Jan 8, 2010, 11:56:51 AM (15 years ago)

update geant4.9.3 tag

1 edited


  • trunk/source/tracking/History

    r1011 r1228  
    1 $Id: History,v 1.126 2008/12/09 01:37:25 asaim Exp $
    2 $Name: geant4-09-02-ref-02 $
     1$Id: History,v 1.137 2009/11/24 10:04:14 perl Exp $
     2$Name: geant4-09-03 $
    1818     * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
    1919     ----------------------------------------------------------
     2124 Nov 2009 Joseph Perl (tracking-V09-02-07)
     22- G4RichTrajectory: add additional attributes
     23- G4RichTrajectoryPoint: add additional attributes
     2520 Nov 2009 L.Desorgher (tracking-V09-02-06)
     26- Small correction in G4AdjointSteppingAction to stop the reverse tracking
     27  when adjoint particles reenter the adjoint source.
     28  Reput the Nan test removed in  tracking-V09-02-05 but now as (x<0 && x>=0).
     29  This Nan test is still needed in very rare case where the weight of a
     30  particle goes to Nan. As such the code is stable! The reason for the Nan
     31  weight is till under investigation.
     3318 Nov 2009 G.Cosmo (tracking-V09-02-05)
     34- Fixes to "Adjoint" classes to allow build of DLLs on Windows: renamed all
     35  methods and data holding "External" as keyword to "Ext".
     36  Cleanup of the code: use "const G4String&" instead of "G4String" wherever
     37  possible; use G4 types in consistent way; avoid usage of "isNan"; code
     38  formatting cleanup; added Geant4 disclaimer.
     4012 Nov 2009 J.Allison (tracking-V09-02-04)
     41- G4Trajectory, G4SmoothTrajectory, G4RichTrajectory:
     42  o Added initial kinetic energy.
     43- G4RichTrajectory:
     44  o Added final kinetic energy.
     45- G4RichTrajectoryPoint:
     46  o Added "remaining energy" at each step.
     4810 Nov 2009 L. Desorgher(tracking-V09-02-03)
     49- First commit of Adjoint classes in the tracking category
     50  New classes are: - G4AdjointCrossSurfChecker and G4AdjointSteppingAction
     5224 Sep 2009 P.Gumplinger (tracking-V09-02-02)
     53- Correction to G4SteppingManager::InvokeAtRestDoItProcs so G4Scintillation
     54  process (with an AtRestDoIt and 'Forced') will not be set to 'NotForced' when
     55  NofInactiveProc<MAXofAtRestLoops and when the user inactivated it on the fly.
     5721 Sep 2009 T.Sasaki (tracking-V09-02-01)
     58- Takashi's first iteration of the above
     6027 Feb 2009 T.Sasaki(tracking-V09-02-00)
     61- Fixing the problem in the the special cases of skipping voxel boundaries in
    216408 Doc 2008  M.Asai (tracking-V09-01-04)
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