++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Change Log + + + ICOSIM++ + Collimator simulations with ion beams ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (1) Code structure of ICOSIM++ (NOT changed...) icosim++.cc ---> simulation.cc ---> lattice.cc (2) The collimator names should be defined in the optical files (exactly the same names), otherwise ICOSYM++ will ignore this collimator. This feature is not in Matlab ICOSIM. (3) Now the user needs to define the install location of the crystal, then get the correct transformation between the beam frame & crystal frame: -1: inner side of the vacuum chamber (negative x) +1: out side of the vacuum chamber (positive x) Be careful, "x" is the direction of the crystal laternal face... it is not the traditional "x" direction of the beam frame. Modified based on SixTrack version crystal routine... (4) Whether to change to interface of the crystal definition in "collimatorfiles....csv", or define the same values as the one in "crystalinfo.csv"???? (5) Whether needs to change the "C_aperture" in the "crystalinfo.csv" the same value as the "sigma" value defined in "collimatorfile....csv"???