Jun 18, 2010, 11:42:07 AM (14 years ago)

update geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 interfaces-V09-03-09 vis-V09-03-08

1 edited


  • trunk/source/geometry/solids/specific/History

    r1228 r1315  
    1 $Id: History,v 1.160 2009/11/11 12:25:46 gcosmo Exp $
     1$Id: History,v 1.170 2010/06/11 09:42:59 gcosmo Exp $
    1717     * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
    1818     ----------------------------------------------------------
     2011-Jun-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03-07)
     21- G4GenericTrap: fixed cases of zero dToIn/sToOut when vertices are collapsed
     22  to triangle, line or point. Added new methods handling those specific cases.
     23- Added unit test for G4GenericTrap.
     2510-Jun-2010  I.Hrivnacova
     26- G4GenericTrap: fixed parameter names in CalculateExtent() for the test
     27  case construction through tessellated facets.
     2909-Jun-2010  G.Cosmo
     30- G4GenericTrap: moved internal methods to private section and reordered
     31  in source file. Added missing implementation for IsTwisted() method.
     3303-Jun-2010  T.Nikitina, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-06)
     34- G4GenericTrap:
     35  o Fixed initialization of fSurfaceArea and fCubicVolume and
     36    calculation of surface area.
     37  o Fixed error in Inside(p) function, and corrected use std::fabs() instead
     38    of std::abs() for floating point values.
     39  o Added missing initialisation of fpPolyhedron pointer.
     40  o More corrected signatures for use of non-const references for vectors
     41    passed as arguments to functions.
     4302-Jun-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-05)
     44- G4GenericTrap: use const reference for vector of vertices passed as argument
     45  in constructor and accessor.
     4727-May-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03-04)
     48- First implementation of G4GenericTrap shape, a new solid representing an
     49  arbitrary trapezoid with up to 8 vertices standing on two parallel planes
     50  perpendicular to the Z axis.
     5228-Apr-2010  P.R.Truscott (geom-specific-V09-03-03)
     53- Fix in G4TriangularFacet and G4TessellatedSolid to correct treatment of
     54  optical photon transport related to internal reflection at surface.
     55  Addresses problem report #1103.
     5715-Apr-2010  I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-03-02)
     58- G4ExtrudedSolid: eliminated requirement for clockwise ordering of polygon
     59  vertices. Added a check for vertices ordering; if vertices are defined
     60  anti-clockwise their ordering is reverted.
     61  Fix in polygon facet triangularization for consequent concave vertices.
     6324-Feb-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-01)
     64- Adopt caching of Phi in G4PolyconeSide and G4PolyhedraSide to avoid
     65  unnecessary consecutive computations on the same point.
     6710-Feb-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-00)
     68- Use kInfinity for initialising minimum and maximum allowed extent for
     69  G4SolidExtentList of faceted solids.
    207111-Nov-2009  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-02-08)
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