Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#25 new defect

Import, CMTPATH problem

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: arnault
Priority: normal Milestone: v1r18
Component: c. Core Version: v1r18
Severity: normal Keywords: import CMTPATH
Cc: OS: All
If Other, could you precise: Experiment: Other
If Other, could you precise:
Stack trace:
Steps to reproduce:


Problemm appear in /usr/local/CMT/v1r18p20051108, it works fine in v1r18p20050501. The problem is the following : When we import a foreign package, if this package is not in the same directory as the project, we have to add his path to the CMTPATH. In the case, if the CMTPATH ends with the path of ower project, the import of the foreign package will failed. Ex : I have the following structure :

|-- Package
|   `-- Package1
|       `-- mypackageInterface
|           `-- v1r1810p1
|               |-- cmt
|               `-- src
`-- Racine
    |-- Interfaces
    |   `-- myracineInterface
    |       `-- v1r1810p1
    |           |-- cmt
    |           `-- src
    `-- TestImport
        `-- v1
            |-- cmt
            `-- src

My project is TestImport and the foreign package is myPackageInterface. My requirement for TestImport is :

 package TestImport
version v1r2p07

use mypackageInterface v1r*  -no_auto_imports
use myracineInterface v1r* Interfaces -no_auto_imports

library myFunction -group=VGM -import=mypackageInterface -import=myracineInterface -s=../src/\

application test -import=mypackageInterface -import=myracineInterface ../src/
  • if I put the CMTPATH=..../Test/Package/Package1:..../Test/Racine, it will not work because "myracineInterface" will not be import
  • if I put the CMTPATH=..../Test/Racine:..../Test/Package/Package1, it will work and import corectly the foreign package...

Attachments (1) (10.9 KB) - added by anonymous 18 years ago.
Test file

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Change History (2)

Changed 18 years ago by anonymous

Attachment: added

Test file

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by garnier

Command lines to reproduce the bug:

>cd xxxxx/TestImport/cmt;
>export CMTPATH=xxx/Test/Package/Package1:xxx/Test/Racine 
>cmt config
>source setup.(c)sh
>make VGM (to make the lib)
>make (to make the app)

it will done the following (for lib on mac tiger) :

TestImport/v1/cmt % make VGM         
------> (Makefile.header) Rebuilding constituents.make
------> (constituents.make) Rebuilding setup.make Darwin.make
setup.make ok
------> (constituents.make) Rebuilding library links
------> (constituents.make) Building myFunction.make
Library myFunction
------> (constituents.make) Starting myFunction
------> (myFunction.make) Rebuilding ../Darwin/myFunction_dependencies.make
cd ../Darwin/; c++ -c -I"../src"   -no-cpp-precomp -L/sw/lib -I/sw/include  -o fonctionPrint.o            -I/MY_RACINE_INTERFACE  -I/usr/local/mypackageInterface//include     ../src/
cd ../Darwin/; \
  ar -clr ../Darwin/libmyFunction.a ../Darwin/fonctionPrint.o
ranlib ../Darwin/libmyFunction.a
cat /dev/null >../Darwin/myFunction.stamp
cd ../Darwin/; QUIET=; /usr/local/CMT/HEAD/mgr/ extract "Darwin," myFunction 
c++ -dynamiclib -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -o libmyFunction.dylib "myFunctiontemp_shlib/fonctionPrint.o"
------> myFunction : library ok
------> myFunction ok
------> (constituents.make) myFunction done
 VGM ok.
  • But the following line is Wrong :
    cd ../Darwin/; c++ -c -I"../src"   -no-cpp-precomp -L/sw/lib -I/sw/include  -o fonctionPrint.o            -I/MY_RACINE_INTERFACE  -I/usr/local/mypackageInterface//include     ../src/
  • It must be :
    cd ../Darwin/; c++ -c -I"../src"   -no-cpp-precomp -L/sw/lib -I/sw/include  -o fonctionPrint.o            -I/MY_PACKAGE_INTERFACE -I/MY_RACINE_INTERFACE  -I/usr/local/mypackageInterface//include     ../src/
  • but if you do :
    >export CMTPATH=xxx/Test/Racine:xxx/Test/Package/Package1 
  • It will work...
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