subroutine setup(resp,a,im,ic,nm,nc) ! **************************************************** ! * ! Set DOUBLE PRECISION (A) * ! response matrix in FORTRAN storage format * ! RESP comes from "C" routine * ! * ! Author: WFH 05.02.02 * ! * ! **************************************************** implicit none integer im,ic,nm,nc ! here we are double precision resp,a(nm, nc) ! write(*,*) 'in setup: ',resp, im+1, ic+1 a(im+1,ic+1) = resp return end subroutine setupi(resp,a,im,ic,nm,nc) ! **************************************************** ! * ! Set INTEGER (A) * ! matrix in FORTRAN storage format * ! RESP comes from "C" routine * ! * ! Author: WFH 05.02.02 * ! * ! **************************************************** implicit none integer im,ic,nm,nc integer resp,a(nm, nc) ! write(*,*) 'in setupi: ',resp, im+1, ic+1 a(im+1,ic+1) = resp ! write(*,*) 'done in setupi' return end subroutine micit(a,conm,xin,cin,res,nx,rms,im,ic,iter,ny,ax,cinx, & &xinx,resx,rho,ptop,rmss,xrms,xptp,xiter,ifail) ! **************************************************** ! * ! Driving routine for MICADO correction * ! * ! Author: WFH 05.02.02 * ! * ! **************************************************** implicit none integer im,ic,iter,i,j,nx(ic),ny(ic) real rms,ax(im,ic),cinx(ic),xinx(im),resx(im),rho(3*ic),ptop(ic), & &rmss(ic),xrms(ic),xptp(ic),xiter(ic),rzero parameter(rzero=0e0) double precision a(im,ic),xin(im),cin(ic),res(im) character*16 conm(ic) integer n integer ifail do j = 1,ic call f_ctof(n, conm(j), 16) enddo do i = 1,im do j = 1,ic ax(i,j) = a(i,j) ! write(*,*) i,j,ax(i,j),a(i,j) ! ny(j) = j-1 ny(j) = j cinx(j) = rzero enddo enddo do i = 1,im xinx(i) = xin(i) resx(i) = rzero enddo write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'start MICADO correction with ',iter,' correctors' write(*,*) ' ' call micado(ax,conm,xinx,resx,cinx,ny,rms,im,ic,iter,rho,ptop, & &rmss,xrms,xptp,xiter,ifail) do i = 1,ic cin(i) = cinx(i) nx(ny(i)) = i enddo do i = 1,im res(i) = resx(i) enddo return end subroutine haveit(a,xin,cin,res,nx,im,ic,cb,xmeas,xres,y,z,xd) ! **************************************************** ! * ! Driving routine for LSQ correction * ! * ! Author: WFH 05.02.02 * ! * ! **************************************************** implicit none integer im,ic,nx(ic),i,j double precision a(im,ic),xin(im),cin(ic),res(im),cb(ic), & &xmeas(im),xres(im),y(ic,im),z(ic,ic),xd(ic),zero parameter(zero=0d0) do i = 1,im do j = 1,ic ! write(*,*) i,j,a(i,j) enddo enddo do i = 1,im res(i) = zero enddo ! write(*,*) '==> ',res write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'start LEAST SQUARES correction with all correctors' write(*,*) ' ' call solsql(im,ic,a,xin,res,cin,cb,xmeas,xres,y,z,xd) 6001 format(1X,'Corrector: ',I4,' strength: ',F12.8) write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'end LEAST SQUARES correction with all correctors' write(*,*) ' ' do i = 1,ic ! write(*,*) i,cin(i) nx(i) = i enddo return end subroutine svddec_m(a,svdmat,umat,vmat,wmat,utmat,vtmat,wtmat, & &ws,wvec,sortw, & &sngcut, sngval, & &im,ic,iflag,sing,dbg) ! **************************************************** ! * ! Performs SVD and analysis for matrix with more * ! monitors than correctors. * ! * ! Author: WFH 12.09.02 * ! * ! **************************************************** implicit none integer im,ic,i,j,jj,ii integer iflag,sing(2,ic) double precision a(im,ic) double precision svdmat(im,ic) double precision umat(im,ic), utmat(ic,im) double precision vmat(im,ic), vtmat(ic,im) double precision wmat(im,ic), wtmat(ic,im) double precision wvec(ic) ! double precision svdtest(10,3) double precision rat, zero, sngval, sngcut double precision ws(ic) integer amater, svdmx, svdnx, svdnm integer sortw(ic) integer nsing logical matu, matv integer dbg parameter(zero = 0d0) parameter(nsing = 5) ! data svdtest/3,8,8,8,4,9,9,2,8,8, & ! &4,1,7,2,6,1,6,4,6,2, & ! &1,9,7,2,2,6,9,8,3,5/ if(dbg.eq.2) then write(*,*) 'SVD parameters: ' write(*,*) 'SNGCUT: ',sngcut write(*,*) 'SNGVAL: ',sngval endif MATU = .TRUE. MATV = .TRUE. iflag = 0 SVDNM = max(ic,im) svdmx = im svdnx = ic do i = 1,im do j = 1,ic svdmat(i,j) = a(i,j) enddo enddo if(dbg.eq.2) then write(*,*) 'A0:' do j = 1,im write(*,6003) (svdmat(j,i),i=1,ic) enddo endif call svd(svdnm,svdmx,svdnx,svdmat,wvec,matu,umat, & &matv,vmat,amater,ws) 6001 format(1X,'Corrector: ',I4,' sing: ',F12.4) 6002 format('VMAT: ',I4,I4,5X,F12.6,2X,F12.6) 6003 format(16(2X,F7.2)) 6004 format(16(2X,F7.2)) if( then write(*,*) 'end SVD with error code: ',amater endif if(dbg.eq.1) then do i = 1,ic write(*,*) i,wvec(I) write(*,6001) i,wvec(I) wmat(i,i) = wvec(i) enddo endif call rvord(wvec,sortw,ws,ic) if(dbg.eq.1) then do i = 1,ic write(*,*) i,sortw(i),wvec(sortw(i)) enddo endif do ii = 1,min(nsing,ic) i = sortw(ii) if(dbg.eq.1) then write(61,*) wvec(i) endif if(abs(wvec(i)).lt.sngval) then if(dbg.eq.1) then do j = 1,ic write(*,6002) i,j,vmat(j,i) enddo endif do j = 1,ic-1 do jj = j+1,ic if(abs(vmat(j,i)).gt.1.0E-4) then rat = abs(vmat(j,i)) + abs(vmat(jj,i)) ! rat = abs(vmat(j,i) - vmat(jj,i)) ! rat = abs(vmat(j,i) + vmat(jj,i)) rat = rat/abs(abs(vmat(j,i)) - abs(vmat(jj,i))) if( then IF(DBG.EQ.1) THEN write(*,*) 'dependent pair: ',i,j,jj,rat write(65,*) 'dependent pair: ',i,j,jj,rat ENDIF if(*ic*ic)) then iflag = iflag + 1 sing(1,iflag) = j - 1 sing(2,iflag) = jj - 1 endif endif endif enddo enddo endif enddo if(dbg.eq.1) then do j=1,iflag