_ring,x,1,default,c_1d_7) write(6,*) x call init(default,1,0,berz) call alloc(yy) call alloc(id) id=1 yy=x+id call track(my_ring,yy,1,default) call print(yy,6) stop 999 endif jc(1)=2 jc(2)=1 jc(3)=4 jc(4)=3 jc(5)=6 jc(6)=5 print*, "We are at initialization with moments of the distribution" call readrematrix() print*, re(1,:) print*, re(2,:) print*, re(3,:) print*, re(4,:) print*, re(5,:) print*, re(6,:) nd=2 if(icase==6) nd=3 nd_m=nd fake_3=.false. if (getdistrtype(3) /= distr_gauss.and.nd==3) then !here we have flat in delta nd_m=2 fake_3=.true. endif call init(2,nd,0,0) call alloc(ht) call alloc(h) call alloc(id) call alloc(norm) do i = 1,nd_m*2 do ii = 1,nd_m*2 ht=ht+re(i,ii)*(-1)**(ii+i)*(1.0_dp.mono.jc(i))*(1.0_dp.mono.jc(ii)) enddo enddo ht=-ht*pi lam=ten*full_abs(ht) ht=ht/lam if(fake_3) then !1959 is the yearh of birth of Etienne (just a number) ht=ht+(0.1959e0_dp.mono.'000020')+(0.1959e0_dp.mono.'000002') endif h=ht id=1 id=texp(h,id) norm=id emi=zero emi(1:nd_m)=norm%tune(1:nd_m)*lam re=norm%a_t do i = 1,c_%nd2 !call print(norm%a_t%v(i),6) unimap(i) = norm%a_t%v(i) enddo ! re=id call setemittances(emi(1),emi(2),emi(3)) call kill(h) call kill(ht) call kill(id) call kill(norm) end subroutine readinitialdistrib !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine readmatrixfromtable ! 26 april 2010: changed this routine ! because the format of the map_table has now changed to contain all terms, ! and not only the zeroth and first order ones... implicit none integer :: double_from_table_row, table_length ! following added 26 april 2010 integer :: order, nrows integer :: nx, nxp, ny, nyp, ndeltap, nt, index real(dp):: coeff !character(6) :: selector integer, dimension(6) :: jj ! 3 may 2010 order = get_value('ptc_twiss ','no ') row = 1 ! starts at one nrows = table_length("map_table ") do while(row .le. nrows) ! k=0 when read okay. k=-3 when the table has no row k = double_from_table_row("map_table ","coef ", row,doublenum) !write(0,*) 'k=',k !write(0,*) 'coef=',doublenum coeff=doublenum k = double_from_table_row("map_table ","n_vector ",row,doublenum) index = int(doublenum) k = double_from_table_row("map_table ","nx ",row,doublenum) nx = int(doublenum) !write(0,*) 'index=',index !write(0,*) 'nx=',nx k = double_from_table_row("map_table ","nxp ",row,doublenum) nxp = int(doublenum) !write(0,*) 'nxp=',nxp k = double_from_table_row("map_table ","ny ",row,doublenum) ny = int(doublenum) !write(0,*) 'ny=',ny k = double_from_table_row("map_table ","nyp ",row,doublenum) nyp = int(doublenum) !write(0,*) 'nyp=',nyp k = double_from_table_row("map_table ","ndeltap ",row,doublenum) ndeltap = int(doublenum) !write(0,*) 'ndeltap=',ndeltap k = double_from_table_row("map_table ","nt ",row,doublenum) nt = int(doublenum) !write(0,*) 'nt=',nt ! y(index)%T.sub.j=coeff ! are we able to do this? NO ! code proposed by piotr to achieve the equivalent of y(1).sub.'12345'=4.0 !oldv = Y(1).sub.'12345' !newtoset = (4 - oldv).mono.'12345' !Y(1) = Y(1) + newtoset ! code proposed by etienne to achieve the same !call pok(y(1),j,4.d0) if (k.eq.0) then jj(1)=nx jj(2)=nxp jj(3)=ny jj(4)=nyp jj(5)=ndeltap jj(6)=nt call pok(y(index)%T,jj,coeff) ! the following gives the same result as the above !oldv = y(index).sub.jj !newtoset = (coeff - oldv).mono.jj ! mono for monomial !y(index)%t=y(index)%t+newtoset ! failed to compile the following work in one line !Y(index) = Y(index) + ((coeff-(Y(index).sub.jj)).mono.jj) endif row = row+1 enddo ! call daprint(y,28) ! to be compared with fort.18 created by ptc_normal call maptoascript() end subroutine readmatrixfromtable !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine readinitialmap ! from fort.18 file implicit none type(damap) :: map ! call readMapFromFort18(y) call alloc(map) call dainput(map,18) y = map call kill(map) call maptoascript() call reademittance() end subroutine readinitialmap !_________________________________________________________________ !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine readinitialmatrix !reads initial map elements from MAD-X ptc_twiss command parameters implicit none call readrematrix() !reads re call readreforbit() !reads x call initmapfrommatrix() call maptoascript() call reademittance() end subroutine readinitialmatrix !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine readinitialascript !reads initial map elements from MAD-X ptc_twiss command parameters implicit none type(damap) :: map call alloc(map) call dainput(map,19) y = x+map call kill(map) call reademittance() end subroutine readinitialascript !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine reademittance !initializes Y(6) from re(6,6) implicit none real(dp) :: emix,emiy,emiz emix = get_value('probe ','ex ') emiy = get_value('probe ','ey ') emiz = get_value('probe ','et ') call setemittances(emix,emiy,emiz) end subroutine reademittance !