
Version 4 (modified by Nick Williams, 13 years ago) (diff)


Beginning of Aquilon documentation.

(Much) More to follow. This documentation is VERY DRAFT.

There is an early version of a virtual appliance for trying out Aquilon, available at This version of the appliance is for testing only - although it can produce profiles, it is not yet integrated with QWG templates and there is a large amount of work remaining to productionize the appliance.

This appliance provides:

  • A complete quattor server distribution, managed by Aquilon. This includes the 8.4 version of the PAN compiler.
  • A couchdb datawarehouse to describe all the profiles produced by the appliance.
  • A webserver providing access to the generated profiles and providing an interface to manage the appliance.

This virtual appliance is available in OVA format, tested on VMware Fusion and ....

To install the appliance, do the following...

The virtual appliance on startup should display the network address and some URL's for managing the appliance (for example changing the networking parameters, etc). You can visit http://ADDRESS:5000/ to configure and use Aquilon.