write(66,*) j,sing(1,j),sing(2,j) enddo endif return end subroutine svddec_c(a,svdmat,umat,vmat,wmat,utmat,vtmat,wtmat, & &ws,wvec,sortw, & &sngcut, sngval, & &im,ic,iflag,sing,dbg) ! **************************************************** ! * ! Performs SVD and analysis for matrix with more * ! correctors than monitors. * ! * ! Author: WFH 12.09.02 * ! * ! **************************************************** implicit none integer im,ic,i,j,jj,ii integer iflag,sing(2,ic) double precision a(im,ic) double precision svdmat(ic,im) double precision umat(ic,im), utmat(im,ic) double precision vmat(ic,im), vtmat(im,ic) double precision wmat(ic,im), wtmat(im,ic) double precision wvec(ic) double precision rat, zero, sngcut, sngval double precision ws(ic) integer sortw(ic) integer amater, svdmx, svdnx, svdnm integer nsing logical matu, matv integer dbg parameter(zero = 0d0) parameter(nsing = 5) if(dbg.eq.2) then write(*,*) 'SVD parameters: ' write(*,*) 'SNGCUT: ',sngcut write(*,*) 'SNGVAL: ',sngval endif MATU = .TRUE. MATV = .TRUE. iflag = 0 ! im = 10 ! ic = 3 SVDNM = max(ic,im) svdmx = ic svdnx = im do i = 1,im do j = 1,ic svdmat(j,i) = a(i,j) ! svdmat(i,j) = a(i,j) enddo enddo 8373 continue if(dbg.eq.2) then write(*,*) 'A0:' do j = 1,ic write(*,6003) (svdmat(j,i),i=1,im) enddo endif call svd(svdnm,svdmx,svdnx,svdmat,wvec,matu,umat, & &matv,vmat,amater,ws) 6001 format(1X,'Corrector: ',I4,' sing: ',F12.4) 6002 format('UMAT: ',I4,I4,5X,F12.6,2X,F12.6) 6003 format(16(2X,F7.2)) 6004 format(16(2X,F7.2)) if( then write(*,*) 'end SVD with error code: ',amater endif if(dbg.eq.1) then do i = 1,im write(*,*) i,wvec(I) write(*,6001) i,wvec(I) wmat(i,i) = wvec(i) enddo endif call rvord(wvec,sortw,ws,im) if(dbg.eq.1) then do i = 1,im write(*,*) i,sortw(i),wvec(sortw(i)) enddo endif do ii = 1,min(nsing,im) i = sortw(ii) if(dbg.eq.1) then write(61,*) wvec(i) endif if(abs(wvec(i)).lt.sngval) then if(dbg.eq.1) then do j = 1,ic write(*,6002) i,j,umat(j,i) enddo endif do j = 1,ic-1 do jj = j+1,ic if(abs(umat(j,i)).gt.1.0E-4) then ! rat = abs(umat(j,i) - umat(jj,i)) rat = abs(umat(j,i)) + abs(umat(jj,i)) rat = rat/abs(abs(umat(j,i)) - abs(umat(jj,i))) if(dbg.eq.1) then write(62,*) wvec(i),rat endif if( then if(dbg.eq.1) then write(*,*) 'dependent pair: ',j,jj,rat write(65,*) 'dependent pair: ',j,jj,rat endif if( then iflag = iflag + 1 sing(1,iflag) = j - 1 sing(2,iflag) = jj - 1 endif endif endif enddo enddo endif enddo return end subroutine svdcorr_m(a,svdmat,umat,vmat,wmat,utmat,vtmat,wtmat, & &xin,xc,xout,xa,xb,xpred,ws,wvec, & &sortw,nx,im,ic,iflag,dbg) ! ****************************************************** ! * ! Performs SVD and correction for matrix with more * ! monitors than correctors. * ! * ! Author: WFH 12.09.02 * ! * ! ****************************************************** implicit none integer im,ic,nx(ic),i,j integer iflag double precision a(im,ic) double precision svdmat(im,ic) double precision umat(im,ic), utmat(ic,im) double precision vmat(im,ic), vtmat(ic,im) double precision wmat(im,ic), wtmat(ic,im) double precision xin(im),xout(im),xc(ic) double precision xa(im),xb(im),xpred(im),ws(ic),wvec(ic) integer amater, svdmx, svdnx, svdnm integer sortw(ic) logical matu, matv integer dbg MATU = .TRUE. MATV = .TRUE. iflag = 0 write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'start SVD correction using ',ic,' correctors' write(*,*) ' ' SVDNM = max(ic,im) svdmx = im svdnx = ic do i = 1,ic nx(i) = i enddo do i = 1,im do j = 1,ic svdmat(i,j) = a(i,j) enddo enddo if(dbg.eq.1) then write(*,*) 'A0:' do j = 1,im write(*,6003) (svdmat(j,i),i=1,ic) enddo endif call svd(svdnm,svdmx,svdnx,svdmat,wvec,matu,umat, & &matv,vmat,amater,ws) 6001 format(1X,'Corrector: ',I4,' sing: ',F12.4) 6002 format('VMAT: ',I4,I4,5X,F12.6,2X,F12.6) 6003 format(16(2X,F7.2)) 6004 format(16(2X,F7.2)) if( then write(*,*) 'end SVD with error code: ',amater endif do i = 1,ic if(dbg.eq.1) then write(*,*) i,wvec(I) write(*,6001) i,wvec(I) endif wmat(i,i) = wvec(i) if(abs(wvec(I)).gt.1.0001) then wtmat(i,i) = 1/wvec(i) else wtmat(i,i) = 0.0 endif enddo if(dbg.eq.1) then call rvord(wvec,sortw,ws,ic) do i = 1,ic write(*,*) i,sortw(i),wvec(sortw(i)) enddo endif do i = 1,ic do j = 1,im vtmat(i,j) = vmat(j,i) utmat(i,j) = umat(j,i) enddo enddo if(dbg.eq.1) then write(*,*) 'A1:' do j = 1,im write(*,6003) (svdmat(j,i),i=1,ic) enddo write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'Va:' do j = 1,ic write(*,6004) (vmat(j,i),i=1,ic) enddo write(*,*) 'Vt:' do j = 1,ic write(*,6004) (vtmat(j,i),i=1,ic) enddo write(*,*) 'W:' do j = 1,im write(*,6004) (wmat(j,i),i=1,ic) enddo write(*,*) 'Wt:' do j = 1,ic write(*,6004) (wtmat(j,i),i=1,im) enddo write(*,*) 'U:' do j = 1,im write(*,6004) (umat(j,i),i=1,im) enddo write(*,*) 'Ut:' do j = 1,im write(*,6004) (utmat(j,i),i=1,im) enddo endif call dmmpy(im,im,utmat(1,1),utmat(1,2),utmat(2,1), & &xin(1),xin(2),xa(1),xa(2)) call dmmpy(ic,im,wtmat(1,1),wtmat(1,2),wtmat(2,1), & &xa(1),xa(2),xb(1),xb(2)) call dmmpy(ic,ic,vmat(1,1),vmat(1,2),vmat(2,1), & &xb(1),xb(2),xc(1),xc(2)) call dmmpy(im,ic,svdmat(1,1),svdmat(1,2),svdmat(2,1), & &xc(1),xc(2),xpred(1),xpred(2)) if(dbg.eq.1) then write(*,*) xc write(*,*) xpred endif do i = 1,im xout(i) = xin(i) - xpred(i) enddo do i = 1,ic xc(i) = -xc(i) enddo return end subroutine svdcorr_c(a,svdmat,umat,vmat,wmat,utmat,vtmat,wtmat, & &xin,xc,xout,xa,xb,xpred,ws,wvec, & &sortw,nx,im,ic,iflag,dbg) ! ****************************************************** ! * ! Performs