Changes between Version 28 and Version 29 of Doc/gLite/TemplateCustomization/Services

Dec 4, 2013, 7:10:13 PM (10 years ago)
/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=UMR8607/CN=Michel Jouvin/emailAddress=jouvin@…



  • Doc/gLite/TemplateCustomization/Services

    v28 v29  
    163163 * `MAUI_NODE_PARAMS` : nlist defining node-specific parameters. Keys must match worker node names or be `DEFAULT`. Values must be a nlist where keys are any valid keywords accepted by MAUI configuration directive `NODECFG` and values the value for the corresponding keyword.
    164164 * `MAUI_STANDING_RESERVATION_ENABLED` : boolean value defining if creation of 1 standing reservation per node is enabled or not. Default : true. Note that use of this feature requires a proper setting of variable `WN_CPU_SLOT` (normally 2).
    165  * `MAUI_STANDING_RESERVATION_CLASSES` : nlist defining classes which may access standing reservations. Key must be either a WN name or `DEFAULT`. Default entry is applied to all WNs without an explicit entry. Value must be a comma-separated list of classes.
     165 * `MAUI_STANDING_RESERVATION_CLASSES` : nlist defining classes which may access standing reservations. Key must be either a WN name or `DEFAULT`. Default entry is applied to all WNs without an explicit entry. Value must be a comma-separated list of classes. This value is ORed with allowed groups and users.
     166 * `MAUI_STANDING_RESERVATION_GROUPS` : nlist defining groups who may access standing reservations. Key must be either a WN name or `DEFAULT`. Default entry is applied to all WNs without an explicit entry. Value must be a comma-separated list of classes. This value is ORed with allowed classes and users.
     167 * `MAUI_STANDING_RESERVATION_USERS` : nlist defining users who may access standing reservations. Key must be either a WN name or `DEFAULT`. Default entry is applied to all WNs without an explicit entry. Value must be a comma-separated list of classes. This value is ORed with allowed classes and groups.
    166168 * `MAUI_WN_PART_DEF` : default node partition to use with worker nodes.
    167169 * `MAUI_WN_PART` : a nlist with one entry per worker node (key is node fullname). The value is the name of the MAUI partition where to place the specific worker node.
    822824* `PEP_ADMIN_PORT`: PEP admin service port. Default: 8155.
    823825* `PEP_ADMIN_PASSWORD`: the password required to accompany admin commands. If unspecified than no password is required to run admin commands.