Dec 16, 2009, 12:14:47 PM (15 years ago)

CVS update

2 added
19 edited


  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/AllResources/Control/UIcommands/_.html

    r904 r1222  
    44<h2>Sub-directories : </h2><dl>
     5<p><br><p><dt><a href="_adjoint_.html">/adjoint/</a>
     6<p><dd>Adjoint (Reverse Monte Carlo) commands.
    57<p><br><p><dt><a href="_control_.html">/control/</a>
    68<p><dd>UI control commands.
    3234<p><dd>Commands for materials
    3437<h2>Commands : </h2><dl>
     38<p><br><p><dt><b>cd, pwd</b>
     40change, display the current command directory.<br>
     41<p><br><p><dt><b>ls, lc</b>
     43list commands and subdirectories in the current directory.<br>
     46show previous commands.<br>
     49reissue previous command.<br>
     52show current parameter values of the command.<br>
     53<p><br><p><dt><b>help command</b>
     55show command help.<br>
     58terminate the session.<br>
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Appendix/makeFile.xml

    r1213 r1222  
    454454  <varlistentry>
    455455    <term>
    456       G4UI_BUILD_XM_SESSION
    457     </term>
    458     <listitem>
    459       Specifies to include in kernel library the <emphasis>XM</emphasis>.
    460     </listitem>
    461   </varlistentry>
    462   <varlistentry>
    463     <term>
    464       G4UI_USE_XM
    465     </term>
    466     <listitem>
    467       Specifies to use the <emphasis>XM</emphasis>
     457    </term>
     458    <listitem>
     459      Specifies to include in kernel library the <emphasis>XM</emphasis> or
     460      <emphasis>XAW</emphasis> Motif-based user interfaces.
     461    </listitem>
     462  </varlistentry>
     463  <varlistentry>
     464    <term>
     465      G4UI_USE_XM, G4UI_USE_XAW
     466    </term>
     467    <listitem>
     468      Specifies to use the <emphasis>XM</emphasis> or <emphasis>XAW</emphasis>
    468469      interfaces in the application to be built.
    469470    </listitem>
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Appendix/pythonInterface.xml

    r1211 r1222  
    33<!--  [History]                                               -->
    44<!--    Created by Koichi Murakami, Dec-2008                  -->
     5<!--    Correct typo by KM Dec-2009                           -->
    56<!--                                                          -->
    67<!-- ******************************************************** -->
    99<!-- ******************* Section (Level#1) ****************** -->
    1010<sect1 id="sect.PythonInterface">
    1616Python is a popular scripting language with an interactive interpreter.
    17 Geant4Py, a Geant4-Python bridge, provides a bridge for Geant4 classes. 
     17Geant4Py, a Geant4-Python bridge, provides a bridge for Geant4 classes.
    1818This enables to directly access Geant4 classes from Python scripting.
    19 User applications can be easily configured with many Python 
     19User applications can be easily configured with many Python
    2020third-party modules, such as PyROOT, on the Python software bus.
    39 Geant4Py requires 
    40 <ulink url="http://www.boost.org/">Boost-C++ external library</ulink>, 
     39Geant4Py requires
     40<ulink url="http://www.boost.org/">Boost-C++ external library</ulink>,
    4141which helps Python binding of C++ codes.
    42 A Precompiled package is available for many Linux distributions 
     42A Precompiled package is available for many Linux distributions
    4343(SL, SuSE, Ubuntu, etc) and Mac OSX.
    47 Geant4 libraries can be built as "static" and "granular", 
    48 where library components (variables, functions, ...) 
    49 used in the application are linked statically and shipped 
    50 with the application. 
    51 On the other hands, in dynamic binding, the library components 
    52 are not included in the application, and their binding is 
    53 carried out at run time. 
    54 The modular approach of Python is based on dynamic binding mechanism, 
    55 so you have Geant4 shared libraries are required instead. 
    56 </para>
    58 <para>
    59 For generic information about building Geant4 libraries, 
     47Geant4 libraries can be built as "static" and "granular",
     48where library components (variables, functions, ...)
     49used in the application are linked statically and shipped
     50with the application.
     51On the other hands, in dynamic binding, the library components
     52are not included in the application, and their binding is
     53carried out at run time.
     54The modular approach of Python is based on dynamic binding mechanism,
     55so you have Geant4 shared libraries are required instead.
     59For generic information about building Geant4 libraries,
    6060please refer to the <ulink url="http://cern.ch/geant4/G4UsersDocuments/UsersGuides/InstallationGuide/html/">Installation Guide</ulink>.
    64 Here are some tips for manually building "global" and "shared" libraries 
     64Here are some tips for manually building "global" and "shared" libraries
    6565from an already existing "static + granular" installation.
    6666After setting additional environment variables like:
    131 In addition, it is required that all header files are installed 
     131In addition, it is required that all header files are installed
    132132in a single directory.
    141 This will collect all relevant header files 
     141This will collect all relevant header files
    142142in <literal>$G4INSTALL/include</literal> (or <literal>$G4INCLUDE</literal>).
    146 There are also additional tools for helping building a Geant4 library in
     146There are additional tools for helping building a Geant4 library in
    147147the directory <literal>g4py/tools/</literal>.
    214214# ./configure linux64
    215   --with-g4-incdir=/opt/heplib/Geant4/geant4.9.3/include 
    216   --with-g4-libdir=/opt/heplib/Geant4/geant4.9.3/slib/Linux-g++ 
    217   --with-clhep-incdir=/opt/heplib/CLHEP/
    218   --with-clhep-libdir=/opt/heplib/CLHEP/
    219   --with-clhep-lib=CLHEP-
    220 </programlisting>
    221 </informalexample>
    223 The configure script automatically check your environment, 
    224 and create <literal>config/config.gmk</literal>, 
    225 which describes your envrionment. 
    227 After executing the configure script successfully, then 
     215  --with-g4-incdir=/opt/heplib/Geant4/geant4.9.3/include
     216  --with-g4-libdir=/opt/heplib/Geant4/geant4.9.3/slib/Linux-g++
     217  --with-clhep-incdir=/opt/heplib/CLHEP/
     218  --with-clhep-libdir=/opt/heplib/CLHEP/
     219  --with-clhep-lib=CLHEP-
     223The configure script automatically check your environment,
     224and create <literal>config/config.gmk</literal>,
     225which describes your envrionment.
     227After executing the configure script successfully, then
    248 <emphasis role="bold">PYTHONPATH</emphasis> environment variable 
     248<emphasis role="bold">PYTHONPATH</emphasis> environment variable
    249249should be set at tun time.
    250 <emphasis role="bold">PYTHONPATH</emphasis> environment variable indicates 
    251 Python module search directories, given by a colon-separated list 
    252 of directories. Practically, the variable is 
     250<emphasis role="bold">PYTHONPATH</emphasis> environment variable indicates
     251Python module search directories, given by a colon-separated list
     252of directories. Practically, the variable is
    253253<literal>(your g4py directory)/lib</literal>.
    265265# python
    266 Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Aug  1 2008, 00:37:21)
    267 [GCC 4.3.2] on linux2
     266Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Oct 24 2009, 03:15:21)
     267[GCC 4.4.1 [gcc-4_4-branch revision 150839]] on linux2
    268268Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    269269&gt;&gt;&gt; from Geant4 import *
    278278Visualization Manager instantiating...
    279 &gt;&gt;&gt; 
    291291When importing the Geant4 module, the <literal>G4RunManager</literal>
    292 object will be automatically instantiated. Geant4 singleton objects are also 
    293 automatically instantiated. These singleton objects can be accessed 
     292object will be automatically instantiated. Geant4 singleton objects are also
     293automatically instantiated. These singleton objects can be accessed
    294294by "gXXXX" variables, like "gRunManager".
    301301gElementTable           gParticleIterator       gUImanager
    302302gEmCalculator           gParticleTable          gVisManager
    303 gEventManager           gProcessTable           
    304 gExceptionHandler       gProductionCutsTable   
    305 gG4Date                 gRunManager             
    306 gG4VERSION_NUMBER       gRunManagerKernel       
    307 gG4Version              gStackManager           
    308 gGeometryManager        gStartUISession         
    309 gGetCurrentValues       gStateManager           
     303gEventManager           gProcessTable
     304gExceptionHandler       gProductionCutsTable
     305gG4Date                 gRunManager
     306gG4VERSION_NUMBER       gRunManagerKernel
     307gG4Version              gStackManager
     308gGeometryManager        gStartUISession
     309gGetCurrentValues       gStateManager
    321 Once a Python object of a Geant4 class instantiated, 
     321Once a Python object of a Geant4 class instantiated,
    322322Geant4 methods can be directly called the same way as in C++.
    354 Geant4Py provides additional utility modules called "g4py" in the directory 
    355 <literal>site-modules</literal>. It consists of predifined geometries, 
     354Geant4Py provides additional utility modules called "g4py" in the directory
     355<literal>site-modules</literal>. It consists of predifined geometries,
    356356materials, physics lists, primary generator actions, and so on.
    365 The <emphasis>ezgeom</emphasis> module provides an alternative way 
    366 of defining simple geometry. 
     365The <emphasis>ezgeom</emphasis> module provides an alternative way
     366of defining simple geometry.
    367367An example code for defining a simple geometry is shown here:
    398 The <emphasis>NISTmaterials</emphasis> module provides an instant 
     398The <emphasis>NISTmaterials</emphasis> module provides an instant
    399399use of Geant4 NIST materials.
    400400An example code for creating NIST materials:
    420 The <emphasis>ParticleGun</emphasis> module provides 
     420The <emphasis>ParticleGun</emphasis> module provides
    421421a primary generator action with <literal>G4ParticleGun</literal>.
    422422An example code is shown here:
    458 There are some examples of Geant4Py in the directories 
     458There are some examples of Geant4Py in the directories
    459459<literal>"tests/"</literal> and <literal>"examples/"</literal>.
    462 In the <literal>"tests/"</literal> directory, 
     462In the <literal>"tests/"</literal> directory,
    476 The <literal>"examples/"</literal> directory contains 
     476The <literal>"examples/"</literal> directory contains
    477477a set of examples of Geant4Py.
    484484An example of "water phantom dosimetry".
    485 This demo program shows that a Geant4 application well coworks with Root 
    486 on Python front end. VisManager, PrimaryGeneratorAction, UserAction-s, 
     485This demo program shows that a Geant4 application well coworks with Root
     486on Python front end. VisManager, PrimaryGeneratorAction, UserAction-s,
    487487histogramming with Root are implemented in Python;
    522522GUI interface of ExN03, which can control geometry configuration,
    523 intial particle condition, physics processes, cut value, 
     523intial particle condition, physics processes, cut value,
    524524magnetic field and visualization outputs.
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Control/commands.xml

