[[TracNav]] [[TOC(inline)]] = European Industry Forum for Accelerators with SCRF Technology (EIFast) = '''New:''' A milestone has been reached towards a close collaboration of European research institutes interested in SCRF technology and companies interested in supplying products for accelerators using that technology: 61 participants representing 34 companies and institutes from nine countries attended the Foundation of the European Industry Forum for Accelerators with SCRF Technology (EIFast) at DESY on October 27. They agreed on the Forum’s statutes and elected the coordination board. Download of the [wiki:DocFoundation Presentations from the Forum's Foundation 27 October 2005] Download the [wiki:DocKickoff Documentation of the Kick-off meeting 7/8 April 2005] ILC Industrial Forum meeting during the [wiki:SnowmassAug05 ILC workshop at Snowmass on 16 Aug 2005] ''This site is experimental and is constantly subject to modification.'' ''Changes to this web site are fully restricted and reserved to authorized users which so far are the members of the Coordination Board.'' == XFEL Workshop == '''DESY Hamburg'''[[BR]] '''9-10 May 2006''' A workshop about the XFEL project will be held by EIFast at DESY in Hamburg on 9./10. May 2006. As the workshop is designed to bring together industry and science and to be beneficial to both sides, the addressed target audience ranges from research institutes to companies, being potentially interested in providing goods and services to the European XFEL. The meeting will consist of plenary as well as parallel working group sessions. '''__Agenda__'''[[BR]] The(tentative) agenda comprises: ''Plenary presentations''[[BR]] * Overview and status of XFEL * Procurement procedure * Involvement of national institutions in project * Local infrastructure near XFEL site * Human resources, developing know-how and training ''Parallel Working Groups''[[BR]] 1. Civil Engineering 2. RF System 3. Cryogenics / Cryostats 4. Magnets and Powersupplies 5. Diagnostics and Controls 6. Vacuum cold / warm 7. Cavities / couplers etc. The invited speakers are scientists and experts from DESY and other research institutes involved in the XFEL project. '''__Contact__'''[[BR]] For further information, please contact: Ms. Soerne Moeller[[BR]] E-Mail: soerne.moeller@desy.de[[BR]] Phone: +49 (0)40 8998 3305 == Introduction == During the last two years two major events have provided a strong basis for the future perspectives of superconducting RF linear accelerators: One was the decision by the German government in 2003 to propose to host the European XFEL and to contribute 50% of the construction cost. This new instrument of science uses as driver a superconducting 20 GeV linear accelerator, built in a technology which was considerable advanced during the past decade by the TESLA collaboration. The overall cost of the XFEL facility is around 0.7 B€. The second event was the decision of the particle physics community to build the next major accelerator, the International Linear Collider (ILC), using the superconducting RF technology developed by the TESLA collaboration. The arguments to choose this technology were based on technical and accelerator related reasons, but also on the many synergies between the ILC and XFEL development. The overall cost of the ILC is several B€. The decision to select the SCRF technology for the ILC was also based on the success of the TESLA test facility (TTF) at DESY in Hamburg which was built with the strong involvement of European companies and has been in operation since 1996. TTF has thereby added to the solid base of know-how of the European industry in the field of SCRF accelerators. The technology decision has triggered substantial industrial interest in this technology also in the US and in Asia. In discussions with companies which have already provided components for TTF the idea emerged that it might be useful to create a European Superconducting RF Forum with the following mandate: Create a European industrial base for the European XFEL and the future International Linear Collider * Serve as point of contact between i) European industry active and interested in all aspects of SCRF accelerators, ii) European accelerator laboratories, scientists and engineers, iii) the European Union, and iv) accelerator laboratories in Asia and the US * Strengthen the discussion between industry and politics * Develop ways of co-operation and knowledge transfer between the partners * Provide all partners with a regular up-date of the project developments, e.g. through seminars The kick-off meeting of the Forum took place at DESY on 7/8 April 2005 and was attended by nearly 100 participants representing more than 40 companies and institutes. The [wiki:DocKickoff Documentation of the Kick-off meeting 7/8 April 2005] summarises the discussions at the meeting and the major results and comprises all presentations. == Measures == The participants of the Forum agreed to the following decisions: * The formation of a European SCRF Forum is desirable. Thus a Constitutional Assembly for a European SCRF Forum should be held within the near future. * The Constitutional Assembly and the necessary Statutes for the Forum should be prepared by an Interim Board / Constitutional Group. * The results of the Constitutional Group’s work should be communicated in time before the Constitutional Assembly to all interested laboratories, companies and institutions. == Coordination Board == Contact the members of the [wiki:InterimBoard Coordination Board] == User registration to this web site == This web site is powered by a Wiki technology which may permit some users to directly modify it. However only ''registered'' users may have access to this possibility. All other users will only have ''read'' access to it. This [http://scrf.lal.in2p3.fr/user.php registration form] will send a request to the site administrator (Christian Arnault) and your proposed user id and password will be registered in the local authentification scheme. == Partners == {{{ #!html the ELAN web site }}} == Meetings == * CB meeting [wiki:Meeting/2006/02/22 2006/02/22] * CB meeting [wiki:Meeting/2005/12/20 2005/12/20] * CB meeting [wiki:Meeting/2005/10/27 2005/10/27] * CB meeting [wiki:Meeting/2005/09/20 2005/09/20] == Legal Notice == [wiki:LegalNotice Legal Notice] ---- Visit the [wiki:TracIntro introductory page to Trac]