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine initmapfrommatrix !initializes Y(6) from re(6,6) implicit none real(dp),dimension(ndim2)::reval,aieval real(dp),dimension(ndim2,ndim2)::revec,aievec call liepeek(iia,icoast) if (getdebug() > 1) then write (6,'(8a8)') "no","nv","nd","nd2","ndc","ndc2","ndt","ndpt" write (6,'(8i8)') iia(1),iia(2),iia(3),iia(4),icoast(1),icoast(2),icoast(3),icoast(4) print*, "c_%npara is ", c_%npara endif allocate(j(c_%nv)) j(:)=0 do i = 1,c_%npara do ii = 1,c_%npara j(ii)=1 r=re(i,ii)-(y(i)%T.sub.j) y(i)%T=y(i)%T+(r.mono.j) j(ii)=0 enddo enddo deallocate(j) call eig6(re,reval,aieval,revec,aievec) do i=1,iia(4)-icoast(2) if(abs(reval(i)**2+aieval(i)**2 -one).gt.c_1d_10) then call fort_warn("ptc_twiss","Fatal Error: Eigenvalues off the unit circle!") stop endif enddo end subroutine initmapfrommatrix !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine maptoascript !Performes normal form on a map, and plugs A_ in its place implicit none call alloc(normal) normal = y if (( .not. check_stable ) .or. ( .not. c_%stable_da )) then call fort_warn('ptc_twiss: ','Error: DA in twiss got unstable during Normal Form') call seterrorflag(10,"ptc_twiss ","DA in twiss got unstable during Normal Form"); return endif y = x + normal%a_t call kill(normal) end subroutine maptoascript !_________________________________________________________________ subroutine readinitialtwiss(dt) !Reads initial twiss parameters from MAD-X command implicit none real(kind(1d0)) alpha(3),beta(3),disp(4),mu(3) type(real_8) al(3),be(3),di(4) type(pol_block_inicond) :: inicondknobs integer k_system real(dp) sizept real(kind(1d0)) emiz real(dp) dt beta(1) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','betx ') beta(2) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','bety ') beta(3) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','betz ') alpha(1) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','alfx ') alpha(2) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','alfy ') alpha(3) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','alfz ') disp(1) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','dx ') disp(2) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','dpx ') disp(3) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','dy ') disp(4) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','dpy ') mu(1) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','mux ') mu(2) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','muy ') mu(3) = get_value('ptc_twiss ','muz ') if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"TW: Ini betas ",beta print*,"TW: Ini alfas ",alpha endif if (c_%nd == 3) then if (beta(3) <= zero) then call fort_warn("ptc_twiss","Fatal Error: 6D requested and betz is smaller then or equal to 0!") stop endif beta(3) = (one+alpha(3)**2)/beta(3) alpha(3) =-alpha(3) endif x(:)=zero x(1)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','x ') x(2)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','px ') x(3)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','y ') x(4)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','py ') ! x(5)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','t ') ! x(6)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','pt ') x(6)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','t ') x(5)=get_value('ptc_twiss ','pt ') !frs plug deltap if(icase.eq.5) x(5) = x(5) + dt if (getdebug() > 0 ) then CALL write_closed_orbit(icase,x) endif call reademittance() !Here we initialize Y(6) call alloc(be); call alloc(al); call alloc(di) ! code to power knows ! do i=1,c_%nd be(i)=beta(i) al(i)=alpha(i) enddo do i=1,4 di(i)=disp(i) enddo if (getnknobis() > 0) then !POWER KNOBS c_%knob = my_true k_system= (c_%npara - c_%nd2) + getnknobsm() inicondknobs = getknobinicond() do i=1,c_%nd if(inicondknobs%beta(i)/=0) then if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Beta ",i," is knob no. ", inicondknobs%beta(i) endif call make_it_knob(be(i),k_system+inicondknobs%beta(i)) endif if(inicondknobs%alfa(i)/=0) then if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Alfa ",i," is knob no. ", inicondknobs%alfa(i) endif call make_it_knob(al(i),k_system+inicondknobs%alfa(i)) endif enddo do i=1,4 if(inicondknobs%dispersion(i)/=0) then if (getdebug() > 1) then print*,"Dispersion ",i," is knob no. ", inicondknobs%dispersion(i) endif call make_it_knob(di(i),k_system+inicondknobs%dispersion(i)) endif enddo endif y=x do i=1,c_%nd ! print*, " ", i, beta(i) ! call print(y(2*i-1),6) ! call print(y(2*i ),6) y(2*i-1)= x(2*i-1) + sqrt(be(i)) * morph((one.mono.(2*i-1)) ) y(2*i)= x(2*i) + one/sqrt(be(i)) * & (morph( (one.mono.(2*i)) )-(al(i)) * morph((one.mono.(2*i-1)))) ! call print(y(2*i-1),6) ! call print(y(2*i ),6) enddo !