
Version 2 (modified by jouvin, 16 years ago) (diff)


Creating gLite Templates

This page contains guidelines and receipees to create and maintain templates related to gLite services. This is not The Definitive Guide as there is no general rule that works with every service. Almost every gLite service has some specifics.

gLite Service Templates

QWG templates for gLite are organized in two categories of services :

  • high-level services : the services exposed to the user like CE, SE, BDII, WMS... Configuration for these services are in glite/ directory of grid templates for a specific gLite version.
  • low-level services : all the underlying services used by high-level services, like gridmap, globus, gip or configuration shared between several services like security, torque, nfs...

For complex services, like WMS, it may happend there is both a high-level service and a low-level service called wms. In this case, the low-level service is service configuration part that is used by other high-level service. The bottom line is that high-level services are not cross-referencing each others, with the exception of BDII high-level service which is included in most of the others.

In addition to templates describing services, there is generally one template called a machine type template, sitting in machine-types directories of grid templates. This template does everything required to configure a machine with the corresponding high-level services, including OS configuration. When a high-level service has several configuraion variants (e.g. WMS and/or LB, DPM head node or disk servers), there is generally only one machine-type template with a variable allowing to select the appropriate variant for one specific machine.

Where to Find Documentation

How to Start with a New gLite Service