source: trunk/examples/extended/radioactivedecay/exrdm/README @ 1349

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2    =========================================================
3    Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
4    =========================================================
6                       Extended Example for G4RadioactiveDecay
7                       --------------------
[1230]9  The exRDM is created to show how to use the G4RadioactiveDecay process to simulate the decays of
10  radioactive isotopes as well as the induced radioactivity resulted from nuclear interactions.
[1230]12  In this example a simple geometry consists of a cylindric target placed in the centre of a tube detector
13  is constructed. Various primary event generation and tallying options are available. Further documentations
14  are available at
20     Material: There are 7 pre-defined materials:
21        "Vacuum" "Air" "Silicon" "Aluminium" "Lead" "Germanium" and "CsI"
23     User can add a new material at the "PreIni" state, using the command
24        /geometry/material/add
26     For the geometry, the world is filled with "Air" and there are two components in it             
28       - Target:  A cylinder placed at the origin along the z-axis. The default size of the cylinder is
29                  0.5 cm radius and 1 cm in length, and its default material is "CsI".
31       - Detector:A tube cerntred at the origin along the z-axis, with inner radius matching the
32                  radius of the target. The default thickness of the tube is 2 cm and it is 
33                  5 cm long. The default material is "Germanium".
[1230]35     The user can change the target/detector size and material at the at the "PreIni" state, using the
36     commands in the directory
38                /exrdm/det
40  2. PHYSICS
42     The following physics processes are included by default:
44       - Standard electromagnetic:
45           photo-electric effect
46           Compton scattering
47           pair production
48           bremsstrahlung
49           ionization
50           multiple scattering
51           annihilation
53       - Decay
55       - Radioactive Decay
56          By default it is applied through out the geometry. The user can limit it to just the target by
57          commands
59                /grdm/noVolumes
60                /grdm/selectVolume Target
62       - Hadronic processes:
63          Hadronic processes are not invoked by default. They can be activated by the user at the "PreIni"
[1230]64          state via the command
66                /exrdm/phys/SelectPhysics
68          The options are:
70                "Hadron" - Physicslist comsists of Binary_Cascade, HP_Neutron, QGSP, and LHEP, or
71                the standdard hadron physics list avaible in the G4 distribution, i.e.
72                "QGSP_BERT", "QGSP_BIC", "QGSP_HP", "LHEP_BERT", "LHEP_BERT_HP", "LHEP_BIC",
73                "LHEP_BIC_HP".
75  3. EVENT:
77     The event generator is based on the G4GeneralParticleSource (GPS) which allows the user to
78     control all aspects of the initial states of the events. In this example, however, only simple features
79     of the GPS are employed to generate the incident beam or the initial radio-isotopes. By default the
80     incident particle is travelling along the + z-axis and the incident position is at the -Z end
81     of the geometry.     
[1230]85     No Geant4 HITS and SD are defined in this example. If the variable "G4ANALYSIS_USE" is defined, all
86     the relevant information of the simulation is collected  at the "UserSteppingAction" stage. These
87     include:
89       - Emission particles in the RadioactiveDecay process:
90           particle PDGcode,
91           partilce kinetic energy,
92           particle creation time,
93           particle weight.
95        Note: the residual nuclei is not considered as an emitted particle.
97       - Radio-Isotopes. All the radioactive isotopes produced in the simulation:
98           isotope  PDGcode,
99           isotope  creation time,
100           isotope  weight.
102       - Energy depositions in the target and detector by prodicts of the RadioactiveDecay process:
103           energy depostion (positive volue for target and negative for detector),
104           time,
105           weight.
109     Visualisation of the geometry and the tracks is possible with many of the G4 visualisation packages. An
[1337]110     example of display the geometry and tracks using VRML is given in the macro file macros/vis.mac. 
112  6. ANALYSIS:
[1230]114     This example implements an AIDA-compliant analysis system as well as the ROOT system, for accumulating
115     and output histograms and ntuples. If the the user has an AIDA-compliant tool such as
116     AIDAJNI, ANAPHE, OpenScientist or PI installed, the analysis part of this example can
[807]117     be activated by
[1230]119        setenv G4ANALYSIS_USE 1
[1230]121     before building the executable. 
123     The user can also use the executable with the ROOT system, if it is available. This is done by
[1230]125       setenv G4ANALYSIS_USE_ROOT 1
[1230]127     again before the compilation. The AIDA and ROOT systems can be used individually, or in parallel
128     at the same time!
[1230]130     If no analysis system is activated, there is no output file produced apart from the screen dump.
131     A file called "exrdm.aida" is produced by default for AIDA system and "exrdm.root" if the ROOT
132     system is selected.
134     The user can change the name of this output file with the command
136        /histo/fileName new-filename
[1230]138     The output AIDA file by default is in xml format. The AIDA system allows the use of other file format
139     such as "root" and "hbook". User can change the output format to "hbook"  or "root" using the command
140     /histo/fileType.e.g.
142        /histo/fileType hbook 
[1230]143        /histo/fileType root
[1230]145     When "root" format is selected for the AIDA system, the output AIDA file name is changed to
146     fileName_aida.root. This is to separate it from the the ROOT system output file fileName.root, in case
147     both systems are used.
