
A catalogue of useful tools for quattor.

Debugging and display

Tool name Description Documentation
panc logging tools Analyse compiler logs and generate template inclusion graphs, performance data, function call graphs panc manual, wiki
panc debugging in SCDB Debug compilation of profiles wiki
pangraph Analyse tpl includes and generate clickable graph ?
checkdeps Check consistency of package lists in profiles wiki?
gencompswebdoc Generate html documentation for components ?
cdb-tpl-view Simple template viewer (accessed via web interface) ?
compare_xml Compares two trees of XML profiles wiki


Tool name Description Documentation
quatview Display selected fields from all site profiles README
AII web interface Web page for setting nodes to boot/install Not in VC yet

Converting existing machines

Tool name Description Documentation
rpmq2pan_pkg Query installed RPMs and generate Pan package list ?
groupandpasswd2tpl Query user config and generate pan accounts spec wiki
quattor-client-install Installs quattor SW on non-quattor machine ?

Generating templates

Tool name Description Documentation
buildOSTemplates Generate OS templates for RedHat-style distribution ?
createPackagesTemplate Query list of RPMs and generate pan package list ?
html2pan Scans HTML page for RPM refs and converts to Pan ?
generate-hw-templates Generate Pan HW templates based on CSV file ?
rpmUpdates Generates tpl with pkg_ronly for applying updates QWG

Build tools

Tool name Description Documentation Downloads and compiles QWG trees ?
quattor build tools Included in quattor source code: for building packages Quattor Build Framework

Template Edition

Tool name Description Documentation
Panc plugin for Eclipse Web/EclispeEditor?
Panc plugin for Vi Web/ViEditor
Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on Aug 9, 2010, 5:57:49 PM