Installer Git-web sur MosX avec MAMP



Ceci est une version adaptée de ce tutorial pour MAMP

Gitweb setup on Mac OS X On July 31st, 2008 in apple, git, macosx This post is for future references since I had to slightly adapt what is written in the INSTALL file to run Gitweb on my MacBook.

Assuming all my Git projects are in /Users/garnier/Work/ and I’ve already installed Git in /usr/local/git, the steps to create gitweb.cgi is:

cd ~/Work
# retrieve the latest version of git
git clone git://
cd git/
make GITWEB_PROJECTROOT="/Users/garnier/Work/"     GITWEB_CSS="gitweb/gitweb.css"     GITWEB_LOGO="gitweb/git-logo.png"    GITWEB_FAVICON="gitweb/git-favicon.png"      bindir=/usr/local/git/bin  gitweb/gitweb.cgi
# CGI scripts are located in /Application/MAMP/cgi-bin
mkdir -p /Application/MAMP/cgi-bing/itweb
sudo cp gitweb/gitweb.cgi /Application/MAMP/cgi-bin/gitweb/
# And the other resources are in /Library/WebServer/Documents/
mkdir -p /Library/WebServer/Documents/gitweb
sudo cp gitweb/gitweb.css gitweb/git-logo.png gitweb/git-favicon.png \   
Once everything is copied to the right place, Gitweb is up and running: http://localhost/cgi-bin/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?

A terminer...


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