Jun 18, 2010, 11:42:07 AM (14 years ago)

update geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 interfaces-V09-03-09 vis-V09-03-08

43 edited


  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/History

    r1228 r1315  
    1 $Id: History,v 1.480 2009/12/03 17:28:28 vnivanch Exp $
     1$Id: History,v 1.504 2010/06/04 09:25:12 vnivanch Exp $
    1717     * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
    1818     ----------------------------------------------------------
     204 June 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-17)
     21- G4ICRU73QOModel - fixed problems and add factor for transition to
     22                    Bethe-Bloch at 2 MeV
     23- G4hIonisation - use G4ICRU73QOModel for negatively charged particles
     24                  below 2 MeV
     25- G4BraggModel - above 2 MeV use ICRU'49 parameterisation for all atoms
     27June 3, 2010, V. Grichine
     28- G4PAIModel.cc, G4PAIPhotonModel.cc cout for the model initialisation
     301 June 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-16)
     31- G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - optimized computation of the transport
     32                             cross section
     33- G4WentzelVIModel - optimized method of step limitation
     3527 May 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-15)
     36- G4BraggIonGasModel, G4BetheBlochIonGasModel - new ionisation models
     37                      for low density media
     38- G4ICRU73QOModel (A.Bagulya) new model for anti-particles
     39- G4hIonisation - use G4ICRU73QOModel for anti-particles
     40- G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - new class to compute cross sections and
     41                             sample scattering angle 
     42- G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel
     43                    use new class G4WentzelOKandVIxSection
     4520 May 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-14)
     46- G4UrbanMscModel93 - L.Urban removed randomisation of step limit for the
     47                      first step in any volume in the case of UseSafety
     48- Removed obsolete models: G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMscModel71,
     49  G4MultipleScattering, G4ComptonScattering52, G4PolarizedComptonScattering
     5117 May 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-13)
     52- G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel - added momentum dependent
     53       limit of scattering angle between single and multiple scattering
     54       which allowing to use  G4WentzelVIModel with optical model
     55       of hadron scattering
     5717 May 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-12)
     58- G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable (O.Kadri) -
     59       optimized code to improve speed by addition extra class members
     6130 April 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-11)
     62- G4UrbanMscModel93 - L.Urban add randomisation of step limit for the
     63                      first step in any volume
     6528 April 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-10)
     66G4eBremsstrahlungModel - fixed SelectRandomAtom method (bug report #1115)
     6826 April 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-09)
     69- G4ASTARStopping, G4PSTARTStopping - C-arrays sustituted by G4PhysicsVector
     70            with spline; reviewed names of materials (G4_He, G4_PHOTO_EMULSION,
     71            G4_NYLON-6-6)
     72- G4ASTARStopping - fixed G4_O data
     73- G4PSTARStopping - fixed G4_Pt and G4_PROPANE data
     74- G4WaterStopping - cleanup GetElectronicDEDX method
     7616 April 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-08)
     77- G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel (O.Kadri) - improved numerical stability
     78            of computations for small angles by  direct xsection calculation
     79            not inverse of the inverse angular sampling without large angle
     80            rejection method longitudinal displacement is computed exactly
     81            from <z>
     82- G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable (O.Kadri)    - improved numerical stability by
     83            minimum of used arrays in computation within the dichotomy
     84            finding method
     85- G4eMultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering - improved printout at
     86                                                 initialisation
     8815 April 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-07)
     89- G4hMultipleScattering - removed old unused header of G4UrbanMscModel
     90- G4ASTARStopping.cc - disabled corrupted data for Oxygen
     9206 April 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-06)
     93- G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel, G4MollerBhabhaModel - set minimum cut
     94                      value to 0.1 keV
     9630 March 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-05)
     97- G4PolarizedComptonScattering - add message that this process is obsolete
     9922 March 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-04)
     100- G4eBremsstrahlungModel - reduced minThreshold to 0.1 keV
     101- G4MollerBhabhaModel - reduced minimum cut value to mean ionisation
     102                      potential
     10401 March 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-03)
     105- G4WentzelVIModel - added protections, added DefineMaterial() call
     106                     before computing cross section
     10831 March 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-02a)
     109- G4PolarizedComptonScattering - add message that this process is obsolete
     110- G4eCoulombScatteringModel - returned method default value 100 eV of 9.3 for
     111                              internal low limit
     11324 February 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-02)
     114- make a tag co-working with emutils-V09-03-02
     11619 February 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-01)
     117- G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable (O.Kadri)
     118      - fixed problems of small angle theta distributions
     12017 February 2010:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-00)
     121- G4CoulombScatteringModel - Added comments to relativistic formula
     122- G4eCoulombScatteringModel - Added method SetLowEnergyLimit, default
     123                              value is set to 1 eV (before was 100 eV)
     124- G4CoulombScattering - Removed inclined method SetBuildTableFlag because
     125                        the method exist in the base class
    2012703 December 09:  V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-36)
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/include/G4ASTARStopping.hh

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4ASTARStopping.hh,v 1.6 2008/11/13 12:04:37 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4ASTARStopping.hh,v 1.8 2010/04/26 17:22:08 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929#ifndef G4ASTARStopping_h
    5656#include "globals.hh"
     57#include "G4LPhysicsFreeVector.hh"
     58#include <vector>
    5860class G4Material;
    7678  void Initialise();
     80  void AddData(G4double* e, G4double* s, G4int idx);
    7882  // hide assignment operator
    7983  G4ASTARStopping & operator=(const  G4ASTARStopping &right);
    8084  G4ASTARStopping(const  G4ASTARStopping&);
     86  G4int matIndex;
    8287  const G4Material* currentMaterial;
    83   G4int index, matIndex;
    84   G4String name[74];
    85   G4double currentE, res;
    86   G4double e[74][78], kinE[78];
    87   G4double effZ[74];
     88  G4double emin;
     89  std::vector<G4String> name;
     90  std::vector<G4double> effZ;
     91  std::vector<G4LPhysicsFreeVector*> sdata;
    98102  return effZ[idx];
    99 }
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/include/G4BetheBlochModel.hh

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4BetheBlochModel.hh,v 1.20 2009/04/23 17:44:43 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4BetheBlochModel.hh,v 1.23 2010/05/27 14:26:17 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    116116                                     G4double kineticEnergy);
    118   virtual void CorrectionsAlongStep(const G4MaterialCutsCouple*,
    119                                     const G4DynamicParticle*,
     118  virtual void CorrectionsAlongStep(const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple,
     119                                    const G4DynamicParticle* dp,
    120120                                    G4double& eloss,
    121                                     G4double& niel,
     121                                    G4double&,
    122122                                    G4double length);
    133133                                      G4double kinEnergy);
     135  inline G4double GetChargeSquareRatio() const;
     137  inline void SetChargeSquareRatio(G4double val);
    137   inline void SetupParameters();
     141  void SetupParameters();
    139143  inline void SetParticle(const G4ParticleDefinition* p);
    171 inline void G4BetheBlochModel::SetupParameters()
    172 {
    173   mass = particle->GetPDGMass();
    174   spin = particle->GetPDGSpin();
    175   G4double q = particle->GetPDGCharge()/eplus;
    176   chargeSquare = q*q;
    177   ratio = electron_mass_c2/mass;
    178   G4double magmom = particle->GetPDGMagneticMoment()*mass/(0.5*eplus*hbar_Planck*c_squared);
    179   magMoment2 = magmom*magmom - 1.0;
    180   formfact = 0.0;
    181   if(particle->GetLeptonNumber() == 0) {
    182     G4double x = 0.8426*GeV;
    183     if(spin == 0.0 && mass < GeV) {x = 0.736*GeV;}
    184     else if(mass > GeV) {
    185       x /= nist->GetZ13(mass/proton_mass_c2);
    186       //        tlimit = 51.2*GeV*A13[iz]*A13[iz];
    187     }
    188     formfact = 2.0*electron_mass_c2/(x*x);
    189     tlimit   = 2.0/formfact;
    190   }
    191 }
    193 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
    195175inline void G4BetheBlochModel::SetParticle(const G4ParticleDefinition* p)
    197177  if(particle != p) {
    198178    particle = p;
    199     if (p->GetPDGCharge()/eplus > 1.5 && p->GetBaryonNumber() > 2) isIon = true;
     179    if (p->GetPDGCharge()/eplus > 1.5 && p->GetBaryonNumber() > 2)
     180      { isIon = true; }
    200181    SetupParameters();
    201182  }
    206187inline void G4BetheBlochModel::SetGenericIon(const G4ParticleDefinition* p)
    208   if(p && particle != p) {
    209     if(p->GetParticleName() == "GenericIon") isIon = true;
     189  if(p && particle != p) { 
     190    if(p->GetParticleName() == "GenericIon") { isIon = true; }
    210191  }
     196inline G4double G4BetheBlochModel::GetChargeSquareRatio() const
     198  return chargeSquare;
     203inline void G4BetheBlochModel::SetChargeSquareRatio(G4double val)
     205  chargeSquare = val;
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/include/G4BraggModel.hh

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4BraggModel.hh,v 1.14 2009/11/10 19:25:47 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4BraggModel.hh,v 1.15 2010/05/27 10:08:58 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    121121                                     const G4Material* mat,
    122122                                     G4double kineticEnergy);
    123   /*
    124   // add correction to energy loss and compute non-ionizing energy loss
    125   virtual void CorrectionsAlongStep(const G4MaterialCutsCouple*,
    126                                     const G4DynamicParticle*,
    127                                     G4double& eloss,
    128                                     G4double& niel,
    129                                     G4double length);
    130   */
    134126  virtual G4double MaxSecondaryEnergy(const G4ParticleDefinition*,
    135127                                      G4double kinEnergy);
     129  inline G4double GetChargeSquareRatio() const;
     131  inline void SetChargeSquareRatio(G4double val);
     195inline G4double G4BraggModel::GetChargeSquareRatio() const
     197  return chargeSquare;
     200inline void G4BraggModel::SetChargeSquareRatio(G4double val)
     202  chargeSquare = val;
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/include/G4CoulombScattering.hh

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4CoulombScattering.hh,v 1.13 2009/05/07 18:41:45 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4CoulombScattering.hh,v 1.14 2010/02/17 18:59:22 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    7373  // Set energy above which high energy model will be used
    7474  inline void SetHEModelLimit(G4double);
    76   // obsolete method to be removed
    77   inline void SetBuildTableFlag(G4bool);
    7976  // Print out of the class parameters
    127 inline void G4CoulombScattering::SetBuildTableFlag(G4bool)
    128 {}
    130 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
    132124inline void G4CoulombScattering::SetHEModelLimit(G4double val)
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/include/G4CoulombScatteringModel.hh

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4CoulombScatteringModel.hh,v 1.15 2008/07/31 13:11:34 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4CoulombScatteringModel.hh,v 1.17 2010/05/27 14:22:05 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    4545// 09.10.07 V.Ivanchenko reorganized methods, add cut dependence in scattering off e-
    4646// 09.06.08 V.Ivanchenko SelectIsotope is moved to the base class
     47// 27.05.10 V.Ivanchenko added G4WentzelOKandVIxSection class to
     48//              compute cross sections and sample scattering angle
    4850// Class Description:
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/include/G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel.hh

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel.hh,v 1.2 2009/06/04 13:45:49 gunter Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel.hh,v 1.4 2010/05/17 15:11:30 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    4141// Modifications:
    4242// 04.03.2009 V.Ivanchenko cleanup and format according to Geant4 EM style
     43// 12.05.2010 O.Kadri: adding Qn1 and Qn12 as private doubles
    4445// Class description:
    5455//Ref.5:F. Salvat et al.,"ELSEPA--Dirac partial ...molecules", Comp. Phys. Comm. 165 (2005) pp 157-190;
    5556//Ref.6:G4UrbanMscModel G4_v9.1Ref09;
    56 //Ref.7:G4eCoulombScatteringModel G4_v9.1Ref09.
     57//Ref.7:G4WentzelVIModel G4_v9.3.
    6364#include "G4PhysicsTable.hh"
    6465#include "globals.hh"
    65 #include "G4DataInterpolation.hh"
    6767class G4DataVector;
    114114  G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel(const  G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel&);
    116   G4double              lowKEnergy;
    117   G4double              highKEnergy;
     116  G4double lowKEnergy;
     117  G4double highKEnergy;
    118118  G4double currentKinEnergy;
    119119  G4double currentRange;
    125125  G4double charge,lambdalimit;
    126126  G4double tPathLength,stepmin ;
    127   G4double lambda1,lambda11;
     127  G4double lambda0,lambda1,lambda11,Qn1,Qn12;
    128128  G4double mass;
    129   G4double lambda0;
    130129  G4int    currentMaterialIndex;
    139138  const G4ParticleDefinition* particle;
    140139  G4ParticleChangeForMSC*     fParticleChange;
    141   G4DataInterpolation* MyValue;
    142140  const G4MaterialCutsCouple* currentCouple;
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/include/G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable.hh

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable.hh,v 1.3 2009/06/18 18:43:09 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable.hh,v 1.4 2010/02/19 09:29:53 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/include/G4PSTARStopping.hh

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4PSTARStopping.hh,v 1.5 2008/11/13 12:04:37 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4PSTARStopping.hh,v 1.7 2010/04/26 17:22:08 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929#ifndef G4PSTARStopping_h
    5757#include "globals.hh"
     58#include "G4LPhysicsFreeVector.hh"
     59#include <vector>
    5961class G4Material;
    7678  void Initialise();
     80  void AddData(G4double* e, G4double* s, G4int idx);
    7882  // hide assignment operator
    7983  G4PSTARStopping & operator=(const  G4PSTARStopping &right);
    8084  G4PSTARStopping(const  G4PSTARStopping&);
     86  G4int matIndex;
    8287  const G4Material* currentMaterial;
    83   G4int index, matIndex;
    84   G4String name[74];
    85   G4double currentE, res;
    86   G4double e[74][60], kinE[60];
     88  G4double emin;
     89  std::vector<G4String> name;
     90  std::vector<G4LPhysicsFreeVector*> sdata;
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/include/G4UrbanMscModel93.hh

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4UrbanMscModel93.hh,v 1.1 2009/11/01 13:04:12 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4UrbanMscModel93.hh,v 1.4 2009/12/14 06:57:12 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/include/G4WaterStopping.hh

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4WaterStopping.hh,v 1.7 2009/06/19 10:39:48 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4WaterStopping.hh,v 1.8 2010/04/26 17:22:08 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929#ifndef G4WaterStopping_h
    7979  G4int    Z[17];
    8080  G4double A[17];
     81  G4double emin;
    8182  std::vector<G4LPhysicsFreeVector*>  dedx;
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/include/G4WentzelVIModel.hh

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4WentzelVIModel.hh,v 1.21 2009/10/10 15:16:57 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4WentzelVIModel.hh,v 1.29 2010/05/27 14:22:05 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    4141// Modifications:
    42 //
     42// 27-05-2010 V.Ivanchenko added G4WentzelOKandVIxSection class to
     43//              compute cross sections and sample scattering angle
    4445// Class Description:
    6061#include "G4VMscModel.hh"
    6162#include "G4PhysicsTable.hh"
    62 #include "G4MscStepLimitType.hh"
    6363#include "G4MaterialCutsCouple.hh"
    64 #include "G4NistManager.hh"
     64#include "G4WentzelOKandVIxSection.hh"
     66class G4ParticleDefinition;
    6667class G4LossTableManager;
    67 class G4ParticleChangeForMSC;
    68 class G4ParticleDefinition;
     68class G4Pow;
    102   G4double ComputeTransportXSectionPerAtom();
    104102  G4double ComputeXSectionPerVolume();
    106   void ComputeMaxElectronScattering(G4double cut);
    108104  inline G4double GetLambda(G4double kinEnergy);
    110106  inline void SetupParticle(const G4ParticleDefinition*);
    112   inline void SetupKinematic(G4double kinEnergy, G4double cut);
    114   inline void SetupTarget(G4double Z, G4double kinEnergy);
    116108  inline void DefineMaterial(const G4MaterialCutsCouple*);
    120112  G4WentzelVIModel(const  G4WentzelVIModel&);
    122   const G4ParticleDefinition* theProton;
    123   const G4ParticleDefinition* theElectron;
    124   const G4ParticleDefinition* thePositron;
     114  G4LossTableManager*       theManager;
    126115  G4ParticleChangeForMSC*   fParticleChange;
     116  G4WentzelOKandVIxSection* wokvi;
     117  G4Pow*                    fG4pow;
    128119  G4PhysicsTable*           theLambdaTable;
    129   G4PhysicsTable*           theLambda2Table;
    130   G4LossTableManager*       theManager;
    131120  const G4DataVector*       currentCuts;
    133   G4NistManager*            fNistManager;
    135   G4double numlimit;
    136122  G4double tlimitminfix;
    137123  G4double invsqrt12;
    139   // cash
     125  // cache kinematics
    140126  G4double preKinEnergy;
    141   G4double ecut;
    142   G4double lambda0;
    143127  G4double tPathLength;
    144128  G4double zPathLength;
    145129  G4double lambdaeff;
    146130  G4double currentRange;
    147   G4double par1;
    148   G4double par2;
    149   G4double par3;
     132  // data for single scattering mode
    151133  G4double xtsec;
    152134  std::vector<G4double> xsecn;
    154136  G4int    nelments;
    156   G4int    nbins;
    157   G4int    nwarnings;
    158   G4int    nwarnlimit;
     138  G4double numlimit;
     140  // cache material
    160141  G4int    currentMaterialIndex;
    162142  const G4MaterialCutsCouple* currentCouple;
    163143  const G4Material* currentMaterial;
    165145  // single scattering parameters
    166   G4double coeff;
    167146  G4double cosThetaMin;
    168147  G4double cosThetaMax;
    169148  G4double cosTetMaxNuc;
    170   G4double cosTetMaxNuc2;
    171   G4double cosTetMaxElec;
    172   G4double cosTetMaxElec2;
    173   G4double q2Limit;
    174   G4double alpha2;
    176150  // projectile
    177151  const G4ParticleDefinition* particle;
    179   G4double chargeSquare;
    180   G4double spin;
    181   G4double mass;
    182   G4double tkin;
    183   G4double mom2;
    184   G4double invbeta2;
    185   G4double kinFactor;
    186   G4double etag;
    187152  G4double lowEnergyLimit;
    189   // target
    190   G4double targetZ;
    191   G4double targetMass;
    192   G4double screenZ;
    193   G4double formfactA;
    194   G4int    iz;
    196   static G4double ScreenRSquare[100];
    197   static G4double FormFactor[100];
    199154  // flags
    222177  G4double x;
    223178  if(theLambdaTable) {
    224     G4bool b;
    225     x = ((*theLambdaTable)[currentMaterialIndex])->GetValue(e, b);
     179    x = ((*theLambdaTable)[currentMaterialIndex])->Value(e);
    226180  } else {
    227181    x = CrossSection(currentCouple,particle,e,
    228182                     (*currentCuts)[currentMaterialIndex]);
    229183  }
    230   if(x > DBL_MIN) x = 1./x;
    231   else            x = DBL_MAX;
     184  if(x > DBL_MIN) { x = 1./x; }
     185  else            { x = DBL_MAX; }
    232186  return x;
    240194  if(p != particle) {
    241195    particle = p;
    242     mass = particle->GetPDGMass();
    243     spin = particle->GetPDGSpin();
    244     G4double q = particle->GetPDGCharge()/eplus;
    245     chargeSquare = q*q;
    246     tkin = 0.0;
     196    wokvi->SetupParticle(p);
    247197  }
    250 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
    252 inline void G4WentzelVIModel::SetupKinematic(G4double ekin, G4double cut)
    253 {
    254   if(ekin != tkin || ecut != cut) {
    255     tkin  = ekin;
    256     mom2  = tkin*(tkin + 2.0*mass);
    257     invbeta2 = 1.0 +  mass*mass/mom2;
    258     cosTetMaxNuc = cosThetaMax;
    259     if(mass < MeV && ekin <= 10.*cut) {
    260       cosTetMaxNuc = ekin*(cosThetaMax + 1.0)/(10.*cut) - 1.0;
    261     }
    262     ComputeMaxElectronScattering(cut);
    263   }
    264 }
    266 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
    268 inline void G4WentzelVIModel::SetupTarget(G4double Z, G4double e)
    269 {
    270   if(Z != targetZ || e != etag) {
    271     etag    = e;
    272     targetZ = Z;
    273     iz = G4int(Z);
    274     if(iz > 99) iz = 99;
    275     targetMass = fNistManager->GetAtomicMassAmu(iz)*amu_c2;
    276     screenZ = ScreenRSquare[iz]/mom2;
    277     G4double meff = targetMass/(mass+targetMass);
    278     kinFactor = coeff*targetZ*chargeSquare*invbeta2/(mom2*meff*meff);
    279     screenZ *=(1.13 + std::min(1.0,3.76*Z*Z*invbeta2*alpha2));
    280     if(mass > MeV) { screenZ *= 2.0; }
    281     formfactA = FormFactor[iz]*mom2;
    282     cosTetMaxNuc2 = cosTetMaxNuc;
    283     cosTetMaxElec2 = cosTetMaxElec;
    284   }
    285 }
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/include/G4eCoulombScatteringModel.hh

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4eCoulombScatteringModel.hh,v 1.49 2009/10/10 15:16:57 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4eCoulombScatteringModel.hh,v 1.56 2010/05/27 14:22:05 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    4747// 09.06.08 V.Ivanchenko add SelectIsotope and sampling of the recoil ion
    4848// 17.06.09 C.Consoalndi modified SetupTarget method - remove kinFactor
     49// 27.05.10 V.Ivanchenko added G4WentzelOKandVIxSection class to
     50//              compute cross sections and sample scattering angle
    6769#include "G4VEmModel.hh"
    68 #include "G4PhysicsTable.hh"
    6970#include "globals.hh"
    70 #include "G4NistManager.hh"
    71 #include <vector>
     71#include "G4MaterialCutsCouple.hh"
     72#include "G4WentzelOKandVIxSection.hh"
    7374class G4ParticleChangeForGamma;
    7475class G4ParticleDefinition;
     76class G4ParticleTable;
     77class G4NistManager;
    7679class G4eCoulombScatteringModel : public G4VEmModel
    99102                                 G4double maxEnergy);
     104  // defines low energy limit of the model
     105  inline void SetLowEnergyLimit(G4double val);
     107  // obsolete method
    101108  inline void SetRecoilThreshold(G4double eth);
    105   G4double CrossSectionPerAtom();
    107   G4double SampleCosineTheta();
    109112  inline void DefineMaterial(const G4MaterialCutsCouple*);
    111114  inline void SetupParticle(const G4ParticleDefinition*);
    113   inline void SetupKinematic(G4double kinEnergy, G4double cut);
    115   inline void SetupTarget(G4double Z, G4double kinEnergy);
    119   void ComputeMaxElectronScattering(G4double cut);
    121118  // hide assignment operator
    127   const G4ParticleDefinition* theProton;
    128   const G4ParticleDefinition* theElectron;
    129   const G4ParticleDefinition* thePositron;
    131   G4ParticleTable*          theParticleTable;
     124  G4ParticleTable*          theParticleTable;
    132125  G4ParticleChangeForGamma* fParticleChange;
     126  G4WentzelOKandVIxSection* wokvi;
    133127  G4NistManager*            fNistManager;
    140134  G4int                       currentMaterialIndex;
    142   G4double                  coeff;
    143136  G4double                  cosThetaMin;
    144137  G4double                  cosThetaMax;
    145138  G4double                  cosTetMinNuc;
    146139  G4double                  cosTetMaxNuc;
    147   G4double                  cosTetMaxNuc2;
    148   G4double                  cosTetMaxElec;
    149   G4double                  cosTetMaxElec2;
    150   G4double                  q2Limit;
    151140  G4double                  recoilThreshold;
    152   G4double                  elecXSection;
    153   G4double                  nucXSection;
    154   G4double                  ecut;
     141  G4double                  elecRatio;
     142  G4double                  mass;
    156144  // projectile
    157145  const G4ParticleDefinition* particle;
     146  const G4ParticleDefinition* theProton;
    159   G4double                  chargeSquare;
    160   G4double                  spin;
    161   G4double                  mass;
    162   G4double                  tkin;
    163   G4double                  mom2;
    164   G4double                  invbeta2;
    165   G4double                  etag;
    166148  G4double                  lowEnergyLimit;
    168   // target
    169   G4double                  targetZ;
    170   G4double                  targetMass;
    171   G4double                  screenZ;
    172   G4double                  formfactA;
    173   G4int                     idxelm;
    174   G4int                     iz;
    178   G4double                  alpha2;
    179   G4double                  faclim;
    181   static G4double ScreenRSquare[100];
    182   static G4double FormFactor[100];
    184152  G4bool                    isInitialised;             
    206174    particle = p;
    207175    mass = particle->GetPDGMass();
    208     spin = particle->GetPDGSpin();
    209     G4double q = particle->GetPDGCharge()/eplus;
    210     chargeSquare = q*q;
    211     tkin = 0.0;
     176    wokvi->SetupParticle(p);
    212177  }
    217 inline void G4eCoulombScatteringModel::SetupKinematic(G4double ekin,
    218                                                       G4double cut)
     182inline void G4eCoulombScatteringModel::SetLowEnergyLimit(G4double val)
    220   if(ekin != tkin || ecut != cut) {
    221     tkin = ekin;
    222     mom2 = tkin*(tkin + 2.0*mass);
    223     invbeta2 = 1.0 +  mass*mass/mom2;
    224     cosTetMinNuc = cosThetaMin;
    225     cosTetMaxNuc = cosThetaMax;
    226     if(mass < MeV && cosThetaMin < 1.0 && ekin <= 10.*cut) {
    227       cosTetMinNuc = ekin*(cosThetaMin + 1.0)/(10.*cut) - 1.0;
    228     }
    229     ComputeMaxElectronScattering(cut);
    230   }
     184  lowEnergyLimit = val;
    233 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
    235 inline void G4eCoulombScatteringModel::SetupTarget(G4double Z, G4double e)
    236 {
    237   if(Z != targetZ || e != etag) {
    238     etag    = e;
    239     targetZ = Z;
    240     iz= G4int(Z);
    241     if(iz > 99) iz = 99;
    242     targetMass = fNistManager->GetAtomicMassAmu(iz)*amu_c2;
    243     screenZ = ScreenRSquare[iz]/mom2;
    244     screenZ *=(1.13 + std::min(1.0,3.76*Z*Z*invbeta2*alpha2));
    245     if(mass > MeV) { screenZ *= 2.0; }
    246     formfactA = FormFactor[iz]*mom2;
    247     cosTetMaxNuc2 = cosTetMaxNuc;
    248     if(1 == iz && particle == theProton && cosTetMaxNuc2 < 0.0) {
    249       cosTetMaxNuc2 = 0.0;
    250     }
    251     cosTetMaxElec2 = cosTetMaxElec;
    252   }
    253 }
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/include/G4hIonisation.hh

