Changes between Version 31 and Version 32 of Doc/BasicConfig/AII

Aug 20, 2009, 10:27:19 AM (15 years ago)



  • Doc/BasicConfig/AII

    v31 v32  
    5353One important feature of the file system [source:templates/trunk/standard/filesystem/config.tpl configuration template] is that if an entry in `DISK_VOLUME_PARAMS` has a zero size, it will be removed from the list of file systems or block devices to create. The template will also ensure that if an entry has no explicit size defined but is using an underlying block device with a zero size it is also removed. For example, this may be the case for a software raid block device whose size is derived from the partitions it uses but is not explicitly defined. This is also the case for a file system relying on a raid block device.
    55 The defaults defined in the file system [source:templates/trunk/standard/filesystem/config.tpl configuration template] include the creation of a LVM volume group called `vg.01` using the unused part of the system disk. As a result, if you would like a file system configuration LVM-free, you need to update the entry for `vg.01` and define its size to 0. Look at [source:templates/trunk/sites/example/site/filesystems/sw_raid.tpl site/filesystems/sw_raid.tpl] (a pure software raid configuration) for an example.
     55The defaults defined in the file system [source:templates/trunk/standard/filesystem/config.tpl configuration template] include the creation of a LVM volume group called `vg.01` using the unused part of the system disk (because the default configuration is LVM-based). As a result, if you would like a file system configuration LVM-free, you need to update the entry for `vg.01` and define its size to 0. Look at [source:templates/trunk/sites/example/site/filesystems/sw_raid.tpl site/filesystems/sw_raid.tpl] (a pure software raid configuration) for an example. You can also keep an LVM-based configuration but redefine in your layout template the volume group to use for a given file system (using the `volgroup` atttribute).
    5757An other important feature demonstrated in some of the examples provided ([source:templates/trunk/sites/example/site/filesystems/extended.tpl site/filesystems/extended.tpl], [source:templates/trunk/sites/example/site/filesystems/sw_raid.tpl site/filesystems/sw_raid.tpl]) is how to control the creation order of partitions on a disk. This is done by defining a list (called `DISK_GLITE_PARTS` in the examples) that is used to determine the number appended to the base device when creating the partition (this can also be used for MD devices). Look at [source:templates/trunk/sites/example/site/filesystems/sw_raid.tpl site/filesystems/sw_raid.tpl] for an example.