#******************************************************************* # input script to set the file and bool flag # # comments: # 1) line start with "#" is comment # 2) obligatory parameter: lat_file # 3) all the other parameters are optional, and all the default # values for flags are false # 4) if set ExperimentFMAFlag or detailedFMAFlag to be true, # FmapFlag must be true # 5) if ThinsextFlag is true, MultipoleFlag must be true # 6) if set ChamberNoU20Flag or ReadChamberFlag to be true, # ChamberFlag must be true #****************************************************************** # #******files******** # relative directory of the files in the script in_dir /Users/nadolski/codes/tracy/maille/soleil/testhu36/ # lattice file // lat_file solamor2_modele_complet_ksi_2_2_HU36_202_317_SX8mod lat_file w50/solamor2_modele_complet_ksi_2_2_WSV50_202_317 # vacuum chamber file chamber_file Apertures.dat #*******bool flag*********** # Activate quadrupole Fringefield globval.quad_fringe true # include RF Cavity or not and set # 4D/6D tracking, true=6D, false=4D globval.Cavity_on false # tune obtained by tracking TuneTracFlag true # chromaticity obtained by tracking ChromTracFlag true # error coupling ErrorCouplingFlag false # coupling flag CouplingFlag false # include multipole error into the lattice MultipoleFlag false # set multipole with thin or thick lens model, # MultipoleFlag must be true if ThinsextFlag is true ThinsextFlag false ### ### FITTING FACTORY ### # fit tune # name, flag, tuned quadrople,tuned quadrople,targetnudx targetnudz # FitTuneFlag true q7 q9 18.202 10.317 FitTune4Flag true qp7a qp7b qp9a qp9b 18.202 10.317 # fit chromaticity # name,flag, tuned sextupole, tuned sextupole, targetksix targetksiz FitChromFlag true sx9 sx10 2.0 2.6 # include vacuum chamber ChamberFlag false # include vacuum chamber but no U20, ChamberFlag must be true, if # ChamberNoU20Flag is true ChamberNoU20Flag false # read vacuum chamber from chamber_file, ChamberFlag must be true, if # ReadChamberFlag is true ReadChamberFlag true # include girder error GirderErrorFlag false # plot beam size around the ring SigmaFlag false # # specific for test PX2Flag false # # calculate induced amplitude InducedAmplitudeFlag false # specific for test CodeComparaisonFlag false # calculate Eta function EtaFlag false # calculate phase space PhaseSpaceFlag false