Changeset 1045 for trunk/config/History

May 15, 2009, 12:28:43 PM (15 years ago)

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1 edited


  • trunk/config/History

    r999 r1045  
    1 cvs log $Id: History,v 1.354 2009/04/20 10:10:25 lgarnier Exp $
     1cvs log $Id: History,v 1.355 2009/04/27 07:44:07 gcosmo Exp $
    1717     ----------------------------------------------------------
    19 20 April 2009  Laurent Garnier
    20 - sys/Linux-g++.gmk: Corrections to respect Standard location for include
    21   and lib paths for Qt. Try to find better if Qt is not located in a standard
    22   place 
    24 8 Mars 2009  Laurent Garnier
    25 - sys/Darwin-g++.gmk: Bug fix for Qt non standard installation
    26 - sys/Linux-g++.gmk: Change way to fing QtLib by default
    27 - sys+Win32-VC.gmk: Bug fix for building GLQTLIBS
    29 5 Mars 2009  Guy Barrand
    30 - analysis.gmk: WIN32-VC : arrange so that what is returned
    31   by `aida-config --lib`, which may have the Windows LINK.exe syntax,
    32   be understood by g++ which is in fact used on CYGWIN
    33   to link applications. Then we transform /LIBPATH options to
    34   -libpath options and change the path backslash syntax to
    35   a slash syntax. With that someone can use the AIDA implementation
    36   coming from an osc-batch or osc-vis binary kit built for
    37   Windows-VisualC++, in a G4 example using AIDA built from CYGWIN with
    38   a G4 built with the VisualC++ compiler (then having a WIN32-VC G4SYSTEM).
    39 - G4UI_USE.gmk: suppress the G4UI_USE_OSC logic.
    40   From OpenScientist/16.8, the osc-g4-vis program can instrument
    41   directly the GNUmakefile of an example or of a user application
    42   which is a clone of some G4 example. And then we let clean
    43   the G4 make files concerning OpenScientist.
     1927th April 2009  Gabriele Cosmo (config-V09-02-05)
     20- Linux-icc.gmk: removed "-lcxa -lunwind" LOADLIBS addition, no longer
     21  necessary since icc-11.0.83.
     2320th April 2009  Laurent Garnier
     24- Linux-g++.gmk: corrections to respect standard location for include
     25  and lib paths for Qt. Improved setup for non-standard Qt3 location.
     278th March 2009  Laurent Garnier
     28- Darwin-g++.gmk: bug fix for Qt non standard installation.
     29- Linux-g++.gmk: changed way to fing QtLib by default.
     30- WIN32-VC.gmk: bug fix for building GLQTLIBS.
     325th March 2009  Guy Barrand
     33- analysis.gmk: arrange configuration for WIN32-VC so that what is returned
     34  by `aida-config --lib` (which may have the Windows LINK.exe syntax) is
     35  understood by g++ which is in fact used by CygWin for linking applications.
     36  Then transforming /LIBPATH options to -libpath options and change the path
     37  '\' syntax to a '/' syntax. Allowing now to use the AIDA implementation
     38  coming from an osc-batch or osc-vis binary kit built for WIN32-VC, in a
     39  example using AIDA built from CygWin with Geant4 built with the VisualC++
     40  compiler.
     41- G4UI_USE.gmk: suppressed G4UI_USE_OSC logic. From OpenScientist/16.8, the
     42  osc-g4-vis program can instrument directly the GNUmakefile of an example or
     43  of a user application which is a clone of some Geant4 example.
    454527th February 2009  Gabriele Cosmo (config-V09-02-04)
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