SVD and correction for matrix with more * ! correctors than monitors. * ! * ! Author: WFH 12.09.02 * ! * ! ****************************************************** implicit none integer im,ic,nx(ic),i,j integer iflag double precision a(im,ic) double precision svdmat(ic,im) double precision umat(ic,im), utmat(im,ic) double precision vmat(ic,im), vtmat(im,ic) double precision wmat(ic,im), wtmat(im,ic) double precision xin(im),xout(im),xc(ic) double precision xa(im),xpred(im),ws(ic),wvec(ic) integer sortw(ic) integer amater, svdmx, svdnx, svdnm logical matu, matv integer dbg double precision xb(2000) MATU = .TRUE. MATV = .TRUE. iflag = 0 write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'start SVD correction using ',ic,' correctors' write(*,*) ' ' SVDNM = max(ic,im) svdmx = ic svdnx = im do i = 1,im do j = 1,ic svdmat(j,i) = a(i,j) enddo enddo do i = 1,ic nx(i) = i enddo 8373 continue if(dbg.eq.1) then write(*,*) 'A0:' do j = 1,ic write(*,6003) (svdmat(j,i),i=1,im) enddo endif call svd(svdnm,svdmx,svdnx,svdmat,wvec,matu,umat, & &matv,vmat,amater,ws) 6001 format(1X,'Corrector: ',I4,' sing: ',F12.4) 6002 format('UMAT: ',I4,I4,5X,F12.6,2X,F12.6) 6003 format(16(2X,F7.2)) 6004 format(16(2X,F7.2)) if( then write(*,*) 'end SVD with error code: ',amater endif do i = 1,im if(dbg.eq.1) then write(*,*) i,wvec(I) write(*,6001) i,wvec(I) endif wmat(i,i) = wvec(i) if(abs(wvec(i)).gt.1.0001) then wtmat(i,i) = 1/wvec(i) else wtmat(i,i) = 0.0 endif enddo if(dbg.eq.1) then call rvord(wvec,sortw,ws,im) do i = 1,im write(*,*) i,sortw(i),wvec(sortw(i)) enddo endif do i = 1,im do j = 1,ic vtmat(i,j) = vmat(j,i) utmat(i,j) = umat(j,i) enddo enddo if(dbg.eq.1) then write(*,*) 'A1:' do j = 1,ic write(*,6003) (svdmat(j,i),i=1,im) enddo write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'Va:' do j = 1,im write(*,6004) (vmat(j,i),i=1,im) enddo write(*,*) 'Vt:' do j = 1,im write(*,6004) (vtmat(j,i),i=1,im) enddo write(*,*) 'W:' do j = 1,ic write(*,6004) (wmat(j,i),i=1,im) enddo write(*,*) 'Wt:' do j = 1,im write(*,6004) (wtmat(j,i),i=1,ic) enddo write(*,*) 'U:' do j = 1,ic write(*,6004) (umat(j,i),i=1,ic) enddo write(*,*) 'Ut:' do j = 1,ic write(*,6004) (utmat(j,i),i=1,ic) enddo endif call dmmpy(im,im,vtmat(1,1),vtmat(1,2),vtmat(2,1), & &xin(1),xin(2),xa(1),xa(2)) ! write(*,*) 'xa: ',xa call dmmpy(im,im,wtmat(1,1),wtmat(1,2),wtmat(2,1), & &xa(1),xa(2),xb(1),xb(2)) ! write(*,*) 'xb: ',xb call dmmpy(ic,im,umat(1,1),umat(1,2),umat(2,1), & &xb(1),xb(2),xc(1),xc(2)) ! write(*,*) 'xc: ',xc call dmmpy(im,ic,a(1,1),a(1,2),a(2,1), & &xc(1),xc(2),xpred(1),xpred(2)) if(dbg.eq.1) then write(*,*) xc write(*,*) xpred endif do i = 1,im xout(i) = xin(i) - xpred(i) enddo do i = 1,ic xc(i) = -xc(i) enddo return end !CDECK ID>, SOLSQL. subroutine solsql(m,n,xad,orb0,orbr,xinc,cb,xmeas,xres,y,z,xd) implicit none !********************************************************************* ! Subroutine SOLSQL to solve least sq. problem for orbit * ! after matrix has been reconditioned * ! * ! Authors: WFH Date: 21.03.1995 * ! * !********************************************************************* integer m,n,i,j,ifail double precision xad(m,n),orb0(m),orbr(m),xinc(n),cb(n),xmeas(m), & &xres(m),y(n,m),z(n,n),xd(n),zero parameter(zero=0d0) ! --- copy from original matrix, sizes are not equal ! do i = 1,m xmeas(i) = orb0(i) xres(i) = zero enddo do i = 1,m do j = 1,n ! write(*,*) i,j,xad(i,j) enddo enddo call lstsql(m,n,xad,xmeas,cb,xres,ifail,y,z,xd) write(*,*) 'IFAIL from lstsql: ',ifail do i=1,n xinc(i) = cb(i) ! write(*,*) i,cb(i) enddo do j = 1,m orbr(j) = xres(j) + xmeas(j) enddo 6001 format(3x,i4,2x,f10.5) 6002 format(3x,i4,2x,f10.5,2x,f10.5,2x,f10.5) return end !----------------------------------------------------------------- !CDECK ID>, LSTSQL. subroutine lstsql(m,n,x,d,cb,xpred,ifail,y,z,xd) implicit none !********************************************************************* ! Subroutine LSTSQR to make a least sqared minimization * ! * ! Authors: WFH Date: 21.03.1995 * ! * !********************************************************************* integer m,n,ifail,i,j,w(200000) double precision x(m,n),d(m),cb(n),xpred(m),y(n,m),z(n,n),xd(n), & &dw(100000) equivalence (w(1),dw(1)) do i = 1,m do j = 1,n y(j,i) = x(i,j) enddo enddo call dmmlt(n,m,n,y,y(1,2),y(2,1),x,x(1,2),x(2,1),z, & &z(1,2),z(2,1),dw) call dinv(n,z,n,w,ifail) call dmmpy(n,m,y(1,1),y(1,2),y(2,1),d(1),d(2),xd(1),xd(2)) call dmmpy(n,n,z(1,1),z(1,2),z(2,1),xd(1),xd(2),cb(1),cb(2)) do i=1,n cb(i)=-cb(i) ! write(*,*) '=> ',i,cb(i) enddo call dmmpy(m,n,x(1,1),x(1,2),x(2,1),cb(1),cb(2),xpred(1),xpred(2)) return end !CDECK ID>, MICADO. subroutine micado(a,conm,b,orbr,xinc,nx,rms,m,n,iter,rho,ptop, & &rmss,xrms,xptp,xiter,ifail) implicit none !********************************************************************* ! Subroutine MICADO to run MICADO minimisation * ! * ! Authors: many Date: 17.09.1989 * ! * !********************************************************************* ! interface between ORBCOR and HTLS routine ! ARRAY and loop dimensions are transmitted as subroutine arguments ! A(M,N) : response matrix correctors ==>> monitors ! B(M) : orbit to be corrected ! ORBR(M) : residual orbit ! XINC(N) : strength of correctors ! NX(N) : sequence number of correctors integer m,n,nx(n),prtlev,iter integer ifail real a(m,n),b(m),orbr(m),xinc(n),rms,rho(3*n),ptop(n),rmss(n), & &xrms(n),xptp(n),xiter(n) character*16 conm(n) prtlev = 3 call htls(a,conm,b,m,n,xinc,nx,orbr,rms,prtlev,iter,rho,ptop,rmss,& &xrms,xptp,xiter,ifail) ! --- energy shift caused by corrector strength changes ! (inhibited) ! if(iplane.eq.2) go to 85 ! do 75 ij1=1,iter ! 