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4hIonisation.hh,v 1.42 2009/02/20 12:06:37 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4hIonisation.hh,v 1.44 2010/05/27 10:25:23 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    101101  virtual void PrintInfo();
     103  // obsolete method
    103104  void ActivateNuclearStopping(G4bool);
    116117  G4bool     isInitialised;
    117   G4bool     nuclearStopping;
    119119  G4double   mass;
    126 inline void G4hIonisation::ActivateNuclearStopping(G4bool val)
    127 {
    128   nuclearStopping = val;
    129 }
    131 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4ASTARStopping.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4ASTARStopping.cc,v 1.8 2008/11/24 18:28:09 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4ASTARStopping.cc,v 1.13 2010/04/26 17:22:08 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    4141// Modifications:
     42// 19.04.2010 A.Ivanchenko fixed data for G4_O,
     43//                         checked all data
     44// 25.04.2010 V.Ivanchenko introduce G4LPhysicsFreeVector
    55   currentE = 0.0;
    5658  currentMaterial = 0;
    57   index = 0;
    5859  matIndex = -1;
     61  name.resize(74,"");
     62  effZ.resize(74,0);
     63  sdata.resize(74,0);
    5965  Initialise();
    65 {}
     72  for(size_t i=0; i<74; ++i) { delete sdata[i]; }
    6977G4int G4ASTARStopping:: GetIndex (const G4Material* mat)
    71   if (mat == currentMaterial) return matIndex;
     79  if (mat == currentMaterial) { return matIndex; }
    7280  G4String matName = mat->GetName();
    73   for (G4int i=0; i<74; i++){
    74     if (matName == name[i]){
     81  for (G4int i=0; i<74; ++i){
     82    if (matName == name[i]){ 
    7583      matIndex = i;
    7684      currentMaterial = mat;
    8593G4double G4ASTARStopping::GetElectronicDEDX(G4int i, G4double energy)
    87   if (matIndex == i && energy == currentE) return res;       
     95  G4double res = 0.0;
    8996  if (i<0 || i>73){
    9097    G4cout << "### G4ASTARStopping WARNING: index "
    9198           << i << " is out of range!" << G4endl;
    92     res = 0.0;
    9399    return res;
    94100  }
    95   matIndex = i;
    96   currentE = energy;
    98   if (energy < kinE[index] || energy > kinE[index+1]){
    100     if (energy <= kinE[0]) {
    101       index = 0;
    102       res = e[matIndex][0]*std::sqrt(energy/kinE[0]);
    103       return res;
    104     } else if (energy >= kinE[77]) {
    105       index = 76;
    106       res = e[matIndex][77];
    107       return res;
    108     }
    109     for (index = 0; index<77; index++){if (energy <= kinE[index+1]) break;}
    110   }
    112   G4double t1 = kinE[index];
    113   G4double t2 = kinE[index+1];
    114   G4double e1 = e[matIndex][index];
    115   G4double e2 = e[matIndex][index+1];
    116   res = e1*std::exp(std::log(energy/t1)*std::log(e2/e1)/std::log(t2/t1));
     101  if(energy < emin) { res = (*(sdata[i]))[0]*std::sqrt(energy/emin); }
     102  else              { res = sdata[i]->Value(energy); }
    117103  return res;
    118  }
    120106void G4ASTARStopping::Initialise()
    123 G4int i;
    124108G4double Z[74] = {
    125109  6.0,  6.0,  6.0, 47.0,  7.0, 13.0, 13.0, 18.0, 79.0, 6.0,
    135  for(i=0; i<74; i++) {effZ[i]=Z[i];}
     119for(G4int i=0; i<74; ++i) {effZ[i]=Z[i];}
    137121name [0] = "G4_A-150_TISSUE"; 
    138 G4double T0[78] = { 0.001, 0.0015, 0.002, 0.0025, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005, 0.006, 0.007, 0.008, 0.009, 0.01, 0.0125, 0.015, 0.0175, 0.02, 0.0225, 0.025, 0.0275, 0.03, 0.035, 0.04, 0.045, 0.05, 0.055, 0.06, 0.065, 0.07, 0.075, 0.08, 0.085, 0.09, 0.095, 0.1, 0.125, 0.15, 0.175, 0.2, 0.225, 0.25, 0.275, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10 };
     122G4double T0[78] = { 0.001, 0.0015, 0.002, 0.0025, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005, 0.006, 0.007, 0.008, 0.009, 0.01, 0.0125, 0.015, 0.0175, 0.02, 0.0225, 0.025, 0.0275, 0.03, 0.035, 0.04, 0.045, 0.05, 0.055, 0.06, 0.065, 0.07, 0.075, 0.08, 0.085, 0.09, 0.095, 0.1, 0.125, 0.15, 0.175, 0.2, 0.225, 0.25, 0.275, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10. };
     123 emin = T0[0]*MeV;
    140125G4double e0[78] = { 168.8, 204.2, 233.8, 259.7, 283, 324.3, 360.4, 393, 422.8, 450.5, 476.5, 501, 557.1, 607.7, 654.1, 697.1, 737.4, 775.4, 811.5, 845.9, 910.3, 970, 1026, 1078, 1128, 1175, 1220, 1263, 1305, 1344, 1383, 1419, 1455, 1489, 1646, 1782, 1901, 2005, 2097, 2178, 2249, 2312, 2413, 2488, 2539, 2572, 2589, 2593, 2586, 2571, 2548, 2521, 2489, 2453, 2416, 2377, 2176, 1989, 1825, 1683, 1561, 1457, 1369, 1292, 1165, 1062, 978.5, 908.4, 848.8, 797.4, 752.4, 712.9, 677.7, 646.1, 617.7, 591.9, 568.4, 547 };
    142  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[0][i]=e0[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
    143  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {kinE[i]=T0[i];}
     126AddData(T0,e0, 0);
    145128name [1] = "G4_ACETYLENE";
    146129G4double e1[78] = { 192.2, 229.4, 260.2, 287, 311, 353.1, 389.7, 422.5, 452.4, 480.1, 506, 530.3, 585.9, 635.7, 681.2, 723.2, 762.5, 799.4, 834.3, 867.5, 929.6, 986.9, 1040, 1090, 1137, 1182, 1224, 1265, 1304, 1341, 1376, 1411, 1444, 1475, 1619, 1741, 1847, 1938, 2017, 2085, 2144, 2195, 2275, 2331, 2367, 2388, 2397, 2395, 2386, 2370, 2350, 2326, 2299, 2271, 2241, 2210, 2056, 1913, 1783, 1666, 1562, 1468, 1384, 1308, 1177, 1072, 986.8, 915.5, 855, 802.8, 757.2, 717.1, 681.4, 649.5, 620.7, 594.7, 570.9, 549.2 };
    148  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[1][i]=e1[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     130AddData(T0,e1, 1);
    150132name [2] = "G4_ADIPOSE_TISSUE_ICRP";
    151133G4double e2[78] = { 169.4, 204.2, 233.3, 258.8, 281.8, 322.4, 358.1, 390.2, 419.7, 447.2, 472.9, 497.2, 552.9, 603.2, 649.4, 692.4, 732.7, 770.7, 806.8, 841.3, 906, 966.1, 1022, 1075, 1125, 1173, 1219, 1262, 1304, 1344, 1383, 1420, 1456, 1491, 1650, 1787, 1907, 2012, 2104, 2185, 2256, 2317, 2417, 2489, 2539, 2571, 2588, 2592, 2587, 2573, 2554, 2529, 2500, 2468, 2434, 2398, 2213, 2035, 1874, 1731, 1605, 1499, 1408, 1328, 1197, 1091, 1004, 932.2, 870.7, 817.8, 771.5, 730.8, 694.5, 662.1, 632.9, 606.4, 582.3, 560.2 };
    153  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[2][i]=e2[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     134AddData(T0,e2, 2);
    155136name [3] = "G4_Ag";
    156137G4double e3[78] = { 31.26, 38.13, 43.91, 48.98, 53.56, 61.66, 68.79, 75.21, 81.11, 86.6, 91.74, 96.6, 107.7, 117.8, 127, 135.6, 143.6, 151.2, 158.4, 165.3, 178.2, 190.2, 201.4, 212, 222, 231.6, 240.7, 249.5, 257.9, 266, 273.9, 281.4, 288.8, 295.9, 328.8, 357.8, 383.8, 407.4, 428.8, 448.4, 466.3, 482.8, 511.8, 536.2, 556.6, 573.5, 587.3, 598.4, 607.2, 613.8, 618.5, 621.6, 623.4, 623.8, 623.3, 621.8, 604.4, 578.7, 550.8, 523.3, 497.6, 474.4, 453.6, 435, 402.7, 375.9, 353.2, 333.6, 316.9, 302, 288.8, 276.9, 266.2, 256.5, 247.7, 239.5, 232, 225.1 };
    158  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[3][i]=e3[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     138AddData(T0,e3, 3);
    160140name [4] = "G4_AIR";
    161141G4double e4[78] = { 87.5, 108.6, 126.7, 142.7, 157.3, 183.5, 206.7, 227.9, 247.5, 265.9, 283.2, 299.6, 337.7, 372.3, 404.3, 434.3, 462.6, 489.4, 515, 539.5, 585.8, 629, 669.6, 708.1, 744.8, 779.8, 813.4, 845.7, 876.8, 906.8, 935.9, 964, 991.3, 1018, 1140, 1247, 1343, 1429, 1506, 1575, 1637, 1693, 1787, 1861, 1918, 1961, 1990, 2008, 2017, 2019, 2013, 2002, 1987, 1968, 1946, 1922, 1774, 1625, 1494, 1382, 1287, 1205, 1133, 1072, 968.6, 885.9, 818, 760.7, 711.7, 669.6, 632.7, 600.2, 571.2, 545.3, 521.9, 500.6, 481.2, 463.4 };
    163  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[4][i]=e4[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     142AddData(T0,e4, 4);
    165144name [5] = "G4_Al";
    166145G4double e5[78] = { 55.8, 71.89, 86.05, 98.92, 110.9, 132.7, 152.5, 170.9, 188.2, 204.5, 220.1, 235.1, 270.1, 302.5, 332.8, 361.5, 388.6, 414.6, 439.4, 463.3, 508.4, 550.4, 589.6, 626.5, 661.1, 693.7, 724.3, 753.2, 780.3, 805.9, 830.1, 852.8, 874.3, 894.5, 980, 1045, 1096, 1136, 1168, 1195, 1216, 1234, 1262, 1280, 1291, 1297, 1298, 1297, 1293, 1286, 1279, 1269, 1259, 1248, 1237, 1225, 1161, 1098, 1039, 984.9, 937.6, 895.4, 856.8, 821, 756.1, 698.6, 647.8, 604.8, 567.8, 535.7, 507.4, 482.4, 460, 439.8, 421.6, 405.1, 389.9, 376 };
    168  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[5][i]=e5[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     146AddData(T0,e5, 5);
    170148name [6] = "G4_ALUMINUM_OXIDE";
    171149G4double e6[78] = { 71.39, 88.59, 103.3, 116.4, 128.4, 149.9, 169, 186.5, 202.8, 218, 232.3, 246, 277.7, 306.6, 333.4, 358.5, 382.1, 404.6, 426, 446.5, 485, 520.9, 554.3, 585.8, 615.5, 643.5, 670, 695.2, 719.1, 741.9, 763.6, 784.3, 804, 822.9, 905.9, 974, 1031, 1080, 1122, 1159, 1191, 1220, 1267, 1304, 1332, 1353, 1368, 1378, 1383, 1385, 1384, 1381, 1376, 1370, 1362, 1352, 1308, 1253, 1187, 1115, 1044, 982.5, 928.4, 880, 801.2, 737, 683.4, 638.1, 599.1, 565.2, 535.4, 508.9, 485.3, 464, 444.8, 427.3, 411.4, 396.7 };
    173  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[6][i]=e6[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     150AddData(T0,e6, 6);
    175152name [7] = "G4_Ar";
    176153G4double e7[78] = { 34.54, 44.56, 53.39, 61.42, 68.88, 82.53, 94.95, 106.5, 117.3, 127.6, 137.4, 146.8, 168.8, 189.3, 208.5, 226.7, 244.1, 260.8, 276.8, 292.3, 321.9, 349.8, 376.5, 401.9, 426.4, 450, 472.8, 494.9, 516.3, 537.1, 557.3, 577, 596.1, 614.8, 702.1, 780.3, 850.8, 914.4, 971.9, 1024, 1070, 1111, 1181, 1233, 1272, 1298, 1314, 1321, 1321, 1315, 1305, 1291, 1276, 1258, 1240, 1222, 1130, 1047, 974, 911.2, 856.7, 809, 767, 729.8, 666.1, 613.2, 569.7, 532.7, 501, 473.4, 449.1, 427.4, 408.3, 391, 375.4, 361.1, 348.1, 336 };
    178  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[7][i]=e7[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     154AddData(T0,e7, 7);
    180156name [8] = "G4_Au";
    181157G4double e8[78] = { 11.5, 14.55, 17.2, 19.57, 21.76, 25.72, 29.27, 32.54, 35.59, 38.46, 41.18, 43.78, 49.83, 55.39, 60.56, 65.44, 70.06, 74.46, 78.68, 82.74, 90.45, 97.69, 104.5, 111.1, 117.3, 123.3, 129.1, 134.6, 140, 145.2, 150.3, 155.2, 160, 164.7, 186.4, 205.8, 223.5, 239.5, 254.2, 267.7, 280.1, 291.5, 311.6, 328.5, 342.6, 354.3, 363.8, 371.5, 377.5, 382.1, 385.5, 387.8, 389.1, 389.6, 389.4, 388.7, 384.4, 375.7, 362.6, 346.8, 330.5, 316.4, 304, 293, 274.1, 258.4, 245, 233.4, 223.1, 214, 205.8, 198.4, 191.6, 185.5, 179.7, 174.5, 169.6, 165 };
    183  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[8][i]=e8[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     158AddData(T0,e8, 8);
    185160name [9] = "G4_B-100_BONE";
    186161G4double e9[78] = { 138.6, 167.7, 192, 213.3, 232.4, 266.3, 296, 322.7, 347.2, 369.9, 391.2, 411.3, 457.3, 498.8, 536.8, 572, 605, 636.1, 665.7, 693.8, 746.5, 795.4, 841, 883.9, 924.5, 963.1, 999.9, 1035, 1069, 1101, 1133, 1163, 1192, 1220, 1348, 1460, 1557, 1643, 1719, 1786, 1845, 1897, 1983, 2047, 2093, 2124, 2142, 2149, 2148, 2139, 2125, 2106, 2084, 2059, 2031, 2003, 1861, 1726, 1600, 1484, 1379, 1290, 1214, 1147, 1035, 945.3, 871.8, 810, 757.7, 712.5, 672.9, 638.1, 607, 579.2, 554.1, 531.3, 510.5, 491.5 };
    188  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[9][i]=e9[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     162AddData(T0,e9, 9);
    190164name [10] = "G4_Be";
    191165G4double e10[78] = { 146.3, 177.1, 202.9, 225.4, 245.6, 281.3, 312.5, 340.6, 366.2, 390, 412.2, 433.2, 481.1, 524.1, 563.3, 599.7, 633.6, 665.4, 695.6, 724.2, 777.7, 827, 872.7, 915.5, 955.7, 993.7, 1030, 1064, 1096, 1128, 1157, 1186, 1213, 1239, 1356, 1453, 1534, 1602, 1659, 1706, 1745, 1776, 1821, 1846, 1856, 1855, 1845, 1829, 1809, 1785, 1759, 1732, 1703, 1674, 1645, 1617, 1499, 1406, 1326, 1254, 1189, 1129, 1075, 1024, 935.3, 858.7, 792.9, 737.6, 690, 648.7, 612.5, 580.4, 552, 526.4, 503.3, 482.4, 463.3, 445.8 };
    193  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[10][i]=e10[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     166AddData(T0,e10, 10);
    195168name [11] = "G4_BONE_COMPACT_ICRU";
    196169G4double e11[78] = { 125.9, 152.6, 175, 194.8, 212.5, 244.1, 271.8, 296.8, 319.8, 341.1, 361.2, 380.2, 423.8, 463.1, 499.3, 533, 564.6, 594.5, 622.8, 649.9, 700.8, 748.1, 792.4, 834.2, 873.7, 911.4, 947.4, 981.9, 1015, 1047, 1078, 1107, 1136, 1164, 1291, 1401, 1498, 1584, 1660, 1727, 1787, 1839, 1926, 1991, 2039, 2072, 2092, 2103, 2105, 2100, 2089, 2075, 2056, 2035, 2011, 1986, 1846, 1705, 1576, 1460, 1358, 1271, 1196, 1130, 1020, 931.6, 859.4, 798.8, 747.4, 702.9, 664, 629.7, 599.1, 571.7, 547.1, 524.7, 504.3, 485.6 };
    198  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[11][i]=e11[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     170AddData(T0,e11, 11);
    200172name [12] = "G4_C";
    201173G4double e12[78] = { 190.6, 225.6, 254.3, 279, 300.9, 339.2, 372.1, 401.4, 427.9, 452.3, 475, 496.2, 544.3, 586.9, 625.5, 661, 693.8, 724.6, 753.5, 780.8, 831.5, 877.9, 920.8, 960.6, 998, 1033, 1066, 1098, 1128, 1156, 1184, 1210, 1235, 1259, 1366, 1455, 1531, 1595, 1650, 1698, 1738, 1772, 1825, 1862, 1886, 1900, 1906, 1906, 1901, 1892, 1880, 1866, 1850, 1833, 1814, 1795, 1684, 1571, 1466, 1372, 1288, 1213, 1145, 1085, 981.9, 898.2, 829.6, 772, 722.9, 680.4, 643.1, 610.2, 580.8, 554.4, 530.6, 509, 489.2, 471.2 };
    203  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[12][i]=e12[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
    205 name [13] = "G4_C_Graphite";
     174AddData(T0,e12, 12);
     176name [13] = "G4_GRAPHITE_POROUS";
    206177G4double e13[78] = { 192.3, 228.9, 259, 285.1, 308.3, 348.9, 384, 415.3, 443.7, 469.9, 494.2, 517, 568.9, 615.1, 657, 695.5, 731.3, 764.8, 796.3, 826.2, 881.8, 932.7, 979.8, 1024, 1065, 1104, 1141, 1175, 1209, 1240, 1271, 1300, 1327, 1354, 1473, 1574, 1658, 1731, 1793, 1845, 1890, 1929, 1987, 2027, 2051, 2063, 2065, 2060, 2049, 2034, 2015, 1993, 1969, 1944, 1917, 1891, 1751, 1620, 1502, 1400, 1310, 1231, 1161, 1099, 994.3, 909, 839.2, 780.7, 730.8, 687.6, 649.8, 616.4, 586.6, 559.8, 535.7, 513.8, 493.8, 475.5 };
    208  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[13][i]=e13[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     178AddData(T0,e13, 13);
    210180name [14] = "G4_ETHYLENE";
    211181G4double e14[78] = { 159.8, 195.8, 226, 252.7, 276.8, 319.7, 357.4, 391.5, 422.9, 452.1, 479.5, 505.4, 565.1, 619, 668.6, 714.8, 758.1, 799.1, 838.1, 875.3, 945.4, 1011, 1072, 1130, 1185, 1237, 1288, 1336, 1383, 1428, 1471, 1514, 1555, 1594, 1779, 1945, 2094, 2230, 2354, 2468, 2571, 2666, 2830, 2961, 3060, 3130, 3172, 3189, 3185, 3164, 3129, 3086, 3038, 2986, 2931, 2876, 2578, 2306, 2084, 1907, 1763, 1642, 1539, 1450, 1303, 1185, 1089, 1010, 941.9, 883.6, 832.8, 788.1, 748.4, 712.9, 680.9, 652, 625.7, 601.7 };
    213  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[14][i]=e14[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     182AddData(T0,e14, 14);
    215184name [15] = "G4_C-552";
    216185G4double e15[78] = { 124.1, 148.8, 169.3, 187.2, 203.3, 231.5, 256.1, 278.2, 298.4, 317.1, 334.5, 351, 388.6, 422.4, 453.2, 481.8, 508.4, 533.5, 557.3, 579.9, 622.2, 661.3, 697.8, 732, 764.3, 794.9, 824, 851.9, 878.5, 904.1, 928.7, 952.4, 975.2, 997.3, 1097, 1184, 1259, 1325, 1384, 1435, 1481, 1521, 1588, 1639, 1678, 1706, 1726, 1738, 1744, 1745, 1743, 1736, 1727, 1716, 1703, 1688, 1603, 1511, 1421, 1338, 1261, 1190, 1126, 1067, 965.5, 883.8, 816.4, 759.6, 711.1, 669.1, 632.3, 599.9, 571, 545, 521.6, 500.3, 480.9, 463.1 };
    218  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[15][i]=e15[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     186AddData(T0,e15, 15);
    220188name [16] = "G4_CARBON_DIOXIDE";
    221189G4double e16[78] = { 93.28, 114.2, 131.9, 147.5, 161.6, 186.6, 208.6, 228.5, 246.8, 263.8, 279.8, 295, 329.8, 361.2, 390.2, 417.1, 442.4, 466.4, 489.1, 510.8, 551.8, 589.8, 625.6, 659.4, 691.5, 722.2, 751.6, 779.8, 807.1, 833.4, 858.9, 883.7, 907.7, 931.1, 1040, 1137, 1225, 1306, 1380, 1449, 1513, 1571, 1676, 1763, 1834, 1891, 1933, 1961, 1977, 1982, 1978, 1967, 1952, 1932, 1911, 1888, 1752, 1614, 1490, 1383, 1290, 1209, 1139, 1077, 973.3, 890, 821.5, 764, 714.9, 672.6, 635.5, 602.6, 573.5, 547.3, 523.7, 502.4, 482.9, 465 };
    223  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[16][i]=e16[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     190AddData(T0,e16, 16);
    225192name [17] = "G4_CALCIUM_FLUORIDE";
    226193G4double e17[78] = { 72.78, 90.74, 106.1, 119.8, 132.3, 154.7, 174.6, 192.8, 209.7, 225.5, 240.4, 254.5, 287.2, 317, 344.6, 370.4, 394.6, 417.6, 439.5, 460.5, 499.9, 536.5, 570.8, 603.1, 633.6, 662.6, 690.1, 716.4, 741.5, 765.6, 788.6, 810.8, 832.1, 852.6, 944.4, 1022, 1088, 1145, 1194, 1237, 1275, 1308, 1361, 1401, 1431, 1453, 1467, 1476, 1481, 1481, 1479, 1474, 1466, 1458, 1447, 1436, 1352, 1256, 1166, 1086, 1016, 954.4, 900.2, 852.3, 772.1, 708.1, 655.5, 610.7, 573.3, 540.6, 511.9, 486.6, 464, 443.8, 425.4, 408.7, 393.4, 379.4 };
    228  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[17][i]=e17[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     194AddData(T0,e17, 17);
    230196name [18] = "G4_CERIC_SULFATE";
    231197G4double e18[78] = { 99.73, 123.7, 144.1, 162.3, 178.8, 208.3, 234.6, 258.5, 280.5, 301.2, 320.6, 339.1, 381.8, 420.6, 456.5, 490, 521.6, 551.5, 580.1, 607.4, 658.9, 707, 752.2, 795, 835.7, 874.6, 911.8, 947.6, 982, 1015, 1047, 1078, 1109, 1138, 1273, 1391, 1497, 1591, 1676, 1753, 1822, 1884, 1990, 2074, 2140, 2190, 2227, 2251, 2266, 2273, 2272, 2266, 2254, 2238, 2220, 2198, 2049, 1886, 1737, 1607, 1495, 1399, 1315, 1242, 1120, 1023, 942.8, 875.6, 818.4, 769.2, 726.1, 688, 654.2, 624, 596.7, 572, 549.5, 528.9 };
    233  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[18][i]=e18[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     198AddData(T0,e18, 18);
    235200name [19] = "G4_CELLULOSE_NITRATE";
    236201G4double e19[78] = { 157.6, 186.4, 209.9, 230.3, 248.3, 279.7, 306.8, 330.8, 352.6, 372.6, 391.2, 408.7, 448.1, 483.2, 514.9, 544.1, 571.1, 596.4, 620.3, 642.8, 684.8, 723.2, 758.8, 792, 823.2, 852.7, 880.6, 907.2, 932.6, 956.9, 980.2, 1003, 1024, 1045, 1139, 1220, 1290, 1353, 1408, 1457, 1502, 1541, 1608, 1662, 1704, 1736, 1761, 1778, 1789, 1796, 1798, 1796, 1790, 1782, 1772, 1760, 1674, 1574, 1476, 1385, 1302, 1227, 1160, 1099, 993.8, 909.3, 839.7, 781.1, 731.2, 688.1, 650.2, 616.7, 587, 560.3, 536.2, 514.4, 494.5, 476.2 };
    238  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[19][i]=e19[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     202AddData(T0,e19, 19);
    240204name [20] = "G4_BONE_CORTICAL_ICRP";
    241205G4double e20[78] = { 109.1, 132.8, 152.8, 170.4, 186.2, 214.4, 239.3, 261.7, 282.4, 301.6, 319.7, 336.8, 376.1, 411.7, 444.5, 475, 503.6, 530.7, 556.5, 581.1, 627.4, 670.4, 710.8, 748.9, 785, 819.4, 852.4, 883.9, 914.3, 943.5, 971.7, 999, 1025, 1051, 1168, 1270, 1360, 1440, 1511, 1574, 1630, 1680, 1763, 1826, 1872, 1905, 1927, 1939, 1943, 1941, 1933, 1921, 1905, 1887, 1866, 1844, 1720, 1593, 1475, 1369, 1274, 1193, 1123, 1062, 959.2, 877.1, 809.7, 753, 704.9, 663.4, 627, 594.9, 566.3, 540.6, 517.5, 496.5, 477.4, 459.8 };
    243  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[20][i]=e20[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     206AddData(T0,e20, 20);
    245208name [21] = "G4_CESIUM_IODIDE";
    246209G4double e21[78] = { 40.6, 48.54, 55.16, 60.95, 66.15, 75.33, 83.38, 90.64, 97.29, 103.5, 109.3, 114.8, 127.3, 138.7, 149.2, 158.9, 168, 176.7, 184.9, 192.8, 207.6, 221.3, 234.2, 246.4, 258, 269.1, 279.7, 289.9, 299.7, 309.2, 318.3, 327.1, 335.7, 344, 382.3, 415.8, 445.6, 472.1, 495.7, 516.7, 535.4, 551.8, 578.9, 599.2, 613.8, 623.8, 629.9, 633, 633.6, 632.3, 629.5, 625.5, 620.6, 615.1, 609.1, 602.8, 567.7, 533, 501.8, 474.4, 450.3, 429, 410.1, 393.3, 364.6, 340.9, 321, 304, 289.2, 275.9, 264.1, 253.6, 243.9, 235, 226.7, 218.9, 211.9, 205.4 };
    248  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[21][i]=e21[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     210AddData(T0,e21, 21);
    250212name [22] = "G4_Cu";
    251213G4double e22[78] = { 29.51, 36.49, 42.42, 47.68, 52.45, 60.98, 68.54, 75.4, 81.74, 87.65, 93.23, 98.51, 110.7, 121.8, 132, 141.5, 150.5, 159, 167.2, 174.9, 189.5, 203.2, 216, 228.1, 239.7, 250.7, 261.3, 271.4, 281.2, 290.7, 299.8, 308.7, 317.3, 325.6, 364.2, 398.4, 429.1, 456.8, 482.1, 505.1, 526.2, 545.4, 579, 607, 630.1, 649.1, 664.4, 676.6, 686.2, 693.4, 698.8, 702.4, 704.6, 705.7, 705.7, 704.9, 692.5, 672.6, 650.3, 627.6, 606, 585.6, 566.3, 548, 514, 483.4, 455.8, 431, 408.4, 388, 369.6, 353.7, 339.1, 325.7, 313.4, 302, 291.7, 282.3 };
    253  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[22][i]=e22[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     214AddData(T0,e22, 22);
    255216name [23] = "G4_Fe";
    256217G4double e23[78] = { 54.06, 65.42, 74.91, 83.2, 90.66, 103.8, 115.3, 125.6, 135.1, 143.8, 152, 159.8, 177.4, 193.3, 207.8, 221.3, 233.9, 245.7, 256.9, 267.6, 287.7, 306.2, 323.5, 339.8, 355.2, 369.8, 383.8, 397.1, 410, 422.3, 434.2, 445.7, 456.9, 467.6, 517.1, 560.6, 599.4, 634.3, 665.9, 694.6, 720.8, 744.8, 786.6, 821.5, 850.4, 874.1, 893.1, 908.1, 919.6, 928, 933.6, 936.8, 938, 937.3, 935.1, 931.5, 899.9, 856.7, 810.9, 766.9, 727.3, 691.9, 660.2, 631.5, 581.8, 540.1, 504.6, 473.9, 447.2, 423.6, 402.6, 383.5, 366.9, 352, 338.3, 325.7, 314.1, 303.6 };
    258  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[23][i]=e23[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     218AddData(T0,e23, 23);
    260220name [24] = "G4_FERROUS_SULFATE";
    261221G4double e24[78] = { 99.58, 123.5, 144, 162.1, 178.6, 208.1, 234.3, 258.2, 280.2, 300.8, 320.3, 338.7, 381.4, 420.2, 456, 489.5, 521, 551, 579.5, 606.8, 658.3, 706.3, 751.5, 794.2, 834.9, 873.7, 910.9, 946.6, 981, 1014, 1046, 1077, 1108, 1137, 1271, 1390, 1495, 1590, 1675, 1751, 1820, 1882, 1988, 2072, 2138, 2188, 2225, 2250, 2265, 2271, 2271, 2264, 2253, 2237, 2218, 2197, 2048, 1886, 1738, 1609, 1497, 1401, 1317, 1244, 1122, 1025, 944.6, 877.4, 820, 770.7, 727.5, 689.3, 655.4, 625.2, 597.8, 573.1, 550.5, 529.9 };
    263  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[24][i]=e24[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     222AddData(T0,e24, 24);
    265224name [25] = "G4_Gd";
    266225G4double e25[78] = { 38.11, 45.4, 51.41, 56.61, 61.25, 69.34, 76.36, 82.61, 88.29, 93.53, 98.41, 103, 113.4, 122.7, 131.1, 138.9, 146.1, 152.9, 159.3, 165.4, 176.7, 187.1, 196.8, 205.9, 214.4, 222.5, 230.3, 237.6, 244.7, 251.5, 258, 264.3, 270.3, 276.2, 303.1, 326.6, 347.4, 366.2, 383.1, 398.5, 412.5, 425.4, 447.8, 466.5, 482.1, 494.8, 505.1, 513.2, 519.4, 523.9, 526.9, 528.6, 529.1, 528.6, 527.3, 525.2, 505.6, 481, 456.8, 434.6, 414.6, 396.6, 380.5, 366, 340.9, 319.7, 301.6, 285.8, 272, 259.8, 248.8, 239, 230.1, 222, 214.6, 207.7, 201.4, 195.6 };
    268  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[25][i]=e25[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     226AddData(T0,e25, 25);
    270228name [26] = "G4_Ge";
    271229G4double e26[78] = { 47.65, 57.57, 65.83, 73.05, 79.53, 90.94, 100.9, 109.9, 118, 125.6, 132.7, 139.4, 154.6, 168.3, 180.8, 192.3, 203.1, 213.3, 222.9, 232, 249.1, 264.8, 279.5, 293.2, 306.1, 318.4, 330, 341.1, 351.7, 361.8, 371.5, 380.8, 389.8, 398.4, 437.2, 469.9, 497.8, 521.7, 542.3, 560.1, 575.5, 588.9, 610.7, 627.4, 640.1, 649.9, 657.3, 662.8, 666.8, 669.6, 671.4, 672.3, 672.4, 671.9, 670.9, 669.4, 656.9, 639.5, 619.8, 599.4, 578.4, 557.6, 537.5, 518.5, 483.6, 452.9, 425.8, 401.8, 380.5, 361.5, 344.3, 328.6, 315.1, 303.1, 292.1, 282, 272.6, 263.8 };
    273  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[26][i]=e26[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     230AddData(T0,e26, 26);
    275232name [27] = "G4_Pyrex_Glass";
    276233G4double e27[78] = { 83.85, 102.1, 117.5, 131, 143.3, 165, 184.1, 201.3, 217.2, 232, 245.9, 259, 289.2, 316.5, 341.5, 364.8, 386.7, 407.4, 427.1, 445.8, 481.1, 513.8, 544.4, 573.2, 600.6, 626.6, 651.5, 675.3, 698.1, 720.1, 741.3, 761.7, 781.5, 800.6, 888, 963.9, 1031, 1090, 1142, 1189, 1231, 1268, 1330, 1378, 1414, 1441, 1460, 1473, 1481, 1485, 1484, 1481, 1475, 1466, 1456, 1445, 1389, 1323, 1249, 1171, 1095, 1029, 971.4, 920.7, 835.9, 768, 711.5, 663.8, 622.8, 587.4, 556.1, 528.4, 503.7, 481.5, 461.4, 443.2, 426.5, 411.2 };
    278  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[27][i]=e27[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     234AddData(T0,e27, 27);
    280236name [28] = "G4_H";
    281237G4double e28[78] = { 212, 275.4, 331.7, 383, 430.9, 518.8, 599.2, 674, 744.5, 811.5, 875.6, 937.1, 1082, 1217, 1344, 1465, 1580, 1691, 1798, 1901, 2098, 2285, 2463, 2634, 2798, 2956, 3108, 3256, 3399, 3538, 3674, 3805, 3933, 4058, 4637, 5152, 5610, 6019, 6383, 6705, 6988, 7235, 7632, 7915, 8100, 8203, 8240, 8222, 8161, 8067, 7947, 7808, 7655, 7494, 7327, 7157, 6345, 5647, 5068, 4588, 4188, 3860, 3585, 3351, 2971, 2675, 2438, 2242, 2078, 1939, 1818, 1713, 1620, 1538, 1464, 1398, 1337, 1283 };
    283  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[28][i]=e28[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
    285 name [29] = "G4_HELIUM";
     238AddData(T0,e28, 28);
     240name [29] = "G4_He";
    286241G4double e29[78] = { 87.26, 110.8, 131.3, 149.8, 166.8, 197.7, 225.5, 251.1, 275, 297.5, 318.9, 339.4, 387, 430.9, 471.8, 510.4, 547, 581.9, 615.3, 647.5, 708.7, 766.1, 820.5, 872.3, 921.8, 969.3, 1015, 1059, 1102, 1143, 1183, 1221, 1259, 1296, 1465, 1614, 1748, 1867, 1975, 2071, 2156, 2233, 2361, 2460, 2535, 2588, 2624, 2644, 2652, 2650, 2639, 2621, 2598, 2571, 2540, 2507, 2323, 2139, 1976, 1832, 1706, 1593, 1493, 1402, 1249, 1130, 1033, 953.8, 886.8, 829.5, 779.8, 736.4, 697.9, 663.7, 632.9, 605.2, 580, 557 };
    288  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[29][i]=e29[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     242AddData(T0,e29, 29);
    290244name [30] = "G4_KAPTON";
    291245G4double e30[78] = { 165.5, 197.6, 224.2, 247.2, 267.8, 304, 335.4, 363.5, 389.1, 412.8, 434.8, 455.6, 502.9, 545.2, 583.8, 619.4, 652.6, 683.8, 713.3, 741.2, 793.5, 841.6, 886.3, 928.2, 967.7, 1005, 1041, 1074, 1107, 1138, 1167, 1196, 1223, 1250, 1369, 1471, 1560, 1636, 1703, 1762, 1812, 1857, 1928, 1981, 2018, 2042, 2056, 2062, 2061, 2054, 2043, 2028, 2010, 1990, 1969, 1946, 1819, 1688, 1565, 1451, 1350, 1264, 1190, 1125, 1017, 929.8, 858.3, 798.2, 747, 702.8, 664, 629.8, 599.3, 571.9, 547.2, 524.8, 504.4, 485.7 };
    293  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[30][i]=e30[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     246AddData(T0,e30, 30);
    295248name [31] = "G4_Kr";
    296249G4double e31[78] = { 10.15, 13.69, 16.93, 19.96, 22.84, 28.23, 33.29, 38.08, 42.66, 47.08, 51.35, 55.5, 65.43, 74.84, 83.85, 92.52, 100.9, 109.1, 117, 124.7, 139.7, 154.1, 168, 181.5, 194.6, 207.4, 219.9, 232.1, 244, 255.7, 267.2, 278.4, 289.5, 300.3, 351.9, 399.6, 443.7, 484.4, 522.1, 556.7, 588.4, 617.2, 666.6, 705.7, 735.5, 757, 771.4, 779.9, 783.4, 783, 779.4, 773.6, 765.9, 757, 747.2, 736.9, 683.7, 635.6, 595.2, 561.5, 533, 508.6, 487.3, 468.5, 439.9, 417.9, 398.8, 381.4, 364.9, 349.2, 334.2, 319.8, 306.2, 293.7, 282.8, 272.8, 263.6, 255.2 };
    298  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[31][i]=e31[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     250AddData(T0,e31, 31);
    300252name [32] = "G4_LITHIUM_TETRABORATE";
    301253G4double e32[78] = { 132.7, 159.4, 181.6, 200.9, 218.2, 248.6, 275, 298.7, 320.4, 340.4, 359.1, 376.6, 416.8, 452.7, 485.5, 515.8, 544, 570.6, 595.8, 619.7, 664.3, 705.6, 743.9, 779.9, 813.9, 846.1, 876.8, 906.1, 934.2, 961.1, 987, 1012, 1036, 1059, 1166, 1258, 1338, 1410, 1474, 1531, 1583, 1628, 1706, 1767, 1814, 1849, 1874, 1891, 1899, 1902, 1899, 1891, 1875, 1852, 1825, 1795, 1638, 1494, 1375, 1276, 1193, 1121, 1058, 1002, 908.8, 833.2, 770.5, 717.6, 672.4, 633.2, 598.8, 568.3, 541.2, 516.9, 494.8, 474.9, 456.6, 439.9 };
    303  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[32][i]=e32[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     254AddData(T0,e32, 32);
    305256name [33] = "G4_LITHIUM_FLUORIDE";
    306257G4double e33[78] = { 118.7, 142.6, 162.5, 179.7, 195.2, 222.4, 246, 267.2, 286.5, 304.3, 321, 336.6, 372.4, 404.4, 433.5, 460.4, 485.5, 509.1, 531.4, 552.6, 592.1, 628.5, 662.4, 694.1, 724.1, 752.4, 779.4, 805.1, 829.6, 853.2, 875.9, 897.6, 918.7, 938.9, 1031, 1110, 1179, 1240, 1294, 1341, 1383, 1421, 1483, 1530, 1566, 1592, 1610, 1621, 1627, 1627, 1624, 1618, 1609, 1598, 1585, 1571, 1483, 1387, 1296, 1214, 1140, 1074, 1015, 962.2, 872, 799.7, 739.5, 688.5, 644.8, 606.9, 573.7, 544.4, 518.3, 494.9, 473.6, 454.3, 436.7, 420.6 };
    308  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[33][i]=e33[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     258AddData(T0,e33, 33);
    310260name [34] = "G4_M3_WAX";
    311261G4double e34[78] = { 173.6, 209, 238.5, 264.3, 287.6, 328.7, 364.7, 397.1, 426.9, 454.5, 480.4, 504.9, 561, 611.6, 658, 701.1, 741.6, 779.8, 816, 850.6, 915.4, 975.6, 1032, 1085, 1135, 1182, 1228, 1271, 1313, 1353, 1392, 1429, 1465, 1499, 1657, 1792, 1910, 2012, 2101, 2179, 2247, 2305, 2398, 2463, 2507, 2533, 2544, 2544, 2534, 2517, 2494, 2468, 2437, 2405, 2371, 2335, 2154, 1981, 1825, 1686, 1564, 1460, 1372, 1295, 1167, 1064, 980.4, 910.2, 850.4, 798.9, 753.8, 714.2, 678.9, 647.3, 618.8, 593, 569.4, 547.9 };
    313  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[34][i]=e34[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     262AddData(T0,e34, 34);
    315264name [35] = "G4_MS20_TISSUE";
    316265G4double e35[78] = { 163.5, 196.6, 224.1, 248.2, 269.8, 308, 341.4, 371.4, 398.9, 424.4, 448.3, 470.9, 522.5, 569, 611.6, 651.1, 688, 722.9, 756, 787.5, 846.6, 901.2, 952.3, 1000, 1046, 1089, 1130, 1169, 1207, 1243, 1278, 1311, 1344, 1375, 1516, 1638, 1744, 1836, 1916, 1986, 2048, 2101, 2185, 2247, 2288, 2314, 2327, 2330, 2325, 2312, 2295, 2273, 2249, 2222, 2193, 2163, 2002, 1845, 1703, 1575, 1463, 1368, 1286, 1215, 1097, 1001, 923.2, 857.7, 802, 753.9, 711.7, 674.6, 641.6, 611.9, 585.2, 561, 539, 518.8 };
    318  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[35][i]=e35[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     266AddData(T0,e35, 35);
    320268name [36] = "G4_METHANE";
    321269G4double e36[78] = { 197.5, 241.8, 279.3, 312.2, 342, 394.9, 441.5, 483.7, 522.4, 558.5, 592.4, 624.4, 698.1, 764.8, 826, 883.1, 936.6, 987.3, 1035, 1081, 1168, 1249, 1324, 1396, 1464, 1529, 1591, 1650, 1708, 1764, 1818, 1870, 1920, 1970, 2198, 2402, 2586, 2754, 2907, 3047, 3175, 3291, 3492, 3652, 3773, 3856, 3905, 3921, 3899, 3849, 3783, 3708, 3627, 3544, 3460, 3378, 2998, 2685, 2432, 2226, 2055, 1911, 1789, 1683, 1508, 1370, 1257, 1163, 1084, 1015, 955.9, 903.7, 857.5, 816.2, 779.1, 745.5, 714.9, 687.1 };
    323  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[36][i]=e36[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     270AddData(T0,e36, 36);
    325272name [37] = "G4_Mo";
    326273G4double e37[78] = { 58.22, 68.98, 77.79, 85.4, 92.16, 103.9, 114.1, 123.1, 131.3, 138.8, 145.8, 152.4, 167.3, 180.5, 192.5, 203.5, 213.8, 223.4, 232.4, 241, 256.9, 271.6, 285.1, 297.8, 309.8, 321.1, 331.8, 342.1, 351.9, 361.3, 370.3, 379, 387.4, 395.5, 432.4, 464.5, 492.9, 518.2, 541, 561.6, 580.4, 597.4, 626.9, 651.2, 671.2, 687.3, 700.1, 710, 717.3, 722.3, 725.4, 726.7, 726.5, 725, 722.3, 718.8, 690.9, 655, 617.8, 582.6, 552.1, 525.7, 502.3, 481.5, 445.5, 415.5, 389.9, 367.7, 348.1, 330.6, 314.8, 300.9, 288.6, 277.3, 266.9, 257.6, 249, 241.2 };
    328  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[37][i]=e37[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     274AddData(T0,e37, 37);
    330276name [38] = "G4_MUSCLE_WITH_SUCROSE";
    331277G4double e38[78] = { 111.7, 137.5, 159.4, 178.8, 196.5, 227.9, 255.7, 281, 304.4, 326.2, 346.7, 366.2, 411.2, 452, 489.7, 525, 558.1, 589.5, 619.5, 648.1, 702.2, 752.5, 799.9, 844.6, 887.2, 927.9, 966.8, 1004, 1040, 1075, 1108, 1141, 1172, 1203, 1343, 1467, 1576, 1674, 1762, 1841, 1912, 1975, 2081, 2165, 2230, 2277, 2310, 2331, 2342, 2344, 2339, 2329, 2313, 2293, 2270, 2244, 2074, 1896, 1739, 1607, 1494, 1398, 1314, 1241, 1120, 1022, 942.4, 875.3, 818.1, 768.9, 725.8, 687.7, 653.9, 623.7, 596.4, 571.7, 549.2, 528.6 };
    333  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[38][i]=e38[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     278AddData(T0,e38, 38);
    335280name [39] = "G4_MUSCLE_WITHOUT_SUCROSE";
    336281G4double e39[78] = { 108.2, 133.5, 155, 174.1, 191.4, 222.4, 249.8, 274.8, 297.8, 319.3, 339.6, 358.9, 403.3, 443.7, 481, 515.9, 548.7, 579.8, 609.5, 637.9, 691.4, 741.4, 788.3, 832.7, 875, 915.3, 953.9, 991.1, 1027, 1061, 1095, 1127, 1158, 1189, 1328, 1451, 1560, 1658, 1745, 1824, 1895, 1958, 2065, 2150, 2215, 2263, 2298, 2320, 2332, 2335, 2331, 2321, 2306, 2287, 2265, 2240, 2075, 1901, 1746, 1613, 1501, 1404, 1320, 1247, 1125, 1027, 946.2, 878.8, 821.4, 772, 728.6, 690.4, 656.4, 626.1, 598.7, 573.9, 551.3, 530.6 };
    338  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[39][i]=e39[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     282AddData(T0,e39, 39);
    340284name [40] = "G4_MUSCLE_SKELETAL_ICRP";
    341285G4double e40[78] = { 104.5, 129.2, 150.2, 168.8, 185.8, 216.1, 242.9, 267.4, 290, 311.1, 331, 349.8, 393.5, 433.1, 469.7, 503.9, 536.2, 566.7, 595.9, 623.7, 676.3, 725.4, 771.5, 815.1, 856.6, 896.2, 934.1, 970.6, 1006, 1040, 1072, 1104, 1135, 1165, 1302, 1422, 1530, 1626, 1712, 1790, 1860, 1922, 2029, 2113, 2178, 2228, 2263, 2286, 2299, 2304, 2302, 2293, 2280, 2262, 2242, 2218, 2059, 1888, 1735, 1604, 1492, 1396, 1312, 1240, 1118, 1021, 941.1, 874.1, 817, 767.9, 724.9, 686.8, 653.1, 622.9, 595.7, 571, 548.6, 528 };
    343  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[40][i]=e40[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     286AddData(T0,e40, 40);
    345288name [41] = "G4_MUSCLE_STRIATED_ICRU";
    346289G4double e41[78] = { 104.7, 129.4, 150.5, 169.2, 186.2, 216.5, 243.4, 267.9, 290.5, 311.7, 331.6, 350.5, 394.2, 433.9, 470.6, 504.9, 537.2, 567.8, 596.9, 624.9, 677.5, 726.7, 772.8, 816.5, 858.1, 897.8, 935.8, 972.3, 1007, 1041, 1074, 1106, 1137, 1167, 1304, 1425, 1532, 1629, 1715, 1793, 1863, 1925, 2032, 2116, 2181, 2230, 2265, 2289, 2302, 2306, 2304, 2295, 2282, 2264, 2244, 2220, 2063, 1894, 1742, 1611, 1498, 1401, 1318, 1244, 1123, 1025, 944.5, 877.2, 819.9, 770.6, 727.3, 689.2, 655.3, 625, 597.7, 572.9, 550.4, 529.7 };
    348  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[41][i]=e41[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     290AddData(T0,e41, 41);
    350292name [42] = "G4_N";
    351293G4double e42[78] = { 82.8, 103.7, 121.6, 137.7, 152.3, 178.7, 202.3, 223.8, 243.8, 262.5, 280.2, 297.1, 336.2, 372, 405.1, 436.2, 465.5, 493.4, 520.1, 545.7, 594.1, 639.3, 682, 722.5, 761, 797.9, 833.4, 867.4, 900.3, 932, 962.8, 992.5, 1021, 1049, 1179, 1293, 1395, 1486, 1567, 1640, 1706, 1765, 1864, 1940, 1999, 2041, 2069, 2086, 2093, 2091, 2083, 2069, 2051, 2030, 2005, 1978, 1819, 1660, 1522, 1406, 1308, 1224, 1151, 1088, 982.9, 898.5, 829.5, 771.1, 721.3, 678.5, 641, 608, 578.6, 552.3, 528.5, 506.9, 487.2, 469.1 };
    353  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[42][i]=e42[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     294AddData(T0,e42, 42);
    355296name [43] = "G4_SODIUM_IODIDE";
    356297G4double e43[78] = { 35.86, 44.19, 51.24, 57.48, 63.13, 73.21, 82.12, 90.2, 97.64, 104.6, 111.1, 117.3, 131.6, 144.5, 156.4, 167.6, 178, 187.9, 197.3, 206.3, 223.3, 239.1, 253.9, 268, 281.3, 294, 306.2, 317.9, 329.2, 340.1, 350.6, 360.8, 370.6, 380.2, 424.5, 463.5, 498.4, 529.9, 558.2, 583.8, 607, 627.8, 663.4, 691.6, 713.4, 729.6, 740.9, 748.1, 751.7, 752.4, 750.7, 747, 741.7, 735.1, 727.6, 719.5, 664.4, 611.2, 569.4, 538.3, 514, 491.6, 472.1, 454, 422.9, 393.7, 370.2, 349.6, 331.4, 315.3, 301.2, 288.5, 276.8, 266.1, 256.3, 247.1, 238.9, 231.5 };
    358  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[43][i]=e43[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     298AddData(T0,e43, 43);
    360300name [44] = "G4_Ne";
