Nov 30, 2009, 3:52:24 PM (15 years ago)

CVS update

10 edited


  • trunk/documents/UserDoc

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  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides

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  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper

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  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml

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  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Appendix

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  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Appendix/buildFile.xml

    r904 r1208  
    7575   <listitem><para>
    7676     <ulink url="http://www.lcsim.org/docs/gettingstarted/geant4msvc++/net2005/index.htm">
    77      Building a MSVC++ Visual Studio 2005 Geant4 project</ulink>.
     77     Building a MSVC++ Visual Studio 2005 Geant4 project</ulink> (setup no longer supported).
    7878   </para></listitem>
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Appendix/developmentDebugTools.xml

    r904 r1208  
    6969  </para></listitem>
    7070  <listitem><para>
    71     <ulink url="http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/">
    72     Rational Rose
     71    <ulink url="http://www.sparxsystems.com.au/products/ea/">
     72    Enterprise Architect
    7373    </ulink>
    74     CASE tool.
     74    UML Visual Modeling tool.
    7575  </para></listitem>
    7676  <listitem><para>
    7777    <ulink url="http://www.borland.com/us/products/together/index.html">
    78     Together ControlCenter
     78    Borland Together
    7979    </ulink>
    80     development environment.
    81   </para></listitem>
    82   <listitem><para>
    83     <ulink url="http://www.telelogic.com/products/logiscope/index.cfm">
    84     Logiscope
    85     </ulink>
    86     tool for metrics analysis.
     80    Visual Modeling for Software Architecture Design tool.
    8781  </para></listitem>
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Appendix/histogramming.xml

    r904 r1208  
    1717toolkit has no drivers for histogramming, and no drivers are needed
    1818in Geant4 to use a histogramming package. The code for generating
    19 histograms should be compliant with the
     19histograms on some of the distributed examples should be compliant
     20with the
    2021<ulink url="http://aida.freehep.org/">
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Appendix/makeFile.xml

    r904 r1208  
    6262To build a single library (or a set of sub-libraries) or an
    6363executable, you must explicitly change your current directory to
    64 the one you're interested in and invoke the "<literal>gmake</literal>"
    65 command from there ("<literal>gmake global</literal>" for building a
     64the one you're interested in and invoke the "<literal>make</literal>"
     65command from there ("<literal>make global</literal>" for building a
    6666compound library). Here is a list of the basic commands or GNUmake
    6767"targets" one can invoke to build libraries and/or executables:
    6969<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    7070  <listitem><para>
    71     <literal>gmake</literal>
     71    <literal>make</literal>
    7272    <para>
    7373    starts the compilation process for building a kernel library or a
    8484  </para></listitem>
    8585  <listitem><para>
    86     <literal>gmake global</literal>
     86    <literal>make global</literal>
    8787    <para>
    8888    starts the compilation process to build a single compound kernel
    89     library per category. If issued after "gmake", both 'granular' and
     89    library per category. If issued after "make", both 'granular' and
    9090    'compound' libraries will be available (NOTE: this will
    9191    consistently increase the disk space required. Compound libraries
    9595  </para></listitem>
    9696  <listitem><para>
    97     <literal>gmake bin</literal> or <literal>gmake</literal> (only for
     97    <literal>make bin</literal> or <literal>make</literal> (only for
    9898    examples/)
    9999    <para>
    214214    </term>
    215215    <listitem>
    216       Defines the path where the Geant4 toolkit should be installed. It
     216      Defines the path where the Geant4 toolkit is located. It
    217217      should be set by the system installer. By default, it sets to
    218218      <literal>$HOME/geant4</literal>, assuming the Geant4 distribution
    281281    </term>
    282282    <listitem>
    283       Used by the system to specify the place where to store libraries.
     283      Used by the system to specify the place where to install libraries.
    284284      By default they're set to <literal>$G4INSTALL/lib</literal> and
    285285      <literal>$G4LIB/$G4SYSTEM</literal> respectively.
    310310  <varlistentry>
    311311    <term>
    312       $G4EXEC_BUILD
    313     </term>
    314     <listitem>
    315       Flag specifying if to use a secondary template repository or not
    316       for handling template instantiations at the time of building a user
    317       application/example. For internal category tests in Geant4, this
    318       variable is already in the related GNUmakefile. It's however not
    319       needed for examples and tests in <literal>$G4INSTALL/examples</literal>,
    320       where class names are already mangled and different each other. It
    321       applies only on those compilers which make use of template
    322       repositories (see Appendix A.2 of this Guide). The secondary
    323       template repository is set to <literal>$G4TREP/exec</literal>.
    324     </listitem>
    325   </varlistentry>
    326   <varlistentry>
    327     <term>
    328312      $G4DEBUG
    329313    </term>
    337321  <varlistentry>
    338322    <term>
     323      $G4OPTDEBUG
     324    </term>
     325    <listitem>
     326      Only available for the <literal>g++</literal> compiler, specifies to
     327      compile the code (libraries or examples) in optimised mode, but
     328      including symbolic information in the object code for debugging.
     329    </listitem>
     330  </varlistentry>
     331  <varlistentry>
     332    <term>
    339333      $G4NO_OPTIMISE
    340334    </term>
    342336      Specifies to compile the code (libraries or examples) without
    343337      compiler optimisation.
    344     </listitem>
    345   </varlistentry>
    346   <varlistentry>
    347     <term>
    348       $G4OPTDEBUG
    349     </term>
    350     <listitem>
    351       On <literal>Linux</literal> systems with the <literal>g++</literal>
    352       compiler, it allows to build in optimised mode including symbolic
    353       information for debugging.
    354338    </listitem>
    355339  </varlistentry>
    792776      the built-in system library for compression is adopted instead. Setting
    793777      this flag will also implicitely set the flag below.
     778      On Windows systems, if OpenGL or OpenInventor visualization drivers
     779      are built, this module is automatically built.
    794780    </listitem>
    795781  </varlistentry>
    897883    <listitem>
    898884      Path to nuclear shell effects data set for INCL/ABLA hadronic model.
     885    </listitem>
     886  </varlistentry>
     887  <varlistentry>
     888    <term>
     889      $G4REALSURFACEDATA
     890    </term>
     891    <listitem>
     892      Path to the data set for measured optical surface reflectance for
     893      precise optical physics.
    899894    </listitem>
    900895  </varlistentry>
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Appendix/tipsCompilation.xml