149     The output file, in "aida" or "hbook" or "root" format, conatins the 3 ntuples (100,200,300) which have
150     been described in section 4. In addition, there are 7 histograms in the file:
152        histogram 10: The Pulse Height Spectrum (PHS) of the target.
153        histogram 11: The PHS of the detector.
154        histogram 12: The combined PHS of the target and detector.
155        histogram 13: The anti-coincidece PHS of the target.
156        histogram 14: The anti-coincidece PHS of the detector.
157        histogram 15: The coincidece PHS between the target and detector.
158        histogram 16: The emitted particle energy spectrum.
160     The binnings of each histogram can be changed with the command
162        /histo/setHisto
[1230]164     It is assumed the detector and target pulses both have an integration time of 1 microsecond, and the
165     gate is 2 microsecond for the coincidence spectrum. The target and detctor have a threshold of 10 keV
166     in the anti-/coincidence modes.       
168     Histograms 10-15 were derived from the same data stored in ntuple-300(the energy depositions), while
169     Histogram 16 is obtained with data in ntuple-100 (the emission particles). The user should be able to
[1230]170     reproduce these histograms, or new histograms, with the ntuple data in an off-line analyis tool.
174     i) If you have an AIDA-compliant analysis system installed than you shall switch on the analysis part of
175     example by
[1230]177        setenv G4ANALYSIS_USE 1
[1230]179     in addition if you want to add the ROOT link to the ROOT system, do
181        setenv G4ANALYSIS_USE_ROOT 1
[1230]183     Otherwise make sure the G4ANALYSIS_USE and G4ANALYSIS_USE_ROOT are not definded
[1230]185        unsetenv G4ANALYSIS_USE
[807]186        unsetenv G4ANALYSIS_USE_ROOT
188     ii) Build the exRDM executable:
190         cd to exrdm
191         gmake clean
192         gmake
[1230]194     Depends on the setup, gmake will create tmp and bin directories in your $G4TMP and $G4BIN directories.
[807]195     The executable, named exRDM, will be in $G4BIN/$G4SYSTEM/ directory.
197     iii) Run the executable: while in the exrdm directory do
199         $G4BIN/$G4SYSTEM/exRDM
[1230]201     If all goes well, the execution shall be terminated in a few seconds. If G4ANALYSIS_USE is defined, one
202     should see a "proton.aida" file created. If G4ANALYSIS_USE_ROOT is defined, there will be
203     a proton.root file in the same directory.
[1230]207    There are a number of g4mac files in the ./macros subdirectory, to show the features of the
208    G4RadioactiveDecay process. Most of them will lead to the creation of an aida file in the same name
209    of the micro file, which can be examed and analysed with an analysis tool such as OpenScientist ,or JAS3.
211        vrml.mac:  to visulise the geometry and the incident of one 100 MeV Cf240 isotope and its decay. A vrml
212                   file (g4_xx.vrml) is created at the end. If a default vrml viewer has been set, one shall 
213                   see the geometru and track displayed automatically.
215        u238c.mac: shows the decays of the U238 chain in analogue MC mode.
217        th234c-b.mac: shows the decays of Th234 in variance reduction MC mode. All its secondaies in along the
218                      decay chains are generated. The default source profile and decay biasing schemes are used
219                      to determine the decay times and weights of the secondaries.
221        proton-1gev.mac: simulation of 1 GeV protons incident on a lead target. The decays of the radio-siotopes
222                         created in the proton-lead interactions are simulated with RadioactiveDecay in analogue
223                         MC mode.   
225        proton-b.mac: same as proton-1geV.mac, but the decays of the radio-siotopes created in the  proton-lead
226                      interactions are simulated with RadioactiveDecay in variance reduction MC mode. The isotopes
227                      and those along the decay chains are forced to decay in the time windows specified by the
228                      user in file, and the weights of the decay products are determined by the
229                      beam profile as defined in the file and their decay times.
231        one-iso.mac: simple macro file to show how to simulate the decay of a specific radio-isotope. User can
232                     edit it to simulate which ever isotope he/she likes to try.
234        neutron.mac: macrofile to show the incident of low energy neutrons on an user specified NaI target and
235                     the decays of the induced radio-isotopes. This shows how to define a new material in exrdm.
237        ne24.mac: this shows the decays of Ne-24 to Na-24 in variance reduction MC mode. Further decays of Na-24
238                  are not simulated by applying the nucleuslimits in RadioactiveDecay. Two runs are carried out.
239                  One with the bracjing ratio biasing applied and one without.
241        multiple-source.mac: to show the decays of different isotopes uniformly distributed through the target
242                             volume in a single run.
244        isotopes.mac: to show the decays of a number of different isotopes in a single macro file.
247        f24.mac: to show the different treatments one can apply to the decays of F24. i) the complete decay chain
248                 from F24 to Mg24, in analogue mode; ii) the complete chain, but in variance reduction mode;
249                 iii) restrict to the decay of F24 only in analogue mode; iv) restrict to the decay of F24 only but
250                 in variance reduction mode.
252        as74.mac: The decays of As74 which has a rather complicated decay scheme. i) in analogue MC mode; ii) in
253                  variance reduction MC mode.
255        test.mac: macro used to check if the right physics processes are assigned to different particles.
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