= How to Install Quattor with SCDB = [[TracNav]] [[TOC(inline)]] ''Note : the installation process described below is as generic as possible, but does also contains a set of commands that have been tested only on Scientific Linux version 4. They may need to be modified for other platforms.'' == OS Installation == Quattor server requires a machine installed with a default server installation of any RH-based Linux distro. There is no specific requirements for the OS configuration itself. The server can be installed by any mean available at the site (CD-Rom, Kickstart, imaging...). When Quattor server is readyn it will be possible to manage the server itself with Quattor, except for OS upgrades. == Web Server Installation == The Quattor server needs to run a Web server to serve profiles, kickstart configuration files and execute the CGI script at end of installation to change PXE boot to local disk. In addition, it is recommended (but not necessary) to use this Web server for serving RPMs. Web server installation requires nothing specific, just the configuration of a document root with enough space if you plan to serve RPMs and the configuration of CGIs. This Web server can be shared with other usages and you can use a specific virtual host instead of a dedicated server. Apache is the recommended Web server (installation instructions here refer to Apache) and it can be installed from the OS distribution. Note that for subversion http mode, Apache version 2 or above is needed. === Apache Recommended Settings === SCDB has no strong requirement concerning Apache configuration. It generally uses 3 distinct URLs for 3 different purposes : * Profiles : machine profiles are served by one specific URL shared by all machines. The files there are XML files produces by the PAN compiler when executing `ant deploy`. * Kickstart configuration files : this URL is used to store the Kickstart configuration file for each machines. These files are produced by `aii-shellfe --configure`. * RPM packages : RPMs are grouped in repositories, each repository has its own URL. This is a common setting to have one common parent URL for all repositories but this is not at all a requirement. Recommended setting for these 3 areas are : * Restrict access to profile and Kickstart configuration to IP adresses (or subnets) matching Quattor clients, as these files may contain sensitive information like encrypted passwords or MySQL passwords (cleartext). * Configure all these areas to ignore any `index.html` file and auto-indexing. This is particularly important for RPM repositories URLs, as presence of an `index.html` will prevent SCDB tools to get the list of RPMs in the repository. Configuration for these areas is normally done by creating a file `/etc/httpd/conf.d/quattor.conf` with directives like the following one for each area (replace `/path/to/area` by your actual directoy name) : {{{ Options Indexes DirectoryIndex VeryUnlikelyDirectoryIndex.none AllowOverride None }}} It is also better to add the following directive in our `/etc/httpd/conf.d/quattor.conf` to work around a problem in some RPM versions: {{{ BrowserMatch "rpm/.*" nokeepalive force-response-1.0 }}} ''Note: if you are installing a new Apache server, don't forget to edit `DocumentRoot` in `/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf` to reflect your local configuration.` ''Note: even though it is easily redone, it is better to backup `quattor.conf` file.'' == Subversion Server == There is no need for a Subversion server dedicated to Quattor. SCDB is just one repository from the Subversion point of view. If you already run a Subversion server, you can skip the installation part and go directly to the configuration part. === Subversion Installation and Configuration === There are many possible installation options for a Subversion server. The best is to install it as Apache module, anyway. There is no requirement for the Subversion server to run on a Linux machine, even if it is the installation option documented here. You can even choose to use a Subversion server outside of your site, if you think the network connection is good enough. If you need to install a Subversion server, the easiest is to install Apache using YUM. Another option is to retrieve the RPMs for Subversion from [http://subversion.tigris.org/project_packages.html Subversion site]. Don't forget to install the Apache module which is in a separate RPM. A typical SVN installation with YUM is: {{{ yum install subversion mod_dav_svn }}} After installing, you have to configure the Subversion server. Refer to [http://subversion.tigris.org Subversion web site] for details. Configuration the SVN server typically involves: * Creation of directory which will contain the Quattor repository (this example uses `/var/svn`): {{{ mkdir -p /var/svn }}} * Create Subversion repository that will be used for Quattor SCDB (don't forget to '''backup this directory'''): {{{ svnadmin create /var/svn/quattor # Repository must be owned by Apache account chown -R apache:apache /var/svn/quattor }}} Apache SVN module configuration (`/etc/httpd/conf.d/subversion.conf`) must be edited to configure URL used by SVN. A typical example, based on previously created repository (adjust paths to reflect your configuration) is: {{{ DAV svn SVNParentPath /var/svn AuthzSVNAccessFile security/svn-repositories-access AuthType Basic AuthUserFile security/passwd AuthGroupFile security/group AuthName "Grid Tutorial SVN server" # Limit write permission to list of valid users. # Require SSL connection for password protection. # SSLRequireSSL Require valid-user }}} To configure SVN authentication for SCDB repository, you need to create one or more accounts in `/etc/httpd/security/passwd`. You can use `htpasswd` or `openssl passwd -apr1` to generate an encrypted password. You also need to define SVN ACLs in `/etc/httpd/security/svn-repositories-access`. A typical file to start is (it assumes the account you created is called `quattormgr`, if this is a list it must be comma separated): {{{ [groups] quattor-mgrs = quattormgr [/] * = r @quattor-mgrs = rw }}} ''Note: even though it is easily redone, it is better to backup `subversion.conf` file and files in `/etc/httpd/security`.'' === Repository configuration === For Quattor, you need to create a repository with the standard structure inside it (or inside a branch) : * `trunk` : where you make the changes to your running configuration * `tags` : used by SCDB administration tool to do deployment * `branches` : for alternative developments For example: {{{ mkdir toto cd toto mkdir scdb mkdir scdb/trunk mkdir scdb/tags mkdir scdb/branches svn import scdb https://svn.server.tld/svn/quattor --message 'Initial repository layout' }}} Then, you can do the initial checkout with (this will create a `scdb` sub-directory of you current directory): {{{ svn checkout https://svn.server.tld/svn/quattor/trunk scdb }}} == DHCP and TFTPD installation == Install DHCPD and TFTPD server from OS distribution. You can do it with the following YUM command: {{{ yum install dhcp tftp-server }}} If the DHCP server is to be used for Quattor usage only, a basic DHCP configuration (`/etc/dhcpd.conf`) may be: {{{ # DHCP server configuration authoritative; allow bootp; #allow duplicates; ddns-update-style none; #omapi-port 7921; # Use a non standard port (standard = 7911) # Edit to reflect your DNS domain name and name servers (a comma-separated list is allowed) option domain-name "lal.in2p3.fr"; option domain-name-servers nfsserv.lal.in2p3.fr; option netbios-node-type 2; # Update to reflect your IP subnet subnet netmask { # Parameters for the installation via PXE using pxelinux filename "quattor/pxelinux.0"; #option dhcp-class-identifier "PXEClient"; option vendor-encapsulated-options 01:04:00:00:00:00:ff; # This is now a required line in DHCP configuration. This # option gives the behavior of the previous versions. ddns-update-style ad-hoc; option routers; } }}} If you want to share DHCP between Quattor and non Quattor usage, it's probably better to move the last part (`subnet...`) into a separate file, like `/etc/dhcpd/quattor.conf` and replace it in the main configuration file by: {{{ include "/etc/dhcpd/quattor.conf"; }}} See `man dhcpd` and `man dhcpd.conf` for details about DHCP server configuration, in particular to support multiple subnets and other advanced features. TFTP server is run by `xinetd`. In the default configuration, it is disabled. Enable it by editing `/etc/xinetd.d/tftp`, modifying `disable` parameter from `yes` to `no`. Note that default location for TFTP root in AII configuration files is {{{/osinstall/nbp}}}. It must be explicitly defined if you want to use {{{/tftpboot}}} or another location. == Quattor Server == In addition to the base system installation, you need to install the following RPMs on a Quattor server where you want to use SCDB : * Java VM > 1.5.0 * Subversion client (preferably > 1.4) * cdb-sync * ncm-template * aii-server (2.4 or higher) * ncm-lib-blockdevices (0.18.5 or 0.20) * aii-ks * aii-pxelinux All but Java and SVN client can be download from http://quattorsrv.lal.in2p3.fr/packages/quattor/sl. Always use the last version, unless explicitly mentioned. You can also use APT or YUM from http://quattorsw.web.cern.ch/quattorsw/software/quattor. == SCDB Initialization == To start with SCDB, you first need to install a [http://subversion.tigris.org Subversion] server, an open source product. The http based repository access '''must''' be used for quattor, the standalone access wont work (limitation of the build script). After you have a Subversion server installed, you need to : * Create a Subversion repository that will be used for SCDB, if it doesn't exist yet, and associate this repository with a URL (this can involve modifying Apache configuration). There is no need to use a dedicated repository. E.g. : `http://svn.example.org/Quattor`. * Create a branch in this repository where SCDB will be stored, if the repository is not dedicated to SCDB. E.g. : `http://svn.example.org/Quattor/CDB`. * In this branch, create 2 branches `trunk` and `tags` (`tags` is managed by SCDB tools, all the actions you'll do later will be done in `trunk`. You can also create other branches for your conveniences (like `branches` but they are not used by standard tools). * Choose the QWG templates version that suit your needs and import [source:SCDB/tags/pro SCDB base] and QWG templates in directory that will become you working area. See [wiki:Download/QWGTemplates QWG download] for detailed instructions. The easiest is to download and use [source:templates/trunk/tools/check-compile.sh check-compile.sh] (use option `-h` to get the list of available options). For example, assuming you want to create a `cdb` sub-directory of your current directory and download QWG templates gLite-3.0.2-10 : {{{ check-compile.sh -d cdb /templates/tags/gLite-3.0.2-10 }}} * Change current directory to the working area, for example : {{{ cd cdb }}} * Checkout SCDB trunk (empty) in your SCDB working directory : {{{ svn co http://svn.example.org/Quattor/CDB/trunk . }}} * Configure the repository to ignore some files produced when compiling, using the following command : {{{ cat > /tmp/ignore < cp /var/www/html//.../pxeboot/* /osinstall/nbp/ }}} == Compiling and Deploying == After the configuration is finished, you can try to compile your first profile, deploy it and install the machine. This involves the following steps : * In SCDB (working area copy) top level directory : * Update of RPM repository templates : {{{ external/ant/bin/ant update.rep.templates }}} * Profile compilation and deployment (deployment will not occur until compilation succeds) : {{{ external/ant/bin/ant deploy }}} * On the Quattor server : * Creation of Kickstart configuration file for the machine : {{{ aii-shellfe --configure your.machine.domain }}} * Update of DHCP and PXE for the machine to be installed at next boot : {{{ aii-shellfe --install your.machine.domain }}} == Troubleshooting Initial Installation == === Deployment doesn't work === Look at SCDB [https://trac.lal.in2p3.fr/LCGQWG/wiki/Doc/SCDB/Server server-side customizations] page.