= Status and Workplan for EM1 Support in QWG Templates = [[TracNav]] [[TOC(inline)]] This page tracks the progress of EMI-1 support in QWG templates and the known issues or actions on the todo list. This work is monitored as part of the standard [/wiki/Development/Scrum SCRUM process]. Note that most of the information here applies to the repository `trunk`. == BDII == #BDII === Requirements === * ncm-gip2 >= 2.7.1-1 * ncm-lcgbdii >= 2.7.1-1 === Status === * BDII_top: done, in production at GRIF. Ready to be published to the trunk. * BDII_site: done, currently being validated at GRIF. == CREAM CE and WN == #CREAM The installation works out of the box both in the "single server mode" (1 machine for both CREAM and Torque/Maui) and in the "two servers mode" (1 machine Torque/Maui + 1 machine CREAM). The only working configuration, among those which I have tested, is EMI-1 CREAM/WN + Torque server/client 2.5.7m + Maui server 2.3.6p21 The concerned templates are the following: {{{ cfg/grid/emi-1/glite/cream_ce/* cfg/grid/emi-1/common/torque2/* cfg/grid/emi-1/common/maui/* cfg/grid/emi-1/common/blparser/* cfg/grid/emi-1/glite/wn/* cfg/grid/emi-1/common/gip/* cfg/grid/emi-1/common/gridftp/* }}} There are still several open problems or non-optimal solutions that should be improved (normally marked as TO_BE_FIXED in the templates) * GIP2 and lcgbdii components has not been fixed and many old configurations simply do not work. So, for the moment the resource BDII is broken. * bad hack to set the good torque server parameters to allow submission from the CREAM CE in {{{ cfg/grid/emi-1/common/torque2/server/config.tpl }}} the "server authorized_users" is set by a script which invokes qmgr and is created by filecopy. To remove this hack a change in the pbsserver component is required. * as it is given by the rpm the init script of the blparser requires the grid env to be already set. Thus, at reboot, the daemon does not find the correct env and does not start. Fixed by overwriting {{{/etc/init.d/glite-ce-blparser}}} with filecopy. This solution is not optimal and should be reviewd. The template is {{{cfg/grid/emi-1/common/blparser/config.tpl}}} * the part denoted as "Configure minimal Globus environment as it is required by 'lcg-tags --ce'" in {{{cfg/grid/emi-1/common/gridftp/service.tpl}}} is not compiling. I've just commented it but it should be reviewed * some weird rpm inclusion are required in the cream_ce rpm profile {{{cfg/grid/emi-1/glite/cream_ce/rpms/x86_64/config.tpl}}} e.g. {{{ "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("java-1.6.0-openjdk","","x86_64"); }}} * some reconfigurations (see below [#point1 (1)]) have all been grouped at the beginning of {{{cfg/grid/emi-1/glite/cream_ce/config.tpl}}} which is probably not the best place where to put them * commented the line {{{ include { if ( CREAM_HOMEDIR_CLEANUP ) 'lcg/ce/cleanup-accounts' }; }}} in {{{cfg/grid/emi-1/glite/cream_ce/config.tpl}}} as it was not compiling. Should check further. * some of the rpm included in {{{cfg/grid/emi-1/glite/wn/rpms/x86_64/config.tpl}}} (see the list below [#point2 (2)]) are suspicious. Should doublecheck that this is the good place to include them. * workaround by Fred for globuscfg component failure in EMI (some features are now useless). At the beginning of: {{{cfg/grid/emi-1/glite/wn/service.tpl}}} * EMI_LOCATION* variables defined at the beginning of {{{cfg/grid/emi-1/machine-types/ce.tpl}}} probably not the good place * had to remove some 32bit packages explicitly in the machine profile/ See list below [#point3 (3)] [=#point1 (1)] {{{ "/software/components/glitestartup/configFile" = "/etc/gLiteservices"; "/software/components/glitestartup/restartEnv" = list("/etc/profile.d/env.sh","/etc/profile.d/grid-env.sh"); "/software/components/glitestartup/scriptPaths" = list("/etc/init.d"); variable GLOBUS_GRIDFTP_CFGFILE ?= "/usr/etc/gridftp.conf"; '/software/components/profile' = component_profile_add_env( GLITE_GRID_ENV_PROFILE, nlist( 'GLITE_USER', 'glite', 'GLITE_HOST_CERT', '/home/glite/.certs/hostcert.pem', 'GLITE_HOST_KEY', '/home/glite/.certs/hostkey.pem', )); "/software/components/symlink/links" = { SELF[length(SELF)] = nlist("name", "/usr/var/lib/trustmanager-tomcat", "target", "/var/lib/trustmanager-tomcat", "replace", nlist("all","yes"), ); SELF; }; }}} [=#point2 (2)] {{{ "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("c-ares","1.6.0-2.el5","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("util-c","1.3.1-1.sl5","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("bouncycastle","1.45-6.el5","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("classads","1.0.8-1.el5","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("xerces-c","2.7.0-8.el5","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("editline","2.9-1.sl5","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("java-1.6.0-openjdk","","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("java-1.4.2-gcj-compat","","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("gjdoc","0.7.7-12.el5","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("glib2-devel","2.12.3-4.el5_3.1","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("jakarta-commons-cli","1.0-6jpp_10.el5","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("jakarta-commons-lang","2.1-5jpp.1","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("jakarta-commons-logging","1.0.4-6jpp.1","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("log4j","1.2.13-3jpp.2","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("openssl-devel","0.9.8e-12.el5_4.6","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("antlr","2.7.6-4jpp.2","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("krb5-devel","1.6.1-36.el5_5.2","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("e2fsprogs-devel","1.39-23.el5","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("keyutils-libs-devel","1.2-1.el5","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("libselinux-devel","1.33.4-5.5.el5","x86_64"); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("libsepol-devel","1.15.2-3.el5","x86_64"); }}} [=#point3 (3)] {{{ "/software/packages" = pkg_del("blas","3.0-37.el5","i386"); "/software/packages" = pkg_del("blas-devel","3.0-37.el5","i386"); "/software/packages" = pkg_del("boost","1.33.1-15.el5","i386"); "/software/packages" = pkg_del("boost-devel","1.33.1-15.el5","i386"); "/software/packages" = pkg_del("lapack","3.0-37.el5","i386"); "/software/packages" = pkg_del("libgfortran","4.1.2-50.el5","i386"); "/software/packages" = pkg_del("libicu","3.6-5.16.1","i386"); "/software/packages" = pkg_del("libxml2","2.6.26-2.1.15.el5_8.2","i386"); "/software/packages" = pkg_del("pcre","6.6-2.el5_1.7","i386"); "/software/packages" = pkg_del("libxml2-devel","2.6.26-2.1.15.el5_8.2","i386"); }}} == WMS and LB == #WMSLB == DPM and LFC == #DPMLFC == VOMS Server == #VOMS