Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of Doc/gLite/TemplateLayout

Jul 20, 2006, 8:47:58 AM (18 years ago)
/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=UMR8607/CN=Michel Jouvin/emailAddress=jouvin@…



  • Doc/gLite/TemplateLayout

    v6 v7  
    1 = Layout of gLite Templates =
     1= Layout and Customization of gLite Templates =
    5656There is one template defining all the accepted CAs. We generally produced a new one each time there is a new release of the list of CAs officially accepted by EGEE. If you need to adjust it, create a site or cluster specific copy of `common/security/cas.tpl` in a directory `common/security`.
     58=== DPM Configuration ===
     60=== LFC Configuration ===
     62LFC related standard templates require a site template to describe the service site configuration. The variable `LFC_CONFIG_SITE` must contain the name of this template.
     64Normally the only thing really required in this site specific template is the password for LFC user (by default `lfc`) and the MySQL administrator (by default `root`). There a no default value provided for these password. Look at standard LFC [source:templates/trunk/glite-3.0.0/glite/lfc/config] configuration template for the syntax.
     66If you want to use Oracle version of LFC server define the following variable in your machine profile :
     68variable LFC_SERVER_MYSQL = false;
     71LFC templates allow a LFC server to act as a central LFC server (registered in BDII) for somes VOS and as a local LFC server for the others. This is done by 2 variables :
     72 * `LFC_LOCAL_VOS` : list all VOs for which the server must act as a local server. Default to all supported VOs (`VOS`variable).
     73 * `LFC_CENTRAL_VOS` : list of VOs for which the LFC server must be registered as a central server.