    r904 r1222  
    51 <ulink url="./AllResources/Control/UIcommands/_.html">
    52 List of built-in commands
    53 </ulink>
     52The following is a short summary of available commands. You can also
     53see the all available commands by executeing 'help' in your UI session.
     55<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
     56  <listitem><para>
     57    <ulink url="./AllResources/Control/UIcommands/_.html">
     58    List of built-in commands</ulink>
     59  </para></listitem>
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Detector/electroMagneticField.xml

    r904 r1222  
    1313<!--    Corrections, changes by: John APOSTOLAKIS, 7-Jul-2005 -->
    1414<!--    Converted to DocBook: Katsuya Amako, Aug-2006         -->
     15<!--    Corrections, changes by: John APOSTOLAKIS,15-Dec-2009 -->
    1516<!--                                                          -->
    1617<!-- ******************************************************** -->
     444A new stepper for propagation in magnetic field is available in
     445release 9.3.  Choosing the G4NystromRK4 stepper provides accuracy
     446near that of G4ClassicalRK4 (4th order) with a significantly reduced
     447cost in field evaluation.   Using a novel analytical expression for
     448estimating the error of a proposed step and the Nystrom reuse of the
     449mid-point field value, it requires only 2 additional field
     450evaluations per attempted step, in place of 10 field evaluations of
     451ClassicalRK4 (which uses the general midpoint method for estimating
     452the step error.)
     456   G4Mag_UsualEqRhs*
     457      pMagFldEquation = new G4Mag_UsualEqRhs(fMagneticField);
     458   fStepper = new G4NystromRK4( pMagFldEquation );
     464It is proposed as an alternative stepper in the case of a pure
     465magnetic field.  It is not applicable for the simulation of electric
     466or full electromagnetic or other types of field.  For a pure
     467magnetic field, results should be fully compatible with the results
     468of ClassicalRK4 in nearly all cases.  ( The only potential exceptions
     469are large steps for tracks with small momenta - which cannot be
     470integrated well by any RK method except the Helical extended methods.)
    443474You can choose an alternative stepper either when the field
    444475manager is constructed or later. At the construction of the
    546577the position of the track after a number of boundary crossings is
    547578directly proportional to the number of boundaries.
     584<!-- ******************* Section (Level#3) ****************** -->
     585<sect3 id="sect.EMField.Pract.RedNumCall">
     587Reducing the number of field calls to speed-up simulation
     591An additional method to reduce the number of field evaluations is
     592to utilise the new class G4CachedMagneticField class.  It is
     593applicable only for pure magnetic fields which do not vary with time.
     598  G4MagneticField * pMagField;  // Your field - Defined elsewhere
     600  G4double                 distanceConst = 2.5 * millimeter;
     601  G4MagneticField * pCachedMagField= new G4CachedMagneticField(  pMagField,  distanceConst);
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Detector/geomNav.xml

    r1211 r1222  
    432432The optimisation can be switched off in such cases, by invoking the
    433433following method with argument <literal>skip = 0</literal>:
     435<!-- ******* Bridgehead ******* -->
     436<bridgehead renderas='sect4'>
     437Phantoms with only one material
     441If you want to describe a phantom of a unique material, you may spare some memory by not filling the set of indices of materials of each voxel. If the method <literal>SetMaterialIndices()</literal> is not invoked, the index for all voxels will be 0, that is the first (and unique) material in your list.
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Examples/AdvancedCodes.xml

    r1211 r1222  
    4040<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    4141  <listitem><para>
    42     <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/ExamplesDocumentation/">
    43     <emphasis role="bold">air_shower</emphasis>
    44     </ulink>
    45     , a simulation of the ULTRA detector with Fresnel lenses
    46     for UV and charged particles detection in cosmic rays.
    47   </para></listitem>
    48   <listitem><para>
    4942    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/file/view/EcalDocumentationFile.pdf">
    5043    <emphasis role="bold">amsEcal</emphasis>
    5346  </para></listitem>
    5447  <listitem><para>
    55     <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/brachytherapyExample/">
     48    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/brachytherapyExample">
    5649    <emphasis role="bold">brachytherapy</emphasis>
    5750    </ulink>
    5952    energy deposit in a Phantom filled with soft tissue.
    6053  </para></listitem>
     55 <listitem><para>
     56    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/CompositeCalorimeter">
     57    <emphasis role="bold">composite_calorimeter</emphasis>
     58    </ulink>
     59    , test-beam simulation of the CMS Hadron calorimeter at LHC.
     60  </para></listitem>
     63    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/Gamma-rayTelescope">
     64    <emphasis role="bold">gammaray_telescope</emphasis>
     65    </ulink>
     66    , illustrating an application to typical gamma ray telescopes with a
     67    flexible configuration.
     68  </para></listitem>
    6170  <listitem><para>
    62     <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/hadrontherapyExample/">
     71    <ulink url="http://g4advancedexamples.lngs.infn.it/Examples/hadrontherapy">
    6372    <emphasis role="bold">hadrontherapy</emphasis>
    6473    </ulink>
    65     , illustrating a application simulating an hadron therapy beam line
    66     for medical physics.
     74    : it is an advanced tool for people interested in Monte Carlo studies related
     75to proton/ion therapy. Hadrontherapy permits the simulation of a typical hadron therapy beam line
     76(with all its elements) and the calculation of fundamentals quantities of
     77interests: 3D dose distributions, fluences, stopping powers, production cross sections
     78for the produced secondary particle, etc.; In the near future
     79new tools will be added: Hadrontherapy will permit the calculation of LET and RBE for both
     80proton and ion beams and it will include the possibility to simulate a typical active scanning proton
     81therapy transport beam line.
     82Please contact the authors for more details on the upcoming features.
    6783  </para></listitem>
    6885  <listitem><para>
    69     <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/ExamplesDocumentation/">
     86    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/Human_Phantom">
    7087    <emphasis role="bold">human_phantom</emphasis>
    7188    </ulink>
    7491    <ulink url="http://cern.ch/gdml/">GDML</ulink> representation.
    7592  </para></listitem>
    7694  <listitem><para>
    77     <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/MedicalLinac/">
     95    <ulink url="http://g4advancedexamples.lngs.infn.it/Examples/medical-linac">
    7896    <emphasis role="bold">medical_linac</emphasis>
    7997    </ulink>
    83101    set-up is very similar to one used in clinical practice.
    84102  </para></listitem>
    85104  <listitem><para>
    86105    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/microbeamExample/">
    91110    Bordeaux-Gradignan, France.
    92111  </para></listitem>
    93113  <listitem><para>
    94114    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/microdosimetryExample/">
    98118    in liquid water using very low energy electromagnetic Geant4 DNA processes.
    99119  </para></listitem>
    100121  <listitem><para>
    101122    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/nanobeamExample/">
    106127    France.
    107128  </para></listitem>
    108130  <listitem><para>
    109     <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/ExamplesDocumentation/">
     131    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/PurgingMagnet">
    110132    <emphasis role="bold">purging_magnet</emphasis>
    111133    </ulink>
    114136    simulating a strong purging magnet in a treatment head.
    115137  </para></listitem>
    116139  <listitem><para>
    117140    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/Radioprotection/">
    122145    defined interplanetary space radiation environment.
    123146  </para></listitem>
    124   <listitem><para>
    125     <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/Gamma-rayTelescope/">
    126     <emphasis role="bold">gammaray_telescope</emphasis>
    127     </ulink>
    128     , illustrating an application to typical gamma ray telescopes with a
    129     flexible configuration.
    130   </para></listitem>
    131148  <listitem><para>
    132149    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/X-rayTelescope/">
    142159    , illustrating the emission of X-ray fluorescence and PIXE.
    143160  </para></listitem>
    144162  <listitem><para>
    145163    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/ExamplesDocumentation/UndergroundPhysics/">
    148166    , illustrating an underground detector for dark matter searches.
    149167  </para></listitem>
    150   <listitem><para>
    151     <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/CompositeCalorimeter/">
    152     <emphasis role="bold">composite_calorimeter</emphasis>
    153     </ulink>
    154     , test-beam simulation of the CMS Hadron calorimeter at LHC.
    155   </para></listitem>
    156169  <listitem><para>
    157170    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/ExamplesDocumentation/lArCalorimeter/">
    161174    Detector at LHC.
    162175  </para></listitem>
    163177  <listitem><para>
    164178    <ulink url="http://geant4advancedexampleswg.wikispaces.com/ExamplesDocumentation/Rich/">
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Examples/ExtendedCodes.xml

    r1211 r1222  
    649649  </para></listitem>
    650650  <listitem><para>
     651    <ulink url="http://cern.ch/geant4/geant4_public/source/geant4/examples/extended/medical/electronScattering2/README">
     652    electronScattering2
     653    </ulink>
     654    - benchmark on electron scattering (second way to implement the same benchmark as the above)
     655  </para></listitem>
     656  <listitem><para>
    651657    <ulink url="http://cern.ch/geant4/geant4_public/source/geant4/examples/extended/medical/GammaTherapy/README">
    652658    GammaTherapy
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Fundamentals/biasing.xml