--moments--! if( (c_%npara==5) ) then !print*, "c_%npara ",c_%npara, " c_%ndpt ", c_%ndpt if ( (beta(3) .gt. zero) .and. (c_%ndpt/=0) ) then !Option one: sigma(5) is sqrt of emittance as in other two dimensions ! print*, "Init X5 with betaz ", beta(3) if (c_%nd < 3) then !otherwise it was already done, to be cleaned cause it is ugly and bug prone beta(3) = (one+alpha(3)**2)/beta(3) alpha(3) =-alpha(3) endif y(5) = x(5) + sqrt( beta(3) )*morph((one.mono.5)) y(6)= x(6) + one/sqrt(beta(3)) * (morph( (one.mono.6) )-(alpha(3)) * morph(one.mono.5)) emiz = get_value('probe ','et ') if ( emiz .le. 0 ) then sizept = get_value('probe ','sige ') emiz = sizept/sqrt(beta(3)) ! print*, "Calculated Emittance ", emiz else emiz = sqrt(emiz) ! print*, "Read Emittance ", emiz endif call setsigma(5, emiz) call setsigma(6, emiz) else !by default we have no knowledge about longitudinal phase space, so init dp/p to ident ! print*, "Init X5 with ONE" !frs we need here the initial value of pt and t should not hurt y(5) = x(5) + morph((one.mono.5)) y(6) = x(6) + morph((one.mono.5)) call setsigma(5, get_value('probe ','sige ')) call setsigma(6, get_value('probe ','sigt ')) endif endif if ( (icase .gt. 5) .and. (get_value('probe ','et ') .le. 0) ) then !6 and 56 !beta(3) is converted to gamma already (in 3rd coord the canonical planes are swapped) emiz = get_value('probe ','sige ')/sqrt(beta(3)) print*, "icase=",icase," nd=",c_%nd, "sigma(5)=", emiz call setsigma(5, emiz) call setsigma(6, emiz) endif if(icase/=4) then do i=1,4 y(i)= y(i) + di(i) * morph((one.mono.5)) enddo endif if ( getdebug() > 2) then print*," Read the following BETA0 block in module ptc_twiss" print*," Twiss parameters:" write (6,'(6a8)') "betx","alfx","bety","alfy","betz","alfz" write (6,'(6f8.4)') beta(1), alpha(1), beta(2), alpha(2), beta(3), alpha(3) write (6,'(4a8)') "dx","dpx","dy","dpy" write (6,'(4f8.4)') disp write (6,'(3a8)') "mux","muy","muz" write (6,'(3f8.4)') mu print*," Track:" write(6,'(6f8.4)') x endif end subroutine readinitialtwiss !____________________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine onePassSummary(oneTurnMap,state,suml) implicit none type(real_8),target :: oneTurnMap(6) real(dp), target :: state(6) ! six-dimensional phase-space state (usually referred-to as 'x') real(dp) :: suml ! cumulative length along the ring real(dp) :: rdp_mmilion ! float with zero (0) real(dp) :: deltap ! float with zero (0) rdp_mmilion= -1e6; call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'length ', suml ) ! total length of the machine call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'alpha_c ', rdp_mmilion ) ! momemtum compaction factor call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'alpha_c_p ', rdp_mmilion) ! derivative w.r.t delta-p/p call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'alpha_c_p2 ', rdp_mmilion) ! 2nd order derivative call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'alpha_c_p3 ', rdp_mmilion) ! 3rd order derivative call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'eta_c ', rdp_mmilion) ! associated phase-slip factor call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'gamma_tr ', rdp_mmilion) ! associated transition energy call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'q1 ', tw%mu(1)) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'q2 ', tw%mu(2)) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'dq1 ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'dq2 ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'qs ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'beta_x_min ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'beta_x_max ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'beta_y_min ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'beta_y_max ', rdp_mmilion) deltap = get_value('ptc_twiss ','deltap ') call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'deltap ', deltap) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'orbit_x ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'orbit_px ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'orbit_y ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'orbit_py ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'xcorms ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'ycorms ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'pxcorms ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'pycorms ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'xcomax ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'ycomax ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'pxcomax ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'pycomax ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'orbit_pt ', rdp_mmilion) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'orbit_-cT ', rdp_mmilion) call augment_count( summary_table_name ); ! only one row actually... end subroutine onePassSummary ! jluc ! compute momemtum-compaction factor in the same fashion it is carried-out in twiss.F subroutine oneTurnSummary(isRing,oneTurnMap,state,suml) implicit none logical :: isRing ! true for rings, false for lines type(real_8),target :: oneTurnMap(6) real(dp), target :: state(6) ! six-dimensional phase-space state (usually referred-to as 'x') real(dp) :: suml ! cumulative length along the ring type(fibre), pointer :: fibrePtr real(dp) :: alpha_c, eta_c ! momentum-compaction factor & phase-slip factor real(dp) :: alpha_c_p ! first order derivative w.r.t delta-p/p real(dp) :: alpha_c_p2 ! second order derivative w.r.t delta-p/p real(dp) :: alpha_c_p3 ! third order derivative w.r.t delta-p/p