    361301G4double e44[78] = { 68.73, 83.7, 96.26, 107.3, 117.2, 134.8, 150.3, 164.2, 177, 188.8, 199.9, 210.4, 234.5, 256.2, 276.1, 294.6, 311.9, 328.3, 343.8, 358.6, 386.3, 412, 436.1, 458.8, 480.3, 500.8, 520.3, 539.1, 557.1, 574.5, 591.2, 607.5, 623.2, 638.4, 708.4, 770.3, 825.6, 875.7, 921.2, 962.8, 1001, 1036, 1098, 1150, 1194, 1230, 1260, 1285, 1304, 1319, 1330, 1338, 1343, 1344, 1344, 1341, 1296, 1229, 1160, 1095, 1035, 981.4, 932.6, 888.5, 812.1, 748.3, 695.6, 650.4, 611.3, 577, 546.8, 520, 496, 474.4, 454.8, 437, 420.7, 405.7 };
    363  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[44][i]=e44[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
    365 name [45] = "G4_NYLON-6/6";
     302AddData(T0,e44, 44);
     304name [45] = "G4_NYLON-6-6";
    366305G4double e45[78] = { 167.4, 201.6, 230.3, 255.4, 278, 317.9, 352.9, 384.4, 413.4, 440.3, 465.5, 489.3, 544, 593.3, 638.6, 680.6, 720.1, 757.3, 792.7, 826.4, 889.7, 948.5, 1003, 1055, 1104, 1151, 1195, 1238, 1279, 1318, 1356, 1392, 1427, 1461, 1617, 1750, 1867, 1969, 2059, 2138, 2207, 2267, 2363, 2433, 2482, 2512, 2527, 2531, 2525, 2511, 2491, 2467, 2439, 2408, 2375, 2340, 2160, 1987, 1830, 1690, 1567, 1463, 1374, 1297, 1169, 1066, 981.3, 910.8, 850.9, 799.3, 754.1, 714.4, 679, 647.4, 618.9, 593, 569.5, 547.9 };
    368  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[45][i]=e45[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     306AddData(T0,e45, 45);
    370308name [46] = "G4_O";
    371 G4double e46[78] = { 105.8, 117.3, 257.6, 1.139e-05, 5.976e-06, 0.005, 248.1, 71.83, 352, 3.186e-05, 2.012e-05, 0.015, 412.7, 40.96, 503.1, 6.782e-05, 5.098e-05, 0.035, 610.6, 24.07, 700.7, 0.0001156, 9.613e-05, 0.07, 820, 15.89, 884.2, 0.0001583, 0.0001354, 0.125, 1124, 8.719, 1280, 0.0002775, 0.0002641, 0.3, 1573, 4.478, 1697, 0.0004528, 0.000448, 0.65, 1818, 2.655, 1822, 0.0006468, 0.0006403, 1, 1667, 1.474, 1431, 0.00138, 0.001539, 2.75, 1038, 0.7076, 860.9, 0.003906, 0.004519, 6, 616.1, 0.3845, 556.8, 0.009419, 0.01034, 9.5, 452, 0.2295, 334.7, 0.03447, 0.04325, 27.5, 196.3, 0.09039, 156.5, 0.1784, 0.2149, 60 };
    373  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[46][i]=e46[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     309G4double e46[78] = { 1.058E+02, 1.283E+02, 1.471E+02, 1.636E+02, 1.784E+02, 2.046E+02, 2.275E+02, 2.481E+02, 2.670E+02, 2.845E+02, 3.009E+02, 3.163E+02, 3.518E+02, 3.836E+02, 4.127E+02, 4.398E+02, 4.650E+02, 4.889E+02, 5.115E+02, 5.330E+02, 5.733E+02, 6.106E+02, 6.455E+02, 6.783E+02, 7.094E+02, 7.389E+02, 7.671E+02, 7.941E+02, 8.200E+02, 8.450E+02, 8.690E+02, 8.923E+02, 9.147E+02, 9.365E+02, 1.036E+03, 1.124E+03, 1.202E+03, 1.272E+03, 1.335E+03, 1.392E+03, 1.444E+03, 1.491E+03, 1.573E+03, 1.639E+03, 1.693E+03, 1.735E+03, 1.768E+03, 1.792E+03, 1.808E+03, 1.818E+03, 1.821E+03, 1.820E+03, 1.814E+03, 1.805E+03, 1.792E+03, 1.777E+03, 1.667E+03, 1.544E+03, 1.430E+03, 1.329E+03, 1.241E+03, 1.164E+03, 1.097E+03, 1.038E+03, 9.395E+02, 8.602E+02, 7.947E+02, 7.395E+02, 6.924E+02, 6.519E+02, 6.161E+02, 5.845E+02, 5.564E+02, 5.313E+02, 5.086E+02, 4.880E+02, 4.692E+02, 4.520E+02};
     310AddData(T0,e46, 46);
    375312name [47] = "G4_PARAFFIN";
    376313G4double e47[78] = { 193.8, 233, 265.8, 294.4, 320.3, 365.9, 405.9, 441.9, 475, 505.7, 534.5, 561.7, 624.2, 680.6, 732.3, 780.4, 825.5, 868.2, 908.6, 947.2, 1020, 1087, 1150, 1209, 1265, 1319, 1370, 1419, 1465, 1510, 1554, 1595, 1636, 1675, 1852, 2004, 2137, 2253, 2354, 2442, 2518, 2584, 2688, 2762, 2810, 2837, 2848, 2845, 2831, 2810, 2782, 2749, 2713, 2674, 2633, 2592, 2381, 2184, 2007, 1851, 1714, 1598, 1500, 1414, 1272, 1158, 1066, 988.4, 922.7, 866.1, 816.7, 773.2, 734.5, 699.9, 668.8, 640.6, 614.9, 591.4 };
    378  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[47][i]=e47[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     314AddData(T0,e47, 47);
    380316name [48] = "G4_Pb";
    381317G4double e48[78] = { 17.96, 22.18, 25.76, 28.92, 31.8, 36.93, 41.47, 45.6, 49.4, 52.95, 56.3, 59.46, 66.77, 73.41, 79.52, 85.23, 90.6, 95.69, 100.5, 105.2, 113.9, 122, 129.7, 136.9, 143.8, 150.3, 156.6, 162.7, 168.5, 174.1, 179.5, 184.8, 189.9, 194.9, 217.7, 237.9, 256, 272.3, 287, 300.4, 312.6, 323.6, 342.6, 358.2, 370.7, 380.6, 388.3, 394.2, 398.4, 401.3, 403.1, 404, 404.1, 403.5, 402.4, 401, 392.5, 380.4, 365.3, 348.6, 332, 317.6, 304.9, 293.7, 274.4, 258.3, 244.7, 232.9, 222.5, 213.2, 205, 197.5, 190.7, 184.4, 178.7, 173.4, 168.4, 163.9 };
    383  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[48][i]=e48[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
    385 name [49] = "G4_PHOTOGRAPHIC_EMULSION";
     318AddData(T0,e48, 48);
     320name [49] = "G4_PHOTO_EMULSION";
    386321G4double e49[78] = { 46.69, 57.18, 66.06, 73.91, 81.04, 93.75, 105, 115.2, 124.7, 133.5, 141.8, 149.6, 167.8, 184.3, 199.6, 213.8, 227.3, 240, 252.1, 263.8, 285.7, 306.2, 325.4, 343.6, 361, 377.5, 393.4, 408.7, 423.3, 437.5, 451.2, 464.5, 477.3, 489.8, 547, 597.3, 641.7, 681.2, 716.3, 747.6, 775.5, 800.2, 841.5, 873.5, 897.8, 915.8, 928.6, 937.1, 940, 938.4, 933.8, 927, 918.6, 909.2, 899.1, 888.5, 833.7, 781.8, 735.1, 693.7, 657.1, 624.6, 595.5, 569.4, 524.5, 487.2, 455.6, 428.5, 404.9, 383.9, 365.2, 348.6, 333.8, 320.5, 308.3, 297.2, 287, 277.8 };
    388  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[49][i]=e49[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     322AddData(T0,e49, 49);
    390324name [50] = "G4_PLASTIC_SC_VINYLTOLUENE";
    391325G4double e50[78] = { 192.4, 229.8, 260.8, 287.8, 312, 354.4, 391.4, 424.6, 454.8, 482.8, 509, 533.7, 590, 640.5, 686.6, 729.3, 769.2, 806.7, 842.2, 876, 939.2, 997.5, 1052, 1103, 1151, 1197, 1240, 1281, 1321, 1359, 1395, 1430, 1464, 1497, 1644, 1769, 1878, 1971, 2053, 2123, 2184, 2236, 2319, 2377, 2414, 2436, 2445, 2443, 2433, 2417, 2396, 2371, 2343, 2314, 2283, 2251, 2091, 1936, 1791, 1657, 1537, 1435, 1349, 1273, 1148, 1047, 964.8, 895.9, 837.3, 786.7, 742.4, 703.5, 668.8, 637.7, 609.7, 584.3, 561.2, 540 };
    393  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[50][i]=e50[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     326AddData(T0,e50, 50);
    395328name [51] = "G4_POLYCARBONATE";
    396329G4double e51[78] = { 146.3, 178.1, 204.7, 228.1, 249.2, 286.4, 319.1, 348.5, 375.5, 400.6, 424.1, 446.2, 497, 542.8, 584.7, 623.5, 659.9, 694.2, 726.6, 757.6, 815.5, 869.1, 919, 965.9, 1010, 1052, 1092, 1130, 1167, 1202, 1235, 1268, 1299, 1329, 1465, 1581, 1681, 1768, 1843, 1908, 1965, 2013, 2090, 2144, 2180, 2201, 2210, 2209, 2202, 2188, 2170, 2149, 2125, 2099, 2072, 2044, 1912, 1785, 1661, 1543, 1433, 1340, 1261, 1191, 1076, 982.4, 906, 842, 787.5, 740.5, 699.2, 662.9, 630.5, 601.5, 575.3, 551.6, 529.9, 510.1 };
    398  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[51][i]=e51[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     330AddData(T0,e51, 51);
    400332name [52] = "G4_POLYETHYLENE";
    401333G4double e52[78] = { 168.2, 205.8, 237.5, 265.4, 290.7, 335.4, 374.8, 410.5, 443.2, 473.7, 502.3, 529.3, 591.4, 647.6, 699.1, 747.1, 792.1, 834.6, 874.9, 913.5, 985.9, 1053, 1116, 1175, 1232, 1285, 1336, 1385, 1432, 1478, 1521, 1564, 1604, 1644, 1825, 1983, 2122, 2246, 2355, 2453, 2539, 2615, 2740, 2833, 2899, 2940, 2962, 2967, 2958, 2938, 2908, 2871, 2829, 2782, 2732, 2681, 2418, 2183, 1987, 1826, 1691, 1577, 1480, 1396, 1257, 1145, 1053, 977.1, 912.4, 856.5, 807.8, 764.9, 726.7, 692.6, 661.8, 633.9, 608.6, 585.4 };
    403  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[52][i]=e52[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     334AddData(T0,e52, 52);
    405336name [53] = "G4_MYLAR";
    406337G4double e53[78] = { 163.2, 195.3, 221.8, 244.9, 265.6, 301.9, 333.5, 361.8, 387.6, 411.5, 433.8, 454.8, 502.7, 545.7, 584.8, 621, 654.8, 686.6, 716.7, 745.3, 798.7, 847.9, 893.8, 936.8, 977.4, 1016, 1052, 1087, 1121, 1153, 1183, 1213, 1241, 1269, 1393, 1500, 1593, 1673, 1744, 1806, 1860, 1908, 1985, 2042, 2083, 2110, 2126, 2133, 2133, 2126, 2115, 2100, 2082, 2061, 2038, 2014, 1874, 1731, 1599, 1482, 1379, 1290, 1215, 1148, 1038, 948.5, 875.3, 813.8, 761.5, 716.3, 676.6, 641.6, 610.5, 582.5, 557.3, 534.4, 513.6, 494.5 };
    408  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[53][i]=e53[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     338AddData(T0,e53, 53);
    410340name [54] = "G4_PLEXIGLASS";
    411341G4double e54[78] = { 118.7, 146.6, 170.3, 191.4, 210.4, 244.5, 274.7, 302.1, 327.3, 350.9, 373.1, 394.2, 442.7, 486.8, 527.4, 565.2, 600.9, 634.6, 666.7, 697.4, 755.1, 808.9, 859.3, 906.9, 952, 995, 1036, 1075, 1113, 1150, 1185, 1219, 1252, 1283, 1428, 1554, 1665, 1762, 1848, 1923, 1990, 2049, 2144, 2216, 2266, 2300, 2320, 2328, 2327, 2318, 2302, 2282, 2259, 2232, 2203, 2173, 2008, 1847, 1702, 1574, 1464, 1369, 1288, 1217, 1099, 1004, 925.6, 860.1, 804.4, 756.3, 714.1, 676.9, 643.8, 614.2, 587.4, 563.2, 541.1, 520.8 };
    413  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[54][i]=e54[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     342AddData(T0,e54, 54);
    415344name [55] = "G4_POLYPROPYLENE";
    416345G4double e55[78] = { 193.7, 232.8, 265.4, 293.9, 319.6, 365, 404.8, 440.6, 473.4, 503.9, 532.5, 559.6, 621.6, 677.5, 728.8, 776.5, 821.2, 863.4, 903.5, 941.8, 1014, 1080, 1142, 1201, 1257, 1309, 1360, 1408, 1454, 1499, 1541, 1583, 1622, 1661, 1836, 1986, 2117, 2231, 2331, 2417, 2492, 2557, 2660, 2732, 2779, 2806, 2817, 2814, 2801, 2780, 2752, 2720, 2684, 2646, 2606, 2565, 2359, 2165, 1991, 1836, 1700, 1585, 1488, 1403, 1263, 1150, 1058, 981.3, 916.1, 860, 810.9, 767.8, 729.5, 695.1, 664.3, 636.2, 610.8, 587.5 };
    418  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[55][i]=e55[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     346AddData(T0,e55, 55);
    420348name [56] = "G4_POLYSTYRENE";
    421349G4double e56[78] = { 153, 187.5, 216.6, 242.2, 265.3, 306.5, 342.7, 375.5, 405.6, 433.6, 460, 484.9, 542.1, 593.8, 641.3, 685.4, 726.9, 766, 803.1, 838.5, 905, 966.6, 1024, 1078, 1130, 1178, 1225, 1269, 1312, 1352, 1392, 1429, 1466, 1501, 1661, 1797, 1915, 2017, 2106, 2183, 2249, 2305, 2394, 2454, 2492, 2511, 2516, 2509, 2494, 2471, 2443, 2410, 2376, 2339, 2301, 2262, 2070, 1895, 1742, 1609, 1493, 1395, 1312, 1239, 1119, 1021, 941.4, 874.6, 817.8, 768.7, 725.7, 687.9, 654.1, 623.9, 596.6, 571.9, 549.4, 528.7 };
    423  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[56][i]=e56[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     350AddData(T0,e56, 56);
    425352name [57] = "G4_TEFLON";
    426353G4double e57[78] = { 82.7, 99.97, 114.4, 127.1, 138.4, 158.5, 176.2, 192, 206.5, 220, 232.6, 244.5, 271.9, 296.4, 319, 339.8, 359.4, 377.8, 395.3, 412, 443.3, 472.2, 499.3, 524.7, 548.8, 571.7, 593.6, 614.5, 634.6, 653.9, 672.5, 690.4, 707.8, 724.6, 801.6, 868.9, 928.6, 981.9, 1030, 1073, 1112, 1148, 1209, 1260, 1301, 1334, 1361, 1382, 1397, 1408, 1415, 1419, 1420, 1418, 1414, 1409, 1399, 1373, 1319, 1246, 1165, 1095, 1034, 979.4, 887.4, 813.7, 752.5, 700.8, 656.5, 618.1, 584.5, 554.8, 528.3, 504.6, 483, 463.5, 445.6, 429.3 };
    428  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[57][i]=e57[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     354AddData(T0,e57, 57);
    430356name [58] = "G4_POLYVINYL_CHLORIDE";
    431357G4double e58[78] = { 94.27, 114.4, 131.3, 146.3, 159.9, 184, 205.5, 224.9, 242.9, 259.7, 275.5, 290.5, 325.3, 357, 386.3, 413.7, 439.5, 464.1, 487.6, 510.1, 552.6, 592.4, 629.9, 665.5, 699.4, 731.8, 762.9, 792.9, 821.8, 849.7, 876.7, 902.9, 928.2, 952.9, 1067, 1167, 1255, 1335, 1405, 1468, 1525, 1574, 1657, 1719, 1764, 1795, 1814, 1823, 1824, 1818, 1807, 1792, 1774, 1753, 1731, 1708, 1591, 1482, 1385, 1299, 1222, 1153, 1092, 1037, 941.7, 862.4, 795.8, 739.8, 692.3, 651.2, 615.4, 583.7, 555.6, 530.3, 507.5, 486.9, 468, 450.8 };
    433  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[58][i]=e58[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     358AddData(T0,e58, 58);
    435360name [59] = "G4_PROPANE";
    436361G4double e59[78] = { 194.5, 234.7, 268.4, 298, 324.7, 372, 413.6, 451.2, 485.8, 518, 548.2, 576.8, 642.6, 702.2, 756.9, 808, 855.9, 901.2, 944.4, 985.6, 1063, 1135, 1203, 1267, 1327, 1385, 1440, 1492, 1543, 1592, 1639, 1684, 1728, 1770, 1964, 2131, 2277, 2404, 2516, 2613, 2698, 2771, 2887, 2969, 3022, 3053, 3065, 3061, 3046, 3021, 2990, 2953, 2912, 2868, 2822, 2775, 2564, 2372, 2191, 2022, 1868, 1739, 1629, 1534, 1377, 1252, 1150, 1065, 993, 931.1, 877.2, 829.9, 787.8, 750.2, 716.4, 685.8, 658, 632.5 };
    438  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[59][i]=e59[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     362AddData(T0,e59, 59);
    440364name [60] = "G4_Pt";
    441365G4double e60[78] = { 14.45, 17.87, 20.78, 23.37, 25.71, 29.9, 33.61, 36.99, 40.1, 43.01, 45.75, 48.35, 54.36, 59.81, 64.84, 69.54, 73.97, 78.17, 82.17, 86, 93.22, 99.96, 106.3, 112.3, 118, 123.5, 128.7, 133.8, 138.7, 143.4, 147.9, 152.4, 156.7, 160.8, 180.3, 197.6, 213.3, 227.7, 240.9, 253, 264.3, 274.7, 293.2, 309, 322.4, 333.7, 343.1, 350.7, 356.8, 361.6, 365.1, 367.6, 369.1, 369.8, 369.9, 369.3, 364.7, 357, 347.3, 336.6, 325.5, 314.4, 303.6, 293.2, 274.3, 258.5, 245.1, 233.4, 223.1, 214, 205.8, 198.4, 191.6, 185.4, 179.7, 174.4, 169.5, 164.9 };
    443  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[60][i]=e60[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     366AddData(T0,e60, 60);
    445368name [61] = "G4_Si";
    446369G4double e61[78] = { 47.32, 61.63, 74.34, 85.98, 96.82, 116.8, 135.1, 152.1, 168.2, 183.4, 198.1, 212.1, 245.3, 276.1, 305.2, 332.7, 359.1, 384.4, 408.7, 432.2, 477, 519.3, 559.4, 597.5, 633.9, 668.6, 701.9, 733.7, 764.3, 793.5, 821.6, 848.5, 874.4, 899.1, 1008, 1097, 1168, 1225, 1270, 1307, 1336, 1359, 1390, 1408, 1416, 1417, 1413, 1405, 1395, 1383, 1370, 1356, 1341, 1326, 1310, 1295, 1218, 1146, 1081, 1023, 970.6, 923.9, 881.4, 842.4, 773.1, 713.1, 661.2, 617.4, 579.7, 547, 518.2, 492.7, 470, 449.5, 430.9, 414, 398.6, 384.4 };
    448  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[61][i]=e61[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     370AddData(T0,e61, 61);
    450372name [62] = "G4_SILICON_DIOXIDE";
    451373G4double e62[78] = { 68.9, 85.1, 98.85, 111, 122.1, 141.8, 159.3, 175.1, 189.8, 203.4, 216.3, 228.5, 256.6, 282.1, 305.7, 327.6, 348.3, 367.9, 386.5, 404.4, 437.9, 469.2, 498.5, 526.3, 552.6, 577.7, 601.7, 624.7, 646.9, 668.2, 688.8, 708.7, 728, 746.7, 832.2, 906.8, 972.6, 1031, 1083, 1129, 1170, 1207, 1268, 1315, 1351, 1377, 1396, 1409, 1417, 1421, 1421, 1419, 1414, 1406, 1397, 1387, 1349, 1301, 1237, 1163, 1087, 1021, 964, 913.7, 829.4, 762.2, 706.3, 659, 618.4, 583.3, 552.3, 524.9, 500.4, 478.4, 458.5, 440.4, 423.9, 408.7 };
    453  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[62][i]=e62[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     374AddData(T0,e62, 62);
    455376name [63] = "G4_STILBENE";
    456377G4double e63[78] = { 192, 228.9, 259.4, 286, 309.7, 351.2, 387.4, 419.7, 449.2, 476.4, 501.9, 525.8, 580.4, 629.2, 673.8, 714.9, 753.3, 789.4, 823.5, 856, 916.5, 972.3, 1024, 1073, 1119, 1162, 1203, 1243, 1280, 1316, 1351, 1384, 1416, 1446, 1585, 1703, 1805, 1892, 1968, 2034, 2090, 2139, 2215, 2268, 2303, 2323, 2331, 2330, 2321, 2307, 2287, 2265, 2240, 2212, 2184, 2155, 1995, 1841, 1703, 1582, 1477, 1385, 1305, 1233, 1113, 1015, 936, 869.6, 813, 764.1, 721.3, 683.7, 650.1, 620, 592.9, 568.3, 545.9, 525.4 };
    458  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[63][i]=e63[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     378AddData(T0,e63, 63);
    460380name [64] = "G4_Ti";
    461381G4double e64[78] = { 59.24, 72.81, 84.28, 94.41, 103.6, 119.9, 134.3, 147.4, 159.4, 170.6, 181.1, 191.1, 214, 234.7, 253.8, 271.6, 288.3, 304.1, 319.1, 333.5, 360.5, 385.5, 409, 431.2, 452.2, 472.2, 491.4, 509.7, 527.3, 544.3, 560.6, 576.4, 591.7, 606.5, 674.2, 733.1, 785, 831, 871.7, 907.9, 940, 968.3, 1015, 1051, 1077, 1095, 1106, 1112, 1114, 1112, 1107, 1100, 1092, 1082, 1071, 1059, 995.6, 933.7, 877.6, 827.9, 785.2, 747.8, 714.5, 684.4, 631.9, 587.1, 548.3, 514.3, 484.2, 457.3, 433.4, 412.5, 393.7, 376.7, 361.5, 347.6, 334.9, 323.2 };
    463  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[64][i]=e64[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     382AddData(T0,e64, 64);
    465384name [65] = "G4_Sn";
    466385G4double e65[78] = { 27.39, 33.96, 39.55, 44.52, 49.04, 57.11, 64.28, 70.8, 76.82, 82.45, 87.76, 92.79, 104.4, 115, 124.8, 133.9, 142.5, 150.6, 158.4, 165.8, 179.8, 192.9, 205.2, 216.8, 227.8, 238.4, 248.4, 258.1, 267.4, 276.4, 285.1, 293.5, 301.6, 309.5, 345.7, 377.3, 405.3, 430.1, 452.1, 471.8, 489.3, 504.8, 530.7, 550.9, 566.3, 577.9, 586.3, 592.2, 596.1, 598.4, 599.3, 599.1, 598.1, 596.4, 594.2, 591.5, 573.8, 552.8, 531.2, 510.1, 488.3, 467, 447, 428.6, 396.3, 369.4, 346.8, 327.7, 311.4, 297.1, 283.9, 271.9, 260.8, 250.6, 241.7, 233.6, 226, 218.9 };
    468  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[65][i]=e65[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     386AddData(T0,e65, 65);
    470388name [66] = "G4_TISSUE_METHANE";
    471389G4double e66[78] = { 135.1, 165.6, 191.3, 213.9, 234.4, 270.7, 302.8, 331.8, 358.4, 383.2, 406.5, 428.6, 479.3, 525.2, 567.4, 606.7, 643.6, 678.5, 711.7, 743.4, 803.1, 858.6, 910.7, 960.1, 1007, 1052, 1095, 1136, 1176, 1214, 1251, 1287, 1322, 1356, 1514, 1655, 1783, 1899, 2006, 2104, 2193, 2275, 2418, 2535, 2626, 2693, 2737, 2760, 2764, 2752, 2728, 2695, 2655, 2612, 2566, 2519, 2278, 2060, 1878, 1727, 1602, 1494, 1403, 1323, 1191, 1085, 998.2, 926, 864.6, 811.7, 765.6, 724.9, 688.8, 656.5, 627.4, 601.1, 577.1, 555.2 };
    473  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[66][i]=e66[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     390AddData(T0,e66, 66);
    475392name [67] = "G4_TISSUE_PROPANE";
    476393G4double e67[78] = { 149.7, 181.5, 208.2, 231.7, 252.8, 290.4, 323.5, 353.4, 380.9, 406.5, 430.5, 453.3, 505.7, 553, 596.6, 637.2, 675.4, 711.5, 745.8, 778.6, 840.4, 897.8, 951.6, 1003, 1051, 1097, 1141, 1183, 1224, 1263, 1301, 1337, 1372, 1407, 1563, 1701, 1822, 1929, 2024, 2109, 2185, 2252, 2362, 2446, 2507, 2549, 2573, 2583, 2581, 2569, 2550, 2524, 2494, 2461, 2426, 2389, 2211, 2043, 1887, 1744, 1616, 1507, 1415, 1334, 1201, 1094, 1006, 933.3, 871.4, 818.1, 771.5, 730.5, 694.1, 661.5, 632.1, 605.6, 581.4, 559.3 };
    478  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[67][i]=e67[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     394AddData(T0,e67, 67);
    480396name [68] = "G4_TOLUENE";
    481397G4double e68[78] = { 192.5, 230, 261, 288.1, 312.3, 354.9, 392, 425.3, 455.6, 483.7, 510, 534.8, 591.3, 642.1, 688.4, 731.3, 771.4, 809.1, 844.8, 878.8, 942.4, 1001, 1056, 1107, 1155, 1201, 1245, 1287, 1327, 1365, 1401, 1437, 1471, 1504, 1652, 1779, 1888, 1983, 2065, 2136, 2197, 2250, 2333, 2392, 2430, 2452, 2461, 2459, 2449, 2433, 2411, 2386, 2358, 2328, 2296, 2264, 2109, 1960, 1817, 1683, 1560, 1456, 1368, 1291, 1163, 1060, 976.6, 906.6, 847.1, 795.7, 750.8, 711.3, 676.1, 644.6, 616.2, 590.5, 567, 545.6 };
    483  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[68][i]=e68[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     398AddData(T0,e68, 68);
    485400name [69] = "G4_U";
    486401G4double e69[78] = { 13.2, 16.72, 19.77, 22.52, 25.04, 29.61, 33.73, 37.51, 41.03, 44.35, 47.5, 50.51, 57.52, 63.96, 69.97, 75.62, 80.99, 86.11, 91.01, 95.73, 104.7, 113.1, 121.1, 128.7, 136, 143, 149.8, 156.3, 162.6, 168.8, 174.7, 180.5, 186.2, 191.7, 217.4, 240.5, 261.5, 280.8, 298.5, 314.8, 329.8, 343.7, 368, 388.4, 405.3, 419, 429.8, 438.1, 444.2, 448.4, 450.8, 451.8, 451.6, 450.3, 448.2, 445.4, 420, 390.1, 362.9, 339.6, 319.8, 303.1, 288.9, 276.7, 256.9, 241.7, 229.4, 218.6, 209.1, 200.6, 193, 186.1, 179.8, 174, 168.6, 163.7, 159.1, 154.8 };
    488  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[69][i]=e69[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     402AddData(T0,e69, 69);
    490404name [70] = "G4_W";
    491405G4double e70[78] = { 20.75, 25.23, 28.99, 32.29, 35.26, 40.51, 45.11, 49.26, 53.06, 56.59, 59.9, 63.02, 70.18, 76.63, 82.54, 88.02, 93.16, 98.01, 102.6, 107, 115.2, 122.9, 130, 136.7, 143.1, 149.2, 155, 160.6, 165.9, 171.1, 176.1, 180.9, 185.6, 190.1, 211.1, 229.6, 246.2, 261.3, 275.1, 287.7, 299.3, 310, 328.8, 344.7, 358.1, 369.2, 378.3, 385.6, 391.3, 395.6, 398.7, 400.6, 401.7, 401.9, 401.4, 400.4, 389.5, 374.8, 359.5, 344.8, 331, 318.3, 306.5, 295.7, 276.7, 260.8, 247.3, 235.5, 225.2, 216.1, 207.8, 200.3, 193.5, 187.3, 181.5, 176.2, 171.3, 166.7 };
    493  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[70][i]=e70[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     406AddData(T0,e70, 70);
    495408name [71] = "G4_WATER";
    496409G4double e71[78] = { 98.91, 122.7, 143.1, 161.1, 177.5, 206.9, 233, 256.8, 278.8, 299.3, 318.6, 337, 379.5, 418.1, 453.8, 487.1, 518.6, 548.3, 576.7, 603.9, 655.2, 703, 748, 790.5, 831, 869.6, 906.6, 942.2, 976.4, 1009, 1041, 1072, 1102, 1131, 1265, 1383, 1488, 1582, 1666, 1743, 1811, 1873, 1978, 2062, 2128, 2178, 2215, 2240, 2255, 2262, 2262, 2256, 2245, 2230, 2211, 2190, 2050, 1896, 1752, 1624, 1511, 1414, 1329, 1255, 1132, 1034, 952.7, 884.8, 826.9, 777.1, 733.4, 694.9, 660.7, 630.1, 602.5, 577.6, 554.8, 534 };
    498  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[71][i]=e71[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     410AddData(T0,e71, 71);
    500412name [72] = "G4_WATER_VAPOR";
    501413G4double e72[78] = { 126.3, 154.7, 178.7, 199.8, 218.8, 252.7, 282.5, 309.5, 334.3, 357.3, 379, 399.5, 446.7, 489.3, 528.5, 565, 599.2, 631.6, 662.4, 691.9, 747.3, 798.8, 847.2, 892.9, 936.3, 977.8, 1018, 1056, 1093, 1128, 1163, 1196, 1228, 1260, 1405, 1535, 1652, 1758, 1855, 1942, 2022, 2094, 2216, 2309, 2377, 2422, 2446, 2455, 2453, 2446, 2436, 2423, 2409, 2392, 2371, 2346, 2169, 1971, 1797, 1653, 1537, 1437, 1351, 1275, 1149, 1049, 965.8, 896.6, 837.6, 786.9, 742.5, 703.3, 668.6, 637.5, 609.5, 584.2, 561.1, 539.9 };
    503  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[72][i]=e72[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     414AddData(T0,e72, 72);
    505416name [73] = "G4_Xe";
    506417G4double e73[78] = { 18.11, 23.3, 27.86, 31.99, 35.83, 42.84, 49.2, 55.1, 60.63, 65.87, 70.87, 75.65, 86.89, 97.3, 107.1, 116.3, 125.1, 133.5, 141.7, 149.5, 164.4, 178.6, 192, 204.9, 217.3, 229.2, 240.7, 251.8, 262.6, 273.1, 283.4, 293.3, 303, 312.5, 356.7, 396.5, 432.5, 465.2, 494.9, 521.8, 546.1, 567.9, 604.7, 633.2, 654.5, 669.3, 678.8, 683.6, 684.6, 682.5, 678, 671.7, 663.9, 655.1, 645.6, 635.6, 584.6, 538.7, 500.4, 468.8, 446.7, 430.5, 417.1, 405.3, 383.9, 364, 344.9, 326.8, 309.7, 294.6, 281.3, 269.5, 258.7, 248.8, 239.6, 231.1, 223.2, 216.2 };
    508  for(i=0; i<78; i++) {e[73][i]=e73[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     418AddData(T0,e73, 73);
     421void G4ASTARStopping::AddData(G4double* ekin, G4double* s, G4int idx)
     423sdata[idx] = new G4LPhysicsFreeVector(78, ekin[0]*MeV, ekin[77]*MeV);
     424const G4double fac = MeV*cm2/g;
     425for(size_t i=0; i<78; ++i) { sdata[idx]->PutValues(i, ekin[i]*MeV, s[i]*fac); }
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4BetheBlochModel.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4BetheBlochModel.cc,v 1.36 2009/12/03 17:26:40 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4BetheBlochModel.cc,v 1.37 2010/05/27 10:25:59 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    145145                                              G4double kineticEnergy)
    147   // this method is called only for ions
     147  // this method is called only for ions, so no check if it is an ion
    148148  return corr->GetParticleCharge(p,mat,kineticEnergy);
     153void G4BetheBlochModel::SetupParameters()
     155  mass = particle->GetPDGMass();
     156  spin = particle->GetPDGSpin();
     157  G4double q = particle->GetPDGCharge()/eplus;
     158  chargeSquare = q*q;
     159  ratio = electron_mass_c2/mass;
     160  G4double magmom =
     161    particle->GetPDGMagneticMoment()*mass/(0.5*eplus*hbar_Planck*c_squared);
     162  magMoment2 = magmom*magmom - 1.0;
     163  formfact = 0.0;
     164  if(particle->GetLeptonNumber() == 0) {
     165    G4double x = 0.8426*GeV;
     166    if(spin == 0.0 && mass < GeV) {x = 0.736*GeV;}
     167    else if(mass > GeV) {
     168      x /= nist->GetZ13(mass/proton_mass_c2);
     169      //        tlimit = 51.2*GeV*A13[iz]*A13[iz];
     170    }
     171    formfact = 2.0*electron_mass_c2/(x*x);
     172    tlimit   = 2.0/formfact;
     173  }
    171196    // +term for spin=1/2 particle
    172     if( 0.5 == spin ) cross += 0.5*(maxEnergy - cutEnergy)/energy2;
     197    if( 0.5 == spin ) { cross += 0.5*(maxEnergy - cutEnergy)/energy2; }
    174199    // High order correction different for hadrons and ions
    226251  G4double tmax      = MaxSecondaryEnergy(p, kineticEnergy);
    227   G4double cutEnergy = min(cut,tmax);
     252  G4double cutEnergy = std::min(cut,tmax);
    229254  G4double tau   = kineticEnergy/mass;
    234259  G4double eexc  = material->GetIonisation()->GetMeanExcitationEnergy();
    235260  G4double eexc2 = eexc*eexc;
    236   //G4double cden  = material->GetIonisation()->GetCdensity();
    237   //G4double mden  = material->GetIonisation()->GetMdensity();
    238   //G4double aden  = material->GetIonisation()->GetAdensity();
    239   //G4double x0den = material->GetIonisation()->GetX0density();
    240   //G4double x1den = material->GetIonisation()->GetX1density();
    242262  G4double eDensity = material->GetElectronDensity();
    252272  // density correction
    253273  G4double x = log(bg2)/twoln10;
    254   //if ( x >= x0den ) {
    255   //  dedx -= twoln10*x - cden ;
    256   //  if ( x < x1den ) dedx -= aden*pow((x1den-x),mden) ;
    257   //}
    258274  dedx -= material->GetIonisation()->DensityCorrection(x);
    279 /*
    280 void G4BetheBlochModel::CorrectionsAlongStep(const G4MaterialCutsCouple*,
    281                                              const G4DynamicParticle*,
    282                                              G4double&,
    283                                              G4double&,
    284                                              G4double)
    285 {}
    286 */
    288296void G4BetheBlochModel::CorrectionsAlongStep(const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple,
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4BraggModel.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4BraggModel.cc,v 1.23 2009/11/10 19:25:47 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4BraggModel.cc,v 1.26 2010/06/04 09:08:43 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    9090  theZieglerFactor = eV*cm2*1.0e-15;
    9191  theElectron = G4Electron::Electron();
     93  corr = G4LossTableManager::Instance()->EmCorrections();
    101103G4double G4BraggModel::MinEnergyCut(const G4ParticleDefinition*,
    102                                     const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple)
    103 {
    104   return couple->GetMaterial()->GetIonisation()->GetMeanExcitationEnergy();
     104                                    const G4MaterialCutsCouple*)
     106  return 0.1*keV;
     107  // return couple->GetMaterial()->GetIonisation()->GetMeanExcitationEnergy();
    110113                              const G4DataVector&)
    112   if(p != particle) SetParticle(p);
     115  if(p != particle) { SetParticle(p); }
    114117  // always false before the run
    120123    G4String pname = particle->GetParticleName();
    121124    if(particle->GetParticleType() == "nucleus" &&
    122        pname != "deuteron" && pname != "triton") isIon = true;
    124     corr = G4LossTableManager::Instance()->EmCorrections();
     125       pname != "deuteron" && pname != "triton") { isIon = true; }
    126127    fParticleChange = GetParticleChangeForLoss();
    146147                                         G4double kineticEnergy)
    148   // this method is called only for ions
     149  // this method is called only for ions, so no check if it is an ion
    149150  return corr->GetParticleCharge(p,mat,kineticEnergy);
    161162  G4double tmax      = MaxSecondaryEnergy(p, kineticEnergy);
    162163  G4double maxEnergy = std::min(tmax,maxKinEnergy);
    163   if(cutEnergy < tmax) {
     164  if(cutEnergy < maxEnergy) {
    165166    G4double energy  = kineticEnergy + mass;
    215216  G4double tkin  = kineticEnergy/massRate;
    216217  G4double dedx  = 0.0;
    217   if(tkin > lowestKinEnergy) dedx = DEDX(material, tkin);
    218   else      dedx = DEDX(material, lowestKinEnergy)*sqrt(tkin/lowestKinEnergy);
     218  if(tkin > lowestKinEnergy) { dedx = DEDX(material, tkin); }
     219  else { dedx = DEDX(material, lowestKinEnergy)*sqrt(tkin/lowestKinEnergy); }
    220221  if (cutEnergy < tmax) {
    242 /*
    243 void G4BraggModel::CorrectionsAlongStep(const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple,
    244                                         const G4DynamicParticle* dp,
    245                                         G4double& eloss,
    246                                         G4double&,
    247                                         G4double length)
    248 {
    249   if(nuclearStopping) {
    251     G4double preKinEnergy = dp->GetKineticEnergy();
    252     G4double e = preKinEnergy - eloss*0.5;
    253     if(e < 0.0) e = preKinEnergy*0.5;
    254     G4double nloss = length*corr->NuclearDEDX(dp->GetDefinition(),
    255                                               couple->GetMaterial(),
    256                                               e,false);
    258     // too big energy loss
    259     if(eloss + nloss > preKinEnergy) {
    260       nloss *= (preKinEnergy/(eloss + nloss));
    261       eloss = preKinEnergy;
    262     } else {
    263       eloss += nloss;
    264     }
    266     G4cout << "G4ionIonisation::CorrectionsAlongStep: e= " << preKinEnergy
    267            << " de= " << eloss << " NIEL= " << nloss
    268            << " dynQ= " << dp->GetCharge()/eplus << G4endl;
    270     fParticleChange->ProposeNonIonizingEnergyDeposit(nloss);
    271   }
    272 }
    273 */
    275 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
    277244void G4BraggModel::SampleSecondaries(vector<G4DynamicParticle*>* vdp,
    283250  G4double tmax = MaxSecondaryKinEnergy(dp);
    284251  G4double xmax = std::min(tmax, maxEnergy);
    285   if(xmin >= xmax) return;
     252  if(xmin >= xmax) { return; }
    287254  G4double kineticEnergy = dp->GetKineticEnergy();
    343310                                          G4double kinEnergy)
    345   if(pd != particle) SetParticle(pd);
     312  if(pd != particle) { SetParticle(pd); }
    346313  G4double tau  = kinEnergy/mass;
    347314  G4double tmax = 2.0*electron_mass_c2*tau*(tau + 2.) /
    605572  G4int iNist = pstar.GetIndex(material);
    607   if( iNist >= 0 ) {
     574  if( iNist >= 0 && kineticEnergy <= 2.01*MeV) {
    608575    return pstar.GetElectronicDEDX(iNist, kineticEnergy)*material->GetDensity();
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4CoulombScattering.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4CoulombScattering.cc,v 1.25 2009/10/28 10:14:13 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4CoulombScattering.cc,v 1.28 2010/05/25 18:41:12 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    5555#include "G4Electron.hh"
    5656#include "G4Proton.hh"
     57#include "G4LossTableManager.hh"
    6465    isInitialised(false)
     67  //  G4cout << "G4CoulombScattering constructor "<< G4endl;
    6668  SetBuildTableFlag(true);
    6769  SetStartFromNullFlag(false);
    9395void G4CoulombScattering::InitialiseProcess(const G4ParticleDefinition* p)
     97  //G4cout << "### G4CoulombScattering::InitialiseProcess : "
     98  //     << p->GetParticleName() << G4endl;
     99  G4double a =
     100    G4LossTableManager::Instance()->FactorForAngleLimit()*CLHEP::hbarc/CLHEP::fermi;
     101  q2Max = 0.5*a*a;
    95103  // second initialisation
    96104  if(isInitialised) {
    98106    mod->SetPolarAngleLimit(PolarAngleLimit());
    99107    mod = GetModelByIndex(1);
    100     if(mod) mod->SetPolarAngleLimit(PolarAngleLimit());
     108    if(mod) { mod->SetPolarAngleLimit(PolarAngleLimit()); }
    102110    // first initialisation
    106114    G4double mass = p->GetPDGMass();
    107115    G4String name = p->GetParticleName();
     116    //G4cout << name << "  type: " << p->GetParticleType()
     117    //<< " mass= " << mass << G4endl;
    108118    if (mass > GeV || p->GetParticleType() == "nucleus") {
    109119      SetBuildTableFlag(false);
    110       verboseLevel = 0;
     120      if(name != "GenericIon") { SetVerboseLevel(0); }
    111121    } else {
    112122      if(name != "e-" && name != "e+" &&
    113123         name != "mu+" && name != "mu-" && name != "pi+" &&
    114          name != "kaon+" && name != "proton" ) verboseLevel = 0;
     124         name != "kaon+" && name != "proton" ) { SetVerboseLevel(0); }
    115125    }
    156166  else                              G4cout << thEnergy;
    158   if(q2Max < DBL_MAX) G4cout << "; q2Max(GeV^2)= " << q2Max/(GeV*GeV);
     168  if(q2Max < DBL_MAX) { G4cout << "; pLimit(GeV^1)= " << sqrt(q2Max)/GeV; }
    159169  G4cout << G4endl;
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4CoulombScatteringModel.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4CoulombScatteringModel.cc,v 1.44 2009/12/03 09:59:07 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4CoulombScatteringModel.cc,v 1.49 2010/05/27 14:22:05 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    4747// 09.06.08 V.Ivanchenko SelectIsotope is moved to the base class
    4848// 16.06.09 Consolandi rows 109, 111-112, 183, 185-186
     49// 27.05.10 V.Ivanchenko added G4WentzelOKandVIxSection class to
     50//              compute cross sections and sample scattering angle
    6264#include "G4IonTable.hh"
    6365#include "G4Proton.hh"
     66#include "G4NucleiProperties.hh"
    8689                                G4double)
    88   SetupParticle(p);
    89   if(kinEnergy < lowEnergyLimit) return 0.0;
    90   SetupKinematic(kinEnergy, cutEnergy);
    92   // save lab system kinematics
    93   G4double xtkin = tkin;
    94   G4double xmom2 = mom2;
    95   G4double xinvb = invbeta2;
    97   // CM system
    98   iz            = G4int(Z);
    99   G4double m2   = fNistManager->GetAtomicMassAmu(iz)*amu_c2;
    100   G4double etot = tkin + mass;
    101   G4double ptot = sqrt(mom2);
    103   G4double m12  = mass*mass;
    104   G4double momCM= ptot*m2/sqrt(m12 + m2*m2 + 2.0*etot*m2);
    106   mom2 = momCM*momCM;
    107   tkin = sqrt(mom2 + m12) - mass;
    109   //invbeta2 = 1.0 +  m12/mom2;
    110   //  G4double fm = m2/(mass + m2); 
    112   // 03.09.2009 C.Consaldi
    113   G4double Ecm=sqrt(m12 + m2*m2 + 2.0*etot*m2);
    114   G4double mu_rel=mass*m2/Ecm;
    116   invbeta2 = 1.0 +  mu_rel*mu_rel/mom2;
    117   //
    119   SetupTarget(Z, tkin);
    121   G4double xsec = CrossSectionPerAtom();
    123   // restore Lab system kinematics
    124   tkin = xtkin;
    125   mom2 = xmom2;
    126   invbeta2 = xinvb;
     91  //G4cout << "### G4CoulombScatteringModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom  for "
     92  //     << p->GetParticleName()<<" Z= "<<Z<<" e(MeV)= "<< kinEnergy/MeV
     93  //     <<" cut(MeV)= " << cutEnergy<< G4endl;
     94  G4double xsec = 0.0;
     95  if(p != particle) { SetupParticle(p); }
     96  if(kinEnergy < lowEnergyLimit) { return 0.0; }
     97  DefineMaterial(CurrentCouple());
     99  // Lab system
     100  G4int iz = G4int(Z);
     101  G4double etot = kinEnergy + mass;
     102  G4double m2 = fNistManager->GetAtomicMassAmu(iz)*amu_c2;
     104  // 03.09.2009 C.Consaldi suggested to use relativistic reduced mass
     105  //            from publucation
     106  // A.P. Martynenko, R.N. Faustov, Teoret. mat. Fiz. 64 (1985) 179
     107  G4double Ecm  = sqrt(mass*mass + m2*m2 + 2.0*etot*m2);
     108  G4double mu_rel = mass*m2/Ecm;
     109  G4double tkin = Ecm - mu_rel;
     110  wokvi->SetRelativisticMass(mu_rel);
     112  cosTetMinNuc = wokvi->SetupKinematic(tkin, currentMaterial);
     113  if(cosThetaMax < cosTetMinNuc) {
     114    cosTetMinNuc = wokvi->SetupTarget(iz, cutEnergy);
     115    cosTetMaxNuc = cosThetaMax;
     116    if(iz == 1 && cosTetMaxNuc < 0.0 && particle == theProton) {
     117      cosTetMaxNuc = 0.0;
     118    }
     119    xsec =  wokvi->ComputeNuclearCrossSection(cosTetMinNuc, cosTetMaxNuc);
