Jun 18, 2010, 11:42:07 AM (14 years ago)

update geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 interfaces-V09-03-09 vis-V09-03-08

1 edited


  • trunk/source/processes/hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space/cross_sections/src/G4QNeutronNuclearCrossSection.cc

    r1228 r1315  
    2727// The lust update: M.V. Kossov, CERN/ITEP(Moscow) 17-May-09
    28 // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
     28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $
    770770  static const G4int N47=2;
    771771  static const G4double pZ47N60[4]={3.E-12, 500., .01, 2.7E-5};
    772   static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z47N60=std::make_pair(48,pZ47N60);
     772  static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z47N60=std::make_pair(60,pZ47N60);
    773773  static const G4double pZ47N62[4]={3.E-12, 480., .01, 2.5E-4};
    774   static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z47N62=std::make_pair(50,pZ47N62);
     774  static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z47N62=std::make_pair(62,pZ47N62);
    775775  static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z47[N47]={Z47N60, Z47N62};
    776776  //==> Cd(Z=48)
    889889  static const G4int N56=7;
    890890  static const G4double pZ56N74[4]={3.E-12, 500., .01, 2.5E-5}; // *** NotImplemented ***
    891   static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N74=std::make_pair(70,pZ56N74);
     891  static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N74=std::make_pair(74,pZ56N74);
    892892  static const G4double pZ56N76[4]={3.E-12, 500., .01, 2.5E-5}; // *** NotImplemented ***
    893   static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N76=std::make_pair(71,pZ56N76);
     893  static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N76=std::make_pair(76,pZ56N76);
    894894  static const G4double pZ56N78[4]={3.E-12, 500., .01, 2.5E-5}; // *** NotImplemented ***
    895   static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N78=std::make_pair(72,pZ56N78);
     895  static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N78=std::make_pair(78,pZ56N78);
    896896  static const G4double pZ56N79[4]={3.E-12, 500., .01, 2.5E-5}; // *** NotImplemented ***
    897   static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N79=std::make_pair(73,pZ56N79);
     897  static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N79=std::make_pair(79,pZ56N79);
    898898  static const G4double pZ56N80[4]={3.E-12, 500., .01, 2.5E-5}; // *** NotImplemented ***
    899   static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N80=std::make_pair(74,pZ56N80);
     899  static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N80=std::make_pair(80,pZ56N80);
    900900  static const G4double pZ56N81[4]={3.E-12, 500., .01, 2.5E-5}; // *** NotImplemented ***
    901   static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N81=std::make_pair(76,pZ56N81);
     901  static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N81=std::make_pair(81,pZ56N81);
    902902  static const G4double pZ56N82[4]={3.E-12, 500., .01, 2.5E-4}; // *** NotImplemented ***
    903   static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N82=std::make_pair(78,pZ56N82);
     903  static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56N82=std::make_pair(82,pZ56N82);
    904904  static const std::pair<G4int, const G4double*> Z56[N56]={Z56N74, Z56N76, Z56N78, Z56N79,
    905905                                                           Z56N80, Z56N81, Z56N82};
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