    r1211 r1222  
    22<!--                                                          -->
    33<!--  [History]                                               -->
     4<!--    New section on Reverse MC: L. Desorgher, Dec-2009     -->
    45<!--    Converted to DocBook: Katsuya Amako, Aug-2006         -->
    56<!--    Changed by: Dennis Wright, 25-Jun-2002                -->
     1103<!-- ******************* Section (Level#2) ****************** -->
     1104<sect2 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC">
     1106Adjoint/Reverse Monte Carlo
     1110Another powerful biasing technique available in Geant4 is the Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) method,
     1111also known as the Adjoint Monte Carlo method. In this method  particles are generated  on the external
     1112boundary  of the sensitive  part of the  geometry and then are tracked backward in the geometry till they
     1113reach  the external source surface,
     1114or exceed an energy threshold. By this way the computing time is focused only on particle tracks
     1115that are contributing to the tallies.
     1116The RMC  method is much rapid than the Forward MC method when the sensitive part of the geometry is
     1117small compared to the rest of the geometry and to the external source,  that has to be  extensive and
     1118not beam like. At the moment the RMC method is implemented in Geant4 only for some electromagnetic
     1119processes (see <xref linkend="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.InG4.Process" />). An example illustrating the use
     1120of the Reverse MC method in Geant4 is distributed within the Geant4
     1121toolkit in <emphasis role="bold">examples/extended/biasing/ReverseMC01</emphasis>.
     1124<!-- ******************* Section (Level#3) ****************** -->
     1125<sect3 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.InG4">
     1127Treatment of the  Reverse MC method in Geant4
     1131Different G4Adjoint classes have been implemented into the Geant4
     1132toolkit in order to run an adjoint/reverse simulation in a Geant4 application.
     1133This implementation is illustrated in  <xref linkend="fig.EvtBias.ReverseMC.InG4_1" />.
     1134An adjoint run is divided in a serie of alternative adjoint and forward tracking  of adjoint and normal particles.
     1135One Geant4 event treats one of this tracking phase.
     1138<figure id="fig.EvtBias.ReverseMC.InG4_1">
     1140 Schematic view of an adjoint/reverse simulation in Geant4
     1143  <imageobject role="fo">
     1144    <imagedata fileref="./AllResources/Fundamentals/ReverseMC_tracking.png"
     1145               format="png"  align="center" />
     1146  </imageobject>
     1147  <imageobject role="html">
     1148    <imagedata fileref="./AllResources/Fundamentals/ReverseMC_tracking.png"
     1149               format="png"  align="center" />
     1150  </imageobject>
     1155<!-- ******************* Section (Level#4) ****************** -->
     1156<sect4 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.InG4.AdjointTracking">
     1158Adjoint tracking phase
     1162 Adjoint particles (adjoint_e-, adjoint_gamma,...) are generated  one by one on the so called adjoint source
     1163with  random position,  energy (1/E distribution) and direction. The adjoint source is the
     1164external surface of a user defined volume or of a user defined sphere. The adjoint
     1165source should contain one or several sensitive volumes and should be small compared to the entire geometry.
     1166The user can set the minimum and maximum energy of the adjoint source. After its
     1167generation the adjoint primary  particle is tracked backward in the geometry till a user  defined
     1168 external surface
     1169(spherical or boundary of a volume) or is killed before if it reaches a user defined  upper energy limit that
     1170represents the maximum energy of the external source. During the reverse tracking, reverse
     1171processes take place where  the adjoint particle being tracked can be either scattered
     1172or transformed in another type of adjoint particle. During the reverse tracking the
     1173G4AdjointSimulationManager replaces the user defined primary, run, stepping, ... actions, by its own actions.
     1174A reverse tracking phase corresponds to one Geant4 event.
     1179<!-- ******************* Section (Level#4) ****************** -->
     1180<sect4 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.InG4.ForwardTracking">
     1182Forward tracking phase
     1186When an adjoint particle reaches the external surface its weight, type,  position,
     1187and direction are registered and a  normal primary particle, with a type equivalent to the last generated primary
     1188adjoint, is generated with the same energy, position but opposite direction  and is  tracked in the forward direction
     1189in the sensitive region as in a forward MC simulation.
     1190During this forward tracking phase the 
     1191event, stacking, stepping, tracking actions defined by the user for his forward simulation are used.
     1192By this clear separation between
     1193adjoint and forward tracking phases, the code of the user developed for a forward simulation
     1194should be only slightly  modified to adapt it for an adjoint simulation (see <xref linkend="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.UserCoding" />).
     1195Indeed  the computation of the signals is done by the same actions
     1196or classes that the one used in the forward simulation mode.   
     1197A forward tracking phase corresponds to one G4 event.
     1202<!-- ******************* Section (Level#4) ****************** -->
     1203<sect4 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.InG4.Process">
     1205Reverse processes
     1209During the reverse tracking, reverse processes act on the adjoint particles.
     1210The reverse processes that are at the moment available in Geant4 are the:
     1211<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
     1212        <listitem><para>
     1213        Reverse discrete  ionization for e-, proton and ions
     1214        </para></listitem>
     1215        <listitem><para>
     1216        Continuous gain of energy by ionization and bremsstrahlung for e- and by ionization for protons and ions
     1217        </para></listitem>
     1218        <listitem><para>
     1219        Reverse discrete e- bremsstrahlung
     1220        </para></listitem>
     1221        <listitem><para>
     1222        Reverse photo-electric effect
     1223        </para></listitem>
     1224        <listitem><para>
     1225        Reverse Compton scattering
     1226        </para></listitem>
     1227        <listitem><para>
     1228        Approximated multiple scattering  (see comment in <xref linkend="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.Limitation.ReverseMS"/>)
     1229        </para></listitem>
     1231It is important to note that the electromagnetic reverse processes are cut dependent
     1232as their equivalent forward processes. The implementation of the reverse processes is based on
     1233the forward processes implemented in the G4 standard electromagnetic package.               
     1238<!-- ******************* Section (Level#4) ****************** -->
     1239<sect4 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.InG4.RemarkOnNbEvents">
     1241Nb of adjoint particle types and nb of G4 events of an adjoint simulation
     1245The list of type of adjoint and forward particles that are generated on the adjoint source
     1246and considered in the simulation  is a function of the adjoint processes declared in the physics list.
     1247For example if only the e- and gamma electromagnetic processes are considered,
     1248only adjoint e- and adjoint gamma will be considered as primaries.
     1249In this case an adjoint event will be divided in four G4 event consisting in  the reverse tracking of an adjoint e-,
     1250the forward tracking of its equivalent forward e-, the reverse tracking of
     1251an adjoint gamma, and the forward tracking of its equivalent forward gamma.
     1252In this case a run of 100 adjoint events will consist into 400 Geant4 events.
     1253If the proton ionization is also considered adjoint and forward protons are also generated as primaries
     1254and 600 Geant4 events are processed for  100 adjoint events.
     1261<!-- ******************* Section (Level#3) ****************** -->
     1262<sect3 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.UserCoding">
     1264How to update a G4 application  to use the reverse Monte Carlo mode
     1268Some modifications are needed  to an existing  Geant4 application in order to adapt
     1269it for the use of the reverse simulation mode
     1270(see also the G4 example <emphasis role="bold">examples/extended/biasing/ReverseMC01</emphasis>).
     1271It consists into the:
     1273<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
     1274        <listitem><para>
     1275        Creation of  the adjoint simulation manager in the main code
     1276        </para></listitem>
     1277        <listitem><para>
     1278        Optional declaration of user actions that will be used during the adjoint tracking phase
     1279        </para></listitem>
     1280        <listitem><para>
     1281        Use of a special physics lists that combine the adjoint and forward processes
     1282        </para></listitem>
     1283        <listitem><para>
     1284        Modification of the user analysis part of the code
     1285        </para></listitem>
     1290<!-- ******************* Section (Level#4) ****************** -->
     1291<sect4 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.UserCoding.Main">
     1293Creation of   G4AdjointSimManager in the main
     1296The class G4AdjointSimManager represents the manager  of an adjoint simulation.
     1297This static class should be created somewhere in the main code. The way to do that is illustrated below
     1300   int main(int argc,char** argv) {
     1301      ...
     1302      G4AdjointSimManager* theAdjointSimManager = G4AdjointSimManager::GetInstance();
     1303      ...
     1304   }
     1307By doing this  the G4 application  can be   run in the reverse  MC mode as well
     1308 as in the forward MC mode. 
     1309It is important to note that G4AdjointSimManager
     1310is not a new G4RunManager and that the creation of G4RunManager in the main  and the declaration of the geometry,
     1311 physics list,  and user actions to G4RunManager is still needed.
     1312The   definition of  the adjoint and external sources and the start of an adjoint simulation can be controlled
     1313by   G4UI  commands in the directory  <emphasis role="bold">/adjoint</emphasis>.
     1318<!-- ******************* Section (Level#4) ****************** -->
     1319<sect4 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.UserCoding.AdjointActions">
     1321Optional declaration of adjoint user actions
     1324During an adjoint  simulation the user stepping, tracking, stacking and event  actions declared to G4RunManager
     1325 are used only during the G4 events dedicated to the forward tracking of normal particles in the sensitive region,
     1326 while during the events where  adjoint particles are tracked backward the   following happen concerning these actions:
     1328<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
     1330The user stepping action is replaced by G4AdjointSteppingAction that is reponsible to stop an adjoint track when
     1331it reaches the external source,  exceed the maximum energy of the external source, or cross the adjoint source surface.
     1332If needed the user can declare its own stepping action  that will be called by  G4AdjointSteppingAction after the
     1333check of stopping track conditions. This stepping action can be different that the stepping action used for the
     1334forward simulation. It is declared to G4AdjointSimManager by the following lines of code :
     1337   G4AdjointSimManager* theAdjointSimManager = G4AdjointSimManager::GetInstance();
     1338   theAdjointSimManager-&gt;SetAdjointSteppingAction(aUserDefinedSteppingAction);
     1344No stacking, tracking and event actions are considered by default. If needed the user can declare to G4AdjointSimManager
     1345stacking, tracking and event actions that will be used only during the adjoint tracking phase.
     1346The following lines of code show how to declare these adjoint actions to G4AdjointSimManager:
     1349   G4AdjointSimManager* theAdjointSimManager = G4AdjointSimManager::GetInstance();
     1350   theAdjointSimManager-&gt;SetAdjointEventAction(aUserDefinedEventAction);
     1351   theAdjointSimManager-&gt;SetAdjointStackingAction(aUserDefinedStackingAction);
     1352   theAdjointSimManager-&gt;SetAdjointTrackingAction(aUserDefinedTrackingAction);
     1358By default no user run action is considered in an adjoint simulation but if needed such action can be declared to
     1359 G4AdjointSimManager as such:
     1361   G4AdjointSimManager* theAdjointSimManager = G4AdjointSimManager::GetInstance();
     1362   theAdjointSimManager-&gt;SetAdjointRunAction(aUserDefinedRunAction);
     1369<!-- ******************* Section (Level#4) ****************** -->
     1370<sect4 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.UserCoding.PhysicsList">
     1372Physics list for reverse and forward electromagnetic processes
     1376To run an adjoint simulation a specific physics list should be used where existing G4 adjoint electromagnetic processes
     1377and their forward equivalent have to be declared.
     1378 An example of such physics list is provided by the class G4AdjointPhysicsLits in the  G4 example
     1379 <emphasis role="bold">extended/biasing/ReverseMC01</emphasis>.
     1384<!-- ******************* Section (Level#4) ****************** -->
     1385<sect4 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.UserCoding.Analysis">
     1387Modification in the analysis part of the code
     1391The  user code should be modified to  normalize the signals computed during the forward tracking phase to the weight of the last adjoint particle
     1392that reaches the external surface.
     1393This weight represents the  statistical weight  that the last full adjoint tracks (from the adjoint source
     1394to the external source)  would have in a forward  simulation.   If multiplied by a signal  and registered in function of energy
     1395and/or direction the simulation results will give an answer matrix of this signal.
     1396 To normalize it to a given spectrum it has to be furthermore multiplied by a directional differential flux 
     1397 corresponding to this spectrum
     1399The weight, direction, position , kinetic energy and type of the last adjoint particle that reaches the
     1400 external source, and that would represents the primary of a forward simulation,  can be   get from G4AdjointSimManager by using for example the following line of codes
     1403   G4AdjointSimManager* theAdjointSimManager = G4AdjointSimManager::GetInstance();
     1404   G4String particle_name = theAdjointSimManager-&gt;GetFwdParticleNameAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack();
     1405   G4int PDGEncoding= theAdjointSimManager-&gt;GetFwdParticlePDGEncodingAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack();
     1406   G4double weight = theAdjointSimManager-&gt;GetWeightAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack();
     1407   G4double Ekin  = theAdjointSimManager-&gt;GetEkinAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack();
     1408   G4double Ekin_per_nuc=theAdjointSimManager-&gt;GetEkinNucAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack(); // in case of ions
     1409   G4ThreeVector dir =  theAdjointSimManager-&gt;GetDirectionAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack();
     1410   G4ThreeVector pos = theAdjointSimManager-&gt;GetPositionAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack();
     1417In order to have a code working for both forward and adjoint simulation mode, the extra code needed in user actions or analysis
     1418manager  for the adjoint
     1419simulation mode can be separated to the code needed only for the normal forward  simulation by using the following public method
     1420of G4AdjointSimManager:
     1422G4bool GetAdjointSimMode();
     1424that returns true if   an adjoint simulation is running and false if not.
     1429The following   code example shows how  to normalize a detector signal and compute an answer matrix
     1430in the case of an adjoint simulation.
     1431 <example id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.UserCoding.Analysis_1">
     1433Normalization in the case of an adjoint simulation. The detector signal S computed during the forward tracking
     1434phase is normalized to a primary source of e-  with a differential directional flux given by the function F.
     1435An answer matrix of the signal is also computed. 
     1440   G4double S = ...; // signal   in the sensitive volume computed during a forward tracking phase
     1442   //Normalization of the signal for an adjoint simulation
     1443   G4AdjointSimManager* theAdjSimManager =    G4AdjointSimManager::GetInstance();
     1444   if (theAdjSimManager->GetAdjointSimMode()) {
     1445        G4double normalized_S=0.; //normalized to a given  e- primary spectrum
     1446        G4double S_for_answer_matrix=0.; //for e- answer matrix
     1448        if (theAdjSimManager->GetFwdParticleNameAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack() == "e-"){
     1449            G4double ekin_prim = theAdjSimManager-&gt;GetEkinAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack();
     1450            G4ThreeVector dir_prim =  theAdjointSimManager-&gt;GetDirectionAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack();
     1451            G4double weight_prim = theAdjSimManager->GetWeightAtEndOfLastAdjointTrack();
     1452            S_for_answer_matrix = S*weight_prim;
     1453            normalized_S = S_for_answer_matrix*F(ekin_prim,dir); //F(ekin_prim,dir_prim) gives the differential directional flux of primary e-
     1454        } 
     1455       //follows the code where normalized_S  and S_for_answer_matrix are  registered or whatever
     1456        ....
     1457   }
     1459   //analysis/normalization code for forward simulation
     1460   else {
     1461     ...
     1462   }
     1463   ...
     1473<!-- ******************* Section (Level#3) ****************** -->
     1474<sect3 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.Control">
     1476Control of an adjoint simulation
     1480The G4UI  commands in the directory 
     1481<ulink url="./AllResources/Control/UIcommands/_adjoint_.html">/adjoint</ulink>.
     1482allow the user to :
     1483<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
     1484        <listitem><para>
     1485        Define the adjoint source where adjoint primaries are generated
     1486        </para></listitem>
     1487        <listitem><para>
     1488        Define the external source till which adjoint particles are  tracked
     1489        </para></listitem>
     1490        <listitem><para>
     1491        Start an adjoint simulation
     1492        </para></listitem>
     1497<!-- ******************* Section (Level#3) ****************** -->
     1498<sect3 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.Limitation">
     1500Known issues in the Reverse MC mode 
     1503<!-- ******************* Section (Level#4) ****************** -->
     1504<sect4 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.Limitation.Weight">
     1506Occasional wrong high weight in the adjoint simulation
     1510In rare cases an adjoint track may get a wrong high weight when  reaching the external source.
     1511While this happens not often it may corrupt the simulation results significantly. This happens
     1512in some tracks where  both  reverse photo-electric and bremsstrahlung processes take place at low energy.
     1513We still need some investigations to remove this problem  at the level of physical adjoint/reverse processes.
     1514However  this problem can be solved  at the level of event actions or analysis in the user code by adding a test on the
     1515normalized signal during an adjoint simulation. An example of such test has been implemented in the Geant4 example
     1516<emphasis role="bold"> extended/biasing/ReverseMC01 </emphasis>.
     1517In this implementation  an event is rejected when the relative error of the computed  normalized energy deposited
     1518increases during one event by more than 50% while the computed precision  is already below 10%.
     1523<!-- ******************* Section (Level#4) ****************** -->
     1524<sect4 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.Limitation.ReverseBrem">
     1526Reverse bremsstrahlung
     1530A difference between the differential cross sections used in the adjoint and forward bremsstrahlung
     1531 models is the source of a higher flux of >100 keV gamma in the reverse simulation compared to the forward simulation mode.
     1532In principle the adjoint processes/models should make use of the direct differential cross section to sample
     1533 the adjoint  secondaries and compute the adjoint cross section. However due to the way the effective differential cross section is
     1534 considered in the forward model G4eBremsstrahlungModel this was not possible to achieve for the reverse bremsstrahlung.
     1535Indeed the differential cross section used in G4AdjointeBremstrahlungModel  is obtained by the numerical derivation
     1536over the cut energy of the direct cross section provided  by G4eBremsstrahlungModel.
     1537This would be a correct procedure if the  distribution of secondary in   G4eBremsstrahlungModel 
     1538would match this differential cross section. Unfortunately it is not the case as independent  parameterization are used
     1539 in   G4eBremsstrahlungModel  for both the cross sections and the sampling of secondaries. (It means that in the forward case
     1540 if one would integrate the effective differential cross section considered  in the simulation we would not find back
     1541 the used cross section).
     1542 In the future we plan to correct this problem by using an extra weight correction factor after the occurrence of a reverse
     1543 bremsstrahlung. This weight factor should be the ratio between the differential CS used in the adjoint simulation and the
     1544one effectively used in the forward processes. As it is impossible to have a simple and direct  access to the forward differential CS
     1545 in G4eBremsstrahlungModel we  are investigating the feasibility to use  the differential CS considered in 
     1546 G4Penelope models.
     1551<!-- ******************* Section (Level#4) ****************** -->
     1552<sect4 id="sect.EvtBias.ReverseMC.Limitation.ReverseMS">
     1554Reverse multiple scattering
     1558For the reverse multiple scattering  the same model is used than  in the forward case.
     1559This approximation makes that the discrepancy between the adjoint and forward
     1560simulation cases can get to a level of ~ 10-15% relative differences in the test cases that we have considered.
     1561In the future we plan to improve   the adjoint multiple scattering models  by forcing the computation of
     1562 multiple scattering effect at the end of an adjoint step.
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/GettingStarted/executeProgram.xml