     120    elecRatio = wokvi->ComputeElectronCrossSection(cosTetMinNuc, cosThetaMax);
     121    xsec += elecRatio;
     122    if(xsec > 0.0) { elecRatio /= xsec; } 
     123  }
     124  /*
     125  G4cout << "e(MeV)= " << kinEnergy/MeV << " xsec(b)= " << xsec/barn 
     126         << "cosTetMinNuc= " << cosTetMinNuc
     127         << " cosTetMaxNuc= " << cosTetMaxNuc
     128         << " cosTetMaxElec= " << cosTetMaxElec
     129         << " screenZ= " << screenZ
     130         << " formfactA= " << formfactA << G4endl;
     131  */
    128132  return xsec;
    140144  G4double kinEnergy = dp->GetKineticEnergy();
    141   if(kinEnergy < lowEnergyLimit) return;
     145  if(kinEnergy < lowEnergyLimit) { return; }
    142146  DefineMaterial(couple);
    143147  SetupParticle(dp->GetDefinition());
    144   SetupKinematic(kinEnergy, cutEnergy);
    146149  // Choose nucleus
    147150  currentElement = SelectRandomAtom(couple,particle,
    148                                     kinEnergy,ecut,kinEnergy);
    150   G4double Z  = currentElement->GetZ();
    151   iz          = G4int(Z);
    152   G4int ia    = SelectIsotopeNumber(currentElement);
    153   G4double m2 = theParticleTable->GetIonTable()->GetNucleusMass(iz, ia);
    155   // CM system
    156   G4double etot = tkin + mass;
    157   G4double ptot = sqrt(mom2);
    159   G4double momCM= ptot*m2/sqrt(mass*mass + m2*m2 + 2.0*etot*m2);
    160   mom2 = momCM*momCM;
    161   G4double m12 = mass*mass;
    162   G4double eCM = sqrt(mom2 + m12);
    164   // a correction for heavy projectile
    165   //  G4double fm = m2/(mass + m2);
    166   //  invbeta2 = 1.0 +  m12*fm*fm/mom2;
    168   // 03.09.2009 C.Consaldi
    169   G4double Ecm=sqrt(m12 + m2*m2 + 2.0*etot*m2);
    170   G4double mu_rel=mass*m2/Ecm;
    172   invbeta2 = 1.0 +  mu_rel*mu_rel/mom2;
    173   //
    175   // sample scattering angle in CM system
    176   SetupTarget(Z, eCM - mass);
    178   G4double cost = SampleCosineTheta();
    179   G4double z1   = 1.0 - cost;
    180   if(z1 < 0.0) return;
    181   G4double sint = sqrt(z1*(1.0 + cost));
    182   G4double phi  = twopi * G4UniformRand();
     151                                    kinEnergy,cutEnergy,kinEnergy);
     153  G4double Z = currentElement->GetZ();
     154  G4int iz = G4int(Z);
     155  G4int ia = SelectIsotopeNumber(currentElement);
     156  G4double targetMass = G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(ia, iz);
     158  if(ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom(particle,kinEnergy, Z,
     159                                kinEnergy, cutEnergy, kinEnergy) == 0.0)
     160    { return; }
     162  G4ThreeVector newDirection =
     163    wokvi->SampleSingleScattering(cosTetMinNuc, cosTetMaxNuc, elecRatio);
    184165  // kinematics in the Lab system
    185   G4double bet  = ptot/(etot + m2);
     166  G4double etot = mass + kinEnergy;
     167  G4double ptot = sqrt(kinEnergy*(etot + mass));
     168  G4double bet  = ptot/(etot + targetMass);
    186169  G4double gam  = 1.0/sqrt((1.0 - bet)*(1.0 + bet));
    187   G4double pzCM = momCM*cost;
    189   G4ThreeVector v1(momCM*cos(phi)*sint,momCM*sin(phi)*sint,gam*(pzCM + bet*eCM));
     170  G4double eCM  = sqrt(mass*mass + targetMass*targetMass + 2*targetMass*etot);
     171  G4double pCM  = ptot*targetMass/eCM;
     172  G4double e1   = sqrt(mass*mass + pCM*pCM);
     174  newDirection *= pCM;
     176  G4ThreeVector v1(newDirection.x(),newDirection.y(),gam*(newDirection.z() + bet*e1));
     177  G4double finalT = gam*(e1 + bet*newDirection.z()) - mass;
     178  newDirection = v1.unit();
    190180  G4ThreeVector dir = dp->GetMomentumDirection();
    191   G4ThreeVector newDirection = v1.unit();
    192181  newDirection.rotateUz(dir);   
    193182  fParticleChange->ProposeMomentumDirection(newDirection);   
    195  //   G4double elab = gam*(eCM + bet*pzCM);
    197  // G4double Ecm  = sqrt(mass*mass + m2*m2 + 2.0*etot*m2);
    198   G4double elab = etot - m2*(ptot/Ecm)*(ptot/Ecm)*(1.-cost) ;
    201   G4double finalT = elab - mass;
    202   if(finalT < 0.0) finalT = 0.0;
     184  // recoil
     185  G4double trec = kinEnergy - finalT;
     186  if(finalT <= lowEnergyLimit) {
     187    trec = kinEnergy; 
     188    finalT = 0.0;
     189  }
    203191  fParticleChange->SetProposedKineticEnergy(finalT);
    205   // recoil
    206   G4double erec = kinEnergy - finalT;
     193  //  G4cout << "sint= " << sint << " Erec(eV)= " << erec/eV << G4endl;
    208195  G4double tcut = recoilThreshold;
    209196  if(pCuts) { tcut= std::max(tcut,(*pCuts)[currentMaterialIndex]); }
    211   if(erec > tcut) {
     197  /* 
     198  G4cout << "sint= " << sint << " Erec(eV)= " << erec/eV
     199         << " tcut(eV)= " << tcut/eV << " th(eV)= " << recoilThreshold/eV
     200         << " cut(eV)= " << (*pCuts)[currentMaterialIndex]/eV
     201         << "  "  << fvect->size()
     202         << G4endl;
     203  */
     204  if(trec > tcut) {
    212205    G4ParticleDefinition* ion = theParticleTable->FindIon(iz, ia, 0, iz);
    213206    G4double plab = sqrt(finalT*(finalT + 2.0*mass));
    214207    G4ThreeVector p2 = (ptot*dir - plab*newDirection).unit();
    215     G4DynamicParticle* newdp  = new G4DynamicParticle(ion, p2, erec);
     208    G4DynamicParticle* newdp  = new G4DynamicParticle(ion, p2, trec);
    216209    fvect->push_back(newdp);
    217   } else if(erec > 0.0) {
    218     fParticleChange->ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(erec);
    219     fParticleChange->ProposeNonIonizingEnergyDeposit(erec);
     210  } else if(trec > 0.0) {
     211    fParticleChange->ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(trec);
     212    fParticleChange->ProposeNonIonizingEnergyDeposit(trec);
    220213  }
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel.cc,v 1.20 2009/12/16 17:50:11 gunter Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel.cc,v 1.24 2010/05/17 15:11:30 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    5151//                     assuming the case of lambdan<1 as single scattering regime
    5252//                     tuning theta sampling for theta below the screening angle
     53// 08.02.2010 O.Kadri: bugfix in compound xsection calculation and small angle computation
     54//                     adding a rejection condition to hard collision angular sampling
     55//                     ComputeTruePathLengthLimit was taken from G4WentzelVIModel
     56// 26.03.2010 O.Kadri: direct xsection calculation not inverse of the inverse
     57//                     angular sampling without large angle rejection method
     58//                     longitudinal displacement is computed exactly from <z>
     59// 12.05.2010 O.Kadri: exchange between target and projectile has as a condition the particle type (e-/e-)
     60//                     some cleanup to minimize time consuming (adding lamdan12 & Qn12, changing the error to 1.0e-12 for scrA)
    6068//Ref.4:Bielajew et al.,".....", NIMB 173 (2001) 332-343;
    6169//Ref.5:F. Salvat et al.,"ELSEPA--Dirac partial ...molecules", Comp.Phys.Comm.165 (2005) pp 157-190;
    62 //Ref.6:G4UrbanMscModel G4_v9.1Ref09;
    63 //Ref.7:G4eCoulombScatteringModel G4_v9.1Ref09.
    64 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
     70//Ref.6:G4UrbanMscModel G4 9.2;
    6672#include "G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel.hh"
    6773#include "G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable.hh"
    7783#include "G4PhysicsTable.hh"
    7884#include "Randomize.hh"
    79 #include "G4Poisson.hh"
    8186using namespace std;
    128133                       G4double kineticEnergy,G4double Z, G4double, G4double, G4double)
    130   //Build cross section table : Taken from Ref.7
    131135  G4double cs=0.0;
    132136  G4double kinEnergy = kineticEnergy;
    134138  if(kinEnergy>highKEnergy)kinEnergy=highKEnergy;
    136   G4double value0,value1;
    137   CalculateIntegrals(p,Z,kinEnergy,value0,value1);
     140  G4double cs0;
     141  CalculateIntegrals(p,Z,kinEnergy,cs0,cs);
    139   if(value1 > 0.0) cs = 1./value1;
    141143  return cs;
    149151  G4double kineticEnergy = dynParticle->GetKineticEnergy();
    150   if((kineticEnergy <= 0.0) || (tPathLength <= tlimitminfix)) return ;
    152   G4double cosTheta1,sinTheta1,cosTheta2,sinTheta2;
    153   G4double phi1,phi2,cosPhi1=1.0,sinPhi1=0.0,cosPhi2=1.0,sinPhi2=0.0;
    154   G4double q1,Gamma,Eta,delta,nu,nu0,nu1,nu2;
     152  if((kineticEnergy <= 0.0) || (tPathLength <= tlimitminfix)||
     153     (tPathLength/tausmall < lambda1)) return ;
    156155  ///////////////////////////////////////////
    157   // Effective energy and path-length from Eq. 4.7.15+16 of Ref.4
     156  // Effective energy
    158157  G4double  eloss = theManager->GetEnergy(particle,tPathLength,currentCouple);
    159   if(eloss>0.5*kineticEnergy)eloss=kineticEnergy-eloss;//exchange possibility between target atomic e- and incident particle
     158  if(eloss>0.5*kineticEnergy)
     159   {if((dynParticle->GetCharge())==-eplus)eloss=kineticEnergy-eloss;//exchange between target and projectile if they are electrons
     160    else eloss=0.5*kineticEnergy;
     161   }
    160162  G4double ee       = kineticEnergy - 0.5*eloss;
    161163  G4double ttau     = ee/electron_mass_c2;
    166168  kineticEnergy *= (1 - cst1);
    167169  ///////////////////////////////////////////
    168   // additivity rule for mixture and compound xsection calculation
     170  // additivity rule for mixture and compound xsection's
    169171  const G4Material* mat = currentCouple->GetMaterial();
     172  const G4ElementVector* theElementVector = mat->GetElementVector();
     173  const G4double* theAtomNumDensityVector = mat->GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume();
    170174  G4int nelm = mat->GetNumberOfElements();
    171   const G4ElementVector* theElementVector = mat->GetElementVector();
    172   const G4double* theFraction = mat->GetFractionVector();
    173   G4double atomPerVolume = mat->GetTotNbOfAtomsPerVolume();
    174   G4double llambda0=0.,llambda1=0.;
     175  G4double s0,s1;
     176  lambda0=0.;
    175177  for(G4int i=0;i<nelm;i++)
    176     {
    177       G4double l0,l1;
    178       CalculateIntegrals(particle,(*theElementVector)[i]->GetZ(),kineticEnergy,l0,l1);
    179       llambda0 += (theFraction[i]/l0);
    180       llambda1 += (theFraction[i]/l1);
     178    {
     179      CalculateIntegrals(particle,(*theElementVector)[i]->GetZ(),kineticEnergy,s0,s1);
     180      lambda0 += (theAtomNumDensityVector[i]*s0);
    181181    }
    182   if(llambda0>DBL_MIN) llambda0 =1./llambda0;
    183   if(llambda1>DBL_MIN) llambda1 =1./llambda1;
     182  if(lambda0>DBL_MIN) lambda0 =1./lambda0;
     184// Newton-Raphson root's finding method of scrA from:
     185// Sig1(PWA)/Sig0(PWA)=g1=2*scrA*((1+scrA)*log(1+1/scrA)-1)
    184186  G4double g1=0.0;
    185   if(llambda1>DBL_MIN) g1 = llambda0/llambda1;
    187   G4double x1,x0;
    188   x0=g1/2.;
     187  if(lambda1>DBL_MIN) g1 = lambda0/lambda1;
     189  G4double logx0,x1,delta;
     190  G4double x0=g1/2.;
    189191  do
    190192    { 
    191       x1 = x0-(x0*((1.+x0)*log(1.+1./x0)-1.0)-g1/2.)/( (1.+2.*x0)*log(1.+1./x0)-2.0);// x1=x0-f(x0)/f'(x0)
     193      logx0=std::log(1.+1./x0);
     194      x1 = x0-(x0*((1.+x0)*logx0-1.0)-g1/2.)/( (1.+2.*x0)*logx0-2.0);
    192195      delta = std::abs( x1 - x0 );   
    193       x0 = x1;  // new approximation becomes the old approximation for the next iteration
    194     } while (delta > 1e-10);
     196      x0 = x1;
     197    } while (delta > 1.0e-12);
    195198  G4double scrA = x1;
    197   G4double us=0.0,vs=0.0,ws=1.0,x_coord=0.0,y_coord=0.0,z_coord=1.0;
    198200  G4double lambdan=0.;
    199   G4bool mscatt=false,noscatt=false;
    201   if(llambda0>0.)lambdan=atomPerVolume*tPathLength/llambda0;
    202   if((lambdan<=1.0e-12))return;
     202  if(lambda0>0.)lambdan=tPathLength/lambda0;
     203  if(lambdan<=1.0e-12)return;
     204  G4double lambdan12=0.5*lambdan;
     205  Qn1 = lambdan *g1;//2.* lambdan *scrA*((1.+scrA)*log(1.+1./scrA)-1.);
     206  Qn12 = 0.5*Qn1;
     208  G4double cosTheta1,sinTheta1,cosTheta2,sinTheta2;
     209  G4double cosPhi1=1.0,sinPhi1=0.0,cosPhi2=1.0,sinPhi2=0.0;
     210  G4double us=0.0,vs=0.0,ws=1.0,wss=0.,x_coord=0.0,y_coord=0.0,z_coord=1.0;
    204212  G4double epsilon1=G4UniformRand();
    205   G4double expn = exp(-lambdan);
    206   if((epsilon1<expn)||insideskin)// no scattering
    207     {noscatt=true;}
    208   else if((epsilon1<((1.+lambdan)*expn)||(lambdan<1.)))
    209     {
    210       mscatt=false;
    211       ws=G4UniformRand();
    212       ws= 1.-2.*scrA*ws/(1.-ws + scrA);
    213       if(acos(ws)<sqrt(scrA))//small angle approximation for theta less than screening angle
    214       {G4int i=0;
    215       do{i++;
    216       ws=1.+0.5*atomPerVolume*tPathLength*log(G4UniformRand())/llambda1;
    217       }while((fabs(ws)>1.)&&(i<20));//i<20 to avoid time consuming during the run
    218       if(i==19)ws=cos(sqrt(scrA));
    219       }
    220       G4double phi0=twopi*G4UniformRand();
    221       us=sqrt(1.-ws*ws)*cos(phi0);
    222       vs=sqrt(1.-ws*ws)*sin(phi0);
    223       G4double rr=G4UniformRand();
    224       x_coord=(rr*us);
    225       y_coord=(rr*vs);
    226       z_coord=((1.-rr)+rr*ws);
    227     }
    228   else
    229     {
    230       mscatt=true;
     213  G4double expn = std::exp(-lambdan);
     214  if(epsilon1<expn)// no scattering
     215    {return;}
     216  else if((epsilon1<((1.+lambdan)*expn))||(lambdan<1.))//single scattering (Rutherford DCS's)
     217    {
     219      G4double xi=G4UniformRand();
     220      xi= 2.*scrA*xi/(1.-xi + scrA);   
     221      if(xi<0.)xi=0.;
     222      else if(xi>2.)xi=2.;
     223      ws=1.-xi;
     224      wss=std::sqrt(xi*(2.-xi));     
     225      G4double phi0=CLHEP::twopi*G4UniformRand();
     226      us=wss*cos(phi0);
     227      vs=wss*sin(phi0);
     228    }
     229  else // multiple scattering
     230    {
    231231      // Ref.2 subsection 4.4 "The best solution found"
    232232      // Sample first substep scattering angle
    233       SampleCosineTheta(0.5*lambdan,scrA,cosTheta1,sinTheta1);
    234       phi1  = twopi*G4UniformRand();
     233      SampleCosineTheta(lambdan12,scrA,cosTheta1,sinTheta1);
     234      G4double phi1  = CLHEP::twopi*G4UniformRand();
    235235      cosPhi1 = cos(phi1);
    236236      sinPhi1 = sin(phi1);
    238238      // Sample second substep scattering angle
    239       SampleCosineTheta(0.5*lambdan,scrA,cosTheta2,sinTheta2);
    240       phi2  = twopi*G4UniformRand();
     239      SampleCosineTheta(lambdan12,scrA,cosTheta2,sinTheta2);
     240      G4double phi2  = CLHEP::twopi*G4UniformRand();
    241241      cosPhi2 = cos(phi2);
    242242      sinPhi2 = sin(phi2);
    244       // Scattering direction
     244      // Overall scattering direction
    245245      us = sinTheta2*(cosTheta1*cosPhi1*cosPhi2 - sinPhi1*sinPhi2) + cosTheta2*sinTheta1*cosPhi1;
    246246      vs = sinTheta2*(cosTheta1*sinPhi1*cosPhi2 + cosPhi1*sinPhi2) + cosTheta2*sinTheta1*sinPhi1;
    247247      ws = cosTheta1*cosTheta2 - sinTheta1*sinTheta2*cosPhi2;
     248      G4double sqrtA=sqrt(scrA);
     249      if(acos(ws)<sqrtA)//small angle approximation for theta less than screening angle
     250      {
     251       G4int i=0;
     252       do{i++;
     253       ws=1.+Qn12*log(G4UniformRand());
     254       }while((fabs(ws)>1.)&&(i<20));//i<20 to avoid time consuming during the run
     255       if(i>=19)ws=cos(sqrtA);
     257       wss=std::sqrt((1.-ws)*(1.0+ws));     
     258       us=wss*cos(phi1);
     259       vs=wss*sin(phi1);
     260     }
    248261    }
    253266  fParticleChange->ProposeMomentumDirection(newDirection);
    255   if((safety > tlimitminfix)&&(latDisplasment))
    256     { 
    258       if(mscatt)
    259         {
    260           if(scrA<DBL_MIN)scrA=DBL_MIN;
    261           if(llambda1<DBL_MIN)llambda1=DBL_MIN;
    262           q1 = 2.*scrA*((1. + scrA)*log(1. + 1./scrA) - 1.);
    263           if(q1<DBL_MIN)q1=DBL_MIN;
    264           Gamma  = 6.*scrA*(1. + scrA)*((1. + 2.*scrA)*log(1. + 1./scrA) - 2.)/q1;
    265           Eta    = atomPerVolume*tPathLength/llambda1;     
    266           delta  = 0.90824829 - Eta*(0.102062073-Gamma*0.026374715);
    268           nu = G4UniformRand();
    269           nu = std::sqrt(nu);
    270           nu0 = (1.0 - nu)/2.;
    271           nu1 = nu*delta;
    272           nu2 = nu*(1.0-delta);
    273           x_coord=(nu1*sinTheta1*cosPhi1+nu2*sinTheta2*(cosPhi1*cosPhi2-cosTheta1*sinPhi1*sinPhi2)+nu0*us);
    274           y_coord=(nu1*sinTheta1*sinPhi1+nu2*sinTheta2*(sinPhi1*cosPhi2+cosTheta1*cosPhi1*sinPhi2)+nu0*vs);
    275           z_coord=(nu0+nu1*cosTheta1+nu2*cosTheta2+ nu0*ws)  ;
    276         }
     268  if((safety > tlimitminfix)&&latDisplasment)
     269    {
     270      if(Qn1<0.02)// corresponding to error less than 1% in the exact formula of <z>
     271      z_coord = 1.0 - Qn1*(0.5 - Qn1/6.);
     272      else z_coord = (1.-std::exp(-Qn1))/Qn1;
     274      G4double rr=std::sqrt((1.- z_coord*z_coord)/(1.-ws*ws));
     275      x_coord = rr*us;
     276      y_coord = rr*vs;
    278277      // displacement is computed relatively to the end point
    279       if(!noscatt)z_coord -= 1.0;//for noscatt zcoord z_coord !=0.
    280       G4double rr = sqrt(x_coord*x_coord+y_coord*y_coord+z_coord*z_coord);
     278      z_coord -= 1.0;
     279      rr = std::sqrt(x_coord*x_coord+y_coord*y_coord+z_coord*z_coord);
    281280      G4double r  = rr*zPathLength;
    282281      /*
    287286             << G4endl;
    288287      */
     288      if(tPathLength<=zPathLength)return;
    289289      if(r > tlimitminfix) {
    291         G4ThreeVector latDirection(x_coord/rr,y_coord/rr,z_coord/rr);
    292         latDirection.rotateUz(oldDirection);
    294         ComputeDisplacement(fParticleChange, latDirection, r, safety);
     291        G4ThreeVector Direction(x_coord/rr,y_coord/rr,z_coord/rr);
     292        Direction.rotateUz(oldDirection);
     294        ComputeDisplacement(fParticleChange, Direction, r, safety);
    295295      }     
    296296    }
    303303                                                G4double &cost, G4double &sint)
    305   G4double u,Qn1,r1,tet;
    306305  G4double xi=0.;
    307   Qn1=2.* lambdan *scrA*((1.+scrA)*log(1.+1./scrA)-1.);
    309 if (Qn1<0.001)xi=-0.5*Qn1*log(G4UniformRand());
    310 else if(Qn1>0.5)xi=2.*G4UniformRand();//isotropic distribution
    311 else
    312 {
    313       // procedure described by Benedito in Ref.1
     307  if (Qn12<0.001) 
     308  {G4double r1,tet;
    314309      do{
    315         r1=G4UniformRand();
    316         u=GSTable->SampleTheta(lambdan,scrA,G4UniformRand());
    317         xi = 2.*u;
    318         tet=acos(1.-xi);
     310        r1=G4UniformRand();
     311        xi=-Qn12*log(G4UniformRand());
     312        tet=acos(1.-xi);
    319313      }while(tet*r1*r1>sin(tet));
    320 }
     314  }
     315  else if(Qn12>0.5)xi=2.*G4UniformRand();
     316  else xi=2.*(GSTable->SampleTheta(lambdan,scrA,G4UniformRand()));
    322319  if(xi<0.)xi=0.;
    323   if(xi>2.)xi=2.;
     320  else if(xi>2.)xi=2.;
    324322  cost=(1. - xi);
    325323  sint=sqrt(xi*(2.-xi));
    334332G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel::CalculateIntegrals(const G4ParticleDefinition* p,G4double Z,
    335                                                  G4double kinEnergy,G4double &Lam0,
    336                                                  G4double &Lam1)
     333                                                 G4double kinEnergy,G4double &Sig0,
     334                                                 G4double &Sig1)
    338   G4double summ00=0.0;
    339   G4double summ10=0.0;
    340336  G4double x1,x2,y1,y2,acoeff,bcoeff;
    341337  G4double kineticE = kinEnergy;
    343339  if(kineticE>highKEnergy)kineticE=highKEnergy;
    344340  kineticE /= eV;
    345   G4double logE=log(kineticE);
     341  G4double logE=std::log(kineticE);
    347343  G4int  iZ = G4int(Z);
    350346  G4int enerInd=0;
    351   for(G4int i=1;i<106;i++)
     347  for(G4int i=0;i<105;i++)
    352348  {
    353349  if((logE>=ener[i])&&(logE<ener[i+1])){enerInd=i;break;}
    364360        acoeff=(y2-y1)/(x2*x2-x1*x1);
    365361        bcoeff=y2-acoeff*x2*x2;
    366         summ00=acoeff*logE*logE+bcoeff;
    367         summ00 =exp(summ00);
     362        Sig0=acoeff*logE*logE+bcoeff;
     363        Sig0 =std::exp(Sig0);
    368364        y1=FTCSE[iZ-1][enerInd];
    369365        y2=FTCSE[iZ-1][enerInd+1];
    370366        acoeff=(y2-y1)/(x2*x2-x1*x1);
    371367        bcoeff=y2-acoeff*x2*x2;
    372         summ10=acoeff*logE*logE+bcoeff;
    373         summ10 =exp(summ10);
     368        Sig1=acoeff*logE*logE+bcoeff;
     369        Sig1=std::exp(Sig1);
    374370      }
    375371    else  //Interpolation of the form y=ax+b
    379375        y1=TCSE[iZ-1][104];
    380376        y2=TCSE[iZ-1][105];
    381         summ00=(y2-y1)*(logE-x1)/(x2-x1)+y1;
    382         summ00 =exp(summ00);
     377        Sig0=(y2-y1)*(logE-x1)/(x2-x1)+y1;
     378        Sig0=std::exp(Sig0);
    383379        y1=FTCSE[iZ-1][104];
    384380        y2=FTCSE[iZ-1][105];
    385         summ10=(y2-y1)*(logE-x1)/(x2-x1)+y1;
    386         summ10 =exp(summ10);
     381        Sig1=(y2-y1)*(logE-x1)/(x2-x1)+y1;
     382        Sig1=std::exp(Sig1);
    387383      }
    388384    }
    397393        acoeff=(y2-y1)/(x2*x2-x1*x1);
    398394        bcoeff=y2-acoeff*x2*x2;
    399         summ00=acoeff*logE*logE+bcoeff;
    400         summ00 =exp(summ00);
     395        Sig0=acoeff*logE*logE+bcoeff;
     396        Sig0 =std::exp(Sig0);
    401397        y1=FTCSP[iZ-1][enerInd];
    402398        y2=FTCSP[iZ-1][enerInd+1];
    403399        acoeff=(y2-y1)/(x2*x2-x1*x1);
    404400        bcoeff=y2-acoeff*x2*x2;
    405         summ10=acoeff*logE*logE+bcoeff;
    406         summ10 =exp(summ10);
     401        Sig1=acoeff*logE*logE+bcoeff;
     402        Sig1=std::exp(Sig1);
    407403      }
    408404    else
    412408        y1=TCSP[iZ-1][104];
    413409        y2=TCSP[iZ-1][105];
    414         summ00=(y2-y1)*(logE-x1)/(x2-x1)+y1;
    415         summ00 =exp(summ00);
     410        Sig0=(y2-y1)*(logE-x1)/(x2-x1)+y1;
     411        Sig0 =std::exp(Sig0);
    416412        y1=FTCSP[iZ-1][104];
    417413        y2=FTCSP[iZ-1][105];
    418         summ10=(y2-y1)*(logE-x1)/(x2-x1)+y1;
    419         summ10 =exp(summ10);
     414        Sig1=(y2-y1)*(logE-x1)/(x2-x1)+y1;
     415        Sig1=std::exp(Sig1);
    420416      }
    421417    }
    423   summ00 *=barn;
    424   summ10 *=barn;
    426   Lam0=1./((1.+1./Z)*summ00);
    427   Lam1=1./((1.+1./Z)*summ10);
    429 }
    431 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
    432 //t->g->t step transformations taken from Ref.6
     419  Sig0 *= barn;
     420  Sig1 *= barn;
     425//t->g->t step transformations taken from Ref.6
     630// taken from Ref.6
    638631G4double G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel::ComputeGeomPathLength(G4double)
    688681  if(samplez) {
    690     const G4double  ztmax = 0.99, onethird = 1./3. ;
     683    const G4double  ztmax = 0.99;
    691684    G4double zt = zmean/tPathLength ;
    695688      G4double u,cz1;
    696       if(zt >= onethird) {
     689      if(zt >= 0.333333333) {
    698691        G4double cz = 0.5*(3.*zt-1.)/(1.-zt) ;
     714// taken from Ref.6
    723716G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel::ComputeTrueStepLength(G4double geomStepLength)
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable.cc,v 1.4 2009/08/28 16:36:52 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable.cc,v 1.7 2010/05/17 15:11:30 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    3939// Modifications:
    4040// 04.03.2009 V.Ivanchenko cleanup and format according to Geant4 EM style
    41 // 26.08.2009 O.Kadri: avoiding unuseful calculations and optimizing the root finding parameter error's
    42 //                     within SampleTheta method
    43 //
     41// 26.08.2009 O.Kadri: avoiding unuseful calculations and optimizing the root
     42//                     finding parameter error's within SampleTheta method
     43// 08.02.2010 O.Kadri: reduce delared variables; reduce error of finding root
     44//                     in secant method
     45// 26.03.2010 O.Kadri: minimum of used arrays in computation within the dichotomie
     46//                     finding method the error was the lowest value of uvalues
     47// 12.05.2010 O.Kadri: changing of sqrt((b-a)*(b-a)) with fabs(b-a)
    200206  //Benedito's procedure
    201207  G4double A[11],ThisPDF[320],ThisCPDF[320];
    202   G4double PDF1[320],PDF2[320],PDF3[320],PDF4[320],CPDF1[320],CPDF2[320],CPDF3[320],CPDF4[320];
    203   G4double coeff,Ckj,CkjPlus1,CkPlus1j,CkPlus1jPlus1,aa,b,m,F;
    204   G4int Ind0,Ind1,Ind2,Ind3,KIndex=0,JIndex=0,IIndex=0;
     208  G4double coeff,Ckj,CkjPlus1,CkPlus1j,CkPlus1jPlus1,a,b,m,F;
     209  G4int Ind0,KIndex=0,JIndex=0,IIndex=0;
    206212  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    220226  // Calculate Interpolated PDF and CPDF arrays
    221227  Ind0=320*(11*KIndex+JIndex);
    222   Ind1=320*(11*KIndex+JIndex+1);
    223   Ind2=320*(11*(KIndex+1)+JIndex);
    224   Ind3=320*(11*(KIndex+1)+JIndex+1);
    225228  for(G4int i=0 ; i<320 ;i++){
    226     PDF1[i]=PDF[Ind0+i];PDF2[i]=PDF[Ind1+i];   
    227     PDF3[i]=PDF[Ind2+i];PDF4[i]=PDF[Ind3+i];   
    228     CPDF1[i]=CPDF[Ind0+i];CPDF2[i]=CPDF[Ind1+i];   
    229     CPDF3[i]=CPDF[Ind2+i];CPDF4[i]=CPDF[Ind3+i]; 
    230     ThisPDF[i]=Ckj*PDF1[i]+CkjPlus1*PDF2[i]+CkPlus1j*PDF3[i]+CkPlus1jPlus1*PDF4[i];
    231     ThisCPDF[i]=Ckj*CPDF1[i]+CkjPlus1*CPDF2[i]+CkPlus1j*CPDF3[i]+CkPlus1jPlus1*CPDF4[i]; 
     229    ThisPDF[i]=Ckj*PDF[Ind0]+CkjPlus1*PDF[Ind0+320]+CkPlus1j*PDF[Ind0+3520]+CkPlus1jPlus1*PDF[Ind0+3840];
     230    ThisCPDF[i]=Ckj*CPDF[Ind0]+CkjPlus1*CPDF[Ind0+320]+CkPlus1j*CPDF[Ind0+3520]+CkPlus1jPlus1*CPDF[Ind0+3840]; 
    232231  // Find u Index using secant method
    233   if((i!=0)&&((rndm>=ThisCPDF[i-1])&&(rndm<ThisCPDF[i])))  {IIndex=i-1;break;}
     232    if((i!=0)&&((rndm>=ThisCPDF[i-1])&&(rndm<ThisCPDF[i])))  {IIndex=i-1;break;}
     233    Ind0++;
    234234  }
    236236  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    237237  //CPDF^-1(rndm)=x ==> CPDF(x)=rndm;
    238   aa=uvalues[IIndex];
     238  a=uvalues[IIndex];
    239239  b=uvalues[IIndex+1];
    241241  do{
    242     m=0.5*(aa+b);
     242    m=0.5*(a+b);
    243243    F=(ThisCPDF[IIndex]+(m-uvalues[IIndex])*ThisPDF[IIndex]
    244244       +((m-uvalues[IIndex])*(m-uvalues[IIndex])*(ThisPDF[IIndex+1]-ThisPDF[IIndex]))
    245245       /(2.*(uvalues[IIndex+1]-uvalues[IIndex])))-rndm;
    246246    if(F>0.)b=m;
    247     else aa=m;
    248   } while(sqrt((b-aa)*(b-aa))>1.0e-6);
     247    else a=m;
     248  } while(fabs(b-a)>1.0e-9);
    250250  return m;
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4MollerBhabhaModel.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4MollerBhabhaModel.cc,v 1.35 2009/11/09 19:16:13 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4MollerBhabhaModel.cc,v 1.38 2010/04/06 17:10:16 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    9393G4double G4MollerBhabhaModel::MinEnergyCut(const G4ParticleDefinition*,
    94                                            const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple)
    95 {
    96   G4double electronDensity = couple->GetMaterial()->GetElectronDensity();
    97   G4double Zeff  = electronDensity/couple->GetMaterial()->GetTotNbOfAtomsPerVolume();
    98   return 0.25*sqrt(Zeff)*keV;
     94                                           const G4MaterialCutsCouple* /*couple*/)
     96  //  G4double electronDensity = couple->GetMaterial()->GetElectronDensity();
     97  //G4double Zeff  = electronDensity/couple->GetMaterial()->GetTotNbOfAtomsPerVolume();
     98  //return 0.25*sqrt(Zeff)*keV;
     99  //return couple->GetMaterial()->GetIonisation()->GetMeanExcitationEnergy();
     100  return 0.1*keV;
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4PAIModel.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4PAIModel.cc,v 1.51 2009/08/12 21:28:50 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4PAIModel.cc,v 1.52 2010/06/03 07:28:39 grichine Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    3232// File name:     G4PAIModel.cc
    34 // Author: Vladimir.Grichine@cern.ch on base of Vladimir Ivanchenko code
     34// Author: Vladimir.Grichine@cern.ch on base of Vladimir Ivanchenko model interface
    3636// Creation date: 05.10.2003
    148148                            const G4DataVector&)
     150  G4cout<<"G4PAIModel::Initialise for "<<p->GetParticleName()<<G4endl;
    150151  if(isInitialised) return;
    151152  isInitialised = true;
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4PAIPhotonModel.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4PAIPhotonModel.cc,v 1.23 2009/07/26 15:51:01 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4PAIPhotonModel.cc,v 1.24 2010/06/03 07:28:39 grichine Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    161161                                   const G4DataVector&)
     163  G4cout<<"G4PAIPhotonModel::Initialise for "<<p->GetParticleName()<<G4endl;
    163164  if(isInitialised) return;
    164165  isInitialised = true;
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4PSTARStopping.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4PSTARStopping.cc,v 1.8 2008/11/24 18:28:09 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4PSTARStopping.cc,v 1.14 2010/04/26 17:40:34 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    3939// Contract:            CSMAN-5288
    41 // Modifications:
     41// Modifications: 
     42// 25.04.2010 V.Ivanchenko introduce G4LPhysicsFreeVector
     43// 26.04.2010 A.Ivanchenko fixed data for G4_PROPANE and G4_Pt,
     44//                         checked all data
    55   currentE = 0.0;
    5658  currentMaterial = 0;
    57   index = 0;
    5859  matIndex = -1;
     61  name.resize(74,"");
     62  sdata.resize(74,0);
    5964  Initialise();
    65 {}
     71  for(size_t i=0; i<74; ++i) { delete sdata[i]; }
    7178  if (mat == currentMaterial) return matIndex;
    7279  G4String matName = mat->GetName();
    73   for (G4int i=0; i<74; i++){
     80  for (G4int i=0; i<74; ++i){
    7481    if (matName == name[i]){
    7582      matIndex = i;
    8592G4double G4PSTARStopping::GetElectronicDEDX(G4int i, G4double energy)
    87   if (matIndex == i && energy == currentE) return res;       
     94  G4double res = 0.0;
    8995  if (i<0 || i>73){
    9096    G4cout << "### G4PSTARStopping WARNING: index "
    9197           << i << " is out of range!" << G4endl;
    92     res = 0.0;
    9398    return res;
    9499  }
    95   matIndex = i;
    96   currentE = energy;
    98   if (energy < kinE[index] || energy > kinE[index+1]){
    100     if (energy <= kinE[0]) {
    101       index = 0;
    102       res = e[matIndex][0]*std::sqrt(energy/kinE[0]);
    103       return res;
    104     } else if (energy >= kinE[59]) {
    105       index = 58;
    106       res = e[matIndex][59];
    107       return res;
    108     }
    109     for (index = 0; index<59; index++){if (energy <= kinE[index+1]) break;}
    110   }
    112   G4double t1 = kinE[index];
    113   G4double t2 = kinE[index+1];
    114   G4double e1 = e[matIndex][index];
    115   G4double e2 = e[matIndex][index+1];
    116   res = e1*std::exp(std::log(energy/t1)*std::log(e2/e1)/std::log(t2/t1));
     100  if(energy < emin) { res = (*(sdata[i]))[0]*std::sqrt(energy/emin); }
     101  else              { res = sdata[i]->Value(energy); }
    117102  return res;
    120105void G4PSTARStopping::Initialise()
    122   G4int i;
    124107  name [0] = "G4_A-150_TISSUE";
    125108  G4double T0[60] = {
    129112    0.085, 0.09,   0.095, 0.1,    0.125, 0.15,  0.175,   0.2, 0.225, 0.25,
    130113    0.275, 0.3,    0.35,  0.4,    0.45,  0.5,    0.55,   0.6, 0.65,  0.7,
    131     0.75,  0.8,    0.85,  0.9,    0.95,  1.,     1.25,   1.5, 1.75,  2. };
     114    0.75,  0.8,    0.85,  0.9,    0.95,  1.,     1.25,   1.5, 1.75,  2. };
     115  emin = T0[0]*MeV;
    132117  G4double e0[60] = { 176.8, 216.6, 250.1, 279.6, 306.3, 351.1, 390.9, 426.8, 459.8, 489.9, 517.8, 544, 596.4, 641.3, 680.6, 715.7, 747, 775, 800, 822.6, 861.7, 894.2, 920.7, 941.5, 957.3, 968.6, 976.2, 980.5, 982, 981, 978, 973.2, 967, 959.5, 910.4, 853.6, 797.9, 746.9, 701.5, 661.5, 626.4, 595.6, 544.8, 504.4, 471.1, 442.8, 416.4, 392, 369.9, 350, 332.2, 316.4, 302.2, 289.5, 278.1, 267.9, 228.9, 200.8, 179.5, 162.6 };
    134   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[0][i]=e0[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
    135   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {kinE[i]=T0[i]*MeV;}
     119  AddData(T0, e0, 0);
    137121  name [1] = "G4_ACETYLENE";
    138122  G4double e1[60] = { 185.5, 227.2, 262.3, 293.2, 321.2, 364.8, 404, 439.3, 471.6, 500.3, 526.4, 550.6, 600.2, 641.6, 677.4, 709.2, 737.3, 762, 783.7, 803.1, 837.2, 866.8, 891.7, 911.6, 926.6, 937.4, 944.7, 949, 950.8, 950.3, 947.9, 943.9, 938.4, 931.8, 887.1, 833.7, 779.9, 729.5, 686.8, 650.4, 618.5, 590.2, 541.4, 500.4, 465.3, 434.8, 408, 384.6, 364.4, 346.5, 330.5, 316.1, 303.2, 291.3, 280.4, 270.4, 230.7, 202.2, 180.5, 163.5 };
    140   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[1][i]=e1[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     124  AddData(T0, e1, 1);
    142126  name [2] = "G4_ADIPOSE_TISSUE_ICRP";
    143127  G4double e2[60] = { 195.9, 239.9, 277, 309.7, 339.3, 387.5, 430.6, 469.4, 505, 537.2, 566.9, 594.6, 649.9, 696.7, 737.4, 773.3, 805.2, 833.4, 858.3, 880.5, 918.9, 951, 977.2, 997.6, 1013, 1023, 1030, 1034, 1034, 1033, 1029, 1023, 1016, 1008, 955.6, 895, 835.1, 779.6, 729.7, 685.6, 646.6, 612.3, 555, 509.1, 471.6, 440.3, 413.7, 390.4, 370.1, 352.1, 336, 321.4, 308.3, 296.3, 285.3, 275.2, 234.9, 206, 184, 166.7 };
    145   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[2][i]=e2[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     129  AddData(T0, e2, 2);
    147131  name [3] = "G4_Ag";
    148132  G4double e3[60] = { 29.73, 36.41, 42.05, 47.01, 51.5, 59.46, 66.48, 72.83, 78.66, 84.09, 89.2, 94.02, 103.7, 112.1, 119.7, 126.6, 132.8, 138.5, 143.7, 148.5, 157.1, 164.3, 170.5, 175.7, 180.1, 183.7, 186.7, 189.1, 191.1, 192.5, 193.6, 194.4, 194.8, 195, 193.4, 189.3, 184.4, 179.2, 174.1, 169.3, 164.8, 160.5, 152.7, 145.7, 139.5, 133.8, 128.6, 123.9, 119.5, 115.4, 111.7, 108.1, 104.8, 101.7, 98.74, 95.98, 84.49, 75.92, 69.3, 64.05 };
    150   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[3][i]=e3[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     134  AddData(T0, e3, 3);
    152136  name [4] = "G4_AIR";
    153137  G4double e4[60] = { 119.7, 146.7, 169.3, 189.3, 207.4, 239.5, 267.8, 293.3, 316.8, 338.7, 359.2, 378.7, 417, 450.4, 480.1, 506.7, 530.7, 552.6, 572.4, 590.5, 622.1, 648.3, 670, 687.7, 702, 713.2, 721.7, 727.8, 731.9, 734.1, 734.8, 734, 732, 729, 702.9, 667.2, 629.1, 592.2, 558.3, 527.8, 500.6, 476.3, 434.9, 401.2, 373.3, 349.8, 329.7, 312.1, 296.4, 282.4, 269.9, 258.7, 248.5, 239.1, 230.6, 222.7, 191.1, 168.2, 150.8, 137 };
    155   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[4][i]=e4[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     139  AddData(T0, e4, 4);
    157141  name [5] = "G4_Al";
    158142  G4double e5[60] = { 92.38, 113.1, 130.6, 146.1, 160, 184.8, 206.6, 226.3, 244.4, 261.3, 277.1, 292.1, 320.6, 344.8, 365.7, 383.8, 399.6, 413.2, 425, 435.1, 451, 462, 469.2, 473.4, 475.2, 475.1, 473.7, 471.2, 468, 464.2, 460.1, 455.8, 451.3, 446.8, 424.5, 404.5, 386.7, 371, 356.8, 344, 332.3, 321.5, 301.7, 284.2, 268.6, 254.8, 242.5, 231.4, 221.5, 212.4, 204.2, 196.6, 189.7, 183.3, 177.4, 171.9, 149.4, 132.7, 119.8, 109.4 };
    160   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[5][i]=e5[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     144  AddData(T0, e5, 5);
    162146  name [6] = "G4_ALUMINUM_OXIDE";
