= Quattor Monthly Meeting = [[TracNav]] [[TOC(inline)]] == Actions from last meeting == Build tools: no progress SPMA: no test by Victor but Luis did some tests without any problem Monitoring * Packaging of Nagios probes (Christos): waiting for the new build tools * Templates (Ronald): started to work but not visible yet Scrum * Backlog draft produced (Michel) * SF tracker tests: no progress quattor-devel mailing list: done. * Most contributors are registered Web site landing page (David): no real progress == Scrum process == Sprint every 2 months, standup every week * Standup on Thursday at 2pm Spring backlog: see https://trac.lal.in2p3.fr/Quattor/wiki/Development/Scrum/Sprint-201102 == AOB == Next monthly meeting: January the 6th 2pm CET, 2011 First sprint meeting: December the 9th, 2pm CET