    r904 r1222  
    88<!--    Proof read by: Joe Chuma,  15-Jun-1999                -->
    99<!--    Converted to DocBook: Katsuya Amako, Aug-2006         -->
     10<!--    Updated by : Koichi Murakami, Dec-2009                -->
    1011<!--                                                          -->
    1112<!-- ******************************************************** -->
    376377Most of the examples in the <literal>$G4INSTALL/examples/</literal> directory
    377 have the following <literal>main()</literal>, which covers cases 2 and 3
    378 above. Thus, the application can be run either in batch or
    379 interactive mode.
     378have the following <literal>main()</literal>.
     379The application can be run either in batch or interactive mode.
    381381<example id="programlist_HowToExec_5">
    411411  if (argc==1)   // Define UI terminal for interactive mode 
    412412    {
    413      G4UIsession * session = new G4UIterminal;
     413     G4UIExecutive* session = new G4UIExecutive(argc, argv);
    414414     UI-&gt;ApplyCommand("/control/execute prerunN03.mac");   
    415415     session-&gt;SessionStart();
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/GettingStarted/graphicalUserInterface.xml

    r1213 r1222  
    22<!--                                                          -->
    33<!--  [History]                                               -->
     4<!--    Converted to DocBook: Katsuya Amako, Aug-2006         -->
    45<!--    Update G4UIExecutive : Laurent Garnier, Dec-2009      -->
    5 <!--    Converted to DocBook: Katsuya Amako, Aug-2006         -->
     6<!--    Reviced : Koichi Murakami, Dec-2009                   -->
    67<!--                                                          -->
    78<!-- ******************************************************** -->
    30 The "intercoms" category
    31 provides an expandable command interpreter. It is the key mechanism
    32 of Geant4 to realize secure user interactions of all categories without
    33 being annoyed by the dependencies among categories. The direct use
     31The "intercoms" category provides an expandable command interpreter.
     32It is the key mechanism of Geant4 to realize secure user interactions
     33in all categories without being annoyed by the dependencies among categories.
     35The direct use
    3436of Geant4 classes in a C++ program offers a first ground level of
    3537interactivity, i.e., the batch session. As seen in the
    3638examples/novice/N01, Geant4 commands and macros are to be
    37 hard-coded in the program.
    38 </para>
     39hard-coded in the program.-->
     40The Geant4 commands can be used both in a interactive terminal session and
     41in a batch mode with a maco file or a direct C++ call.
    51 To avoid too much programming, the
    52 "intercoms" category provides the abstract class <emphasis>G4UIsession</emphasis>
    53 that captures interactive commands . The concrete implementation of
    54 the user interface and Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) is left to
    55 the interfaces category. This interfacing strategy opens an
    56 important door towards various user interface tools and allows
    57 Geant4 to utilize the state-of-the-art GUI tools such as Motif, Qt,
    58 and Java etc..The richness of the collaboration has permitted for
    59 developers to offer various user interfaces to the Geant4
    60 command system. Currently available are the following;
     54Geant4 can be controllled by a seriese of Geant4 UI commands.
     55The "intercoms" category provides the abstract class
     56<emphasis>G4UIsession</emphasis> that processes interactive commands.
     57The concrete implementation of (graphical) user interfaceis is located
     58in the "interfaces" category. This interfacing strategy opens an
     59important door towards various user interface tools,
     60and allows Geant4 to utilize the state-of-the-art GUI tools
     61such as Motif, Qt, and Java etc.
     62The richness of the collaboration realizes
     63various user interfaces to the Geant4 command system.
     64The following interfaces is currently available;
    6266<orderedlist spacing="compact">
    6367  <listitem><para>
    64   Character terminal (dumb terminal and tcsh(bash)-like terminal),
    65   the default user interface of Geant4,
     68  Character terminal (dumb terminal and tcsh-like terminal),
     69  that is the default user interface of Geant4
    6670  </para></listitem>
    6771  <listitem><para>
    68   Xm, Win32, Qt variations of the upper terminal by using a
    69   Motif, Qt or Windows widget to retrieve commands, and
     72  Xm, Xaw, Win32, Qt variations of the above terminal by using a
     73  Motif, Athena, Qt or Windows widget
    7074  </para></listitem>
    7175  <listitem><para>
    72   GAG, a fully Graphical User Interface and its network extension
     76  GAG, a fully graphical user interface and its network extension
    7377  GainServer of the client/server type.
    7478  </para></listitem>
    79 Full implementation of the character
    80 terminals (1 and 2) is included in the standard Geant4 distribution
    81 in the <literal>source/interfaces/basic</literal> directory. As for GAG,
    82 the front-end class is included
    83 in the Geant4 distribution in the source/interfaces/GAG directory,
    84 while its partner GUI package MOMO.jar is available in the standard Geant4 distribution
    85 under the
    86 <literal>environments/MOMO</literal> directory. MOMO.jar, Java archive file, contains
     83Implementation of the user sesssions (1 and 2) is included
     84in the <literal>source/interfaces/basic</literal> directory.
     85As for GAG, the front-end class is included
     86in the source/interfaces/GAG directory,
     87while its partner GUI package MOMO.jar is available
     88under the <literal>environments/MOMO</literal> directory.
     89MOMO.jar, Java archive file, contains
    8790not only GAG, but also GGE and other helper packages.
    88 Supplementary information is available
    89 from the author's Webpage(see URL below).
     91Supplementary information is available 
     92from the author's web page (see URL below).
    115118These interfaces open a session on the character terminal.
    116 <emphasis>G4UIterminal</emphasis> runs on all platform supported by Geant4,
    117 including <emphasis>cygwin</emphasis> on Windows,
    118 while <emphasis>G4UItcsh</emphasis> runs on Solaris and Linux. G4UItcsh
    119 supports user-friendly key bindings a-la-tcsh (or bash);
     119<emphasis>G4UIterminal</emphasis> runs on all platforms supported by Geant4,
     120including <emphasis>cygwin</emphasis> on Windows.
     122The following built-in commands are available in
     126  <varlistentry>
     127    <term>cd, pwd</term>
     128    <listitem>
     129    change, display the current command directory.
     130    </listitem>
     131  </varlistentry>
     133  <varlistentry>
     134    <term>ls, lc</term>
     135    <listitem>
     136    list commands and subdirectories in the current directory.
     137    </listitem>
     138  </varlistentry>
     140  <varlistentry>
     141    <term>history</term>
     142    <listitem>
     143    show previous commands.
     144    </listitem>
     145  </varlistentry>
     147  <varlistentry>
     148    <term>!historyID</term>
     149    <listitem>
     150    reissue previous command.
     151    </listitem>
     152  </varlistentry>
     154  <varlistentry>
     155    <term>?command</term>
     156    <listitem>
     157    show current parameter values of the command.
     158    </listitem>
     159  </varlistentry>
     161  <varlistentry>
     162    <term>help command</term>
     163    <listitem>
     164    show command help.
     165    </listitem>
     166  </varlistentry>
     168  <varlistentry>
     169    <term>exit</term>
     170    <listitem>
     171    terminate the session.
     172    </listitem>
     173  </varlistentry>
     176G4UItcsh supports user-friendly key bindings a-la-tcsh.
     177<emphasis>G4UItcsh</emphasis> runs on Solaris and Linux.
     178The following keybindings are supported;
    199 In addition, the following string substitutions are supported;
     258The example below shows how to set a user's prompt.
     261  G4UItcsh* tcsh = new G4UItcsh();
     262  tcsh-> SetPrompt("%s&gt;");
     266The following strings are supported as substitutions in a prompt string.
    202268  <varlistentry>
    219285  </varlistentry>
     290Command history in a user's session is saved
     291in a file <literal>$(HOME)/.g4_hist</literal>
     292that is automatically read at the next session,
     293so that command history is available across sessions.
    226299<sect3 id="sect.HowToSetUpInter.DescInter.G4UIXm">
    228 <emphasis>G4UIXm</emphasis>, <emphasis>G4UIQt</emphasis> and
     301<emphasis>G4UIXm</emphasis>, <emphasis>G4UIXaw</emphasis>, <emphasis>G4UIQt</emphasis> and
    229302<emphasis>G4UIWin32</emphasis> classes
    233306These interfaces are versions of <emphasis>G4UIterminal</emphasis>
    234 implemented over libraries Motif, Qt and WIN32 respectively.
     307implemented over libraries Motif, Athena, Qt and WIN32 respectively.
    235308<emphasis>G4UIXm</emphasis> uses the Motif XmCommand widget,
    236 <emphasis>G4UIQt</emphasis> the Qt dialog
    237 widget, and <emphasis>G4UIWin32</emphasis> the Windows "edit" component to do the
     309<emphasis>G4UIXaw</emphasis> the Athena dialog
     310widget, <emphasis>G4UIQt</emphasis> the Qt dialog widget,
     311and <emphasis>G4UIWin32</emphasis> the Windows "edit" component to do the
    238312command capturing. These interfaces are useful if working in
    239313conjunction with visualization drivers that use the Xt library, Qt library or
    244318A command box is at disposal for entering or recalling Geant4 commands.
    245 Command completion by typing &amp;ldquo;TAB&amp;rdquo; key is
    246 available on the command line. The shell commands "exit, cont,
    247 help, ls, cd..." are also supported. A menu bar could be customized
     319Command completion by typing "TAB" key is
     320available in the command box. The shell commands "exit, cont,
     321help, ls, cd..." are also supported. A menu bar can be customized
    248322through the <emphasis>AddMenu</emphasis> and
