Sep 30, 2010, 2:47:17 PM (14 years ago)

tag geant4.9.4 beta 1 + modifs locales

1 edited


  • trunk/examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm7/History

    r807 r1337  
    1 $Id: History,v 1.64 2008/01/14 12:14:52 vnivanch Exp $
     1$Id: History,v 1.96 2010/06/21 10:24:48 vnivanch Exp $
    1515     * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
    1616     ----------------------------------------------------------
     1821-06-10 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-03-04)
     19- Cleanup Histo according to epert recommendations
     2106-06-10 J.Perl (testem7-V09-03-03)
     22- Remove unused variable in EventAction
     2403-06-10 J.Perl (testem7-V09-03-02)
     25- Updated vis usage
     2704-06-10 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-03-01)
     28- Added extra EM option "ionGasModels", which diseble effective ion
     29  charge and enable to use new models G4BraggIonGasModel,
     30  G4BetheBlochIonGasModel; added extra macro ionGasC12.mac
     3221-05-10 mma (testem7-V09-03-00)
     33- TestEm7.cc : introduction of G4UIExecutive
     3501-12-09 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-02-04)
     36- An attempt to fix SLC5 compillation problem
     3826-11-09 G.Cosmo (testem7-V09-02-03)
     39- Corrected disclaimer in some files.
     4125-11-09 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-02-02)
     42- (M.Mendenhall) Fixed compillation warnings at SLC5
     43- G4LiniardPartition moved back from the standard library
     4521-11-09 mma (testem7-V09-02-01)
     46- PhysicsList.cc :
     47  - renamed "standard" -> "local"; "emstandard" -> "emstandard_opt0"
     48- remove obsolete G4MultipleScattering in PhysListEmStandardNR 
     49- updated README and macro files
     5120-11-09 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-02-00)
     52- use Livermore and Penelope builders from PhysList library
     53- G4LiniardPartition moved to source
     5521-11-08 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-01-17)
     56- Added process type to G4SceenNuclearRecoil process
     57- Added "standardICRU73" Physics List in which ion ionisation
     58  is simulated using new model G4IonLossParametrisedModel,
     59  which is configured via G4EmConfigurator
     60- removed options from the default "emstandard_local"
     61  Physics List
     6316-11-08 mma (testem7-V09-01-16)
     64- Em options: 20bins/decade  LinLossLimit=default=0.01
     6631-10-08 mma (testem7-V09-01-15)
     67- Use G4hMultipleScattering for muons and protons
     68- Modify EM options
     7023-10-08 mma (testem7-V09-01-14)
     71- update PhysListEmStandard and README
     7316-10-08 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-01-13)
     74- Removed temporary builder PhysListEmStandardIG
     7622-09-08 mma (testem7-V09-01-12)
     77- Histo.cc : root format by default
     7921-09-08 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-01-11)
     80- added macro for alpha incident
     81- extended TestEm7.in - added run with alpha
     82- fixed GNUmakefile
     8422-08-08 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-01-10)
     85- PhysicsList simplified
     86- added Histo class and its messenger from TestEm9
     87- Added histograms for zoomed Bragg peak and for projectile range
     8912-06-08 mma (testem7-V09-01-09)
     90- Remove AIDA from GNUmakefile
     9222-05-08 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-01-08)
     93- c2_function fixed compillation problem at SUN
     9514-05-08 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-01-07)
     96- README: updated Phys List description
     97- c2_function fixed
     9909-05-08 mma
     100- README: update Aida information
     10221-04-08 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-01-06)
     103- G4ScreenedNuclearRecoil - added NIEL computation using
     104  G4LinhardPartition class;
     105- c2_function updated
     106- G4LinhardPartition - new class to compute NIEL
     10821-04-08 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-01-05)
     109- Add spline to physics tables
     110- DetectorConstruction more flexible to change parameters between runs
     11211-04-08 mma
     113- RunAction::FillHisto : suppress warning
     11504-04-08 mma (testem7-V09-01-04)
     116- PhysListEmStandard : replace G4MultipleScattering by G4eMultipleScattering.
     117- complete EmOptions
     11917-03-08 mma (testem7-V09-01-03)
     120- TestEm7.in : physicsList emstandard_opt3
     12204-02-08 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-01-02)
     123- Add material - TechVacuum with density 1.e-5*g/cm3 to
     124  test ion transport;
     125- fixed computation of range - exclude backscattering
     126- add to main macro test of alpha particle in TechVacuum
    1812814-01-08 V.Ivant (testem7-V09-01-01)
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.