Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of Doc/gLite/TemplateCustomization/Services

Mar 14, 2011, 4:35:56 PM (13 years ago)



  • Doc/gLite/TemplateCustomization/Services

    v13 v14  
    370370There is no default template provided for DPM configuration. To build your own template, you can look at template [source:templates/trunk/sites/example/site/glite/dpm_config.tpl site/glite/dpm_config.tpl] in examples provided with QWG templates.
    372 Starting with QWG Templates release gLite-3.0.2-9, there is no default password value provided for account used by DPM daemons and for the DB accounts used to access the DPM database. You '''must''' provide one in your site configuration. If you forget to do it, you'll get a not very explicit panc error :
     372There is no default password value provided for account used by DPM daemons and for the DB accounts used to access the DPM database. You '''must''' provide one in your site configuration. If you forget to do it, you'll get a not very explicit panc error :
    374374[pan-compile] *** wrong argument: operator + operand 1: not a property: element
    377377If you want to use a specific VO list on your DPM server and you have several nodes in your DPM configuration (DPM head node + disk servers), you need to write a template defining `VOS` variable (with a non default value) and define variable `NODE_VO_CONFIG` to this template in the profile of DPM nodes (both head node and disk servers).
     379=== Controlling purging of request DB ===
     381DPM has a request database which can become very large on a big DPM installation with a negative impact on performance, if it is never purged. By default, QWG templates configure DPM head node to purge its request database of all entries older than 6 months. If this is not aggressive enough, you may want to decrease this value with variable `DPM_REQUEST_MAX_LIFETIME`. For example, to purge entries after 2 months:
     383variable DPM_REQUEST_MAX_LIFETIME ?= '2m';
     386Avoid too low value (less than 1 month) as it may affect pinning (check the exact value of pinning default/max time in your configuration).
     388If you want to disable automatic purging, set the variable to `null`.