75 dp=dp-apc(nx(ij1))*xinc(ij1)*mcfl ! write(61,*)' DP NEW CORR=',dp return end !CDECK ID>, HHT. subroutine htls(a,conm,b,m,n,x,ipiv,r,rms,prtlev,iter,rho,ptop, & &rmss,xrms,xptp,xiter,ifail) implicit none !********************************************************************* ! Subroutine HTLS to make Householder transform * ! * ! Authors: many Date: 17.09.1989 * ! * !********************************************************************* ! dimension of array RHO should be 3*N ! M = NMTOT nr available monitors ! N = NCTOT nr available independent correctors logical interm integer m,n,ipiv(n),prtlev,iter,ij1,k2,k,i,kpiv,k3,j,ip,j1,kk,ki, & &iii,kkk real a(m,n),b(m),x(n),r(m),rms,rho(3*n),ptop(n),rmss(n),xrms(n), & &xptp(n),xiter(n),xxcal,ptp,g,h,sig,beta,piv,pivt,rm,pt,rzero, & &reps7 parameter(rzero=0e0,reps7=1e-7) character*4 units character*16 conm(n) integer ifail interm = .true. ifail = 0 units = 'mrad' ptp = rzero call calrms(b,m,rm,pt) if(rm.le.rms) then write(*,*) '++++++ WARNING: RMS already smaller than desired ' write(*,*) '++++++ WARNING: no correction is done ' rms = rm iter = 0 ifail = -2 return endif ! --- calculate first pivot !========================== do ij1=1,3*n rho(ij1)=rzero enddo k2=n + 1 piv=rzero do k=1,n ipiv(k)=k h=rzero g=rzero do i=1,m h=h+a(i,k)*a(i,k) g=g+a(i,k)*b(i) enddo rho(k)=h rho(k2) = g if( then pivt = g*g/h else pivt = rzero endif if( then piv = pivt kpiv=k endif k2 = k2 + 1 enddo ! --- boucle pour chaque iteration do k=1,iter !X WRITE(*,*) ' Start iteration ',K if(kpiv.eq.k)go to 8 !X write(*,*) 'change row, KPIV, K: ',KPIV, K ! --- on echange les K et KPIV si KPIV plus grand que K h=rho(k) rho(k)=rho(kpiv) rho(kpiv)=h k2=n+k k3=n+kpiv g = rho(k2) rho(k2) = rho(k3) rho(k3) = g do i=1,m h=a(i,k) a(i,k)=a(i,kpiv) a(i,kpiv)=h enddo ! --- calcul de beta,sigma et uk dans htul 8 continue !X write(*,*) 'call HTUL' call htul(a,m,n,k,sig,beta) !X write(*,*) 'back from HTUL' ! --- on garde SIGMA dans RHO(N+K) j=n+k rho(j)=-sig ip=ipiv(kpiv) ipiv(kpiv)=ipiv(k) ipiv(k)=ip if(k.eq.n) go to 13 ! --- transformation de A dans HTAL !X write(*,*) 'call HTAL' call htal(a,m,n,k,beta) !X write(*,*) 'back from HTAL' ! --- transformation de B dans HTBL 13 continue !X write(*,*) 'call HTBL' call htbl(a,b,m,n,k,beta) !X write(*,*) 'back from HTBL' ! --- recherche du pivot (K+1) !============================= rho(k)=sqrt(piv) if(k.eq.n) go to 11 piv=rzero kpiv = k + 1 j1 = kpiv k2=n + j1 !x write(*,*) 'loop 18, ',j1,n do j=j1,n h=rho(j)-(a(k,j))*(a(k,j)) !X write(*,*) 'K,J: ',K,J !X write(*,*) RHO(J),A(K,J) !X write(*,*) 'H: ',H if(abs(h).lt.reps7) then write(*,*) 'Correction process aborted' write(*,*) 'during ',k,'th iteration' write(*,*) 'Last r.m.s.: ',rmss(k-1) write(*,*) 'Last p-t-p.: ',ptop(k-1) write(*,*) 'Division by zero expected' write(*,*) 'Probably two kickers too close: ',h write(*,*) 'SUSPECTED KICKER: ',J,' ' write(*,*) conm(ipiv(j)) ifail = -1 return ! stop 777 endif rho(j)=h g=rho(k2)-(a(k,j))*(b(k)) rho(k2) = g if( then pivt = g*g/h else pivt = rzero endif !X write(*,*) 'compare for pivot K,J,PIVT,PIV: ',K,J,PIVT,PIV if( to 18 !X write(*,*) 'comparison succeeded, set pivot' kpiv=j piv=pivt 18 continue k2 = k2 + 1 enddo ! --- calcul des x 11 x(k)=b(k)/rho(n+k) if(k.eq.1)go to 27 do i=2,k kk=k-i+1 x(kk)=b(kk) ki=kk+1 do j=ki,k x(kk)=x(kk)-a(kk,j)*x(j) enddo x(kk)=x(kk)/rho(n+kk) enddo ! write(*,*) 'after 15' 27 continue ! --- save residual orbit and inverse sign of corrections (convention!) do iii= 1,m r(iii) = b(iii) enddo do iii= 1,k x(iii) =-x(iii) enddo ! --- calcul du vecteur residuel dans htrl !========================================= ! transform orbit R back to "normal space" ! write(*,*) 'transform back to normal space' call htrl(a,r,m,n,k,rho) call calrms(r,m,rmss(k),ptop(k)) ! WRITE(61,'(I10,2F15.2)')K,RMSS(K),PTOP(K) if( then xiter(k+1) = k xrms(k+1) = rmss(k) xptp(k+1) = ptop(k) endif ! write(*,*) 'orbit back in normal space ',prtlev,k ! --- write intermediate results to 61 files ! IF(.TRUE.)THEN if(k.eq.1)then if (prtlev .ge. 2) then ! write(61,52) ! write(61,54)units ! write(61,'(4x,"0",42x,f12.8,f15.8)')rm,pt endif 52 FORMAT(/' *********** start MICADO ***********'/) 54 FORMAT(' iter',5X,'corrector',13X,A4,6X,'mrad', & &5X," rms",10X," ptop",/) endif if (prtlev .ge. 2) then ! write(61,'(/,1x,72("-"),/, & ! &1x,i4,3x,38(" "),1x,f12.8,f15.8)')k,rmss(k),ptop(k) endif do kkk = 1,k xxcal=x(kkk) if (prtlev .ge. 2) then ! write(61,'(I3,1X,A16,9x,f8.4,2x,f8.4)') & ! &kkk,conm(ipiv(kkk)),x(kkk),xxcal endif enddo if(interm)then if (prtlev .ge. 2) then ! write(61,58)k ! write(61,'(1x,8f9.3)')(r(kkk),kkk=1,m) endif 58 format(/,' residual orbit after iteration ',i2,':') endif if(k.eq.iter) then if (prtlev .ge. 2) then ! write(61,53) endif endif 53 format(/' *********** end MICADO ***********'/) ! endif if(ptop(k).le.ptp)go to 202 if(rmss(k).le.rms)go to 202 enddo return ! --- correction is already good enough: !======================================= 202 ptp=ptop(k) rms=rmss(k) iter=k return end !CDECK ID>, HTAL. subroutine htal(a,m,n,k,beta) implicit none !