Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#6 closed defect (invalid)

Fatal error during compilation on Windows

Reported by: laurent garnier (LAL) Owned by: arnault
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: c. Core Version: v1r18
Severity: blocker Keywords:
Cc: OS: All
If Other, could you precise: Experiment: Other
If Other, could you precise:
Stack trace:
Steps to reproduce:


I was trying to compile OpenScientist/OnX Qt4 on windows (sic) and, of course, it crash... But that doesn't seem to be a problem from my configuration, but from CMT. I am using VisualC, CMT v18.

the problem

I have and thoses lines in my cmt/requirements :

document moc moc_QTk -group=Qt FROM=../include/OnX/Qt/QTk.h TO=../source/Qt/moc_Qtk.cxx
document moc moc_QCommandLine -group=Qt FROM=../include/OnX/Qt/QCommandLine.h TO=../source/Qt/moc_QCommandLine.cxx
document moc moc_QPageViewer -group=Qt FROM=../include/OnX/Qt/QPageViewer.h TO=../source/Qt/moc_QPageViewer.cxx

And when I compile I get this error :

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.

(constituents.nmake) Rebuilding VisualC.nmake
(constituents.nmake) Rebuilding setup.nmake
setup.nmake ok
(constituents.nmake) Building moc_QCommandLine.nmake
Document moc_QCommandLine
(constituents.nmake) moc_QCommandLine.nmake done
(constituents.nmake) Starting moc_QCommandLine
..\VisualC\moc_QTk.nmake(63) : fatal error U1001: erreur de syntaxeá: caractère non conforme '{' dans la macro
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\VC7\BIN\nmake.exe"'á: code retour '0x2'

I have compare the moc_QTk.nmake file on Darwin (it compile perfectly) and on windows. I have only one difference :

  • On Darwin, at the beginning I have :
    #   Generated Fri Jul 01 09:23:48 2005  by laurentgarnier
    !include ${CMTROOT}/src/NMakefile.core

(note the usage of "{" for CMTROOT) Instead of Windows where I have :

#   Generated Fri Jul 01 09:24:48 2005  by Administrateur

!include $(CMTROOT)/src/NMakefile.core

But at the end of the file, both on Windows and Darwin, I get this :

moc_QTk :: ../source/Qt/moc_Qtk.cxx

../source/Qt/moc_Qtk.cxx :: ../include/OnX/Qt/QTk.h
	${QTDIR}/bin/moc ../include/OnX/Qt/QTk.h -o ../source/Qt/moc_Qtk.cxx

Note the QTDIR with a "{" both on windows and Darwin. And VisualC seems to have a problem with the "{" (I say "seems"...). I have Notice that in the file "cmt_generators.cxx", each variable in define as "$(" except one line this the problem ? I have try to recompile CMT putting this variable with a "(" but no way, nothing get better....

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 19 years ago by laurent garnier (LAL)

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Excuse me, that was a bug in a requirement file... In a make_fragment file, I have not done things correctly for WIN32.

comment:2 Changed 19 years ago by arnault

Resolution: invalid
Status: closedreopened

comment:3 Changed 19 years ago by arnault

Resolution: invalid
Status: reopenedclosed
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