= Quattor Initial Backlog = [[TracNav]] [[TOC(inline)]] This page contains the initial backlog for Quattor development that will be used to start the CRUM-based process. == Web site == * Landing page for quattor.org on SF (David) * Develop a stylesheet that could be reused by pages generated from Maven * Fix Trac server certificate CA (Michel) * Enable Trac indexing by robots (Michel) == Documentation == * Better integration of former MediaWiki content into existing section, remove duplicates (Michel) * Move Toolkit subsections 'For users' and 'For developers' * Update SINDES related documentation, improve based on BEGrid wiki and RAL experience * Collect existing stuff and put it in a subsection of Trac (James/Christos) * Fix/improve Quattor description in Wikipedia and Freshmeat * Fix page ranking (Wikipedia banner): get the comment updated of fix contents (Ian) * Reference to sites using Quattor in external links section (all) == Build tools == * Final cleanups (Cal) == Configuration Modules == New SPMA * Test at GRIF (Victor and Luis) == QWG == * Implement namespace improvements as suggested by Nick * vendor/version-arch or vendor/version/arch for OS templates (Michel) * Update CAF/LC to last versions (Michel) * Ronald fixed a couple of components: will send the list by email === gLite === * LSC file support (Guillaume) * Argus machine type (Jerome) == Monitoring == * Implement NIKHEF suggestions to add flexibility and support hierarchy of Nagios servers (Ronald) * Gather the information on existing Quattor-related probes at sites (Christos) == SINDES == * Check with CERN agreement to import it in SF repository (Véronique) * Check licensing (Véronique) * Clarify official distribution point/channel (CERN) * Put it in Quattor repository == Miscellaneous == * Assess feasibily of exporting current SVN to Git (Michel) * Calendar of events on the wiki or in SF (David) * May use "news" feature rather than calendar * Evaluation of SF trackers (Michel/Nick)