********************************************************************* ! Subroutine HTAL to make Householder transform * ! * ! Authors: many Date: 17.09.1989 * ! * !********************************************************************* ! Householder transform of matrix A integer m,n,nc,k,j,k1 real beta,a(m,n),h,rzero parameter(rzero=0e0) nc=n-k do j=1,nc h=rzero do k1=k,m h=h+a(k1,k)*a(k1,k+j) enddo h=beta*h do k1=k,m a(k1,k+j)=a(k1,k+j)-a(k1,k)*h enddo enddo end !CDECK ID>, HTBL. subroutine htbl(a,b,m,n,k,beta) implicit none !********************************************************************* ! Subroutine HTBL to make Householder transform * ! * ! Authors: many Date: 17.09.1989 * ! * !********************************************************************* ! Householder transform of vector B integer m,n,k,k1 real beta,a(m,n),b(m),h,rzero parameter(rzero=0e0) h=rzero do k1=k,m h=h+a(k1,k)*b(k1) enddo h=beta*h do k1=k,m b(k1)=b(k1)-a(k1,k)*h enddo end !CDECK ID>, HTRL. subroutine htrl(a,b,m,n,k,rho) implicit none !********************************************************************* ! Subroutine HTRL to make Householder transform * ! * ! Authors: many Date: 17.09.1989 * ! * !********************************************************************* ! calculate residual orbit vector integer m,n,k,kk,kl,i,lv,kn real beta,a(m,n),b(m),rho(3*n),rzero parameter(rzero=0e0) do i= 1,k,1 b(i)=rzero enddo do kk=1,k lv=m-k+kk kn=n+k-kk+1 kl=k-kk+1 beta=-1d0/(rho(kn)*a(kl,kl)) call htbl(a,b,m,n,kl,beta) enddo end !CDECK ID>, HTUL. subroutine htul(a,m,n,k,sig,beta) implicit none !********************************************************************* ! Subroutine HTUL to make Householder transform * ! * ! Authors: many Date: 17.09.1989 * ! * !********************************************************************* ! calculate vector U integer m,n,k,i real beta,sig,a(m,n),h,rzero parameter(rzero=0e0) sig=rzero do i=k,m sig=sig+a(i,k)* a(i,k) enddo sig=sqrt(sig) ! on choisit le signe correct pour sig: h=a(k,k) if( beta=h + sig a(k,k)=beta beta=1d0/(sig*beta) end !CDECK ID>, LEQU2. subroutine lequ2(a,ifail,b) implicit none !********************************************************************* ! Subroutine LEQU2 to solve X * A = b * ! for 2 dimensions * ! * ! Authors: WFH Date: 26.02.1992 * ! * !********************************************************************* integer ifail real a(2,2),b(2),x(2),det,reps6 parameter(reps6=1e-6) det = a(2,2)*a(1,1) - a(1,2)*a(2,1) if(abs(det).lt.reps6) then ifail = -1 return endif x(1) = (b(1)*a(2,2) - b(2)*a(1,2))/det x(2) = (b(2) - a(2,1)*x(1))/a(2,2) b(1) = x(1) b(2) = x(2) ifail = 0 return end !CDECK ID>, CALRMS. subroutine calrms(r,m,rms,ptp) implicit none !********************************************************************* ! Subroutine CALRMS to calculate rms * ! * ! Authors: many Date: 17.09.1989 * ! * !********************************************************************* ! calculates rms and value of R(1) .... R(M) integer m,i,imax,imin,maxmin real r(m),xave,xrms,rms,ptp,ave,rzero parameter(rzero=0e0) xave = rzero xrms = rzero do i=1,m xave = xave + r(i) xrms = xrms + (r(i)*r(i)) enddo ave = xave / float(m) rms = xrms / float(m) imax=maxmin(r(1),m,1) imin=maxmin(r(1),m,0) ptp=r(imax)-r(imin) rms=sqrt(rms) return end !CDECK ID>, MAXMIN. function maxmin (a,n,m) implicit none !********************************************************************* ! Subroutine MAXMIN to find maximum and minimum of a list * ! * ! Authors: WFH Date: 21.08.2000 * ! * !********************************************************************* ! if M=0, MAXMIN=lowest index of minimum element in A ! if M=1, MAXMIN=lowest index of maximun element in A ! if N<1, MAXMIN=1 integer m,n,maxmin,i real a(n),curent maxmin=1 if ( return curent=a(1) do i=2,n if ((m.eq.0).and.(a(i).ge.curent)) go to 10 if ((m.eq.1).and.(a(i).le.curent)) go to 10 curent=a(i) maxmin=i 10 continue enddo return end subroutine dinv(n,a,idim,r,ifail) implicit none ! ! ****************************************************************** ! ! REPLACES A BY ITS INVERSE. ! ! (PARAMETERS AS FOR DEQINV.) ! ! CALLS ... DFACT, DFINV, F010PR, ABEND. ! ! ****************************************************************** integer n,idim,ifail,jfail integer r(n),t1,t2,t3 double precision a(idim,n),det,temp,s,c11,c12,c13,c21,c22,c23,c31,& &c32,c33,zero parameter(zero=0d0) ! ! TEST FOR PARAMETER ERRORS. ! if(( go to 7 ! ! TEST FOR N.LE.3. ! if( go to 6 ifail=0 if( go to 4 ! ! N=3 CASE. ! ! COMPUTE COFACTORS. c11=a(2,2)*a(3,3)-a(2,3)*a(3,2) c12=a(2,3)*a(3,1)-a(2,1)*a(3,3) c13=a(2,1)*a(3,2)-a(2,2)*a(3,1) c21=a(3,2)*a(1,3)-a(3,3)*a(1,2) c22=a(3,3)*a(1,1)-a(3,1)*a(1,3) c23=a(3,1)*a(1,2)-a(3,2)*a(1,1) c31=a(1,2)*a(2,3)-a(1,3)*a(2,2) c32=a(1,3)*a(2,1)-a(1,1)*a(2,3) c33=a(1,1)*a(2,2)-a(1,2)*a(2,1) t1=abs(sngl(a(1,1))) t2=abs(sngl(a(2,1))) t3=abs(sngl(a(3,1))) ! ! (SET TEMP=PIVOT AND DET=PIVOT*DET.) if( go to 1 if( go to 2 ! (PIVOT IS A21) temp=a(2,1) det=c13*c32-c12*c33 go to 3 1 if( go to 2 ! (PIVOT IS A11) temp=a(1,1) det=c22*c33-c23*c32 go to 3 ! (PIVOT IS A31) 2 temp=a(3,1) det=c23*c12-c22*c13 ! ! SET ELEMENTS OF INVERSE IN A. 3 if( go to 8 s=temp/det a(1,1)=s*c11 a(1,2)=s*c21 a(1,3)=s*c31 a(2,1)=s*c12 a(2,2)=s*c22 a(2,3)=s*c32 a(3,1)=s*c13 a(3,2)=s*c23 a(3,3)=s*c33 return ! 4 if( go to 5 ! ! N=2 CASE BY CRAMERS RULE. ! det=a(1,1)*a(2,2)-a(1,2)*a(2,1) if( go to 8 s=1d0/det c11 =s*a(2,2) a(1,2)=-s*a(1,2) a(2,1)=-s*a(2,1) a(2,2)=s*a(1,1) a(1,1)=c11 return ! ! N=1 CASE. ! 