real(dp) :: gamma_tr ! gamma_transition, or "transition energy" above which the particles' arrival time ! with respect to other particles is determined by its path length instead of by its velocity real(dp) :: deltap real(dp) :: betaRelativistic, gammaRelativistic real(dp) :: fractionalTunes(ndim) real(dp) :: chromaticities(2) integer :: i,j real(dp) :: sd ! as in twiss.F type(real_8) :: theAscript(6) ! used here to compute dispersion's derivatives type(damap) :: yy ! added on November 6th to retreive momemtum compaction without differentiating the formula integer, dimension(6,6) :: coeffSelector = & reshape( (/1,0,0,0,0,0, & 0,1,0,0,0,0, & 0,0,1,0,0,0, & 0,0,0,1,0,0, & 0,0,0,0,1,0, & 0,0,0,0,0,1/), (/6,6/)) type(normalform) theNormalForm real(dp) :: dispersion(4) real(dp) :: dispersion_p(4) ! derivative of the dispersion w.r.t delta-p/p integer :: debugFiles integer :: icase integer :: order real(dp) :: rdp_mmilion rdp_mmilion= -1e6; order = get_value('ptc_twiss ', 'no ') ! should end-up gracefully here in case the topology of the lattice is not those of a closed-ring debugFiles = 0 ! set it to one and fort.21, fort.22 and fort.23 are created ! 2. retreive the relativistic parameters beta and gamma ! (beta=v/c, gamma=E/mc^2 and gamma=1/sqrt(1-beta^2)) betaRelativistic = get_value('probe ','beta '); gammaRelativistic = get_value('probe ','gamma '); icase = get_value('ptc_twiss ','icase ') ! mind the trailing space ! now retrieve the one-turn map's coefficients if (debugFiles .eq. 1) then do i=1,6 do j=1,6 write(21,*) "r(",i,j,")=",oneTurnMap(i).sub.coeffSelector(j,:) enddo enddo endif ! 4. retreive the dispersion coefficients ! (may be the coefficient of delta of the map?) ! decompose the map via a normal form to get the dispersion... call alloc(theNormalForm) theNormalForm = oneTurnMap if (debugFiles .eq. 1) then call daprint(theNormalForm%A1,23) ! supposed to print dispersion's first and higher orders ! according to h_definition.f90: type normalform contains A1 as dispersion ! (would need to go through DHDJ to get the tune...) endif ! first order dispersions !? ! (at least checked that these values match those computed in twiss.F) dispersion(1) = theNormalForm%A1%v(1).sub.'000010' dispersion(2) = theNormalForm%A1%v(2).sub.'000010' dispersion(3) = theNormalForm%A1%v(3).sub.'000010' dispersion(4) = theNormalForm%A1%v(4).sub.'000010' if (debugFiles .eq. 1) then do i=1,4 write(21,*) "dispersion(",i,")=", dispersion(i) enddo endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! COMPACTION FACTOR, ITS HIGHER ORDERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! GAMMA TRANSITION, SLIP FACTOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! in 4D we have no knowledge of longitudinal dynamics, it is not calculated ! the same 5D with time=false eta_c = rdp_mmilion alpha_c = rdp_mmilion gamma_tr = rdp_mmilion alpha_c_p = rdp_mmilion alpha_c_p2 = rdp_mmilion alpha_c_p3 = rdp_mmilion !call daprint(theNormalForm%dhdj,6) if ( ( .and. (default%time) ) then ! Here R56 is dT/ddelta ! 5. apply formulas from twiss.F: !sd = r(5,6)+r(5,1)*disp(1)+...+r(5,4)*disp(4) !print*,"ALPHA_C, GAMMA TR : TIME ON" sd = - oneTurnMap(6).sub.coeffSelector(5,:) ! 5/6 swap MADX/PTC !print*,'sd(0)',sd do i=1,4 !print*, 'Disp',i,'=', dispersion(i) sd = sd - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.coeffSelector(i,:))*dispersion(i) enddo !print*,'sd(f)',sd eta_c = -sd * betaRelativistic**2 / suml alpha_c = one / gammaRelativistic**2 + eta_c gamma_tr = one / sqrt(alpha_c) elseif( (icase.eq.5) .and. (default%time .eqv. .false.) ) then ! Here R56 is dL/ddelta ! so we get alpha_c first from transfer matrix sd = +1.0*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.coeffSelector(5,:)) ! 5/6 swap MADX/PTC !print*,'sd(0)',sd do i=1,4 !print*, 'Disp',i,'=', dispersion(i) sd = sd + (oneTurnMap(6).sub.coeffSelector(i,:))*dispersion(i) enddo !print*,'sd(f)',sd alpha_c = sd/suml eta_c = alpha_c - one / gammaRelativistic**2 gamma_tr = one / sqrt(alpha_c) elseif( (icase.eq.56) .and. (default%time .eqv. .false.) ) then !print*,"ALPHA_C, GAMMA TR : 56D TIME OFF" call alloc(yy) do i=1,c_%nd2 ! c_%nd2 is 6 when icase is 56 or 6 (but 4 when icase=5) yy%v(i) = oneTurnMap(i)%t enddo yy = theNormalForm%A1**(-1)*yy*theNormalForm%A1 ! takes away all dispersion dependency !write(0,*) 'for yy, c_%nd2 is ',c_%nd2 ! 0 is stderr alpha_c = (yy%v(6).sub.'000010')/suml gamma_tr = one / sqrt(alpha_c)! overwrite the value obtained from the Twiss formula eta_c = alpha_c - one / gammaRelativistic**2 alpha_c_p = 2.0*(yy%v(6).sub.'000020')/suml if ( then alpha_c_p2 = 3.0*2.0*(yy%v(6).sub.'000030')/suml endif if ( then alpha_c_p3 = 4.0*3.0*2.0*(yy%v(6).sub.'000040')/suml endif call kill(yy) endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! HIGHER ORDERS IN dP/P !