    163147  G4double e6[60] = { 73.51, 90.03, 104, 116.2, 127.3, 147, 164.4, 180.1, 194.5, 207.9, 220.5, 232.5, 256.1, 276.8, 295.3, 311.9, 327, 340.8, 353.4, 364.9, 385.3, 402.5, 417, 429.2, 439.3, 447.6, 454.3, 459.6, 463.7, 466.6, 468.6, 469.8, 470.2, 470, 461.9, 447.2, 430.1, 412.7, 396.5, 381.4, 367.5, 354.5, 331.1, 310.6, 292.6, 276.5, 262.2, 249.4, 238.1, 227.9, 218.7, 210.2, 202.6, 195.7, 189.2, 183.2, 158.9, 140.9, 127, 116 };
    165   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[6][i]=e6[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     149  AddData(T0, e6, 6);
    167151  name [7] = "G4_Ar";
    168152  G4double e7[60] = { 86.08, 105.4, 121.7, 136.1, 149.1, 172.2, 192.5, 210.9, 227.7, 243.5, 258.2, 272.2, 299.7, 323.5, 344.5, 363.3, 380.2, 395.3, 409, 421.4, 442.5, 459.4, 472.8, 483.1, 490.7, 496, 499.2, 500.7, 500.8, 499.5, 497.2, 494, 490, 485.5, 457.4, 426.7, 397.7, 371.9, 349.5, 330.1, 313.2, 298.5, 274.2, 254.9, 239, 225.6, 214.4, 204.7, 196.1, 188.4, 181.3, 174.9, 168.9, 163.4, 158.2, 153.3, 133, 118.2, 106.8, 97.72 };
    170   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[7][i]=e7[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     154  AddData(T0, e7, 7);
    172156  name [8] = "G4_Au";
    173157  G4double e8[60] = { 14.76, 18.07, 20.87, 23.33, 25.56, 29.51, 33, 36.15, 39.04, 41.74, 44.27, 46.66, 51.51, 55.8, 59.66, 63.18, 66.43, 69.43, 72.23, 74.84, 79.58, 83.77, 87.5, 90.81, 93.77, 96.4, 98.74, 100.8, 102.6, 104.3, 105.7, 106.9, 108, 108.9, 111.5, 112, 111.2, 109.6, 107.6, 105.4, 103.2, 101, 96.33, 91.8, 87.7, 84.05, 80.83, 78, 75.47, 73.18, 71.11, 69.21, 67.46, 65.83, 64.32, 62.91, 56.98, 52.39, 48.68, 45.58 };
    175   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[8][i]=e8[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     159  AddData(T0, e8, 8);
    177161  name [9] = "G4_B-100_BONE";
    178162  G4double e9[60] = { 142.5, 174.5, 201.5, 225.2, 246.7, 283.1, 315.3, 344.4, 371.1, 395.5, 418.2, 439.6, 482.3, 519, 551.3, 580.1, 606, 629.2, 650.1, 669, 701.9, 729.5, 752.2, 770.4, 784.5, 795.1, 802.6, 807.4, 810, 810.5, 809.3, 806.6, 802.7, 797.7, 762.5, 719.5, 676.2, 635.8, 599.3, 566.7, 537.9, 512.3, 468.1, 431.4, 400.8, 375, 353, 333.7, 316.9, 301.9, 288.5, 276.3, 265.3, 255.1, 245.9, 237.4, 203.4, 178.9, 160.2, 145.4 };
    180   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[9][i]=e9[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     164  AddData(T0, e9, 9);
    182166  name [10] = "G4_Be";
    183167  G4double e10[60] = { 149.7, 183.3, 211.7, 236.7, 259.2, 299.3, 334.7, 366.6, 396, 423.3, 449, 473.3, 517.2, 553.4, 583.6, 608.7, 629.6, 646.8, 660.7, 671.9, 687.3, 695.5, 698.4, 697.6, 694.2, 689.1, 682.8, 675.7, 668.2, 660.5, 652.7, 644.9, 637.2, 629.6, 594.2, 563, 535.4, 510.7, 488.4, 468.2, 449.8, 432.8, 404.4, 380.1, 358.1, 337.6, 318.8, 302.2, 287.4, 274.2, 262.3, 251.5, 241.7, 232.7, 224.4, 216.8, 186, 163.6, 146.3, 132.6 };
    185   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[10][i]=e10[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     169  AddData(T0, e10, 10);
    187171  name [11] = "G4_BONE_COMPACT_ICRU";
    188172  G4double e11[60] = { 141.6, 173.4, 200.2, 223.8, 245.2, 281.3, 313.3, 342.2, 368.8, 393.1, 415.6, 436.8, 479, 515.2, 547, 575.3, 600.7, 623.4, 643.8, 662.1, 694.2, 721, 743.2, 760.9, 774.8, 785.2, 792.6, 797.6, 800.3, 801.1, 800.3, 797.9, 794.4, 789.9, 756.4, 714.5, 671.4, 630.5, 593.2, 559.7, 530, 503.5, 459, 423, 393.3, 368.3, 346.9, 328.1, 311.6, 296.9, 283.7, 271.8, 261, 251.1, 242, 233.7, 200.3, 176.3, 158, 143.5 };
    190   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[11][i]=e11[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     174  AddData(T0, e11, 11);
    192176  name [12] = "G4_C";
    193177  G4double e12[60] = { 138.4, 169.5, 195.7, 218.8, 239.7, 270.2, 297.8, 322.7, 345.4, 365.1, 382.6, 398.7, 433.5, 462.4, 487.4, 509.9, 530, 547.7, 563.4, 577.6, 603.9, 628.3, 650.1, 668.6, 683.5, 695.3, 704.5, 711.4, 716.3, 719.4, 720.8, 720.9, 719.7, 717.4, 694.5, 661.1, 624.7, 589.1, 556, 526, 499.1, 475, 435.8, 404.4, 377.9, 354.6, 334, 315.9, 300.2, 286.2, 273.7, 262.4, 252.2, 242.7, 234.1, 226.1, 194.2, 171.1, 153.4, 139.4 };
    195   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[12][i]=e12[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
    197   name [13] = "G4_GRAPHITE";
     179  AddData(T0, e12, 12);
     181  name [13] = "G4_GRAPHITE_POROUS";
    198182  G4double e13[60] = { 142.6, 175.3, 203.1, 228, 250.5, 283.4, 313.3, 340.4, 365.1, 386.7, 405.9, 423.5, 462, 494, 521.9, 546.9, 569.3, 589.2, 606.9, 622.9, 652.4, 679.9, 704.5, 725.3, 742.2, 755.6, 766.1, 774, 779.6, 783.1, 784.7, 784.8, 783.4, 780.7, 753.8, 714.5, 671.4, 629.1, 590.2, 555.6, 524.9, 497.7, 453.9, 419.3, 390.3, 365.1, 343, 323.7, 307.1, 292.3, 279.1, 267.3, 256.6, 246.8, 237.8, 229.5, 196.7, 173, 155, 140.8 };
    200   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[13][i]=e13[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     184  AddData(T0, e13, 13);
    202186  name [14] = "G4_ETHYLENE";
    203187  G4double e14[60] = { 225.8, 276.5, 319.3, 357, 391.1, 445.9, 494.9, 539.1, 579.6, 616, 649.5, 680.6, 742.9, 795.1, 840.1, 879.9, 914.8, 945.5, 972.4, 996.1, 1037, 1071, 1099, 1120, 1135, 1145, 1150, 1152, 1152, 1148, 1142, 1135, 1126, 1115, 1052, 981.5, 912.8, 849.7, 795.6, 749, 708.3, 672.4, 611.7, 562.1, 520.6, 485.3, 454.9, 428.4, 405.5, 385.2, 367.1, 350.8, 336.2, 322.8, 310.5, 299.3, 254.6, 222.7, 198.6, 179.6 };
    205   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[14][i]=e14[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     189  AddData(T0, e14, 14);
    207191  name [15] = "G4_C-552";
    208192  G4double e15[60] = { 119.2, 146, 168.6, 188.5, 206.5, 235.1, 260.7, 283.8, 305, 323.9, 341.3, 357.4, 390.7, 418.9, 443.7, 465.8, 485.7, 503.6, 519.5, 534.1, 560.1, 583.2, 603.2, 620, 633.7, 644.7, 653.4, 660.1, 665, 668.4, 670.3, 671.1, 670.7, 669.5, 652.9, 626.4, 596.2, 565.7, 537, 510.7, 486.8, 465.1, 427.5, 396.1, 369.6, 347, 327.4, 310.1, 294.9, 281.3, 269, 258, 247.9, 238.6, 230.2, 222.4, 191, 168.2, 150.8, 137 };
    210   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[15][i]=e15[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     194  AddData(T0, e15, 15);
    212196  name [16] = "G4_CARBON_DIOXIDE";
    213197  G4double e16[60] = { 106.4, 130.3, 150.4, 168.2, 184.2, 212.7, 237.9, 260.6, 281.4, 300.9, 319.1, 336.4, 370.9, 401.2, 428.3, 452.8, 475.1, 495.6, 514.4, 531.8, 562.6, 588.8, 611.2, 630.2, 646.1, 659.3, 670.1, 678.6, 685.2, 690, 693.2, 694.9, 695.4, 694.8, 679, 650.5, 617.3, 583.6, 552.1, 523.6, 497.8, 474.6, 434.7, 401.8, 374.3, 351, 330.9, 313.2, 297.6, 283.7, 271.2, 259.9, 249.6, 240.3, 231.7, 223.7, 191.9, 168.9, 151.4, 137.5 };
    215   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[16][i]=e16[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     199  AddData(T0, e16, 16);
    217201  name [17] = "G4_CALCIUM_FLUORIDE";
    218202  G4double e17[60] = { 74.48, 91.21, 105.3, 117.8, 129, 149, 166.5, 182.4, 197, 210.6, 223.4, 235.5, 259.6, 280.7, 299.6, 316.6, 332, 346.2, 359.1, 371.1, 392.2, 410.1, 425.2, 438, 448.7, 457.5, 464.6, 470.3, 474.7, 477.9, 480.1, 481.4, 481.9, 481.7, 473, 456.7, 437.6, 417.8, 398.6, 380.6, 364, 348.7, 322.9, 301.7, 283.5, 267.5, 253.4, 240.9, 229.8, 219.9, 210.8, 202.5, 194.8, 187.7, 181.3, 175.5, 151.6, 134.4, 121.1, 110.6 };
    220   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[17][i]=e17[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     204  AddData(T0, e17, 17);
    222206  name [18] = "G4_CERIC_SULFATE";
    223207  G4double e18[60] = { 135.4, 165.8, 191.5, 214.1, 234.5, 270.8, 302.8, 331.7, 358.2, 383, 406.2, 428.2, 471.7, 509.8, 543.6, 574, 601.5, 626.5, 649.3, 670.1, 706.4, 736.5, 761.2, 781.4, 797.4, 809.8, 819, 825.3, 829.2, 830.8, 830.6, 828.7, 825.4, 820.9, 785.9, 741.4, 696, 653.6, 618.4, 588.8, 562.8, 539.6, 499.3, 464.8, 434.6, 407.9, 384.2, 363.4, 344.9, 328.4, 313.6, 300.3, 288.2, 277.2, 267, 257.7, 220.4, 193.5, 173, 156.9 };
    225   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[18][i]=e18[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     209  AddData(T0, e18, 18);
    227211  name [19] = "G4_CELLULOSE_NITRATE";
    228212  G4double e19[60] = { 132.2, 161.9, 187, 209, 229, 262.6, 292.5, 319.4, 344.2, 366.8, 387.8, 407.5, 447, 481, 510.8, 537.6, 561.6, 583.2, 602.7, 620.4, 651.5, 677.9, 700, 718.2, 732.7, 744.1, 752.7, 759, 763.2, 765.5, 766.2, 765.5, 763.5, 760.6, 734.4, 698.2, 659.3, 621.4, 586, 553.8, 524.9, 498.9, 452.4, 413.9, 382.9, 358, 337.7, 319.7, 303.9, 289.7, 277.1, 265.6, 255.2, 245.6, 236.9, 228.8, 196.4, 173, 155, 140.8 };
    230   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[19][i]=e19[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     214  AddData(T0, e19, 19);
    232216  name [20] = "G4_BONE_CORTICAL_ICRP";
    233217  G4double e20[60] = { 123.5, 151.3, 174.7, 195.3, 214, 246.1, 274.5, 300.2, 323.8, 345.6, 365.9, 385, 423, 455.7, 484.7, 510.5, 533.8, 554.8, 573.7, 590.9, 620.8, 645.9, 666.5, 683.3, 696.6, 706.8, 714.4, 719.7, 723, 724.5, 724.5, 723.1, 720.6, 717.1, 689.6, 653.5, 615.8, 579.8, 546.6, 516.7, 490, 466.2, 426.1, 393.6, 366.6, 343.7, 324, 306.7, 291.5, 278, 265.8, 254.7, 244.7, 235.5, 227.1, 219.4, 188.4, 166.1, 149, 135.4 };
    235   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[20][i]=e20[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     219  AddData(T0, e20, 20);
    237221  name [21] = "G4_CESIUM_IODIDE";
    238222  G4double e21[60] = { 34.67, 42.46, 49.03, 54.82, 60.05, 69.34, 77.52, 84.92, 91.73, 98.06, 104, 109.6, 121, 130.9, 139.9, 148, 155.5, 162.3, 168.6, 174.5, 184.9, 194, 201.8, 208.5, 214.2, 219, 223, 226.3, 228.9, 231, 232.5, 233.4, 234, 234.1, 230.4, 221.9, 211.4, 200.6, 190.1, 180.6, 171.9, 164.1, 151.1, 140.6, 132.1, 125.1, 119.1, 114, 109.6, 105.6, 102.1, 98.92, 95.83, 92.83, 89.95, 87.22, 75.76, 67.41, 61.26, 56.63 };
    240   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[21][i]=e21[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     224  AddData(T0, e21, 21);
    242226  name [22] = "G4_Cu";
    243227  G4double e22[60] = { 34.9, 42.74, 49.35, 55.18, 60.45, 69.8, 78.04, 85.48, 92.33, 98.71, 104.7, 110.4, 121.4, 130.9, 139.2, 146.6, 153.2, 159, 164.3, 168.9, 176.9, 183.2, 188.4, 192.5, 195.9, 198.7, 201, 202.8, 204.4, 205.6, 206.7, 207.5, 208.2, 208.7, 209.9, 209.2, 207.5, 205.1, 202.3, 199.1, 195.8, 192.3, 185.4, 178.6, 172, 165.8, 159.6, 153.6, 148, 142.7, 137.8, 133.3, 129.1, 125.2, 121.7, 118.3, 104.7, 94.43, 86.45, 79.87 };
    245   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[22][i]=e22[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     229  AddData(T0, e22, 22);
    247231  name [23] = "G4_Fe";
    248232  G4double e23[60] = { 37.81, 46.31, 53.47, 59.78, 65.49, 75.62, 84.54, 92.61, 100, 106.9, 113.4, 119.6, 132, 143, 153, 162, 170.4, 178.2, 185.4, 192.2, 204.6, 215.6, 225.4, 234.2, 242.1, 249.2, 255.5, 261.2, 266.2, 270.7, 274.6, 278.1, 281, 283.6, 290.9, 291.5, 287.6, 281, 272.8, 263.9, 254.9, 246, 229.5, 214.8, 202.1, 191.1, 181.6, 173.4, 166.2, 159.7, 153.8, 148.5, 143.6, 139.1, 135, 131.1, 115.3, 103.5, 94.02, 86.52 };
    250   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[23][i]=e23[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     234  AddData(T0, e23, 23);
    252236  name [24] = "G4_FERROUS_SULFATE";
    253237  G4double e24[60] = { 135.1, 165.5, 191.1, 213.6, 234, 270.2, 302.1, 330.9, 357.4, 382.1, 405.3, 427.2, 470.7, 508.7, 542.4, 572.8, 600.3, 625.3, 648, 668.8, 705, 735.1, 759.9, 780.1, 796.1, 808.5, 817.7, 824.1, 827.9, 829.6, 829.4, 827.5, 824.2, 819.7, 784.9, 740.5, 695.1, 652.8, 617.8, 588.4, 562.8, 539.9, 499.9, 465.6, 435.5, 408.8, 385, 364.1, 345.6, 329.1, 314.3, 300.9, 288.8, 277.7, 267.6, 258.3, 220.8, 193.9, 173.4, 157.2 };
    255   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[24][i]=e24[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     239  AddData(T0, e24, 24);
    257241  name [25] = "G4_Gd";
    258242  G4double e25[60] = { 25.71, 31.49, 36.37, 40.66, 44.54, 51.43, 57.5, 62.99, 68.03, 72.73, 77.14, 81.32, 89.78, 97.24, 104, 110.1, 115.8, 121, 125.8, 130.4, 138.5, 145.7, 152.1, 157.7, 162.6, 166.9, 170.7, 173.9, 176.7, 179, 181, 182.5, 183.8, 184.7, 185.6, 182.1, 176.3, 169.4, 162.2, 155.2, 148.7, 142.6, 132, 123.3, 116.2, 110.2, 105, 100.6, 96.67, 93.2, 90.08, 87.27, 84.72, 82.38, 80.24, 78.26, 70.14, 63.87, 58.87, 54.76 };
    260   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[25][i]=e25[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     244  AddData(T0, e25, 25);
    262246  name [26] = "G4_Ge";
    263247  G4double e26[60] = { 45.91, 56.23, 64.93, 72.59, 79.52, 91.82, 102.7, 112.5, 121.5, 129.9, 137.7, 145.2, 159.7, 172.3, 183.3, 193.1, 201.7, 209.4, 216.3, 222.3, 232.3, 240, 245.6, 249.6, 252.3, 253.9, 254.5, 254.5, 253.9, 252.9, 251.5, 250, 248.2, 246.4, 236.5, 227.2, 218.9, 211.6, 205.1, 199.3, 193.9, 189, 180.1, 172.3, 165.2, 158.8, 152.6, 146.6, 140.9, 135.7, 130.8, 126.3, 122.1, 118.3, 114.7, 111.3, 97.72, 87.77, 80.18, 74.18 };
    265   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[26][i]=e26[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     249  AddData(T0, e26, 26);
    267251  name [27] = "G4_Pyrex_Glass";
    268252  G4double e27[60] = { 88.74, 108.7, 125.5, 140.3, 153.7, 177.5, 198.4, 217.4, 234.8, 251, 266.2, 280.6, 308.9, 333.6, 355.6, 375.3, 393.1, 409.2, 423.9, 437.3, 460.8, 480.4, 496.7, 510.2, 521.2, 530.1, 537.1, 542.5, 546.4, 549.1, 550.6, 551.2, 551, 550.1, 537.6, 518.1, 496.1, 473.9, 451.2, 429.2, 408.8, 390.1, 357.9, 331.5, 309.8, 291.7, 276.2, 262.4, 250.1, 239.1, 229.2, 220.2, 212, 204.6, 197.7, 191.4, 165.6, 146.7, 132.1, 120.4 };
    270   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[27][i]=e27[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     254  AddData(T0, e27, 27);
    272256  name [28] = "G4_H";
    273257  G4double e28[60] = { 746.5, 914.3, 1056, 1180, 1293, 1493, 1669, 1829, 1975, 2112, 2240, 2361, 2586, 2777, 2942, 3084, 3208, 3316, 3409, 3490, 3618, 3710, 3771, 3808, 3823, 3822, 3807, 3781, 3745, 3702, 3654, 3601, 3545, 3487, 3183, 2890, 2629, 2402, 2204, 2031, 1882, 1753, 1544, 1384, 1258, 1159, 1077, 1007, 947, 894.2, 847.5, 805.9, 768.6, 734.9, 704.3, 676.4, 566.7, 489.7, 432.5, 388.1 };
    275   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[28][i]=e28[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     259  AddData(T0, e28, 28);
    277261  name [29] = "G4_He";
    278262  G4double e29[60] = { 184.2, 225.6, 260.6, 291.3, 319.1, 368.5, 412, 451.3, 487.4, 521.1, 552.7, 582.6, 641.3, 691.9, 736.7, 776.6, 812.5, 844.9, 874.2, 900.8, 946.6, 984.1, 1014, 1039, 1058, 1072, 1083, 1089, 1093, 1094, 1093, 1090, 1085, 1079, 1032, 973, 911.2, 852.1, 797.5, 748.3, 704.5, 665.8, 600.4, 547.7, 504.5, 468.3, 437.7, 411.3, 388.2, 368, 349.9, 333.8, 319.3, 306.2, 294.2, 283.2, 239.6, 208.6, 185.2, 167 };
    280   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[29][i]=e29[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     264  AddData(T0, e29, 29);
    282266  name [30] = "G4_KAPTON";
    283267  G4double e30[60] = { 145.4, 178.1, 205.6, 229.9, 251.8, 286.2, 317.1, 344.9, 370.4, 393.1, 413.7, 432.9, 472.6, 506.1, 535.2, 561.3, 584.6, 605.3, 623.8, 640.4, 670.2, 696.5, 719.1, 737.7, 752.5, 763.9, 772.5, 778.6, 782.6, 784.6, 784.9, 783.8, 781.4, 778, 749.2, 710.6, 669.6, 630, 593.5, 560.4, 530.8, 504.4, 459.6, 423.3, 393.3, 368.2, 346.8, 328, 311.6, 296.9, 283.8, 272, 261.3, 251.5, 242.4, 234.1, 200.8, 176.8, 158.4, 143.8 };
    285   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[30][i]=e30[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     269  AddData(T0, e30, 30);
    287271  name [31] = "G4_Kr";
    288272  G4double e31[60] = { 45.92, 56.24, 64.94, 72.6, 79.53, 91.84, 102.7, 112.5, 121.5, 129.9, 137.8, 145.2, 160.1, 173.2, 184.9, 195.5, 205.1, 213.8, 221.8, 229.1, 242, 252.7, 261.6, 268.8, 274.6, 279, 282.3, 284.5, 285.8, 286.2, 286, 285.1, 283.8, 281.9, 268.6, 252.2, 236.2, 221.7, 209, 198.2, 188.9, 180.9, 168.1, 158.1, 150.2, 143.7, 138.1, 133.2, 128.8, 124.8, 121.2, 117.8, 114.6, 111.6, 108.8, 106.1, 94.63, 85.43, 77.91, 71.84 };
    290   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[31][i]=e31[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     274  AddData(T0, e31, 31);
    292276  name [32] = "G4_LITHIUM_TETRABORATE";
    293277  G4double e32[60] = { 111, 135.9, 157, 175.5, 192.2, 222, 248.2, 271.9, 293.6, 313.9, 333, 351, 386.5, 417.4, 444.8, 469.4, 491.6, 511.7, 530.1, 546.7, 575.8, 599.9, 619.8, 636, 649.1, 659.3, 667.2, 672.9, 676.7, 678.9, 679.6, 679.1, 677.6, 675.1, 653, 622.4, 589.5, 557.3, 525.5, 495.6, 468.4, 444.1, 403.1, 370.6, 344.6, 323.5, 305.9, 290.3, 276.4, 263.9, 252.7, 242.4, 233.2, 224.7, 216.9, 209.6, 180.4, 159.2, 142.8, 129.9 };
    295   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[32][i]=e32[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     279  AddData(T0, e32, 32);
    297281  name [33] = "G4_LITHIUM_FLUORIDE";
    298282  G4double e33[60] = { 80.87, 99.04, 114.4, 127.9, 140.1, 161.7, 180.8, 198.1, 214, 228.7, 242.6, 255.7, 281.9, 304.9, 325.4, 344, 360.9, 376.5, 390.8, 404, 427.6, 447.8, 465.3, 480.3, 493.1, 504.1, 513.3, 521.1, 527.4, 532.5, 536.5, 539.6, 541.7, 543, 540.3, 527.4, 509.2, 488.8, 467.4, 446.5, 426.9, 408.7, 376.9, 350.4, 328, 309.1, 292.7, 278.1, 265.1, 253.3, 242.5, 232.8, 223.9, 215.6, 208.2, 201.2, 173.1, 152.5, 136.8, 124.4 };
    300   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[33][i]=e33[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     284  AddData(T0, e33, 33);
    302286  name [34] = "G4_M3_WAX";
    303287  G4double e34[60] = { 198.1, 242.6, 280.2, 313.3, 343.1, 391.9, 435.4, 474.6, 510.6, 543.1, 573, 601, 656.7, 703.7, 744.4, 780.4, 812.2, 840.3, 865, 887, 925, 956.5, 982.1, 1002, 1016, 1026, 1032, 1035, 1036, 1033, 1029, 1023, 1016, 1007, 953.3, 891.9, 831.3, 775.4, 725.1, 680.6, 641.3, 606.6, 546.6, 497.8, 458.8, 427.4, 401.7, 379.2, 359.6, 342.2, 326.7, 312.7, 300.1, 288.5, 277.8, 268.1, 229.1, 201, 179.7, 162.8 };
    305   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[34][i]=e34[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     289  AddData(T0, e34, 34);
    307291  name [35] = "G4_MS20_TISSUE";
    308292  G4double e35[60] = { 174.4, 213.6, 246.7, 275.8, 302.1, 345, 383.2, 417.7, 449.4, 477.9, 504.3, 528.8, 578.1, 619.8, 656, 688.2, 716.7, 742, 764.4, 784.4, 819.3, 848.7, 872.8, 892, 906.4, 916.8, 923.7, 927.8, 929.4, 928.8, 926.4, 922.3, 916.9, 910.4, 866.6, 814.5, 762, 712.8, 668.3, 628.6, 593.3, 562.1, 507.7, 463.3, 427.6, 398.9, 375.3, 354.7, 336.7, 320.6, 306.2, 293.3, 281.6, 270.9, 261, 252, 215.7, 189.5, 169.6, 153.9 };
    310   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[35][i]=e35[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     294  AddData(T0, e35, 35);
    312296  name [36] = "G4_METHANE";
    313297  G4double e36[60] = { 272.8, 334.1, 385.8, 431.4, 472.5, 545.6, 610, 668.2, 721.8, 771.6, 818.4, 862.7, 949.2, 1024, 1090, 1148, 1200, 1246, 1288, 1325, 1387, 1436, 1473, 1500, 1518, 1528, 1532, 1530, 1524, 1514, 1501, 1485, 1467, 1447, 1338, 1227, 1127, 1041, 967.3, 904.6, 850.4, 803.2, 724.6, 661.8, 610.5, 567.7, 531.4, 499.8, 472.5, 448.3, 426.7, 407.4, 390, 374.1, 359.6, 346.4, 293.7, 256.2, 227.9, 205.7 };
    315   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[36][i]=e36[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     299  AddData(T0, e36, 36);
    317301  name [37] = "G4_Mo";
    318302  G4double e37[60] = { 40.18, 49.21, 56.82, 63.53, 69.59, 80.35, 89.84, 98.41, 106.3, 113.6, 120.5, 127, 140.2, 151.7, 162.1, 171.5, 180.1, 188, 195.4, 202.1, 214.3, 224.8, 233.8, 241.6, 248.3, 253.9, 258.7, 262.6, 265.7, 268.2, 270, 271.3, 272.1, 272.4, 268.7, 259.5, 248, 235.8, 224, 213.1, 203.1, 194.1, 178.9, 166.6, 156.5, 148.1, 141, 134.9, 129.5, 124.7, 120.4, 116.4, 112.6, 109.1, 105.8, 102.6, 89.8, 80.34, 73.15, 67.51 };
    320   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[37][i]=e37[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     304  AddData(T0, e37, 37);
    322306  name [38] = "G4_MUSCLE_WITH_SUCROSE";
    323307  G4double e38[60] = { 149.4, 183, 211.3, 236.2, 258.7, 298.3, 333.3, 364.8, 393.8, 420.8, 446, 469.8, 516.6, 557.2, 593.1, 625.2, 654, 680, 703.5, 724.8, 761.7, 792, 816.7, 836.5, 851.9, 863.6, 871.9, 877.4, 880.4, 881.2, 880.1, 877.3, 873.2, 867.9, 829.5, 781.9, 733.4, 688, 647.9, 612.8, 581.8, 554.2, 507.1, 468.4, 435.9, 408.3, 384.4, 363.5, 344.9, 328.4, 313.7, 300.3, 288.2, 277.2, 267, 257.7, 220.4, 193.5, 173, 156.9 };
    325   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[38][i]=e38[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     309  AddData(T0, e38, 38);
    327311  name [39] = "G4_MUSCLE_WITHOUT_SUCROSE";
    328312  G4double e39[60] = { 146.6, 179.5, 207.3, 231.8, 253.9, 292.9, 327.3, 358.4, 386.9, 413.5, 438.4, 461.9, 508.2, 548.4, 584, 615.8, 644.5, 670.4, 693.8, 715.1, 752, 782.3, 807.1, 827, 842.5, 854.3, 862.9, 868.5, 871.6, 872.6, 871.6, 869, 865, 859.8, 822, 774.9, 726.9, 682, 643, 609.2, 579.4, 552.9, 507.4, 469.6, 437.7, 410.1, 386.1, 365.1, 346.5, 329.9, 315, 301.6, 289.4, 278.3, 268.2, 258.8, 221.3, 194.3, 173.7, 157.5 };
    330   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[39][i]=e39[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     314  AddData(T0, e39, 39);
    332316  name [40] = "G4_MUSCLE_SKELETAL_ICRP";
    333317  G4double e40[60] = { 141.3, 173.1, 199.9, 223.5, 244.8, 282.5, 315.8, 345.8, 373.5, 399.2, 423.3, 446.1, 491.1, 530.2, 565, 596.1, 624.2, 649.7, 672.8, 693.8, 730.4, 760.6, 785.3, 805.3, 821.1, 833.1, 841.9, 847.9, 851.4, 852.6, 852, 849.7, 846.1, 841.2, 804.8, 758.9, 712.2, 668.5, 631.2, 599, 570.8, 545.6, 502.2, 465.8, 434.6, 407.5, 383.7, 362.8, 344.4, 327.9, 313.1, 299.8, 287.7, 276.7, 266.6, 257.3, 220, 193.2, 172.8, 156.7 };
    335   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[40][i]=e40[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     319  AddData(T0, e40, 40);
    337321  name [41] = "G4_MUSCLE_STRIATED_ICRU";
    338322  G4double e41[60] = { 141.7, 173.5, 200.4, 224, 245.4, 283.2, 316.5, 346.6, 374.3, 400, 424.2, 447, 492.1, 531.3, 566.1, 597.3, 625.4, 650.9, 674, 695.1, 731.6, 761.9, 786.7, 806.6, 822.4, 834.4, 843.3, 849.2, 852.6, 853.9, 853.2, 851, 847.3, 842.4, 805.8, 759.8, 713, 669.2, 632, 600.1, 572.1, 547.1, 504, 467.7, 436.5, 409.3, 385.3, 364.3, 345.7, 329.2, 314.4, 300.9, 288.8, 277.8, 267.6, 258.3, 220.8, 193.9, 173.4, 157.2 };
    340   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[41][i]=e41[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     324  AddData(T0, e41, 41);
    342326  name [42] = "G4_N";
    343327  G4double e42[60] = { 126.5, 155, 179, 200.1, 219.2, 253.1, 283, 310, 334.8, 357.9, 379.6, 400.2, 440.6, 475.8, 507, 535, 560.2, 583.1, 603.8, 622.7, 655.5, 682.7, 704.9, 722.9, 737.3, 748.4, 756.6, 762.3, 765.9, 767.5, 767.5, 766, 763.3, 759.4, 729.3, 689.8, 648.6, 609.1, 572.9, 540.4, 511.6, 486.2, 443.4, 408.8, 380.1, 356, 335.4, 317.2, 301.2, 286.8, 274.1, 262.6, 252.2, 242.7, 234, 225.9, 193.8, 170.5, 152.8, 138.8 };
    345   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[42][i]=e42[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     329  AddData(T0, e42, 42);
    347331  name [43] = "G4_SODIUM_IODIDE";
    348332  G4double e43[60] = { 41.1, 50.34, 58.12, 64.98, 71.19, 82.2, 91.9, 100.7, 108.7, 116.2, 123.3, 130, 143.4, 155.2, 165.8, 175.4, 184.2, 192.3, 199.7, 206.6, 219, 229.6, 238.9, 246.8, 253.5, 259.2, 264, 268, 271.1, 273.6, 275.4, 276.7, 277.4, 277.7, 273.7, 264.2, 252.3, 239.7, 227.6, 216.2, 205.9, 196.6, 180.7, 167.8, 157.3, 148.5, 141.1, 134.7, 129.1, 124.1, 119.7, 115.7, 111.9, 108.4, 105.1, 101.9, 88.79, 78.99, 71.48, 65.54 };
    350   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[43][i]=e43[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     334  AddData(T0, e43, 43);
    352336  name [44] = "G4_Ne";
    353337  G4double e44[60] = { 58.01, 71.05, 82.04, 91.73, 100.5, 116, 129.7, 142.1, 153.5, 164.1, 174, 183.5, 202.5, 219.3, 234.5, 248.3, 261, 272.8, 283.8, 294, 312.7, 329.2, 343.8, 356.9, 368.6, 379, 388.3, 396.5, 403.8, 410.2, 415.8, 420.7, 424.8, 428.4, 438.1, 437.9, 431.3, 420.8, 408.2, 394.6, 380.7, 367.1, 339, 313.8, 293.3, 277.2, 264.3, 252.6, 241.9, 232.2, 223.2, 215, 207.4, 200.4, 193.8, 187.7, 163, 144.6, 130.3, 118.9 };
    355   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[44][i]=e44[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
    357   name [45] = "G4_NYLON_6/6";
     339  AddData(T0, e44, 44);
     341  name [45] = "G4_NYLON-6-6";
    358342  G4double e45[60] = { 191, 233.9, 270.1, 302, 330.8, 377.8, 419.7, 457.5, 492.1, 523.4, 552.3, 579.2, 633, 678.5, 717.9, 752.9, 783.8, 811.1, 835.3, 856.8, 894.2, 925.4, 951, 971, 985.8, 996.3, 1003, 1007, 1008, 1006, 1003, 997.7, 991.2, 983.5, 933.5, 875.4, 817.5, 763.6, 715, 671.7, 633.5, 599.6, 542.9, 497.4, 460.4, 429.7, 403.7, 381, 361.2, 343.6, 327.9, 313.8, 301, 289.3, 278.6, 268.8, 229.5, 201.3, 179.8, 162.9 };
    360   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[45][i]=e45[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     344  AddData(T0, e45, 45);
    362346  name [46] = "G4_O";
    363347  G4double e46[60] = { 99.46, 121.8, 140.7, 157.3, 172.3, 198.9, 222.4, 243.6, 263.1, 281.3, 298.4, 314.5, 346.6, 374.7, 399.8, 422.4, 443, 461.9, 479.1, 495, 523.1, 547, 567.2, 584.4, 598.7, 610.6, 620.2, 628, 633.9, 638.3, 641.3, 643, 643.6, 643.3, 630.5, 606.7, 578.3, 549.1, 520.9, 494.6, 470.9, 449.7, 413.2, 383.1, 357.8, 336.3, 317.6, 301.1, 286.3, 273.2, 261.3, 250.5, 240.8, 231.9, 223.7, 216.1, 185.7, 163.7, 146.7, 133.4 };
    365   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[46][i]=e46[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     349  AddData(T0, e46, 46);
    367351  name [47] = "G4_PARAFFIN";
    368352  G4double e47[60] = { 228.8, 280.2, 323.5, 361.7, 396.2, 451.9, 501.6, 546.5, 587.6, 624.6, 658.6, 690.2, 753.4, 806.4, 852.1, 892.4, 927.9, 959.1, 986.3, 1010, 1052, 1086, 1114, 1135, 1150, 1160, 1166, 1168, 1166, 1163, 1157, 1149, 1140, 1129, 1064, 992.4, 922.6, 858.6, 801.5, 751.1, 706.8, 667.8, 601.8, 548.9, 506.2, 471.3, 442.2, 416.9, 394.9, 375.4, 358, 342.3, 328.2, 315.3, 303.4, 292.6, 249.3, 218.3, 194.8, 176.3 };
    370   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[47][i]=e47[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     354  AddData(T0, e47, 47);
    372356  name [48] = "G4_Pb";
    373357  G4double e48[60] = { 15.4, 18.86, 21.78, 24.35, 26.68, 30.81, 34.44, 37.73, 40.75, 43.57, 46.21, 48.71, 53.82, 58.34, 62.45, 66.21, 69.7, 72.94, 75.98, 78.85, 84.11, 88.84, 93.13, 97.02, 100.6, 103.8, 106.8, 109.5, 111.9, 114.1, 116.2, 118, 119.6, 121.1, 126.1, 128.1, 127.9, 126.3, 123.6, 120.4, 116.9, 113.3, 106.4, 99.98, 94.37, 89.5, 85.18, 81.37, 78.01, 75.05, 72.42, 70.08, 67.99, 66.12, 64.44, 62.92, 56.88, 52.22, 48.46, 45.34 };
    375   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[48][i]=e48[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     359  AddData(T0, e48, 48);
    377361  name [49] = "G4_PHOTO_EMULSION";
    378362  G4double e49[60] = { 61.33, 75.12, 86.74, 96.97, 106.2, 122.2, 136.3, 149.1, 160.8, 171.6, 181.6, 191.1, 210, 226.3, 240.6, 253.5, 265, 275.4, 284.8, 293.3, 308, 320.3, 330.3, 338.4, 344.7, 349.4, 352.8, 355.1, 356.4, 356.9, 356.6, 355.7, 354.3, 352.4, 338.9, 322.3, 305.5, 289.9, 275.7, 263, 251.7, 241.5, 224.4, 210.3, 198.3, 188, 179, 171, 163.9, 157.5, 151.6, 146.3, 141.3, 136.6, 132.1, 128, 110.6, 97.75, 87.92, 80.2 };
    380   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[49][i]=e49[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     364  AddData(T0, e49, 49);
    382366  name [50] = "G4_PLASTIC_SC_VINYLTOLUENE";
    383367  G4double e50[60] = { 190.1, 232.8, 268.8, 300.5, 329.2, 374.1, 414.4, 450.7, 483.9, 513.5, 540.4, 565.4, 616.5, 659.2, 696, 728.7, 757.6, 783, 805.3, 825.2, 860.1, 890.2, 915.4, 935.4, 950.4, 961.1, 968.2, 972.3, 973.8, 973, 970.2, 965.7, 959.9, 952.8, 906, 850.6, 795.1, 743.3, 696.4, 654.7, 617.9, 585.3, 530.7, 487.1, 451.3, 421.4, 395.9, 373.7, 354.4, 337.2, 321.9, 308.1, 295.7, 284.2, 273.8, 264.1, 225.7, 198.1, 177.1, 160.5 };
    385   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[50][i]=e50[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     369  AddData(T0, e50, 50);
    387371  name [51] = "G4_POLYCARBONATE";
    388372  G4double e51[60] = { 164.8, 201.8, 233, 260.5, 285.4, 324.6, 359.7, 391.4, 420.3, 446.2, 469.7, 491.7, 536.5, 574.3, 607.1, 636.2, 662.2, 685.1, 705.4, 723.6, 755.9, 783.9, 807.7, 826.9, 841.7, 852.8, 860.8, 866, 868.8, 869.6, 868.6, 866, 862.1, 857.1, 820.5, 774.5, 727.2, 682.2, 641.1, 604.1, 571.2, 542, 492.3, 452.1, 419.1, 391.8, 368.6, 348.4, 330.7, 314.9, 300.8, 288.1, 276.7, 266.1, 256.5, 247.6, 212, 186.3, 166.8, 151.3 };
    390   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[51][i]=e51[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     374  AddData(T0, e51, 51);
    392376  name [52] = "G4_POLYETHYLENE";
    393377  G4double e52[60] = { 184.9, 226.5, 261.5, 292.4, 320.3, 369.9, 413.5, 453, 489.3, 523, 554.8, 584.8, 643.9, 695.3, 740.8, 781.4, 817.9, 850.9, 880.6, 907.5, 953.7, 990.9, 1021, 1044, 1061, 1073, 1081, 1084, 1085, 1083, 1078, 1072, 1064, 1054, 994.1, 927.8, 865, 808.9, 760.1, 717.9, 681.4, 649.7, 591.2, 541, 499.2, 464.9, 436.3, 411.4, 389.8, 370.6, 353.4, 338.1, 324.2, 311.4, 299.8, 289.1, 246.4, 215.9, 192.7, 174.4 };
    395   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[52][i]=e52[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     379  AddData(T0, e52, 52);
     381  name [53] = "G4_MYLAR";
    398382  G4double e53[60] = { 150.9, 184.9, 213.5, 238.7, 261.4, 297.8, 330.2, 359.6, 386.4, 410.5, 432.5, 453, 494.9, 530.3, 561.2, 588.8, 613.4, 635.3, 654.7, 672.3, 703.4, 730.5, 753.5, 772.3, 787, 798.3, 806.6, 812.4, 816, 817.6, 817.4, 815.8, 812.9, 808.9, 777.6, 736.5, 693.4, 651.9, 613.6, 579.1, 548.2, 520.6, 472.9, 434, 402.2, 376.1, 354.3, 335, 318.2, 303.2, 289.8, 277.7, 266.7, 256.6, 247.4, 238.9, 204.8, 180.2, 161.4, 146.5 };
    400   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[53][i]=e53[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
    402   name [54] = "G4_PLEXIGLASS";
     384  AddData(T0, e53, 53);
    403387  G4double e54[60] = { 174.9, 214.2, 247.4, 276.6, 303, 345.9, 384.1, 418.7, 450.4, 479, 505.2, 529.8, 579.1, 620.8, 657.1, 689.3, 717.9, 743.2, 765.7, 785.8, 820.8, 850.5, 875, 894.5, 909.3, 920.1, 927.4, 931.9, 933.9, 933.7, 931.6, 928, 922.9, 916.8, 874.4, 823.2, 771.3, 722.4, 676.2, 634, 596.2, 562.8, 507.2, 463.4, 428.5, 400.2, 376.7, 356.1, 338, 321.9, 307.5, 294.5, 282.8, 272, 262.1, 253, 216.6, 190.4, 170.3, 154.5 };
    405   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[54][i]=e54[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     389  AddData(T0, e54, 54);
    407391  name [55] = "G4_POLYPROPYLENE";
    408392  G4double e55[60] = { 197.6, 242, 279.4, 312.4, 342.2, 395.1, 441.8, 483.9, 522.7, 558.8, 592.7, 624.8, 687.3, 741.3, 789, 831.4, 869.4, 903.6, 934.3, 962, 1009, 1048, 1078, 1101, 1119, 1132, 1140, 1145, 1146, 1145, 1141, 1135, 1128, 1119, 1060, 991.7, 924.3, 862, 806.1, 756.5, 712.8, 674.2, 605.4, 548.6, 503.3, 467.5, 438.7, 413.6, 391.8, 372.4, 355.2, 339.7, 325.7, 312.9, 301.1, 290.4, 247.5, 216.8, 193.5, 175.1 };
    410   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[55][i]=e55[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     394  AddData(T0, e55, 55);
    412396  name [56] = "G4_POLYSTYRENE";
    413397  G4double e56[60] = { 186, 227.8, 263.1, 294.1, 322.2, 372.1, 416, 455.7, 492.2, 526.2, 558.1, 588.3, 645.3, 693.8, 735.8, 772.4, 804.5, 832.6, 857.2, 878.7, 913.5, 939.2, 957.2, 969, 975.6, 978, 976.8, 972.8, 966.5, 958.4, 948.9, 938.3, 926.9, 914.9, 851.3, 789.6, 734.2, 685.4, 642.9, 605.7, 573, 543.9, 499.5, 465.2, 435.8, 409.1, 384.6, 363.2, 344.6, 328.1, 313.3, 300, 288, 277, 266.8, 257.5, 220.4, 193.6, 173.2, 157 };
    415   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[56][i]=e56[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     399  AddData(T0, e56, 56);
    417401  name [57] = "G4_TEFLON";
    418402  G4double e57[60] = { 83.27, 102, 117.8, 131.7, 144.2, 165, 183.4, 200.1, 215.3, 229.2, 242, 254, 278.7, 300, 319, 336.2, 351.9, 366.1, 379.2, 391.2, 413.1, 432.7, 450, 465.1, 478, 489.1, 498.5, 506.4, 513, 518.4, 522.7, 526, 528.4, 530.1, 528.6, 516.7, 499.4, 479.6, 460.4, 442.3, 425.4, 409.6, 381.2, 356.4, 334.6, 315.4, 298.3, 283.1, 269.6, 257.4, 246.5, 236.5, 227.4, 219.1, 211.5, 204.4, 175.9, 155.2, 139.3, 126.7 };
    420   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[57][i]=e57[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     404  AddData(T0, e57, 57);
    422406  name [58] = "G4_POLYVINYL_CHLORIDE";
    423407  G4double e58[60] = { 140.2, 171.7, 198.3, 221.7, 242.8, 277.9, 309, 337.2, 363, 386.4, 408.1, 428.4, 468.9, 503.4, 533.6, 560.3, 584.1, 605.3, 624.1, 640.9, 670.1, 694.5, 714.3, 729.8, 741.4, 749.6, 755, 757.9, 758.6, 757.6, 755, 751, 746, 740, 701.3, 656.7, 612.9, 572.6, 538.7, 509.8, 484.7, 462.4, 424.2, 392.4, 365.3, 341.8, 321.1, 302.9, 287.3, 273.6, 261.3, 250.1, 240.1, 231.1, 222.7, 215, 184.5, 162.6, 145.9, 132.6 };
    425   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[58][i]=e58[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     409  AddData(T0, e58, 58);
    427411  name [59] = "G4_PROPANE";
    428   G4double e59[60] = { 194.5, 234.7, 268.4, 298, 324.7, 372, 413.6, 451.2, 485.8, 518, 548.2, 576.8, 642.6, 702.2, 756.9, 808, 855.9, 901.2, 944.4, 985.6, 1063, 1135, 1203, 1267, 1327, 1385, 1440, 1492, 1543, 1592, 1639, 1684, 1728, 1770, 1964, 2131, 2277, 2404, 2516, 2613, 2698, 2771, 2887, 2969, 3022, 3053, 3065, 3061, 3046, 3021, 2990, 2953, 2912, 2868, 2822, 2775, 2564, 2372, 2191, 2022 };
    430   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[59][i]=e59[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     412  G4double e59[60] = { 2.183E+02, 2.673E+02, 3.087E+02, 3.451E+02, 3.780E+02, 4.365E+02, 4.880E+02, 5.346E+02, 5.775E+02, 6.173E+02, 6.548E+02, 6.902E+02, 7.595E+02, 8.190E+02, 8.714E+02, 9.180E+02, 9.597E+02, 9.970E+02, 1.031E+03, 1.061E+03, 1.112E+03, 1.153E+03, 1.186E+03, 1.211E+03, 1.229E+03, 1.242E+03, 1.250E+03, 1.254E+03, 1.254E+03, 1.252E+03, 1.247E+03, 1.239E+03, 1.230E+03, 1.220E+03, 1.153E+03, 1.078E+03, 1.005E+03, 9.379E+02, 8.769E+02, 8.222E+02, 7.736E+02, 7.305E+02, 6.583E+02, 6.006E+02, 5.537E+02, 5.150E+02, 4.825E+02, 4.542E+02, 4.297E+02, 4.079E+02, 3.886E+02, 3.712E+02, 3.556E+02, 3.413E+02, 3.282E+02, 3.163E+02, 2.687E+02, 2.348E+02, 2.092E+02, 1.890E+02 };
     414  AddData(T0, e59, 59);
    432416  name [60] = "G4_Pt";
    433   G4double e60[60] = { 30.79, 33.73, 36.43, 38.95, 41.31, 43.55, 48.11, 52.16, 55.83, 59.2, 62.32, 65.23, 67.95, 70.51, 75.22, 79.46, 83.3, 86.79, 89.97, 92.87, 95.51, 97.92, 100.1, 102.1, 103.9, 105.5, 107, 108.3, 112.7, 114.5, 114.4, 113, 110.8, 108.1, 105.3, 102.4, 96.92, 92.12, 87.91, 84.22, 80.97, 78.11, 75.56, 73.26, 71.17, 69.26, 67.5, 65.87, 64.36, 62.94, 57, 52.39, 48.67, 45.57, 42.94, 40.66, 38.67, 36.9, 33.91, 31.45 };
    435   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[60][i]=e60[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     417  G4double e60[60] =  { 1.377E+01, 1.687E+01, 1.947E+01, 2.177E+01, 2.385E+01, 2.754E+01, 3.079E+01, 3.373E+01, 3.643E+01, 3.895E+01, 4.131E+01, 4.355E+01, 4.811E+01, 5.216E+01, 5.583E+01, 5.920E+01, 6.232E+01, 6.523E+01, 6.795E+01, 7.051E+01, 7.522E+01, 7.946E+01, 8.330E+01, 8.679E+01, 8.997E+01, 9.287E+01, 9.551E+01, 9.792E+01, 1.001E+02, 1.021E+02, 1.039E+02, 1.055E+02, 1.070E+02, 1.083E+02, 1.127E+02, 1.145E+02, 1.144E+02, 1.130E+02, 1.108E+02, 1.081E+02, 1.053E+02, 1.024E+02, 9.692E+01, 9.212E+01, 8.791E+01, 8.422E+01, 8.097E+01, 7.811E+01, 7.556E+01, 7.326E+01, 7.117E+01, 6.926E+01, 6.750E+01, 6.587E+01, 6.436E+01, 6.294E+01, 5.700E+01, 5.239E+01, 4.867E+01, 4.557E+01 };
     419  AddData(T0, e60, 60);
    437421  name [61] = "G4_Si";