5 if(a(1,1) go to 8 a(1,1)=1d0/a(1,1) return ! ! N.GT.3 CASES. FACTORIZE MATRIX AND INVERT. ! 6 call dfact(n,a,idim,r,ifail,det,jfail) if( return call dfinv(n,a,idim,r) return ! ! ERROR EXITS. ! 7 ifail=+1 return ! 8 ifail=-1 return ! end subroutine dfact(n,a,idim,ir,ifail,det,jfail) implicit none integer idim,j,k,n,ifail,nxch,jp1,i,l,jm1,jfail,ir(*),normal, & &imposs,jrange,jover,junder parameter(normal=0,imposs=-1,jrange=0,jover=1,junder=-1) real p,q,t,g1,g2 parameter(g1=1e-19,g2=1e19) double precision a(idim,*),det,tf,s11,s12,zero,one parameter(zero=0d0,one=1d0) character*6 hname data hname / ' DFACT' / if(idim .ge. n .and. n .gt. 0) goto 110 call tmprnt(hname,n,idim,0) return 110 ifail = normal jfail = jrange nxch = 0 det = one do j = 1, n 120 k = j p = abs(sngl(a(j,j))) if(j .eq. n) goto 122 jp1 = j+1 do i = jp1, n q = abs(sngl(a(i,j))) if(q .le. p) goto 121 k = i p = q 121 continue enddo if(k .ne. j) goto 123 122 if(p .gt. zero) goto 130 det = zero ifail = imposs jfail = jrange return 123 do l = 1, n tf = a(j,l) a(j,l) = a(k,l) a(k,l) = tf enddo nxch = nxch + 1 ir(nxch) = j*2**12 + k 130 det = det * a(j,j) a(j,j) = one / a(j,j) t = abs(sngl(det)) if(t .lt. g1) then det = zero if(jfail .eq. jrange) jfail = junder elseif(t .gt. g2) then det = one if(jfail .eq. jrange) jfail = jover endif if(j .eq. n) goto 144 jm1 = j-1 jp1 = j+1 do k = jp1, n s11 = -a(j,k) s12 = -a(k,j+1) if(j .eq. 1) goto 142 do i = 1, jm1 s11 = a(i,k)*a(j,i)+s11 s12 = a(i,j+1)*a(k,i)+s12 enddo 142 a(j,k) = -s11 * a(j,j) a(k,j+1) = -(a(j,j+1)*a(k,j)+s12) enddo 144 continue enddo 150 if(mod(nxch,2) .ne. 0) det = -det if(jfail .ne. jrange) det = zero ir(n) = nxch return end subroutine dfeqn(n,a,idim,ir,k,b) implicit none integer idim,i,j,k,n,m,nxch,ij,l,im1,nm1,nmi,nmjp1,ir(*) double precision a(idim,*),b(idim,*),te,s21, s22 character*6 hname data hname / ' DFEQN' / if(idim .ge. n .and. n .gt. 0 .and. k .gt. 0) goto 210 call tmprnt(hname,n,idim,k) return 210 nxch = ir(n) if(nxch .eq. 0) goto 220 do m = 1, nxch ij = ir(m) i = ij / 4096 j = mod(ij,4096) do l = 1, k te = b(i,l) b(i,l) = b(j,l) b(j,l) = te enddo enddo 220 do l = 1, k b(1,l) = a(1,1)*b(1,l) enddo if(n .eq. 1) goto 299 do l = 1, k do i = 2, n im1 = i-1 s21 = - b(i,l) do j = 1, im1 s21 = a(i,j)*b(j,l)+s21 enddo b(i,l) = - a(i,i)*s21 enddo nm1 = n-1 do i = 1, nm1 nmi = n-i s22 = - b(nmi,l) do j = 1, i nmjp1 = n - j+1 s22 = a(nmi,nmjp1)*b(nmjp1,l)+s22 enddo b(nmi,l) = - s22 enddo enddo 299 continue return end subroutine dfinv(n,a,idim,ir) implicit none integer idim,i,j,k,n,m,nxch,ij,nm1,nmi,im2,ir(*) double precision a(idim,*),ti,s31,s32,s33,s34,zero parameter(zero=0d0) character*6 hname data hname / ' DFINV' / if(idim .ge. n .and. n .gt. 0) goto 310 call tmprnt(hname,n,idim,0) return 310 if(n .eq. 1) return a(2,1) = -a(2,2) * a(1,1) * a(2,1) a(1,2) = -a(1,2) if(n .eq. 2) goto 330 do i = 3, n im2 = i-2 do j = 1, im2 s31 = zero s32 = a(j,i) do k = j, im2 s31 = a(k,j)*a(i,k)+s31 s32 = a(j,k+1)*a(k+1,i)+s32 enddo a(i,j) = -a(i,i) * (a(i-1,j)*a(i,i-1)+s31) a(j,i) = -s32 enddo a(i,i-1) = -a(i,i) * a(i-1,i-1) * a(i,i-1) a(i-1,i) = -a(i-1,i) enddo 330 nm1 = n-1 do i = 1, nm1 nmi = n-i do j = 1, i s33 = a(i,j) do k = 1, nmi s33 = a(i+k,j)*a(i,i+k)+s33 enddo a(i,j) = s33 enddo do j = 1, nmi s34 = zero do k = j, nmi s34 = a(i+k,i+j)*a(i,i+k)+s34 enddo a(i,i+j) = s34 enddo enddo nxch = ir(n) if(nxch .eq. 0) return do m = 1, nxch k = nxch - m+1 ij = ir(k) i = ij / 4096 j = mod(ij,4096) do k = 1, n ti = a(k,i) a(k,i) = a(k,j) a(k,j) = ti enddo enddo return end subroutine tmprnt(name,n,idim,k) implicit none logical mflag,rflag integer idim,k,n,ifmt character*6 name mflag=.true. rflag=.true. if(name(3:6) .eq. 'FEQN') ifmt=1001 if(name(3:6) .ne. 'FEQN') ifmt=1002 if(mflag) then if(name(3:6) .eq. 'feqn') then if(ifmt.eq.1001) write(*,1001) name, n, idim, k if(ifmt.eq.1002) write(*,1002) name, n, idim, k else if(ifmt.eq.1001) write(*,1001) name, n, idim if(ifmt.eq.1002) write(*,1002) name, n, idim endif endif if(.not. rflag) call abend return 1001 FORMAT(7X," PARAMETER ERROR IN SUBROUTINE ", A6, & &" ... (N.LT.1 OR IDIM.LT.N).", & &5X,"N =", I4, 5X,"IDIM =", I4,".") 1002 FORMAT(7X," PARAMETER ERROR IN SUBROUTINE ", A6, & &" ... (N.LT.1 OR IDIM.LT.N OR K.LT.1).", & &5X,"N =", I4, 5X,"IDIM =", I4, 5X,"K =", I4,".") end subroutine abend implicit none write(*,*) 'Abnormal end ...' stop 888 end subroutine dmmpy(m,n,x,x12,x21,y,y2,z,z2) implicit none integer m,n,ix,jx,jy,iz,lxi1,lzi,i,lxij,lyj,j,locf double precision x(*),x12(*),x21(*),y(*),y2(*),z(*),z2(*),sum,zero parameter(zero=0d0) if(m .le. 0 .or. n .le. 0) return ix = (locf(x21) - locf(x)) / 2 jx = (locf(x12) - locf(x)) / 2 jy = (locf(y2) - locf(y)) / 2 iz = (locf(z2) - locf(z)) / 2 lxi1 = 1 lzi = 1 do i = 1, m lxij = lxi1 lyj = 1 sum = zero do j = 1, n sum = x(lxij)*y(lyj)+sum lxij = lxij + jx lyj = lyj + jy enddo z(lzi) = sum lxi1 = lxi1 + ix lzi = lzi + iz enddo return end subroutine dmmlt(m,n,k,x,x12,x21,y,y12,y21,z,z12,z21,t) implicit none integer m,n,k,ix,jx,jy,iz,lz,ly1l,lz1l,l,lxi1,lzil,i,lxij,lyjl, & &j,locf,lzii,lxk1,lzik,kdash,lxkj,ltl,lxil,lti,lyil,lxii,ltk,lxik, & &lxki,locx,locy,ly,lzki,locz double precision x(*),x12(*),x21(*),y(*),y12(*),y21(*),z(*), & &z12(*),z21(*),t(*),s11,s21,s22,s31,s41,s51,s52,zero parameter(zero=0d0) if(min0(m,n,k) .le. 0) return locx = locf(x(1)) locy = locf(y(1)) locz = locf(z(1)) ix = (locf(x21(1)) - locx) / 2 jx = (locf(x12(1)) - locx) / 