broker (`aqd`):: The backend which the `aq` client communicates with and the owner of all object and production templates. sandbox:: A working area owned by a specific user and associated with a group of systems. archetype:: The highest possible grouping of hosts into distinctly seperate types, analogous to a QWG site. Archetypes are a bundle that expresses how to build something. It defines what set of templates to use (for example, what operating systems are available, etc). Hosts therefore require an archetype to define how they are compiled. domain :: A high level grouping of hosts eg. `prod` personality:: Analogous to QWG machine types, describes the services required but not the instance (selected using plenary template information). service:: ... feature:: A chunk of code for configuring a specific thing, similar to Puppet recipes. cluster:: A group of hosts related in some way, different to an archetype in that hosts may or may not be in a cluster. When grouping hosts into a cluster, an object profile is also built for the cluster, as well as the hosts. Clusters go through a completely different schema and build process to how hosts are built and therefore have a different archetypes. plenary:: Equivalent of SCDB hardware/machine + the service/personality. Typically generated on the fly from an external source.