Nov 12, 2017, 7:34:40 PM (7 years ago)

Progress on HDR

1 edited


  • papers/2016_HDR_ND/Compton/mightylaser.tex

    r640 r747  
    6161\section{Beam dynamics of Compton scattering at the ATF}
    63 Another important point was to understand the effect of Compton scattering on the electron beam stored in the ring. Although it was not expected to have any significant effects on the beam with the laser power that we had in the cavity this was an important point to check. This work was done by Iryna Chaikovska under my guidance~\cite{Chaikovska:2012hja,Chaikovska:2011nj}. It showed that given the short storage duration no effect were to be expected and even the beam diagnostics in the extraction line would not be sensitive enough to see anything. After the 2012 upgrade when we took long data runs we noticed (see figure~\ref{fig:ml_LongStorage}) that we were clearly able to see in our data the effect of intrabeam scattering as predicted by~\cite{Kubo:2001ps} and this has to be taken into account when predicting the total flux that can be produced.
     63Another important point was to understand the effect of Compton scattering on the electron beam stored in the ring. Although it was not expected to have any significant effects on the beam with the laser power that we had in the cavity this was an important point to check. This work was done by Iryna Chaikovska under my guidance~\cite{Chaikovska:2012hja,Chaikovska:2011nj}. It showed that given the short storage duration no effect were to be expected and even the beam diagnostics in the extraction line would not be sensitive enough to see anything. After the 2012 upgrade when we took long data runs we noticed (see figure~\ref{fig:ml_LongStorage}) that we were clearly able to see in our data the effect of intrabeam scattering as predicted by~\cite{Kubo:2001ps} and this has to be taken into account when predicting the total flux that can be produced. These results have been published~\cite{iryna_mightylaser}
    6565This work also led me to similar work applied to the  ThomX  ring. It will be described in chapter~\ref{chap:thomx}.
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