== ILC Industrial Forum meeting, Snowmass, 16 August 2005 == An ILC Industrial Forum meeting will be held during the ILC workshop at Snowmass on Tuesday Aug 16th evening 6:00-8:00 P.M. At this meeting Dr. Michael Peiniger from ACCEL will give a short presentation on the SCRF Industrial Forum developments in Europe. The details of the workshop can be found at the website http://alcpg2005.colorado.edu/ The organisers have invited the members of industry in our Forum to attend this meeting on Tuesday evening. If you are interested in visiting the workshop and will be staying for 2 days or less you should make reservation to stay at the Silvertree or the Stonebridge Inn. The organisers welcome you to participate in the workshop during the full first week. On behalf of the organizing committee the registration fee will be reduced to $275 for any person from the European Industrial SCRF Forum who will stay at the Snowmass workshop for 2 days or less. For more information please have a look at the attached file or contact Karsten Wurr (karsten.wurr@desy.de).