    438422  G4double e61[60] = { 105, 128.6, 148.5, 166, 181.8, 210, 234.8, 257.2, 277.8, 296.9, 315, 332, 364.6, 392.5, 416.7, 437.8, 456.3, 472.5, 486.6, 498.9, 518.4, 532.3, 541.6, 547, 549.2, 549, 546.8, 543, 538, 532.2, 525.7, 518.8, 511.7, 504.4, 468.7, 437.3, 410.7, 388.4, 369.4, 353, 338.7, 325.9, 304.1, 285.9, 270.3, 256.7, 245.2, 235.1, 225.9, 217.2, 209, 201.1, 193.6, 187, 180.9, 175.3, 152.3, 135.4, 122.2, 111.7 };
    440   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[61][i]=e61[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     424  AddData(T0, e61, 61);
    442426  name [62] = "G4_SILICON_DIOXIDE";
    443427  G4double e62[60] = { 85.64, 104.9, 121.1, 135.4, 148.3, 171.3, 191.5, 209.8, 226.6, 242.2, 256.9, 270.8, 298.1, 322, 343.1, 362.1, 379.3, 394.9, 409.1, 422.1, 444.8, 463.8, 479.7, 492.8, 503.6, 512.3, 519.2, 524.5, 528.5, 531.2, 532.9, 533.7, 533.6, 532.9, 521.9, 503.9, 483.5, 462.8, 442.9, 424.2, 406.7, 390.6, 358.9, 330.8, 307.6, 288.9, 273.6, 259.9, 247.8, 236.9, 227.1, 218.2, 210.1, 202.7, 195.9, 189.7, 164.2, 145.5, 131.1, 119.6 };
    445   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[62][i]=e62[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     429  AddData(T0, e62, 62);
    447431  name [63] = "G4_STILBENE";
    448432  G4double e63[60] = { 179.2, 219.5, 253.4, 283.3, 310.4, 352.2, 389.8, 423.8, 454.7, 482.3, 507.2, 530.3, 577.9, 617.7, 652.1, 682.6, 709.7, 733.5, 754.4, 773, 806.1, 835.1, 859.5, 879.2, 894.2, 905.1, 912.7, 917.4, 919.6, 919.6, 917.7, 914.2, 909.3, 903.3, 861.4, 810.7, 759.2, 710.8, 667.1, 628.3, 593.9, 563.4, 511.8, 470.2, 435.9, 407.2, 382.8, 361.4, 342.9, 326.4, 311.6, 298.4, 286.4, 275.4, 265.3, 256.1, 219, 192.4, 172.1, 156.1 };
    450   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[63][i]=e63[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     434  AddData(T0, e63, 63);
    452436  name [64] = "G4_Ti";
    453437  G4double e64[60] = { 60.88, 74.56, 86.1, 96.26, 105.4, 121.8, 136.1, 149.1, 161.1, 172.2, 182.6, 192.5, 212.3, 229.6, 245.1, 259.1, 271.8, 283.5, 294.2, 304.1, 321.6, 336.5, 349.1, 359.8, 368.7, 376, 382, 386.7, 390.2, 392.7, 394.4, 395.2, 395.3, 394.8, 385.4, 369.3, 351, 332.6, 315.4, 299.6, 285.5, 272.8, 251.3, 233.9, 219.6, 207.6, 197.4, 188.7, 181, 174.1, 167.9, 162.2, 157, 152.2, 147.7, 143.5, 126, 112.5, 101.7, 93.07 };
    455   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[64][i]=e64[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     439  AddData(T0, e64, 64);
    457441  name [65] = "G4_Sn";
    458442  G4double e65[60] = { 32.4, 39.68, 45.82, 51.23, 56.12, 64.8, 72.45, 79.36, 85.72, 91.64, 97.2, 102.5, 113.1, 122.4, 130.8, 138.5, 145.5, 151.9, 157.9, 163.4, 173.4, 182, 189.5, 196, 201.6, 206.4, 210.4, 213.8, 216.5, 218.7, 220.4, 221.6, 222.4, 222.9, 220.7, 213.8, 204.9, 195.4, 186, 177.3, 169.4, 162.3, 150.1, 140.3, 132.2, 125.5, 119.7, 114.7, 110.1, 106.1, 102.5, 99.14, 96.12, 93.34, 90.77, 88.4, 78.69, 71.47, 65.7, 60.79 };
    460   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[65][i]=e65[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     444  AddData(T0, e65, 65);
    462446  name [66] = "G4_TISSUE-METHANE";
    463447  G4double e66[60] = { 174.5, 213.8, 246.8, 276, 302.3, 349.1, 390.3, 427.6, 461.8, 493.7, 523.6, 552, 607.8, 656.2, 699.1, 737.4, 771.9, 803, 831.1, 856.5, 900.2, 935.6, 963.8, 985.9, 1003, 1015, 1022, 1027, 1028, 1027, 1023, 1018, 1011, 1002, 947.8, 885.5, 824.9, 769.7, 720.9, 678.2, 641, 608.6, 553.2, 507.9, 470.5, 439.1, 412.4, 389, 368.6, 350.5, 334.4, 319.8, 306.6, 294.6, 283.6, 273.5, 233.2, 204.4, 182.5, 165.2 };
    465   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[66][i]=e66[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     449  AddData(T0, e66, 66);
    467451  name [67] = "G4_TISSUE-PROPANE";
    468452  G4double e67[60] = { 169.9, 208.1, 240.3, 268.6, 294.3, 339.8, 379.9, 416.2, 449.5, 480.6, 509.7, 537.3, 591.5, 638.4, 679.9, 716.9, 750.2, 780.2, 807.4, 832, 874.4, 909.1, 937.1, 959.3, 976.6, 989.5, 998.7, 1005, 1008, 1008, 1006, 1003, 998, 991.7, 946.9, 891.9, 836, 783.4, 735.7, 693.2, 655.4, 622, 563.5, 515.3, 475.8, 443.4, 416.2, 392.6, 371.9, 353.6, 337.3, 322.5, 309.3, 297.1, 286, 275.8, 235.1, 206, 183.9, 166.5 };
    470   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[67][i]=e67[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     454  AddData(T0, e67, 67);
    472456  name [68] = "G4_TOLUENE";
    473457  G4double e68[60] = { 191.6, 234.7, 271, 302.9, 331.9, 377.2, 417.8, 454.5, 488, 517.9, 545.1, 570.4, 621.9, 665, 702.2, 735.2, 764.3, 790, 812.4, 832.5, 867.7, 897.9, 923.2, 943.3, 958.3, 969, 976, 980, 981.4, 980.4, 977.5, 972.9, 966.9, 959.8, 912.2, 856.2, 800.1, 747.8, 700.6, 658.5, 621.4, 588.5, 535.1, 492.8, 457.8, 427.9, 401.8, 379.1, 359.4, 341.9, 326.3, 312.3, 299.6, 287.9, 277.3, 267.5, 228.5, 200.4, 179.1, 162.3 };
    475   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[68][i]=e68[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     459  AddData(T0, e68, 68);
    477461  name [69] = "G4_U";
    478462  G4double e69[60] = { 18.38, 22.51, 25.99, 29.06, 31.83, 36.75, 41.09, 45.01, 48.62, 51.98, 55.13, 58.11, 64.19, 69.57, 74.44, 78.9, 83.02, 86.84, 90.42, 93.78, 99.92, 105.4, 110.3, 114.8, 118.8, 122.4, 125.7, 128.6, 131.2, 133.5, 135.6, 137.4, 139, 140.4, 144.4, 144.8, 142.7, 139.1, 134.5, 129.6, 124.2, 118.8, 108.7, 100, 92.78, 86.72, 81.64, 77.35, 73.71, 70.6, 67.92, 65.59, 63.56, 61.77, 60.19, 58.78, 53.33, 49.08, 45.62, 42.73 };
    480   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[69][i]=e69[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     464  AddData(T0, e69, 69);
    482466  name [70] = "G4_W";
    483467  G4double e70[60] = { 14.97, 18.34, 21.17, 23.67, 25.93, 29.94, 33.47, 36.67, 39.61, 42.34, 44.91, 47.34, 52.3, 56.7, 60.68, 64.33, 67.7, 70.84, 73.78, 76.55, 81.61, 86.15, 90.24, 93.95, 97.3, 100.3, 103.1, 105.6, 107.8, 109.9, 111.7, 113.3, 114.7, 116, 120, 121.2, 120.5, 118.5, 115.9, 112.9, 109.8, 106.7, 100.2, 94.14, 89.08, 85, 81.68, 78.78, 76.2, 73.88, 71.78, 69.86, 68.09, 66.45, 64.93, 63.5, 57.52, 52.9, 49.15, 46.04 };
    485   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[70][i]=e70[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     469  AddData(T0, e70, 70);
    487471  name [71] = "G4_WATER";
    488472  G4double e71[60] = { 133.7, 163.8, 189.1, 211.4, 231.6, 267.5, 299, 327.6, 353.8, 378.2, 401.2, 422.9, 466, 503.6, 537.2, 567.3, 594.6, 619.5, 642.1, 662.8, 698.9, 729, 753.8, 774, 790.1, 802.6, 811.9, 818.3, 822.3, 824.1, 823.9, 822.2, 819, 814.5, 780.1, 736, 695.9, 660.4, 628.6, 599.9, 573.7, 549.7, 507.5, 471.4, 440.1, 412.8, 388.8, 367.6, 348.9, 332.2, 317.2, 303.7, 291.4, 280.3, 270, 260.6, 222.8, 195.5, 174.8, 158.5 };
    490   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[71][i]=e71[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     474  AddData(T0, e71, 71);
    492476  name [72] = "G4_WATER_VAPOR";
    493477  G4double e72[60] = { 152.2, 186.5, 215.3, 240.7, 263.7, 304.5, 340.4, 372.9, 402.8, 430.6, 456.7, 481.4, 530.5, 573.2, 611.3, 645.4, 676.4, 704.4, 730, 753.3, 793.8, 827.4, 855, 877.2, 894.8, 908.2, 918.1, 924.7, 928.5, 929.9, 929.1, 926.5, 922.3, 916.9, 876.3, 825.9, 775.3, 728.5, 686.8, 650.1, 618, 589.9, 536.1, 489.2, 450.8, 420.2, 395.5, 373.8, 354.6, 337.5, 322.2, 308.3, 295.8, 284.4, 273.9, 264.3, 225.7, 198, 176.9, 160.4 };
    495   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[72][i]=e72[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     479  AddData(T0, e72, 72);
    497481  name [73] = "G4_Xe";
    498482  G4double e73[60] = { 38.1, 46.67, 53.88, 60.24, 65.99, 76.2, 85.2, 93.33, 100.8, 107.8, 114.3, 120.5, 132.8, 143.6, 153.2, 161.8, 169.6, 176.7, 183.2, 189.1, 199.4, 208, 215, 220.7, 225.2, 228.7, 231.2, 232.9, 233.9, 234.3, 234.1, 233.5, 232.5, 231.1, 221.3, 209.3, 197.4, 186.5, 177, 168.6, 161.3, 155, 144.4, 135.9, 128.8, 122.8, 117.5, 112.7, 108.4, 104.5, 101, 97.75, 94.8, 92.09, 89.6, 87.29, 77.8, 70.52, 64.84, 60.13 };
    500   for(i=0; i<60; i++) {e[73][i]=e73[i]*MeV*cm2/g;}
     484  AddData(T0, e73, 73);
     487void G4PSTARStopping::AddData(G4double* ekin, G4double* s, G4int idx)
     489  sdata[idx] = new G4LPhysicsFreeVector(60, ekin[0]*MeV, ekin[59]*MeV);
     490  const G4double fac = MeV*cm2/g;
     491  for(size_t i=0; i<60; ++i) { sdata[idx]->PutValues(i, ekin[i]*MeV, s[i]*fac); }
     492  sdata[idx]->SetSpline(true);
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4UrbanMscModel93.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    1 //
    22// ********************************************************************
    33// * License and Disclaimer                                           *
    27 // $Id: G4UrbanMscModel93.cc,v 1.1 2009/11/01 13:05:01 vnivanch Exp $
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     27// $Id: G4UrbanMscModel93.cc,v 1.4 2010/05/20 13:17:25 vnivanch Exp $
     28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    3030// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    31 //
    3232// GEANT4 Class file
    33 //
    3535// File name:   G4UrbanMscModel93
    466466  presafety = sp->GetSafety();
    468   //G4cout << "G4Urban2::StepLimit tPathLength= "
    469   //     <<tPathLength<<" safety= " << presafety
    470   //       << " range= " <<currentRange<< " lambda= "<<lambda0
    471   //     << " Alg: " << steppingAlgorithm <<G4endl;
     468 // G4cout << "G4Urban2::StepLimit tPathLength= "
     469 //      <<tPathLength<<" safety= " << presafety
     470 //        << " range= " <<currentRange<< " lambda= "<<lambda0
     471 //      << " Alg: " << steppingAlgorithm <<G4endl;
    473473  // far from geometry boundary
    571571      if(tlimit < stepmin) tlimit = stepmin;
    573       if(tPathLength > tlimit) tPathLength = tlimit  ;
     573      // randomize 1st step or 1st 'normal' step in volume
     574      if((stepStatus == fUndefined) ||
     575         ((smallstep == skin) && !insideskin))
     576        {
     577          G4double temptlimit = tlimit;
     578          if(temptlimit > tlimitmin)
     579          {
     580            do {
     581              temptlimit = G4RandGauss::shoot(tlimit,0.3*tlimit);       
     582               } while ((temptlimit < tlimitmin) ||
     583                        (temptlimit > 2.*tlimit-tlimitmin));
     584          }
     585          else
     586            temptlimit = tlimitmin;
     587          if(tPathLength > temptlimit) tPathLength = temptlimit;
     588        }
     589      else
     590        { 
     591          if(tPathLength > tlimit) tPathLength = tlimit  ;
     592        }
    575594    }
    617636      //lower limit for tlimit
    618637      if(tlimit < tlimitmin) tlimit = tlimitmin;
    620639      if(tPathLength > tlimit) tPathLength = tlimit;
    621641    }
    10021022G4double G4UrbanMscModel93::SampleDisplacement()
     1024  // compute rmean = sqrt(<r**2>) from theory
    10041025  const G4double kappa = 2.5;
    10051026  const G4double kappapl1 = kappa+1.;
    10061027  const G4double kappami1 = kappa-1.;
     1028  // Compute rmean = sqrt(<r**2>) from theory
    10071029  G4double rmean = 0.0;
    10081030  if ((currentTau >= tausmall) && !insideskin) {
    10221044  }
     1046  if(rmean == 0.) return rmean;
    10241048  // protection against z > t ...........................
    1025   if(rmean > 0.) {
    1026     G4double zt = (tPathLength-zPathLength)*(tPathLength+zPathLength);
    1027     if(zt <= 0.)
    1028       rmean = 0.;
    1029     else if(rmean*rmean > zt)
    1030       rmean = sqrt(zt);
    1031   }
     1049  G4double rmax = (tPathLength-zPathLength)*(tPathLength+zPathLength);
     1050    if(rmax <= 0.)
     1051      rmax = 0.;
     1052    else
     1053      rmax = sqrt(rmax);
     1055  if(rmean >= rmax) return rmax;
    10321057  return rmean;
     1058  // VI comment out for the time being
     1059  /*
     1060  //sample r (Gaussian distribution with a mean of rmean )
     1061  G4double r = 0.;
     1062  G4double sigma = min(rmean,rmax-rmean);
     1063  sigma /= 3.;
     1064  G4double rlow  = rmean-3.*sigma;
     1065  G4double rhigh = rmean+3.*sigma;
     1066  do {
     1067      r = G4RandGauss::shoot(rmean,sigma); 
     1068     } while ((r < rlow) || (r > rhigh));   
     1070  return r;
     1071  */
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4WaterStopping.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4WaterStopping.cc,v 1.18 2009/06/19 10:39:48 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4WaterStopping.cc,v 1.21 2010/04/26 17:44:34 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    5555  spline = splineFlag;
     56  dedx.reserve(17);
    5657  Initialise(corr);
    6869  G4double res = 0.0;
    69   if((iz > 26) || (iz < 3) || (iz > 18 && iz < 26)) return res;
    70   G4bool b;
     70  if((iz > 26) || (iz < 3) || (iz > 18 && iz < 26)) { return res; }
    7171  G4int idx = iz - 3;
    7272  G4double scaledEnergy = energy/A[idx];
    73   G4double emin = 0.025*MeV;
    7473  if(scaledEnergy < emin) {
    75     res = (dedx[idx])->GetValue(emin, b)*std::sqrt(scaledEnergy/emin);
     74    res = (*(dedx[idx]))[0]*std::sqrt(scaledEnergy/emin);
    7675  } else {
    77     res = (dedx[idx])->GetValue(scaledEnergy, b);
     76    res = (dedx[idx])->Value(scaledEnergy);
    7877  }
    7978  return res;
    8584                              G4double factor)
    87   G4LPhysicsFreeVector* pv = new G4LPhysicsFreeVector(53,energy[0],energy[52]);
     86  G4LPhysicsFreeVector* pv = new G4LPhysicsFreeVector(53,energy[0]*MeV,energy[52]*MeV);
    8887  pv->SetSpline(spline);
    8988  dedx.push_back(pv);
    90   for(G4int i=0;i<53;i++) {
    91     pv->PutValues(i,energy[i],stoppower[i]*factor);
     89  for(G4int i=0; i<53; ++i) {
     90    pv->PutValues(i,energy[i]*MeV,stoppower[i]*factor);
    9291  }
    101100  G4int zz[17] = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,26};
    102101  G4int aa[17] = {7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28,31,32, 35,40,56};
    103   // G4double A_Ion[17] = {6.941,9.0122,10.811,12.011,14.007,15.999,18.998,20.180,22.990,24.305,26.982,28.086,30.974,32.065,35.453,39.948,55.845};
    104   for(i=0; i<17; i++) {
     102  for(i=0; i<17; ++i) {
    105103    Z[i] = zz[i];
    106104    A[i] = G4double(aa[i]);
    108106  //..Reduced energies
    109107  G4double E[53] = {0.025,0.03,0.04,0.05,0.06,0.07,0.08,0.09,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,150,200,250,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000};
    110   for(i=0; i<53; i++) {E[i] *= MeV;}
     108  emin   = E[0]*MeV;
    112109  G4double factor = 1000.*MeV/cm;
    150147  if(corr) {
    151     for(i=0; i<17; i++) {corr->AddStoppingData(Z[i], aa[i], "G4_WATER", dedx[i]);}
     148    for(i=0; i<17; ++i) {corr->AddStoppingData(Z[i], aa[i], "G4_WATER", dedx[i]);}
    152149  }
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4WentzelVIModel.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4WentzelVIModel.cc,v 1.37 2009/10/28 10:14:13 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4WentzelVIModel.cc,v 1.60 2010/06/01 11:13:31 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    4040// Modifications:
     41// 27-05-2010 V.Ivanchenko added G4WentzelOKandVIxSection class to
     42//              compute cross sections and sample scattering angle
    5759#include "G4WentzelVIModel.hh"
    5860#include "Randomize.hh"
    59 #include "G4LossTableManager.hh"
    6061#include "G4ParticleChangeForMSC.hh"
    6162#include "G4PhysicsTableHelper.hh"
    6263#include "G4ElementVector.hh"
    6364#include "G4ProductionCutsTable.hh"
    64 #include "G4PhysicsLogVector.hh"
    65 #include "G4Electron.hh"
    66 #include "G4Positron.hh"
    67 #include "G4Proton.hh"
    69 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
    71 G4double G4WentzelVIModel::ScreenRSquare[] = {0.0};
    72 G4double G4WentzelVIModel::FormFactor[]    = {0.0};
     65#include "G4LossTableManager.hh"
     66#include "G4Pow.hh"
    7470using namespace std;
    7773  G4VMscModel(nam),
    7874  theLambdaTable(0),
    79   theLambda2Table(0),
    80   numlimit(0.2),
    81   nbins(60),
    82   nwarnings(0),
    83   nwarnlimit(50),
     75  numlimit(0.1),
    8476  currentCouple(0),
    8577  cosThetaMin(1.0),
    86   q2Limit(TeV*TeV),
    87   alpha2(fine_structure_const*fine_structure_const),
    8878  isInitialized(false),
    8979  inside(false)
    9181  invsqrt12 = 1./sqrt(12.);
    9282  tlimitminfix = 1.e-6*mm;
    93   theManager = G4LossTableManager::Instance();
    94   fNistManager = G4NistManager::Instance();
    95   theElectron = G4Electron::Electron();
    96   thePositron = G4Positron::Positron();
    97   theProton   = G4Proton::Proton();
    98   lowEnergyLimit = 0.1*keV;
    99   G4double p0 = electron_mass_c2*classic_electr_radius;
    100   coeff  = twopi*p0*p0;
    101   tkin = targetZ = mom2 = DBL_MIN;
    102   ecut = etag = DBL_MAX;
     83  lowEnergyLimit = 1.0*eV;
    10384  particle = 0;
    10485  nelments = 5;
    10586  xsecn.resize(nelments);
    10687  prob.resize(nelments);
    108   // Thomas-Fermi screening radii
    109   // Formfactors from A.V. Butkevich et al., NIM A 488 (2002) 282
    111   if(0.0 == ScreenRSquare[0]) {
    112     G4double a0 = electron_mass_c2/0.88534;
    113     G4double constn = 6.937e-6/(MeV*MeV);
    115     ScreenRSquare[0] = alpha2*a0*a0;
    116     for(G4int j=1; j<100; j++) {
    117       G4double x = a0*fNistManager->GetZ13(j);
    118       ScreenRSquare[j] = alpha2*x*x;
    119       x = fNistManager->GetA27(j);
    120       FormFactor[j] = constn*x*x;
    121     }
    122   }
     88  theManager = G4LossTableManager::Instance();
     89  fG4pow = G4Pow::GetInstance();
     90  wokvi = new G4WentzelOKandVIxSection();
    128 {}
     97  delete wokvi;
    135105  // reset parameters
    136106  SetupParticle(p);
    137   tkin = targetZ = mom2 = 0.0;
    138   ecut = etag = DBL_MAX;
    139107  currentRange = 0.0;
    140108  cosThetaMax = cos(PolarAngleLimit());
     109  wokvi->Initialise(p, cosThetaMax);
     110  /*
     111  G4cout << "G4WentzelVIModel: factorA2(GeV^2) = " << factorA2/(GeV*GeV)
     112         << "  1-cos(ThetaLimit)= " << 1 - cosThetaMax
     113         << G4endl;
     114  */
    141115  currentCuts = &cuts;
    157131                             G4double cutEnergy, G4double)
    159   SetupParticle(p);
    160   if(kinEnergy < lowEnergyLimit) return 0.0;
    161   SetupKinematic(kinEnergy, cutEnergy);
    162   SetupTarget(Z, kinEnergy);
    163   G4double xsec = ComputeTransportXSectionPerAtom();
    164   /*   
    165   G4cout << "CS: e= " << tkin << " cosEl= " << cosTetMaxElec2
    166          << " cosN= " << cosTetMaxNuc2 << " xsec(bn)= " << xsec/barn
    167          << " " << particle->GetParticleName() << G4endl;
     133  G4double xsec = 0.0;
     134  if(p != particle) { SetupParticle(p); }
     135  if(kinEnergy < lowEnergyLimit) { return xsec; }
     136  DefineMaterial(CurrentCouple());
     137  cosTetMaxNuc = wokvi->SetupKinematic(kinEnergy, currentMaterial);
     138  if(cosTetMaxNuc < 1.0) {
     139    cosTetMaxNuc = wokvi->SetupTarget(G4int(Z), cutEnergy);
     140    xsec = wokvi->ComputeTransportCrossSectionPerAtom(cosTetMaxNuc);
     141  /*     
     142    G4cout << "G4WentzelVIModel::CS: Z= " << G4int(Z) << " e(MeV)= " << kinEnergy
     143           << " 1-cosN= " << 1 - costm << " xsec(bn)= " << xsec/barn
     144           << " " << particle->GetParticleName() << G4endl;
    168145  */
     146  }
    169147  return xsec;
    170 }
    172 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
    174 G4double G4WentzelVIModel::ComputeTransportXSectionPerAtom()
    175 {
    176   G4double xSection = 0.0;
    177   G4double x, y, x1, x2, x3, x4;
    179   // scattering off electrons
    180   if(cosTetMaxElec2 < 1.0) {
    181     x = (1.0 - cosTetMaxElec2)/screenZ;
    182     if(x < numlimit) y = 0.5*x*x*(1.0 - 1.3333333*x + 1.5*x*x);
    183     else             y = log(1.0 + x) - x/(1.0 + x);
    184     if(y < 0.0) {
    185       nwarnings++;
    186       if(nwarnings < nwarnlimit /*&& y < -1.e-10*/) {
    187         G4cout << "Electron scattering <0 for L1 " << y
    188                << " e(MeV)= " << tkin << " p(MeV/c)= " << sqrt(mom2)
    189                << " Z= " << targetZ << "  "
    190                << particle->GetParticleName() << G4endl;
    191         G4cout << " z= " << 1.0-cosTetMaxElec2 << " screenZ= " << screenZ
    192                << " x= " << x << G4endl;
    193       }
    194       y = 0.0;
    195     }
    196     xSection = y;
    197   }
    198   /* 
    199   G4cout << "G4WentzelVI:XS per A " << " Z= " << targetZ
    200          << " e(MeV)= " << tkin/MeV << " XSel= " << xSection
    201          << " cut(MeV)= " << ecut/MeV 
    202          << " zmaxE= " << (1.0 - cosTetMaxElec)/screenZ
    203          << " zmaxN= " << (1.0 - cosTetMaxNuc2)/screenZ
    204          << " costm= " << cosTetMaxNuc2 << G4endl;
    205   */
    206   // scattering off nucleus
    207   if(cosTetMaxNuc2 < 1.0) {
    208     x  = 1.0 - cosTetMaxNuc2;
    209     x1 = screenZ*formfactA;
    210     x2 = 1.0 - x1;
    211     x3 = x/screenZ;
    212     x4 = formfactA*x;
    213     // low-energy limit
    214     if(x3 < numlimit && x1 < numlimit) {
    215       y = 0.5*x3*x3*(1.0 - 1.3333333*x3 + 1.5*x3*x3 - 1.5*x1
    216                      + 3.0*x1*x1 + 2.666666*x3*x1)/(x2*x2*x2);
    217       // high energy limit
    218     } else if(x2 <= 0.0) {
    219       x4 = x1*(1.0 + x3);
    220       y  = x3*(1.0 + 0.5*x3 - (2.0 - x1)*(1.0 + x3 + x3*x3/3.0)/x4)/(x4*x4);
    221       // middle energy
    222     } else {
    223       y = ((1.0 + x1)*x2*log((1. + x3)/(1. + x4))
    224            - x3/(1. + x3) - x4/(1. + x4))/(x2*x2);
    225     }
    226     //G4cout << "y= " << y << " x1= " <<x1<<"  x2= " <<x2
    227     //     <<"  x3= "<<x3<<"  x4= " << x4<<G4endl;
    228     if(y < 0.0) {
    229       nwarnings++;
    230       if(nwarnings < nwarnlimit /*&& y < -1.e-10*/) {
    231         G4cout << "Nuclear scattering <0 for L1 " << y
    232                << " e(MeV)= " << tkin << " Z= " << targetZ << "  "
    233                << particle->GetParticleName() << G4endl;
    234         G4cout << " formfactA= " << formfactA << " screenZ= " << screenZ
    235                << " x= " << " x1= " << x1 << " x2= " << x2
    236                << " x3= " << x3 << " x4= " << x4 <<G4endl;
    237       }
    238       y = 0.0;
    239     }
    240     xSection += y*targetZ;
    241   }
    242   xSection *= kinFactor;
    243   /*
    244   G4cout << "Z= " << targetZ << " XStot= " << xSection/barn
    245          << " screenZ= " << screenZ << " formF= " << formfactA
    246          << " for " << particle->GetParticleName()
    247          << " m= " << mass << " 1/v= " << sqrt(invbeta2) << " p= " << sqrt(mom2)
    248          << " x= " << x
    249          << G4endl;
    250   */
    251   return xSection;
    263159  G4StepPoint* sp = track.GetStep()->GetPreStepPoint();
    264160  G4StepStatus stepStatus = sp->GetStepStatus();
     161  //G4cout << "G4WentzelVIModel::ComputeTruePathLengthLimit stepStatus= "
     162  //     << stepStatus << G4endl;
    266164  // initialisation for 1st step 
    268166    inside = false;
    269167    SetupParticle(dp->GetDefinition());
    270     theLambdaTable = theTable;
    271168  }
    274171  preKinEnergy  = dp->GetKineticEnergy();
    275172  DefineMaterial(track.GetMaterialCutsCouple());
    276   lambda0 = GetLambda(preKinEnergy);
     173  theLambdaTable = theTable;
     174  lambdaeff = GetLambda(preKinEnergy);
    277175  currentRange =
    278176    theManager->GetRangeFromRestricteDEDX(particle,preKinEnergy,currentCouple);
     177  cosTetMaxNuc = wokvi->SetupKinematic(preKinEnergy, currentMaterial);
    280179  // extra check for abnormal situation
    281180  // this check needed to run MSC with eIoni and eBrem inactivated
    282   if(tlimit > currentRange) tlimit = currentRange;
     181  if(tlimit > currentRange) { tlimit = currentRange; }
    284183  // stop here if small range particle
    285   if(inside) return tlimit;   
     184  if(inside) { return tlimit; }
    287186  // pre step
    290189  // compute presafety again if presafety <= 0 and no boundary
    291190  // i.e. when it is needed for optimization purposes
    292   if(stepStatus != fGeomBoundary && presafety < tlimitminfix)
     191  if(stepStatus != fGeomBoundary && presafety < tlimitminfix) {
    293192    presafety = ComputeSafety(sp->GetPosition(), tlimit);
     193  }
    294194  /*
    295   G4cout << "G4WentzelVIModel::ComputeTruePathLengthLimit tlimit= "
    296          <<tlimit<<" safety= " << presafety
    297          << " range= " <<currentRange<<G4endl;
     195  G4cout << "e(MeV)= " << preKinEnergy/MeV
     196         << "  " << particle->GetParticleName()
     197         << " CurLimit(mm)= " << tlimit/mm <<" safety(mm)= " << presafety/mm
     198         << " R(mm)= " <<currentRange/mm
     199         << " L0(mm^-1)= " << lambdaeff*mm
     200         <<G4endl;
    298201  */
    299202  // far from geometry boundary
    300203  if(currentRange < presafety) {
    301204    inside = true; 
    303     // limit mean scattering angle
    304   } else {
    305     G4double rlimit = facrange*lambda0;
    306     G4double rcut = currentCouple->GetProductionCuts()->GetProductionCut(1);
    307     if(rcut > rlimit) rlimit = std::pow(rcut*rcut*rlimit,0.33333333);
    308     rlimit = std::min(rlimit, facgeom*currentMaterial->GetRadlen());
    309     if(rlimit < tlimit) tlimit = rlimit;
    310   }
    311   /*
     205    return tlimit;
     206  }
     208  // natural limit for high energy
     209  G4double rlimit = std::max(facrange*currentRange,
     210                             0.7*(1.0 - cosTetMaxNuc)*lambdaeff);
     212  // low-energy e-
     213  if(cosThetaMax > cosTetMaxNuc) {
     214    rlimit = std::min(rlimit, facsafety*presafety);
     215  }
     217  // cut correction
     218  G4double rcut = currentCouple->GetProductionCuts()->GetProductionCut(1);
     219  //G4cout << "rcut= " << rcut << " rlimit= " << rlimit << " presafety= " << presafety
     220  // << " 1-cosThetaMax= " <<1-cosThetaMax << " 1-cosTetMaxNuc= " << 1-cosTetMaxNuc
     221  // << G4endl;
     222  if(rcut > rlimit) { rlimit = std::min(rlimit, rcut*sqrt(rlimit/rcut)); }
     224  if(rlimit < tlimit) { tlimit = rlimit; }
     226  tlimit = std::max(tlimit, tlimitminfix);
     228  // step limit in infinite media
     229  tlimit = std::min(tlimit, 20*currentMaterial->GetRadlen());
     230  /* 
    312231  G4cout << particle->GetParticleName() << " e= " << preKinEnergy
    313          << " L0= " << lambda0 << " R= " << currentRange
     232         << " L0= " << lambdaeff << " R= " << currentRange
    314233         << "tlimit= " << tlimit 
    315234         << " currentMinimalStep= " << currentMinimalStep << G4endl;
    324243  tPathLength  = truelength;
    325244  zPathLength  = tPathLength;
    326   lambdaeff    = lambda0;
    328   if(lambda0 > 0.0) {
    329     G4double tau = tPathLength/lambda0;
     246  if(lambdaeff > 0.0) {
     247    G4double tau = tPathLength/lambdaeff;
    330248    //G4cout << "ComputeGeomPathLength: tLength= " << tPathLength
    331     //   << " lambda0= " << lambda0 << " tau= " << tau << G4endl;
     249    //   << " Leff= " << lambdaeff << " tau= " << tau << G4endl;
    332250    // small step
    333251    if(tau < numlimit) {
    336254      // medium step
    337255    } else {
    338       //      zPathLength = lambda0*(1.0 - exp(-tPathLength/lambda0));
    339256      G4double e1 = 0.0;
    340257      if(currentRange > tPathLength) {
    343260                                   currentCouple);
    344261      }
    345       lambdaeff = GetLambda(0.5*(e1 + preKinEnergy));
     262      e1 = 0.5*(e1 + preKinEnergy);
     263      cosTetMaxNuc = wokvi->SetupKinematic(e1, currentMaterial);
     264      lambdaeff = GetLambda(e1);
    346265      zPathLength = lambdaeff*(1.0 - exp(-tPathLength/lambdaeff));
    347266    }
    355274G4double G4WentzelVIModel::ComputeTrueStepLength(G4double geomStepLength)
    357   // step defined other than transportation
    358   if(geomStepLength == zPathLength) return tPathLength;
     276  // initialisation of single scattering x-section
     277  xtsec = 0.0;
     279  // pathalogical case
     280  if(lambdaeff <= 0.0) {
     281    zPathLength = geomStepLength;
     282    tPathLength = geomStepLength;
     283    return tPathLength;
     284  }
     286  G4double tau = geomStepLength/lambdaeff;
    360288  // step defined by transportation
    361   tPathLength  = geomStepLength;
    362   zPathLength  = geomStepLength;
    363   G4double tau = zPathLength/lambdaeff;
    364   tPathLength *= (1.0 + 0.5*tau + tau*tau/3.0);
    366   if(tau > numlimit) {
    367     G4double e1 = 0.0;
    368     if(currentRange > tPathLength) {
    369       e1 = theManager->GetEnergy(particle,
    370                                  currentRange-tPathLength,
    371                                  currentCouple);
    372     }
    373     lambdaeff = GetLambda(0.5*(e1 + preKinEnergy));
    374     tau = zPathLength/lambdaeff;
    376     if(tau < 0.999999) tPathLength = -lambdaeff*log(1.0 - tau);
    377     else               tPathLength = currentRange;
    379     if(tPathLength < zPathLength) tPathLength = zPathLength;
    380   }
    381   if(tPathLength > currentRange) tPathLength = currentRange;
    382   //G4cout<<"Comp.true: zLength= "<<zPathLength<<" tLength= "<<tPathLength<<G4endl;
     289  if(geomStepLength != zPathLength) {
     291    // step defined by transportation
     292    zPathLength = geomStepLength;
     293    tPathLength = zPathLength*(1.0 + 0.5*tau + tau*tau/3.0);
     295    // energy correction for a big step
     296    if(tau > numlimit) {
     297      G4double e1 = 0.0;
     298      if(currentRange > tPathLength) {
     299        e1 = theManager->GetEnergy(particle,
     300                                   currentRange-tPathLength,
     301                                   currentCouple);
     302      }
     303      e1 = 0.5*(e1 + preKinEnergy);
     304      cosTetMaxNuc = wokvi->SetupKinematic(e1, currentMaterial);
     305      lambdaeff = GetLambda(e1);
     306      tau = zPathLength/lambdaeff;
     308      if(tau < 0.999999) { tPathLength = -lambdaeff*log(1.0 - tau); }
     309      else               { tPathLength = currentRange; }
     310    }
     311  }
     313  // check of step length
     314  // define threshold angle between single and multiple scattering
     315  cosThetaMin = 1.0 - 1.5*tPathLength/lambdaeff;
     317  // recompute transport cross section - do not change energy
     318  // anymore - cannot be applied for big steps
     319  if(cosThetaMin > cosTetMaxNuc) {
     321    // new computation
     322    G4double xsec = ComputeXSectionPerVolume();
     323    //G4cout << "%%%% xsec= " << xsec << "  xtsec= " << xtsec << G4endl;
     324    if(xtsec > 0.0) {
     325      if(xsec > 0.0) { lambdaeff = 1./xsec; }
     326      else           { lambdaeff = DBL_MAX; }
     328      tau = zPathLength*xsec;
     329      if(tau < numlimit) { tPathLength = zPathLength*(1.0 + 0.5*tau + tau*tau/3.0); }
     330      else if(tau < 0.999999) { tPathLength = -lambdaeff*log(1.0 - tau); }
     331      else               { tPathLength = currentRange; }
     332    }
     333  }
     335  if(tPathLength > currentRange) { tPathLength = currentRange; }
     336  if(tPathLength < zPathLength)  { tPathLength = zPathLength; }
     337  /*   
     338  G4cout <<"Comp.true: zLength= "<<zPathLength<<" tLength= "<<tPathLength
     339         <<" Leff(mm)= "<<lambdaeff/mm<<" sig0(1/mm)= " << xtsec <<G4endl;
     340  G4cout << particle->GetParticleName() << " 1-cosThetaMin= " << 1-cosThetaMin
     341         << " 1-cosTetMaxNuc= " << 1-cosTetMaxNuc
     342         << " e(MeV)= " << preKinEnergy/MeV << G4endl;
     343  */
    383344  return tPathLength;
    391352  //G4cout << "!##! G4WentzelVIModel::SampleScattering for "
    392353  //     << particle->GetParticleName() << G4endl;
    393   G4double kinEnergy = dynParticle->GetKineticEnergy();
    395   // ignore scattering for zero step length and enegy below the limit
    396   if(kinEnergy < lowEnergyLimit || tPathLength <= DBL_MIN) return;
    398   G4double ekin = preKinEnergy;
    399   if(ekin - kinEnergy > ekin*dtrl) {
    400     ekin = 0.5*(preKinEnergy + kinEnergy);
    401     lambdaeff = GetLambda(ekin);
    402   } 
     355  // ignore scattering for zero step length and energy below the limit
     356  if(dynParticle->GetKineticEnergy() < lowEnergyLimit ||
     357     tPathLength <= DBL_MIN || lambdaeff <= DBL_MIN)
     358    { return; }
    404   G4double x1 = 0.5*tPathLength/lambdaeff;
    405   G4double cut= (*currentCuts)[currentMaterialIndex];
    406   /* 
    407   G4cout <<"SampleScat: E0(MeV)= "<< preKinEnergy<<" Eeff(MeV)= "<<ekin/MeV
    408          << " L0= " << lambda0 << " Leff= " << lambdaeff
    409          << " x1= " << x1 << " safety= " << safety << G4endl;
     360  G4double invlambda = 0.0;
     361  if(lambdaeff < DBL_MAX) { invlambda = 0.5/lambdaeff; }
     363  // use average kinetic energy over the step
     364  G4double cut = (*currentCuts)[currentMaterialIndex];
     365  /*     
     366  G4cout <<"SampleScat: E0(MeV)= "<< preKinEnergy/MeV
     367         << " Leff= " << lambdaeff <<" sig0(1/mm)= " << xtsec
     368         << " x1= " <<  tPathLength*invlambda << " safety= " << safety << G4endl;
    410369  */
    412   G4double xsec = 0.0;
    413   G4bool largeAng = false;
    415   // large scattering angle case
    416   if(x1 > 0.5) {
    417     x1 *= 0.5;
    418     largeAng = true;
    420     // normal case
    421   } else {
    423     // define threshold angle between single and multiple scattering
    424     cosThetaMin = 1.0 - 3.0*x1;
    426     // for low-energy e-,e+ no limit
    427     SetupKinematic(ekin, cut);
    429     // recompute transport cross section
    430     if(cosThetaMin > cosTetMaxNuc) {
    432       xsec = ComputeXSectionPerVolume();
    434       if(xtsec > 0.0) x1 = 0.5*tPathLength*xtsec;
    435       else            x1 = 0.0;
    437       /*     
    438         G4cout << "cosTetMaxNuc= " << cosTetMaxNuc
    439         << " cosThetaMin= " << cosThetaMin
    440         << " cosThetaMax= " << cosThetaMax
    441         << " cosTetMaxElec2= " << cosTetMaxElec2 << G4endl;
    442         G4cout << "Recomputed xsec(1/mm)= " << xsec << " x1= " << x1 << G4endl;
    443       */
    444     }
    445   }
    447   // result of central part sampling
    448   G4double z;
     371  G4double length = tPathLength;
     372  G4double lengthlim = tPathLength*1.e-6;
     374  // step limit due msc
     375  G4double x0 = length;
     376  // large scattering angle case - two step approach
     377  if(tPathLength*invlambda > 0.5 && length > tlimitminfix) { x0 *= 0.5; }
     379  // step limit due single scattering
     380  G4double x1 = length;
     381  if(xtsec > 0.0) { x1 = -log(G4UniformRand())/xtsec; }
     383  const G4ElementVector* theElementVector =
     384    currentMaterial->GetElementVector();
     385  G4int nelm = currentMaterial->GetNumberOfElements();
     387  // geometry
     388  G4double sint, cost, phi;
     389  G4ThreeVector oldDirection = dynParticle->GetMomentumDirection();
     390  G4ThreeVector temp(0.0,0.0,1.0);
     392  // current position and direction relative to the end point
     393  // because of magnetic field geometry is computed relatively to the
     394  // end point of the step
     395  G4ThreeVector dir(0.0,0.0,1.0);
     396  G4ThreeVector pos(0.0,0.0,-zPathLength);
     397  G4double mscfac = zPathLength/tPathLength;
     399  // start a loop
    449400  do {
    450     z = -x1*log(G4UniformRand());
    451   } while (z > 1.0);
    453   // cost is sampled ------------------------------
    454   G4double cost = 1.0 - 2.0*z;
    455   //  if(cost < -1.0) cost = -1.0;
    456   // else if(cost > 1.0) cost = 1.0;
    457   G4double sint = sqrt((1.0 - cost)*(1.0 + cost));
    459   G4double phi  = twopi*G4UniformRand();
    461   G4double dirx = sint*cos(phi);
    462   G4double diry = sint*sin(phi);
    464   //G4cout << "G4WentzelVIModel: step(mm)= " << tPathLength/mm
    465   //     << " sint= " << sint << " cost= " << cost<< G4endl;