    249323<emphasis>AddButton</emphasis> method. Ex:
    280 <emphasis>G4UIXm</emphasis> runs on Unix/Linux with Motif. <emphasis>G4UIQt</emphasis> run
     354<emphasis>G4UIXm</emphasis> runs on Unix/Linux with Motif. <emphasis>G4UIXaw</emphasis>,
     355less user friendly, runs on Unix with Athena widgets. <emphasis>G4UIQt</emphasis> run
    281356everywhere with Qt.
    282357<emphasis>G4UIWin32</emphasis> runs on Windows.
    308383Client GUIs, GAG and Gain have almost similar look-and-feel. So,
    309 GAG's functionalities are briefly explained here. Please refer to
    310 the above URL for details.
     384GAG's functionalities are briefly explained here.
     385Please refer to the URL previously mentioned for details.
    318393 an executable simulation program via pipes. Geant4's
    319394front-end class <emphasis>G4UIGAG</emphasis> must be instantiated to
    320 communicate with GAG. GAG runs on Linux and Windows. If MOMO.jar is in your
    321 CLASSPATH, it can be run by a command;
     395communicate with GAG. GAG runs on Linux and Windows.  MOMO.jar can be run by a command;
    326    %java -jar MOMO.jar
     400   %java -jar  $G4INSTALL/environments/MOMO/MOMO.jar
    335409    <term>GAG Menu:</term>
    336410    <listitem>
    337     The menus are to choose and run a GEANT4 executable file, to kill or exit
    338     a GEANT4 process and to exit GAG. Upon the normal exit or an
     411    The menus are to choose and run a Geant4 executable file, to kill or exit
     412    a Geant4 process and to exit GAG. Upon the normal exit or an
    339413    unexpected death of the Geant4 process, GAG window are
    340     automatically reset to run another GEANT4 executable.   
    341     </listitem>
    342   </varlistentry>
    343   <varlistentry>
    344     <term>GEANT4 Command tree:</term>
    345     <listitem>
    346     Upon the establishment of the pipe connection with the GEANT4 process, GAG displays
     414    automatically reset to run another Geant4 executable.   
     415    </listitem>
     416  </varlistentry>
     417  <varlistentry>
     418    <term>Geant4 Command tree:</term>
     419    <listitem>
     420    Upon the establishment of the pipe connection with the Geant4 process, GAG displays
    347421    the command menu, using expandable tree browser whose look and feel is similar to
    348422    a file browser. Disabled commands are shown in opaque. GAG
    349     doesn &amp;rsquo;t display commands that are just below the root of
     423    doesn't display commands that are just below the root of
    350424    the command hierarchy. Direct type-in field is available for such
    351425    input. Guidance of command categories and commands are displayed
    375449    in the middle of a long session of execution. Log can be saved to a
    376450    file independent of the above redirection . GAG displays warning or
    377     error messages from GEANT4 in a pop-up warning widget.
     451    error messages from Geant4 in a pop-up warning widget.
    378452    </listitem>
    379453  </varlistentry>
    394 The libraries that don't depend on external packages are created by default, using
    395 Geant4 configure scripts.
     468The libraries that do not depend on external packages are created by default,
     469using Geant4 configure scripts.
    396470They include <emphasis>G4UIterminal</emphasis>, <emphasis>G4UItcsh</emphasis>
    397471and <emphasis>G4UIGAG</emphasis> in libraries <emphasis>libG4UIbasic.a/so</emphasis> and
    403 To make the libraries of <emphasis>G4UIXm</emphasis>,
     477To make the libraries of <emphasis>G4UIXm</emphasis>, <emphasis>G4UIXaw</emphasis>,
    404478 <emphasis>G4UIQt</emphasis> and
    405479<emphasis>G4UIWin32</emphasis> , respective environment variables
    406480<emphasis role="bold">G4UI_BUILD_XM_SESSION</emphasis>,
    407 <emphasis role="bold">G4UI_BUILD_QT_SESSION</emphasis> or
     481<emphasis role="bold">G4UI_BUILD_XAW_SESSION</emphasis>,
     482<emphasis role="bold">G4UI_BUILD_QT_SESSION</emphasis> and
    408483<emphasis role="bold">G4UI_BUILD_WIN32_SESSION</emphasis> must be set
    409484explicitly before creating libraries.
    413 However, if the environment variable <emphasis role="bold">G4UI_NONE</emphasis> is
     488If the environment variable <emphasis role="bold">G4UI_NONE</emphasis> is
    414489set, no interface libraries are built at all.
    433508To use a given interface
    434 (<literal>G4UIxxx</literal> where <literal>xxx = terminal,Xm, Win32, Qt,
    435 GAG, GainServer</literal>) in your program, you can do it by two ways :
     509(<literal>G4UIxxx</literal> where <literal>xxx = terminal,Xm, Xaw, Win32, Qt,
     510GAG, GainServer</literal>) in your program, there are two ways.
    436512<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    437    <listitem><para> Calling G4UIxxx directly :
     513   <listitem> Calling G4UIxxx directly :
    438514   <informalexample>
    439515   <programlisting>
    446522   </programlisting>
    447523   </informalexample>
    448    Note : For a tcsh session, the second line must be (See the examples in "examples/novice/N0x" in which the terminal session is used) :
     525   If you want to select a session type according to your environment variable,
     526   the code can be:
     528   <informalexample>
     529   <programlisting>
     530// to include the class definition in the main program:
     531   #if defined(G4UI_USE_TCSH)
     532     #include "G4UIterminal.hh"
     533     #include "G4UItcsh.hh"
     534   #elif defined(G4UI_USE_XM)
     535     #include "G4UIXm.hh"
     536   ....
     537   #endif
     539   #if defined(G4UI_USE_TCSH)
     540     session = new G4UITerminal(new G4UItcsh);
     541   #elif defined(G4UI_USE_XM)
     542     session = new G4UIXm(argc,argv);
     543   #elif ...
     544  </programlisting>
     545  </informalexample>
     547   Note : For a tcsh session, the second line must be
    450548   <informalexample>
    451549   <programlisting>
    453551   </programlisting>
    454552   </informalexample>
    456    </para></listitem>
    457    <listitem><para>Using <emphasis>G4UIExecutive</emphasis> (implement in all novice examples) :
     554If the user wants to deactivate the default signal handler (soft abort)
     555raised by "Ctr-C", the false flag can be set in the second argument
     556of the <emphasis>G4UIterminal</emphasis> constructor like;
     560   G4UIsession* session = new G4UIterminal(new G4UItcsh, false).
     563   </listitem>
     566   <listitem>Using <emphasis>G4UIExecutive</emphasis>
     567   (implemented in all novice examples) :
     569   The above code is rather troublesome.
     570   This is more convenient way for choosing a session type.
    458571     <informalexample>
    459572     <programlisting>
    471584     </programlisting>
    472585     </informalexample>
    473 </para>
    474 </listitem>
     586   </listitem>
    478 <para>The two methods are similar. If you want to choose between several viewer driver at load, with the <emphasis>first</emphasis> method you will have to write :
    479 <informalexample>
    480 <programlisting>
    481 // to include the class definition in the main program:
    482    #if defined(G4UI_USE_TCSH)
    483      #include "G4UIterminal.hh"
    484      #include "G4UItcsh.hh"
    485    #elif defined(G4UI_USE_XM)
    486      #include "G4UIXm.hh"
    487    ....
    488    #endif
    490    #if defined(G4UI_USE_TCSH)
    491      session = new G4UITerminal(new G4UITerminal);
    492    #elif defined(G4UI_USE_XM)
    493      session = new G4UIXm(argc,argv);
    494    #elif ...
    495 </programlisting>
    496 </informalexample>
    497 That is not realy simple. The best way to do this is the <emphasis>second</emphasis> method :
    498 <informalexample>
    499 <programlisting>
    500    #ifdef G4UI_USE
    501      #include "G4UIExecutive.hh"
    502    #endif
    503 ...
    505 // to instantiate a session of your choice and start the session
    506 // G4UIExecutive will open for you the good driver (depending on G4UI_USE_xxx flags)
    507    #ifdef G4UI_USE
    508      G4UIExecutive* ui = new G4UIExecutive(argc,argv);
    509    #endif
    510 </programlisting>
    511 </informalexample>
    513 </para>
    514 <para>
    515 If the user wants to deactivate the default signal handler (soft abort)
    516 raised by "Ctr-C", the false flag can be set in the second argument
    517 of the <emphasis>G4UIterminal</emphasis> constructor like;
    519 <informalexample>
    520 <programlisting>
    521    G4UIsession* session = new G4UIterminal(new G4UItcsh, false).
    522 </programlisting>
    523 </informalexample>
    524 </para>
    526 <para>
    527 Again, environment variable must be preset to select a given interface. But for your
    528 convenience, some of them are set by defaults.
     592A corresponding environment variable must be preset
     593to select a given interface.
     594But some of them are set by defaults for your convenience.
    530596<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    536602   always built (see "G4UI_BUILD.gmk") and linked, so the user can
    537603   instantiate one of these sessions without rebuilding the libraries
    538    and without setting any environment variables. For backwards
     604   and without setting any environment variables.
     605   <!--For backwards
    539606   compatibility with user code, as typified by geant4/examples main
    540607   programs, the C-pre-processor variables corresponding to the
    545612   if he/she sets no environment variables, then the C-pre-processor variable
    546613   <emphasis role="bold">G4UI_USE_TERMINAL</emphasis> is set by default,
    547    although there is no need to use it.
     614   although there is no need to use it.-->
    548615   </para></listitem>
    549616   <listitem><para>
    550617   The environment variable <emphasis role="bold">G4UI_USE_XM</emphasis>,
    551 <emphasis role="bold">G4UI_USE_QT</emphasis> or
     618<emphasis role="bold">G4UI_USE_QT</emphasis>,   <emphasis role="bold">G4UI_USE_XAW</emphasis> or
    552619   <emphasis role="bold">G4UI_USE_WIN32</emphasis> must be set to use the
    553620   respective interface. The file "$G4INSTALL/config/G4UI_USE.gmk"
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/GettingStarted/mainProgram.xml