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if ( (icase.eq.5) .and. (default%time .eqv. .true.) ) then !print*,"ALPHA_C dp/dp derivatives : 5D TIME ON" if (getdebug() > 2) then call kanalnummer(mf1) open(unit=mf1,file='oneTurnMap.5dt.txt') call daprint(oneTurnMap,mf1) close(mf1) endif ! compute delta-p/p dependency of alpha_c ! first order derivatives of the dispersions ! assuming icase=5 !call daprint(oneTurnMap,88) ! always assume time=true, so that the fifth phase-space variable is deltap instead of pt! ! otherwise should issue a warning or an error! call alloc(theAscript) ! proceed slightly differently to retreive the dispersion's derivatives ! (so far only managed to get the dispersion on the normal form, but not its derivatives) theAscript = state + theNormalForm%a_t ! note: should reuse information computed previously than redo this... ! if icase=5, Taylor series expansion disp = disp + delta_p do i=1,4 ! apparently, we are up by a factor two dispersion_p(i) = 2.0*(theAscript(i)%t.sub.'000020') ! as usual in this file enddo ! compute derivative of the formula for eta_c sd = 0.0 ! first dr65/ddeltap sd = sd - 1.0*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.'100010')*dispersion(1) & & - 1.0*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.'010010')*dispersion(2) & & - 1.0*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.'001010')*dispersion(3) & & - 1.0*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.'000110')*dispersion(4) & & - 2.0*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.'000020') & ! new & - 1.0*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.'000011')*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.'000001') & ! then terms dr6i/ddeltap*dispersion(i) & - 2.0*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.'200000')*dispersion(1)**2 & & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'110000')*dispersion(1)*dispersion(2) & & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'101000')*dispersion(1)*dispersion(3) & & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'100100')*dispersion(1)*dispersion(4) & ! new & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'100010')*dispersion(1) & ! dr62/ddeltap*disperion(2) & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'110000')*dispersion(1)*dispersion(2) & & - 2.0*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.'020000')*dispersion(2)**2 & & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'011000')*dispersion(2)*dispersion(3) & & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'010100')*dispersion(2)*dispersion(4) & ! new & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'010010')*dispersion(2) & ! dr63/ddeltap*dispersion(3) & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'101000')*dispersion(1)*dispersion(3) & & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'011000')*dispersion(2)*dispersion(3) & & - 2.0*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.'002000')*dispersion(3)**2 & & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'001100')*dispersion(3)*dispersion(4) & ! new & - 1*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.'001010')*dispersion(3) & ! dr64/ddeltap*dispersion(4) & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'100100')*dispersion(1)*dispersion(4) & & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'010100')*dispersion(2)*dispersion(4) & & - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.'001100')*dispersion(3)*dispersion(4) & & - 2.0*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.'000200')*dispersion(4)**2 & ! new & - 1*(oneTurnMap(6).sub.'000110')*dispersion(4) ! terms involving derivatives of the dispersions do i=1,4 ! print*, 'sd=',sd,' disp=',dispersion_p(i) sd = sd - (oneTurnMap(6).sub.coeffSelector(i,:))*dispersion_p(i) enddo ! print*, 'sd=',sd alpha_c_p = sd * (betaRelativistic**2) / suml ! eventually, one could differentiate the above formula to obtain alpha_c_p2 ! but for the time-being, expect icase to be 56 to compute alpha_c_p2 and alpha_c_p3. alpha_c_p2 = rdp_mmilion alpha_c_p3 = rdp_mmilion call kill(theAscript) elseif ( (icase.eq.56) .and. (default%time .eqv. .true.) ) then ! here one may obtain the pathlength derivatives from the map !print*,"ALPHA_C dp/dp derivatives : 56D TIME ON" if (getdebug() > 2) then call kanalnummer(mf1) open(unit=mf1,file='oneTurnMap.56dt.txt') call daprint(oneTurnMap,mf1) close(mf1) endif call alloc(yy) do i=1,c_%nd2 ! c_%nd2 is 6 when icase is 56 or 6 (but 4 when icase=5) yy%v(i) = oneTurnMap(i)%t enddo yy = theNormalForm%A1**(-1)*yy*theNormalForm%A1 ! takes away all dispersion dependency alpha_c_p = -2.0*(yy%v(6).sub.'000020')/suml if ( then alpha_c_p2 = -3.0*2.0*(yy%v(6).sub.'000030')/suml endif if ( then alpha_c_p3 = -4.0*3.0*2.0*(yy%v(6).sub.'000040')/suml endif call kill(yy) endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! END OF COMPACTION FACTOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! also output the tune ... fractionalTunes = theNormalForm%tune ! the above is exactly equivalent to the following two lines (i.e. returns frac.tune) fractionalTunes(1) = theNormalForm%DHDJ%v(1).sub.'0000' ! as in So_fitting.f90 fractionalTunes(2) = theNormalForm%DHDJ%v(2).sub.'0000' ! as in So_fitting.f90 ! 