    467   G4ThreeVector oldDirection = dynParticle->GetMomentumDirection();
    468   G4ThreeVector newDirection(dirx,diry,cost);
    469   G4ThreeVector temp(0.0,0.0,1.0);
    470   G4ThreeVector pos(0.0,0.0,-zPathLength);
    471   G4ThreeVector dir(0.0,0.0,1.0);
    472   G4bool isscat = false;
    474   // sample MSC scattering for large angle
    475   // extra central scattering for half step
    476   if(largeAng) {
    477     isscat = true;
    478     pos.setZ(-0.5*zPathLength);
    479     do {
    480       z = -x1*log(G4UniformRand());
    481     } while (z > 1.0);
     401    G4double step = x0;
     402    G4bool singleScat = false;
     404    // single scattering case
     405    if(x1 < x0) {
     406      step = x1;
     407      singleScat = true;
     408    }
     410    // new position
     411    pos += step*mscfac*dir;
     413    // added multiple scattering
     414    G4double z;
     415    G4double tet2 = step*invlambda; 
     416    do { z = -tet2*log(G4UniformRand()); } while (z >= 1.0);
    482418    cost = 1.0 - 2.0*z;
    483     //if(std::fabs(cost) > 1.0) cost = 1.0;
    485419    sint = sqrt((1.0 - cost)*(1.0 + cost));
    486420    phi  = twopi*G4UniformRand();
    488     // position and direction for secondary scattering
    489     dir.set(sint*cos(phi),sint*sin(phi),cost);
    490     pos += 0.5*dir*zPathLength;
    491     x1 *= 2.0;
    492   }
    494   // sample Rutherford scattering for large angle
    495   if(xsec > DBL_MIN) {
    496     G4double t = tPathLength;
    497     G4int nelm = currentMaterial->GetNumberOfElements();
    498     const G4ElementVector* theElementVector =
    499       currentMaterial->GetElementVector();
    500     do{
    501       G4double x  = -log(G4UniformRand())/xsec;     
    502       pos += dir*(zPathLength*std::min(x,t)/tPathLength);
    503       t -= x;
    504       if(t > 0.0) {
    505         G4double zz1 = 1.0;
    506         G4double qsec = G4UniformRand()*xsec;
    508         // scattering off nucleus
    509         G4int i = 0;
    510         if(nelm > 1) {
    511           for (; i<nelm; i++) {if(xsecn[i] >= qsec) break;}
    512           if(i >= nelm) i = nelm - 1;
    513         }
    514         SetupTarget((*theElementVector)[i]->GetZ(), tkin);
    515         G4double formf = formfactA;
    516         G4double costm = cosTetMaxNuc2;
    517         if(prob[i] > 0.0) {
    518           if(G4UniformRand() <= prob[i]) {
    519             formf = 0.0;
    520             costm = cosTetMaxElec2;
    521           }
    522         }
    523         if(cosThetaMin > costm) {
    525           G4double w1 = 1. - cosThetaMin + screenZ;
    526           G4double w2 = 1. - costm + screenZ;
    527           G4double w3 = cosThetaMin - costm;
    528           G4double grej, zz;
    529           do {
    530             zz = w1*w2/(w1 + G4UniformRand()*w3) - screenZ;
    531             grej = 1.0/(1.0 + formf*zz);
    532           } while ( G4UniformRand() > grej*grej ); 
    533           if(zz < 0.0) zz = 0.0;
    534           else if(zz > 2.0) zz = 2.0;
    535           zz1 = 1.0 - zz;
    536         }
    537         if(zz1 < 1.0) {
    538           isscat = true;
    539           //G4cout << "Rutherford zz1= " << zz1 << " t= " << t << G4endl;
    540           sint = sqrt((1.0 - zz1)*(1.0 + zz1));
    541           //G4cout << "sint= " << sint << G4endl;
    542           phi  = twopi*G4UniformRand();
    543           G4double vx1 = sint*cos(phi);
    544           G4double vy1 = sint*sin(phi);
    545           temp.set(vx1,vy1,zz1);
    546           temp.rotateUz(dir);
    547           dir = temp;
    548         }
     421    G4double vx1 = sint*cos(phi);
     422    G4double vy1 = sint*sin(phi);
     424    // lateral displacement 
     425    if (latDisplasment && safety > tlimitminfix) {
     426      G4double rms = invsqrt12*sqrt(2.0*tet2);
     427      G4double dx = step*(0.5*vx1 + rms*G4RandGauss::shoot(0.0,1.0));
     428      G4double dy = step*(0.5*vy1 + rms*G4RandGauss::shoot(0.0,1.0));
     429      G4double dz;
     430      G4double d = (dx*dx + dy*dy)/(step*step);
     431      if(d < numlimit)  { dz = -0.5*step*d*(1.0 + 0.25*d); }
     432      else if(d < 1.0)  { dz = -step*(1.0 - sqrt(1.0 - d));}
     433      else              { dx = dy = dz = 0.0; }
     435      // change position
     436      temp.set(dx,dy,dz);
     437      temp.rotateUz(dir);
     438      pos += temp;
     439    }
     441    // direction is changed
     442    temp.set(vx1,vy1,cost);
     443    temp.rotateUz(dir);
     444    dir = temp;
     446    if(singleScat) {
     448      // select element
     449      G4int i = 0;
     450      if(nelm > 1) {
     451        G4double qsec = G4UniformRand()*xtsec;
     452        for (; i<nelm; ++i) { if(xsecn[i] >= qsec) { break; } }
     453        if(i >= nelm) { i = nelm - 1; }
    549454      }
    550     } while (t > 0.0);
    551   }
    552   if(isscat) newDirection.rotateUz(dir);
    553   newDirection.rotateUz(oldDirection);
     455      G4double cosTetM =
     456        wokvi->SetupTarget(G4int((*theElementVector)[i]->GetZ()), cut);
     457      temp = wokvi->SampleSingleScattering(cosThetaMin, cosTetM, prob[i]);
     458      temp.rotateUz(dir);
     460      // renew direction
     461      dir = temp;
     463      // new single scatetring
     464      x1 = -log(G4UniformRand())/xtsec;
     465    }
     467    // update step
     468    length -= step;
     470  } while (length > lengthlim);
     472  dir.rotateUz(oldDirection);
     473  pos.rotateUz(oldDirection);
    555475  //G4cout << "G4WentzelVIModel sampling of scattering is done" << G4endl;
    556476  // end of sampling -------------------------------
    558   fParticleChange->ProposeMomentumDirection(newDirection);
    560   if (latDisplasment && safety > tlimitminfix) {
    561     G4double rms = invsqrt12*sqrt(2.0*x1);
    562     G4double dx = zPathLength*(0.5*dirx + rms*G4RandGauss::shoot(0.0,1.0));
    563     G4double dy = zPathLength*(0.5*diry + rms*G4RandGauss::shoot(0.0,1.0));
    564     G4double dz;
    565     G4double d = (dx*dx + dy*dy)/(zPathLength*zPathLength);
    566     if(d < numlimit)  dz = -0.5*zPathLength*d*(1.0 + 0.25*d);
    567     else if(d < 1.0)  dz = -zPathLength*(1.0 - sqrt(1.0 - d));
    568     else {
    569       dx = dy = dz = 0.0;
    570     }
    572     temp.set(dx,dy,dz);
    573     if(isscat) temp.rotateUz(dir);
    574     pos += temp;
    576     pos.rotateUz(oldDirection);
     478  fParticleChange->ProposeMomentumDirection(dir);
     480  // lateral displacement 
     481  if (latDisplasment) {
    578482    G4double r = pos.mag();
    597501G4double G4WentzelVIModel::ComputeXSectionPerVolume()
    599   const G4ElementVector* theElementVector =
    600     currentMaterial->GetElementVector();
     503  // prepare recomputation of x-sections
     504  const G4ElementVector* theElementVector = currentMaterial->GetElementVector();
    601505  const G4double* theAtomNumDensityVector =
    602506    currentMaterial->GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume();
    604508  if(nelm > nelments) {
    605509    nelments = nelm;
    606     xsecn.resize(nelments);
    607     prob.resize(nelments);
    608   }
     510    xsecn.resize(nelm);
     511    prob.resize(nelm);
     512  }
     513  G4double cut = (*currentCuts)[currentMaterialIndex];
     514  cosTetMaxNuc = wokvi->GetCosThetaNuc();
     516  // check consistency
    610517  xtsec = 0.0;
     518  if(cosTetMaxNuc > cosThetaMin) { return 0.0; }
     520  // loop over elements
    611521  G4double xs = 0.0;
    613   for (G4int i=0; i<nelm; i++) {
    614     SetupTarget((*theElementVector)[i]->GetZ(), tkin);
     522  for (G4int i=0; i<nelm; ++i) {
     523    G4double costm =
     524      wokvi->SetupTarget(G4int((*theElementVector)[i]->GetZ()), cut);
    615525    G4double density = theAtomNumDensityVector[i];
    616     G4double cosnm = cosTetMaxNuc2;
    617     G4double cosem = cosTetMaxElec2;
    619     // recompute the angular limit
    620     cosTetMaxNuc2  = std::max(cosnm,cosThetaMin);
    621     cosTetMaxElec2 = std::max(cosem,cosThetaMin);
    622     xtsec += ComputeTransportXSectionPerAtom()*density;
    623     // return limit back
    624     cosTetMaxElec2 = cosem;
    625     cosTetMaxNuc2  = cosnm;
    627527    G4double esec = 0.0;
    628     G4double nsec = 0.0;
    629     G4double x1 = 1.0 - cosThetaMin + screenZ;
    630     G4double f  = kinFactor*density;
    632     // scattering off electrons
    633     if(cosThetaMin > cosem) {
    634       esec = f*(cosThetaMin - cosem)/(x1*(1.0 - cosem + screenZ));
    635     }
    637     // scattering off nucleaus
    638     if(cosThetaMin > cosnm) {
    640       // Rutherford part
    641       G4double s  = screenZ*formfactA;
    642       G4double z1 = 1.0 - cosnm + screenZ;
    643       G4double s1 = 1.0 - s;
    644       G4double d  = s1/formfactA;
    646       // check numerical limit
    647       if(d < numlimit*x1) {
    648         G4double x2 = x1*x1;
    649         G4double z2 = z1*z1;
    650         nsec = (1.0/(x1*x2) - 1.0/(z1*z2) - d*1.5*(1.0/(x2*x2) - 1.0/(z2*z2)))/
    651           (3.0*formfactA*formfactA);
    652       } else {
    653         G4double x2 = x1 + d;
    654         G4double z2 = z1 + d;
    655         nsec = (1.0/x1 - 1.0/z1 + 1.0/x2 - 1.0/z2 - 2.0*log(z1*x2/(z2*x1))/d)/(s1*s1);
    656       }
    657       nsec *= f*targetZ;
    658     }
    659     nsec += esec;
    660     if(nsec > 0.0) esec /= nsec;
    661     xs += nsec;
    662     xsecn[i] = xs;
     528    if(costm < cosThetaMin) { 
     530      // recompute the transport x-section
     531      xs += density*wokvi->ComputeTransportCrossSectionPerAtom(cosThetaMin);
     533      // recompute the total x-section
     534      G4double nsec = wokvi->ComputeNuclearCrossSection(cosThetaMin, costm);
     535      esec = wokvi->ComputeElectronCrossSection(cosThetaMin, costm);
     536      nsec += esec;
     537      if(nsec > 0.0) { esec /= nsec; }
     538      xtsec += nsec*density;
     539    }
     540    xsecn[i] = xtsec;
    663541    prob[i]  = esec;
    664     //G4cout << i << "  xs= " << xs << " cosThetaMin= " << cosThetaMin
    665     //     << " costm= " << costm << G4endl;
     542    //G4cout << i << "  xs= " << xs << " xtsec= " << xtsec << " 1-cosThetaMin= " << 1-cosThetaMin
     543    //     << " 1-cosTetMaxNuc2= " <<1-cosTetMaxNuc2<< G4endl;
    666544  }
    668546  //G4cout << "ComputeXS result:  xsec(1/mm)= " << xs
    669   //<< " txsec(1/mm)= " << xtsec <<G4endl;
     547  //     << " txsec(1/mm)= " << xtsec <<G4endl;
    670548  return xs;
    675 /*
    676 G4double G4MuMscModel::ComputeXSectionPerVolume()
    677 {
    678   const G4ElementVector* theElementVector =
    679     currentMaterial->GetElementVector();
    680   const G4double* theAtomNumDensityVector =
    681     currentMaterial->GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume();
    682   size_t nelm = currentMaterial->GetNumberOfElements();
    684   xsece1 = 0.0;
    685   xsece2 = 0.0;
    686   xsecn2 = 0.0;
    687   zcorr  = 0.0;
    689   G4double fac = coeff*chargeSquare*invbeta2/mom2;
    691   for (size_t i=0; i<nelm; i++) {
    692     const G4Element* elm = (*theElementVector)[i];
    693     G4double Z = elm->GetZ();
    694     SetupTarget(Z, tkin);
    695     G4double den = fac*theAtomNumDensityVector[i]*Z;
    697     G4double x  = 1.0 - cosThetaMin;
    698     G4double x1 = x + screenZ;
    699     G4double x2 = 1.0/(x1*x1);
    700     G4double x3 = 1.0 + x*formfactA;
    702     //G4cout << "x= " << x << " den= " << den << " cosE= " << cosTetMaxElec << G4endl;
    703     //G4cout << "cosThtaMin= " << cosThetaMin << G4endl;
    704     //G4cout << "cosTetMaxNuc= " << cosTetMaxNuc << " q2Limit= " << q2Limit << G4endl;
    706     // scattering off electrons
    707     if(cosTetMaxElec < cosThetaMin) {
    709       // flat part
    710       G4double s = den*x2*x;
    711       xsece1 += s;
    712       zcorr  += 0.5*x*s;
    714       // Rutherford part
    715       G4double z1 = 1.0 - cosTetMaxElec + screenZ;
    716       G4double z2 = (cosThetaMin - cosTetMaxElec)/x1;
    717       if(z2 < 0.2) s = z2*(x - 0.5*z2*(x - screenZ))/x1;
    718       else         s = log(1.0 + z2)  - screenZ*z2/z1;
    719       xsece2  += den*z2/z1;
    720       zcorr   += den*s;
    721     }
    722     den *= Z;
    724     //G4cout << "Z= " << Z<< " cosL= " << cosTetMaxNuc << " cosMin= " << cosThetaMin << G4endl;
    725     // scattering off nucleaus
    726     if(cosTetMaxNuc < cosThetaMin) {
    728       // flat part
    729       G4double s = den*x2*x/(x3*x3);
    730       xsece1 += s;
    731       zcorr  += 0.5*x*s;
    733       // Rutherford part
    734       s  = screenZ*formfactA;
    735       G4double w  = 1.0 + 2.0*s;
    736       G4double z1 = 1.0 - cosTetMaxNuc + screenZ;
    737       G4double d  = (1.0 - s)/formfactA;
    738       G4double x4 = x1 + d;
    739       G4double z4 = z1 + d;
    740       G4double t1 = 1.0/(x1*z1);
    741       G4double t4 = 1.0/(x4*z4);
    742       G4double w1 = cosThetaMin - cosTetMaxNuc;
    743       G4double w2 = log(z1*x4/(x1*z4));
    745       den *= w;     
    746       xsecn2  += den*(w1*(t1 + t4) - 2.0*w2/d);
    747       zcorr   += den*(w*w2 - w1*(screenZ*t1 + t4/formfactA));
    748     }
    749     xsece[i] = xsece2;
    750     xsecn[i] = xsecn2;
    751     //    G4cout << i << "  xsece2= " << xsece2 << "  xsecn2= " << xsecn2 << G4endl;
    752   }
    753   G4double xsec = xsece1 + xsece2 + xsecn2;
    755     //G4cout << "xsece1= " << xsece1 << "  xsece2= " << xsece2
    756     //<< "  xsecn2= " << xsecn2
    757         // << " zsec= " << zcorr*0.5*tPathLength << G4endl;
    758   zcorr *= 0.5*tPathLength;
    760   return xsec;
    761 }
    762 */
    764 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
    766 void G4WentzelVIModel::ComputeMaxElectronScattering(G4double cutEnergy)
    767 {
    768   ecut = cutEnergy;
    769   G4double tmax = tkin;
    770   cosTetMaxElec = 1.0;
    771   if(mass > MeV) {
    772     G4double ratio = electron_mass_c2/mass;
    773     G4double tau = tkin/mass;
    774     tmax = 2.0*electron_mass_c2*tau*(tau + 2.)/
    775       (1.0 + 2.0*ratio*(tau + 1.0) + ratio*ratio);
    776     cosTetMaxElec = 1.0 - std::min(cutEnergy, tmax)*electron_mass_c2/mom2;
    777   } else {
    779     if(particle == theElectron) tmax *= 0.5;
    780     G4double t = std::min(cutEnergy, tmax);
    781     G4double mom21 = t*(t + 2.0*electron_mass_c2);
    782     G4double t1 = tkin - t;
    783     //G4cout <<"tkin=" <<tkin<<" tmax= "<<tmax<<" t= "
    784     //<<t<< " t1= "<<t1<<" cut= "<<ecut<<G4endl;
    785     if(t1 > 0.0) {
    786       G4double mom22 = t1*(t1 + 2.0*mass);
    787       G4double ctm = (mom2 + mom22 - mom21)*0.5/sqrt(mom2*mom22);
    788       if(ctm <  1.0) cosTetMaxElec = ctm;
    789       if(ctm < -1.0) cosTetMaxElec = -1.0;
    790     }
    791   }
    792   if(cosTetMaxElec < cosTetMaxNuc) cosTetMaxElec = cosTetMaxNuc;
    793 }
    795 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4eBremsstrahlungModel.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4eBremsstrahlungModel.cc,v 1.44 2009/04/09 18:41:18 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4eBremsstrahlungModel.cc,v 1.46 2010/04/28 18:39:40 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    9292  if(p) SetParticle(p);
    9393  theGamma = G4Gamma::Gamma();
    94   minThreshold = 1.0*keV;
     94  minThreshold = 0.1*keV;
    901901  if(1 < nElements) {
     903    --nElements;
    903904    G4DataVector* dv = partialSumSigma[couple->GetIndex()];
    904     G4double rval = G4UniformRand()*((*dv)[nElements-1]);
    906     for (G4int i=0; i<nElements; i++) {
    907       if (rval <= (*dv)[i]) elm = (*theElementVector)[i];
    908     }
    909     if(!elm) {
    910       G4cout << "G4eBremsstrahlungModel::SelectRandomAtom: Warning -"
    911              << " no elements found in "
    912              << material->GetName()
    913              << G4endl;
    914       elm = (*theElementVector)[0];
    915     }
    916   } else elm = (*theElementVector)[0];
     905    G4double rval = G4UniformRand()*((*dv)[nElements]);
     907    elm = (*theElementVector)[nElements];
     908    for (G4int i=0; i<nElements; ++i) {
     909      if (rval <= (*dv)[i]) {
     910        elm = (*theElementVector)[i];
     911        break;
     912      }
     913    }
     914  } else { elm = (*theElementVector)[0]; }
    918916  SetCurrentElement(elm);
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel.cc,v 1.14 2009/04/09 18:41:18 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel.cc,v 1.15 2010/04/06 17:02:23 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    9393  theGamma = G4Gamma::Gamma();
    95   minThreshold = 1.0*keV;
     95  minThreshold = 0.1*keV;
    9696  SetLowEnergyLimit(GeV); 
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4eCoulombScatteringModel.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4eCoulombScatteringModel.cc,v 1.78 2009/10/28 10:14:13 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4eCoulombScatteringModel.cc,v 1.89 2010/05/27 14:22:05 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    4747// 09.06.08 V.Ivanchenko add SelectIsotope and sampling of the recoil ion
    4848// 16.06.09 C.Consolandi fixed computation of effective mass
     49// 27.05.10 V.Ivanchenko added G4WentzelOKandVIxSection class to
     50//              compute cross sections and sample scattering angle
    6062#include "G4DataVector.hh"
    6163#include "G4ElementTable.hh"
    62 #include "G4PhysicsLogVector.hh"
    6364#include "G4ParticleChangeForGamma.hh"
    64 #include "G4Electron.hh"
    65 #include "G4Positron.hh"
    6665#include "G4Proton.hh"
    6766#include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
    6867#include "G4ProductionCutsTable.hh"
    6968#include "G4NucleiProperties.hh"
    71 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
    73 G4double G4eCoulombScatteringModel::ScreenRSquare[] = {0.0};
    74 G4double G4eCoulombScatteringModel::FormFactor[]    = {0.0};
     69#include "G4Pow.hh"
     70#include "G4LossTableManager.hh"
     71#include "G4NistManager.hh"
    7675using namespace std;
    8079    cosThetaMin(1.0),
    8180    cosThetaMax(-1.0),
    82     q2Limit(TeV*TeV),
    83     alpha2(fine_structure_const*fine_structure_const),
    84     faclim(100.0),
    8581    isInitialised(false)
    8783  fNistManager = G4NistManager::Instance();
    8884  theParticleTable = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
    89   theElectron = G4Electron::Electron();
    90   thePositron = G4Positron::Positron();
    9185  theProton   = G4Proton::Proton();
    9286  currentMaterial = 0;
    9387  currentElement  = 0;
    94   lowEnergyLimit  = 0.1*keV;
    95   G4double p0 = electron_mass_c2*classic_electr_radius;
    96   coeff  = twopi*p0*p0;
    97   tkin = targetZ = mom2 = DBL_MIN;
    98   elecXSection = nucXSection = 0.0;
     88  lowEnergyLimit  = 1*eV;
    9989  recoilThreshold = 0.*keV;
    100   ecut = DBL_MAX;
    10190  particle = 0;
    10291  currentCouple = 0;
    104   // Thomas-Fermi screening radii
    105   // Formfactors from A.V. Butkevich et al., NIM A 488 (2002) 282
    107   if(0.0 == ScreenRSquare[0]) {
    108     G4double a0 = electron_mass_c2/0.88534;
    109     G4double constn = 6.937e-6/(MeV*MeV);
    111     ScreenRSquare[0] = alpha2*a0*a0;
    112     for(G4int j=1; j<100; j++) {
    113       G4double x = a0*fNistManager->GetZ13(j);
    114       ScreenRSquare[j] = alpha2*x*x;
    115       x = fNistManager->GetA27(j);
    116       FormFactor[j] = constn*x*x;
    117     }
    118   }
     92  wokvi = new G4WentzelOKandVIxSection();
    124 {}
     99  delete wokvi;
    131107  SetupParticle(p);
    132108  currentCouple = 0;
    133   elecXSection = nucXSection = 0.0;
    134   tkin = targetZ = mom2 = DBL_MIN;
    135   ecut = etag = DBL_MAX;
    136109  cosThetaMin = cos(PolarAngleLimit());
     110  wokvi->Initialise(p, cosThetaMin);
     111  /*
     112  G4cout << "G4eCoulombScatteringModel: factorA2(GeV^2) = " << factorA2/(GeV*GeV)
     113         << "  1-cos(ThetaLimit)= " << 1 - cosThetaMin
     114         << "  cos(thetaMax)= " <<  cosThetaMax
     115         << G4endl;
     116  */
    137117  pCuts = G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable()->GetEnergyCutsVector(3);
    138118  //G4cout << "!!! G4eCoulombScatteringModel::Initialise for "
    153 void G4eCoulombScatteringModel::ComputeMaxElectronScattering(G4double cutEnergy)
    154 {
    155   ecut = cutEnergy;
    156   G4double tmax = tkin;
    157   cosTetMaxElec = 1.0;
    158   if(mass > MeV) {
    159     G4double ratio = electron_mass_c2/mass;
    160     G4double tau = tkin/mass;
    161     tmax = 2.0*electron_mass_c2*tau*(tau + 2.)/
    162       (1.0 + 2.0*ratio*(tau + 1.0) + ratio*ratio);
    163     cosTetMaxElec = 1.0 - std::min(cutEnergy, tmax)*electron_mass_c2/mom2;
    164   } else {
    166     if(particle == theElectron) tmax *= 0.5;
    167     G4double t = std::min(cutEnergy, tmax);
    168     G4double mom21 = t*(t + 2.0*electron_mass_c2);
    169     G4double t1 = tkin - t;
    170     //G4cout << "tkin= " << tkin << " t= " << t << " t1= " << t1 << G4endl;
    171     if(t1 > 0.0) {
    172       G4double mom22 = t1*(t1 + 2.0*mass);
    173       G4double ctm = (mom2 + mom22 - mom21)*0.5/sqrt(mom2*mom22);
    174       //G4cout << "ctm= " << ctm << G4endl;
    175       if(ctm <  1.0) cosTetMaxElec = ctm;
    176       if(ctm < -1.0) cosTetMaxElec = -1.0;
    177     }
    178   }
    179 }
    181 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
    183133G4double G4eCoulombScatteringModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom(
    184134                const G4ParticleDefinition* p,
    190140  //  << p->GetParticleName()<<" Z= "<<Z<<" e(MeV)= "<< kinEnergy/MeV << G4endl;
    191141  G4double xsec = 0.0;
    192   SetupParticle(p);
    193   if(kinEnergy < lowEnergyLimit) return xsec;
    194   SetupKinematic(kinEnergy, cutEnergy);
    195   if(cosTetMaxNuc < cosTetMinNuc) {
    196     SetupTarget(Z, kinEnergy);
    197     xsec = CrossSectionPerAtom(); 
     142  if(p != particle) { SetupParticle(p); }
     144  // cross section is set to zero to avoid problems in sample secondary
     145  if(kinEnergy < lowEnergyLimit) { return xsec; }
     146  DefineMaterial(CurrentCouple());
     147  cosTetMinNuc = wokvi->SetupKinematic(kinEnergy, currentMaterial);
     148  if(cosThetaMax < cosTetMinNuc) {
     149    G4int iz = G4int(Z);
     150    cosTetMinNuc = wokvi->SetupTarget(iz, cutEnergy);
     151    cosTetMaxNuc = cosThetaMax;
     152    if(iz == 1 && cosTetMaxNuc < 0.0 && particle == theProton) {
     153      cosTetMaxNuc = 0.0;
     154    }
     155    xsec =  wokvi->ComputeNuclearCrossSection(cosTetMinNuc, cosTetMaxNuc);
     156    elecRatio = wokvi->ComputeElectronCrossSection(cosTetMinNuc, cosThetaMax);
     157    xsec += elecRatio;
     158    if(xsec > 0.0) { elecRatio /= xsec; } 
    198159  }
    199160  /*
    200   G4cout << "e(MeV)= " << ekin/MeV << "cosTetMinNuc= " << cosTetMinNuc
    201          << " cosTetMaxNuc= " << cosTetMaxNuc
    202          << " cosTetMaxElec= " << cosTetMaxElec
     161  G4cout << "e(MeV)= " << kinEnergy/MeV << " xsec(b)= " << xsec/barn 
     162         << " 1-cosTetMinNuc= " << 1-cosTetMinNuc
     163         << " 1-cosTetMaxNuc2= " << 1-cosTetMaxNuc2
     164         << " 1-cosTetMaxElec= " << 1-cosTetMaxElec
    203165         << " screenZ= " << screenZ
    204166         << " formfactA= " << formfactA << G4endl;
    205167  */
    206168  return xsec; 
    207 }
    209 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
    211 G4double G4eCoulombScatteringModel::CrossSectionPerAtom()
    212 {
    213   // This method needs initialisation before be called
    214   //G4double fac = coeff*targetZ*chargeSquare*invbeta2/mom2;
    216   G4double meff = targetMass/(mass+targetMass);
    217   G4double fac  = coeff*targetZ*chargeSquare*invbeta2/(mom2*meff*meff);
    219   elecXSection = 0.0;
    220   nucXSection  = 0.0;
    222   G4double x  = 1.0 - cosTetMinNuc;
    223   G4double x1 = x + screenZ;
    225   if(cosTetMaxElec2 < cosTetMinNuc) {
    226     elecXSection = fac*(cosTetMinNuc - cosTetMaxElec2)/
    227       (x1*(1.0 - cosTetMaxElec2 + screenZ));
    228     nucXSection  = elecXSection;
    229   }
    231   //G4cout << "XS tkin(MeV)= " << tkin<<" xs= " <<nucXSection
    232   //     << " costmax= " << cosTetMaxNuc2
    233   //     << " costmin= " << cosTetMinNuc << "  Z= " << targetZ <<G4endl;
    234   if(cosTetMaxNuc2 < cosTetMinNuc) {
    235     G4double s  = screenZ*formfactA;
    236     G4double z1 = 1.0 - cosTetMaxNuc2 + screenZ;
    237     G4double s1 = 1.0 - s;
    238     G4double d  = s1/formfactA;
    239     //G4cout <<"x1= "<<x1<<" z1= " <<z1<<" s= "<<s << " d= " <<d <<G4endl;
    240     if(d < 0.2*x1) {
    241       G4double x2 = x1*x1;
    242       G4double z2 = z1*z1;
    243       x = (1.0/(x1*x2) - 1.0/(z1*z2) - d*1.5*(1.0/(x2*x2) - 1.0/(z2*z2)))/
    244         (3.0*formfactA*formfactA);
    245     } else {
    246       G4double x2 = x1 + d;
    247       G4double z2 = z1 + d;
    248       x = (1.0/x1 - 1.0/z1 + 1.0/x2 - 1.0/z2 - 2.0*log(z1*x2/(z2*x1))/d)/(s1*s1);
    249     }
    250     nucXSection += fac*targetZ*x;
    251   }
    252   //G4cout<<" cross(bn)= "<<nucXSection/barn<<" xsElec(bn)= "<<elecXSection/barn
    253   //    << " Asc= " << screenZ << G4endl;
    255   return nucXSection;
    267180  G4double kinEnergy = dp->GetKineticEnergy();
    268   if(kinEnergy < lowEnergyLimit) return;
    269   DefineMaterial(couple);
     181  if(kinEnergy < lowEnergyLimit) { return; }
    270182  SetupParticle(dp->GetDefinition());
    272   SetupKinematic(kinEnergy, cutEnergy);
    273184  //G4cout << "G4eCoulombScatteringModel::SampleSecondaries e(MeV)= "
    274185  //     << kinEnergy << "  " << particle->GetParticleName()
    279190                                    kinEnergy,cutEnergy,kinEnergy);
    281   SetupTarget(currentElement->GetZ(),kinEnergy);
     192  G4double Z = currentElement->GetZ();
     194  if(ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom(particle,kinEnergy, Z,
     195                                kinEnergy, cutEnergy, kinEnergy) == 0.0)
     196    { return; }
     198  G4int iz = G4int(Z);
    283199  G4int ia = SelectIsotopeNumber(currentElement);
    284   targetMass = G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(ia, iz);
    286   G4double cost = SampleCosineTheta();
    287   G4double z1   = 1.0 - cost;
    288   if(z1 < 0.0) return;
    290   G4double sint = sqrt(z1*(1.0 + cost));
    292   //G4cout<<"## Sampled sint= " << sint << "  Z= " << targetZ << " A= " << ia
    293   //    << "  screenZ= " << screenZ << " cn= " << formfactA << G4endl;
    295   G4double phi  = twopi * G4UniformRand();
     200  G4double targetMass = G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(ia, iz);
     202  G4ThreeVector newDirection =
     203    wokvi->SampleSingleScattering(cosTetMinNuc, cosThetaMax, elecRatio);
     204  G4double cost = newDirection.z();
    297206  G4ThreeVector direction = dp->GetMomentumDirection();
    298   G4ThreeVector newDirection(cos(phi)*sint,sin(phi)*sint,cost);
    299207  newDirection.rotateUz(direction);   
    303211  // recoil sampling assuming a small recoil
    304212  // and first order correction to primary 4-momentum
    305   G4double q2   = 2*z1*mom2;
    306   G4double trec = q2/(sqrt(targetMass*targetMass + q2) + targetMass);
     213  G4double mom2 = wokvi->GetMomentumSquare();
     214  G4double trec = mom2*(1.0 - cost)/(targetMass + (mass + kinEnergy)*(1.0 + cost));
    307215  G4double finalT = kinEnergy - trec;
    308216  //G4cout<<"G4eCoulombScatteringModel: finalT= "<<finalT<<" Trec= "<<trec<<G4endl;
    334 G4double G4eCoulombScatteringModel::SampleCosineTheta()
    335 {
    336   G4double costm = cosTetMaxNuc2;
    337   G4double formf = formfactA;
    338   G4double prob  = 0.0;
    339   G4double xs = CrossSectionPerAtom();
    340   if(xs > 0.0) prob = elecXSection/xs;
    342   // scattering off e or A?
    343   if(G4UniformRand() < prob) {
    344     costm = cosTetMaxElec2;
    345     formf = 0.0;
    346   }
    348   /* 
    349   G4cout << "SampleCost: e(MeV)= " << tkin
    350          << " 1-ctmaxN= " << 1. - cosTetMinNuc
    351          << " 1-ctmax= " << 1. - costm
    352          << " Z= " << targetZ
    353          << G4endl;
    354   */
    356   if(costm >= cosTetMinNuc) return 2.0;
    358   G4double x1 = 1. - cosTetMinNuc + screenZ;
    359   G4double x2 = 1. - costm + screenZ;
    360   G4double x3 = cosTetMinNuc - costm;
    361   G4double grej, z1;
    362   do {
    363     z1 = x1*x2/(x1 + G4UniformRand()*x3) - screenZ;
    364     grej = 1.0/(1.0 + formf*z1);
    365   } while ( G4UniformRand() > grej*grej ); 
    367   if(mass > MeV) {
    368     if(G4UniformRand() > (1. - z1*0.5)/(1.0 + z1*sqrt(mom2)/targetMass)) {
    369       return 2.0;
    370     }
    371   }
    372   //G4cout << "z1= " << z1 << " cross= " << nucXSection/barn
    373   //     << " crossE= " << elecXSection/barn << G4endl;
    375   return 1.0 - z1;
    376 }
    378 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4eMultipleScattering.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4eMultipleScattering.cc,v 1.10 2009/11/01 13:05:01 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4eMultipleScattering.cc,v 1.12 2010/06/04 09:11:02 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4646#include "G4eMultipleScattering.hh"
    47 #include "G4UrbanMscModel92.hh"
     47#include "G4UrbanMscModel93.hh"
    4848#include "G4MscStepLimitType.hh"
    4949#include "G4Electron.hh"
    7777void G4eMultipleScattering::InitialiseProcess(const G4ParticleDefinition*)
    79   if(isInitialized) return;
     79  if(isInitialized) { return; }
    8181  // initialisation of parameters - defaults for particles other
    8282  // than ions can be overwritten by users
    83   G4VMscModel* mscUrban = new G4UrbanMscModel92();
     83  G4VMscModel* mscUrban = new G4UrbanMscModel93();
    8484  AddEmModel(1,mscUrban);
    8585  isInitialized = true;
    86   /*
    87   G4cout << "G4eMultipleScattering::InitialiseProcess for "
    88          << p->GetParticleName()
    89          << " skin= " << Skin()
    90          << " SA= " << steppingAlgorithm
    91          << G4endl;
    92   */
    9992  G4cout << "      RangeFactor= " << RangeFactor()
    100          << ", step limit type: " << StepLimitType()
    101          << ", lateralDisplacement: " << LateralDisplasmentFlag()
    102          << ", skin= " << Skin() 
    103          << ", geomFactor= " << GeomFactor() 
    104          << G4endl;
     93         << ", stepLimitType: " << StepLimitType()
     94         << ", latDisplacement: " << LateralDisplasmentFlag();
     95  if(StepLimitType() == fUseDistanceToBoundary) {
     96    G4cout  << ", skin= " << Skin() << ", geomFactor= " << GeomFactor();
     97  } 
     98  G4cout << G4endl;
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4hIonisation.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4hIonisation.cc,v 1.82 2009/02/20 12:06:37 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4hIonisation.cc,v 1.85 2010/06/04 09:22:14 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    7979// 14-01-07 use SetEmModel() and SetFluctModel() from G4VEnergyLossProcess (mma)
    8080// 12-09-08 Removed CorrectionsAlongStep (VI)
     81// 27-05-10 Added G4ICRU73QOModel for anti-protons (VI)
    8283// -------------------------------------------------------------------
    99100#include "G4KaonPlus.hh"
    100101#include "G4KaonMinus.hh"
     102#include "G4ICRU73QOModel.hh"
    106108G4hIonisation::G4hIonisation(const G4String& name)
    107109  : G4VEnergyLossProcess(name),
    108     isInitialised(false),
    109     nuclearStopping(true)
    110 {
    111   //  SetStepFunction(0.2, 1.0*mm);
     110    isInitialised(false)
     112  //SetStepFunction(0.2, 1.0*mm);
    112113  //SetIntegral(true);
    113114  //SetVerboseLevel(1);
    151152    const G4ParticleDefinition* theBaseParticle = 0;
    152153    G4String pname = part->GetParticleName();
     154    G4double q = part->GetPDGCharge();
    154156    // standard base particles
    163165    else if(bpart == 0) {
    165       if(part->GetPDGSpin() == 0.0)
    166         if(part->GetPDGCharge() > 0.0 ) {
    167           theBaseParticle = G4KaonPlus::KaonPlus();
    168         } else {
    169           theBaseParticle = G4KaonMinus::KaonMinus();
    170         }
    171       else if(part->GetPDGCharge() > 0.0) {
    172         theBaseParticle = G4Proton::Proton();
     167      if(part->GetPDGSpin() == 0.0) {
     168        if(q > 0.0) { theBaseParticle = G4KaonPlus::KaonPlus(); }
     169        else { theBaseParticle = G4KaonMinus::KaonMinus(); }
    173170      } else {
    174         theBaseParticle = G4AntiProton::AntiProton();
     171        if(q > 0.0) { theBaseParticle = G4Proton::Proton(); }
     172        else { theBaseParticle = G4AntiProton::AntiProton(); }
    175173      }
    176175      // base particle defined by interface
    177176    } else {
    183182    mass  = part->GetPDGMass();
    184183    ratio = electron_mass_c2/mass;
    186     if(mass < 900.*MeV) nuclearStopping = false;
    188     if (!EmModel(1)) SetEmModel(new G4BraggModel(),1);
     184    eth   = 2.0*MeV*mass/proton_mass_c2;
     186    if (!EmModel(1)) {
     187      if(q > 0.0) { SetEmModel(new G4BraggModel(),1); }
     188      else { SetEmModel(new G4ICRU73QOModel(),1); }
     189    }
    189190    EmModel(1)->SetLowEnergyLimit(MinKinEnergy());
    191192    // model limit defined for protons
    192     eth = (EmModel(1)->HighEnergyLimit())*mass/proton_mass_c2;
     193    //eth = (EmModel(1)->HighEnergyLimit())*mass/proton_mass_c2;
    193194    EmModel(1)->SetHighEnergyLimit(eth);
    194195    AddEmModel(1, EmModel(1), new G4IonFluctuations());
    196     if (!FluctModel()) SetFluctModel(new G4UniversalFluctuation());
    198     if (!EmModel(2)) SetEmModel(new G4BetheBlochModel(),2); 
     197    if (!FluctModel()) { SetFluctModel(new G4UniversalFluctuation()); }
     199    if (!EmModel(2)) { SetEmModel(new G4BetheBlochModel(),2); }
    199200    EmModel(2)->SetLowEnergyLimit(eth);
    200201    EmModel(2)->SetHighEnergyLimit(MaxKinEnergy());
    203204    isInitialised = true;
    204205  }
    205   EmModel(1)->ActivateNuclearStopping(nuclearStopping);
    206   EmModel(2)->ActivateNuclearStopping(nuclearStopping);
    211210void G4hIonisation::PrintInfo()
    212 {
    213   if(EmModel(1) && EmModel(2)) {
    214     G4cout << "      NuclearStopping= " << nuclearStopping
    215            << G4endl;
    216   }
    217 }
    219 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
     215void G4hIonisation::ActivateNuclearStopping(G4bool)
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/src/G4hMultipleScattering.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2424// ********************************************************************
    26 // $Id: G4hMultipleScattering.cc,v 1.16 2009/11/01 13:05:01 vnivanch Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     26// $Id: G4hMultipleScattering.cc,v 1.18 2010/04/16 09:01:24 vnivanch Exp $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4848#include "G4hMultipleScattering.hh"
    49 #include "G4UrbanMscModel.hh"
    5049#include "G4UrbanMscModel90.hh"
    5150#include "G4MscStepLimitType.hh"
    9089  G4cout << "      RangeFactor= " << RangeFactor()
    9190         << ", stepLimitType: " << StepLimitType()
    92          << ", latDisplacement: " << LateralDisplasmentFlag()
    93          << ", skin= " << Skin()
    94          << ", geomFactor= " << GeomFactor() 
    95          << G4endl;
     91         << ", latDisplacement: " << LateralDisplasmentFlag();
     92  if(StepLimitType() == fUseDistanceToBoundary) {
     93    G4cout  << ", skin= " << Skin() << ", geomFactor= " << GeomFactor();
     94  } 
     95  G4cout << G4endl;
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/test/BremLPMTest.cc