2 jy = (locf(y21(1)) - locy) / 2 ly = (locf(y12(1)) - locy) / 2 iz = (locf(z21(1)) - locz) / 2 lz = (locf(z12(1)) - locz) / 2 if(locz .eq. locx) goto 30 if(locz .eq. locy) goto 40 if(locx .eq. locy) goto 20 10 ly1l = 1 lz1l = 1 do l = 1, k lxi1 = 1 lzil = lz1l do i = 1, m s11 = zero lxij = lxi1 lyjl = ly1l do j = 1, n s11 = x(lxij)*y(lyjl)+s11 lxij = lxij + jx lyjl = lyjl + jy enddo z(lzil) = s11 lxi1 = lxi1 + ix lzil = lzil + iz enddo ly1l = ly1l + ly lz1l = lz1l + lz enddo return 20 if(m .ne. k .or. ix .ne. ly .or. jx .ne. jy) goto 10 lxi1 = 1 lzii = 1 do i = 1, m s21 = zero lxij = lxi1 do j = 1, n s21 = x(lxij)*x(lxij)+s21 lxij = lxij + jx enddo z(lzii) = s21 if(i .eq. m) goto 24 lxk1 = lxi1 + ix lzik = lzii + lz lzki = lzii + iz do kdash = i+1, m s22 = zero lxij = lxi1 lxkj = lxk1 do j = 1, n s22 = x(lxij)*x(lxkj)+s22 lxij = lxij + jx lxkj = lxkj + jx enddo z(lzik) = s22 z(lzki) = z(lzik) lxk1 = lxk1 + ix lzik = lzik + lz lzki = lzki + iz enddo lxi1 = lxi1 + ix lzii = lzii + iz + lz 24 continue enddo return 30 if(locx .eq. locy) goto 50 lxi1 = 1 do i = 1, m ly1l = 1 ltl = 1 do l = 1, k s31 = zero lxij = lxi1 lyjl = ly1l do j = 1, n s31 = x(lxij)*y(lyjl)+s31 lxij = lxij + jx lyjl = lyjl + jy enddo t(ltl) = s31 ly1l = ly1l + ly ltl = ltl + 1 enddo lxil = lxi1 ltl = 1 do l = 1, k x(lxil) = t(ltl) lxil = lxil + jx ltl = ltl + 1 enddo lxi1 = lxi1 + ix enddo return 40 ly1l = 1 do l = 1, k lxi1 = 1 lti = 1 do i = 1, m s41 = zero lxij = lxi1 lyjl = ly1l do j = 1, n s41 = x(lxij)*y(lyjl)+s41 lxij = lxij + jx lyjl = lyjl + jy enddo t(lti) = s41 lxi1 = lxi1 + ix lti = lti + 1 enddo lyil = ly1l lti = 1 do i = 1, m y(lyil) = t(lti) lyil = lyil + jy lti = lti + 1 enddo ly1l = ly1l + ly enddo return 50 lxi1 = 1 lxii = 1 do i = 1, m s51 = zero lxij = lxi1 do j = 1, n s51 = x(lxij)*x(lxij)+s51 lxij = lxij + jx enddo t(1) = s51 if(i .eq. m) goto 54 lxk1 = lxi1 + ix ltk = 2 do kdash = i+1, m s52 = zero lxij = lxi1 lxkj = lxk1 do j = 1, n s52 = x(lxij)*x(lxkj)+s52 lxij = lxij + jx lxkj = lxkj + jx enddo t(ltk) = s52 lxk1 = lxk1 + ix ltk = ltk + 1 enddo 54 lxik = lxii ltk = 1 do kdash = i, m x(lxik) = t(ltk) lxik = lxik + jx ltk = ltk + 1 enddo lxi1 = lxi1 + ix lxii = lxii + ix + jx enddo if(m .eq. 1) return lxii = 1 do i = 1, m-1 lxik = lxii + jx lxki = lxii + ix do kdash = i+1, m x(lxki) = x(lxik) lxik = lxik + jx lxki = lxki + ix enddo lxii = lxii + ix + jx enddo return end !DECK ID>, SVD. SUBROUTINE SVD(NM,M,N,A,W,MATU,U,MATV,V,IERR,RV1) ! implicit none integer i,j,k,l,m,n,ii,i1,kk,k1,ll,l1,mn,nm,its,ierr double precision a(nm,n),w(n),u(nm,n),v(nm,n),rv1(n) double precision c,f,g,h,s,x,y,z,tst1,tst2,scale,pythag logical matu,matv ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! this subroutine is a translation of the algol procedure svd, ! NUM. MATH. 14, 403-420(1970) by golub and reinsch. ! handbook for auto. comp., vol 2 -linear algebra, 134-151(1971). ! ! this subroutine determines the singular value decomposition ! t ! a=usv of a real m by n rectangular matrix. householder ! bidiagonalization and a variant of the qr algorithm are used. ! ! on input ! ! nm must be set to the row dimension of two-dimensional ! array parameters as declared in the calling program ! dimension statement. note that nm must be at least ! as large as the maximum of m and n. ! ! m is the number of rows of a (and u). ! ! n is the number of columns of a (and u) and the order of v. ! ! a contains the rectangular input matrix to be decomposed. ! ! matu should be set to .true. if the u matrix in the ! decomposition is desired, and to .false. otherwise. ! ! matv should be set to .true. if the v matrix in the ! decomposition is desired, and to .false. otherwise. ! ! on output ! ! a is unaltered (unless overwritten by u or v). ! ! w contains the n (non-negative) singular values of a (the ! diagonal elements of s). they are unordered. if an ! error exit is made, the singular values should be correct ! for indices ierr+1,ierr+2,...,n. ! ! u contains the matrix u (orthogonal column vectors) of the ! decomposition if matu has been set to .true. otherwise ! u is used as a temporary array. u may coincide with a. ! if an error exit is made, the columns of u corresponding ! to indices of correct singular values should be correct. ! ! v contains the matrix v (orthogonal) of the decomposition if ! matv has been set to .true. otherwise v is not referenced. ! v may also coincide with a if u is not needed. if an error ! exit is made, the columns of v corresponding to indices of ! correct singular values should be correct. ! ! ierr is set to ! zero for normal return, ! k if the k-th singular value has not been ! determined after 30 iterations. ! ! rv1 is a temporary storage array. ! ! calls pythag for dsqrt(a*a + b*b) . ! ! questions and comments should be directed to burton s. garbow, ! mathematics and computer science div, argonne national laboratory ! ! this version dated august 1983. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ierr = 0 ! do i = 1, m do j = 1, n u(i,j) = a(i,j) enddo enddo ! .......... householder reduction to bidiagonal form .......... g = 0.0d0 scale = 0.0d0 x = 0.0d0 ! do i = 1, n l = i + 1 rv1(i) = scale * g g = 0.0d0 s = 0.0d0 scale = 0.0d0 if (i .gt. m) go to 210 ! do k = i, m scale = scale + dabs(u(k,i)) enddo ! if (scale .eq. 0.0d0) go to 210 ! do k = i, m u(k,i) = u(k,i) / scale s = s + u(k,i)**2 enddo ! f = u(i,i) g = -dsign(dsqrt(s),f) h = f * g - s u(i,i) = f - g if (i .eq. n) go to 190 ! do j = l, n s = 0.0d0 ! do k = i, m s = s + u(k,i) * u(k,j) enddo ! f = s / h ! do k = i, m u(k,j) = u(k,j) + f * u(k,i) enddo enddo ! 