26 november 2009 if (icase.eq.6) then fractionalTunes(3) = - theNormalForm%DHDJ%v(3).sub.'0000' ! to enter here icase must be 6 but not only: ! there must be a cavity otherwise icase is set internally to 56 by my_state in ptc_module.f90 !write(0,*) 'fractionTunes(3)=', fractionalTunes(3) ! in the above, inserted minus sign to match the 'phase' or 'tw%mu(3)' ! computed as atan2(ascript(6).sub.'000010',ascript(6).sub.'000001')/2*pi else fractionalTunes(3) = 0.0 !write(0,*) 'nullify fractionalTunes(3), icase=',icase endif ! Q: is it possible to get the actual total tune, as returned by twiss.F? ! => no, not with a map... ! ... as well as the chromaticities if (icase.eq.5 .or. icase.eq.56) then chromaticities(1) = theNormalForm%DHDJ%v(1).sub.'00001' ! as in So_fitting.f90 chromaticities(2) = theNormalForm%DHDJ%v(2).sub.'00001' ! as in So_fitting.f90 ! to get chromaticities, went to higher order with above "call init_default(default,2,0)" else ! if icase = 6, delta_p is a phase-space variable and not an external parameter hence we can't compute chromaticies chromaticities(1) = 0.0 chromaticities(2) = 0.0 endif ! for debug: check the values by printing the map if (debugFiles .eq. 1) then call daprint(oneTurnMap,25) ! prints the one-turn map on file 25 call daprint(theNormalForm%dhdj,26) ! print tunes, chromaticities and anharmonicities ! as done in madx_ptc_normal.f90 endif call kill(theNormalForm) call kill(oneTurnMap) !write(6,*) !write(6,*) "Momentum compaction (momentum compaction factor & phase-slip factor):" !write(6,*) "alpha=", alpha_c, "eta=", eta_c !write(6,*) "fractional tunes=", fractionalTunes !write(6,*) "chromaticities=", chromaticities deltap = get_value('ptc_twiss ','deltap ') ! write the data into the ptc_twiss_summary table ! warning: must preserve the order EXACTLY call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'length ', suml ) ! total length of the machine call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'alpha_c ', alpha_c ) ! momemtum compaction factor call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'alpha_c_p ', alpha_c_p) ! derivative w.r.t delta-p/p call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'alpha_c_p2 ', alpha_c_p2) ! 2nd order derivative call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'alpha_c_p3 ', alpha_c_p3) ! 3rd order derivative call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'eta_c ', eta_c ) ! associated phase-slip factor call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'gamma_tr ', gamma_tr) ! associated transition energy call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'q1 ', fractionalTunes(1)) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'q2 ', fractionalTunes(2)) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'dq1 ', chromaticities(1)) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'dq2 ', chromaticities(2)) ! 26 november 2009 call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'qs ', fractionalTunes(3)) ! write the extremas of the Twiss functions ! for the time-being, do not bother about the coupling terms call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'beta_x_min ', minBeta(1,1)) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'beta_x_max ', maxBeta(1,1)) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'beta_y_min ', minBeta(2,2)) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'beta_y_max ', maxBeta(2,2)) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name, 'deltap ', deltap) ! the 6-d closed orbit call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'orbit_x ',state(1)) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'orbit_px ', state(2)) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'orbit_y ', state(3)) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'orbit_py ', state(4)) ! warning: if 'time=false', the last two phase-space state-variables ! should be deltap/p and path-length respectively call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'orbit_pt ', state(5)) call double_to_table_curr( summary_table_name,'orbit_-cT ', state(6)) call augment_count( summary_table_name ); ! only one row actually... end subroutine oneTurnSummary END subroutine ptc_twiss !____________________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine computeDeltapDependency(y,s1) implicit none type(real_8), intent(in) :: y(6) type(twiss), intent(inout) :: s1 integer :: k,i integer :: J(lnv) ! the map's coefficient selector, as usual integer :: Jderiv(lnv) ! to store the map's coefficient selector of the derivative w.r.t deltap real(kind(1d0)) :: get_value ! C-function integer :: no ! order must be at equal to 2 to be able to get terms of the form x*deltap ! required to evaluate the derivatives of Twiss parameters w.r.t deltap integer :: ndel ! as in subroutine 'equaltwiss'... ! in order to avoid this message, should prevent entering this subroutine ! in case none of the Twiss derivatives is selected... no = get_value('ptc_twiss ','no ') if ( no .lt. 2 ) then call fort_warn('madx_ptc_twiss.f90 :','Order in computeDeltapDependency() is smaller then 2') print*, "Order is ", no return endif J=0 do i=1,c_%nd ! c_%nd is global variable do k=1,c_%nd ! the