    r1199 r1315  
    2626// $Id: BremLPMTest.cc,v 1.2 2008/08/22 08:16:17 schaelic Exp $
    27 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $
     27// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    2929// ------------------------------------------------------------
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/test/CrossSectionStd.cc

    r1199 r1315  
    2727// $Id: CrossSectionStd.cc,v 1.5 2006/06/29 19:54:07 gunter Exp $
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $
     28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    3030// ------------------------------------------------------------
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/test/CrossSectionV52.cc

    r1199 r1315  
    2727// $Id: CrossSectionV52.cc,v 1.4 2006/06/29 19:54:09 gunter Exp $
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $
     28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    3030// ------------------------------------------------------------
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/test/G4InitXscPAItest.cc

    r1199 r1315  
    2727// $Id: G4InitXscPAItest.cc,v 1.6 2006/06/29 19:54:11 gunter Exp $
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $
     28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/test/G4PAIdNdxTest.cc

    r1199 r1315  
    2727// $Id: G4PAIdNdxTest.cc,v 1.8 2008/04/14 14:53:39 grichine Exp $
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $
     28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/test/G4PAIxSectionTest.cc

    r1199 r1315  
    27 // $Id: G4PAIxSectionTest.cc,v 1.15 2006/06/29 19:54:15 gunter Exp $
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $
     27// $Id: G4PAIxSectionTest.cc,v 1.16 2009/12/30 12:57:41 grichine Exp $
     28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    432432 outFile <<k<<"\t"<< "  Material : " <<(*theMaterialTable)[k]->GetName() << G4endl ;
    433433  }
    434   G4String testName ;
     434  G4String testName = "Argon" ;
    435435  G4cout<<"Enter material name for test : "<<std::flush ;
    436436  //  G4cin>>testName ;
    450   for(k=0;k<numOfMaterials;k++)
     450  for( k = 0; k < numOfMaterials; k++ )
    451451  {
    452     //    if((*theMaterialTable)[k]->GetName() != testName) continue ;
     452    if((*theMaterialTable)[k]->GetName() != testName) continue ;
    453453     outFile << "Material : " <<(*theMaterialTable)[k]->GetName() << G4endl ;
    454454     G4cout << "Material : " <<(*theMaterialTable)[k]->GetName() << G4endl ;
    543543     //   G4PAIxSection testPAIproton(k,maxEnergyTransfer) ;
    545      kineticEnergy = 10.0*keV ;  // 110*MeV ;
     545     kineticEnergy = 100.*MeV;  // 10.0*keV ;  // 110*MeV ;
    547547     //     for(j=1;j<testPAIproton.GetNumberOfGammas();j++)
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/test/PAIenergyLossTest.cc

    r1199 r1315  
    2727// $Id: PAIenergyLossTest.cc,v 1.8 2006/06/29 19:54:17 gunter Exp $
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $
     28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/test/readBremLPM.py

    r1199 r1315  
    11# $Id: readBremLPM.py,v 1.2 2008/08/22 08:16:17 schaelic Exp $
    2 # GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $
     2# GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    44# works together with BremLPMTest.cc
  • trunk/source/processes/electromagnetic/standard/test/test90Ne10CO2pai.cc

    r1199 r1315  
    27 // $Id: test90Ne10CO2pai.cc,v 1.6 2008/12/18 13:01:40 gunter Exp $
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $
     27// $Id: test90Ne10CO2pai.cc,v 1.8 2009/12/30 12:57:41 grichine Exp $
     28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    3838// 11.04.08, V. Grichine test of PAI predictions for 90% Ne + 10% CO2
    3939//                       ALICE TPC gas mixture
     40// 8.12.09   V. Grichine update for T2K gas mixture
    4142#include "G4ios.hh"
    150151int main()
    152    std::ofstream outFile("90Ne10CO2pai.dat", std::ios::out );
     153  // std::ofstream outFile("90Ne10CO2pai.dat", std::ios::out );
     154   std::ofstream outFile("e5GeVt2kPhilippe.dat", std::ios::out );
    153155   outFile.setf( std::ios::scientific, std::ios::floatfield );
     178  a = 1.01*g/mole;
     179  G4Isotope* ih1 = new G4Isotope("Hydrogen",iz=1,n=1,a);
     181  a = 2.01*g/mole;
     182  G4Isotope* ih2 = new G4Isotope("Deuterium",iz=1,n=2,a);
     184  G4Element* elH = new G4Element(name="Hydrogen",symbol="H",2);
     185  elH->AddIsotope(ih1,.999);
     186  elH->AddIsotope(ih2,.001);
    176188  a = 12.01*g/mole;
    177189  G4Element* elC = new G4Element(name="Carbon",symbol="C", ez=6., a);
    183195  G4Element* elO = new G4Element(name="Oxygen",symbol="O", ez=8., a);
     198  a = 19.00*g/mole;
     199  G4Element* elF  = new G4Element(name="Fluorine", symbol="F", z=9., a);
     201  a = 39.948*g/mole;
     202  G4Element* elAr = new G4Element(name="Argon", symbol="Ar", z=18., a);
    187204  // Neon as detector gas, STP
    232249  density *= 0.966/1.01325;
    234   G4cout<<"density of Ne857CO295N2T292 = "<<density*cm3/mg<<"  mg/cm3"<<G4endl;
     251  // G4cout<<"density of Ne857CO295N2T292 = "<<density*cm3/mg<<"  mg/cm3"<<G4endl;
    236253  G4Material* Ne857CO295N2T292 = new G4Material(name="Ne857CO295N2T292"  , density,
     261  // Ar as detector gas,STP
     263  density = 1.7836*mg/cm3 ;       // STP
     264  G4Material* Argon = new G4Material(name="Argon"  , density, ncomponents=1);
     265  Argon->AddElement(elAr, 1);
     266  /*
     267  // iso-Butane (methylpropane), STP
     269  density = 2.67*mg/cm3 ;
     270  G4Material* isobutane = new G4Material(name="isoC4H10",density,nel=2) ;
     271  isobutane->AddElement(elC,4) ;
     272  isobutane->AddElement(elH,10) ;
     274  // CF4 from ATLAS TRT estimation
     276  G4double TRT_CF4_density = 3.9*mg/cm3;
     277  G4Material* TRT_CF4 = new G4Material(name="TRT_CF4", TRT_CF4_density, nel=2,
     278                                           kStateGas,293.15*kelvin,1.*atmosphere);
     279  */
     281  // Philippe Gros T2K mixture version
     282  // Argon                                                                                                   
     283  /*                                         
     284  density     = 1.66*mg/cm3;
     285  pressure    = 1*atmosphere;
     286  temperature = 288.15*kelvin;
     287  G4Material* Argon = new G4Material(name="Ar", // z=18., a=39.948*g/mole,
     288                                     density, ncomponents=1); // kStateGas,temperature,pressure);
     289  Argon->AddElement(elAr, 1);
     290  */
     292  // IsoButane   
     294  density     = 2.51*mg/cm3;
     295  G4Material* Isobu = new G4Material(name="isoC4H10", z=34.,a=58.123*g/mole,
     296                                       density, kStateGas,temperature,pressure);
     298  // Tetrafluoromethane   
     300  density = 3.72*mg/cm3;
     301  G4Material* FlMet = new
     302  G4Material(name="CF4",z=42.,a=88.01*g/mole,density,kStateGas,temperature,pressure);
     304  // Argon + 3% tetrafluoromethane  + 2% iso-butane     
     306  density = 1.748*mg/cm3;
     307  G4Material* t2kGasMixture = new G4Material(name="t2kGasMixture", density, ncomponents=3);
     308  t2kGasMixture->AddMaterial(Argon, fractionmass = 90.9*perCent);
     309  t2kGasMixture->AddMaterial(FlMet, fractionmass = 6.3*perCent);
     310  t2kGasMixture->AddMaterial(Isobu, fractionmass = 2.8*perCent);
    243313  G4int i, j, jMax, k, numOfMaterials, iSan, nbOfElements, sanIndex, row;
    244314  G4double maxEnergyTransfer, kineticEnergy;
    262332  // G4String testName = "N2";
    263   G4String testName = "Ne10CO2";
     333  // G4String testName = "Ne10CO2";
     334  G4String testName = "t2kGasMixture";
     335  // G4String testName = "Ar";
     336  //  G4String testName = "Argon";
    264337  // G4String testName = "Ne10CO2T293";
    265338  // G4String testName = "Ne857CO295N2T292";
    374      kineticEnergy = 10.0*keV; // 100.*GeV;    // 10.0*keV;  // 110*MeV; // for proton
     447     // kineticEnergy = 10.0*keV; // 100.*GeV;    // 10.0*keV;  // 110*MeV; // for proton
     449     // kineticEnergy = 5*GeV; // for electrons
     451     kineticEnergy = 5*GeV*proton_mass_c2/electron_mass_c2;
     453     // kineticEnergy = 5*GeV;
    376455     //     for(j=1;j<testPAIproton.GetNumberOfGammas();j++)
    378      jMax = 70; // 70;
    380      outFile<<jMax<<G4endl;
     457     // jMax = 70; // 70;
     458     jMax = 1; // 70;
     460     // outFile<<jMax<<G4endl;
    382462     for( j = 0; j < jMax; j++ )
    383463     {
    384464       tau      = kineticEnergy/proton_mass_c2;
     465       // tau      = kineticEnergy/electron_mass_c2;
    385466       gamma    = tau +1.0;
    386467       bg2      = tau*(tau + 2.0);
    387468       bg = std::sqrt(bg2);
    388469       beta2    = bg2/(gamma*gamma);
    389        // G4cout<<"bg = "<<bg<<";  b2 = "<<beta2<<G4endl<<G4endl;
     470       G4cout<<"bg = "<<bg<<";  b2 = "<<beta2<<G4endl<<G4endl;
    390471       rateMass = electron_mass_c2/proton_mass_c2;
    392        Tmax     = 2.0*electron_mass_c2*bg2
    393                    /(1.0+2.0*gamma*rateMass+rateMass*rateMass);
     473       Tmax = 2.0*electron_mass_c2*bg2/(1.0+2.0*gamma*rateMass+rateMass*rateMass);
     474       // Tmax = 0.5*kineticEnergy;
    395476       Tkin = maxEnergyTransfer;
    404485       }
    405486       G4PAIxSection testPAIproton(k,Tkin,bg2);
     487       /*       
    407488       G4cout 
    408489         //      << kineticEnergy/keV<<"\t\t"
    444525       //             <<testPAIproton.GetPAItable(1,j)*cm<<"\t\t"<<G4endl;
    447        /*
     527       */           
    448529       outFile<<testPAIproton.GetSplineSize()-1<<G4endl;
    451532       {
    452533       outFile
     534               << testPAIproton.GetSplineEnergy(i)/keV       << "\t"
     535         //  << testPAIproton.GetIntegralCerenkov(i)*cm    << "\t"
     536         //     << testPAIproton.GetIntegralMM(i)*cm    << "\t"
     537         //     << testPAIproton.GetIntegralPlasmon(i)*cm     << "\t"
     538         //      << testPAIproton.GetIntegralResonance(i)*cm   << "\t"
     539               << testPAIproton.GetIntegralPAIxSection(i)*cm << "\t"
     540               << G4endl;
     542       G4cout
    453543               << testPAIproton.GetSplineEnergy(i)/keV       << "\t"
    454544               << testPAIproton.GetIntegralCerenkov(i)*cm    << "\t"
    458548               << testPAIproton.GetIntegralPAIxSection(i)*cm << "\t"
    459549               << G4endl;
    460551       }
    462        */
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