    r904 r1222  
    66<!--    Proof read by: Joe Chuma,  14-Jun-1999                -->
    77<!--    Converted to DocBook: Katsuya Amako, Aug-2006         -->
     8<!--    Updated by Koichi Murakami, Dec-2009                  -->
    89<!--                                                          -->
    910<!-- ******************************************************** -->
    362363 #include "G4RunManager.hh"
    363364 #include "G4UImanager.hh"
    364  <emphasis role="color_blue">#include "G4UIterminal.hh"</emphasis>
     365 <emphasis role="color_blue">#include "G4UIExecutive.hh"</emphasis>
    365366 #include "G4VisExecutive.hh"
    396397   // get the pointer to the User Interface manager
    397    G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();
     398   G4UImanager* UImanager = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();
    399400 <emphasis role="color_blue">
    401402   // Define (G)UI terminal for interactive mode
    402403   {
    403      G4UIsession * session = new G4UIterminal;
    404      UI-&gt;ApplyCommand("/control/execute prerun.g4mac");
    405      session-&gt;sessionStart();
    406      delete session;
     404     G4UIExecutive * ui = new G4UIExecutive(argc,argv);
     405     UImanager-&gt;ApplyCommand("/control/execute prerun.g4mac");
     406     ui-&gt;sessionStart();
     407     delete ui;
    407408   }
    408409   else
    411412     G4String command = "/control/execute ";
    412413     G4String fileName = argv[1];
    413      UI-&gt;ApplyCommand(command+fileName);
     414     UImanager-&gt;ApplyCommand(command+fileName);
    414415   }
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/TrackingAndPhysics/physicsProcess.xml

