########################################################################## April 11th, 2011 LNLS Laurent S. Nadolski ########################################################################## Numerical recipes 1/ xutils-dev for makedepend 2/ makedepend in the src file of nrecipes directory ########################################################################## Installation of Tracy3 What is necessary: 1/ gcc 2/ g++ 3/ autoconf 4/ libtool 5/ libgls0-dev lib + development library with header such as gls_sf.h ########################################################################## Modify .bashrc to get environment variables cf set_var.sh or set_var4LNLS.sh Set the path to fit your computer architecture ########################################################################## For compilation of TracyIII In root directory of TracyIII, run the command: ./make_for_gcc.sh opt or run the command to trigger the debug mode: ./make_for_gcc.sh debug An executable file is generated in directory TracyIII/tracy/tracy/bin: soltracy this file can be put in your path to run the code from anywhere ######################################################################### Example to test the code: executable is soltracy located in $TRACY_LIB/tools #################################################### #################################################### # Instruction to install Tracy3 in ubuntu 12.04 # # Jianfeng Zhang @ LAL, 2012/04 ################################################## ################################################### *====================================== * compile numberical receipes *====================================== (1) install the package "xutils-dev" sudo apt-get install xutils-dev (2) at the path "recipes_c-ansi/", make the objects make (3) make dependences of the objects makedepend After finish the above steps, the objects files should be generated in the path "recipes", and a static library "librecipes_c_gcc.a" should be generated in the path "lib". *================================================== * Compile the tracy source code and * link with the objects from numberical receipe *================================================== (1) set the enviroments for tracy III. For example, for ubuntu 11.10/12.04 LST in MacBook Pro. 8.2, add the following lines in ~/.bashrc: for ubuntu 11.10: export LIBPATH=/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6.1/ for ubuntu 12.04 export LIBPATH=/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6.3/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBPATH:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib CODEDIR=$HOME/codes export NUM_REC=$CODEDIR/nrecipes/recipes_c-ansi export TRACY_LIB=$CODEDIR/tracyIII_3_10/tracy (2)What is necessary: 1/ gcc 2/ g++ 3/ gfortran 4/ autoconf 5/ libtool 6/ libgls0-dev (lib + development library with header such as gls_sf.h; GNU Scientific Library(GSL) -- development package) so install the above 6 packages first!!!!!!!!!! (2) run the script to generate makefile, compile the objects, link, and then generate the execute file "soltracy" at the path "tracy/tool". chmod +x make_for_gcc.sh ./make_for_gcc.sh (3) Finally, a execute file "soltracy" is generated in the path "tracy/tools" (4) make a symbolic link to the "soltracy", so tracy can be called any path in the computer, using the command "soltracy3". sudo ln -s /home/jfz/codes/tracyIII_3_10/tracy/tools/soltracy /usr/local/bin/soltracy3