= Introduction to the project = [[TracNav]] The PowerMon project concerns the acquisition and the publication of data on the power consumption of LAL^1^'s Data Center (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur linéaire) , member of GRIF (Grille de Recherche d'Ile de France) and the EGEE^2^ grid. The project will thus relate to the creation of the first whole publicly available data of this type. [[TOC(inline)]] == Objectives == The purpose of the project is to : * Supply data usable for various researches in the form of time series . * Allow monitoring of LAL’s machine rooms for infrastructure planning and optimisation == How ? == The first step was to implement tools to collect the data about individual machine power consumption and load : Python scripts, running every 5 minutes are used for these acquisition . A prototype based on 32 machines is actually operational, while 300 are planned The collected data are then stored in a unique SQL database allowing easy and diverse selections Finally, visualization tools allowing correlations between these series are being developed . ^1^ http://www.lal.in2p3.fr/ ^2^ http://www.eu-egee.org/