    r1211 r1222  
    1 <!-- ******************************************************** -->
     1<!-- ******************************************************** -->
    22<!--                                                          -->
    33<!--  [History]                                               -->
    477477    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    478478      <listitem><para>
    479         A general process in the sense that the same process/class
    480         is used to simulate the multiple scattering of the all charged
    481         particles  (class name <emphasis>G4MultipleScattering</emphasis>)
    482       </para></listitem>
    483       <listitem><para>
    484479        Alternative process for simulation of single Coulomb scattering
    485480        of all charged particles (class name <emphasis>G4CoulombScattering</emphasis>)
    563558      </para></listitem>
    564559      <listitem><para>
    565         optional EM physics providing similar performance as g4 7.1p01
     560        optional EM physics providing fast but less acurate electron transport due to
     561        "Simple" method of step limitation by multiple scattering, reduced
     562        step limitation by ionisation process and  enabled "ApplyCuts" option
    566563        (class name <emphasis>G4EmStandardPhysics_option1</emphasis>)
    567564      </para></listitem>
    568565      <listitem><para>
    569         Experimental EM physics with enabled "ApplyCuts" option
     566        Experimental EM physics with enabled "ApplyCuts" option, <emphasis>G4WentzelVIModel</emphasis>
     567        for muon multiple scattering
    570568        (class name <emphasis>G4EmStandardPhysics_option2</emphasis>)
    571569      </para></listitem>
    572570      <listitem><para>
    573         EM physics for simulation with high accuracy
     571        EM physics for simulation with high accuracy due to "UseDistanceToBoundary" multiple
     572        scattering step limitation, reduced <emphasis>finalRange</emphasis> parameter of stepping function
     573        optimized per particle type, <emphasis>G4WentzelVIModel</emphasis>
     574        for muon multiple scattering and  <emphasis>G4IonParameterisedLossModel</emphasis> for ion ionisation
    574575        (class name <emphasis>G4EmStandardPhysics_option3</emphasis>)
    575576      </para></listitem>
    576     </itemizedlist>
     577      <listitem><para>
     578        Combined Standard and Low-energy EM physics constructors based on the Option3 constructor;
     579        low-energy models are applied below 1 GeV:
     580         <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
     581           <listitem><para>
     582           Models based on Livermore data bases for electrons and gamma (<emphasis>G4EmLivermorePhysics</emphasis>);
     583           </para></listitem>   
     584          <listitem><para>
     585           Polarized models based on Livermore data bases for electrons and gamma (<emphasis>G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics</emphasis>);
     586           </para></listitem>   
     587          <listitem><para>
     588           Penelope models for electrons, positrons and gamma (<emphasis>G4EmPenelopePhysics</emphasis>);
     589           </para></listitem>   
     590          <listitem><para>
     591           Low-energy DNA physics (<emphasis>G4EmDNAPhysics</emphasis>).
     592           </para></listitem>   
     593         </itemizedlist>
     594      </para></listitem>    </itemizedlist>
    577595Examples of the registration of these physics constructor and
    578596construction of alternative combinations of options are shown
    579 in novice and extended examples ($G4INSTALL/examples/extended/electromagnetic).
    580 Novice and extended electromagnetic examples illustrating the use
     597in novice, extended and advanced examples ($G4INSTALL/examples/extended/electromagnetic and $G4INSTALL/examples/advanced).
     598Examples illustrating the use
    581599of electromagnetic processes are available as part of the Geant4
    582600<ulink url="http://geant4.web.cern.ch/geant4/support/download.shtml">
    587 <emphasis role="bold">Options</emphasis> are available for steering the standard
     605<emphasis role="bold">Options</emphasis> are available for steering of
    588606electromagnetic processes. These options may be invoked either by
    589607UI commands or by the interface class G4EmProcessOptions. This
    672690     SetBremsstrahlungTh(G4double)
    673691   </para></listitem>
     692   <listitem><para>
     693     SetPolarAngleLimit(G4double)
     694   </para></listitem>
     695   <listitem><para>
     696     SetFactorForAngleLimit(G4double)
     697   </para></listitem>
    682706<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    683707   <listitem><para>
    684      fSimple - step limitation used in g4 7.1 version (used in QGSP_EMV Physics List)
     708     fSimple - simplified step limitation as in g4 7.1 version (used in QGSP_BERT_EMV Physics List)
    685709   </para></listitem>
    686710   <listitem><para>
    764788   </para></listitem>
    765789   <listitem><para>
     790     FindIon(G4int Z, G4int A)
     791   </para></listitem>
     792   <listitem><para>
    766793     FindMaterial(const G4String&amp;)
    767794   </para></listitem>
    798825Further information is available in the web pages of the
    799826Geant4 Low Energy Electromagnetic Physics Working Group, accessible
    800 from the Geant4 web site, “who we are” section, then “working groups”.
     827from the Geant4 web site, “who we are” section, then “working groups”.
    1116 The default is “true”, namely vacancies in atomic shells produced by the
     1143The default is “true”, namely vacancies in atomic shells produced by the
    11171144interaction are handled by the G4AtomicDeexcitation module, possibly with
    1118 the subsequent emission of fluorescence x-rays. If is set to “false”
     1145the subsequent emission of fluorescence x-rays. If is set to “false”
    11191146by the user, the energy released in the re-arrangement of atomic vacancies
    11201147is treated in the model as a local energy deposit, without emission of
    11281155An option is also available in these models to enable the production of
    11291156Auger electrons by the G4AtomicDeexcitation module ActivateAuger(G4bool).
    1130 The default (coming from G4AtomicDeexcitation) is “false”, namely only
     1157The default (coming from G4AtomicDeexcitation) is “false”, namely only
    11311158fluorescence x-rays are emitted but not Auger electrons. One should
    11321159notice that this option has effect only if the usage of the atomic
    11731200    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    11741201      <listitem><para>
    1175         process class is G4DNAElastic
    1176       </para></listitem>
    1177       <listitem><para>
    1178         two alternative model classes are : G4DNAScreenedRutherfordElasticModel
     1202        process class is G4DNAElastic
     1203      </para></listitem>
     1204      <listitem><para>
     1205        two alternative model classes are : G4DNAScreenedRutherfordElasticModel
    11791206        or G4DNAChampionElasticModel
    11801207      </para></listitem>
    11861213    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    11871214      <listitem><para>
    1188         process class is G4DNAExcitation 
     1215        process class is G4DNAExcitation 
    11891216      </para></listitem>
    11901217      <listitem><para>
    11981225    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    11991226      <listitem><para>
    1200         process class is G4DNAIonisation
     1227        process class is G4DNAIonisation
    12011228      </para></listitem>
    12021229      <listitem><para>
    12181245    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    12191246      <listitem><para>
    1220         process class is G4DNAExcitation
     1247        process class is G4DNAExcitation
    12211248      </para></listitem>
    12221249      <listitem><para>
    12441271    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    12451272      <listitem><para>
    1246         process class is G4DNAChargeDecrease
     1273        process class is G4DNAChargeDecrease
    12471274      </para></listitem>
    12481275      <listitem><para>
    12761303    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    12771304      <listitem><para>
    1278         process class is G4DNAChargeIncrease
     1305        process class is G4DNAChargeIncrease
    12791306      </para></listitem>
    12801307      <listitem><para>
    12961323    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    12971324      <listitem><para>
    1298         process class is G4DNAExcitation
     1325        process class is G4DNAExcitation
    12991326      </para></listitem>
    13001327      <listitem><para>
    13201347    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    13211348      <listitem><para>
    1322         process class is G4DNAChargeIncrease
     1349        process class is G4DNAChargeIncrease
    13231350      </para></listitem>
    13241351      <listitem><para>
    13401367    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    13411368      <listitem><para>
    1342         process class is G4DNAExcitation
     1369        process class is G4DNAExcitation
    13431370      </para></listitem>
    13441371      <listitem><para>
    13641391    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    13651392      <listitem><para>
    1366         process class is G4DNAChargeIncrease
     1393        process class is G4DNAChargeIncrease
    13671394      </para></listitem>
    13681395      <listitem><para>
    13761403    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    13771404      <listitem><para>
    1378         process class is G4DNAChargeDecrease
     1405        process class is G4DNAChargeDecrease
    13791406      </para></listitem>
    13801407      <listitem><para>
    13961423    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    13971424      <listitem><para>
    1398         process class is G4DNAExcitation
     1425        process class is G4DNAExcitation
    13991426      </para></listitem>
    14001427      <listitem><para>
    14201447    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
    14211448      <listitem><para>
    1422         process class is G4DNAChargeDecrease
     1449        process class is G4DNAChargeDecrease
    14231450      </para></listitem>
    14241451      <listitem><para>
    15361563// construct baryons ---
    15371564// Geant4 DNA particles
    1538 G4GenericIon::GenericIonDefinition() ;
     1565G4GenericIon::GenericIonDefinition() ;
    15391566G4DNAGenericIonsManager * genericIonsManager;
    18601887to the user to decide whethee this is desirable or not for his
    18611888particular problem.
     1892A prototype of the compact version of neutron cross sections derived from HP database
     1893are provided with new classes <emphasis>G4NeutronHPElasticData</emphasis>,
     1896and <emphasis>G4NeutronInelasticXS</emphasis>.
    33133348bonding type (air-coupled or glued). The glue used is MeltMount, and the
    33143349ESR film used is VM2000. Each LUT consists of measured angular
    3315 distributions with 4º by 5º resolution in theta and phi, respectively,
    3316 for incidence angles from 0º to 90º degrees, in 1º-steps. The code might
     3350distributions with 4º by 5º resolution in theta and phi, respectively,
     3351for incidence angles from 0º to 90º degrees, in 1º-steps. The code might
    33173352in the future be updated by adding more LUTs, for instance, for other
    33183353scintillating materials (such as LSO or NaI). To use these LUT the user
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/TrackingAndPhysics/tracking.xml

    r1208 r1222  
    577 <emphasis role="bold">Note:</emphasis>
     577<emphasis role="bold">Note-1:</emphasis>
    578578Users SHOULD NOT (and CAN NOT) change <emphasis>G4Track</emphasis>
    579579in  <literal>UserSteppingAction</literal>.
    580580Only the exception is the <literal>TrackStatus</literal>.
     584<emphasis role="bold">Note-2:</emphasis>
     585Users have to be cautious to implement an unnatural/unphysical
     586action in these user actions. See the section
     587<link linkend="sect.OptUAct.EngyConsv">
     588Killing Tracks in User Actions and Energy Conservation</link>
     589for more details.
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/UserActions/optionalActions.xml

    r904 r1222  
     30<!-- ******************* Section (Level#2) ****************** -->
     31<sect2 id="sect.OptUAct.Usage">
     33Usage of User Actions
    3036<!-- ******* Bridgehead ******* -->
     411<!-- ******************* Section (Level#2) ****************** -->
     412<sect2 id="sect.OptUAct.EngyConsv">
     414Killing Tracks in User Actions and Energy Conservation
     418In either of user action classes described in the previous section,
     419the user can implement an unnatural/unphysical action. A typical
     420example is to kill a track, which is under the simulation, in the
     421user stepping action. In this case the user have to be cautious of
     422the total energy conservation. The user stepping action itself does
     423not take care the energy or any physics quantity associated with
     424the killed track. Therefore if the user want to keep the total
     425energy of an event in this case, the lost track energy need to be
     426recorded by the user.
     430The same is true for user stacking or tracking actions. If the
     431user has killed a track in these actions the all physics information
     432associated with it would be lost and, for example, the total energy
     433conservation be broken. 
     437If the user wants the Geant4 kernel to take care the total energy
     438conservation automatically when he/she has killed artificially
     439a track, the user has to use a killer process. For example if the
     440user uses G4UserLimits and G4UserSpecialCuts process, energy of
     441the killed track is added to the total energy deposit.
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Visualization/commandcontrol.xml

