=== EIFast Foundation Meeting === Foundation of the European Industry Forum for Accelerators with SCRF Technology (EIFast) A milestone has been reached towards a close collaboration of European research institutes interested in SCRF technology and companies interested in supplying products for accelerators using that technology: 61 participants representing 34 companies and institutes from nine countries attended the Foundation of the European Industry Forum for Accelerators with SCRF Technology (EIFast) at DESY on October 27. They agreed on the Forum’s statutes and elected the coordination board. '''Presentations of the Meeting''' The following documents are provided in PDF-format. [http://adweb.desy.de/~kwurr/Wagner_introduction_scrf2_oct05.pdf Introduction to the Meeting by A. Wagner (0,9 MB)] [http://adweb.desy.de/~kwurr/Foster_ilc_scrf2_oct05.pdf ILC – Progress of the project by B. Foster (0.8 MB)] [http://adweb.desy.de/~kwurr/Altarelli_xfel_scrf2_oct05.pdf XFEL – Progress of the project by M. Altarelli (2.1 MB)] [http://adweb.desy.de/~kwurr/Peiniger_industry_scrf2_oct05.pdf Industry involvement in ILC - results from Snowmass and America's ILC industrial forums meeting by M. Peiniger (0.5 MB)] [http://adweb.desy.de/~kwurr/Trines_statutes_scrf2_oct05.pdf Draft Statutes of the Forum by D. Trines (0.1 MB) ] [http://adweb.desy.de/~kwurr/Trines_programforum_scrf2_oct05.pdf Presentation of the Forum’s Programme by D. Trines (37 kB)]