    r904 r1208  
    2929more or less perfomant and more or less optimised, depending on
    3030several factors also related to the system architecture which it
    31 applies to. A peculiarity of C++ compilers nowadays is the way
    32 templated instances are treated during the compilation/linkage
    33 process. Some C++ compilers need to store temporarily template
    34 instantiation files (object files or temporary source code files)
    35 in a "template repository" or directory that can be specified as
    36 unique or not directly from the compilation command (probably
    37 historically coming from the old cfront-based implementation of the
    38 C++ compiler).
     31applies to.
    4336always distinguish between the installation directory (identified
    4437by $G4INSTALL) and the working directory (identified by
    45 $G4WORKDIR), in order not to alter the installation area for the
    46 template repository.
     38$G4WORKDIR), in order not to alter the installation area.
    49 <para>
    50 In Geant4, the path to the template repository (for those
    51 compilers which make use of it) is specified by the environment
    52 variable $G4TREP, which is fixed and points by default to
    53 <literal>$G4WORKDIR/tmp/$G4SYSTEM/g4.ptrepository/</literal>, where
    54 <literal>$G4SYSTEM</literal> identifies the system-architecture/compiler
    55 currently used and <literal>$G4WORKDIR</literal> is the path to the user
    56 working directory for Geant4.
    57 </para>
    59 <para>
    60 A secondary template repository <literal>$G4TREP/exec</literal> is
    61 created by default and can be used when building executables to
    62 isolate the main repository used for building the libraries in case
    63 of clashes provoked by conflicting class-names. This secondary
    64 template repository can be activated by defining in the environment
    65 (or in the GNUmakefile related to the test/example to be built) the
    66 flag <literal>G4EXEC_BUILD</literal>; once activated, the secondary
    67 repository will become the read/write one, while the primary
    68 repository will be considered read-only.
    69 </para>
    71 <para>
    72 At the current time, only few compilers still make use of a
    73 template repository. A good recommendation valid in general such
    74 compilers is to make use of a single template repository (specified
    75 by the <literal>$G4TREP</literal> environment variable) for building all
    76 Geant4 libraries; then use a secondary template repository
    77 (<literal>$G4TREP/exec</literal>, together with the
    78 <literal>$G4EXEC_BUILD</literal> flag) when building any kind of example or
    79 application.
    80 </para>
    82 <para>
    83 It's always good practise to clean-up the secondary template
    84 repository from time to time.
    85 </para>
    8841<!-- ******************* Section (Level#2) ****************** -->
    10457compiler flags), also code is compiled with high verbosity
    10558diagnostics (<literal>-Wall</literal> flag). The default optimisation level
    106 is <literal>-O2</literal>.
     59is <literal>-O2</literal>. The flag <literal>G4OPTDEBUG</literal>, if set
     60in the environment, allows for optimised build of the libraries but
     61including debug symbols (<literal>-O -g</literal> compilation option).
    174129The setup adopted for the <literal>g++</literal> compiler on MacOS
    175 resembles in great part the one for Linux systems.
     130resembles in most parts the one for Linux systems.
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