    r1211 r1222  
    888888The OpenGL drivers can also generate PostScript files, either from
    889889a pull-down menu (Motif and Qt drivers) or with <literal>/vis/ogl/printEPS</literal>.
    890 It can generate either vectorized or rasterized PostScript
     890It can generate either vector or bitmap PostScript
    891891data with <literal>/vis/ogl/set/printMode</literal> ("vectored" or "pixmap").
    892892You can change the filename by <literal>/vis/ogl/set/printMode</literal>
    893 And the printed size by <literal>/vis/ogl/set/printSize</literal>
     893And the print size by <literal>/vis/ogl/set/printSize</literal>
    894894In generating vectorized PostScript data, hidden-surface
    895 removal is performed, based on the painter's algorithm after
     895removal is performed based on the painter's algorithm after
    896896dividing facets of shapes into small sub-triangles.
    899 Note : Print stuff is done tanks to gl2ps library (incorporated in vis driver)
    900 Due to a gl2ps limitation, printing an opengl view with <literal>/vis/viewer/set/hiddenMarker 1</literal>
    901 will have the same effect as printing with <literal>/vis/viewer/set/hiddenMarker 0</literal>
    902 </para>
    903 <para>
    904 Note : <literal>/vis/ogl/set/printSize</literal> command can be used to print
    905 EPS files larger than screen size. The only size limitation is graphics card
     899Note that a fundamental limitation of the gl2ps library used for this PostScript printing causes
     900the <literal>/vis/viewer/set/hiddenMarker</literal> command to be ignored.
     901Trajectories will always be fully drawn in the printEPS output
     902even when the hiddenMarker hidden line removal option has been set to hide these trajectories
     903in the corresponding OpenGL view.
     906The <literal>/vis/ogl/set/printSize</literal> command can be used to print EPS files even larger
     907than the current screen resolution. This can allow creation of very large images, suitable for
     908creation of posters, etc.  The only size limitation is the graphics card's
    906909viewport dimension: GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Visualization/introduction.xml

    r1211 r1222  
    543543  <listitem><para>
    544544    Introduction to Geant4 Visualization (
    545     <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4VisTutorial.pdf">
     545    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4VisIntroduction.pdf">
    546546    pdf</ulink>,
    547     <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4VisTutorial.ppt">
     547    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4VisIntroduction.ppt">
    548548    ppt</ulink> )
    549549  </para></listitem>
    550550  <listitem><para>
    551     Status of Geant4 Visualization (giving current status and a
    552     summary of what has been improved over the last few releases) (
    553     <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4VisStatus.pdf">
     551    Geant4 Visualization Commands (
     552    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4VisCommands.pdf">
    554553    pdf</ulink>,
    555     <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4VisStatus.ppt">
     554    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4VisCommands.ppt">
    556555    ppt</ulink> )
     556  </para></listitem>
     557  <listitem><para>
     558    Geant4 Advanced Visualization (
     559    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4VisAdvanced.pdf">
     560    pdf</ulink>,
     561    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4VisAdvanced.ppt">
     562    ppt</ulink> )
     563  </para></listitem>
     564  <listitem><para>
     565    How to Make a Movie (
     566    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/HowToMakeAMovie.pdf">
     567    pdf</ulink>,
     568    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/HowToMakeAMovie.ppt">
     569    ppt</ulink> )
     570  </para></listitem>
     571  <listitem><para>
     572    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4HepRAppTutorial/G4HepRAppTutorial.html">
     573    Geant4 Visualization Tutorial using the HepRApp HepRep Browser</ulink>
     574  </para></listitem>
     575  <listitem><para>
     576    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4OpenGLTutorial/G4OpenGLTutorial.html">
     577    Geant4 Visualization Tutorial using the OpenGL Event Display</ulink>
     578  </para></listitem>
     579  <listitem><para>
     580    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4DAWNTutorial/G4DAWNTutorial.html">
     581    Geant4 Visualization Tutorial using the DAWN Event Display</ulink>
    557582  </para></listitem>
    558583  <listitem><para>
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Visualization/markertext.xml

    r904 r1222  
     261Text is currently drawn only by the OpenGL drivers, such as OGLIX, OGLIXm, OGLIQt and OpenInventor.
     262It is not yet supported on other drivers, including the Windows OpenGL drivers, HepRep, etc.
    261266Note that class <emphasis>G4Text</emphasis> also inherits <emphasis>G4VMarker</emphasis>.
    262267Size of text is recognized as "font size", i.e., height of the
  • trunk/documents/UserDoc/DocBookUsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/xml/Visualization/visdrivers.xml

    r1211 r1222  
    66<!--    Updates for Qt and HepRApp: Joseph Perl, Dec-2008     -->
    77<!--    Added a reference: Laurent Garnier, Dec-2009          -->
     8<!--    Updates for gMocren and HepRepFile:                   -->
     9<!--                            Joseph Perl, Dec-2009         -->
    810<!--                                                          -->
    911<!-- ******************************************************** -->
    6466  </para></listitem>
    6567  <listitem><para>
     68    <xref linkend="sect.VisDrv.Mocren" />
     69    gMocren
     70  </para></listitem>
     71  <listitem><para>
    6672    <xref linkend="sect.VisDrv.DetTree" />
    6773    ASCIITree
    312 More informations can be found here :  <xref linkend="sect.VisCntCmmd.SvVwPs" />
     318More information can be found here :  <xref linkend="sect.VisCntCmmd.SvVwPs" />
    364370  <listitem><para>
    365371    <ulink url="http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4OpenGLTutorial/G4OpenGLTutorial.html">
    366     Geant4 Visualization Tutorial
     372    http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4OpenGLTutorial/G4OpenGLTutorial.html
    367373    </ulink>
    368374    using the OpenGL Graphics System
    610 Several environment variables are available to override some of
     616Several commands are available to override some of
    611617HepRepFile's defaults
    614620  <listitem><para>
    615621    You can specify a different directory for the heprep output
    616     files by setting the environment variable G4HEPREPFILE_DIR, as in:
     622    files by using the setFileDir command, as in:
    618624    <informalexample>
    619625    <programlisting>
    620      export G4HEPREPFILE_DIR=someOtherDir/someOtherSubDir
     626    /vis/heprep/setFileDir &lt;someOtherDir/someOtherSubDir&gt;
    621627    </programlisting>
    622628    </informalexample>
    624630  <listitem><para>
    625631    You can specify a different file name (the part before the
    626     number) by setting the environment variable G4HEPREPFILE_NAME, as in:
     632    number) by using the setFileName command, as in:
    628634    <informalexample>
    629635    <programlisting>
    630      export G4HEPREPFILE_NAME=myFileName
     636    /vis/heprep/setFileName &lt;my_file_name&gt;
    631637    </programlisting>
    632638    </informalexample>
    634     which will produce files named myFileName0.heprep,
    635     myFileName1.heprep, etc.
     640    which will produce files named &lt;my_file_name&gt;0.heprep,
     641    &lt;my_file_name&gt;1.heprep, etc.
    636642  </para></listitem>
    637643  <listitem><para>
    638644    You can specify that each file should overwrite the previous
    639     file (always rewriting to the same file name) by setting the
    640     environment variable G4HEPREPFILE_OVERWRITE, as in:
     645    file (always rewriting to the same file name) by using the setOverwrite command, as in:
    642647    <informalexample>
    643648    <programlisting>
    644      export G4HEPREPFILE_OVERWRITE=1
     649    /vis/heprep/setOverwrite true
    645650    </programlisting>
    646651    </informalexample>
    661666    from the HepRep file. But for very large files, if you know that
    662667    you will never want to make these parts visible, you can choose to
    663     have them left entirely out of the file. Set the environment
    664     variable G4HEPREPFILE_CULL, as in:
     668    have them left entirely out of the file. Use the /vis/heprep/setCullInvisibles command, as in:
    666670    <informalexample>
    667671    <programlisting>
    668      export G4HEPREPFILE_CULL=1
     672    /vis/heprep/setCullInvisibles true
    669673    </programlisting>
    670674    </informalexample>
     1484<!-- ******************* Section (Level#2) ****************** -->
     1485<sect2 id="sect.VisDrv.Mocren">
     1491The gMocrenFile driver creates a gdd file
     1492suitable for viewing with the gMocren volume visualizer.
     1493gMocren, a sophisticated tool for rendering volume data,
     1494can show volume data such as Geant4 dose distrubutions
     1495overlaid with scoring grids, trajectories and detector geometry.
     1496gMocren provides additional advanced functionality such as transfer functions, colormap editing,
     1497image rotation, image scaling, and image clipping.
     1501gMocren is further described at
     1502<ulink url="http://geant4.kek.jp/gMocren/">
     1505At this link you will find the gMocren download, the user manual, a tutorial and some example gdd data files.
     1509Please note that the gMocren file driver is currently considered a Beta release.
     1510Users are encouraged to try this driver, and feedback is welcome, but users should be aware that features of
     1511this driver may change in upcoming releases.
     1515To send volume data from Geant4 scoring to a gMocren file, the user needs to tell the gMocren driver the
     1516name of the specific scoring volume that is to be displayed.
     1517For scoring done in C++, this is the name of the sensitive volume.
     1518For command-based scoring, this is the name of the scoring mesh.
     1522     /vis/gMocren/setVolumeName &lt;volume_name&gt;
     1528The following is an example of the minimum command sequence to send command-based scoring data to the a gMocren file:
     1532    # an example of a command-based scoring definition
     1533    /score/create/boxMesh scoringMesh       # name of the scoring mesh
     1534    /score/mesh/boxSize 10. 10. 10. cm      # dimension of the scoring mesh
     1535    /score/mesh/nBin 10 10 10               # number of divisions of the scoring mesh
     1536    /score/quantity/energyDeposit eDep      # quantity to be scored
     1537    /score/close
     1538    # configuration of the gMocren-file driver
     1539    /vis/scene/create
     1540    /vis/open gMocrenFile
     1541    /vis/gMocren/setVolumeName scoringMesh
     1547To add detector geometry to this file:
     1551    /vis/viewer/flush
     1557To add trajectories and primitive scorer hits to this file:
     1561    /vis/scene/add/trajectories
     1562    /vis/scene/add/pshits
     1563    /run/beamOn 1
     1569gMocrenFile will write a file named G4_00.gd to the current directory.
     1570Subsequent draws will create files named g4_01.gdd, g4_02.gdd, etc.
     1571An alternate output directory can be specified with an environment variable:
     1575    export G4GMocrenFile_DEST_DIR=&lt;someOtherDir/someOtherSubDir/&gt;
     1581View the resuling gMocren files with the gMocren viewer, available from:
     1582<ulink url="http://geant4.kek.jp/gMocren/">
    15981708The GAGTree driver provides a listing of the detector geometry tree
    1599 within GAG, the Geant Adaptive GUI, (
    1600 <ulink url="http://erpc1.naruto-u.ac.jp/~geant4">
    1601 http://erpc1.naruto-u.ac.jp/~geant4
    1602 </ulink>
    1603 ). GAG allows "folding/un-folding" a part of the geometry tree, using
     1709within GAG, the Geant Adaptive GUI, from $G4INSTALL/environments/MOMO/MOMO.jar.
     1710GAG allows "folding/un-folding" a part of the geometry tree, using
    16041711the <emphasis>Tree Widget</emphasis> in Java:
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.