190 do k = i, m u(k,i) = scale * u(k,i) enddo ! 210 w(i) = scale * g g = 0.0d0 s = 0.0d0 scale = 0.0d0 if (i .gt. m .or. i .eq. n) go to 290 ! do k = l, n scale = scale + dabs(u(i,k)) enddo ! if (scale .eq. 0.0d0) go to 290 ! do k = l, n u(i,k) = u(i,k) / scale s = s + u(i,k)**2 enddo ! f = u(i,l) g = -dsign(dsqrt(s),f) h = f * g - s u(i,l) = f - g ! do k = l, n rv1(k) = u(i,k) / h enddo ! if (i .eq. m) go to 270 ! do j = l, m s = 0.0d0 ! do k = l, n s = s + u(j,k) * u(i,k) enddo ! do k = l, n u(j,k) = u(j,k) + s * rv1(k) enddo enddo ! 270 do k = l, n u(i,k) = scale * u(i,k) enddo ! 290 x = dmax1(x,dabs(w(i))+dabs(rv1(i))) enddo ! .......... accumulation of right-hand transformations .......... if (.not. matv) go to 410 ! .......... for i=n step -1 until 1 do -- .......... do ii = 1, n i = n + 1 - ii if (i .eq. n) go to 390 if (g .eq. 0.0d0) go to 360 ! do j = l, n ! .......... double division avoids possible underflow .......... v(j,i) = (u(i,j) / u(i,l)) / g enddo ! do j = l, n s = 0.0d0 ! do k = l, n s = s + u(i,k) * v(k,j) enddo ! do k = l, n v(k,j) = v(k,j) + s * v(k,i) enddo enddo ! 360 do j = l, n v(i,j) = 0.0d0 v(j,i) = 0.0d0 enddo ! 390 v(i,i) = 1.0d0 g = rv1(i) l = i enddo ! .......... accumulation of left-hand transformations .......... 410 if (.not. matu) go to 510 ! ..........for i=min(m,n) step -1 until 1 do -- .......... mn = n if (m .lt. n) mn = m ! do ii = 1, mn i = mn + 1 - ii l = i + 1 g = w(i) if (i .eq. n) go to 430 ! do j = l, n u(i,j) = 0.0d0 enddo ! 430 if (g .eq. 0.0d0) go to 475 if (i .eq. mn) go to 460 ! do j = l, n s = 0.0d0 ! do k = l, m s = s + u(k,i) * u(k,j) enddo ! .......... double division avoids possible underflow .......... f = (s / u(i,i)) / g ! do k = i, m u(k,j) = u(k,j) + f * u(k,i) enddo enddo ! 460 do j = i, m u(j,i) = u(j,i) / g enddo ! go to 490 ! 475 do j = i, m u(j,i) = 0.0d0 enddo ! 490 u(i,i) = u(i,i) + 1.0d0 enddo ! .......... diagonalization of the bidiagonal form .......... 510 tst1 = x ! .......... for k=n step -1 until 1 do -- .......... do kk = 1, n k1 = n - kk k = k1 + 1 its = 0 ! .......... test for splitting. ! for l=k step -1 until 1 do -- .......... 520 do ll = 1, k l1 = k - ll l = l1 + 1 tst2 = tst1 + dabs(rv1(l)) if (tst2 .eq. tst1) go to 565 ! .......... rv1(1) is always zero, so there is no exit ! through the bottom of the loop .......... tst2 = tst1 + dabs(w(l1)) if (tst2 .eq. tst1) go to 540 enddo ! .......... cancellation of rv1(l) if l greater than 1 .......... 540 c = 0.0d0 s = 1.0d0 ! do i = l, k f = s * rv1(i) rv1(i) = c * rv1(i) tst2 = tst1 + dabs(f) if (tst2 .eq. tst1) go to 565 g = w(i) h = pythag(f,g) w(i) = h c = g / h s = -f / h if (.not. matu) go to 560 ! do j = 1, m y = u(j,l1) z = u(j,i) u(j,l1) = y * c + z * s u(j,i) = -y * s + z * c enddo ! 560 continue enddo ! .......... test for convergence .......... 565 z = w(k) if (l .eq. k) go to 650 ! .......... shift from bottom 2 by 2 minor .......... if (its .eq. 30) go to 1000 its = its + 1 x = w(l) y = w(k1) g = rv1(k1) h = rv1(k) f = 0.5d0 * (((g + z) / h) * ((g - z) / y) + y / h - h / y) g = pythag(f,1.0d0) f = x - (z / x) * z + (h / x) * (y / (f + dsign(g,f)) - h) ! .......... next qr transformation .......... c = 1.0d0 s = 1.0d0 ! do i1 = l, k1 i = i1 + 1 g = rv1(i) y = w(i) h = s * g g = c * g z = pythag(f,h) rv1(i1) = z c = f / z s = h / z f = x * c + g * s g = -x * s + g * c h = y * s y = y * c if (.not. matv) go to 575 ! do j = 1, n x = v(j,i1) z = v(j,i) v(j,i1) = x * c + z * s v(j,i) = -x * s + z * c enddo ! 575 z = pythag(f,h) w(i1) = z ! .......... rotation can be arbitrary if z is zero .......... if (z .eq. 0.0d0) go to 580 c = f / z s = h / z 580 f = c * g + s * y x = -s * g + c * y if (.not. matu) go to 600 ! do j = 1, m y = u(j,i1) z = u(j,i) u(j,i1) = y * c + z * s u(j,i) = -y * s + z * c enddo ! 600 continue enddo ! rv1(l) = 0.0d0 rv1(k) = f w(k) = x go to 520 ! .......... convergence .......... 650 if (z .ge. 0.0d0) go to 700 ! .......... w(k) is made non-negative .......... w(k) = -z if (.not. matv) go to 700 ! do j = 1, n v(j,k) = -v(j,k) enddo ! 700 continue enddo ! go to 1001 ! .......... set error -- no convergence to a ! singular value after 30 iterations .......... 1000 ierr = k 1001 return end !DECK ID>, PYTHAG. DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION PYTHAG(A,B) implicit none double precision a,b ! ! finds dsqrt(a**2+b**2) without overflow or destructive underflow ! double precision p,r,s,t,u p = dmax1(dabs(a),dabs(b)) if (p .eq. 0.0d0) go to 20 r = (dmin1(dabs(a),dabs(b))/p)**2 10 continue t = 4.0d0 + r if (t .eq. 4.0d0) go to 20 s = r/t u = 1.0d0 + 2.0d0*s p = u*p r = (s/u)**2 * r go to 10 20 pythag = p return end subroutine rvord(inv,outv,ws,n) implicit none integer n double precision inv(n), ws(n) integer i,j,jmax integer outv(n) do i = 1,n ws(i) = inv(i) enddo do j = 1,n jmax = 1 do i = 1,n if(ws(i) then jmax = i endif enddo outv(n-j+1) = jmax ws(jmax) = 0.0 enddo return end subroutine primat(a,nc,nm) implicit none integer i, j integer nm,nc integer a(nc, nm) do I = 1,nc write(*,*) (a(i,j),j=1,nm) enddo return end subroutine prdmat(a,nc,nm) implicit none integer i, j integer nm,nc double precision a(nc, nm) do I = 1,nc write(*,*) (a(i,j),j=1,nm) enddo return end