same J(2*i-1)=1 Jderiv = J ! vector copy Jderiv(5)=1 ! the delta_p coefficient s1%beta_p(k,i)= (Y(2*k-1).sub.Jderiv)*(Y(2*k-1).sub.J) + (Y(2*k-1).sub.J)*(Y(2*k-1).sub.Jderiv) s1%alfa_p(k,i)= -(Y(2*k-1).sub.Jderiv)*(Y(2*k).sub.J) - (Y(2*k-1).sub.J)*(Y(2*k).sub.Jderiv) s1%gama_p(k,i)= (Y(2*k).sub.Jderiv)*(Y(2*k).sub.J) + (Y(2*k).sub.J)*(Y(2*k).sub.Jderiv) J(2*i-1)=0 J(2*i)=1 Jderiv = J ! vector copy Jderiv(5)=1 ! the delta_p coefficient s1%beta_p(k,i) = s1%beta_p(k,i) & + (Y(2*k-1).sub.Jderiv)*(Y(2*k-1).sub.J) + (Y(2*k-1).sub.J)*(Y(2*k-1).sub.Jderiv) s1%alfa_p(k,i)= s1%alfa_p(k,i) & - (Y(2*k-1).sub.Jderiv)*(Y(2*k).sub.J) - (Y(2*k-1).sub.J)*(Y(2*k).sub.Jderiv) s1%gama_p(k,i)= s1%gama_p(k,i) & + (Y(2*k).sub.Jderiv)*(Y(2*k).sub.J)+(Y(2*k).sub.J)*(Y(2*k).sub.Jderiv) J(2*i)=0 enddo enddo ! the computations above match the following formulas, obtained by derivation of the Twiss parameters using the chain-rule ! beta derivatives w.r.t delta_p ! beta11 = two * (y(1)%t.sub.'100000')*(y(1)%t.sub.'100010') + two * (y(1)%t.sub.'010000')*(y(1)%t.sub.'010010') ! beta12 = two * (y(1)%t.sub.'001000')*(y(1)%t.sub.'001010') + two * (y(1)%t.sub.'000100')*(y(1)%t.sub.'000110') ! beta21 = two * (y(3)%t.sub.'100000')*(y(3)%t.sub.'100010') + two * (y(3)%t.sub.'010000')*(y(3)%t.sub.'010010') ! beta22 = two * (y(3)%t.sub.'001000')*(y(3)%t.sub.'001010') + two * (y(3)%t.sub.'000100')*(y(3)%t.sub.'000110') ! alpha derivatives w.r.t delta_p ! alfa11 = -((y(1)%t.sub.'100010')*(y(2)%t.sub.'100000')+(y(1)%t.sub.'100000')*(y(2).sub.'100010')+& ! (y(1)%t.sub.'010010')*(y(2)%t.sub.'010000')+(y(1)%t.sub.'010000')*(y(2)%t.sub.'010010')) ! alfa12 = -((y(1)%t.sub.'001010')*(y(2)%t.sub.'001000')+(y(1)%t.sub.'001000')*(y(2)%t.sub.'001010')+& ! (y(1)%t.sub.'000110')*(y(2)%t.sub.'000100')+(y(1)%t.sub.'000100')*(y(2)%t.sub.'000110')) ! alfa21 = -((y(3)%t.sub.'100010')*(y(4)%t.sub.'100000')+(y(3)%t.sub.'100000')*(y(4)%t.sub.'100010')+& ! (y(3)%t.sub.'010010')*(y(4)%t.sub.'010000')+(y(3)%t.sub.'010000')*(y(4)%t.sub.'010010')) ! alfa22 = -((y(3)%t.sub.'001010')*(y(4)%t.sub.'001000')+(y(3)%t.sub.'001000')*(y(4)%t.sub.'001010')+& ! (y(3)%t.sub.'000110')*(y(4)%t.sub.'000100')+(y(3)%t.sub.'000100')*(y(4)%t.sub.'000110')) ! gamma derivatives w.r.t delta_p ! gama11 = (y(2)%t.sub.'100010')*(y(2)%t.sub.'100000')+(y(2)%t.sub.'100000')*(y(2)%t.sub.'100010')+& ! (y(2)%t.sub.'010010')*(y(2)%t.sub.'010000')+(y(2)%t.sub.'010000')*(y(2)%t.sub.'010010') ! gama12 = (y(2)%t.sub.'001010')*(y(2)%t.sub.'001000')+(y(2)%t.sub.'001000')*(y(2)%t.sub.'001010')+& ! (y(2)%t.sub.'000110')*(y(2)%t.sub.'000100')+(y(2)%t.sub.'000100')*(y(2)%t.sub.'000110') ! gama21 = (y(4)%t.sub.'100010')*(y(4)%t.sub.'100000')+(y(4)%t.sub.'100000')*(y(4)%t.sub.'100010')+& ! (y(4)%t.sub.'010010')*(y(4)%t.sub.'010000')+(y(4)%t.sub.'010000')*(y(4)%t.sub.'010010') ! gama22 = (y(4)%t.sub.'001010')*(y(4)%t.sub.'001000')+(y(4)%t.sub.'001000')*(y(4)%t.sub.'001010')+& ! (y(4)%t.sub.'000110')*(y(4)%t.sub.'000100')+(y(4)%t.sub.'000100')*(y(4)%t.sub.'000110') ! now compute deltap dependencies of the dispersion ! code to be differentiated, as in subroutine 'equaltwiss' ! J=0 ! !here ND2=4 and delta is present nd2=6 and delta is a constant ! ! print*,"nv",c_%nv,"nd2",c_%nd2,"np",c_%np,"ndpt",c_%ndpt ,"=>",c_%nv-c_%nd2-c_%np ! if( (c_%npara==5) .or. (c_%ndpt/=0) ) then ! !when there is no cavity it gives us dispersions ! do i=1,4 ! lat(0,i,1)=(Y(i)%t.sub.J5) ! enddo ! elseif (c_%nd2 == 6) then ! do i=1,4 ! lat(0,i,1) = (Y(i)%t.sub.J5)*(Y(6)%t.sub.J6) ! lat(0,i,1) = lat(0,i,1) + (Y(i)%t.sub.J6)*(Y(5)%t.sub.J5) ! enddo ! else ! do i=1,4 ! lat(0,i,1)=zero ! enddo ! endif ! ! ... ! ! !when there is no cavity it gives us dispersions ! do i=1,c_%nd2-2*ndel ! s1%disp(i)=lat(0,i,1) ! enddo ! differentiating the code that computes the dispersion... ndel=0 ! as in subroutine 'equaltwiss'... if (c_%ndpt/=0) then ndel=1 endif if ((c_%npara ==5) .or. (c_%ndpt /= 0)) then do i=1,c_%nd2-2*ndel ! should it be 1 to 4? ! in 4D+deltap case, coefficients are those of the Taylor series development ! of deltap (factorial) ! disp = disp0 + sigma (1/n!) disp_pn s1%disp_p(i) = 2.0*(y(i)%t.sub.'000020') if ( then s1%disp_p2(i) = 3.0*2.0*(y(i)%t.sub.'000030') ! assume at least order 3 for the map else call fort_warn("ptc_twiss ","assume no>=3 for dispersion's 2nd order derivatives w.r.t delta-p") endif if ( then s1%disp_p3(i) = 4.0*3.0*2.0*(y(i)%t.sub.'000040') ! assume at least order 4 for the map else call fort_warn("ptc_twiss ","assume no>=4 for dispersion's 3rd order derivatives w.r.t delta-p") endif enddo elseif (c_%nd2 ==6) then do i=1,c_%nd2-2*ndel ! should it be 1 to 4? ! finally never enter here: these differentiation formulas turned-out not to apply to the case ! where deltap is a phase-space state-variable rather than an externally supplied ! parameter. ! u'v+uv' s1%disp_p(i) = & 2.0*(y(i)%t.sub.'000020')*(y(6)%t.sub.'000001')+& (y(i)%t.sub.'000010')*(y(6)%t.sub.'000011')+& (y(i)%t.sub.'000011')*(y(5)%t.sub.'000010')+& (y(i)%t.sub.'000001')*2.0*(y(5)%t.sub.'000020') enddo else do i=1,c_%nd2-2*ndel ! should it be 1 to 4? s1%disp_p(i) = 0 enddo endif ! write(6,*) "dispersion derivative (1) = ",s1%disp_p(1) ! checked the above yields non-zero value... end subroutine computeDeltapDependency !