Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of Doc/SCDB/Eclipse

Nov 26, 2009, 10:20:17 PM (15 years ago)



  • Doc/SCDB/Eclipse

    v24 v25  
    5555  * This might prompt an error message saying `Failed to load JavaHL library`. This can be ignored by pressing `OK`.
     57=== Pan language editor ==
     59Add an association between `.tpl` file extension and the editor. To do this, go to Window->Preferences->General->Editors->File Associations,  check if an association for .tpl already exists (it should be added by the plugin) and check if the Pan editor is the default to open `.tpl` files.
     62=== Sunshade ===
     64If you have Sunshade installed inside eclipse, then you can hyperlink between errors generated by the pan compiler and the file.  To do this you need to add some regular expressions to the Sunshade "Error Link" configuration.  Open the Eclipse options panel (using Window->Preferences) and then navigate to the "Sunshade" and then "Error Link" pages.  On this page add the following regular expressions:
     69The links identified with these expressions will take you to the start of the expression causing the error.  Note that the error messages give you the full range of the expression in the format "beginLine.beginChar-endLine.endChar".
     71''Note : The regexp above are intended for panc v7 and later. If you are still using panc v6 or before, you need to use a different set of regular expressions. Both can coexist.''
    5779=== Colorer ===
     81If you choose to use the Colorer rather than the Pan editor, you need to do the following configuration. Else you can just ignore it.
    5983Colorer is used to do syntax coloring when editing PAN templates.
    84108    * see if you have everything
    85109     * eg on FC8, you need to install an additional rpm called {{{compat-libstdc++-33}}}
    88 === Sunshade ===
    90 If you have Sunshade installed inside eclipse, then you can hyperlink between errors generated by the pan compiler and the file.  To do this you need to add some regular expressions to the Sunshade "Error Link" configuration.  Open the Eclipse options panel (using Window->Preferences) and then navigate to the "Sunshade" and then "Error Link" pages.  On this page add the following regular expressions:
    91 {{{
    92 \[panc\]\s*DEPRECATED:\s+(.*)\s+\[(\d+):(\d+)\]
    93 \[([^\[\]]+\.tpl)(?::(\d+)\.(\d+)-\d+\.\d+)\]
    94 }}}
    95 The links identified with these expressions will take you to the start of the expression causing the error.  Note that the error messages give you the full range of the expression in the format "beginLine.beginChar-endLine.endChar".
    97 ''Note : The regexp above are intended for panc v7 and later. If you are still using panc v6 or before, you need to use a different set of regular expressions. Both can coexist.''
    98 {{{
    99 \[pan-syntax\]\s*(.*\.tpl):(\d+):
    100 \[pan-compile\]\s*(.*\.tpl):(\d+)
    101 \[pan-syntax\].*[\s\(](.*\.tpl)
    102 }}}