Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of Obsolete/Development/Templates/gLite

Jul 25, 2008, 4:18:07 PM (16 years ago)



  • Obsolete/Development/Templates/gLite

    v6 v7  
    3131The most useful source of information to start is probably YAIM scripts. This is in fact just one example on how to configure a service, there are sometimes other variants and for several services QWG doesn't do exactly the same way as YAIM to provide more flexibility. But at least, this is a configuration generally working that can be used as a starting point. YAIM scripts are just shell scripts and are in 2 directories:
    32  * `/opt/glite/yaim/node.d`: there is one script for each machine type. This is pretty much an equivalent for QWG templates in `machine-types/`. It gives the full list of YAIM scripts used to configure all the services required for this machine type and is a good source to identify what must be in  `service.tpl`.
     32 * `/opt/glite/yaim/node.d`: there is one script for each machine type. This is pretty much an equivalent for QWG templates in `service.tpl`. It gives the full list of YAIM scripts used to configure all the services required for this machine type and is a good source to identify what must be in  `service.tpl`.
    3333 * `/opt/glite/yaim/scripts`: there is one script for configuring each individual service. This is where to look to get an idea of what should be done in `config.tpl` for a high-level or low-level service.
    6767=== service.tpl ===
    69 BDII, config.tpl, rpms/config.tpl, xxx_CONFIG_SITE
     69`service.tpl` is responsible for configuring all related services and including the service specific configuration and its required packages. Packages (`rpms/config.tpl`) are generally included at the beginning of `service.tpl`. Service specific configuration (`config.tpl) is generally done last. But there is no strict rule, it may depends on some specific service requirements.
     71For the services which are publishing their resources, `service.tpl` is in charge of configuring the BDII for the service. This is done with a very standard and generic pan code that must be copied from an existing service.
     73In addition, to these steps, `service.tpl` is often in charge of executing template corresponding to `xxx_CONFIG_SITE` variable where `xxx` is a service identifier ( `WMS`, `UI`, `CE`...). This template can be provided by a site to do some site specific configuration for the service. Depending on services, there is no strict rule, this site specific configuration may be done before or after the standard service configuration. It mainly depends on whether this template is used to define default values for variables (in this case it must be before) or to add some specific actions (in this case it is often better done after).
     75The main advice to build `service.tpl` is to start with `service.tpl` from an existing service with quite similar requirements in term of other service dependencies and refine it, based on documentation and YAIM script in `/opt/glite/yaim/node.d`.
    7177=== config.tpl ===