____________________________________________________________________________________________ ! --- a set of routines to track extremas of Twiss functions subroutine resetBetaExtremas() integer i,j do i=1,3 do j=1,3 resetBetaExtrema(i,j) = .true. enddo enddo end subroutine resetBetaExtremas subroutine trackBetaExtrema(i,j,value) implicit none integer :: i,j real(dp) :: value if (resetBetaExtrema(i,j)) then resetBetaExtrema(i,j) = .false. minBeta(i,j) = value maxBeta(i,j) = value ! write(80,*) 'first time in trackBetaExtrema for ',i,j else if (minBeta(i,j) .gt. value) then minBeta(i,j) = value elseif (maxBeta(i,j) .lt. value) then maxBeta(i,j) = value endif endif end subroutine trackBetaExtrema ! --- end of set of routines subroutine orbitRms(summary_table_name) implicit none character(48) :: summary_table_name real(dp) :: state(6) ! 6 dimensional state space usually referred to as 'x' real(dp) :: x(6) ! the 6 dimensional state space real(kind(1d0)) :: xrms(6) real(kind(1d0)) :: xcomax, pxcomax, ycomax, pycomax integer :: i, j real(kind(1d0)) :: get_value if (get_value('ptc_twiss ','closed_orbit ').eq.0) then ! for a line or if we don't mention the closed_orbit, xcorms makes no sense call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'xcorms ',0d0) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'pxcorms ',0d0) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'ycorms ',0d0) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'pycorms ',0d0) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'xcomax ',0d0) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'pxcomax ',0d0) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'ycomax ',0d0) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'pycomax ',0d0) else call make_node_layout(my_ring) ! essential: the way to look inside the magnets state = zero call find_orbit(my_ring,state,1,default,c_1d_7) ! 1 for the first element xcomax = state(1) pxcomax = state(2) ycomax = state(3) pycomax = state(4) x=state xrms = zero do i=1,my_ring%n !call find_orbit(my_ring,state,i,default,1.d-5) ! i for the ith element? call track(my_ring,x,i,i+1,default) ! track x directly! ! write(0,*) "xco(find_orbit)=",state(1),"xco(tracked)=",x(1) do j=1,6 xrms(j) = xrms(j) + x(j)*x(j) enddo if (x(1)>xcomax) then xcomax = x(1) endif if (x(2)>pxcomax) then pxcomax = x(2) endif if (x(3)>ycomax) then ycomax = x(3) endif if (x(4)>pycomax) then pycomax = x(4) endif enddo xrms = sqrt(xrms / my_ring%n) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'xcorms ',xrms(1)) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'pxcorms ',xrms(2)) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'ycorms ',xrms(3)) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'pycorms ',xrms(4)) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'xcomax ',xcomax) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'pxcomax ',pxcomax) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'ycomax ',ycomax) call double_to_table_curr(summary_table_name,'pycomax ',pycomax) endif end subroutine orbitRms !____________________________________________________________________________________________ subroutine getBeamBeam() implicit none integer :: i,e,elcode integer, external :: restart_sequ, & ! restart beamline and return number of beamline node advance_node ! advance to the next node in expanded sequence ! =0 (end of range), =1 (else) REAL(KIND(1d0)), external :: node_value !/*returns value for parameter par of current element */ type(fibre), pointer :: p real (dp) :: fk TYPE(INTEGRATION_NODE),POINTER :: CURR_SLICE e=restart_sequ() p=>my_ring%start do e=1, my_ring%n !in slices e goes to nelem + 1 because the last slice is the fist one. elcode=node_value('mad8_type ') if (elcode .eq. 22) then if (getdebug() > 1 ) then write(6,*) " Beam-Beam position at element named >>",p%mag%name,"<<" endif CURR_SLICE => p%t1 do while (.not. (CURR_SLICE%cas==case0.or.CURR_SLICE%cas==caset) ) if (associated(CURR_SLICE,p%t2)) exit CURR_SLICE => CURR_SLICE%next !print*, CURR_SLICE%cas enddo !print *, 'BB Node Case NO: ',CURR_SLICE%cas if(((CURR_SLICE%cas==case0).or.(CURR_SLICE%cas==caset))) then !must be 0 or 3 if(.not.associated(CURR_SLICE%BB)) call alloc(CURR_SLICE%BB) call getfk(fk) CURR_SLICE%bb%fk = fk CURR_SLICE%bb%sx = node_value('sigx ') CURR_SLICE%bb%sy = node_value('sigy ') CURR_SLICE%bb%xm = node_value('xma ') CURR_SLICE%bb%ym = node_value('yma ') CURR_SLICE%bb%PATCH=.true. if (getdebug() > 2 ) then print*, "BB fk=",CURR_SLICE%bb%fk print*, "BB sx=",CURR_SLICE%bb%sx print*, "BB sy=",CURR_SLICE%bb%sy print*, "BB xm=",CURR_SLICE%bb%xm print*, "BB ym=",CURR_SLICE%bb%ym endif do_beam_beam = .true. else call fort_warn('getBeamBeam: ','Bad node case for BeamBeam') endif endif i=advance_node() ! c-code go to the next node -> the passed value is never used, just to shut up a compiler p=>p%next enddo end subroutine getBeamBeam end module madx_ptc_twiss_module