= the European Industry forum for SCRF technology. = [[TracNav]] [[TOC(inline)]] Download the [wiki:Docu Kick-off Documentation of the Kick-off meeting 7/8 April 2005] This site is experimental and is constantly subject to modification. Access to this web site is fully restricted and reserved to authorized users which so far the members of the interim committee. == Introduction == During recent years the high-gradient superconducting RF technology (SCRF) for linear accelerators has gained substantial momentum. Several projects applying this technology are currently in the planning phase or under consideration. One is the European XFEL which uses a superconducting 20 GeV linear accelerator. Another example is the next major accelerator project in particle physics, the International Linear Collider (ILC). In addition several smaller projects are being planned. The overall investment in these projects is in the order of several B €. The TESLA test facility (TTF) at DESY in Hamburg was built with strong involvement of European industry and has been operating since 1996. TTF has added substantially to the solid base of know-how in the field of SC RF accelerators of European industry. The technology decision in favour of the SCRF technology has triggered substantial industrial interest in this technology, also in the US and in Asia. Therefore the intention emerged to create a European Superconducting Linear Accelerator Forum. == Objectives == The Forum aims at bringing together research institutes and industrial companies working in the field of SCRF technology or interested in getting involved. The Forum provides a platform for contacts between the companies of various sizes and the institutes. The main interests of the institutes in the forum are to: * Provide industry with up to date information about the projects, * Stay informed about the areas of interest, the capabilities and capacities of industry to enable realistic planning for the realisation of projects, * Obtain information about trends in company policies and the general political boundary conditions, * Obtain information about requirements for economic fabrication of components in industry, * Assure the know-how transfer to industry in order to obtain products of high quality at competitive prices. The main interests of the companies in the forum are to: * Strengthen the links to the R&D capabilities and know-how available in research institutes. * Get up-to-date detailed information on projects like the XFEL or the ILC concerning general planning, status and opportunities * Contribute the industrial know-how in mass production and quality assurance * Identify potential industrial partners for cooperation * Create an up-to-date information basis for a planning strategy in order to avoid production gaps for products. In this context not only large projects like the European XFEL and the ILC are of interest but also smaller projects. == Mandate == The Forum has the following mandate: * Form a visible body to generate substantial support of projects at the political level in Europe in a coherent way in order to approach the realization of the projects. * Ensure a flow of up-to-date information about projects involving SCRF technology between research institutes and industrial companies. * Promote involvement of industry in projects –especially large projects- at an early stage. * Promote the chances for European industry to obtain a fair share on projects in other regions by a common strategy of presentation * Ease the planning of companies by trying to get access for European industry to information channels (like administrations in other regions) and decision makers otherwise not accessible to a single company. == Membership == All research institutes in Europe involved or interested in getting involved in SCRF technology can become member of the Forum. All companies involved or interested in getting involved in SCRF technology can become member of the Forum, if they are eligible for European tendering procedures in the public domain. == Organisation == The basic elements of the organisation are the representatives appointed by the members of the Forum, the coordination board and a Spokesperson. === Representatives === Each company and each institute appoints one representative. The representatives serve as contact persons for communication and carry one vote each in the elections. === Coordination Board (CB) === Purpose and tasks of board: * Prepare plenary meetings and proposals to the plenary concerning actions, * Prepare the execution of actions of the Forum, * Distribute all relevant information to the representatives. Composition: * The number of members of the CB should not exceed 11 persons. * Institutions and industry shall be represented by the same number of representatives. * Countries with major institutions shall be represented by one representative from an institution and one representative from a company. * Countries with no major institution and with only small industry representation should pool and nominate a representative of this group to be elected into the board. * Industry representatives should come from companies which have their headquarters in Europe. Election to the CB: Members of the CB are elected by the representatives in the plenary. Candidates should be representatives of their institution or company. Only representatives can vote. A member may also be elected ad personam by the representatives. The term of election is for 2 years, re-election is possible. === Spokesperson === The Forum is chaired by a Spokesperson. The duties of the Spokesperson are: * Representation the forum to the outside * Serving as contact-person for the Forum members and the outside * Chairing the plenary and board meetings * Organisation of meetings The Spokesperson should be a member of the board and will be elected by the plenary for a period of 2 years. Re-election is possible. Refinements and extensions of the organisational structure can be decided by the plenary. == Interim Board == Contact the members of the [wiki:InterimBoard Interim Board] ---- Visit the [wiki:TracIntro introductory page to Trac]