Opened 19 years ago

#9 new defect

Insufficient reports when current directory is out of any CMT context

Reported by: arnault Owned by: Arnault
Priority: high Milestone: v1r18
Component: a. Usage Version: v1r18
Severity: major Keywords:
Cc: Garonne OS: All
If Other, could you precise: Experiment: Other
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Stack trace:
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When current directory is out of any CMT context, ie

  • out of any CMTPATH item
  • out of any structured CMT project (no project file upwards)

cmt actions miss lots of possible features while providing insufficient or confusing report. This is true even if CMTPATH does contain useful items.

In particular cmt show path and cmt show projects may result in a confusing empty reports. Also strategies specified from other projects are generally lost.

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