= Backlog for Sprint 2012-01 = [[TracNav]] [[TOC(inline)]] This page contains the backlog for the sprint due on June 30, 2012. It is updated weekly after the standup meeting. Most actions are tracked in [/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&milestone=Sprint-2012-01&group=component&col=id&col=summary&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&col=component&col=version&order=priority Trac tickets]. Complete Quattor backlog is available [/wiki/Development/Scrum here]. == Actions Completed == === Configuration Modules === * New `metaconfig` configuration module to generate JSON (and other formats) config files === SCDB === * ~~Use panc v9~~ * ~~Prepare a SCDB release with new panc and new VOConfigTask~~ === Aquilon === * Installation at RAL * 4/10: 10 machines installed with Aquilon === Micsellaneous === * Next workshop dates: October 29-31. Registration open. * ~~Moving configuration modules to a separate Git repositoryé~~ * DNS domain `quattor.org` ownership transfer to LAL (Michel) * ''23/3: initial agreement received from CERN (German)'' * ''6/5: mail sent to CERN to implement the change'' == Actions in progress == === Documentation === * Initial Aquilon documentation * [/wiki/Doc/Aquilon/Usage Usage] * [/wiki/Download/Aquilon Installation (appliance)] * Document for component developpers best practices regarding logging and expected default verbosity === Build tools === === Configuration Modules === * [ticket:249 ncm-network rewrite]: validate initial rewrite (code review, deployment on a test system keeping in mind features not yet reimplemented) * ''7/6: Loic started testing for the basic features, including routing configuration'' * [ticket:261 ncm-gip2 should use perl-CAF to execute commands rather than `$cmd`] * `ncm-ncd` : implement dependency alias names to enable transparent replacement of a component by another one (or implement metadependencies) * ''User story: be able to say that spma dependency is in fact provided by `ncm-yum`.'' * ''3/5: new version made by Luis using the new build tools and use of PErl templates, may start to work on packager dependency in June'' * 24/5 - Luis is working on migrating standard components to GIT. ncm-accounts will be first. Rest will follow. === AII === === Package Deployment === * SPMA replacement by YUM * See [https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/SteveTraylen/Spma2Yum CERN experience] * Work started by Luis (August 2012): see [http://quattor.github.com//review/2012/08/28/review-spma-yum.html general approach] and [https://trac.lal.in2p3.fr/Quattor/wiki/Development/YumAndSPMA implementation details]. === QWG === * Prepare a QWG release based on [/wiki/Development/Scrum/Sprint-2011-04 previous sprint](Michel) * [ticket:236 Implement OS namespace improvement] (Michel) * vendor/version-arch or vendor/version/arch for OS templates * [ticket:237 Update CAF/LC to last versions] (Michel) * Rework the definition of RPM version to use using an improved default version mechanism. This involves: * Modified `ncm-spma` function `pkg_repl` to mark addition of a default version with a special value * Modified `ncm-spma` function `pkg_resolve` to resolve default version in the (final) package list * Update current `rpms.tpl` to do `pkg_repl` with default version and to define an initial list of package default version * Update update/errata RPM list to update the default version list * Remove reexecution of update/errata templates in many places... * ''30/5: RAL ready to commit its use of default version'' * [ticket:238 Agree on Pan annotation tags] * KVM support outside StratusLab (Jérome) * Discuss with Cal what can be reused in configuration modules developped by StratusLab * StratusLab templates: do a code review and ensure they allow to start a site from scratch (Guillaume) * Several sites (RAL, Strasbourg) reported problems with distributed templates * Tbd with StratusLab team * On RHEL/SL 6, ensure that kernel option `nohz=off` is defined by default in Grub configuration (significant performance impact) * Review network interface configuration to ensure it doesn't clash with SL6 interface name definition in `udev` * Look at the possibility of using a Quattor specific name for interfaces, also defined in `udev`. See [/wiki/Meetings/Workshops/20111011#RHEL6 discussion] during Strasbourg workshop. === gLite support === * [ticket:240 CE tags publishing: fix for lcg-tags --sc] * [ticket:260 CE configuration: allow different list of VOs on different CEs sharing the same gridmapdir] * EMI-1 support : [/wiki/Development/Scrum/QWG-EMI1 specific page] * ''4/10: well advanced. CREAM/WN, DPM (EMI-1 and 2), LB, VOMS (EMI-2 only) available.'' * YAIM support as an alternative to QWG service configuration using the same variables (`yaim.tpl` in replacement of `service.tpl`) * ''31/6: Dimitris will commit the basic structure he set up to choose YAIM rather than QWG'' === Monitoring === * Gather the information on existing Quattor-related probes at sites (Christos) * Merge Nagios and Icinga templates if possible === Aquilon === * Demonstrate it can be used on various virtualization platforms (VirtualBox, StratusLab) === Quattor Dashboard === RAL started with a student to look at the possibility of building a Quattor dashboard. === Web site === * [ticket:259 Configure browsing of SF Git repositories on QWG Trac] (Michel) * New home page at GitHub * ''3/5 : check status of GitHub page and decide next week when to go to production * ''10/5: please review Luis' proposal for a page explaining how to write and test components'' * ''4/10: move to new site done... report problems (add reference to old site and Trac)'' === Miscellaneous === * [/wiki/Development/Scrum/CommandRenaming Command renaming] (prefixed by `quattor-`) * Decide an action plan for implementing a more advanced change scheduling in Quattor: see [/wiki/Meetings/Workshops/20111011#ChangeScheduling discussion] in Strasbourg and email discussion started by Gabor. == Actions Postponed == Currently, no action originally scheduled for this sprint have been moved back to the [/wiki/Development/Scrum general backlog].